Sentence with word dawn

Synonym: beginning, commencement, daybreak, outset, start, sunrise. Antonym: dusk. Similar words: at dawn, far and away, lawn, pawn, spawn, fawning. Meaning: [dɔːn]  n. 1. the first light of day 2. the earliest period 3. an opening time period. v. 1. become clear or enter one’s consciousness or emotions 2. appear or develop 3. become light. 

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1 The darkest hour is that before the dawn

2 The darkest hour is just before the dawn

3 They start work at dawn.

4 He ordered the army to invade at dawn.

5 We must start at dawn.

6 Missile attacks on the capital resumed at dawn.

7 To watch the sunrise must wait till dawn.

8 Darkness falls; I’m calling for the dawn.

9 Harry held an umbrella over Dawn.

10 The dawn was filled with the sound of birds.

11 Dawn is well qualified for her new role.

12 The rooster crows at dawn.

13 However long the night,( the dawn will break.

14 The infantry began to deploy at dawn.

15 We arrived in Sydney as dawn broke .

16 He always got up to greet the dawn.

17 Dawn and her boyfriend were cuddling on the sofa.

18 They recharged the enemy at dawn.

19 The soldiers went forward at dawn.

20 He works from dawn till dusk .

21 The cock crows and the dawn chorus begins.

22 The students went forward at dawn.

23 I woke up at dawn.

24 The first boats set off at dawn.

25 I woke up just before dawn.

26 In the cold dawn light, the castle looked stark and forbidding.

27 Time has traveled into fragmentary memories of the dawn and then melt into one wipe mist.

28 We were woken at dawn by a cock crowing repeatedly.

29 It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of great whole of life dawn on you. 

30 Thousands of pounds worth of drugs were seized in dawn raids yesterday.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Just like every night has its dawn.

Точно так же, как у каждой ночи есть свой рассвет.

May they see the dawn after the long night.

Может быть, им доведется увидеть утренний рассвет после долгой ночи.

They reached their destination at dawn.

Таковыми они и были на заре своего появления.

They reached their destination at dawn.

Именно так и было на заре их появления.

They hunt mainly between sunset and dawn.

Охотится в основном перед закатом солнца и на рассвете.

Most people think that agriculture means terribly exhausting work from dawn to dusk.

Большинство людей думают, что сельское хозяйство — это жутко изнурительная работа от рассвета до заката.

Getting up at dawn to run before school.

Вставал на рассвете, чтобы бегать перед занятиями в школе.

All vampires must be in bed by dawn otherwise they go…

Все вампиры должны быть в постели до рассвета, в противном случае они…

I thought perhaps they might do things at dawn.

Я подумал: возможно, они занимаются подобными делами на рассвете.

I want him executed at dawn.

Я хочу, чтобы его казнили на рассвете.

We must make sure she never sees another dawn.

Мы должны сделать так, чтобы она не дожила до рассвета.

Thus the refugees were shot at dawn.

Таким образом, обстрел беженцев происходил уже на рассвете.

You need to survive till dawn.

Чтобы выжить, им нужно продержаться до рассвета.

One particularly moment was the occurrence of dawn.

Одним из таких моментов для меня был момент встречи рассвета.

Have noticed the blackbird singing at dawn.

Известно, что лесные черные дрозды поют на рассвете.

Wake up as usual at dawn.

Ты, как обычно, проснешься на рассвете.

Eating and drinking stops at dawn.

Запрет на еду и питье снимается до рассвета.

Both sides waited for the dawn.

В таком положении обе стороны стали ждать рассвета.

The best light is generally around dawn.

А лучший свет, как правило, бывает на рассвете.

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Dawn, from an Old English verb dagian: «to become day», is the time that marks the beginning of twilight before sunrise. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Though Eldard had been appearing in film and television since the late»80s, it was the dawn of the new millennium that found Eldard’s career reborn with roles in such acclaimed films as Barry Levinson’s Sleepers (1996), Mystery, Alaska (1999), and Black Hawk Down (2001).


Helped develop many games as a programmer from the dawn of the home console era.


Or you can meet the dawn with breezy sea views and pad through immaculate palm dotted gardens to a crisp white beach.


Ever since things were invented, which is to say ever since the dawn of time, we’ve needed to take these things from one place to another.


Her show business career has only paused a few times since the late 1940s, when she debuted at the dawn of television with the ad-libbed «Hollywood on Television,» then moved to her own pioneering sitcom «Life with Elizabeth,» which she co-created,…


From the mid-1970s to the dawn of the digital age in the 1990s, creative projects that challenged the legitimacy of abstraction proliferated on every continent.


Share in the excitement as you help prepare the huge balloon in the calm of dawn, float magically over the picturesque villages and vineyards of the


As a former cross country runner + track girl, you’d think I’d be all about it — but really, I think countless days running endless miles at the crack o» dawn in the pouring rain, in the freezing cold, in lightning storms (seriously, my coach is going to have to answer to that one day)… really, it just scarred me forevermore.


Tonalism paintings often portray backlit landscapes at dawn or twilight and impart a distinctive mood.


Pho originated in the early 20th century and was sold at dawn and dusk by roaming street vendors, shouldering mobile kitchens.


Motivated reasoning has been around since the dawn of man.


At dawn, Banuelos says, «She’d come back home, get the children bathed and ready, and take them to a babysitter,» then return to work.


Chartwell House, Kent: Winston Churchill wakes at dawn.


From the dawn of civilization to the present day, accounts of highly enlightened masters possessed of supreme knowledge and power have appeared in the histories, literature and traditions of cultures throughout the world.


Hundreds of residents in Horve Havedzi at Keta in the Volta region have been rendered homeless following tidal waves that swept away homes on Friday dawn.


Times of day include, dawn, day, dusk and night whereas weather can be snowy, clear skies, rain or just wet.


Having run 13 marathons it is beginning to dawn on Sean that he is never going to qualify for the Boston Marathon.


The volunteers sort Barbie dolls, games, and books by gender and age and then, over two days just before Christmas, parents pick up the toys for their children, some lining up before dawn.


There is, perhaps, no better way to herald the dawn of Spring than with the work of Betty Woodman.


Such cunningness has become the generationed lots of perplexed anal-isms ever to regurgitate upon their ownliness symmetricalities of generationalisms onward marching ever towards a new dawn of same ol’ same ol’ crapola!


Cannabis is one of God’s greatest gifts with which mankind has had a symbiotic relationship since the dawn of time.


Before dawn this past Tuesday morning, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee tweeted that it was «pleased to announced our membership has been confirmed.»


My last day of surfing consisted of two sessions… a classic dawn patrol and a mid afternoon session that were the best waves of of the trip for me.


Hello dawn The contracted prices for 2016 has not been released yet for this particular property we expect them to be released by the end of October at the latest


I will review the prospects for studying galaxies at cosmic dawn with JWST, extremely large ground-based telescopes, and future space missions over the next decade and beyond.


When this day arrives is another story, probably at the dawn of the next economic downturn.


Were not a young dude who those can post every day so forget thatt, we cant even make ourselves to attend any dawn fashion week or type of event hey but at least we do what we love here is our blogging and we have each other for a big support.


Now, guests won’t have to wake up at dawn to shower, simply to hide their superhero pj’s from scrutiny, which means you’ll get to sleep in too.


However having thoroughly read Keto for Cancer, it slowly began to dawn upon me how little I actually know about the nuts and bolts of managing an effective dietary regime for cancer patients.


Yep, it’s that time of the week again, when I strike out at dawn in search of a newsagent.


The groups started working late into the night, and sometimes into dawn, seven days a week.


That’s been the question facing Apple competitors since the dawn of the iPhone in January 2007.


Fenton conveys the conflict’s horror by photographing a valley laden with cannon balls, while his portraits preserve the inscrutable faces of soldiers at the dawn of modern warfare.


(«Which was a challenge at the dawn of the civil-rights movement, when the traditional art world wanted easily accessible blackness,» the Harvard grad tells Alexa.)


Humans rode bareback or mounted horses with a simple blanket after they first domesticated the animals, thousands of years after the dawn of agriculture.


Real estate agents have been striving to present a professional appearance in honor of their business since the dawn of the real estate industry, and for good…


In the first light of the prehistoric dawn on the second day, a tall, black, rectangular monolithic slab (THE FIRST MONOLITH), with an eerie humming sound — symbolic of the religious/spiritual unknown — materializes in the midst of their den.


Beginner group dawn patrolled Padang padang again this morning and were rewarded with great conditions and perfect waves, Everybody had a great sessions.


Like the other dwarf hamsters, Roborovskis are normally crepuscular — most active at dawn and dusk.


I actually recommend washing with blue dawn dishsoap and then rinsing with lemon juice to get rid of build up.


The domestic cat is a solitary ambush hunter who is active at dawn and dusk.


And we believe that will continue to be essential in the next decade, at the dawn of what could be a new interest rate paradigm.


Bad lending decisions have been around since the dawn of finance.


After all, it seems they can do something humans have wanted to do since nearly the dawn of time.


Judging purely the archaeological evidence — the earliest found archaeological records show our ancestors had eaten meat since the dawn of civilization.


The numerous followers of Yogi Bhajan see the present as the last degenerate stage of a 2,000-year-old Piscean Age, into which the new Aquarian Age is about to dawn.


Kostis Velonis began his career in the early 2000s, at the dawn then of the new millennium.


Each picture is paired with an evocative verse — for example, «Slow into rivers, / water slithers and snakes / through silent canyons at twilight and dawn» — and its Spanish translation.


There was talk of the dawn of a Pacific Century.


While the sun is setting on the «rip and ship» model of oil extraction in Fort McMurray, there could be a new dawn of prosperity if we can «pump and polish» or «mine and shine» our abundant oil and gas feedstocks.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word dawn, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use dawn in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «dawn».

Dawn in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word dawn in a sentence.

  1. At dawn on 8 February, the U.S.

  2. The Indians attacked before dawn.

  3. It usually sings while flying at dawn.

  4. The battle resumed at dawn of 22 April.

  5. By dawn, the Japanese attack had subsided.

  6. Males sing most frequently at dawn and sunset.

  7. The heart of a woman goes forth with the dawn,.

  8. The shadows cast suggest the dawn of a new day.

  9. By dawn, the entire town was in ashes or flames.

  10. Springbok are mainly active around dawn and dusk.

  11. This was, for England, the dawn of the Baroque era.

  12. Moore and his men hid in the thick trees until dawn.

  13. The site is open daily from dawn to dusk, year-round.

  14. It often gathers at drinking spots around dawn and dusk.

  15. At dawn, Tanaka learned that the palace had been invaded.

  16. By dawn they had ascended to 3,000 feet (910 m) and could see the northern coast.

  17. In them, he travels through the Duat and unites with Osiris to be reborn at dawn.

  18. They were spotted at dawn from a kite balloon as they were getting into position.

  19. He reported this intelligence to Allen, following which they planned a dawn raid.

  20. As dawn broke the two rival armies struck camp under dark skies and strong winds.

  21. Pigeon guillemots are generally diurnal, but have been recorded feeding before dawn and after sunset.

  22. Mack’s early guitar recordings remain closely identified with the dawn of virtuoso blues-rock guitar.

  23. Some evidence suggests that Lithuanians began combining their forces at the dawn of the 13th century.

  24. It then ran into a Japanese minefield and by dawn the advance had only reached as far as the skidway.

  25. In all of these archaeological sites, Maya rituals were held at dawn led by shamans and Maya priests.

  26. The basic requirements of communal interests gave rise to risk sharing since the dawn of civilization.

  27. On 4 October 1943, Smith took off from Idku at dawn in a Hurricane Mk IIC to escort a shipping convoy.

  28. At dawn on 25 September Harold’s forces reached York, where he learned the location of the Norwegians.

  29. A landing just after dawn was chosen to limit the temperature extremes the astronauts would experience.

  30. Lexington and Saratoga successfully attacked Pearl Harbor at dawn on 31 January without being detected.

  31. It had been noted as a deathtrap in the fire of 1632 and, by dawn on Sunday, these houses were burning.

  32. The red-backed fairywren is diurnal, and becomes active at dawn, and again in bursts throughout the day.

  33. He ordered Walker to carry out a full-scale dawn attack on the harbor’s shipping before it could depart.

  34. He is last heard of late in 1971, when during a ritual dawn run through the woods he collapses and dies.

  35. All of the capital ships struck before dawn on 8 December; the aircraft carriers struck again soon after.

  36. He did, however, turn all of his ships north to position himself for a dawn attack on the Japanese carriers the next day.

  37. Captain Blackadder’s trench receives a phone call from HQ: a full-scale attack has been ordered for the next day at dawn.

  38. At dawn on 14 August, D6 surfaced but no trace was found of Prize or her crew and it was presumed that she had been sunk.

  39. The ant is commonly known as the dinosaur ant, dawn ant, or living fossil ant because of its plesiomorphic body structure.

  40. The dawn song, which is also sung at dusk, is audible over long distances and features duets that often involve antiphony.

  41. The 22nd, and the rest of the V Corps, marched through the night to Gettysburg, reaching the battle around dawn on July 2.

  42. He would put on his snowshoes and tramp the length of the Rosedale ravine and out into the country, and return before dawn.

  43. Completed at dawn on 24 February, the monument had a handwritten note attached to it with the words «Shaheed Smritistombho».

  44. It was the center of a popular cult among Romans, who would stand at dawn to catch the first rays of sunshine as they prayed.

  45. Following its failure to arrive at Mylor the alarm was raised early on 1 August, and full air and sea searches began at dawn.

  46. She particularly stressed the similarities between Dali and Ishtar: sovereignty over animals, an association with dawn, and a sexual aggressiveness that was feared by men.

  47. At dawn, they began their attack up a steep and at times near sheer slope and were successfully able to overwhelm the Italians defending the ledge, capturing 60 prisoners.

  48. He wrote: «we are Negroes, members of a vast historic race that from the very dawn of creation has slept, but half awakening in the dark forests of its African fatherland».

  49. Tio, however, reports rumours that the writing took some seven years, with Lie sometimes taking long breaks and sometimes writing in a fervor, writing from dawn until dusk.

  50. Before dawn on 19 May, elements of the Ottoman 16th Division attacked the 3rd Brigade positions on Bolton’s Ridge as part of a wider counterattack against the Anzac sector.

Synonyms for dawn

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word dawn has the following synonyms: dawning, morning, aurora, first light, daybreak, break of day, break of the day, dayspring, sunrise, sunup, cockcrow, , click, get through, come home, get across, sink in, penetrate and fall into place.

General information about «dawn» example sentences

The example sentences for the word dawn that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «dawn» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «dawn».

dawn — перевод на русский


Orders for 2nd division: Attack at dawn — — South —

Приказ Второй дивизии атаковать на рассвете с юга и юго-запада.

2nd division attacks at dawn — — South — — South West!

Вторая дивизия будет атаковать на рассвете с юга и юго-запада!

At dawn Hutter set out to investigate the horrors of the previous nights.

На рассвете Хуттер отправился выяснить причину своих ночных кошмаров.

At dawn…

На рассвете…

We meet at dawn at the Three Dead Oaks.

Мы встретимся на рассвете у «Трех мертвых дубов»

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Dawn and I made it fresh.

Дон и я только что сделали его.

Blue, Dawn, wait up!

Блу, Дон, подождите!

Dawn and Flora.

Дон и Флора.

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What are you doing, Dawn?

Что ты делаешь, Доун?

Dawn, can you finish?

Доун, Вы не могли бы закончить?

— You’re going, Dawn!

— Ты уйдешь, Доун!

— That’s good, Dawn.

— Хорошо, Доун.

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An original construction. The dawn of motoring. Hi, how are you!

Оригинальная конструкция,заря автомобилизма.Здравствуйте!

His hands touch people’s heads and then even the most despised, the most rejected take courage and follow him to the battlefield in the first light of dawn.

Когда его рука касается чьего-нибудь чела, самый жалкий, самый обездоленный из людей обретает мужество и следует за господином на поле брани, над которым уже занимается заря.

See, Steinbrenner is, like, the first guy in at the crack of dawn.

Штейнбреннер приезжает ни свет ни заря.

It was the end of the Earth year 2261… and it was the dawn of a new age, for all of us.

Это был конец земного 2261 года и это была заря новой эры, новой для всех нас.

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You stayed here until dawn, didn’t you?

Разве вы не остались до утра?

People told me not to watch TV from dusk till dawn.

Вот говорили мне — нельзя с утра до ночи смотреть телевизор.

We roam around from morning until dawn Somebody else’s boots give our feet blisters

Мы бродим от утра и до утра, Чужие сапоги натерли ноги:

Dancin’ till dawn while her parents were clean outta town

* Дo утра мы у нее танцевали, Кoгда ее рoдители уезжали

Thank you Dam, for every dawn that you spent cleaning.

Спасибо тебе, Мамка, за все утра, которые ты провела в уборке.

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Shortly after dawn one day To her chamber made their way

Раз, лишь только рассвело, Всех их семеро вошло.

Dawn already.

Уже рассвело.

Let’s go, Hank. It’s almost dawn.


¤ Wake up, Father, wake up, the day’s already dawned,… ¤ the birds are already singing, the moon has gone away.

## Просыпайся в добром духе, смотри, уже рассвело. ## Уже птички поют, уже погасла луна.

¤ It’s dawn, and there’s the light God has given us.

## Уже рассвело. Уже зажёгся свет нового дня.

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Without a full feed, she will fail The Dawning.

Без полноценного питания, она не пройдет Перерождение.

Be it witnessed, the initiate assents to enter The Dawning unarmed.

Вы свидетели, Посвященная приняла решение пройти Перерождение безоружной.

What, the Dawning couldn’t have sprung for a different bar?

Что, Перерождение не могло пройти в другом баре?

The Dawning only happens once in a Fae’s life, Bo…

Перерождение случается только раз в жизни фэйров, Бо…

Bo, The Dawning isn’t all horror shows and near-death experiences.

Бо, Перерождение — это не какие-то ужасы и смертельные опасности.

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It; s dawn now and they must; ve photographed me a thousand times.

Светает и они сфотографируют меня сотни раз.

I must go, it’s almost dawn.

Мне пора, Миуччио. Уже светает.

Mademoiselle, it’s dawn already.

Мадемуазель, светает уж.

Comrades, already dawning.

Товарищи, уже светает.

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You see it suddenly dawned on me — what would they be doing with so many coaches?

Видите ли меня внезапно осенило — что они будут делать с этим?

It dawned on me that if I made one decent gesture, I couId still save everything.

Меня осенило, что если сделаю один достойный жест, то смогу ещё всё спасти…

And then it dawned on me.

И потом вдруг меня осенило.

Bohr, though, was undeterred and as the 1920s dawned, the battle lines for one of the greatest conflicts in all science were drawn.

Ѕор, однако, было неудержим и в 1920 году его осенило. Ћини€ фронта одной из самых крупных битв в науке была открыта.

Suddenly, it dawned on me. There were two broken hearts in my walk-in.

Внезапно меня осенило: в моей темнице было два разбитых сердца.

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It’s beginning to dawn on Jim Gettys I mean what I say.

Это только начало конца Геттиса.

We give thanks for the dawn of a new day.

Благодарим за начало нового дня.


Начало путешествий во времени.

It was the dawn of the Third Age of mankind 10 years after the Earth-Minbari War.

Это было начало Третьей Эпохи в истории человечества минуло 10 лет со времен войны Земли с Минбаром.

It was the dawn of the Third Age of mankind 10 years after the Earth-Minbari War.

Это было начало третей эры человечества 10 лет после войны Земли с Минбаром.

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Отправить комментарий

рассвет, заря, начало, утренняя заря, рассветать, светать, начинаться



- (рас)светать; брезжить, заниматься

it dawns, morning /day/ dawns — заря /день/ занимается, рассветает

- освещаться (зарёй, первыми лучами солнца)
- начинаться, пробуждаться; появляться

his fame is just dawning — он становится известным

- (on, upon) осенять; приходить в голову; приходить на ум; доходить до сознания

it has just dawned upon me — меня вдруг осенило, мне пришло в голову

Мои примеры


as dawn breaks over the city — когда над городом светает  
Lonely creeks are opal in the dawn, sword-blue in the sun, greyly silver under misty moons. — Одинокие ручьи молочно-белые на рассвете, сине-стальные на солнце, серовато-серебристые под туманной луной.  
at the crack of dawn — рано утром, спозаранку  
at the dawn of civilization — на заре цивилизации  
since the dawn of time — с незапамятных времён, испокон веков  
from dusk to dawn — от зари до зари  
dawn approaches — приближается рассвет  
to paint the auroral mysteries of the dawn — рисовать таинства утренней зари  
the dawn of hope — проблески надежды  
false dawn — книжн. обманутая надежда, разочарование  
dawn is at hand — близится рассвет  
the break of dawn — рассвет  

Примеры с переводом

Dawn comes early in June.

В июне светает рано.

The age of computers had dawned

Наступила эра компьютеров.

The army struck at dawn.

Армия атаковала на рассвете.

A new age is dawning.

Наступает новая эпоха.

The truth finally dawned on / upon us.

Наконец-то нам открылась вся правда.

That day marked a new dawn in the country’s history.

Этот день ознаменовал новую эру в истории страны.

The troops invaded at dawn.

Войска вторглись на рассвете.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The boats set off at dawn.

We sail at dawn.

The hikers decamped before dawn

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dawning  — заря, рассвет, зачатки, восток

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: dawn
he/she/it: dawns
ing ф. (present participle): dawning
2-я ф. (past tense): dawned
3-я ф. (past participle): dawned

ед. ч.(singular): dawn
мн. ч.(plural): dawns

Definition of Dawn

the start of the morning light just before sunrise; daybreak

Examples of Dawn in a sentence

I stayed up until dawn waiting for Craig to walk through the door, but he never did.


I love to sit out on the patio at dawn and watch the rising of the sun.


At the first appearance of dawn, the robbers slid away, making sure to cover their tracks so that they would not get caught.


We rose up before dawn and set out to the marketplace, hoping to be the first people to set up our wares.


Judging by the first appearance of light in the sky, I was certain that dawn had arrived.


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noun существительное

















  1. рассвет

    crimson dawn
    багровый рассвет

    new dawn
    новый восход

    golden dawn
    золотая заря

  2. начало

  3. утренняя заря

  4. раннее утро

  5. зорька

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple):


причастие прошедшего времени (past participle):






  1. рассвести

  2. осенить

  3. забрезжить

  4. снизойти

  5. зарождаться

adjective прилагательное

  1. рассветный


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и dawn:


Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений dawn на 1 миллион слов: 18.

Примеры предложений

Roger works from dawn to dusk.
Роджер работает от рассвета до заката.

I got along so well with the guy sitting next to me at the pub that we ended up drinking together till dawn.
Мы с парнем, который сидел в пабе рядом со мной, так хорошо поладили, что в итоге пили вместе до самой зари.

I’m beat. I’ve been working from dawn to dusk.
Я без сил. Я работаю с утра до вечера.

Tom got up just before dawn this morning.
Этим утром Том поднялся незадолго до рассвета.

The truth began to dawn on Tom.
Правда начала доходить до Тома.

We work from dawn until dusk.
Мы работаем с рассвета до заката.

The hour between night and dawn is called the hour of the wolf.
Время с полуночи до рассвета называют часом волка.

Tom wakes up at the crack of dawn every day.
Том каждый день просыпается на рассвете.

Sometimes I work from dawn to dusk in the fields.
Иногда я работаю в поле с рассвета до заката.

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Мечтатель — это тот, кто может найти дорогу лишь при свете луны, а наказание его в том, что он видит рассвет прежде остального мира.

We got up at dawn to avoid a traffic jam.
Мы встали на рассвете, чтобы не попасть в пробки.

The enemy’s attack ceased at dawn.
Вражеская атака завершилась на рассвете.

Gradually the true meaning of what he said began to dawn on me.
Постепенно истинный смысл того, что он сказал, начал доходить до меня.

The dawn surprised the travelers in the confines of the desert steppe.
Рассвет застал путников на окраине безлюдной степи.

The dawn is breaking.
Наступает рассвет.

Finally dawn broke; the long night had ended.
Наконец рассвело; долгая ночь закончилась.

They stayed up until dawn.
Они не спали до рассвета.

I woke up before dawn.
Я проснулся до рассвета.

Tom woke up at the crack of dawn.
Том проснулся с восходом солнца.

Tom woke up at dawn.
Том проснулся на рассвете.

He came at dawn.
Он пришёл на рассвете.

It’s nearly dawn.
Уже почти рассвело.

The knights attacked the castle at dawn.
Рыцари атаковали замок на рассвете.

I wake up every morning before dawn.
Каждое утро я просыпаюсь до рассвета.

Tom left his house before dawn.
Том ушёл из дома до рассвета.

Tom got up before dawn.
Том поднялся до рассвета.

Stay with me till the dawn.
Останься со мной до рассвета.

It began to dawn.
Начало светать.

In spring, the dawn.
Весной — восход.

Dawn was breaking.

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