Sentence with word credible

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Some present rigorous and credible assessments of UNDP performance.

В некоторых из них содержится обстоятельный и достоверный анализ результатов работы ПРООН.

There were credible reports some residents received no compensation.

Поступали достоверные сообщения о том, что некоторые жители не получили компенсаций.

An unavoidable phenomenon, globalization requires a credible and sustainable social context.

Глобализация — это неизбежное явление и как таковое оно требует надежного и устойчивого социального контекста.

We seek credible deterrence but at the lowest possible level.

Мы добиваемся надежного сдерживания, но как можно на более низком уровне.

We remain convinced that a credible treaty must be verifiable.

Мы по-прежнему уверены в том, что убедительный договор должен быть проверяемым.

I thought she seemed credible, but who knows.

Даже несмотря на то, что оно выглядело как будто бы убедительно, но кто знает.

Information is taken from sources that are not credible.

Большая часть информации взята из источников, которые не являются достоверными.

Committed companies will report their progress in a transparent, credible manner.

Компании, взявшие на себя обязательства, будут отчитываться о своем прогрессе транспарентным и надежным образом.

He said that must include a full and credible investigation.

Он сказал, что это должно включать в себя полное и достоверное расследование.

This is why populists seem credible even when they lie.

Именно поэтому слова популистов кажутся достоверными даже тогда, когда они лгут.

This means requesting more credible, appropriate and reliable information.

Это значит, что необходима более достоверная, адекватная и надежная информация.

He found a number of their stories credible.

Он пришел к выводу, что многие из этих сообщений были достоверными.

This claim therefore does not appear to be credible.

Таким образом, это утверждение, по всей видимости, не является достоверным.

A highly-ranked site appears more credible and trustworthy.

Сайт с высоким рейтингом выглядит более надежным и заслуживающим доверия.

A successful broadbanding pilot would require a credible performance appraisal system.

Для успешного выполнения пилотного проекта по введению широких категорий необходимо выработать надежную систему оценки результативности работы.

Allegations of serious abuse supported by credible evidence gave rise to administrative measures or criminal prosecution where warranted.

Утверждения в отношении серьезных злоупотреблений, подтвержденные надежными свидетельскими показаниями, служат основанием для принятия административных мер или, если необходимо, уголовного преследования.

Participatory, policy-relevant and scientifically credible environmental assessments.

Подготовка совместных, политически актуальных и достоверных с научной точки зрения экологических оценок.

Reducing the risks would require sound macroeconomic policies and credible institutional frameworks.

Для борьбы с последними следует опереться на научно обоснованную макроэкономическую политику и надежные институциональные рамки.

He therefore sought confirmation that the assurances given to the construction manager were credible.

В связи с этим оратор хотел бы получить подтверждение того, что гарантии, предоставленные руководителю строительства, являются надежными.

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заслуживающий доверия, вероятный


- правдоподобный, вероятный

it hardly seems credible — этому трудно поверить

- заслуживающий доверия (о человеке); надёжный

after this latest affair he hardly seems credible as a politician — после последнего скандала он вряд ли может пользоваться доверием как политический деятель

Мои примеры


credible politician — серьёзный политик  
credible supplier — надёжный поставщик  
credible witness — свидетель, заслуживающее доверия  
maximum credible earthquake — максимальное расчетное землетрясение  
most credible hypothesis — наиболее правдоподобная гипотеза  
credible conventional/nuclear deterrent — эффективные неядерные и ядерные средства устрашения  
credible accident — проектная авария ядерного реактора; вероятная авария ядерного реактора  
credible assurance — надёжная гарантия  
credible bankruptcy threat — реальная угроза банкротства  
credible cause of failure — вероятная причина отказа  

Примеры с переводом

Her excuse was barely credible.

Её оправдание вряд ли заслуживало доверия.

We’ve received credible information about the group’s location.

Мы получили достоверные сведения о местонахождении данной группы.

He was unable to give a credible explanation for his behaviour.

Он не смог дать правдоподобное объяснение своему поведению.

Can Thompson make a credible challenge for the party leadership?

Сможет ли Томпсон реально бороться за руководство партией?

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She does a credible job of playing the famous singer.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

incredible  — невероятный, потрясающий, неимоверный, неслыханный, неправдоподобный, потрясный
credibly  — достоверно, о действии

Definition of Credible

believable; trustworthy

Examples of Credible in a sentence

As a member of the jury, I didn’t find the witness testimony credible so I disregarded it.


The detectives searched for a credible account of the robbery they could believe.


Since the European actor wasn’t credible as a singer, his film about the country music icon bombed at the box office.


Thanks to my former employer’s credible recommendation I now have a great job.


Because of credible information regarding possible terror attacks, the national threat level has been raised to code orange.


Other words in the Real category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

If they can not find you on the web, they may think you do not exist or that you are not a credible lawyer, and they will move on to the next name.


It feels at times like an affectation, but otherwise, he invests the right about of credible angst to make the character compelling.


The Myanmar government has consistently denied all accusations… of reliable reporting dating back to 1907, today’s UPI is a credible source for the most…


To find out which ones are credible and which ones are wanting, you have to review each and every one.


Competence in physics does not make someone automatically credible in his opinions on any other science, whether it…


Your offer will not be accompanied by just a simple pre-approval letter, but a complete and detailed «pre-underwrite» package, revealing details about your loan approval and the complete process you have been through by us to ensure that your offer is far more substantial and credible than the competition.


If well-known and credible binary options brokers don’t trust a particular automated robot, then follow suit and stay away.


We’ll boldly claim that by «athletic department strength,» the Big 12 wants good football programs, credible men’s basketball programs and lots of money.


The result is correlation coefficient 0.95 with measured anomalies since before 1900 and credible trend back to the LIA.


The QFLT is supplied with a range of support resources which help schools clarify their goals and intentions, and to develop credible implementation plans.


And many charter authorizers have managed to build a credible and valid set of data that allows them to close failing charters at the end their first five-year term.


Reality check… is there any credible doubt that Gavin thinks (a) CAGW is settled/established beyond a reasonable doubt, enough to warrant xillion-dollar social upheavals; even though (b) not every last detail is settled?


It is not credible to suggest that Australia, one of the world’s wealthiest nations, can not solve a health and justice crisis affecting three per cent of its citizens.


«Some of the observers are already seeing the APC led federal government as incapable and lacking the capacity to conduct a free, fair and credible election in a State as small as Bayelsa.


«This commitment will benefit China and represents a serious and credible contribution to tackle climate change,» Jennifer Morgan, director of the Climate Program at the World Resources Institute in Washington, said in a statement.


In the quest to stand out from the crowd and achieve credible differentiation, law firms turn to a variety of strategies and services, some of which have been around for a long time, some of which are very new and quite revolutionary.


I feel like Assange on Twitter might not be the most credible source to cite, especially considering how the legality of some of his own actions is in question.


It is doubtful if the North-East or Borno State in particular, lacks credible retired army officers who can do the job.»


Biblical statements, if taken literally, are not credible to modern man.


But this claim of good expenditure management is not credible.


Read the specs you’ll see that the Arteon’s luxury creds are, well, credible.


Leach argues that «federal climate policy backstops put a stronger foundation under the Alberta plan and, with the Alberta plan in place, there is a credible although still very challenging path for Canada to meet its 2030 target.


KIPP, one of the country’s largest and most successful charter school chains, dismissed its co-founder, Michael Feinberg, after an investigation found credible a claim that he had sexually abused a student some two decades ago.


«A goal for 2030 or perhaps 2025 is credible,» Andrew Harrop of Progress suggested earlier this year.


Ravitch also uses credible research to debunk the «fixes» in vogue for our public schools: such as Teach for America, charter schools, test-based accountability, eliminating tenure, test-based teacher evaluation, parent trigger, school closures and the Common Core State standards.


The standard is set to help those who fund life-changing climate and development projects around the world — including corporates, impact investors and government bodies — measure the full range of benefits they have contributed to and report credible, verified impacts to their customers and other stakeholders.


The president based his decision on «credible evidence» that caused him to believe that Broadcom — if able to purchase Qualcomm — «might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States.»


This free site links homeowners to credible local resources and requires no registration.


Never mind 50 years of deindustrialisation, a deepening Europe-wide crisis of social democracy, or the downsides of the Blair and Brown years, to quote the Labour-aligned thinktank Policy Network: last year’s election defeat could be reduced to two key factors — Labour’s failure to pay enough attention to «economic competence», and the fact that «the public did not perceive Ed Miliband as a credible prime minister».


Experts must be credible in the witness box.


Successful media relations are built; credible media relations must be earned.


If you don’t have credible examples of these skills, it might be worth focusing your current job on building them.


This role is crucial to democratic survival and the Party shall continually make Nigerians look up to it as a credible alternative to the ruling party.


(2) Duchamp has always maintained that earlier studies, made when bird mortality at windfarms wasn’t such a hot potatoe, were more credible than recent ones.


This aims to incentivise better performance and a race-to-the-top, through a transparent, publicly available and credible ranking scheme.


Facebook says it will review all the legitimate reports and respond the users about the credible threat to their data as quickly as possible.


PBL calls for the creation of authentic products that are useful and credible to the group.


With so many variables (economic growth, climate and energy policies, oil depletion rates, renewable deployment rates, unexpected impacts from climate change), I think it is impossible to make a single credible prediction.


Mindy Lubber, president and director of the Investor Network on Climate Risk, called the upper end of the U.S. target «credible, comprehensive and highly achievable.»


• Travel bloggers are gaining recognition as one of the most credible sources of online travel information.


«We have got to fight for our values and to do that we’ve got to be powerful in this place, powerful in our communities and credible.


Be adequately supported by evidence from credible sources.


Data on refugee claim grant rates (including «no credible basis rates») for all RPD members from 2006 to 2011 is available via links at Rehaag, «Data», supra note 16.


They have visibility, and are highly credible.


The government’s regional schools commissioners (RSCs)— supported by Headteacher Boards — will assess whether or not the school has a credible plan to improve and ensure all children make the required progress.


The Diploma is registered on the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF) and recognised across the European Qualification Framework demonstrating a genuine qualification that is both transferable and credible.


The President assured his guests that elections would be conducted on the Saturday across the country and it would be free, fair and credible.


In addition to connecting reporters and editors with credible scientists who can quickly and accurately provide evidence-based information of relevance to news stories, SciLine will produce accessible summaries on a variety of newsworthy, science-relevant topics and gather on-the-record comments from experts for use by reporters as they prepare their stories.


Beyond developing a credible and effective corporate compliance program, there are other steps that trade associations can take including: exercising caution when sharing commercially sensitive information, ensuring accurate minute taking in meetings, and finding alternatives to fee setting guidelines.


Finally a credible person who actually figured that out!


1. They haven’t produced any credible evidence for convicting him.

2. Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent?

3. I’m not sure that I find her story credible.

4. Baroness Thatcher’s claims seem credible to many.

5. He was unable to give a credible explanation for his behaviour.

6. Her excuse was barely credible.

7. Mr Robertson would be a credible candidate.

8. A more credible explanation now occurred to her.

9. The plot is credible but the characters lack individuality.

10. The news report is hardly credible.

11. It is just not credible that she would cheat.

12. But in order to maintain a credible threat of intervention, we have to maintain a credible alliance.

13. It seems barely credible that anyone could have walked so far in a day.

14. Can Thompson make a credible challenge for the party leadership?

15. seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could get a handle on it.

16. His defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could get a handle on it.

17. His defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world …

18. defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could.

19. Community service is seen as the only credible alternative to imprisonment.

20. Is she a credible witness?

21. Western strategy had become a little more credible.

22. We supported the demands for a thorough and credible investigation by independent and impartial experts.

23. We must not shrink from the legitimate use of force if we are to remain credible.

24. You need imagination to make what you write fully credible.

24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

25. But Boeing officials have said that cost estimates at this point are too premature to be credible.

26. But for the first time in decades the opposition parties are trying at least to look like a credible alternative government.

27. For insider dealing does not lack victims but rather, credible plaintiffs.

28. But how much longer he can survive as a credible force is open to question.

29. Once they began, they acquired momentum of their own, and the size of the purge made it credible.

30. The greater its dependence on others, the less its ability to issue credible threats or to mobilise for sustained hostilities.

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