Sentence with word definitely

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Definitely not the man for me.

А это значит, что он определенно не мой мужчина.

Definitely a great thing to do anyway.

Определенно отличная вещь, чтобы сделать в любом случае.

Definitely worth reading and keeping in your collection.

Книга, безусловно, стоит того, чтобы ее прочитать и иметь в своей коллекции.

Definitely for those young at heart.

Ну и, безусловно, для тех, кто молод душой.

Definitely worth it when you visit Greece.

Посетить ее стоит обязательно, если окажетесь в Греции.

Definitely an excellent addition to the museum.

Безусловно, это великолепное и неотъемлемое дополнение музейной экспозиции.

Definitely our exports will rise this year.

Определенно, наш экспорт вырастет в этом году».

Definitely the same ammunition in both shootings.

Определенно, те же самые патроны в обоих случаях.

Definitely built after I was here.

Определенно построили после того, как я был здесь.

Definitely the first white faces they’ve ever seen.

Безусловно, это первые белые лица, которые они когда-либо видели.

Definitely the best before coming here.

Определенно лучшей до того как мы пришли сюда.

Definitely close to the house where we slept…

Определенно не далеко от дома, где мы остались на ночлег…

Definitely not worth blowing apart for a shot.

Определенно не хуже, чем жить отдельно, чтобы быть застреленной.

Definitely very different than your lifetimes when you’ve been religious.

Определённо, совсем другие, чем в ваших жизнях, когда были религиозными.

Definitely something I want more of this year.

Определённо, я надеюсь в этом году на что-то большее.

Definitely looks like someone is there.

Определенно выглядит так, будто кто-то был здесь.

Definitely worth hiking up if you have the energy.

Определенно стоит подняться, если у вас есть силы и энергия.

JM: Definitely for the better.

Definitely the last thing marissa wright needed.

Определенно, Марисе Райт это нужно было не больше вашего.

Definitely sounds like what happened with Aiden.

Определенно звучит как то, что произошло с Эйденом.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: by all odds, decidedly, emphatically, in spades, unquestionably. Similar words: definition, finite element, define, deficit, lately, unite, finish up, in itself. Meaning: [‘defɪnɪtlɪ]  adv. without question and beyond doubt. 

Random good picture Not show

1 The team will definitely lose if he doesn’t play.

2 You are definitely among the minority.

3 He was definitely onside when he scored that goal.

4 I definitely remember sending the letter.

5 The hotel fitness centre is definitely worth a visit.

6 I can’t tell you definitely when I will come.

7 She was not exactly good-looking, but definitely attractive.

8 The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative.

9 There was definitely something fishy going on.

10 ‘Was it what you expected?’ ‘Yes, definitely.’

11 I’m definitely going to get in touch with these people.

12 The previously unidentified objects have now been definitely ascertained as being satellites.

13 Attempt doesn’t necessarily bring success, but giving up definitely leads to failure.

14 Some old people want help; others most definitely do not.

15 This book will definitely appeal to teenagers and young adults.

16 These plans definitely merit further consideration.

17 Before the game we were definitely the underdogs.

18 That note is definitely too high for me.

19 Red is definitely the in colour this year.

20 There are definitely temperamental similarities between the brothers.

21 She states her views very definitely.

22 She’s definitely got sex appeal .

23 Relations between them have definitely cooled .

24 I definitely need a holiday.

25 Danny’s definitely the brains of the project.

26 She was definitely getting ideas above her station.

27 Her style of dress is definitely off-beat.

28 As long as you are still alive,( you will definitely encounter the good things in life.

29 From the moment I saw his girlfriend, I thought: I definitely want to be friends with that guy.

30 What you wear should be stylish and clean, and must definitely fit well.

More similar words: definition, finite element, define, deficit, lately, unite, finish up, in itself, initial, privately, initiate, initially, satellite, finish with, ultimately, desperately, fortunately, accurately, initiative, deliberately, approximately, benefit, defense, fine, find, defender, tell, defensive, defendant, aside from. 

definitely — перевод на русский


Allison’s mom definitely intimidates Scott.

Мама Элисон определенно пугает Скотта.

you will definitely go to Hell.

После смерти ты определённо попадёшь в ад.

I definitely won’t press ignore… on this case.

Я определённо не хочу игнорировать… это дело.

Oh, you know, I have a few apps that I, that I really love, but, um… probably… definitely… nothing.

Ну знаешь, там парочка приложений, которые мне очень нравятся, но.. возможно.. определенно ничего.

Yeah, but the very fact that the verdict was in my favor definitely makes it… Six cents.

Да, но сам факт тот, что вердикт был в мою пользу определенно делает это…

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Must definitely choose Korea!

Обязательно выбери Корею!

I’ll definitely win. Not only for my own sake but for your sake as well.

Я обязательно выиграю. но и ради тебя.

I will definitely come back a success from Sekigahara.

После Сэкигахары меня ждёт слава! Я обязательно вернусь.

— You should definitely see a doctor.

— Сходи к врачу обязательно.

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No, it’s definitely 151 . -198.

Конечно я уверена, что это 151-й.

Definitely, miss.

Конечно, мисс.

This world of ours is definitely no fair place but people go on living just the same.

Этот мир, конечно же, не рай, но люди все равно продолжают жить в нем.

Definitely, no

Нет Конечно нет!

Definitely, or probably?

Конечно? Уверен?

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Lady, one or more persons, identity unknown, definitely do not want you in that castle.

Одна или несколько неустановленных личностей явно не желают вашего присутствия в замке.

I don’t know your plan, but I’m definitely facing the till.

Мне неизвестен твой план, но я явно стою перед кассой.

Definitely people who are afraid are not very beautiful to see, look at this.

Трусливые люди явно плохо смотрятся, посмотрите на меня!

Sorry, I’m definitely top line.

Мне жаль, но я явно выше.

Definitely Tianjin girls, all right.

Явно из Тяньцзиня, отлично.

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Rely on my intelligence, it definitely exists.

Положитесь на мой интеллект,.. он, безусловно, присутствует.

That you, Dr. Humbert, should definitely un-veto that girl’s nonparticipation in the school play.

Вы, доктор Гумберт, безусловно должны снять запрет на участие девушки в школьном спектакле.

— Oh, definitely.

— Да, безусловно.

Oh, no. No, definitely a hidden treasure.

Безусловно скрытые сокровища.

There’s not the slightest doubt in my mind. It’s definitely not him.

У меня нет сомнения, это безусловно не он.

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I’m definitely not Mary Stuart but then you don’t have Lord Leicester’s face.

Я совершенно точно не Мария Стюарт, но и ты не выглядишь как Лорд Лечестер.

Definitely not.

Совершенно точно – нет.

And when I leave here, I definitely will not boogie.

И когда я отсюда уйду, я совершенно точно не собираюсь «чудить!»

Definitely a no.

Совершенно точно — нет.

Definitely not.

Совершенно точно нет.

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She definitely fell.

Она действительно вернулась.

— It’s definitely them, no mistake?

— Они действительно здесь, вы не ошиблись?

Lord Ohdate, my father’s death was definitely caused by an apparition.

Господин Одате, моего отца действительно убил призрак.

But it was definitely the same high school.

Что мне действительно нравится, так это долгие дебаты о том, кому куда ложиться, пока я стою здесь на костылях.

No, the letter was definitely from Mr. Marlo.

Да, письмо, действительно, было от Марля.

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It is an area that you will definitely cross.

Вам несомненно придется пересечь этот регион.

Definitely. But I’ll be visiting family for New Year’s.

Да, несомненно, я поеду к семье, но на следующий день после Нового года.

This is definitely a woman’s brain!

Этот мозг, несомненно, женский.

And god will definitely forgive you.

И Господь, несомненно, простит тебя.

Definitely a brother


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It didn’t mean anything, and honestly, I-I wouldn’t go there and he definitely wouldn’t.

Я не имела ввиду ничего такого, и честно говоря, я не забуду, а он уж точно не забудет.

And definitely not for me.

И уж точно не мне.

In any case, definitely not in my yard.

Что уж точно, не в моем дворике.

You’ll definitely get him back.

Вот тогда ты уж точно ему отомстишь!

No, it’s none of our business. We do not tell Niles and we definitely do not tell Daphne.

Так что ни слова Найлсу и уж точно ни слова Дафни.

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Odd. Definitely odd.

Очень странно.

Definitely tall.

Очень высокий.

You’re gonna have to make your own lane, ’cause you definitely got oncoming traffic.

Давай, но только на свой страх и риск, потому что очень сильное встречное движение.


Очень сложные и запутанные.

Definitely hot.

Очень хорошенькая!

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word definitely, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use definitely in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «definitely».

Definitely in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word definitely in a sentence.

  1. It definitely had an effect.

  2. Guitars were definitely coming in.».

  3. I would definitely dispute that one.».

  4. But it was definitely time to move on.».

  5. That was something we were definitely after.».

  6. It was definitely the scariest thing I ever did.

  7. It was definitely the biggest moment of my career».

  8. He definitely wanted it to be him more than anything.

  9. It was definitely the most productive time of my life.».

  10. A Mars Volta record definitely ends up being a product».

  11. I definitely wanted to put more realism in it, more depth.

  12. I have definitely accomplished my mission as pre-arranged.

  13. Smith said «I definitely want to be at home for the launch.

  14. It was definitely a lot to assess and digest,» said Jarrard.

  15. However, alula feathers are definitely an aid to slow flight.

  16. I definitely feel like I was part of a lot of unnecessary stuff.

  17. And we definitely wanted it to end with an apocalyptic feeling».

  18. I definitely had my hand firmly on the wheel going off the cliff.

  19. That [special] was definitely a huge part of my life growing up.».

  20. It’s definitely not only human nature, it’s very American-natured.».

  21. It’s part of our TV heritage and definitely worthy of resuscitation.».

  22. They clarified that only Resident Evil 4 would definitely be exclusive.

  23. Todd wasn’t one-dimensional, but he was definitely a serious psychopath.

  24. He’s definitely not a superhero, although it depends on who you talk to.».

  25. It definitely wasn’t how we originally envisioned Myst, as was promoted.».

  26. Scaring the hell out of the audience was definitely the key to the episode».

  27. Sternberg, 1935) is only definitely known from two specimens, both with skulls.

  28. Variety wrote, «Dylan is definitely doing something that can be called singing.

  29. So, I’ve ended up fifth on the grid, which is definitely not an easy place to be.

  30. I began to write Irishly, using figures and melodies of a definitely Celtic curve.

  31. Finding quill knobs on Velociraptor, though, means that it definitely had feathers.

  32. It was also at this time that the Hwicce came more definitely into the Mercian orbit.

  33. In early December 2008, Clayton stated, «this is definitely the last week of recording.

  34. No matter what you may read to the contrary, this is definitely my last Test match ever.

  35. There was definitely a feeling that the words were going to be very clear and specific.».

  36. I’ve not scored many and they all came last season but this one is definitely up there.».

  37. The initial aims of the Mary Rose Committee were now more officially and definitely confirmed.

  38. When you walked through it, it definitely felt like a place [where] a murder had been committed.

  39. In late 1850, the German Confederation was definitely restored under Austrian-Prussian leadership.

  40. I’m not sure if it’s his last for sure, but if it is, it definitely was an honor to play with him.».

  41. A «most liberal reward» would be given «for any information that may definitely point out his fate».

  42. As Fagnart pointed out, the letter is too vaguely stated to definitely link Weerbeke to the portrait.

  43. Cecil Curwen identified sixteen sites that were definitely or probably Neolithic causewayed enclosures.

  44. He has the typical teenage relationship with his father, but his father definitely sees something in him.

  45. And most of all so do I.» Arthur responded by saying «the fight (with Gomez) is definitely going to happen.

  46. Despite these suspicions, the first non-classical white dwarf was not definitely identified until the 1930s.

  47. Their rhythmic life is definitely American, and influenced by jazz, although there are no literal quotations.

  48. The end result of all that, whatever it was, definitely has left me an album I can live with very very happily.

  49. According to Loof’s marketing manager, «[T]he ad was definitely not meant as an insult to the country or anyone.

  50. This latter form also breeds in North Africa; definitely in Tunisia, probably in Algeria and possibly in Morocco.

Synonyms for definitely

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word definitely has the following synonyms: decidedly, unquestionably, emphatically, in spades and by all odds.

General information about «definitely» example sentences

The example sentences for the word definitely that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «definitely» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «definitely».

About 29131 results found using ‘DEFINITELY’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • There is no question at the present time that we are definitely prolonging life.  (open, save, copy)

  • The two disorders are definitely different, but they may occur at the same time.  (open, save, copy)

  • I will definitely order a canister for my mother for Valentines Day and my self.  (open, save, copy)

  • Remember, after the initial cost, slave labor is definitely management-friendly.  (open, save, copy)

  • There is definitely a disconnect somewhere between the head coach and this team.  (open, save, copy)

  • He is extremely determined and can definitely feel all of your love and support.  (open, save, copy)


  • Some homeowners who contacted Goldberg’s business were definitely in panic mode.  (open, save, copy)

  • Such buildings might seem counter-intuitive and definitely feel a little sci-fi.  (open, save, copy)

  • If it’s my partner Eline I’m going out with I’ve definitely got to have a shave.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘definitely’:

  1. Decidedly: without question and beyond doubt; «it was decidedly too expensive»; «she told him off in spades»; «by all odds they should win» [source]
  2. (definite) precise; explicit and clearly defined; «I want a definite answer»; «a definite statement of the terms of the will»; «a definite amount»; «definite restrictions on the sale of alcohol»; «the wedding date is now definite»; «a definite drop in attendance» [source]
  3. (Definite) In grammatical theory, definiteness is a feature of noun phrases, distinguishing between entities which are specific and identifiable in a given context (definite noun phrases) and entities which are not (indefinite noun phrases). [source]
  4. (definite) Having distinct limits; Free from any doubt; Designating an identified or immediately identifiable person or thing [source]
  5. (definite) of an inflorescence, ending in a flower or an aborted floral bud. cf. determinate. [source]
  6. (Definite) Expressions containing determiners like the, this, that etc. are said to have definite reference in that they refer to an entity which is assumed to be known to the addressee(s): e.g. in a sentence such as ‘I hated the course’, the DP the course refers to a specific (e.g. … [source]
  7. (Definite) Nouns come in two varieties, definite and indefinite. By and large, the former kind refers to a specific place or person or object, while the latter is for something yet to be identified. … [source]
  8. (Definite) With 100% confidence [source]
  9. (Definite) the amount stated in the Appropriations Act as a specific sum of money. [source]

Synonyms for ‘definitely’:

Translate ‘definitely’ in :

Native speakers pronounce  ‘definitely’:

Examples of how to use the word “definitely” in a sentence. How to connect “definitely” with other words to make correct English sentences.

definitely (adv): without any doubt

Use “definitely” in a sentence

He definitely has enough time to get the job done.
This is definitely the best way.
He is definitely not a gentleman.

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