Sentence with word dependable

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надежность f

можно положиться


заслуживающий доверия

We realize that you need fast, and dependable service.

Мы знаем, что вам нужен быстрый, квалифицированный и надежный сервис.

We’ve found ACF entirely dependable.

До сих пор предполагали, что АКК абсолютно надежный.

Thus, you must state that you are a very dependable person.

Из вашего вопроса следует, что вы — очень зависимый человек.

My friend would probably say that I’m dependable.

Моя девушка знает о том, что я зависимый.

This statistical fog prevents dependable navigation which is paramount in these times of crisis.

Этот статистический туман лишает возможности надёжной навигации, важность которой в эти кризисные времена имеет первостепенное значение».

Combining human input with self-learning creates dependable self-service solutions for brands and their customers.

Такое сочетание человеческого вклада с самообучением создает надежные решения в области самообслуживания для компаний и их клиентов.

You can make pleasant responses just as strong and dependable as phobias.

Вы можете сделать приятные реакции точно такими же сильными и надежными, как фобия.

Employ dependable elimination software to do it for you.

Используют надежное программное обеспечение ликвидации, чтобы сделать это для вас.

Flood protection systems rely on effective and dependable pumping equipment.

Системы защиты от наводнений/ затопления зависят от эффективного и надежного насосного оборудования.

They ought to be dependable, secure, accessible 24×7 and fast.

Они должны быть надежными, безопасными, доступными в режиме 24/7, а также быстрыми.

Being dependable and trustworthy are key issues to focus on.

Быть надежным и заслуживающим доверия является ключевым вопросом, на котором нужно сосредоточиться.

We believe has extensive experience to provide dependable and consistent investment process across our capabilities.

Мы полагаем, что у есть большой опыт для обеспечения надежного и последовательного инвестиционного процесса в наших возможностях.

The difference is you probably call those friends you use dependable.

Разница в том, что вы сами называете тех друзей, которых используете, надежными.

Reality is approximately as dependable as a politician’s promise.

Реальность в них примерно так же надёжна, как и обещание политика.

Employers need reliable and dependable employees.

Многие работодатели нуждаются в ответственных и надежных работниках.

The most dependable method to ascertain the gender of the child is an ultrasound.

Самым надежным способом определить пол ребенка является ультразвуковое исследование.

The model played a major role in establishing the brand’s reputation for building durable and dependable cars.

Модель сыграла важную роль в создании репутации бренда как производителя долговечных и надежных автомобилей.

The further the source from the victim or incident, the less dependable the information is likely to be.

Чем дальше источник информации от происшедшего инцидента, тем менее надежной, скорее всего, будет предоставляемая им информация.

We are proud to provide medium- to massive-sized companies in the space with dependable and up-to-date services paired with inexpensive pricing.

Мы гордимся тем, что предлагаем средним и крупным предприятиям в регионе надежные и современные услуги в сочетании с доступными ценами.

Computers have become indispensable in today’s world; let’s take a look at why we’re so dependable on them.

Компьютеры стали незаменимыми в современном мире; давайте взглянем на то, почему мы так зависимы от них.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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надежный, заслуживающий доверия


- надёжный; заслуживающий доверия

dependable machine — надёжная машина
he is not dependable — на него нельзя положиться, он человек ненадёжный

Мои примеры


dependable man — человек, на которого можно положиться  
dependable piece of equipment — надёжный прибор  
dependable rate of return — стабильный уровень доходности  
dependable news — достоверные сведения  
dependable inflow — гарантированный приток  
dependable testimony — надежные свидетельские показания  
all man are not equally dependable — не на всех людей можно в равной степени полагаться  
all things are not equally dependable — не на все можно в равной степени полагаться  
dependable customer — зависимый клиент; надёжный клиент  
dependable information — надежная информация  

Примеры с переводом

They are seeking a dependable person to look after their summer home in the off-season.

Они ищут надёжного человека, чтобы присматривал за их дачей в межсезонье.

Children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable.

Четырнадцатилетние дети порой чрезвычайно умны и надёжны.

Возможные однокоренные слова

depend  — зависеть, полагаться, рассчитывать, находиться на иждивении
depending  — зависеть, полагаться, рассчитывать, находиться на иждивении
dependably  — надежно, верно
undependable  — ненадежный

(1) I find him very dependable.

(2) I need someone dependable to look after the children while I’m at work.

(3) She is loyal and totally dependable.

(4) He’s established himself as a dependable source of information.

(5) He was a good friend, a dependable companion.

(6) Our work-force are completely dependable.

(7) In a developed country that system is generally dependable.

(8) The result: a piece as solid and dependable as a sand castle in high tide.

(9) Once caricatured as far-Right-wingers, they were dependable for their unsolicited robust views on hanging, repatriation and grisly prescriptions for homosexuals.

(10) There does not seem to be any other dependable way to do it, throughout an entire population over time.

(11) Equipped with floats, these dependable aircraft proved to be the lifeblood of the community.

(12) After years of inconsistency, he has suddenly become dependable, recording 14 double-doubles in the 21 games before Thursday night.

(13) Ted was a sturdy and dependable full-back who could be relied upon to play on either flank.

(14) He gained a reputation as an eccentric but dependable officer of unquenchable high spirits.

(15) Only the woman has a dependable and easily identifiable connection to the child-a tie on which society can rely.

(16) In this cloudy world, where so little seemed dependable or real, moral values were frequently suspended too.

(17) They needed a dependable legal environment for the conduct of their business.

(18) He proposed to make the army-the dependable support of the Constitution rather than the pawn of politicians to effect its overthrow.

(19) He thought of himself as a responsible and dependable person.

(20) WHO ‘s the most dependable newsagent?

(21) Leapor is firm that her friend will be happier with a man who is dependable and who lives within his means.

(22) Men smoked pipes, wore roll-neck jerseys and had a stolidly dependable air about them.

(23) A doctrine of creation could give coherence to scientific endeavor in so far as it implied a dependable order behind the flux of nature.

(24) The vines from these slopes produce wine of an extremely dependable quality.

(25) Dan comments’ Paceley was as sharp as a tack and super dependable.

(26) Ride do not seem to have developed very much since then, just quietly maturing into a dependable guitar band.

(27) It has become like an old friend, seen daily: not always dependable, but usually interesting, and sometimes right.

(28) Which is why the front office felt it was just as crucial to find another dependable reliever as it was another starter.

(29) Nearly half way into his term in office, Muni is still not the safe, dependable system he promised to make it.

(30) He learned printing and engraving in Halfa and I was told in his shop that he was a dependable worker.

dependable — перевод на русский


An honest and dependable man.

Мне нужен редактор, честный и надежный человек.

Most dependable scout and tracker in the territory.

Самый надежный разведчик и следопыт в штате.

Dependable stuff that’s not gonna get anybody in trouble.

Надежный товар, который никому не доставит проблем.

I’m honest, dependable, courageous, romantic and a great kisser.

Я честный, надежный, мужественный, романтичный и отлично целуюсь.

He’s such a nice, dependable guy.

Он такой милый, надежный.

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But is he dependable?

Но на него можно положиться?

-l’m always dependable, my friend.

-Эй, на меня всегда можно положиться, мой друг.

The power of a sword’s dependable!

На силу оружия всегда можно положиться.

Otto is always dependable.

На Отто всегда можно положиться.

That’s a rare thing these days, someone who’s dependable.

Это редкость в наши дни — человек, на которого можно положиться.

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Definition of Dependable

able to be depended on

Examples of Dependable in a sentence

Although I do not trust mechanics, I am happy to use Chris because of how dependable he is.


During the football game the dependable receiver kept on dropping passes, making the coach to throw his hands up in despair.


We are looking for a dependable housekeeper who actually cares about the needs of our household, and who doesn’t just view it as another job.


Abigail turned down the job offer because she says that it does not offer a dependable source of income for the long-term.


Our company is seeking dependable individuals who are self-motivated and who display a strong work ethic.


Other words in the Positive Connotation category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Candidates who are organized, dependable, detail-oriented, and capable of speedy and accurate data entry should contact Accountemps…


I am spiritually-oriented, healthy, dependable and honest.


The Corolla is a dependable, solid little car, but the electric steering is terrible.


Job Description: Are you a dependable customer service professional with strong computer skills and a desire to help others?


Apart from this, all the accounts department in any company would require an accounting professional to look after the audits and to generate useful and dependable reports.


Applebee’s doesn’t make the world’s greatest cheeseburger, but it definitely sells a lot of them; sometimes you just want simple, dependable food.


While this may be a dependable method for insurance companies, there has been much debate over it after the Great Recession.


«Solar thermal power plants have become a real alternative to conventional fossil fuel power plants because they are able to generate clean electricity in a dependable and cost-effective manner,» said Steve Russo, head of SCHOTT’s Solar Thermal business in North America.


To write scholarship essay has a tendency to be an extremely dependable work.


Highly motivated, dependable, and demonstrates strong work ethic and professionalism in handling various organizational functions including project management, sales, client relations, and administrative tasks.


RAM vehicles are known for being some of the most dependable cars on the road *** Optional equipment includes: Quick Order Package 26Z Big Horn Rear Camera & Park Assist Group Transmission: 8-Speed Automatic 8HP70 Spray In Bedliner ParkView Rear Back-Up Camera… Internet Pricing is valid BY APPOINTMENT ONLY through our Internet Department and can not be combined with any other offers.


The SB6183 is a dependable modem that’s compatible with a wide array of services and can handle the speeds most internet customers get these days.


Idaho’s growing season of warm days and cool nights, ample mountain-fed irrigation and rich volcanic soil, give Idaho Potatoes their unique texture, taste and dependable performance, that differentiates Idaho ® potatoes from potatoes grown in other states.


I prefer a method that is simpler but that has proven to be remarkably dependable in the past: comparing REIT dividend yields to the yields on other investments that, like REITs, provide strong and steady income streams.


Hard working, responsible and dependable.


dependable individual seeking a position as an administrative assistant.


Clean title power windows power steering power door locks non smoker sunroof moon roof solar panel backup camera navigation touch screen multi media interface ice cold a/c recent smog safety and maintenance inspection completed call and schedule your free test drive today affordable reliable and dependable no rips tears or wrinkles in interior…… Contact us direct visit our website for a free online pre approval just click finance.!


The reason for this is simple — Jay has been a political opportunist since he entered office and isn’t viewed as trustworthy or dependable by his fellow legislators,» Mr. Kelly said, referring to Mr. Schneiderman’s pet causes: ensuring that countywide sales tax revenue for public safety is distributed evenly to eastern Suffolk, and spreading the burden of housing homeless sex offenders to communities outside his district.


Experienced packers and movers have access to state of the art equipment and dependable packing materials, so with the addition of your quality Georgia renters insurance you won’t have to worry about the security of your belongings as you’re relocating across town or across the state.


Screenwriter Diablo Cody extends her dependable sarcasm, imbuing Marlo with hilariously cynical commentary and observations that betray the same adolescent angst found in «Juno.»


Following in the footsteps of Michael Keane, Tom Thorpe and the many other solid, dependable young defenders that have come through the United ranks in recent years, Tuanzebe could be next in line to enjoy a breakthrough senior level, most likely on-loan.


If the investigation shows that what people most want is dependable day care, then that is what the church offers.


Artists can be, too, but in donating their works to charity, they’re remarkably dependable — sometimes even when they don’t want to be.


Very dependable units and worth a look.


Tough, dependable, comfortable and stylish, the Ford Ranger XLT is an excellent truck for a respectable price.


Again you ignored the real ongoing problem in Pakistan which is the lack of a dependable energy supply.


Since 1988, Climate Masters has been providing dependable service that exceeds St Augustine’s heating and air conditioning needs.


Skills: I am a dependable individual who excels in challenging and competitive.


We are committed to helping you achieve all of your academic goals by offering premium customer support along with honest and dependable writing services.


She is as dependable as the sky is blue.


Emerson Electric has a Dividend Safety Score of 81, indicating that its current dividend is very safe and dependable.


At All City Pet Care Veterinary Emergency Hospital we are always glad to accept resumes from enthusiastic, hard working, dependable, team oriented people who wish to join our team of veterinary health care professionals.


In the lead role, Sorvino alternates between hammy and wooden, an acting malady that also seems to have afflicted the normally dependable Kingsley.


«… you want guys that are serious grown men that take this football game really seriously, that are dependable, they’re disciplined, they do the right things on and off the field.


We use the Gottman Method and Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, two of the most effective couples therapy approaches, proven by research to deliver dependable results.


Keeping up with regular maintenance and wear and tear repairs made this a very dependable car for a long time.


Naturally, a dependable short sale Realtor feels differently about such things.


For example, some employers prefer female employees because they’re viewed as more personable, dependable, and statistically, women are less likely to ask for raises.


If you’ll have a car with you or if the town has a dependable public transit system, then you may want to consider looking beyond the college adjacent neighborhood for your new digs.


The American innovation of the individually quick frozen (IQF) process creates access to top quality, universally dependable shredded cheeses that help minimize labor costs.


Of course, certain dependable facts remain.


I am classy, professional, clean cut, mature, financially stable, emotinally sound, intelligent, articulate, responsible and dependable.


Therefore, we are a reliable and a dependable scholarship essay writing service provider to the students who are in need.


This is the very definition of dependable, secure speed.


I am single no kids not married love hiking, jogging, music, movies, cu ddling, playing pool taking moonlight walks just hangouting out and getting to know one another I am loving, kind, gentle, caring, sinc ere, romantic, reliable, responsi ble, honest, dependable, respectf ul, easy to talk to, fun loving, I…


They have two dependable, adequate former starters at the position.


Or maybe she’s not even on your radar, because she’s the dependable one who always delivers on-time and under budget, without any drama.


Corey was a dependable, if often unexciting, sidekick and secondary guy in the»40s and»50s.


He’s fun to work with, and a very stable and dependable guy.


I am honest, dependable, caring and affectionate.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word dependable, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use dependable in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «dependable».

Dependable in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word dependable in a sentence.

  1. He was also chosen as a dependable, proven batsman.

  2. The blade is bright and keen and wholly dependable.

  3. In contrast, Green felt that Farrar was a stable, dependable presence.

  4. He was a dependable lower order batsman and a fine fielder in the slips.

  5. To his family, McCain had long been quiet, dependable, and courteous, while at St.

  6. Kehoe was said to be dependable, doing favors and volunteer work for his neighbors.

  7. Wisden suggested that he «was not so dependable as could have been desired», but batted in an entertaining fashion.

  8. Race Bannon (Jessie’s father) age 38, retained his classic, laconic sense of humor and fearless, dependable nature.

  9. Branham’s neighbors reported him as «someone who always seemed a little different», but said he was a dependable youth.

  10. His batting was regarded as solid and dependable but unspectacular, and critics accused him of excessive caution at times.

  11. Historians have also stated that Castillo Armas was ultimately seen as the most dependable leader from the CIA’s perspective.

  12. Several territorial divisions overcame poor initial impressions to become effective, dependable formations by the end of the war.

  13. Providing lambs for youth programs such as 4-H and competition at agricultural shows is often a dependable avenue for the sale of sheep.

  14. I used to be a good rhythm player but I am no longer dependable.» Throughout her career, she has also garnered a reputation for unpredictable live shows.

  15. He later developed into a solid and dependable all-round player, characterised as «an honest trier who made the absolute most of limited natural ability».

  16. The fourth, commanded by the dependable Friedrich Joseph, Count of Nauendorf, included the entire vanguard of Charles’ corps and approached on the far Austrian left.

  17. According to Alan Gibson, however, although Sutcliffe was dependable in a crisis, «his batting never gave quite the same sense of majesty and excitement that Hammond’s did».

  18. Singers of the city complained that he was not a dependable accompanist and too assertive, but he maintained he wanted to keep vocalists in tune and inspire them in a cordial contest.

  19. Due to his reputation «as a thorough and dependable officer of sound judgement,» Ismay was appointed second in command of the Somaliland Camel Corps, a cavalry unit led by Thomas Cubitt.

  20. Protecting the northern access to Zürich, Masséna gathered some of the best commanders he had available; eventually, three of them would become Marshals of France, and Tharreau, a dependable General of Division.

Synonyms for dependable

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word dependable has the following synonyms: good, safe, secure, sound, honest, reliable, TRUE, trustworthy, trusty, certain, sure, tested, time-tested, tried, tried and true, undeviating, rock-steady, steady-going and steady.

General information about «dependable» example sentences

The example sentences for the word dependable that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «dependable» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «dependable».

About 1827 results found using ‘DEPENDABLE’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • In the past year, this question has presented itself with dependable regularity.  (open, save, copy)

  • The DGA Awards are one of the most dependable bellwethers of the Academy Awards.  (open, save, copy)

  • To get dependable assessments, corporations need to drill deep into the numbers.  (open, save, copy)

  • Organization is seeking an energetic, dependable RN for a busy endoscopy center.  (open, save, copy)

  • Usually dependable receivers dropped five passes, and McCoy threw some bad ones.  (open, save, copy)

  • Guess it helps to have a running game complemented by a dependable passing game.  (open, save, copy)

  • In the capital region, apartments still generate a dependable source of revenue.  (open, save, copy)

  • They’re all dependable and run good routes so it’s been hard to pick a standout.  (open, save, copy)

  • Dewell, a nine-time lettermen in three sports at SMU, was a dependable receiver.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘dependable’:

  1. Reliable: worthy of reliance or trust; «a reliable source of information»; «a dependable worker» [source]
  2. Worthy of being depended on; «a dependable worker»; «an honest working stiff»; «a reliable sourcSFLe of information»; «he was true to his word»; «I would be true for there are those who trust me» [source]
  3. Consistent in performance or behavior; «dependable in one’s habits»; «a steady-going family man» [source]
  4. Financially sound; «a good investment»; «a secure investment» [source]
  5. (dependableness) dependability: the quality of being dependable or reliable [source]
  6. (dependably) faithfully: in a faithful manner; «it always came on, faithfully, like the radio» [source]
  7. Dependability is a value showing the reliability of a person to others because of his/her integrity, truthfulness, and trustfulness, traits that can encourage someone to depend on him/her. [source]
  8. Able, or easily able to be depended on [source]
  9. (Dependables) At the other end of the venturesomeness scale, their personality traits include a tendency to be somewhat timid, less-exploring and less-confident individuals. Labeled because of their more dependable, predictable behavior patterns. [source]

Synonyms for ‘dependable’:

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