Sentence with word deposit

Synonym: lay, leave, place, pledge, put down, stake, store. Similar words: position, composition, opposition, supposing, diagnosis, explosion, keep off, report. Meaning: [dɪ’pɒzɪt]  n. 1. the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating 2. matter that has been deposited by some natural process 3. the natural process of laying down a deposit of something 4. money deposited in a bank 5. a partial payment made at the time of purchase; the balance to be paid later 6. money given as security for an article acquired for temporary use 7. a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met 8. a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping 9. the act of putting something somewhere. v. 1. fix, force, or implant 2. put into a bank account 3. put (something somewhere) firmly. 

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1. We’ve put down a 5% deposit on the house.

2. Higher-rate deposit accounts yield good returns.

3. We have found a promising iron deposit.

4. Passengers who cancel their reservations will forfeit their deposit.

5. A deposit of 10% is required.

6. The bank’s deposit accounts are on the increase.

7. A deposit of eight pounds clinched the bargain.

8. They normally ask you to pay £100 deposit.

9. He put a deposit on a house.

10. That will be £1500, minus the deposit of £150 that you have already paid.

11. I need to deposit five thousand yen in my savings account.

12. A £50 deposit is required when ordering, and the balance is due upon delivery.

13. A man on his way to deposit $120 000 in a bank was waylaid by two men who punched him and snatched his bag yesterday.

14. There is a £40 deposit, which is non-refundable.

15. I have £2000 on deposit.

16. A refundable deposit is payable on arrival.

17. A deposit is payable on arrival .

18. Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground.

19. Guests may deposit their valuables in the hotel safe.

20. They’ll probably ask you to leave a deposit.

21. He wondered whether they need send a deposit.

22. I’ve put a deposit down on a new car.

23. She made a deposit of £60 into her account.

24. If furniture is damaged(, you will forfeit your deposit.

24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

25. The deposit is refunded on return of the vehicle.

26. I’ve got £5000 on deposit in the building society.

27. A 10% deposit is payable in advance.

28. The Tory candidate lost his deposit.

29. We have $500. Will it be enough for a deposit?

30. If you cancel now I’m afraid you forfeit your deposit.

More similar words: position, composition, opposition, supposing, diagnosis, explosion, keep off, report, keep on, reporter, keep out of, report on, depict, deploy, depart, deputy, to the point, reporting, reportedly, sit, pose, site, depressed, dependent, departure, depending, sit up, sit on, depart from, depression. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


A dual currency deposit is a money market fund combined with a foreign exchange deposit option.

Двухвалютный депозит — это фонд денежного рынка в сочетании с опционом на валютный депозит.

Interbank deposit: A deposit in one bank in another bank.

Межбанковский депозит (intetbank deposit) — депозит одного банка в другом банке.

The bonus may match a given deposit amount or be independent of the deposit.

Он может соответствовать определенной сумме вклада или быть независимым от любых депозитов.

A deposit can be supplemented by any amount during the entire period except the last day of the deposit maturity.

Вклад может быть пополнен любой суммой в течение всего периода, за исключением последнего дня срока вклада.

You must make this deposit within 14 days of your second qualifying deposit.

Этот депозит необходимо внести в течение 14 дней после внесения второго депозита.

Some savings accounts have minimum initial deposit or minimum monthly deposit rules.

Некоторые сберегательные счета имеют минимальный начальный депозит или минимальные ежемесячные правила депозита.

However, since there are several deposit methods supported, you can make a deposit in other fiat currencies and in bitcoins.

Однако, поскольку поддерживается несколько поддерживаемых депозитов, вы можете внести депозит в других валютах fiat и в биткойнах.

The maximum deposit amount per transaction is outlined on the deposit page for each of the available payment methods.

Максимальная сумма депозита за транзакцию указана на странице депозита для каждого из доступных способов оплаты.

Minimal deposit for opening an account: the size of such deposit depends on the particular banking institution.

Минимальный вклад для открытия счета — размер такого вклада зависит от конкретного банковского учреждения.

Affiliate commission is calculated from the amount of the deposit open referral partner and credited to the balance immediately after opening deposit referral.

Партнерская комиссия рассчитывается из суммы открытого депозита реферала и зачисляется на баланс партнера сразу после открытия депозита рефералом.

If you choose a fare with a deposit, then the cost of the deposit is also non-refundable after confirming the booking.

Если вы выбрали тариф с депозитом, то стоимость депозита также не подлежит возврату после подтверждения бронирования.

The most popular types of new player bonuses are first deposit bonuses centered around matching your initial deposit up to a certain amount.

Наиболее популярными типами бонусов для новых игроков являются бонусы на первый депозит, сосредоточенные вокруг соответствия вашего начального депозита до определенной суммы.

They will match your deposit with a certain percentage of your total deposit.

Они будут соответствовать вашему депозиту с определенным процентом от вашего общего депозита.

Opening a deposit with interest capitalization is not fundamentally different from opening a classic deposit.

Открытие вклада с капитализацией процентов принципиально не отличается от открытия классического депозита.

There is typically a small deposit fee charged by an exchange, which may depend on the deposit method.

Обычно взимается небольшая комиссия за депозит, которая может зависеть от метода депозита.

The maximum amount that can be transferred to your initial deposit facility is equal to the initial deposit made.

Максимальная сумма, которая может быть переведена на ваш изначальный депозит, равна сумме такого изначального депозита.

Once you make a deposit, you start getting daily interest and continue earning until your deposit term expires.

Как только вы сделаете депозит, вы начнете получать ежедневные проценты и продолжать зарабатывать, пока срок вклада не истечет.

Similar to fixed deposit is the concept of recurring deposit.

Подобно фиксированному депозиту ему согласно понятие повторяющегося депозита.

Failure to recover a high percentage of the gold contained in the deposit can affect the value of the deposit.

Отказ восстановления высокий процент золота, содержащегося в пределах месторождения может повлиять на значение от депозита.

In this case the citizen independently signs the agreement of the corresponding bank deposit (deposit) with bank.

В этом случае гражданин самостоятельно заключает с банком договор соответствующего банковского вклада (депозита).

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат deposit

Результатов: 26014. Точных совпадений: 26014. Затраченное время: 160 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

депозит, задаток, месторождение, вклад, депонировать, осаждать, осаждаться


- вклад в банке; депозит

deposit money — фин. депозитные суммы
fixed deposit, deposit for a fixed period — срочный вклад
short deposit — краткосрочный вклад
to have money on /upon/ deposit — хранить деньги в банке; иметь вклад в банке
to place money on /upon/ deposit — внести деньги в банк /в депозит/

- взнос

minimum deposit — минимальный взнос
the first deposit on the farm — первый взнос за ферму (купленную в кредит)

- превышение своего кредита в банке
- ручательство, порука; доверие, «кредит»

one of the candidates lost his deposit — один из кандидатов лишился поддержки

- задаток, залог

to pay a deposit — дать /уплатить/ задаток
to leave a deposit on smth. — оставлять задаток за что-л.
to leave ten pounds as (a) deposit — дать десять фунтов в задаток, уплатить десять фунтов в качестве задатка

ещё 6 вариантов


- класть в банк или в сберегательную кассу; отдавать на хранение

to deposit the money with /in/ the bank — положить деньги в банк
to deposit documents with smb. — отдать документы на хранение кому-л.

- депонировать

to deposit duty copies of a book (for copyright) — депонировать (авторские) экземпляры книги

- вносить, давать задаток; делать взнос

to deposit a quarter of the price — дать задаток в размере одной четверти стоимости
to deposit a hundred pounds with smb. — дать кому-л. в задаток сто фунтов

- отлагать, осаждать

to deposit matter held in suspension — осаждать вещество, находящееся во взвешенном состоянии

- отлагать, наносить, намывать

the flood waters deposited a layer of mud in the streets — паводковые воды оставили на улицах слой грязи

ещё 4 варианта

Мои примеры


a deposit of mud left by the flood — грязный осадок, оставленный наводнением  
to deposit a cheque — сделать вклад в банке  
commercial deposit — промышленное месторождение  
to deposit money with / in a bank — положить деньги в банк  
to deposit oneself in the stern of a boat — разместиться на корме лодки  
deposit account — депозитный счёт  
to require a deposit — требовать задаток, гарантийный залог  
to submit a deposit — вносить задаток, гарантийный залог  
to put down a deposit on a new house — вносить первый взнос за новый дом  
to lose one’s deposit — набрать ничтожно малое количество голосов на выборах  
place money on deposit — вносить/помещать деньги в депозит  

Примеры с переводом

The deposit is forfeited / not refundable.

Задаток не возвращается.

The female deposits her eggs directly into the water.

Самка откладывает свои яйца прямо в воду.

Consumer has paid a deposit for goods to be delivered in the future.

Покупатель внес залог за товары, которые ему доставят позднее.

When no more silver deposits on the copper, the operation is completed.

Когда на меди перестаёт отлагаться серебро, процесс закончен.

The deposit currently earns £710 per annum.

Вклад в банке приносит в настоящее время 710 фунтов в год.

The landlord retained the security deposit.

Хозяин оставил денежный залог себе.

A myth may be deposited from a misunderstood text.

Неправильно понятый текст может породить миф.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

A deposit of 10% is required.

I deposited over $3,000 this afternoon.

The taxi deposited us at the train station.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

depositary  — депозитарный, депозитный, хранилище, склад, кладезь, сокровищница
deposition  — отложение, осадок, вклад, взнос, накипь, показание под присягой, лишение
depositor  — вкладчик, депозитор, вкладчица, инвестор
depositing  — депонирование

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: deposit
he/she/it: deposits
ing ф. (present participle): depositing
2-я ф. (past tense): deposited
3-я ф. (past participle): deposited

ед. ч.(singular): deposit
мн. ч.(plural): deposits

deposit — перевод на русский


A deposit in a bank… or something?

Депозит в банке… не знаю… что-нибудь в этом роде.

Want a deposit ?

Хотите депозит?

That same day a deposit was made into your campaign account for $250,000.

В тот же день этот депозит был переведён на счёт… вашей предвыборной кампании, в сумме 250 тысяч.

His deposit should go…

Его депозит…

I put a deposit down on that restaurant that overlooks Times Square.

Я положил депозит на ресторан с видом на Таймс Сквер.

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They asked for a deposit. 50,000 lire.

Они попросили залог. 50 000 лир.

I took 50,000 lire from my pocket and gave it to you so you could pay the… the the deposit.

Я вытащил 50 000 лир из своего кармана и дал их тебе, чтобы ты могла дать залог.

So, you give a deposit of 200 million and we’ll show you the mine.

Итак, Вы дадите залог 200 миллионов, а мы покажем Вам шахту.

— I expect a special gift to a family friend. Under the circumstances, I’II give you back his dollar deposit with no obligation.

Но учитывая обстоятельства, я просто верну вам доллар, который он оставил в залог.

well, that’s $8, minus the dollar deposit,

Да, минус залог…

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— If you’ll just write out a deposit slip.

— Если только вы откроете вклад.

Well, aren’t you going to make a deposit?

— Что? — Вы будете делать вклад?

The money was well-laundered but the last deposit matched the last amount stolen.

Деньги на счетах отмыты но последний вклад совпадает с украденной суммой.

Deposit or withdrawal.

Вклад или снятие. — Снятие.

— I’ll make the deposit.

— Я сделаю вклад.

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Five hundred sesterces deposit on Varinia.

Я дам тебе задаток за Валерию в 5 тысяч сестерций.

Plus banker’s deposit.

Плюс задаток.

For renting the grain warehouse, we made a deposit of 50 rubles. Besides, we’ve got a bill for the purchase of forage.

В счет аренды мучного склада получено задаток — 50 рублей, еще, Андрей Тимофеевич, у нас имеется счет на закупку фуража,

My clients will, I know, of course demand a deposit.

Знаю, что мои клиенты наверняка потребуют задаток.

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— I need to get in my mom’s deposit box.

Да. Я должен попасть в депозитную ячейку моей мамы.

A couple of pros tunnel into the vault, drill open a safe deposit box, leave nothing behind but the great smell of brut.

Пара профессионалов прорыла подземный ход в подвал, дрелью открыла депозитную ячейку, не оставив никаких следов, кроме сильного запаха одеколона.

We were going to put the diamonds in a safe deposit box, and then I was going to show up at my dad’s house like someone dropped me off.

Мы хотели положить бриллианты в депозитную ячейку, а потом бы я приехала в дом к отцу, как если бы меня вернули.

I meant to transfer them into the safety deposit box, but since Serena and Charles broke into it last year…

Это было ужасно. Я хотела отправить их в депозитную ячейку, но после того, как Сирена и Чарльз взломали её в прошлом году…

Okay, so Tanya sends the photos and the letters to the middleman, then the middleman puts them in the safety deposit box for Agnes.

Хорошо, итак Таня отправляет фото и письма посреднику, а посредник кладет их в сейфовую депозитную ячейку для Агнес.

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— The city bank says your sister rented a safety deposit box.

— В городском банке сказали, Ваша сестра арендовала сейф.

I’d like to see about renting a safe deposit box.

Я мог бы арендовать у вас сейф? Да.

Yes, we received permission to open your husband’s safety deposit box.

Да, мы получили разрешение открыть сейф вашего мужа.

Who has a safety deposit box full of money and six passports and a gun?

У кого может быть сейф в банке, в котором лежат… деньги, шесть паспортов и пистолет?

A safety deposit box has been discovered in Zurich in the Plummers’ name.

На имя профессора в банке Цюриха был снят сейф.

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You wouldn’t believe what I had to go through just to get a safe deposit box.

Не поверишь, но трудно было здесь снять ячейку.

I can feel the blood in my eyes start to boil. Last week, he wanted to see his safety deposit box.

На прошлой неделе он пожелал заглянуть в свою ячейку.

In the operational funds box… we will deposit 250,000 American dollars.

В ячейку с деньгами, на оперативные расходы, будут положены ровно 250000 американских долларов.

I’d prefer that nobody ever touch my safe deposit box.

Я бы предпочел, чтобы никто не трогал ячейку.

I’m just coming to put something in my safety deposit box.

Мне нужно кое-что положить в свою банковскую ячейку.

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Please! If I could just sort of poke around in your safety deposit box…

Если бы я мог только пошарить в вашей банковской ячейке.

Access to the safe deposit box must be approved… by Matsuko, or in the event of her death, only by Sakura.

Доступ к банковской ячейке должен быть санкционирован… Мацуко, или же в случае её смерти, лишь одной Сакуре.

All right. Well, there was a half-hour wait at the bank to get into my safe deposit box,

Я ждал полчаса в банке, чтобы получить доступ к своей банковской ячейке,

There’s a gun in your safety deposit box, isn’t there?

В твоей банковской ячейке пистолет, да?

That’s why I keep it in my safety deposit box.

Вот почему я храню ее в банковской ячейке.

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Jim’s safety deposit box has been found.

Нашелся депозитный ящик Джима Ясно.

Put it in the safe deposit box in the bank, and we’ll get him to give us a cheque on Monday instead.

Поместите их в депозитный бокс в банке, а в понедельник получим чек.

Once the bonds are counted and confirmed McAllister will receive a CRM-114 deposit form and on this form he inputs his account number that only he and the bank know, Then the agent will take this to an authorization officer for further verification.

Когда облигации проверят и пересчитают, МакАлистер получит депозитный бланк формы CRM114, в которой укажет номер счета, известный лишь ему и банку. Затем сотрудник отнесет бланк проверяющему для подтверждения.

Aye, and I need to know my exact salary, you see, so that I can put a deposit…

Да, и мне нужно точно знать свою зарплату, чтобы сделать депозитный…

I put the money in a safe deposit box, but these two guys may be sitting on the bank to see if I show my face, which is why I need you to go in there and get it for me.

Я положил деньги в депозитный сейф, но эти двое могут следить за банком и ждать моего появления, поэтому я хочу, чтобы ты туда сходил и забрал их для меня.

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A bankbook with a 500 yen deposit.

Сберкнижка. 500 йен я положила на счет. И печать.

And yesterday he makes a big cash deposit at the bank.

И в тот же день он кладет большую сумму на счет в банке.

I know that Sam made a big cash deposit.

Я знаю, что Сэм положил крупную сумму на счет.

Dean, over the past 18 months, has four, five, seven cash withdrawals of 4,000, 5,000, and up, and up, and each time, the delectable Miss Banks makes large cash deposits of her own within a day or two.

Дин, за последние 18 месяцев, четыре, пять, семь раз снимал, со счета деньги, и каждый раз, счет Мисс Бенкс продолжал увеличиваться.

Maybe we deposited it in a Swiss bank account.

Может, мы счет открыли в швейцарском банке?

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No Deposit (sometimes stylized as No Depo$it) is a 2015 Canadian drama film written and directed by and starring Frank D’Angelo. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

On March 15, 2017, the OCC published additional documents providing details on the proposal and the evaluation process for charter applicants, and explaining the proposal was limited to entities «engage [d] in a limited range of banking activities, including one of the core banking functions, but does not take deposits and is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).»


This is the easy part… Simply deposit the proceeds of your balance transfer into a high-yield savings account (click through for a rundown of the best online savings accounts).


Offer valid in WSFS Bank locations in Delaware only and not available for municipal deposits or brokered CDs.


Margin for options on futures is a performance bond deposit that earns interest because it is usually held in the form of short-term Treasury bills.


See the chart below for all the possible deposit and withdrawal fees.


a program where everyone that had deposits received a bond.»


Robert I received an 1121 code however I did get one of my 2 direct deposits..


It is also one of the few fat deposits that are also found in slim women.


File the forms and pay the deposits, but wait for the penalty amount.


After selecting a broker, you make a deposit (minimum $ 250) to obtain login details and you can start trading immediately.


(I’ll assume this individual has a marginal tax rate of 50 %, both before and after retirement; earns 10 % per year on their investments; makes only the one deposit to the RRSP; and holds the investment for 20 years.)


Binance, however, doesn’t accept fiat currency deposits, so you will first need to own or acquire a cryptocurrency that can be paired with LSK, such as BTC or ETH.


It also provides investor-focused banking products, sweep deposits and savings products, to retail investors.»


When large cash deposits needed or vendors refuse to accept credit cards.


Planning a wedding can be a chaotic mess of appointments, deposits and endless decisions.


Over half of German Bunds are ineligible for European Central Bank purchases as their yields are below the official deposit rate, currently -0.4 percent, according to Pictet.


Researchers reported here today at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society that they’ve developed a pair of compounds that help spot the build up of tiny mineral deposits, a hallmark of breast cancer.


No, because very osteoporotic people can have arthritic bone deposits.


A common campaign is the one that gives you a 50 % deposit bonus +1 % extra pay on winning binary options.


You will need government issued identification, proof of job and salary, proof of an active checking account with direct deposit, proof of residency, and your social security number.


Cash due at signing includes $ 3,000 down payment, $ 399 first month’s payment, $ 925 acquisition fee and $ 0 security deposit.


The obvious disadvantage of All America Bank’s Money Market product is the $ 50K cap on the portion of your deposit that can earn 1.75 %.


If they walked away, they could lose their deposits and face a lawsuit.


The Liberal Democrats lost their deposit.


published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Disease research reported that drinking red wine can reduce the progression of atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of fatty deposits in your arteries.


If you have payroll or other funds deposited electronically to your account, these direct deposits will continue without interruption, as will any automatic debits from your account.


You also have the option of using HSBC ATM’s to deposit and withdraw funds.


The interest rates on refinancing operations, marginal lending facility and deposit rates currently stand at 0.00, 0.25 and -0.40 percent respectively.


Look into taking out a personal loan to help you get your deposit together, or even a logbook loan with a provider like Car Cash Point.


Toronto, Ontario —(Newsfile Corp. — January 4, 2018)— Crown Mining Corporation (TSXV: CWM)(«Crown» or the «Company «-RRB- is pleased to announce test results from its initial metallurgical testing of mineralized samples from its Moonlight and Superior copper sulfide deposits located in the Light’s Creek Copper District, Plumas County, northern California.


The monthly minimum balance for HSBC Advance is $ 25,000 CAD in combined personal deposit and / or investments with HSBC Bank Canada or its subsidiaries.


Due to the no-minimum-balance requirement, it does not matter if you have only $ 100, $ 1,000 or $ 100,000 to deposit; Amex personal savings works for any of these situations.


EverBank’s two strongest offerings target two different audiences: its 12-month bonus rate of 1.11 % APY for new Yield Pledge customers is a significant short-term benefit, while the high rates on its certificates of deposit reward customers interested in more long-term investment.


NEW YORK Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) claimed an ignoble distinction this month: He became the first governor of a state with large deposits of natural gas to ban «fracking,» or hydraulic fracturing, the controversial but highly productive drilling technique that has reshaped the energy business in the United States.


«Check for white deposits on the dipstick,» he says, «and check the temperature stabilises in the mid-80s.»


The Australian Government has guaranteed deposits up to $ 250,000 in Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs) such as your bank, building society or credit union.


The security deposit stays in the account while it is open, but can’t be applied to the monthly balance.


Net income for 2018 will likely be $ 18 — $ 20 million, though it could be considerably more as Bitcoin deposits fuel growth.


Street Capital Bank of Canada offers Guaranteed Investment Certificates through a national network of Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) regulated deposit dealers.


However, evidence from the Linköping team, presented in the journal Amyloid show that their new probe is much more sensitive, being able to detect small amyloid deposits in samples that were previously determined to be amyloid-free.


Gold is both scarce and finite — one of the main reasons why it’s so highly valued — and explorers are now having to dig deeper and venture farther into more extreme environments to find economically viable deposits.


Free checking accounts without minimum opening deposit requirements or overdraft fees still tend to provide plenty of free services and features, such as rewards programs and online and mobile banking.


Fortunately, the companies that build the vaults and the safe deposit boxes designed them to be resistant to fire, flood, explosions, earthquakes and severe heat.


Calcium carbonate deposits also contain a record of Earth’s history.


Uniforms are covered in the event of a loss for our active duty or deployed members.See note3 Members who bank with USAA Bank can have their home insurance claims paid promptly with direct deposit.


With Deposit-Link, you can expedite deposits, by sending them directly to the bank through your office computer.


Now, just to be clear, there’s more to running a safe and profitable bank than accumulating a large base of demand deposits.


One option to get around this is to find another bank with a lower minimum deposit size for CDs, or to simply open a savings account until you have enough cash saved up to open a higher-interest-earning CD.


Rubio’s intestine is covered with an inch-thick deposit of fat that further complicates the operation.


In order to make your trading worthwhile, you need a broker who can provide you with excellent leverage so that you will be able to initiate large positions using a minimum deposit.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word deposit, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use deposit in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «deposit».

Deposit in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word deposit in a sentence.

  1. The spore deposit is white.

  2. In deposit, the spores are white.

  3. In deposit, the spores appear brown.

  4. Explosives rubblize the oil-shale deposit.

  5. The majority are from the Rock Creek deposit.

  6. Viewed in deposit, the spores are pale yellow.

  7. Once inside, they emptied 268 safe deposit boxes.

  8. The spore deposit is yellow, and the flesh is white.

  9. Initial concentration varies with the type of deposit.

  10. In deposit, such as with a spore print, the spores of S.

  11. In deposit, the spores are pale orange to yellowish orange.

  12. Helens deposit will never be mapped in such detail again.».

  13. In deposit, the spores are a deep reddish purple-brown color.

  14. A few species deposit eggs on land or bypass the tadpole stage.

  15. Some of them sold, some of them are still in a safety deposit box.

  16. A prominent example of a red-ring plume deposit is located at Pele.

  17. Cash customers pull to the right and deposit coins into toll baskets.

  18. From the basement, a corridor extended east to the safe deposit vaults.

  19. The deposit of numerous offering tables throughout the site confirms this.

  20. Males court females with a ritualised display and deposit a spermatophore.

  21. A silicic deposit, it is made up of rhyolite and features a number of lava blocks.

  22. When the spores are seen in deposit, such as with a spore print, they appear whitish.

  23. If an owner loses a card, only the stored value and the deposit of the card are lost.

  24. Some, like the semi-aquatic Cornops aquaticum, deposit the pod directly into plant tissue.

  25. In deposit, such as with a spore print, the spores appear almost black, tinged with purple.

  26. They rarely come ashore besides the females’ brief visits to construct nests and deposit eggs.

  27. At least one eruptive period lasted for 18 hours, creating an «exceptionally uniform» deposit.

  28. This was done for the copyright deposit copies, but not those given to the press or the public.

  29. It formed a deposit on the east flank of Tutupaca, which reaches a thickness of 6 metres (20 ft).

  30. Because he polled less than one-eighth of the first ballot votes, Cruttwell forfeited his deposit.

  31. Grouse Hill’s lava flow deposit and lava dome formed at about the same time, about 27,000 years ago.

  32. In March 1973, 64 of those whose safety deposit boxes had been broken into sued Lloyds for £500,000.

  33. The United Verde Extension UVX Mine, owned by James Douglas Jr., depended on the other huge deposit.

  34. Both versions allow three days of unlimited rides on the MTR and include a HK$50 refundable deposit.

  35. The deposit of this Plinian eruption reaches 4 m (13 ft) of thickness at a distance of 40 km (25 mi).

  36. The 2015 Hatton Garden safe deposit burglary bears a close resemblance to the break in at Baker Street.

  37. Archaeologists believe native peoples discovered the catlinite deposit at Pipestone over 3000 years ago.

  38. When currents are right, oysters grow in colonies or beds, and deposit their shells, reinforcing the bed.

  39. The ratio of plutonium-239 to uranium at the Cigar Lake Mine uranium deposit ranges from 2.4×10 to 44×10.

  40. Viewed in deposit, such as with a spore print, the spores of Marasmius rotula appear white or pale yellow.

  41. Cortelyou said that he was ready to deposit government money in the banks to help shore up their deposits.

  42. The ash was thickest at 300 metres (984 ft), at Loma Seca, and the top of the deposit has undergone erosion.

  43. Garrett steals the recording from a safe deposit box, in order to coerce Truart into revealing his employer.

  44. Rockefeller’s massive deposit left the National City Bank with the deepest reserves of any bank in the city.

  45. Ir, Ir, and Ir tend to deposit in the liver, and can pose health hazards from both gamma and beta radiation.

  46. Indeed the Parliamentary deposit required to proceed with the Bill had to be loaned by the Taff Vale company.

  47. As its shoreline moved east, the ocean began to concurrently deposit the three formations of the Tonto Group.

  48. According to Punk, he found a lump on his back in November 2013 and it was diagnosed as a fatty deposit by Dr.

  49. The most important known placer deposit of niobium and tantalum in the United States is located in Bear Valley.

  50. The ore deposit is 1.7 billion years old; then, uranium-235 constituted about 3% of the total uranium on Earth.

Synonyms for deposit

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word deposit has the following synonyms: bank deposit, deposition, depository, depositary, repository, down payment, , sediment, sedimentation, alluviation, bank, lodge, wedge, stick, stick out, situate, fix and posit.

General information about «deposit» example sentences

The example sentences for the word deposit that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «deposit» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «deposit».

Sentences with the word Deposit?



  • «his deposit was refunded when he returned the car»
  • «She posited her hand on his shoulder»; «deposit the suitcase on the bench»; «fix your eyes on this spot»
  • «glacial deposit«
  • «The landlord retained the security deposit«; «I reserve the right to disagree»
  • «a safe-deposit box usually requires two keys to open it»
  • «a surficial geologic deposit«

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Minimum Deposit of $1000-$4999

Минимальный депозит $1000-$4999




Your fixed deposit is up.

Ваш срочный вклад вырос.




This deposit is smaller than Blake Ridge, but it is more concentrated and closer to the surface.

Это месторождение меньше, чем Блейк-Ридж, но оно более сконцентрировано и расположено ближе к поверхности.


сдача на хранение


Deposit of charts and/or lists of geographical coordinates with the Secretary-General

Сдача на хранение Генеральному секретарю копий карт и/или перечней географических координат



We have safety deposit boxes.

У нас есть депозитные ячейки.




What’s there — minerals, oil deposits?

Что именно — полезные ископаемые, залежи нефти?




While we thought we about to die, my parents found out that Starsky’s lump was just a fatty deposit.

В то время, когда мы думали что скоро умрем, мои родители узнали, что опухоль Старски — это просто жировые отложения.




Should I leave a deposit?

Нужно что-нибудь оставлять в залог?




Everybody wanted their deposit back.

Все хотели получить задаток обратно.




Combustion chambers may contain deposits, but in limited quantity.

Камеры сгорания могут иметь нагар, но в ограниченном количестве.


другие переводы 9


deposited / deposited / depositing / deposits


Recently made a sizable cash deposit.

Недавно внес на счет внушительную сумму.




Deposit bank funds overview [AX 2012]

Обзор депонирования банковских средств [AX 2012]



Accumulation of dust deposits by living plants is a dynamic process.

Накопление осаждений пыли живыми растениями- это динамический процесс.



Accumulation of dust deposits by living plants is a dynamic process.

Накопление осаждений пыли живыми растениями- это динамический процесс.



Argentina had deposited $539 million in the Bank of New York Mellon a few days before.

За несколько дней до этого, Аргентина депозитировала $539 млн в Банк Нью-Йорка Меллон.


другие переводы 6


Словосочетания (566)

  1. advance deposit — задаток
  2. balance on deposit — остаток на вкладе
  3. bank deposit — банковский депозит
  4. Bank deposit insurance act — закон о страховании банковских депозитов
  5. bank deposit slip — банковский чек
  6. bank of deposit — депозитный банк
  7. bankers’ deposit rate — размер процентов по вкладам в банк
  8. blanket deposit — пластовое месторождение
  9. blind deposit — скрытое месторождение
  10. boggy deposit — болотное отложение



Minimum Deposit of $1000-$4999
Минимальный депозит $1000-$4999

Your fixed deposit is up.
Ваш срочный вклад вырос.

Recently made a sizable cash deposit.
Недавно внес на счет внушительную сумму.

This deposit is smaller than Blake Ridge, but it is more concentrated and closer to the surface.
Это месторождение меньше, чем Блейк-Ридж, но оно более сконцентрировано и расположено ближе к поверхности.

Deposit bank funds overview [AX 2012]
Обзор депонирования банковских средств [AX 2012]


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Definition of Deposit

to set down or place someone or something in a particular place

Examples of Deposit in a sentence

The woman stopped by the bank to deposit her paycheck in her account.


Birds deposit their eggs in a high nest away from hungry predators.


She hurried to the library to deposit her books in dropbox so that she wouldn’t get late fees.


Molly and her children deposit the grocery bags on the kitchen counter.


The teacher waited for her students to deposit themselves in their seats before she began the lesson.


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