Sentence with word dare

Do I dare say we toast?
Могу я осмелиться предложить тост?

How dare you say that?
Как ты смеешь это говорить?

How dare he call a truce!
Как он посмел пойти на перемирие!

There is none that will dare to destroy Israel.»
Нет никого, кто бы отважился уничтожить Израиль».

What would you dare to change?
Что бы вы дерзнули изменить?

These cops and lawyers wouldn’t dare cross any of you.
Копы и законники не позволяли себе, пересекать дорогу никому из вас.

I dare say you’re right
Осмелюсь сказать, что ты прав

Dear me, how dare you?
Дорогой мой, как вы смеете?

How dare you bring up George?
Как ты посмела приплести сюда Джорджа?

I wonder how many of us have, or dare to have, such collaborators.
Интересно, многие ли из нас отваживаются иметь таких партнёров?

Look on’t again I dare not.
Опять взглянуть на это не дерзну.

Well, I dare say we should all be allowed a little harmless flirtation.
Думаю, все мы позволяем себе легкий флирт.

If I dare give some advice.
Если осмелюсь, один совет, сударь.

How dare you laugh at me.
Как ты смеешь надо мной смеяться?

How dare you push a county mayor?
Как ты посмела толкнуть самого мэра?

When authorities do not dare use force, opposition movements rarely agree to reasonable concessions or compromise.
Когда власти не отваживаются прибегнуть к силе, оппозиционные движения редко идут на разумные уступки и компромиссы.

Do you dare still pretend to be human?
Вы дерзаете называть себя человеком?

Dear colleagues and, I dare say, friends.
Уважаемые коллеги и, я осмелюсь сказать, друзья.

I dare say he is innocent.
Смею сказать, он невиновен.

Gromit, how dare you bite my be?
Громит, да как ты посмел укусить мою возлюбленную?


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All could be done no mortal will can dare.

Все могло быть сделано, чего смертная воля не могла сметь.

I dare say none of these changes would have seemed revolutionary when they happened.

Я смею утверждать, что ни одно из этих изменений не могло казаться революционным, когда оно происходило.

A gaze is all I could dare

Взгляд, это все на что я могу осмелиться

Macroeconomists thought no one would dare challenge their authority.

Макроэкономисты полагали, что никто не осмелится бросить вызов их авторитету.

No country would be foolish enough to dare invade the UK…

Еще ни одна страна в мире не была бы настолько тупа, чтобы посметь вторгнуться в США.

Blessings no one would dare expect from life.

Дары, которых никто бы не посмел ожидать от нашей победоносной жизни.

I would even dare say that it’s unique.

Я даже осмелюсь выразить мнение, что он в чём-то уникален.

A civilian can afford to do what no diplomat would dare.

Гражданские лица могут позволить себе делать то, что дипломат не посмеет».

Tom didn’t dare say what he really thought.

Том не осмелился сказать, что он на самом деле думает.

But I dare say one more will make no difference.

Но я смею заметить, что еще один не будет иметь никакого значения.

He didn’t dare speak up.

Я думаю, он не осмелился ничего сказать.

Citizen can afford something that would never dare policies.

Гражданин может позволить себе то, на что никогда не осмелится политик.

The challenge is do you dare trust yourself.

Проблема всегда заключается в том, осмелитесь ли вы себе доверять.

A step which I dare not take.

И это шаг, который мы не смеем сделать.

Surely, he wouldn’t dare.

Он, конечно же, я бы не посмел.

We were going to play truth or dare.

Я бы хотел, чтобы мы играли в правду или осмелились.

Kill all who dare oppose you.

Выиграйте всех, кто посмеет выступить против вас.

They dare not give us bad bread now.

«Они» не смеют теперь, небось, давать дурного хлеба.

Nobody will dare question our military might again.

«Никто не посмеет снова ставить под сомнение нашу военную мощь.

Nobody will dare question our military might again.

«Никто больше не посмеет усомниться в нашей военной мощи.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат dare

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Dare are a rock band from Oldham, England, fronted by Thin Lizzy keyboard player Darren Wharton. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Even though we parents occasionally rag about our kids, we are ridiculously protective and sensitive of them if anyone else dares to cast judgement.


This is what happens when someone has absolute power, when they dont need to be held accountable for their actions, when nobody dares say anything and they do as they please.


My nearing 58 dares give me my reasoning to dare dream my thoughts regarding the momentums of Life.


One of the dares — drum roll please — is to share a photo of your healthy breakfast.


I was even taking dares from Jim on which movements to use as a platform which certainly afforded me a few unexpected challenges.


Talk with him about risky things friends might pressure him to do, like smoking or dangerous physical dares.


We all used to make dares with our mates when we were younger, seeing who could climb a tree the highest or who could ride their bike the quickest.


The Last Siege, published in October 2006, tells the tale of a chance encounter on the snowy slopes of a castle moat which throws together three lonely teenagers whose playful dares turn into a frenzy of nightmarish action when a re-enactment of a castle siege becomes very real.


But this social media thriller packed more excitement, romance, and style than most of its bigger-budget summer competition; it’s the rare internet-based movie that doesn’t come across as insanely paranoid or instantly dated, maybe because the flashes of neon and New York locations ground the movie in a physical world even when it’s obsessed with a series of escalating, anonymous online dares.


What other fair dares one to find value in conceptual art, such as Travel Posters by Barbara Bloom, at David Lewis?


The trick is to work dares into Creator Conversations.


Based on 1959’s Sleeping Beauty, which was itself a genuine work of art, Maleficent dares ask the question «what if Sleeping Beauty was nothing like Sleeping Beauty?


Tips to keep your grade-schooler’s playdates fun and free from bruised feelings, dangerous dares, and putdowns.


Alice Neel’s oil portrait, «Olivia 1975,» painted the year of Mulvey’s essay, offers some clues: it shows a seated pre-teen girl, casually dressed who «double dares» the viewer to objectify and commodify her.


Vee’s first dare is to kiss a handsome stranger named Ian (Dave Franco), who subsequently invites her to join him in further dares.


I’ve also danced in public, taken on dares from readers (when I had 3 readers), and anything else I could think of that no one else was doing.


A harmless game of TRUTH OR DARE among friends turns deadly when someone — or something — begins to punish those who tell a lie — or refuse the dare.


At first, they suspect only volcanic activity, but one young executive dares to wonder if it may be something different… something alive.


If your teen participates in ridiculous pranks or he gets caught up in dangerous dares, don’t ignore the problem.


And yet one hardly dares say this to one of these busy ones, for however rushed he otherwise may be, yet upon occasion he has plenty of time for a multitude of excuses by the use of which he becomes worse than he was before: excuses whose wisdom is about the same as when a sailor believes that it is the sea, not the ship, that is moving.


If the movie is pulling you out with its juvenile dares, stick with it, the back nine is a constant series of jaw-droppers.


It often seems that Hollywood films just can’t get any sillier — The Twilight Saga might have sunk as low as one dares imagine might be possible — yet Olympus Has Fallen would suggest there might not be a lower limit after all.


Museums and private collections offer some respite, but among the legion of Basel satellite fairs, only one dares break the mould: SEVEN.


A rich couple finds a pair of down and out losers at a bar and pay them large sums of money to complete dares throughout the film.


He’d like to dare you, yes, DARE [Read More]


It’s enough in this sleek, stripped-down culture of dares and challenges played out in a world of life and death stakes.


«El Duro» is all the boy dares say.


Cheap Thrills is a wonderfully dark little comedy about the thrills people get from a series of dares.


The couple engages the two friends in a series of innocent dares in exchange for money over the course of the evening, with each challenge upping the ante in both reward and boundaries.


Gillian’s dares are fun… I really enjoyed the process last year and this year will be fun too!


THE CIVIL WRITES PROJECT dares to confront the history of segregation through a series of interconnected programs emphasizing inspiring positive change through writing.


Colin’s dares are merely an upscale, «reputable» version of the «Bumfights» videos.


Yet these approaches have been in tension as often as they have been complementary, sometimes misleading dares — as with the tendency to read her substantial corpus through the narrow prism of her best-known essay, «Toward a New Yiddish.»


You were not able to win 99.9 % votes for President Akufo-Addo so please stop provoking Ghanaians with your dares shouting to Appointing Authority.


You literally freak out and cover your baby under your arm if anyone in public dares to sneeze or cough near your precious little bundle….


Running ahead of the group, the frisky feline dares the ogre to transform himself into a mouse.


In the Classroom: In Dare to Dream… Change the World, edited by Jill Corcoran, 30 poets have created 30 poems to celebrate people who dared to dream and as a result made the world a better place through their contributions to the arts, civil rights, sciences, and other fields.


This «talking non sense» issue can be a serious problem if nobody dares raise their voice and object to this nonsense.


I’ll run errands, do dares, walk of shame, whatever.


But the closer they get to the mystery man behind the text messages, the more deadly the dares become.


In the film, «A harmless game of «Truth or Dare» among friends turns deadly when someone — or something — begins to punish those who tell a lie — or refuse the dare


No-one dares complain about her constituency work either.


Ahead, you’ll find some truths and dares to get you started.


I recently did an Edit Your Life interview with Erin Dullea (episode 15) about taking dares and being brave.


For centuries, banking service has touched and continues to touch practically everyone; yet few dares to ask the question «what the heck goes on behind the bank teller?»


Players are given dares and a countdown to perform them, having to use their cell phones to document it live.


Kore-eda dares, in an age of Hollywood superheroes and grandiose threats to the universe, to believe that audiences also want to see something as simple and as simply complex as a group of sisters sharing a series of meals, smelling the scent of a grandmother in a boxed up summer kimono, making a family recipe, and scratching a new mark in the doorframe of the family home to note the height of a little sister.


Ahhhh it’s great to be back in the crazy world of celebrity dares, make-ups and pubic hair confessions… I can’t believe I missed Reese Witherspoon getting arrested while I was on hols.


A harmless game of «Truth or Dare» among friends turns deadly when someone — or something — begins to punish those who tell a lie — or refuse the dare.


So what explains foolish dares and violent sports, in which people risk grave injury to pursue respect?


вызов, подзадоривание, дерзать, сметь, посметь, рисковать


- разг. вызов

to give a dare — бросить вызов
to take a dare — принять вызов; рискнуть
to decline a dare — отклонить вызов, уклониться от вызова


- сметь, отваживаться; иметь наглость

- в эллиптических конструкциях:

not to dare beyond the premises — бояться /не отваживаться/ выйти из дому

- пренебрегать опасностью, рисковать

Мои примеры


to dare all things — быть готовым взяться за любое дело  
give a dare — бросить вызов  
take a dare — принять вызов  
how dare you cast reflexions on my motives? — как вы смеёте подвергать сомнению мои мотивы?  
dare all things — быть готовым взяться за любое дело  
dare battalion — батальон смертников  
dare-devil — сорвиголова; смельчак  
dare devilry — безрассудство; бесшабашность; удальство  
dare-devilry — безрассудство; бесшабашность; удальство  
dare go out to the beach — осмелиться пойти на пляж  

Примеры с переводом

I dare you!

Только попробуй!

Try it if you dare.

Попробуйте это, если осмелитесь.

I dare not protest.

Не смею возражать.

She didn’t dare open her mouth.

Она не посмела вымолвить ни слова.

Who dares wins. брит.

Кто не рискует, тот не побеждает. (девиз бойцов «САС», частей особого назначения британской армии).

I dare you to jump the stream!

Держу пари, ты не перепрыгнешь через этот ручей!

John wouldn’t dare to rip off a bank.

Джону не хватило бы смелости ограбить банк.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…there’s a wearisome intemperance in his verbal attacks against any and all who dare to disagree with him…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

daring  — смелый, дерзкий, отважный, дерзновенный, смелость, отвага, бесстрашие, дерзание
darer  — смельчак
daric  — дарик, золотая монета в Древней Персии, появилась при Дарии Первом

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: dare
he/she/it: dares
ing ф. (present participle): daring
2-я ф. (past tense): dared
3-я ф. (past participle): dared

ед. ч.(singular): dare
мн. ч.(plural): dares

dare — перевод на русский


How dare you talk like that to your boss!

— Как ты смеешь так разговаривать со своим начальником.

How dare you act so smug with me!

— Как ты смеешь так разговаривать со мной?

How dare you talk like that to me! -He’s just crazy, Mother.

— Как ты смеешь такое говорить?

How dare you, in this day and age, use such an idiotic…

Как ты смеешь в наше-то время нести подобный бред!

How dare you criticize my actions?

Как ты смеешь говорить такое? ..

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Who would dare to step forward?

Кто бы посмел?

How dare he do that to a prisoner in the government office!

Как он посмел лезть к заключенным в тюрьме!

If that blighter was my man, he wouldn’t dare to lay a hand on me… not if he knowed what was good for him.

Если б этот мерзавец был моим мужчиной… он бы и пальцем не посмел бы ко мне притронуться, если жизнь ему дорога.

How dare you come here to me.

Как ты посмел прийти сюда?

Why, Henry, how dare you take your shirt off.

Генри! Как ты посмел снять рубашку!

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How dare you make such a noise.

И как ты осмелился так шуметь?

You dare to come to me for a heart, do you?

Ты осмелился прийти ко мне за сердцем, верно?

In the first place there isn’t a judge on the bench who’d dare hold Paul now that the Sloss thing is cleared up.

Во-первых, нет ни одного судьи в этом городе, который бы осмелился задержать Пола после того, как раскрыто убийство Слосса.

Blacksmith Yusuf, dared to show ingratitude.

Кузнец же Юсуп, осмелился проявить неблагодарность.

Who would dare?

Кто осмелился?

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No, I dare not, dear sir

-Нет, я не осмеливаюсь,сэр font color-«#e1e1e1»

I don’t dare.

— Я не осмеливаюсь.

Not at all, but I dare not ask my husband for it I’ve borrowed heavily from him ever since we were first married

Нет, но я не осмеливаюсь просить их у моего мужа. Я так часто занимала у него деньги сразу после нашей свадьбы.

And there I am like an idiot, before a pretty woman I don’t dare kiss.

А я сижу, как идиот, с красивой женщиной и не осмеливаюсь поцеловать ее.

I reach out my hand, and dare, moving right, to touch, to caress, the hair of my dear fairy, of my beloved marvel,

Иду вперед… и осмеливаюсь руками… коснуться волос… моей феи.

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— I didn’t dare look!

font color-«#e1e1e1» -Я не решился посмотреть!

A gentleman would never have dared.

Джентльмен никогда бы не решился.

When I saw that a dead body was involved, I didn’t dare.

Когда я увидел труп, я не решился.

Stalin did not dare precipitate one because he could not defeat the free economy of the West.

Сталин на это не решился, так как не мог одолеть свободную экономику Запада.

If you kept a diary, Frankie, which I’m sure you wouldn’t dare, you’d read where it says that you have no right to ask me anything.

Если бы ты вел дневник, Фрэнки, ты бы не решился, конечно, ты бы прочел там, что ты не имеешь права меня спрашивать.

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I don’t dare to return home without meat.

Я боюсь вернуться домой без мяса!

And I don’t dare think about it.

Я боюсь и думать об этом.

I don’t dare think what dad would say if he found out I wanted to be anything else than an actor.

Боюсь представить, что сказал бы папа, …если бы я решил уйти.

There’s nothing I don’t dare do.

Я вообще ничего не боюсь.

I don’t even dare to dream.

Я уже даже своих снов боюсь.

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How dare you make a Iaughing-stock of me like this!

Как мог ты так со мной поступить?

He gave him as much as I dared.

Я дал ему столько, сколько мог.

How dare he write that to me, after I did everything for him.

Как он мог написать такое мне, мне, которая все для него сделала!

He’s a friend. But how do you dare to bring a child to my home?

Как ты мог привести в мой дом ребёнка?

My ecstasy was so intense that I dared not move.

Мое изумление было столь велико, что я не мог шелохнуться.

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I regained my confidence… but I didn’t dare come back to France to see you.

И я снова почувствовал уверенность в себе. Но не решался вернуться во Францию и встретить тебя.

Years of affection without daring to say anything.

но не решался ей ничего сказать.

I should have asked her to act as our spy at the command posts, but I did not dare.

Стоило попросить её быть нашим шпионом на командных пунктах, но я не решался.

I didn’t dare for a long time…

Я очень долго не решался…

You never met him because I never dared bring a friend home.

Ты его не видела, потому что я не решался приводить друзей домой.

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I dare say I’ll get over it.

Рискну сказать, что получил достаточно.

I wouldn’t even dare talk to him right now.

Я не рискну к нему обратиться.

I hardly dare to make this question:

Рискну спросить у тебя следующее:

No, I don’t dare.

— Нет, не рискну.

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So, you dare to «wald» us?

Так ты отважился на «бовьбу» с нами?

There was one among them who dared to look more deeply.

И все же один из них отважился взглянуть на корабль поближе.

So, you are Den of Earth who dared to steal the Queen’s female sacrifice.

Они сказали мне, что ты — Дэн с Земли, который отважился украсть жертву у королевы.

— I wouldn’t dare.

— Я бы не отважился.

I didn’t dare.

Я не отважился.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word dare, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use dare in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «dare».

Dare in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word dare in a sentence.

  1. How much do you dare to take in?

  2. I dare not think any disaster has occurred.».

  3. She responds, «How dare you take such a liberty!

  4. By what right do you dare accuse the nation of ..

  5. Who shall dare to say now that George Meredith is forgotten?

  6. Köchli said to me: «How dare you attack Hinault when he’s in difficulty?

  7. Reeves seethed to Waddilove, «He’s drunk—how dare he be drunk on my set!

  8. The people were impressed with his memory and did not dare to deceive him.

  9. I made mistake after mistake, but I dare say those mistakes taught me something.

  10. How dare they use the image of the Army, in particular, to promote their policies?

  11. ZIPRA presumed that Rhodesia would never dare to attack a site so close to Lusaka.

  12. We cannot—we dare not—let the Equal Protection Clause perpetuate racial superiority.».

  13. We would be so terrified about what they would do to them in return that we wouldn’t dare.».

  14. The Australians did not dare run when he fielded the ball for fear of the speed of his throw.

  15. Werner Laurie, admitting: «I dare say I delude myself in thinking this book my book of books».

  16. On a dare, Antonucci then decided that he would try producing a children’s animated series of his own.

  17. Old Raffles may or may not have been an exceptional criminal, but as a cricketer I dare swear he was unique.

  18. Most true it is, I dare to say,E’er since the Days of Eve,The weakest Woman sometimes mayThe wisest Man deceive.

  19. Who will dare to urge that a government, which cannot support its internal rule without restriction, can be national?

  20. If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the uttermost.

  21. Reportedly, after he dismounted, he addressed them politely, «Good evening, Gentlemen, I dare say you did not expect me here.

  22. The battle gave Denmark undisputed naval supremacy and the Swedish fleet did not dare to venture out for the rest of the year.

  23. How could a boy in appearance, one not yet admitted to the convention, without a single state behind him, dare claim the nomination?

  24. He thinks normal is very boring, and does things that others just wished they dare do.» On January 27, 1992, then-President George H.

  25. Many English professors in attendance were upset by his remarks; one elderly professor reportedly approached him, said: «How dare you!

  26. Nhu felt the rebel generals would not dare to kill one of them while the other was free, in case the surviving brother were to regain power.

  27. He could get huge laughs with such simple lines as ‘Just a moment,’ ‘how dare you,’ and ‘you stupid boy'» — all catchphrases from Dad’s Army.

  28. This was less than satisfactory to the Panamanian diplomats who arrived in Washington shortly after the signing, but they did not dare renounce it.

  29. Jeanmarie described Vincent as representing the way in which Passions «pushed the boundaries and limits of what other soap operas didn’t dare to do».

  30. The king asks her who would do dare raise a hand against her, and she reveals the plots of Haman, including the plot to kill her own cousin, Mordecai.

  31. And should they dare to set this prohibition at defiance, and fabricate false coin, they shall, upon discovery, most assuredly be arrested and punished.

  32. The film depicts 1920s Los Angeles as a city in which the judgment of men takes precedence; women are labeled «hysterical and unreliable» if they dare to question it.

  33. In an interview, Satin contrasts the old radical slogan «Dare to struggle, dare to win» with his radical-middle version, «Dare to synthesize, dare to take it all in».

  34. They chased him so hard that he dare not stop to have the gravest charges investigated.» Hearst’s New York Journal noted, «And so it is to be ‘Senator Hanna’ for seven years.

  35. King Arthur is prepared to accept the challenge when it appears no other knight will dare, but Sir Gawain, youngest of Arthur’s knights and his nephew, asks for the honour instead.

  36. Most people are in a struggle to be normal [and] he thinks normal is very boring, and does things that others just wished they dare do.» On January 27, 1992, then-President George H.

  37. African-American singer Juanita Hall was cast as Bloody Mary; Logan recalled that at her audition, she took a squatting pose which proclaimed, «I am Bloody Mary and don’t you dare cast anyone else!

  38. Rock historian Dave Stephens called Mack’s overall guitar sound «highly distinctive, dare I say, unique; in the early rock era only Link Wray and Duane Eddy could match him for instant recognition.».

  39. Kinney Littlefield of the Orange County Register said of the episode, «All this proves once again that animated series are great platforms for hot topics that live action shows don’t dare grab head on.

  40. At the Poznań radio station, Prime Minister Cyrankiewicz warned and threatened the rioters in his widely publicized speech: he «…who will dare raise his hand against the people’s rule may be sure that..

  41. Ultraman allows the people of Metropolis some limited freedoms but tolerates no dissent, the only people who dare to challenge him openly are the editrix of the Daily Planet Cat Grant and Alexander Luthor.

Synonyms for dare

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word dare has the following synonyms: daring, , defy, make bold and presume.

General information about «dare» example sentences

The example sentences for the word dare that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «dare» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «dare».

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