Sentence with word depth

Depths (original title: Djup) is a 2004 novel by Swedish writer Henning Mankell. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

In addition, there is a drop in image brightness with increasing depth caused by light scattering and absorption.


They’re the bigger names in the ensemble, but it’s one of real depth and variety; so much so that one feels that certain cast members get short shrift.


Visitors to the site can also discover the evolutionary compromises that have allowed us to have large brains or see ahead in depth.


Loki is a much more complex and layered villain than the usual superhero baddie, and Hiddleston brings depth to the character in a way that makes you empathize with him.


In depth explanation of the role of parasites and external toxins in cancer development and how to get them all out of your body so it can heal.


After months of discussion and debate about the young actors cast, Fox released its first in depth look at the characters driving their «Fantastic Four» reboot today in a brand new trailer:


I have not looked in depth at the rest of his claims, after seeing how insipid the first six were, I tapped out.


If there is an Achilles heel for Mourinho it is his lack of depth in central and attacking midfield — a broad spectrum of positions that can all be covered by Sissoko.


The giant coral reefs of the Dolomites sank further and were covered by sedimentary layers and laid in depth for the next two hundred million years.


There was only one that was accurate all the time, and that was an inverted yield curve of a particular length and depth.


«Beast,» however, is not a typical, superficial treatment of the subject of serial killers but a story with enough depth that even European history becomes a player.But blink, and you’ll miss a key point, when Pascal (Johnny Flynn) informs snobbish family members at a family dinner on the British island of Jersey that they, despite their wealth and haute manners, are sitting on land that belonged to his ancestors.


Lucido has depth at linebacker, saying he had as many as six he felt comfortable rotating, but the group will need experience.


«It’s about giving a little depth to the brows you already have.»


Our LAUNCH program is specially designed to provide you with an in depth on boarding on indoor rowing for fitness.


«For anyone receiving the diagnosis, or supporting a loved one through it, cancer can be overwhelming,» Kyu Rhee, MD, chief health officer, IBM Watson Health, said in the release, adding, «With this first-ever U.S. rollout of the technology, the full breadth and depth of Watson’s services can benefit an entire population of individuals who need them.»


I roast two to three different types of potatoes which provide a depth of flavor, making the potatoes the star of the salad instead of the pickles.


Five years ago, after a newspaper series revealed the depth of the disconnect between Latino families and Orange County schools in California, school officials joined forces with public and private groups to create the Latino Educational Attainment (LEA) Initiative.


I’m going to explore some of these numbers in depth here.


There is no way to be comprehensive, and the process of choosing which passages to look at in depth will influence the direction of the study.


«One of the most crucial elements to any successful survival horror game is the setting and sound, which includes the depth and authenticity of the voice acting,» said Mikami.


The vertical ground motion is relatively weak for this event, likely due to the fact that seismic energy dissipated at the depth of 12-25 km and the rupture did not break through the ground surface.


The red lentils and spices used in this burger add some serious depth of flavor.


Up front, you get a 20-megapixel main camera supplemented with an 8-megapixel secondary camera which acts as a depth sensor to add DSLR-like bokeh effects to your photos.


You don’t need an instructor, you just need to locate a warm water pool and determine what depth of water you have access to.


«We’re about providing access to the depth around content ideas and subject matter that people are passionate about,» explained Hykin when discussing the role of Issuu in providing content.


Histological (villus height, crypt depth (CD) and disease severity score) and biochemical (myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity) parameters were determined in intestinal tissues collected at sacrifice.


But here’s the problem: In her review, Keller appeals to a common-sense hermeneutic of «biblical womanhood» to which I should have deferred, and yet fails to explain in any depth what this common-sense hermeneutic is.


But with no depth and only speed and impact to go on, Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters hopes only to entertain quickly and simply, hustling viewers in and out of the theater before any of it can sink in, or fade away.


While her last album offered brightly colored sounds layered in synth, Love and War «s notes offer a little bit more depth and texture.


The papers themselves are due to be released later today (at which point I will analyze them in depth), but the press releases include some of the numbers so we can take a look at them now.


Krishnamacharya’s «authenticity» comes from the depth and commitment of his practice.


As Julie, a sexually precocious teenager, in Mike Mills’s 20th Century Women, and as Loretta Figgis, in Ben Affleck’s gangster drama Live by Night, she showed her depth and maturity.


Rapid changes in male-female roles and the search for depth companionship in marriage make such groups essential in a church program oriented around unmet needs.


«Writer-director Paul Thomas Anderson has crafted a period drama of startling tonal fluidity, and Daniel Day-Lewis and Vicky Krieps deliver reserved performances that slowly reveal significant depth, transcending the material’s potential plight-of-the-artist clichés to hit at something far richer and more mysterious about desire, ambition and control.»


(In my book The Secular Revolution, I take up these themes in much greater depth.)


Anything short of that appeal is a dent on Nigeria judicial system and will leave lawyers helpless by allowing them to rely on a precedent that lacks substance and in depth.


It feels much more modern than its predecessors, and though it lacks the depth of the combat found in games like BlazBlue or Street Fighter IV, the inherent accessibility in the game made it easy to pick up and play, and I found myself diving into the game’s training mode and performing advanced offensive moves with ease.


He has made some decent signings this season, our team has a solid backbone and a plethora of options up front, not to mention squad depth as a whole.


Click here to read in more depth about types of coconut oil.


Veach knows they need depth, they need money, and they have a rookie QB that absolutely will take time to adjust and become competent / consistent player.


The Common Core and the draft history frameworks stress exploring topics in depth, while the existing state history and social studies standards require covering a breadth of topics.


There’s also a little chicken sausage in there for added depth and heartiness, and tender kale provides the necessary greenery.


I added dark sunnies for a little depth and my cute little Disney World bangles for a bit of glam.


Is it possible for a public Waldorf charter school to reflect the same depth, joy, magic and artistic as well as academic excellence as a private Waldorf School?


All data are from a depth of 580 meters in a sample from the WAIS Divide ice core.


Sautéed onions, tomatoes, and barbecue sauce add savory, sweet, and smoky depth of flavor to this twist on pulled «pork» tacos.


The midfielder will add depth to a department that is expected to lose Nemanja Matic who will join Manchester United.


Readers want your paper to be the one and only source they need for the information on their particular subject, thus it takes in depth information of great description to make your paper a success.


Fine details stand out reasonably well, though there’s little in the way of image depth.


As time went on, artists started making extensions to their art work or built out from it so that it had depth.


Sentences with the word Depth?



  • «the depth of the water»; «depth of a shelf»; «depth of a closet»
  • «the depth of his breathing»; «the depth of his sighs»; «the depth of his emotion»
  • «The trompe l’oeil-illusion establishes depth«
  • «such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin»
  • «a man admired for the depth of his perception»
  • «the depth of my feeling»; «the profoundness of the silence»

Definition of Depth

how deep something is as measured from top to bottom

Examples of Depth in a sentence

The depth of the lake hasn’t been measured, but the water seems very shallow.


Measuring the depth of the ocean, scientists hope they can find out more about what lies below.


The depth of the drilling will depend how far down the company decides to go.


Because of the low depth of the pool, children are not allowed to dive in.


The depth of the flood waters creeps higher and higher as the rain continues.


Other words in the Size category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

глубина, высота, толщина, глубь, интенсивность, разгар, сила, густота, пучина, середина


- глубина, глубь

depth of the river [of the snow] — глубина реки [снега]
depth of penetration — воен. глубина прорыва
a foot in depth — в один фут глубиной
at a depth of 30 metres — на глубине в 30 метров, на тридцатиметровой глубине
to try the depths — (попытаться) встать на дно; проверить, есть ли под ногами дно

- часто pl глубокое место, впадина; пучина; глубины

depth(s) of the ocean — глубины океана
the depths of unrecorded time — образн. глубь времён, незапамятные /доисторические/ времена; ≅ седая древность

- поэт., книжн. пропасть, бездна

in the depth of despair — в полном отчаянии
in the depth of poverty — в безысходной нужде

- глубина; фундаментальность

depth of knowledge — основательность /глубина/ знаний
a man of no great depth — поверхностный человек; верхогляд
there’s a great depth of meaning in it — в этом есть глубокий смысл

- вчт. глубина

procedural depth — процедурная глубина (количество вложенных друг в друга процедур в программе)

- интенсивность, сила; глубина; полнота

depth of sound [of feeling] — сила звука [переживания]
depth of colour — густота /интенсивность/ цвета

- середина, глубина

the depths of the forest — чащоба, чаща леса
in the depth(s) of winter — в разгар зимы
the depth of the country — захолустье, глушь; глубинка
a cry from the depths — крик души

- глухой час, глухая пора

in the depth of night — в глухую полночь, глубокой ночью

- ширина; толщина

depth of cut — тех. толщина стружки
depth of formation — воен. глубина построения, эшелонирование

- геол. мощность пласта (тж. depth of layer)
- фото глубина резкости (изображения)
- мор. высота (борта); глубина (судна)

depth of immersion — мор. осадка

- высота (сооружения и т. п.)

depth of a bridge arch — высота арки моста
depth of fall — высота падения

- лог. содержание понятия

to be beyond /out of/ one’s depth — а) попасть на глубокое место, не доставать до дна; б) быть не по силам, быть выше чьего-л. понимания
to get /to go/ beyond /out of/ one’s depth — а) попасть на глубокое место, не доставать до дна; б) утратить способность понимать что-л.; в) быть выше чьего-л. понимания
to be within one’s depth — а) доставать до дна; б) быть в состоянии понять что-л.
to get back into one’s depth — (снова) почувствовать дно под ногами

Мои примеры


measuring the depth of the water — измерение глубины воды  
the depth and profundity of her feelings — глубина и сила её чувств  
depth of a pool — глубина бассейна  
to reach a depth — опуститься на глубину  
to be in one’s depth — доставать ногами до дна  
to be out of one’s depth — не доставать ногами до дна  
to measure the depth of a shelf — измерить глубину полки  
to underestimate the depth of a crisis — недооценивать глубину кризиса  
depth of her knowledge — глубина её знаний  
to study smth. in depth — изучать что-л. глубоко, тщательно  
to lack depth — быть неглубоким, поверхностным  
to understand the depth of her love for him — понимать, как глубоко она его любит  

Примеры с переводом

People need to realize the depth of the problem.

Люди должны осознать всю глубину этой проблемы.

There is a great depth of meaning in the saying.

В этом высказывании заключён глубокий смысл.

I was impressed by the depth of her knowledge.

Я был впечатлен глубиной её знаний.

The pressure varies with the depth.

Давление меняется в зависимости от глубины.

The article discusses the theory in depth.

В статье эта теория рассматривается детально.

He had sunk to the depths of addiction.

Он опустился до наркомании. / Он погрузился в глубины нездоровой привязанности к этой пагубной привычке.

I felt completely out of my depth at the meeting.

На совещании я чувствовал себя совершенно не в своей тарелке.

ещё 21 пример свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Heretofore her writing has never displayed such depth of feeling.

I began working at the factory during the depth of the Depression.

The cave descends to a depth of 340 feet.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): depth
мн. ч.(plural): depths

Examples of how to use the word “depth” in a sentence. How to connect “depth” with other words to make correct English sentences.

depth (n): the distance down either from the top of something to the bottom, or to a distancebelow the top surface of something

Use “depth” in a sentence

We are measuring the depth of the river.
“Never test the depth of water with both feet.”
He was surprised by the depth of the lake.

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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Depth | Depth Sentence

  • Was there no depth below the shallows?
  • A depth below or height above.
  • Was she capable of any depth of feeling?
  • More depth would have injured the effect.
  • The depth of their fear marks the length of their flight!
  • Base enlarged, depth nearly 1/2 of breadth….
  • Base moderately enlarged, depth near 1/3 of breadth….
  • In depth this blue should be about half-way between the ultramarine and white.
  • Once more he fell back into the depth of his arm-chair and closed his eyes.
  • Presently, in sing-song cadence he was reporting the depth of water alongside.
  • Now listen: «Next spring have your ground turned to the depth of one foot.

How To Use Depth In A Sentence?

  • If you had any depth of feeling you would have acted very differently in most things.
  • In the cylinder form of record, the groove varies in depth with the vibrations of the diaphragm.
  • The depth of her feelings could not be sounded, yet there was staying power of a kind.
  • The depth is given as varying from one hundred and thirty to one hundred and sixty-five feet.
  • And hence the length, the breadth, and the depth of his love could not have been manifested.
  • They summoned God to come and see the height and depth and weight of their allegiance to her!
  • From hence, between the dense volumes of smoke, the huge cavity is visible to a depth of 600 feet.
  • But it is always a delicate matter to fathom the depth of a medical man’s sagaciousness.
  • At the end of the second week she began to realize the depth of isolation into which her engagement had thrown her.
  • Dorsal and ventral concavities of base equal in depth or ventral one the deeper 21 21.
  • They expressed such depth of pathetic appeal that he trembled with apprehension, and the instinct in him was to beg for pardon.
  • Julia was shocked and surprised at the depth of disgraceful vanity and cowardice which special circumstances had brought within her consciousness.
  • All day and all night the snow came down, till the ground was covered to a depth of over three feet.
  • In his imagination their depth of what seemed like devotional reverie contributed more than anything else to her air of separation and remoteness.
  • There he opened his whole heart to her, and confessed the depth of his attachment to her whose life he had so gallantly saved.
  • At first he had refused to gauge the depth of the abyss; it was so much pleasanter to turn aside to dally with the flowers.
  • Activity did not vary significantly with depth of snow until snow was more than 8 inches deep, when activity decreased abruptly.
  • In the depth of the valley beneath lay a scattered village, whose evening bells melodiously broke the stillness of nature.
  • Below the village there was an expanse of snow, sloping up to pure white hills outlined against an indigo depth of ominous-looking clouds.
  • There was a depth in these that supported their air-waving tones, as pillars solid and polished a vaulted roof, where shadows waver and nestle.
  • It is not for your lovely face that I admire you most, but for the rich depth of thought and the true nobility of your character.
  • At the corner of the street, you read the possibility of each passenger, in the facial angle, in the complexion, in the depth of his eye.
  • A choice of these two wires may be made, using an increased winding depth with the smaller wire and a shallower winding depth for the larger wire.
  • Murray’s jealousy was, quite uniquely, not founded on any great depth of love for Anne.
  • As soon as they were out of sight, he suddenly turned to the left, down a steep, hilly path, and struck into the depth of the forest.
  • Where it flows into the Shat-el-Arab it is about a quarter of a mile in width, with a depth of from twenty to thirty feet.
  • It is to be noted that the depth of winding space is one-half of the difference between the core diameter and the complete diameter of the wound coil.
  • The whole apartments are hung with the same small mat about the depth of an ell, to hinder the coolness of the walls from hurting those which lean against them.
  • He feared an outbreak from above in the course of O’Iwa’s initiation into a vileness the depth of which she never even could suspect.

Definition of Depth

the vertical distance below a surface; the degree to which something is deep | the distance between the front and the back, as the depth of a drawer or closet | (figuratively) the intensity, complexity, strength, seriousness or importance of an emotion, situation, etc.

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Depth sentence in english

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The others looked at him, surprised at the depth of his reaction.

As the same stream sometimes changes abruptly from one kind to the other, the two kinds must be due to different conditions affecting the flow, and among the conditions which may cause a stream to break up into the aa have been mentioned the greater depth of the stream, a sluggish current, impediments in its course just as it is granulating, and, what is more probable, subterranean moisture which causes it to cool from below upward instead of from above downward as in the pahoehoe.

The communication between the Atlantic and Arctic basins being cut off, as already described, at a depth of about 300 fathoms, the temperatures in the Norwegian Sea below that level are essentially Arctic, usually below the freezing-point of fresh water, except where the distribution is modified by the surface circulation.

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This experiment may be varied by holding the fork over a glass jar into which water is poured to such a depth that the air-column within reinforces the note of the fork when suitably placed, and then turning the fork round.

Below the freezing point of water, the summer heat merely thawing the surface to a depth of about 3 ft.

Later apparatus, such as Pettersson’s bifilar current-meter or his more recent electric-photographic apparatus, and Nansen and Ekman’s propeller current-meter, measure both the direction and the velocity at any moderate depth from an anchored vessel.

At Lucknow a boring was driven through the Gangetic alluvium to a depth of 1 33 6 ft.

Before it receives the Voronezh the Don has a breadth of 500 to 700, or even in a few places loon ft., while its depth varies from 4 to 20 ft.; by the time it reaches its most eastern point the depth has increased to 8-50 ft., and the ordinary breadth to 700 -1000 ft., with an occasional maximum of 1400 ft.; in the lowest division the depth is frequently 70 ft., and the breadth in many places 1870 ft.

Buchanan pointed out in 1876, that the great contrasts in surface salinity between the tropical maxima and the equatorial minima give place at the moderate depth of 200 fathoms to a practically uniform salinity in all parts of the ocean.

And softened lights, combined with depth and delicacy of hjame.

  • Use the word Depth in a sentences

Sentence Examples

In order to get the depth of field, I had to step back.

About this little cascade of women coming across the street with the tinkle of their beautiful legs in sunlight. It was about the incredible depth of space.

in two feet depth all that treasure sank.

Real peasants, some of whom had never seen a camera before, or even been in a cinema, were the extras, providing much depth to scenes like that of the funeral cortege and the wedding scene, shot in the village of Grimenz.

«And has born a little child in the depth of winter. «

I know all about the depth of people’s passions.

From the depth of the country, after a successful trade at last… To his cultured compatriots.

But that one has the color, the depth, the soul of the Beaugard.

I couldn’t read that bit. «We’re going to measure the depth of the Indian Ocean.»

Action area: 20 km in width, 10 in depth.

It’s quite evident they only lead you out of your depth.


Seems to me the vertebrae are at a much greater depth than one would expect.

Which means studying the question in depth.

In a few more hours, we’ll have the whole area mined… with depth charges controlled from shore.

Can you tell me the exact width of the foundation… on which these piers are resting, and the depth? You don’t have to worry.

«Four massive pieces of masonry are sunk to a depth of 46 feet…

Then in the depth of the economic despair that has gripped the country Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected president partially on the basis of his promise to end Prohibition.

C.K. Dexter Haven, you have unsuspected depth.

The numbers every half-inch along the coastline… indicate the depth of the ocean in fathoms at that point.

I want the ground to dry up… To the greatest depth!

That’s one depth I thought I would never sink.

depth divers are expected with the Ciclope and Titano ships,.. which will be on site at 1.00.

depth of fog approximately 500.

Take a look at that physical. Your depth perception’s a mile off.

-Stand clear of the depth charge racks.

That depth charge brought him up.

But I’ll pray it softly, From the depth of my soul.

Stand by for depth charge attack.

What is the depth, Brownie?

Bring up to periscope depth.

Zero. Watch your depth, Stevie.

Between depth charges, we ate Christmas dinner in the dark 200 feet down. Ice water and sandwiches.

Look, Mike, if we get depth-charged, and I show any signs of being yellow you sock me.

Rig for depth charge. — Rig for depth charge.

Periscope depth. Periscope depth. Five degrees up angle.

Either he drops a depth charge, or he don’t.

Bring her up to 55 feet, keel depth.

Plane up to 45 feet, keel depth.

Plane up to periscope depth.

All rigged for depth charges, kid?

What makes the clicks before the depth charges?

Incise to a depth of one-quarter inch.

Yes, Mr. Holmes, you’re famous powers of deduction and observation made of very well in Limehouse or Soho but here in America I believe you’re out of your depth.

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