Sentence with word detach

отделять, отделяться, отрядить, отцеплять, разъединять, отряжать


- разъединять, разделять; отделять

to detach a region from a country — отторгнуть область от страны
to detach one country from another — посеять, рознь между странами
to detach oneself from the world — удалиться от мира

- отвязывать, отцеплять

to detach a watch from a chain — отстегнуть цепочку от часов, снять часы с цепочки

- разделяться, разъединяться; отделяться, отъединяться
- отвязываться, отцепляться
- чеканить, отчеканивать; отчётливо произносить, или исполнять
- воен. мор. отряжать, посылать (отряд, судно); направлять в распоряжение другого лица

Мои примеры


to detach oneself from the crowd — отделиться от толпы  
to detach oneself from smb.’s embrace — высвобождаться из чьих-л. объятий  
detach a watch from a chain — отстегнуть цепочку от часов; снять часы с цепочки  
detach a coupon — отрывать талон; отрывать купон; отделять купон  
detach dust deposit from — стряхивать осаждённую пыль  
detach a car — отцепить вагон  
detach a region from a country — отторгнуть область от страны  
detach a wing — отстыковывать крыло  
detach commitment item — отсоединение финансовых позиций  
detach the load — отцеплять груз  

Примеры с переводом

You can detach the hood from the jacket.

Капюшон можно отстегнуть от куртки.

It was difficult to detach the tyre from the wheel.

Снять покрышку с колеса было трудно.

Detach the skin from the chicken before you eat it.

Перед едой снимите с курицы кожицу.

It can be difficult to detach yourself from the chaos of the situation.

Порой бывает трудно абстрагироваться от хаоса ситуации.

She has been trying to detach herself from an abusive relationship.

Она пытается разорвать отношения с человеком, который над ней постоянно издевается.

Please detach and fill out the application form.

Пожалуйста, отделите и заполните регистрационную форму.

The brush detaches from the vacuum cleaner for easy cleaning.

Для легкой очистки щётка отсоединяется от пылесоса.

Doctors have to detach themselves from their feelings.

Врачам приходится отстраняться от своих чувств.

Detach the upper part of the form and return it with your payment.

Отделите верхнюю часть формы и верните её вместе с вашим платежом.

His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery.

У него отслоилась сетчатка, и его срочно отправили на операцию.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

During the accident the trailer was detached from the car.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

detachable  — съемный, отрывной, отрезной
detached  — отдельный, отделенный, обособленный, оторванный, независимый, командированный
detachment  — отряд, отделение, отрешенность, отслойка, отчужденность, выделение, обособленность

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: detach
he/she/it: detaches
ing ф. (present participle): detaching
2-я ф. (past tense): detached
3-я ф. (past participle): detached

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


I cannot detach myself from the wickedest soul.

И я не вправе отделить себя даже от самой жестокой души .

I cannot detach myself from the wickedest soul.

Я не вправе отделить себя даже от самой жестокой души.

Detach the left side panel first

Detach umbilicals, clear all moorings.

Detach electrical connector for centre dash panel vent and mounting frame.

Отсоединить электрический разъём дефлектора передней панели в середине и снять установочную рамку.

Detach the controllers and prop up the tablet on its kickstand and you can play without holding it.

Отсоедините контроллеры и закрепите планшет на подставке, и вы сможете играть, не держа его в руках.

Detach all the cables, examine them for any anomalies and firmly put them back making sure they are attached correctly.

Отсоедините все кабели, проверьте их на наличие каких-либо аномалий и надежно установите их на место, убедившись, что они подключены правильно.

Detach connector -3- by pressing the lugs.

Отсоединить разъем -З- путем отжатия стопорных лапок.

When activated, Detach Tab is insensitive and grayed out.

Если включено, пункт меню Отсоединить вкладку становится недоступным.

Detach Chetzemoka and retract docking bridge.

Отделить «Чецемоку» и убирать стыковочный мост.

Detach the Red Security Bracket between the Turret Face and the Spindle Bulkhead

Отсоединить красный кронштейн безопасности между башни и переборка шпинделя

We cannot detach our descriptions of reality from how we experience reality.

Мы не можем отделить наши описания реальности от того, как мы переживаем эту реальность.

Detach us then, give us a shot.

Detach your angle-a-tron and you’re good to go.

Отделите ваш угол и пойдем дальше.

Detach a tabbed chat into a separate window.

Открыть данную вкладку в отдельном окне.

Re: Detach the fabric from the fan/blower, spray soiled area with pre-wash remover, use non-chlorine bleach.

Ре: Разделите ткань от вентилятора/воздуходувки, распылите удобренную область с перевозчиком пре-мытья, используйте отбеливатель не-хлора.

Detach the submarine and launch the torpedoes.

Отсоединяйте подводную лодку и запускайте торпеды.

Detach yourself from him forever, and find yourself.

Отделись от него навсегда, и найди себя.

J Detach sender from bracket and rotate it in different directions.

J Ослабить крепление датчика и повернуть датчик в разных направлениях.

Detach safeties on torpedoes one and two.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Detach

Результатов: 671. Точных совпадений: 671. Затраченное время: 86 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

The front’s sharp corners reduce drag, a massing volume on the side results in a substantial «shoulder,» and the wee lick of a rear spoiler lets the last draggy air detach after just 106.1 inches of engagement.


Customizable Interface Optimize the layout of your trading space: manage multiple windows with the tabbing and «Auto Hide» features, and re-arrange windows with the detach and docking functions.


While they are not the best quick detach scope rings, They will hold your scope in place securely for years to come.


I also like that the back detaches and you can use just the booster seat.


The dustbin located just below the handle detaches, so you can take it over to the nearest bin.


So, it can be time consuming, you can spend 80 hours playing a game, but I think some people like to disconnect and not be plugged in and constantly wired in, so having the ability to sit and read a book, or even if it’s on a Kindle, kind of detach and be mobile and read.


Still, because the top detaches, it makes it easy to dump the litter and to clean.


Rather, it’s allegedly decided to go with the completely free battery method, where the bottom detaches and allows you to pull out or install the battery freely.


The safe remove experience allows you to know which applications are running on an external GPU so that you can safely remove to prevent data loss during detach.


Here are some fun (no strings attached casual encounters «w4m» — Stafford 35 (prince george) hide this post Oct 3 looking for free, no sex detach.


Every September (usually on the 8th) bubbly boils on their back detach then gracefully float away — they are eggs — which will eventually hatch baby Globlets


«It kind of detaches you from the real value of it, which is that potentially this could be used to help somebody.»


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word detach, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use detach in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «detach».

Detach in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word detach in a sentence.

  1. Old leaf bases detach cleanly from the stem, except in A.

  2. With the weather worsening, Lütjens attempted to detach Prinz Eugen at 16:40.

  3. On arrival, he was ordered to detach one of his companies north to block the road from Metulla.

  4. Despite the threat posed by the cruiser, the Greek commander refused to detach Georgios Averof.

  5. As progress is made, other arms move ahead to repeat these actions and the original suckers detach.

  6. She stays in character during filming, and finds it difficult to detach herself from roles and accents.

  7. A new proposal to detach Torshälla from Eskilstuna Municipality was turned down in a referendum in 2006.

  8. The Nukekubi is a being whose head and neck detach from its body to fly about seeking human prey at night.

  9. She found it difficult to detach herself from her character, and said that after returning home, she often cried.

  10. In Thulsa Doom’s beheading scene, Schwarzenegger hacked at a dummy and pulled a concealed chain to detach its head.

  11. On 13 August, Commodore Karl von Müller, captain of the Emden, persuaded Spee to detach his ship as a commerce raider.

  12. She is able to detach her fanged head which flies around in the night looking for blood, typically from pregnant women.

  13. Marlborough now turned his attention from the fleeing enemy to direct Churchill to detach more infantry to storm Blenheim.

  14. Legends of female vampiric beings who can detach parts of their upper body also occur in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia.

  15. Rawlings decided to detach Formidable early to give her extra time for repairs in Sydney and she was ordered to depart on 22 May.

  16. Ironically, at this point, the weather forced Bogue and her group to detach, as it was impossible to fly off aircraft in the storm.

  17. When under attack, some octopuses can perform arm autotomy, in a manner similar to the way skinks and other lizards detach their tails.

  18. I’m not sure we have a Senedd I’d quite hand power over to yet, but actually as these things build, anything to detach us from Whitehall.

  19. Other zoologists thought it a spermatophore; the German zoologist Heinrich Müller believed it was «designed» to detach during copulation.

  20. She sailed in company with HMAS Brisbane for the first part of the voyage, but the light cruiser later had to detach to tow the submarine J5.

  21. This prompted Beatty, now the Commander in Chief of the Grand Fleet, to detach several battleships and battlecruisers to protect the convoys.

  22. Despite the threat to Greek lines of communication posed by the cruiser, the Greek commander refused to detach Georgios Averof from its position.

  23. In 344 BC Demosthenes travelled to the Peloponnese, to detach as many cities as possible from Macedon’s influence, but his efforts were generally unsuccessful.

  24. By this time, German light forces had begun raiding coal convoys between Britain and Norway, prompting the Grand Fleet to detach battleships to escort the shipments.

  25. When Joanna foils this strike, the NSA and a group of cloaked Skedar take over the plane itself, which crashes after Joanna attempts to detach a craft attached to it.

  26. This prompted Admiral David Beatty, the Commander in Chief of the Grand Fleet, to detach several battleships and battlecruisers to protect the convoys in the North Sea.

  27. On 16 October, it was decided to detach a portion of the invasion flotilla to clear the Russian naval forces in Moon Sound; these included the two Russian pre-dreadnoughts.

  28. As the hull’s contents spilled out of the ship, B-Deck failed and caused the aft tower and forward tower superstructures to detach from the stern as the bow was freed and sank.

  29. She next played the troubled daughter of a corrupt cop (played by Woody Harrelson) in the drama Rampart (2011), an emotionally intense part she found herself unable to detach from.

  30. Although the palms of the mummy face backwards, this is because the carcass lay on its back, which caused the forelimbs to sprawl and the humeri to detach from the shoulder joints.

  31. By midday, 6,000 Italian prisoners had already reached the provosts at the collection point near Post 45, escorted by increasingly fewer guards whom the rifle companies could afford to detach.

  32. The defeat prompted the British Admiralty to detach two battlecruisers to hunt down and destroy Spee’s squadron, which they accomplished at the Battle of the Falkland Islands on 8 December 1914.

  33. From that point on, according to Henson, «Bradburn became increasingly obsessed about the Anglo-Americans and their intentions, believing that every event was part of a conspiracy to detach Texas».

  34. Two heavy cruisers maintain contact.» At 08:01, he transmitted a damage report and his intentions to OKM, which were to detach Prinz Eugen for commerce raiding and to make for Saint-Nazaire for repairs.

Synonyms for detach

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word detach has the following synonyms: come off, come away and .

General information about «detach» example sentences

The example sentences for the word detach that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «detach» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «detach».

Synonym: assign, delegate, disconnect, draft, separate, unfasten. Antonym: attach. Similar words: detached, detachment, semidetached, detain, detail, details, attach, detailed. Meaning: [dɪ’tætʃ]  v. 1. cause to become detached or separated; take off 2. separate (a small unit) from a larger, especially for a special assignment 3. come to be detached. 

Random good picture Not show

1. You can detach the hood from the jacket.

2. Detach the white part of the application form and keep it.

3. The skis should detach from the boot if you fall.

3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

4. You can detach the hood if you prefer the coat without it.

5. Doctors have to detach themselves from their feelings.

6. Please detach and fill out the application form.

7. Detach the lower part of the form from this letter and return it to the above address.

8. I tried to detach myself from the reality of these terrible events.

9. It is easy to detach the currants from the stems.

10. It helps them detach themselves from their problems and become more objective.

11. You can detach the handle of the saucepan by undoing this screw.

12. Please complete(, detach and return this coupon today.

13. Please detach the last section of this form, fill it in, and return it to us.

14. To receive them, remember to complete, detach and return the coupon overleaf.

15. If you wished to detach yourself from the soul of Salomon Brothers, London was the only place to go.

16. Two urchins were struggling to detach the machine gun from its mount.

17. Do not detach the coupon or your ticket will be invalid.

18. When thoroughly replenished it would detach itself from the socket and renew its adventures across the floor!

19. The tires on the toy cars may detach and become a hazard to small children.

20. They detach the tailer, and start to camp.

21. Detach the management and technic which we already done.

22. A boy would slowly detach himself from the gang.

23. Don’t detach the coach from the train.

24. It’s impossible to detach oneself from reality.

25. Accelerator key to detach current tab.

26. The reform of arbitration procedure is a controversial subject, with many wishing to detach arbitration from close adherence to litigation procedures.

27. If there’s any chance it is placenta praevia, it could detach and cause a haemorrhage.

28. Eventually, if the body lay undisturbed for long enough, the skin might even detach itself from the body.

29. But she will not get that distance until she learns to — that’s right — detach.

30. Now fill in the application form on pages 3 and 4 and detach these Notes.

More similar words: detached, detachment, semidetached, detain, detail, details, attach, detailed, in detail, coup d’etat, get across, mustache, attach to, attached, moustache, tachypnea, pistachio, attachment, tachometer, stomachache, cadet, deter, detour, bidet, detect, detest, taco, tact, detente, detract. 

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