Sentence with word crisis

- кризис

economic [financial, industrial] crisis — экономический [финансовый, промышленный] кризис
the general crisis of economy — общий кризис экономики

- критический, решительный момент; перелом

to bring to a crisis — довести до критического состояния
things are coming /drawing/ to a crisis — наступает критический /решительный/ момент
the Battle of Waterloo was a crisis in Napoleon’s career — битва при Ватерлоо была переломным моментом карьеры Наполеона

- мед. кризис, криз

last year’s state budget crisis — прошлогодний кризис государственного бюджета  
a coolheaded response to the crisis — хладнокровная реакция на кризис  
to avert crisis — предотвратить кризис  
crisis of overproduction — кризис перепроизводства  
agricultural crisis — кризис сельского хозяйства  
exchange crisis — валютный кризис  
international crisis — международный кризис  
economic crisis — экономический кризис  
to underestimate the depth of a crisis — недооценивать глубину кризиса  
energy crisis — энергетический кризис  
from one crisis to another — от кризиса к кризису  
ramifications of a crisis — последствия кризиса  

When will the crisis come to a head?

Когда кризис достигнет своего апогея?

She’s a woman who can think fast in a crisis.

Это женщина, которая умеет быстро соображать в критической ситуации.

The crisis flattened the market.

Кризис снизил активность на рынках практически до нуля.

An economic crisis is looming on the horizon.

Экономический кризис уже не за горами.

We must act soon to end this crisis.

Мы должны действовать быстро, чтобы положить конец этому кризису.

The country now faces an economic crisis.

Сейчас страна стоит перед лицом экономического кризиса.

The crisis had eventuated favourably.

Кризис успешно преодолён.

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crisis — перевод на русский


Korea will fall into a crisis.

Корею настигнет кризис.

— This is a mid-life crisis, Abe.

Это же кризис среднего возраста, Эйб.

— It’ll be a diplomatic crisis!

-Это будет дипломатический кризис!

You are in a crisis?

А у вас здесь кризис? Еще нет.

And they say there’s a morality crisis.

Вот вам и кризис морали.

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Tonight we have to organize meeting, we must form crisis unit.

Надо вечером собраться. Мы должны сформировать кризисный штаб.

It’s an important day here in New York City for all women at the opening of the Cynthia Griffin Crisis Center for Women.

КРИЗИСНЫЙ ЦЕНТР ДЛЯ ЖЕНЩИН, имени Синтии Свонн Гриффин. Это важный день, для всех женщин здесь, в Нью-Йорке открывается Кризисный центр для женщин имени Синтии Гриффин.

Crisis management, just get it done.

Кризисный менеджмент, главное — сделать.

National crisis committee?

Национальный кризисный комитет?

I… it’s what we therapists call a crisis point.

Это был просто, выражаясь психологическим языком, кризисный момент.

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Too much of it doesn’t help in a crisis.

Даже если нас будет больше, то это не поможет решить этой проблемы.

Oh, major crisis.

Очередные проблемы.

Bit of an administrative crisis.

— У Джона небольшие проблемы.

Only, there’s a bit of a crisis at home, so if you see him…

Только вот, у него дома кое-какие проблемы, так что если увидите его…

No, I’m having a crisis.

Да нет, понимаете, у меня проблемы.

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Goku-san and the others are facing their greatest crisis right now!

Гоку и остальные сейчас находятся в кризисной ситуации!

Who’s brave, and resourceful, and thinks of others in a crisis.

Храбрая, находчивая и думает о других в кризисной ситуации.

Nobody is cooler in a crisis.

Никто так не спокоен в кризисной ситуации.

You may have helped to avert a national crisis.

Вы, возможно, помогли в решении кризисной ситуации.

And I have been a guidance counselor in this school for over 30 years, and I know when a student is in crisis.

И я была школьным психологом в этой школе больше 30 лет, и я знаю, когда учащийся находится в кризисной ситуации.

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— The second rule in a crisis:

— Второе правило в критической ситуации…

Crisis brings out the best in you.

Покажи себя в критической ситуации.

Yeah, your crisis is why I’m calling.

Ага, ну, я звоню как раз по поводу вашей критической ситуации.

Okay, this m is in crisis.

Ок, этот мужчина в критической ситуации.

Staying here is a perfect example of you making a bad crisis decision.

Оставаться здесь — это прекрасный пример плохого решения в критической ситуации.

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At the start of December, a new crisis, more violent than the last, struck.

В начале декабря обрушился новый криз, серьезнее, чем предыдущий.

I need to see Dr. B. I’m in crisis.

Мне надо увидеть доктора Б. У меня криз.

It’s a hypertensive crisis.

Это гипертонический криз.

Cushing’s plus stress equals hypertensive crisis.

Кушинг плюс стресс, равно гипертонический криз.

She had a hypertensive crisis because it’s been at least six hours since she had her last drink.

И её гипертонический криз произошёл потому, что прошло уже больше шести часов с тех пор, как она пила в последний раз.

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My dear Coco, in a crisis .. One omits a bow or two.

Моя дорогая Коко, во время кризиса не до сантиментов.

He has to give a speech on keeping cool in a crisis.

Ему нужно толкнуть речь о том, как не паниковать во время кризиса.

But I can tell you this… 12 years ago, I needed an officer that I could count on in a crisis someone who would support and obey my decisions without question someone who was willing to trust my judgment

Но я могу сказать Вам вот что… 12 лет назад я нуждался в офицере, на которого я мог бы положится во время кризиса. В ком-то, кто поддержал и выполнил бы мое решение, не задавая вопросов. В ком-то, кто был готов довериться моим суждениям, и этим кем-то оказался Уилл Райкер.

But I don’t care, because i thrive in crisis mode.

Но мне все равно, потому что во время кризиса я полон сил.

You know how you’re always saying I know what to do in a crisis?

Ты знаешь как ты всегда говоришь я знаю что делать во время кризиса?

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The doctor says my crisis is already far behind me.

Доктора говорят, что кризис миновал.

The crisis, for now, is over.

На сегодняшний день кризис миновал.

The crisis Is over.

Кризис миновал.

The crisis has passed!

Кризис миновал!

The crisis has passed.

Кризис миновал.

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I sent the servants away because of the crisis

Я отправил всех слуг из-за этой ситуации.

In this moment of crises… we must take extraordinary measures.

Чрезвычайные ситуации требуют чрезвычайных мер.

Avoid discussion of the bomber’s… present crisis in order to prevent him… from exercising his God-like power to destroy and kill…

Да, да, да, избегать обсуждения с подрывником текущей ситуации, чтобы избежать использования его божественной силы для убийств и разрушений

Well, I would say Chester’s Mill is in more than a crisis, so… you and I need to get to work.

Я бы сказал, что Честерс Милл даже в худшей ситуации, чем кризис, так что… тебе и мне нужно работать

-Once you’ve done time, you’re never sure with yourself, even if I know I didn’t do anything wrong, there’s this crisis in the world they write a lot about it.

Если однажды человек что-то сделал, он уже никогда не будет чистым. …даже если ничего не сделал плохого, в мире такая ситуация об этом много пишут.

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It seems a small crisis is brewing in the South China Sea.

Похоже, в водах Южного Китайского моря наступил кризис.

There is a crisis, with its conséquences

Наступил кризис, который принесет ужасные последствия.»

Michael is heading to America, where its primary method of execution is also in crisis.

Майкл направляется в Америку, где в этой сфере наступил кризис.

His crisis of faith came early.

У него рано наступил кризис веры.

This is a crisis situation.

Наступил кризис.

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A crisis (from the Greek κρίσις — krisis; plural: «crises»; adjectival form: «critical») is any event that is going (or is expected) to lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, community, or whole society. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

As the Eurozone crisis shifts our focus to Europe, is Englishness these days a source not just of pride but also insecurity?


By 2007, on the eve of the global financial crisis, these had all declined to between 2 and 2 1/2 %.


«Sen. Gillibrand believes that eliminating funding for the important programs that ACORN provides would be harmful to the thousands of hard-working New Yorkers who need extra assistance in the middle of this economic crisis


Going into the crisis most of Canadian banks had tier one ratios in excess of 9 % significantly higher than the requirement of Canadian regulators.


That plan, born of the financial crisis and the slow-growth economy that followed it, is reviled by some as reckless and cheered by others as a great economic stabilizer.


I’d been managing a hedge fund during the 2008 financial crisis.


What many people don’t know is that the poster only saw limited distribution during World War II — the 2.5 million copies printed were held back and intended for us only in times of crisis, which (thankfully) never came.


Even though it has improved liquidity and capital levels since the financial crisis.


Despite Mr. Paulson’s and Ms. Bair’s characterization of the present crisis as merely a liquidity problem, it is really a debt problem.


The city will spend an additional $ 690 million for «new needs» identified in just the past two months — including $ 250 million to battle the ongoing homelessness crisis, officials said…


Recently, Thomas Oberlechner, a founding partner and chief science officer at AltX, gave the example of how human-computer collaboration can enable investment decisions that are more closely aligned with people’s decision style, investment preference, risk tolerance, crisis vulnerability, financial values, etc..


Dr. Robert C. Cantu is on call amid football’s concussion crisis: congressional hearings, courthouses, NFL meetings, helmet safety panels, operating rooms, research labs, television studios, film documentaries.


In Greece alone economic output fell by roughly 20 per cent since the beginning of the crisis.


Hoosick Falls residents came to the Capitol on Wednesday to demand hearings on the after crisis that has revealed high levels of a toxic chemical in many people’s bloodstreams.


All you hear in the papers is how there’s a funding crisis in the NHS or how local government is running out of money.


«Seldom does a single crisis embody such a wide range of issues that go to the heart of the character of a regime,» University of B.C. law professor Pittman Potter commented this month on the website of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, of which he is a senior fellow.


«By rallying people on the red carpet and at home across the country, we are one step closer to being the generation to end the global water crisis


When the financial crisis began in 2008, the Fed slashed rates to almost zero, 0.0-0.25 %, to provide markets with excessive levels of liquidity to offset the sudden and severe drop in global aggregate demand.


A proper crisis would take a continued slip, and would see City sucked down into the hell that is Not The Champions League.


When the global financial crisis struck, one of the property markets hit hardest was Ireland, where some Dublin prices fell to half their peak value.


Much needed is research beyond that already completed which will develop guidelines for improving the church’s many roles in community health — from meeting the existential crises of being human and belonging to social groups and facing anxiety and dread, to providing more efficiently the «learning atmosphere» for a religious style-of-life.


iShares CDN Russell 2000 (Ticker: XSU) Europe’s debt crisis continues to hammer global equity markets.


Actress Maureen Lipman today suggested the anti-Semitism crisis engulfing Labour was pushing her toward becoming a Tory.


Meanwhile, hosts Liverpool will be boosted by the return of defender Kolo Toure, whose presence will alleviate the injury crisis the club have suffered at the back, and he could be joined by Mamadou Sakho, who will face a late fitness test.


France’s sugar tax has been in place for years, Mexico’s is in full swing and Britain’s is on its way.As the obesity crisis spreads rapidly across the globe, taxes are touted one of the methods that could fight it.


Sirleaf guided the nation out of ruin following back-to-back 1989-2003 civil wars and through the horrors of the 2014-16 Ebola crisis, but is accused of failing to combat poverty and tackle corruption.


Childhood literacy in Britain is in crisis: in 2012 we were ranked 22 out of 24 OECD countries for literacy, and England is the second most unequal EU country when it comes to children’s reading levels, after Romania.


The progressive Labour left will continue to argue the case for Choosing Change, set against the backdrop of an election defeat and a deepening economic crisis.


«We are wondering because El-Rufai never thought of this until few days before October 1, when the issue has been put behind us, and we have done wonderfully to nip in the bud any crisis that would arise in the north because of killings in the Southeast.


Newly released statistics on Nassau County’s opioid crisis show an uptick in deaths from the use of cocaine mixed with heroin or fentanyl, and despite a drop in the number of heroin-related deaths, fatal overdoses caused by fentanyl have risen.


In conversation with Maclean’s, Summers spoke about lessons learned from the financial crisis, as well as Carney’s new job as Britain’s central bank governor and the Keystone XL.


To say you’re having an identity crisis is putting it mildly.


The housing crisis had a significant impact on the purchasing behavior of Millennial consumers.


This session will focus on understanding potential perils — from food crises to pandemics and from climate catastrophes to human migration — that aren’t top-of-mind in most boardrooms, but could enable CEOs to better navigate changing economic conditions and markets.


The Canadian economy is making progress in adjusting to low oil prices and recovering from the global financial crisis, Bank of Canada Governor Stephen S. Poloz said today.


I suppose the salient question is whether a crisis occurs within or against faith.


For in 1938 Trotsky also claimed that the only thing stopping the global revolution was «the crisis of proletarian leadership»: namely the weak-kneed vacillators that led both social democratic and communist parties then and now.


While the Fed’s actions post-financial crisis have been predictable, Trump is anything but.


But what of the Pope’s intention in calling these two Synods, which was to bring the light of revelation and reason to bear on the crisis of marriage and the family that is evident throughout the twenty-first century world?


He was with the firm during the savings and loan crisis, and says he admires the way Jack Lowe, Sr. and Jack Lowe, Jr. worked through the challenge, and convinced so many of the younger employees to reinvest, to give them the capital they needed to survive.


The good news is that you do not have to lie awake at night wondering when the next bank-induced financial crisis will take place.


«Perhaps most salient for monetary policy, it appears increasingly clear that the neutral rate of interest remains considerably and persistently lower than it was before the crisis,» she said.


HOOSICK FALLS >> The Democrat running against incumbent state Sen. Kathy Marchione found a unique and high-profile way Tuesday to criticize the Halfmoon Republican over her handling of the water contamination crisis that has plagued the village and the town of Hooisick for nearly a year.


The Chinese economy blew past the global financial crisis without so much as flinching, again with the help of massive government stimulus that enabled further investment-led growth.


At that time, District 10 Superintendent John Reehill had a vision of turning the whole darned landmark, which was at the epicenter of the overcrowding crisis, into a complex of public schools.


And the easing of the injury crisis gives us a really good chance to do that.


In Philadelphia, Yards Brewing Company will do the same for each pint and keg of Philly Pale Ale sold, donating to Prevention Point, an organization working on the front lines of the opioid crisis in Philadelphia.


Despite that, though, this injury still serves as a stark reminder to everyone that Inter are very short in numbers at the back, and that it would take very little for a crisis of sorts to ensue.


Demand for gold coins and bars from European investors has increased significantly in the past month as the Greek crisis enters a new phase.


As for investors, the global stock markets have averted another potential black-swan-sized crisis.


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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


This whole episode is a manufactured crisis.

Весь этот эпизод представляет собой не что иное, как искусственно созданный кризис.

Defusing the crisis will first require confidence-building measures.

Для того чтобы урегулировать этот кризис, необходимо для начала принять меры по налаживанию доверия.

After every crisis it became stronger.

После каждого кризиса он выходил из затруднительного положения, становясь все сильнее.

Data since 1998 show no great crisis.

Динамика с 2008 года показывает, что в принципе никакого большого кризиса сейчас нет.

The crisis echoes wider problems facing Lebanon.

Этот кризис является отголосками более серьезных и масштабных проблем, с которыми сталкивается Ливан.

It is a tactical ricocheting from crisis to crisis.

Это реакция, это тактический рикошет — от кризиса к кризису».

Key words: transformational crisis, system crisis, cyclical crisis, financial crisis, external shocks, revolution, post-communist transformation.

Ключевые слова: трансформационный кризис, системный кризис, циклический кризис, финансовый кризис, внешние шоки, революция, посткоммунистическая трансформация.

A currency crisis becomes a banking crisis, a housing crisis, a sovereign debt crisis.

At first glance, therefore, the whole crisis seems to be merely a credit crisis and money crisis

Поэтому на первый взгляд весь кризис представляется только кредитным кризисом и денежным кризисом.

Greece has also shown that the euro crisis is less a financial crisis than a sovereignty crisis.

Греция также показала, что кризис евро — меньший финансовый кризис, чем кризис суверенитета.

A crisis of malinvestment has become a crisis of the financial system, and will soon become a crisis of currencies.

Кризис неэффективного инвестирования превратился в кризис финансовой системы, и вскоре станет валютным кризисом.

Underlying the water crisis is a governance crisis and a cultural crisis.

Major crises faced by the financial and economic activity of the economy are considered strategic crisis, tactical crisis and a solvency crisis.

Основными кризисами, которым подвержена финансово-хозяйственная деятельность субъектов экономики, считаются стратегический кризис, тактический кризис и кризис платежеспособности.

We have an energy crisis, there’s a national security crisis, and there’s a climate-change crisis.

Мы столкнулись с энергетическим кризисом, кризисом национальной безопасности и кризисом климатических изменений.

The crisis of values, the crisis of ideologies, the crisis of international law.

It is a crisis of modern society, the crisis of market economy, the crisis of industrial system.

Это кризис современного общества, кризис рыночной экономики, кризис индустриальной системы.

The world is struggling with a climate crisis, a crisis of inequality and the crisis of democracy.

We cannot allay the energy crisis and the crisis of global warming by deepening the global food crisis.

Мы не можем смягчить последствия энергетического кризиса и кризиса, вызванного глобальным потеплением, допустив углубление глобального продовольственного кризиса.

That paradox showed that the crisis was a crisis of the model of growth, which was leading to an ecological crisis with unforeseeable consequences.

Этот парадокс говорит о том, что кризисом является кризис модели роста, ведущей к экологическому кризису с непредсказуемыми последствиями.

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1. The chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity. 

2. It is dangerous crisis when a proud heart meets with flattering lips. 

3. The National Assembly has discussed the crisis.

4. She publicly denounced the government’s handling of the crisis.

5. An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis.

6. The Democrats have emerged triumphant from the political crisis.

7. They will often rally in a crisis.

8. We provide help to families in crisis situations.

9. She’s always to the fore at moments of crisis.

10. Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect.

11. The recent economic crisis has led to massive layoffs.

12. The crisis was resolved by negotiations.

13. The crisis had a negative effect on trade.

14. The crisis reached its climax in the 1970s.

15. Throughout the crisis he retained his composure.

16. Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.

17. Oil prices took a nosedive in the crisis.

18. That incident will surely bring on a crisis.

19. The country’s leadership is in crisis.

20. The President intervened personally in the crisis.

21. A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office.

22. You can always depend on Michael in a crisis.

23. A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable.

24. When a crisis comes they have gone.

25. His research will document how the debt crisis occurred.

26. A new man was appointed to handle the crisis.

27. Warships were sent in as the crisis deepened.

28. Her handling of the crisis fills me with admiration.

29. The report gives an update on the currency crisis.

30. The Communist Party was facing an identity crisis.

More similar words: financial crisis, surprising, surprisingly, script, critic, critical, criteria, describe, visitor, visible, criticize, subscriber, division, envision, decision, as is, promising, provision, description, subsist, persist, assist, resist, insist, prescription, inquisitive, acquisition, advertising, emphasis, consist. 

Definition of Crisis

a difficult time when disasters are happening or when tough decisions must be made

Examples of Crisis in a sentence

As a paramedic, the emergency worker’s job is to help sick or injured people who are in crisis.


During the real estate crisis, homes prices were extremely low but few people had money to buy.


The famine but the country in crisis, with few families having enough food to eat.


When Flint’s water supply was found to be polluted, the already poor city was sent into an even greater crisis.


Many businesses had to close their doors after losing it all during the 2008 financial crisis.


Other words in the Dangerous category:

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The government should take all possible steps to help farmers in their hour of crisis.

There are a number of factors which led to the situation of energy crisis.

The modern age has been suffering from the crisis of character.

It is important to analyse the cause of the water crisis in this world.

Water conservation through various sources is the key solution to the trouble of water crisis.

In the absence of any planning and regular studies you will land yourself in time crisis.

His courage failed him in the crisis.

One of the main reasons of water crisis is that the water is getting polluted.

He is undergoing a terrible mental crisis.

Energy crisis is a global problem now.

Synonyms Of Crisis – Another Words

Catastrophe, Change, Confrontation, Crunch, Deadlock, Dilemma, Disaster, Emergency, Impasse, Mess, Pressure, Situation, Trouble, Climacteric, Climax, Contingency, Corner, Crossroad, Crux, Culmination, Embarrassment, Entanglement, Exigency, Extremity, Height, Imbroglio, Juncture, Necessity, Pass, Perplexity, Pickle, Pinch, Plight, Predicament, Puzzle, Quandary, Stew, Strait, Trauma, Trial, Urgency

Antonyms Of Crisis – Opposite Words

Agreement, Benefit, Blessing, Breakthrough, Calm, Good Fortune, Good Luck, Happiness, Miracle, Peace, Solution, Success, Wonder, Advantage, Boon, Certainty

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