Sentence with word crew

Synonym: force, gang, staff. Similar words: screw, interfere with, create, scream, screen, sacred, on credit, creating. Meaning: [kruː]  n. 1. the men who man a ship or aircraft 2. an organized group of workmen 3. an informal body of friends 4. the team of men manning a racing shell. v. serve as a crew member on. 

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1. One of the crew fell overboard and drowned.

2. The crew are thirty in all.

3. In the distance the crew sighted land.

4. The ambulance crew removed him from the wreckage.

5. The crew took to the lifeboats.

6. Rescuers made heroic efforts to save the crew.

7. Cabin crew, please stand by for takeoff.

8. The crew hurried to hoist the flag.

9. The ship’s crew was sluicing down the deck.

10. The people she’d invited were a pretty motley crew.

11. The plane crashed, killing all its passengers and crew.

12. The Captain and crew welcome you aboard.

13. The aircraft has/carries a crew of seven.

14. None of the passengers and crew were injured.

15. The winning crew rapidly forged ahead.

16. The crew just had time to bail out.

17. The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny.

17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

18. The crew lashed down the cargo on the fore deck.

19. The pumps were started and the crew began to douse the fire with water.

20. Both he and the crew are on a steep learning curve.

21. The crew spent two days and nights in their raft.

22. The crew were in a sorry plight by the time they reached shore.

23. The tragedy could have been averted if the crew had followed safety procedures.

24. A local film crew is making a documentary about volcanoes.

25. The airport ground crew tried to dissuade the pilot from taking off.

26. The plane crashed, killing two of the crew and four passengers.

27. The village is playing host to a film crew.

28. A captain controls his ship and its crew.

29. The new boat is a fitting monument to the crew members who lost their lives.

30. The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew.

More similar words: screw, interfere with, create, scream, screen, sacred, on credit, creating, in secret, decrepit, credulous, decrease, concrete, creature, increased, increasing, incredibly, screening, incredible, secretary, increasingly, credibility, economic recovery. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.









An ambulance crew arrived in approximately 15 minutes.

Примерно через пять минут на место приехал экипаж скорой помощи.

This was the ship whose crew mysteriously vanished in 1872.

Это название парусного судна, экипаж которого бесследно исчез в ноябре 1872 года.

And today my crew is the number one worldwide.

Всё-таки на сегодняшний день наша команда — первый номер мирового рейтинга.

I hope the same crew shows up.

Как мне кажется, эта команда еще себя покажет.

Thank you for accomodating my crew and myself.

Но — спасибо, что настроили нашу команду и меня лично.

All but one of the crew were rescued.

Все они, за исключением одного члена экипажа, были спасены.

We feel our crew is our most valuable asset.

Мы верим, что наша команда — это наш самый ценный актив.

The crew is now in uncharted territory.

Считаю, что команда сейчас находится на незаслуженном месте.

The crew successfully hunted for food.

Тем не менее экипаж успешно боролся за живучесть.

Her crew of 29 is still on board.

Судно с экипажем количеством 29 человек сейчас лежит на борту.

All of the crew were killed except two.

Тогда погибла практически вся команда, за исключением двух человек.

Night vision goggles are used for advanced helicopter crew training.

Приборы ночного видения (ПНВ) используются для повышения квалификации экипажей вертолетов.

Dale thanked him and praised his crew.

МЭРТ поблагодарил за теплые слова и высокую оценку работы его команды.

Controllers based in the United States and Russian Federation say that the six-strong crew crew are not in any danger.

Представители России и США настаивают, что экипажу ничего не угрожает.

The crew must then save Earth from Klaxxon.

Затем, конечно, экипаж должен спасти Землю от Klaxxon.

And from the first days of work the female crew demonstrates a high level of professionalism, being competitive enough with male crew teams.

И с первых дней работы женский экипаж демонстрирует высокий уровень профессионализма, составляя достойную конкуренцию мужским экипажам.

This crew‘s crew has rights like other crews.

Эта команда неудовлетворенна У этой команды есть права как и у других команд

The purpose of creating a crew via focused actions should be to clarify crew targets and strategies.

Цель разработки команды с помощью целенаправленных действий должна заключаться в уточнении целей и стратегий команды.

We can assist with obtaining marine and crew insurance as well as handling crew management.

Мы можем помочь вам в получении морского страхования и страховки для экипажа, и даже помочь в управлении экипажем.

The ground crew, which had been there to assist the craft in mooring, became a rescue crew.

Наземная команда, которая должна была помочь швартовке, стала спасательной командой.

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экипаж, команда, бригада, компания, артель, кричать кукареку


- судовая команда; экипаж (судна и т. п.)

airplane crew — экипаж самолёта
ground crew — посадочная команда, команда обслуживания
landing crew — аэродромная команда
tank crew — экипаж танка

- мор. матросы; рядовые моряки

officers and crew — мор. команда корабля

- команда (на шлюпке и т. п.)

racing crew — команда гребцов

- гребной спорт

he went out for crew — он увлекался греблей

- бригада, артель

maintenance crew — ремонтная бригада; бригада техобслуживания
a crew of loggers — артель лесорубов
stage crew for a new play — состав исполнителей для новой пьесы

- ж.-д. кондукторская бригада
- воен. орудийный или пулемётный расчёт
- обыкн. пренебр. компания, шайка

a noisy crew — шумная компания
rough crew — ≅ хулиганьё
we were such a happy crew — у нас была такая хорошая компания, мы все так дружили
all the crew of jobbers and swindlers — вся шайка проходимцев и мошенников

- разг. см. crew cut


- быть членом команды, особ. шлюпки

will you crew for me in tomorrow’s race? — ты не погребёшь за меня на завтрашних гонках?

- past от crow

Мои примеры


the ship’s captain and crew — капитан и экипаж корабля  
the saga of a shipwrecked crew — сказание об экипаже потерпевшего крушение корабля  
disreputable crew — дурная компания  
maintenance crew / command — бригада технического обслуживания  
crew size — численность экипажа  
trouble crew — аварийная команда  
crew cut — короткая стрижка  
backup crew — резервный экипаж  
crew environment — условия работы экипажа  
exploration crew — разведочная партия  
bobtail crew — сейсмическая партия, работающая по разовому контракту  
bum’s rushing crew — вышибалы  

Примеры с переводом

How many go to a crew with you, captain?

Из скольких человек состоит ваша команда, капитан?

Do you still hang out with the same crew?

Вы все еще тусуешься с той же компанией?

The crew and passengers numbered 33.

Команда вместе с пассажирами насчитывала тридцать три человека.

One of the crew fell overboard and drowned.

Один из членов экипажа упал за борт и утонул.

The crew was ordered to man the lifeboats.

Команде было приказано занять места в шлюпках.

The crew includes a copilot and a navigator.

В состав экипажа входят второй пилот и штурман.

The crew was paving the road.

Команда прокладывала путь.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The ship was sailed by a crew of 8.

The captain routinely overworked the crew.

We recruited a crew of volunteers to help us.

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Формы слова

I/you/we/they: crew
he/she/it: crews
ing ф. (present participle): crewing
2-я ф. (past tense): crewed
3-я ф. (past participle): crewed

ед. ч.(singular): crew
мн. ч.(plural): crews

Disaster crew at action stations.
Аварийная команда на боевых постах.

Two pilots and four crew members are KIA.
Двое пилотов и четверо членов экипажа убиты.

As a lasher for Big Roy’s crew.
Стропальщиком в бригаде Большого Роя.

Ensign Wright and gun crew reporting, sir.
Мичман Райт и орудийный расчет прибыл на службу, сэр.

The detection system shall actuate acoustic and visual alarms, different from the signals emitted by any other system, in the wheelhouse and places where they can be heard or seen by the crew member on duty.
Система обнаружения должна приводить в действие звуковые и визуальные сигналы, отличающиеся от сигналов любой другой системы; эти сигналы должны подаваться в рулевой рубке и в местах, где они могут быть услышаны или замечены вахтенным членом экипажа.

You know my training crew.
Вы знакомы с моим учебным экипажем.

Not without the helo crew.
Не обошлось без вертолетной команды.

Inside, crew members will carry battery-operated lights.
Членам экипажа придется использовать обычные портативные фонари.

We’re a maintenance crew just doing our job.
Мы — бригада обслуживания, просто выполняем работу.

Shifts last 24 hours, or until the next crew arrives.
Смена длится 24 часа — или до прибытия следующего расчета.

The detection system shall actuate acoustic and visual alarms, different from the signals emitted by any other system, in the wheelhouse and places where they can be heard or seen from the wheelhouse and in the cabin of by the crew member on duty.
Система обнаружения должна приводить в действие звуковые и визуальные сигналы, отличающиеся от сигналов любой другой системы; эти сигналы должны подаваться в рулевой рубке и в местах, где они могут быть услышаны или замечены из рулевой рубки, а также в каюте вахтенным членом экипажа.

You talk to the crew?
Вы говорили с экипажем?

Crew, prepare for emergency descent.
Команда, приготовиться к аварийному снижению.

The crew were not seriously injured, Russian media reported.
Как сообщили российские СМИ, никто из членов экипажа танка не получил серьезных травм.

There’s a crew going to clean up this mess.
Сюда приедет бригада всё убрать.

Every year, the Air Force pits each missile crew against one another to determine the top team.
Каждый год командование ВВС проводит соревнование между расчетами пусковых установок, чтобы определить лучший из них.

The whole crew was saved.
Весь экипаж был спасен.

I’m bringing the wrecking crew.
Я приведу команду крушителей.

Only the crew was supposed to operate the air lock.
Только члены экипажа могут управлять шлюзом.


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crew — перевод на русский


It must be killing him. Now his whole crew is like a chicken with one of its wings cut off.

Сейчас его команда как курица с отрезанным крылом.

Me and my crew hang out at the top of the slide so I can see what’s going on in the whole yard, most of which I control.

Я и моя команда зависаем наверху горки, откуда мне виден весь двор целиком. Я контролирую почти все зоны.

Crew -besides myself, the captain— one helmsman, one ship’s mate, five sailors.

Команда — не считая меня, капитана — один штурман, один помощник капитана, пять матросов.

Before the start the Crew immersed themselves in special baths to avoid the fatal jolts from the blast-off

Перед стартом команда погрузилась в ванны со специальным раствором, чтоб уберечься от гибельных толчков при взрывах

— Oh, they’re a dull crew.

— О, это скучная команда.

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Crew! Get ready!

Экипаж — приготовиться!

They’re signing on a full crew.

Они набирают весь экипаж.

The crew of the Nautilus?

Экипаж «Наутилуса»?

«and his crew is morally and legally entitled… «to employ forceful means in wresting his command from him.»

В этом случае экипаж имеет право применить силу, чтобы отстранить его от командования.

Where are the crew of the Pequod?

Где экипаж «Пекода»?

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The crew consists of five men.

Бригада из 5 человек.

Eli, the crew is waiting.

Илай, бригада ждёт.

The crew, they’re, uh, they’re way back.

Бригада… она… совсем далеко.

Clean-up crew, you are needed in Intensive Care.

Бригада уборщиков, пройдите в реанимацию.

Engine systems crew.

Разгрузочная бригада.

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This production crew never sleeps!

Эта съемочная группа никогда не спит!

So it would be just really peachy or you if you would join you film crew that’s waiting for you on the plane at this very moment while we speak.

Твоя съемочная группа в данный момент уже ждёт тебя в самолете, и ты будешь просто душкой, если присоединишься к ней.

Sometimes when I’m directing the crew look at me as if I’m mad because I’m looking for something and I’m not really sure what.

Иногда, когда я снимаю, съёмочная группа смотрит на меня, как на безумца, потому что я что-то ищу и сам не понимаю, что именно.

We are the film crew.

Мы съёмочная группа.

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This one he says is in the baggage compartment, impossible for the crew to get to it.

Эта бомба находится в багажном отделении и недоступна для членов экипажа.

Are you one of the crew of this spaceship?

Вы один из членов экипажа этого корабля?

We’re trying to find a reason for that now, and why, out of our whole crew, only certain people were affected.

Мы пытаемся найти этому причину и выяснить, почему это повлияло лишь на некоторых членов экипажа.

Over 400 in the crew of a starship, aren’t there, Captain?

Более 400 членов экипажа служат на корабле, не так ли, капитан?

They’ve been sending your crew to the surface for the past couple hours.

За два часа они отправили сюда всех членов экипажа.

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You’ve been using me and my crew.

Ты используешь меня и моих людей.

Were the screams of my crew imaginary?

Так крики моих людей были вооброжаемыми?

-My crew are being rescued, yes?

— Наших людей спасают?

We’re working on maintaining reserves long enough to rescue your crew.

Наш главный инженер пытается найти способ, как сохранить достаточно энергии, чтобы вернуть ваших людей.

— Where am I gonna get the crew?

— А где мне взять людей?

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Hey, guys, Frankie’s crew’s paying Cory five bucks to eat some larva, and he’s gonna do it.

Эй, ребята. Банда Френки предложила Кори пять баксов за поедание личинок, и он согласился.

That’s where Frankie and his jerk-ass crew hang out.

Здесь зависает Френки и банда его жополизов.

Just thought you might want to know, Frankie and his crew are going to hit back.

Просто подумала, вы должны знать, что Френки и его банда собираются нанести ответный удар.

And now, because of Frankie and his crew, I can’t even play on the soccer pitch.

И всё что я смог взять с собой, был этом мяч. И после этого Френки и его банда даже не дают мне выйти на поле.

I mean, your whole crew’s scared.

Кажется вся ваша банда в страхе.

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I’m here because I intend to study the effects of confinement on your crew during the long trip.

Я здесь, потому что намерен изучить влияние… Изоляции на членов команды во время плавания.

With the aliens gone, the Doctor has been able to remove their devices from the crew and neutralize the genetic tags.

После ухода пришельцев, доктор смог удалить их устройства из членов команды и нейтрализовать генетические ярлыки.

A small freighter, containing a crew of 39, taken in the Dalmine Sector.

Маленький фрахтовщик, 39 членов команды, захвачен в секторе Дальмайн.

— Does she spank the crew?

— Она случайно не шлёпает членов команды?

Number one, the bank want a drug screen for everyone on the crew before they’ll forward the money. — A piss test?

Первое: банк хочет проверить на наркотики всех членов команды перед передачей денег.

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This is my crew.

Конечно, я их знаю. Это моя группа.

Ten days, I should say. Eight women and children and a skeletal crew will get on their way… in an ice-breaker first thing in the morning.

8 женщин, дети и малочисленная группа, с рассветом отправятся на айсберг.

All my crew is dead.

Вся моя группа мертва.

Ground crew is presumed End of Mission.

Десантная группа, видимо, погибла.

I need a camera, film and a crew.

Отдайте камеру, группу и пленку!

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Pierrot doesn’t like his crew.

Да, но Пьеро не нравятся его ребята.

If I didn’t have bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck. I wished to God Nicky and his whole crew would just get lost.

Я хотел, чтобы Никки и его ребята исчезли с лица Земли.

Could Georgia Rae’s crew be blowing itself up?

Могут ли ребята Джорджии Рэй сами подрывать организацию?

Me and my crew got it.

Мы заработали — я и мои ребята.

I mean, when sal and his crew were squeezing you.

Когда Сэл и его ребята прижимали тебя с платежами,

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Sentences with the word Crew?



  • «an arrangement of assorted spring flowers»; «assorted sizes»; «miscellaneous accessories»; «a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music»; «a motley crew«; «sundry sciences commonly known as social»- I.A.Richards
  • «the rascally rabble»; «the tyranny of a scoundrelly aristocracy» — W.M. Thackaray; «the captain was set adrift by his roguish crew«
  • «I can deal with this crew of workers»; «This blender can’t handle nuts»; «She managed her parents’ affairs after they got too old»
  • «He is training our Olympic team»; «She is coaching the crew«
  • «an insured risk»; «all members of the film cast and crew are insured»
  • «temperamentally rebellious»; «a rebellious crew«
  • «The lab director recruited an able crew of assistants»
  • «Odysseus ordered his crew to plug their ears so they would not hear the Siren’s fatal song»
  • «a standby generator»; «a standby crew«

A crew is a body or a class of people who work at a common activity, generally in a structured or hierarchical organization. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

For example, Rivera found that recruiters looking to delve into a candidate’s passions are often favorably inclined toward candidates who played «sports that had a strong presence at Ivy League schools as well as pay-to-play club sports,» like lacrosse, squash, and crew, according to the Atlantic.


Setting off for Rotterdam on 28th July, the crew arrived and immediately began their final preparations on the water, at the Willem-Alexander Baan — a new, international standard, rowing facility.


If you are looking to hunt down some of the game fish in our amazing fishing grounds, trust the captain and his crew to take you right where you need to go.


The gray whale off Namibia was first spotted May 4 by crews aboard dolphin tour boats in the Pelican Point area in Walvis Bay.


This slick making of features clips, along with comments from cast & crew and lots of behind the scenes footage.


Come join the FC crew, filmmakers and fellow film lovers for drinks and appetizers right after the Saturday Night Sneak!


We have a continental crew with years of know-how spanning all services.


Sweaters: Of course I will always love a classic cardigan or crew neck, but in terms of trending this year, we are looking at a three things; printed, roomy and cropped.


Avengers: Infinity War is set to wrap production on July 14th, but that doesn’t mean the cast and crew will be getting a big break between films.


My daughter would cherish this wonder crew doll.


FAA helped get airports up and running again and processed a flurry of waivers to allow drone crews to find and assess damage to homes and infrastructure.


IMSA shared this video of the Corvette Racing’s No. 4 Corvette C7.R pit crew practicing a full service stop complete with a driver change at…


Your featured dossiers sound like a very busy crew!


In Logan Lucky, Soderbergh strikes a nice middle balance: The movie presents some of the plan’s details near the beginning of the second act, after the makeshift crew has been cobbled together.


Happily, if you’re too lazy to think up something to actually do with your family, there are at least a few films the whole crew can enjoy this winter — particularly if your progeny are into «Harry Potter» — esque fantasy adventure.


While Democratic party leaders were difficult to reach by phone, Michael Conigliaro, executive director of the Queens County GOP, eagerly organized a conference call with the office’s boisterous digital outreach crew, requesting that Gotham Gazette list all of their names (Fred Darowitsch, Ryan Kelly, Michael Janis, Angela Ferri, Gabriel Miller).


I was very impressed with the whale watching crew at Cabo Adventures and really appreciated the distance they kept from the whales.


Filed Under: Fall + Winter, Style Tagged With: aerie, american eagle, express, fashion, gap, j. crew, leggings, style, sweatpants


He works well with the crew and is always thinking of new ways to improve things around the office.


Meanwhile, on the far end of the deck, the crew hauls in a 12-foot kasten core.


But virtual racetracks aren’t Lightning’s speed, so he sets out to find his former mentor’s crew chief, a sturdy old truck named Smokey (Chris Cooper), who reminds him what he was racing for in the first place.


Exterior color: white platinum metallic tri-coat, body: 4 door crew cab long bed truck, engine: 6.7 l v8 32v ddi ohv turbo diesel


This would end many friendships with the other children in the area, which they’ve dubbed the Goondocks, and their crew call themselves The Goonies, who are united in their quest for adventure and shenanigans.


Planning information and some of the Magic, Memories, Mayhem crew‘s favorite tips and tricks for making the most out of your Disney vacation.


When I saw today’s Pinterest Inspiration photo from H&K Style Journey and crew I immediately thought «Crap!


Finely ribbed crew neckline and bottom.


As was recently posted on the A Voice for Lil Olive Facebook page, a crew has worked in studio as well as on location at a veterinary clinic and local Humane Society offices.


Following the cabin baggage limitations is extremely important for your safety as it minimizes the risk of injury to passengers and crew.


That’s thanks to the fact that they still offer standard bench seats in many of their lower trims, and then provide a second row of seating for three in their double and crew cabs.


2011 gmc sierra 1500 crew cab denali emerald green metallic gmc sierra.


And with that cast and crew, not to mention all that critical acclaim, it’s no wonder the network is willing to stick with Vinyl and see where it goes.


He remarked that whenever he sees heart-rending scenes of famine victims he wonders, «How come the film crew didn’t just give the kid a sandwich?


When she and her crew first treated a man having difficulty breathing on Sept. 12, Parrinello said she did notice the nursing home was warm and asked staff about it.


Audio Commentaries 11 audio commentaries with cast and crew including David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, George R.R. Martin, Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, Kit Harington, Jack Gleeson, Natalie Dormer, Pedro Pacal, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and more.


As a fan of both Pitch Black and the Chronicles of Riddick, it gives me great pleasure to type this up: Vin Diesel has confirmed that a third Riddick game is in the works, and is being developed by the same crew who put together The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay.


When the crew of an airplane are struck by some form of virus, the fate of the passengers depends on an ex-war pilot who is the only one able to land the plane safely!


In the case of the United Express flight 3411 from Chicago to Louisville on Sunday, four crew members were required to board the plane in order to work from Louisville the following day.


Crafted from a super-soft cotton blend, it features a classic crew neckline with tipped detailing and short sleeves.


Fire crews were called around 12:30 p.m.; a 91-year-old resident and his dog were home at the time of the fire, and fled the building in flames.


Initially, it concerns the efforts of William O’Niel (Sean Connery), the serving marshall on a mining colony on Jupiter’s moon Io, to discover why numerous crew members are suddenly going insane and meeting gruesome ends.


While other retailers make do with a skeleton crew of one or two employees behind the counter, Shady Maple makes sure it always has enough staff to handle customers» questions quickly and effectively.


Yes, the neckline is much more flattering than a crew neck.


Captain Cole Greenberg helped lead his crew to victory accounting for several TDs in this one.


The Raptors won 56 games and even took two during the 2016 conference finals (not that LeBron and his crew were really worried.)


Instead, he and his crew are beings paying for their reprehensible lives by slowing decomposing and metamorphosing into various sea creatures (which are amazingly crafted) and living their hellish lives on board The Flying Dutchman, a vessel which can magically surface nearly anywhere in the ocean without notice.


The short clip sees a crew of skinny models getting #turnt (possibly even lit) in a dimly-lit club, with a few couples sharing some steamy moments.


The one thing this crew has been able to count on across all of these movies have been…


Repeaters are loaded onboard at the start of the voyage, and the crew adds one to the cable approximately every 50 to 100 kilometres.


And for those who want to perfect their dick-drawing skills, we have a panel with the cast and crew of American Vandal.


Extras: commentary, ten cast and crew interviews, a three minute writers» «making of» featurette, the four minute featurette «Lessons From Below: Miner Education,» the brief «Breaking News Report: Newsreel: «The 19,»» and more.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word crew, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use crew in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «crew».

Crew in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word crew in a sentence.

  1. In 1853, a crew led by U.S.

  2. Only 13 of the crew survived.

  3. The backup crew was Richard F.

  4. The crew ignored this request.

  5. Oxford Men’s Reserve Isis crew.

  6. Three of her crew were injured.

  7. The size of her crew is unknown.

  8. The crew consisted of pilots Lt.

  9. The surveying crew of Allexey W.

  10. A three-astronaut crew (Joseph P.

  11. She had a crew of 14 officers and 243 enlisted men.

  12. The crew consisted of 39 officers and enlisted men.

  13. In 1911 her crew numbered 758 officers and ratings.

  14. Sverdrup’s main task now was to keep his crew busy.

  15. Their crew consisted of 1,360 officers and ratings.

  16. Blackrock was filmed over a period of two weeks with a cast and crew of about 70.

  17. Her crew numbered about 756 officers and ratings upon completion and 813 in 1914.

  18. After the problem was solved, the crew began preparation for the first Moon walk.

  19. At 02:16, Riefkohl ordered the crew to abandon ship, and Vincennes sank at 02:50.

  20. No sign was found of either the aircraft or its crew despite a month-long search.

  21. Dresden captured the British collier SS Holmwood on 24 August and sank her after evacuating her crew.

  22. The artwork is circled in red, with a white band giving the mission and crew names and a blue border.

  23. The crew settled down to a comfortable routine in which boredom and inactivity were the main enemies.

  24. Less than a week later, on 27 May, Lindemann and most of his crew died in Bismarck’s last battle.

  25. After the crew locate him, Sparrow deciphers a clue on the charts allowing them to escape the Locker.

  26. California Chrome returned to Los Alamitos, where Sherman’s crew treated the wound for about 10 days.

  27. Concerned for the safety of the cast and crew, Stigwood and Weintraub decided against shooting there.

  28. Two weeks later, the entire cast and crew joined with studio executives for a traditional wrap party.

  29. It was the first time a crew had won the race with a deficit of more than one stone (6.4 kg) per man.

  30. The explosive force pushed him towards the edge of the airbag and the crew was concerned he had died.

  31. Once the orbiter vehicle was traveling subsonically, the crew took over manual control of the flight.

  32. The technical departments were handled by Saran’s regular crew, which consisted of cinematographer A.

  33. Both the crew and passengers were drunk and, just outside the harbour, the ship hit a submerged rock.

  34. James Letten remarked that his Cambridge crew were «on the money» and had «stepped up and delivered».

  35. In peacetime, the crew numbered 997 officers and ratings, but this increased to 1,275 during wartime.

  36. Zong had a 17-man crew when it left Africa, which was far too small to maintain adequate sanitary conditions on the ship.

  37. Pursuing a fleeing Covenant vessel, Master Chief and the crew of the human ship In Amber Clad discover another Halo ring.

  38. As the German Imperial Navy had chronic shortages of trained sailors, many of the crew were then assigned to other ships.

  39. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet crew of the Federation starship Enterprise-D.

  40. In the form of a bearded old man it rose out of the water, terrifying the passengers and crew of a boat it was following.

  41. Also a white prototype DB9 manual was supplied to the film crew so that the stunt drivers had something to practice with.

  42. At the Air Force Association’s annual dinner dance in September 1971, the Apollo 15 crew were presented with the David C.

  43. Saeroen named the fictional island on which Terang Boelan takes place «Sawoba» after the crew: Saeroen, Wong, and Balink.

  44. Additionally, the crew brought an ultraviolet camera and spectrograph to study interplanetary and intergalactic hydrogen.

  45. With his aircraft in flames, he ordered his crew to bail out of the rear hatch while he parachuted from the front window.

  46. There Teach disembarked the crew of the captured Spanish sloop, before proceeding north to the port of Charles Town, South Carolina, attacking three vessels along the way.

  47. Roshan assisted his father on four films—Khudgarz (1987), King Uncle (1993), Karan Arjun (1995) and Koyla (1997)—while also sweeping the floor and making tea for the crew.

  48. In a clash with revolutionaries, one man from the ship’s crew was killed and several were injured, while twenty-two revolutionaries were arrested and held aboard the ship.

  49. Along with the rest of the Apollo 11 crew, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction by President Nixon in 1969 at the state dinner in their honor.

  50. Foiled by the hacker’s work, SHODAN prepares to seed Earth with the virus that Diego planned to steal—the same one responsible for turning the station’s crew into mutants.

Synonyms for crew

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word crew has the following synonyms: crowd, gang, bunch, work party and .

General information about «crew» example sentences

The example sentences for the word crew that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «crew» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «crew».

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