Sentence with word credits

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1. I couldn’t transfer all my credits from junior college.

2. She has had many credits and name-checks in American Vogue.

3. Does this item go among the credits or the debits?

4. He’s already got a credit/three credits in earth science.

5. He hasn’t enough credits to get his degree.

6. My math class is worth three credits.

7. His name appears in the film credits for lighting.

8. Students gain college credits which count towards their degree.

9. He credits me with having better sense than that.

10. I have three credits on my bank statement.

11. They were issuing agricultural credits.

12. I don’t have enough credits to graduate.

13. He hasn’t enough credits to get his doctorate.

14. The bank refused further credits to the company.

15. He refused to grant them long — term credits.

16. The credits are listed on the back of the album.

17. The statement of total debits and credits is known as a balance.

18. Tax credits given to students are merely a band-aid solution to the rising cost of getting an education.

19. The debits and credits should theoretically balance out within a

20. She credits her good looks and intelligence to her father’s side of the family.

21. We stayed for the film credits to see who the music was by.

22. The bank agreed further credits to the company because the company can disburse.

23. The credits seemed to last almost as long as the film!

24. The company promised to provide credits to customers who had been charged too much.

25. We left the cinema before the final credits began to roll.

26. The US is contributing $4 billion in loans, credits and grants.

27. His film credits as director include ‘Mood Music’ and ‘Lies’.

28. If I spend a semester in Madrid, will my credits transfer?

29. The total of debits must balance the total of credits.

30. By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.

More similar words: credit, on credit, credited, accredit, creditor, tax credit, discredit, creditable, credit card, accredited, credit union, credit limit, credit rating, credit report, credit bureau, credit crunch, line of credit, credit balance, discreditable, accreditation, consumer credit, commercial credit, credit insurance, heredity, hereditary, credible, incredibly, incredible, credibility, edit. 

credit — перевод на русский


You don’t need to copy my driver’s license, my credit cards.

Не обязательно сканировать мои права и кредитки.

Only credit cards.

Только кредитки.

Well I don’t take credit cards.

Но тока я кредитки не принимаю.

May I see your credit cards please?

Разрешите Ваши кредитки, сэр.

Uh, I’m gonna need to take, uh… money, credit cards.

Э-э-э, мне нужно будет взять деньги и кредитки.

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I have all the furniture on credit.

Вся мебель в кредит.

We ain’t running any credit game.

Здесь не проводятся игры в кредит.

Your credit’s good here, Doc.

У Вас здесь кредит, доктор.

Jerry, I admit as one man to another, that economically, I haven’t been of much value to you, but suppose you could put one on credit.

Джерри, могу сказать тебе, как мужчина мужчине, с экономической точки зрения, я был не очень ценным клиентом, но… может быть, ты мне нальёшь в кредит?

Her credit is phenomenal.

Её кредит просто феноменален.

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Look, here’s my driver’s license, my credit cards…

Вот, мои водительские права, кредитные карточки…

Money’s sound, credit rates are moving up, up, up, and the British pound is the admiration of the world.

Фонды стабильны, кредитные ставки рвутся вверх, английским фунтом восхищается весь мир.

It has its own cinema, newspaper, its own TV station and credit cards.

Там есть свои кинотеатры, газеты, свои телестанции и кредитные карты.

Two credit units, please.

Две кредитные единицы, пожалуйста.

Only the skillful or the lucky, and of course the professional players, can considerably increase the number of balls and trade them in afterwards for cigarettes, food, electronic gadgets, or for credit slips which, although illegal, can be exchanged for cash

Набрать много шариков удаётся только умелым и удачливым игрокам. И, разумеется, профессионалам. Выигрыш меняют на сигареты, продукты, электронные игрушки… или кредитные талоны, которые можно, хотя и незаконно, продать перекупщикам в соседних переулках.

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Funny, none of the credit’s mine.

Забавно, но это не мои заслуги.

My friend, new uniform, new boots, medals, and what about war credits?

Дружище, новая форма, новые сапоги, медали, и даже боевые заслуги? — Транспорт не в счёт!

Why is he reciting my credits?

— Зачем он перечисляет мои заслуги?

Now, I don’t take any credit, but I believed in Jack even when he was a local boy pounding nails.

Хоть в этом и нет моей прямой заслуги, но я поверил в Джека тогда, когда он был просто парнем, заколачивающим гвозди.

That’s for taking credit for other people’s work. Oh!

Это тебе за то, что присваиваешь чужие заслуги.

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A letter of credit on our Paris bank. — She can draw up to 50,000.

Откройте ей счет в нашем Парижском отделении на сумму пятьдесят тысяч.

«The transfer is made by standing orders to the credit of Dr Adolf Glaser.

«Деньги отправлялись на расчетный счет доктора Адольфа Глязера.

Bank of Savings and Credit, account No. 804/36 belongs to an Antonio Fiordaliso.

Сберегательный банк, счет 804/36, владелец — некий Aнтонио Фиордолизо.

Also, Paulie could do anything. Like run up bills on the joint’s credit.

A ещё Пол мог делать, что угодно, даже покупать всё за счёт ресторана.

— Can I use yours to make a credit card call, please?

— Ничего, если я от вас позвоню? За свой счет, конечно. — Да на здоровье.

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Your feelings do you credit, Pinkie.

— Ваши религиозные чувства делают вам честь, Пинки.

— Does you credit.

— Делает тебе честь.

I know what’s in your mind, Mr Smollett, and it does you credit.

Я знаю, о чем вы думаете, мистер Смоллетт, и это делает вам честь.

Your spirit does you credit, but do not be impatient.

Ваш задор делает вам честь.

You would do Aphrodite credit.

Ты делаешь честь Афродите.

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You hear music, you see credits, you think it’s over?

Музыка, титры, думаете это конец?

In order to note down as much as possible from the credits, I had learned to write without taking my eyes from the screen.

Чтобы как можно подробнее переписывать титры, я научился писать глядя на экран.

Cos the music comes up, there’s credits, and you always know when it’s over.

Когда появляются титры, ты знаешь, что это конец. Это конец.

All these talented people, all these -— money, Tv credits, and they come up here, and you get to decide what’s good and what’s not good , and we believe you .

Все эти талантливые люди, все эти деньги, титры в кино стекаются сюда, и вы должны решить, хорошо это или плохо. И мы верим вам.

Look at a movie with no credits, you’ll find out if it’s the Coen brothers.

А уж братья Коуэны… Пропустил титры, а всё равно узнаешь Коуэнов -— по движению камеры и всему прочему.

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I’ll give you credit for that.

Я отдаю тебе должное.

And I’ll give you credit, you were a great audience, Mr. Farrel.

А вы, надо отдать вам должное, оказались замечательным зрителем, мистер Фаррелл.

And I’ve gotta give you credit.

— Должен отдать тебе должное.

She’s lazy. Hey, I gotta give the guy credit.

Надо отдать ему должное.

I have to give you credit.

Должна отдать вам должное.

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Please allow my daughter, Annabel Andrews, whose signature appears below, to use my credit cards, et cetera, et cetera.

–азрешите моей дочери, јннабель Ёндрюс, чь€ подпись следует ниже, воспользоватьс€ моей кредитной картой итд итп

No, I don’t think Kevin even knows how to use a credit card.

Не думаю, что Кевин знает, как пользоваться кредитной картой.

You were usin’ her credit cards.

— Ты воспользовался её кредитной картой.

Paid with a credit card in the name of Susan Young.

Расплатилась кредитной картой на имя Сьюзан Янг.

You can’t slap it all on a credit card either.

Нельзя так швыряться кредитной картой.

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She took all the credit and she didn’t like me telling her so.

Она получила все похвалы и не любит, когда я об этом говорю.

I’m gonna call the Guinness Book of World Records… because I think this woman deserves credit.

Я собираюсь позвонить в редакцию книги рекордов Гиннеса… потому что, по-моему, эта женщина заслуживает похвалы.

I’d be taking credit for something I don’t deserve.

Я не хочу принимать похвалы за то, чего не делаю.

Okay. What would you be taking credit for?

За что ты получаешь похвалы?

He’s getting credit for work that I did.

Он получает похвалы за работу, которую сделала я.

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Sentences with the word Credit?



  • «the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar»
  • «She took credit for the whole idea»
  • «she already had several performances to her credit«
  • «give her recognition for trying»; «he was given credit for his work»; «give her credit for trying»
  • «We credit your account with $100″
  • «to credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely»
  • «a formidable opponent»; «the challenge was formidable»; «had a formidable array of compositions to his credit«; «the formidable army of brains at the Prime Minister’s disposal»
  • «he launched into a long history of the birth of communism, giving credit punctiliously to the work of Marx and Engels»
  • «the goalie made a brilliant save»; «the relief pitcher got credit for a save»
  • «a narrow victory»; «the general always gets credit for his army’s victory»; «clinched a victory»; «convincing victory»; «the agreement was a triumph for common sense»
  • «an unconfirmed letter of credit«; «unconfirmed rumors»

  • Use the word CREDITS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

So if Wall Street hears of a rift in the matrimonial happiness of Your Majesty… it will stop all credits and we do not get the loan.

Chandler had acted professionally from age eight, and had an impressive list of stage credits in New York.

They’re very clever at earning credits to get themselves the softest jobs.

Here’s a list of credits.

Even England has stopped her credits.

I’m not thinking about credits, Vance.

Got behind in his credits, flunked out.

Give them the picture. Well, as you all know, a first great nation is a nation with surplus international credits.

Hoping to meet with your approval, Lux film has decided to save you, just for a change, the boring reading of the film’s credits.

The bank needs to know about the credits «She’s not there».

Want a list of my credits?

Jacques Morel and you, Mr. Toscane, since you are only heard in the film, you won’t be seen in the credits.

Your credits okay with me.

The bank had suddenly reopened our line of credits.

The credits will run forever.

I revised your credits in the morning!

You should get credits for the senior year and try to get a high school diploma after intensive courses.

I didn’t ask for your credits last night.

Not much in the bank, but a lot of credits to collect.

What more do they want? No way your credits.

I’m not a book keeper Mr. Kennedy, I don’t dabble in debits or credits.

She is so touched by wealth that she credits God with the idea of wealth.

There follows an interminable list of other credits acknowledging the efforts of all the quote little people unquote, whom I shall graciously thank in my acceptance speech at the Academy Awards.

When administrator called the union, he died without any relatives, they found his name only in the choir credits.

All the credits go to you of course.

My government is ready to start a financing program giving the credits needed for all the inhabitants of the world to have, at least, a car electrical appliances for the kitchen refrigerators automatic washing machines and TV sets.

Maybe we can’t break it, but I’ll bet you credits to navy beans we can put a dent in it.

My friend, 10 credits apiece is a very reasonable price.

I’m going to lessen my price to 8 and a half credits.

Six credits, not a credit more.

All right, you robber, 6 credits.

I figure a reasonable mark-up for a reasonable profit, say, a 10 percent mark-up. Ten credits.

And at 6 credits a head… Well, that is, a body… it mounts up.

Russia is prepared to match every move you make to reduce military tension and give you what credits she can to buy in other markets.

And in the credits of these movies, the Jewish names had been erased.

No tuition, no credits, no grades, and no more classes.

Today only, blue dendrites are only 47 credits.

The expenditure ceiling on the THX case is 14,000 credits.

6000 credits under budget.

But they had been with the credits, speeding up the recovery with an enormous program of workmanships public for the unemployeds.

And while you look at this footage of Faro, here are the credits.

Discover the magic and wonder of unicorns on National Unicorn Day! Learn about the history of this beloved holiday, explore fun activities to celebrate, and discover interesting fun facts about unicorns that you never knew before.

National Unicorn Day is an annual celebration held on April 9th to honor the mythical creature known as the unicorn. The day is marked by various activities, such as dressing up in unicorn costumes, decorating with unicorn-themed items, and participating in unicorn-related games and events. The purpose of National Unicorn Day is to encourage imagination, creativity, and a sense of wonder in people of all ages, while also celebrating the uniqueness and magic of unicorns.

History of National Unicorn Day

The exact origin of National Unicorn Day is unknown, but it is believed to have started as a social media trend in the early 2010s. As the popularity of unicorns grew in popular culture, especially among children and young adults, people began to celebrate the mythical creature with its own dedicated day.

In 2015, the social media management company, Hashtag Roundup, launched a Twitter hashtag #NationalUnicornDay, which quickly gained popularity and was used by people around the world to share unicorn-related content and images.

In 2018, the holiday was officially recognized by the National Day Calendar, a registry of national days in the United States. Since then, National Unicorn Day has been celebrated annually on April 9th, with various events and promotions organized by businesses and organizations in the US and around the world.

Today, National Unicorn Day continues to be celebrated as a fun and whimsical holiday that encourages people to embrace their imagination and creativity, while also celebrating the magic and wonder of unicorns.

National Unicorn Day (April 9)

National Unicorn Day Timeline

Here is a timeline of some of the key events and milestones in the history of National Unicorn Day:

  • Early 2010s: The popularity of unicorns begins to grow in popular culture, especially among children and young adults.
  • April 9, 2015: The social media management company, Hashtag Roundup, launches the Twitter hashtag #NationalUnicornDay, which quickly gains popularity and is used by people around the world to share unicorn-related content and images.
  • April 9, 2016: National Unicorn Day is celebrated for the second year in a row, with even more people participating in the festivities on social media.
  • April 9, 2017: The third annual National Unicorn Day is celebrated, with businesses and organizations around the world using the hashtag to promote unicorn-themed products and events.
  • April 9, 2018: The National Day Calendar officially recognizes National Unicorn Day as a holiday in the United States, helping to raise the profile of the celebration.
  • April 9, 2019: National Unicorn Day continues to grow in popularity, with more businesses and organizations than ever before offering unicorn-themed products and events.
  • April 9, 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic causes many National Unicorn Day events to be canceled or moved online, but people still find creative ways to celebrate the holiday from home.
  • April 9, 2021: National Unicorn Day is celebrated around the world, with businesses and organizations offering virtual events and promotions to help people celebrate safely during the pandemic.
  • April 9, 2022: National Unicorn Day is celebrated once again, with people of all ages embracing their inner unicorn and celebrating the magic and wonder of these mythical creatures.

National Unicorn Day Activities

There are many activities that people can do to celebrate National Unicorn Day. Here are some ideas:

  1. Dress up in unicorn costumes: Whether it’s a full-body costume or just a unicorn headband, dressing up in unicorn-themed clothing is a fun way to embrace the spirit of the holiday.
  2. Decorate with unicorn-themed items: From balloons and streamers to tableware and wall art, there are many ways to decorate your home or office with unicorn-themed items.
  3. Make unicorn-themed food and drinks: Get creative in the kitchen and make unicorn-inspired treats like rainbow cupcakes, unicorn popcorn, or unicorn hot chocolate.
  4. Host a unicorn-themed party: Invite friends and family over for a unicorn-themed party, complete with unicorn decorations, food, and games.
  5. Create unicorn-themed crafts: Make your own unicorn-themed crafts, such as DIY unicorn horns, unicorn slime, or unicorn headbands.
  6. Read or watch unicorn-related stories: From children’s books to movies and TV shows, there are many stories about unicorns that you can read or watch to get into the spirit of the holiday.
  7. Participate in unicorn-related events: Look for local events or online events that celebrate National Unicorn Day, such as virtual unicorn-themed dance parties, art contests, or scavenger hunts.
  8. Donate to a unicorn-related charity: Consider donating to a charity that supports the preservation of unicorns, or one that uses unicorn imagery to help sick children or promote positivity and kindness.

Why We Love and Celebrate National Unicorn Day

National Unicorn Day is a beloved holiday because unicorns are a symbol of magic, wonder, and imagination. They are mythical creatures that capture our imagination and transport us to a world of fantasy and enchantment. Here are some reasons why we love and celebrate National Unicorn Day:

  1. Unicorns are magical: They represent the impossible, the mystical, and the extraordinary. Celebrating National Unicorn Day allows us to tap into our own sense of wonder and embrace the idea that anything is possible.
  2. Unicorns are fun: From their colorful manes and tails to their sparkly horns, unicorns are fun and playful. Celebrating National Unicorn Day is a chance to let loose and have some lighthearted fun.
  3. Unicorns are positive symbols: They are often associated with positivity, happiness, and good luck. Celebrating National Unicorn Day can help us cultivate a positive mindset and focus on the good things in life.
  4. Unicorns inspire creativity: Their whimsical nature and otherworldly beauty inspire artists, writers, and creators to come up with new and exciting ways to depict them. Celebrating National Unicorn Day can be a chance to explore our own creativity and imagination.
  5. Unicorns are loved by all ages: From young children to adults, unicorns have a universal appeal that transcends age and gender. Celebrating National Unicorn Day is a chance to come together and celebrate something that everyone can enjoy.

Overall, National Unicorn Day is a day to embrace the magic and wonder of unicorns, to celebrate our imaginations and creativity, and to have some lighthearted fun with friends and family.

Interesting Fun Facts About Unicorn

Here are some interesting fun facts about unicorns:

  1. Unicorns are often depicted as having healing powers, and their horns were believed to have medicinal properties.
  2. The word “unicorn” comes from the Latin words “uni” (meaning one) and “cornu” (meaning horn), which translates to “one horn.”
  3. In medieval times, unicorns were believed to be real creatures that could only be captured by a virgin. They were also believed to be so fast and agile that they could outrun any hunter.
  4. Unicorns are often depicted as white horses with a single spiral horn on their forehead, but in some cultures, they are also depicted as being other colors, such as gold or silver.
  5. In some myths and legends, unicorns are said to be able to purify water by dipping their horn into a polluted stream or river.
  6. Unicorns are often associated with rainbows, as they are both symbols of magic and wonder.
  7. Some people believe that the unicorn is a symbol of Christ, with its horn representing the cross and its pure white coat representing purity and innocence.
  8. The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn, and it has been used as a symbol of Scottish royalty for centuries.
  9. In the Middle Ages, unicorn horns were worth more than their weight in gold, and many fake unicorn horns were sold as genuine.
  10. Unicorns have been featured in many works of literature and popular culture, including Harry Potter, The Last Unicorn, and My Little Pony.

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Definition of Credit

acknowledgment or recognition granted to a person for something they did

Examples of Credit in a sentence

Nothing is more low and cowardly than to take credit and glory for something someone else has done.


Not everyone cares whether or not they receive credit for their work, so long as their work benefits mankind as a whole.


Thomas Edison gets most of the credit for how we use electricity today, even though Nikola Tesla did much of what he did first and better.


Even though I turned in my homework last week, I apparently did not get credit for it since I received a zero in the gradebook.


You should give credit where it is due, acknowledging the things people have done through their own hard work and effort.


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Used with adjectives:

«Long-term credit will pay for things you need.«
(long-term, short-term)

«Interest-free credit is hard to get.«

«She has bad credit.«
(bad, good)

«He should get full credit for the win.«
(full, partial, proper)

«The class will give him course credit.«
(course, college)

Used with verbs:

«Do you have good credit?«

«You need good credit to get a loan.«

«You can get credit at the bank.«
(get, obtain)

«Most stores will offer credit.«
(offer, provide, give, extend)

«You should give her some credit.«

«She doesn’t get credit for her work.«
(get, receive, take)

«He deserves more credit.«

«Community college is a good way to earn credits.«
(earn, transfer, get)

Used with nouns:

«I have a high credit limit.«
(limit, rating, score, balance)

«How long is your credit history?«
(history, record)

«She asked for my credit report.«

«He is a credit risk.«

«The credit union is also a bank.«

Used with prepositions:

«She bought the jacket on credit.«

«She gets credit for helping.«

Examples of how to use the word “credit” in a sentence. How to connect “credit” with other words to make correct English sentences.

credit (n): praise, approval, or honour

Use “credit” in a sentence

Most of the credit for our success goes to you.
He usually uses credit cards instead of cash.
Can I use a credit card for payment?
Can I pay by credit card?

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