Sentence with word crash

Crashes is the second album by the British power pop band the Records, released in 1980 by Virgin Records. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Soon a small body crashes into me and my girl wraps her arms around me tightly.


In 1989, a car crash leaves upwardly mobile writer Jake Davis (Russell Crowe) a widow and his cutie-pie daughter Katie (Kylie Rogers) without a mom; when mental health issues dictate Jake needs time in a sanitarium, Katie is put in the care of Aunt Elizabeth (Diane Kruger, gnawing on the set mercilessly) and Uncle William (Bruce Greenwood).


Inspired by Tagalongs, this grain-free pancake recipe incorporates the classic chocolate-peanut butter combo but won’t cause a sugar crash.


Harry Lyles Jr. on the Evansville basketball plane crash and its impact on college basketball is powerful.


I live in the Philadelphia area, and know a number of people who «traded up» in 2006 and 2007 who are still underwater after the 2008 crash.


His villainy crests slowly and crashes much too quickly; this is a case where an entire TV season might have leant some poignant and provocative layers to his character, though given Marvel’s dismal small-screen output, it’s more likely it would be a botch of a different sort.


Tejeda only found out about the crash via an Argentine news reporter.


They identified episodes when drivers talked, dialed or reached for a cell phone, reached for another object in the car, adjusted the car’s temperature or radio controls, ate, drank, looked at a crash or something else outside the car, or adjusted a mirror, seatbelt or window in the car.


It was as if the crash is just another business cycle downturn, not aggravated by any systemic financial flaws, but, if anything, by liberal government planners being too nice to poor people, by providing cheap mortgage credit to the uninitiated who could not quite handle the responsibility.


Intense sessions can trigger adrenal crashes, fatigue, and anxiety.


He was airlifted to hospital and is in a stable condition, but has been held overnight for observation after the heavy crash — according to a statement from his team.


Conequence: If the ABS or ESC is disabled, a loss of vehicle stability could occur, increasing the risk of a crash.


If the global economy collapses, it will lead to widespread economic and social chaos far greater than that caused by the 1929 Wall Street crash — which led to the great depression in the western world.


for which i try to go on crash diets, but end up starving, hence have to eat.


Honda, whose Accord scored well, has looked for ways to improve crash compatibility between different-size cars, engineer Chuck Thomas told us.


Every car seat on the market has passed Federal Safety Standards & strict crash performance standards.


The Euro NCAP test involves tests that simulate an adult and child occupant in a crash, a struck pedestrian, and also survey’s the vehicles safety systems.


We’re actually software engineers from Silicon Valley, and we decided to take charge of our own investment accounts after the Tech Bubble crash in 2002, when we realized that most professional money managers do not add any significant value.


In January, NHTSA said it found no evidence of defects in the crash.


You see, when we give our body the whole nutrient-dense foods it needs to thrive, we don’t suffer from things like the 3 pm crash or food cravings.


We also perform vehicle-to-vehicle crashes, mostly for research purposes.


It was gathered that before any market crash, stock prices rose rapidly even beyond what they were worth.


However, they are equally known for their energy crashes, subsequent cravings, and numerous side effects.


Within a couple minutes, a huge boulder rolls down the hill, barely misses him, and crashes into his pool ruining the tiling.


As soon as the crash sensors report an airbag deployment, the system sends the precise vehicle location and all key information, including an assessment of the likelihood of serious injury, to the BMW Call Center via the built-in SIM card, thus enabling fast and effective assistance at the accident location.


This has included market crashes, stock price death spirals and short squeezes.


The new model, equipped with more driver assistance and collision avoidance technologies, and boasting an architecture composed of more than half high-strength steel, is likely to dramatically improve the 2018 Accent’s crash protection.


VISIT US TODAY TO SEE WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY AND THINK.Awards: * 2015 10 Best UberX Candidates * 2015 10 Best Sedans Under $ 25,000 Reviews: * Impressive acceleration and fuel economy with either engine, strong crash test scores, satisfying ride and handling balance, capable and user-friendly electronics, above-average cabin quality.


/ / Cars are still tanks that will be not broken on usual crashes with other cars or walls, only with brutal ones.


To prevent Cassini from crashing into and contaminating any of those hidden oceans, the space agency has directed the craft, which is running out of fuel, onto a crash course with Saturn.


In the aftermath of the May 6, 2010 Flash Crash, Nanex LLC (henceforth simply Nanex), a data analytics firm, investigated sub-second trade data from stock market feeds and discovered single-stock flash crashes that were taking place in millisecond time windows [16].


In the acclaimed sequel to Planet of the Apes, another astronaut (James Franciscus) crashes through the time barrier searching for the missing Taylor (Charlton Heston).


The unborn daughter of, the Tony-Award winning actress who was severely hurt while pregnant in a deadly Brooklyn crash, has died from injuries sustained in the accident.


The Air Force’s investigation into the crash of a drone aircraft into Lake Ontario last fall is nearing completion and should be made public later this spring.


The latest round of crash test results have just been released by Euro NCAP, with top scores for the new Range Rover Evoque and Mercedes C-Class coupe


Toyota is recalling 4,570 Prius and Lexus vehicles in Canada because an electrical issue may prevent the airbags from deploying in a crash; a further 49,000 are being recalled in…


Her character, Claire Bennett, is a Los Angeles attorney still on leave from her job more than a year after the car crash that left her with scars all over her body (including her LA-tanned face) and chronic pain that keeps her awake at night.


The longer the Fed leaves its target rate at zero, the greater the chance of asset price bubbles — and eventual crashes.


I get severe crashes after whey protein.


It took the Conservatives 15 after the ERM crash of 1992 to match Labour on economic credibility.


Exchanges, which crash or charge exorbitant fees, are the only intermediaries.


Getting «informed consent» from the Matses to gather their fecal samples, which are the best source of bacteria from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, was a challenge, Lewis says, so the anthropologists gave the Matses a crash course in bacterial biology by showing them gut microbes under microscope.


It would be unfortunate for an investor to relearn a painful lesson of another crash.


It follows demands made by Sen. Charles Schumer and Rep. Nydia Velazquez after fatal crashes in the Bronx and on the New Jersey Turnpike.


It’s important to make sure you get the clip up there, though, because it holds the harness straps in the right position to work best in the event of a crash.


Another year has come and gone and with it a few tired diet trends — calorie counting, crash dieting, and (gasp) kale.


Do you have Hashimoto’s and crash when you go too long without eating, losing energy and becoming «hangry?»


GM claims four crashes have been caused from this condition, with no injuries or fatalities.


After a horrible 10-vehicle crash on Route 17 in New York, motorists and passersby stopped to help victims of the accident.


Sergio Perez battles illness to finish P6; Stoffel Vandoorne gets the better of Fernando Alonso and Lance Stroll is involved in a weird post-race crash.


Synonym: break, shatter, smash, strike. Similar words: trash, ash, crack, craft, crawl, a share, wash up, flash. Meaning: [kræʃ]  n. 1. a loud resonant repeating noise 2. a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles) 3. a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures) 4. the act of colliding with something 5. (computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative. v. 1. fall or come down violently 2. move with, or as if with, a crashing noise 3. undergo damage or destruction on impact 4. move violently as through a barrier 5. break violently or noisily; smash; 6. occupy, usually uninvited 7. enter uninvited; informal 8. cause to crash 9. hurl or thrust violently 10. undergo a sudden and severe downturn 11. stop operating 12. sleep in a convenient place. 

Random good picture Not show

1. The crash of the whole solar and stellar systems could only kill you once. 

2. Griffiths is the sole survivor of the crash.

3. The lamp post got bent in the crash.

4. I just want to crash out on the sofa.

5. Ten people were killed in the train crash.

6. At least ten people were killed in the crash.

7. There was a loud crash offstage.

8. Her parents were killed in a plane crash.

9. The crash victim is now on a life-support machine.

10. She suffered only minor grazes in the crash.

11. He was killed in the air crash.

12. He suffered awful injuries in the crash.

13. Survivors of the crash were rescued by helicopter.

14. He took a crash course in Italian.

15. The poor weather was partly responsible for the crash.

15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

16. Her father died tragically in a car crash.

17. He developed a split personality after the crash.

18. The crash happened in thick fog.

19. Moments later , I heard a terrible crash.

20. The tree fell with a great crash.

21. Three people were killed in the crash.

22. Her legs were partly paralysed in the crash.

23. The plane was completely burnt out after the crash.

24. Suddenly there was a great crash of thunder.

25. I did a 15-week crash course in typing.

26. The plane crash bereaved her of her busband.

27. She was fatally wounded in a car crash.

28. Crash helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists.

29. The impact of the crash reduced the car to a third of its original length.

30. Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.

More similar words: trash, ash, crack, craft, crawl, a share, wash up, flash, cash in, washed out, scratch, as far as, phrase, fashion, cash in on, Democrat, aircraft, scramble, cameras, in so far as, contrast, democratic, old-fashioned, meritocracy, by contrast, harassment, contrast to, embarrassed, infrastructure. 

crash — перевод на русский


I tried an emergency spinal corpectomy on a 15-year-old car crash victim.

Пытался провести неотложную корпэктомию на 15-летней жертве аварии.

The inertial navigation system must’ve been knocked out in the crash.

Инерциальная навигационная система должно быть пострадала во время аварии.


Ирен погибла в аварии. Бруно.

Was he loaded or empty when he crashed?

Во время аварии на борту был кто-нибудь?

Yeah, well, my taste buds got wiped out in the crash of ’97.

Я потерял язык в аварии 97-го.

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To take the Prometheus up and reproduce the conditions under which Tony crashed.

— Поднять «Прометея» и воспроизвести условия, при которых разбился Тони.

I am sure that it crashed somewhere.

Я уверен, что он разбился.

Oh yea, a crash.

Ну да, разбился.

What’s going on? An aeroplane crashed on the mountains last night. One of those big ones, with passengers.

Ночью в горах разбился самолёт, большой самолёт с пассажирами.

Imagine that coming all the way from India crashing here.

Только представь, летел с самой Индии, а разбился здесь.

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A CAB plane flies toward the scene of the previous day’s crash involving Mitchell MacAfee.

Самолёт КГА летит к месту крушения, случившегося днём раньше с Митчем МакКафи.

I used to believe that as a baby, I was the sole survivor of a spaceship crash.

Ребенком мне говорили, что я единственная, кто выжил после крушения космического корабля на Марс.

Well, you seem pretty sure for someone who was half unconscious after the crash!

Вы кажетесь чересчур уверенными для тех, кто оказался почти без сознания после крушения!

I had tools and supplies left over from my crash.

Да. После крушения остались инструменты и материалы.

I imagine things have changed a lot since I crashed.

Полагаю, после моего крушения многое сильно изменилось.

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Some idiot crashed into me.

Какой-то кретин врезался в меня.

Car number 71 just crashed into car 63.

Автомобиль номер 71 врезался в автомобиль 63.

Jaffar, I’ve crashed

Джафар, я врезался.

I thought you crashed into a manure truck.

А я думал, ты врезался в грузовик с навозом.

He was drunk and crashed into a poplar tree.

Напился и врезался в тополь.

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We learnt a lot from Tony’s crash.

— Мы многому научились после катастрофы Тони.

My children, whom I love so dearly, it has been my duty in the long and difficult years since the world crash of ’79 to serve you as best I could.

Дети мои, вы — любовь моя, вы дороги мне… и моим долгом на протяжении этих долгих, тяжких лет… после Мировой катастрофы в 79-ом… было служение вам, изо всех моих сил.

The twenties come to a crashing climax… and still, Leonard Zelig is nowhere to be found.

Двадцатые достигли точки своей катастрофы… а кроме того, Леонарда Зелига нигде не могут найти.

You are already beginning to build yourself a case for the supernatural. But another set of details, from the same crash, could produce something completely different!

Вы видите здесь действие сверхъестественных сил, но если взять другие детали той же самой катастрофы, впечатление будет совсем иное!

All airlines have crashed at one time or another.

У всех авиакомпаний случались катастрофы когда-нибудь.

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Mine died last year in a plane crash.

— А мои погибли в авиакатастрофе.

So like, if you and I went down in a plane crash, that would be okay, because our souls would keep going.

Если мьi с тобой разобьемся в авиакатастрофе, ничего страшного, наши души останутся живьi.

He was in Korea, then he died in a jet crash.

Он был в Корее, а потом погиб в авиакатастрофе.

You ever wondered what it would be like to, uh,… _.die in a plane crash?

Вы никогда не задавались вопросом, что могли, например, погибнуть в авиакатастрофе?

Wouldn’t it be terrible to be killed in a plane crash?

Правда, было бы ужасно погибнуть в авиакатастрофе?

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You saw him crash.

Ты видел, как он упал.

When you tumbled rearward… and landed crashing into that pile of dirty dishes… you were at last my hero.

Когда ты попятился назад и упал на гору грязной посуды, наконец, ты стал моим героем.

As you’ve conjectured, an Earth vessel did crash on our planet, but with only a single survivor.

Как ты уже догадался, земной корабль и правда упал на нашу планету, но только с одним выжившим.

The plane crashed near the coast

Самолет упал недалеко от берега.

It crashed in an open section of southern Nebraska.

Он упал в открытом секторе на юге Небраски.

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He died just like that, in a car crash.

Он погиб в автокатастрофе, очень глупо.

His mother died in a crash. He says I traded him for a stepmom. It all began with that.

Его мать погибла в автокатастрофе, а он думает, что я променял его на мачеху.

If I died in some car crash.

Если б я погибла в автокатастрофе.

Tony died… in a terrible car crash.

Тони погиб в автокатастрофе. Пять лет назад.

I just seen your grandmother and she’s got the bizarre impression that your name is John Arnold DeMarco… that you grew up in Phoenix, Arizona… and that your father died in a car crash.

Твоя бабушка рассказала мне интересную историю, что тебя зовут Джон Арнольд ДеМарко, ты родился в Фениксе, твой отец погиб в автокатастрофе.

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— You’d crash the bus.

-Ты бы разбил автобус

I’ve just crashed up a car !

Я только что разбил машину!

He’s the one who crashed the car.

Это тот, который разбил машину.

He crashed the ship.

Он разбил корабль.

The gentleman that crashed through Victor Maitland’s window?

Тот, кто разбил окно в офисе Виктора Мэйтланда?

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We’ll crash!

Так мы разобьемся!

And crash the old girl’s timbers on Chanonry Point.

И разобьемся о причал на Шенонри Поинт.

We’re gonna crash!

Мы разобьемся!

-SARAH: We’re going to crash!

— Мы разобьемся!

— You mean we really are going to crash?

— Хочешь сказать, мы действительно разобьемся?

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авария, крах, аварийный, терпеть крах, с грохотом


- грохот, треск

the tree fell with a loud crash — дерево с треском рухнуло
a crash of thunder — удар грома
crash of artillery — грохот артиллерии

- сильный удар при падении, столкновении
- крушение, авария; столкновение (транспортных средств); авиационная катастрофа

there was a crash of two cars at the corner — на углу столкнулись две машины
passengers and crew died in the crash — пассажиры и команда погибли, когда самолёт разбился

- крах, банкротство

stock market crash — обвал на фондовой бирже

- вчт. крах, фатальный сбой
- суровое полотно; холст


- срочный, неотложный (о мероприятии); ударный (о работе)

crash programme — срочная программа
crash effort — ударная работа, аврал

- интенсивный; дающий немедленный эффект

crash course in computer programming — ускоренный курс программирования
to go on a crash diet — сесть на диету, которая должна незамедлительно дать результаты

- аварийный

crash crew — аварийная команда


- падать, валиться, рушиться с грохотом или с треском (особ. о ломких предметах)

the dishes crashed to the floor — посуда с грохотом упала на пол
the avalanche crashed down the mountain-side — снежная лавина с грохотом неслась по склону горы

- с шумом или грохотом разбить; сломать, разрушить; вызвать аварию

he went crashing the branches — он шёл, с треском ломая ветки
to crash a plane — а) сбить самолёт; б) разбить (свой) самолёт (при неудачной посадке и т. п.)

- разбиться (при падении)

the vase crashed as it struck the floor — ударившись об пол, ваза разлетелась на кусочки /разбилась вдребезги/

- потерпеть аварию (об автомобиле и т. п.); разбиться (о самолёте)

the two cars met and crashed — две машины столкнулись и разбились
the plane crashed into the sea — самолёт упал в море

- удариться с грохотом (обо что-л.); наскочить (на что-л.); врезаться (во что-л.)

to crash against a wall [a tree] — врезаться в стену [в дерево]
two cars crashed into each other at an intersection — на перекрёстке столкнулись два автомобиля

ещё 9 вариантов


- с грохотом

the heavy box landed crash on his head — тяжёлая коробка загремела прямо ему на голову
crash went the plate! — трах! и тарелки нет!

Мои примеры


the financial debacle that was the stock market crash of 1929 — финансовая катастрофа, которой оказался крах фондового рынка в 1929 году  
the facts concerning Marr’s car crash — факты, касающиеся аварии автомобиля Марра  
crash course in English — интенсивный курс английского языка  
crash equipment — аварийно-спасательное оборудование  
crash diet — строгая диета  
to go crash / smash — грохнуть, треснуть  
survivor of a plane crash — оставшийся в живых после авиакатастрофы  
to break through / crash through / run a roadblock — прорываться сквозь блокпост  
crash accelerometer — акселерометр для краш-тестов  
to crash against a wall — врезаться в стену  
air crash — авиационное происшествие  
fatal crash — катастрофа  

Примеры с переводом

She died in a car crash.

Она погибла в автокатастрофе.

They crashed into the room.

Они с шумом ворвались в комнату.

The branch crashed down on my car

Эта ветка свалилась на мою машину.

The car crashed into the lamp post

Машина врезалась в фонарный столб

Crash went the cup.

Бах — и чашки нет.

The plane crashed in the sea.

Самолёт потерпел крушение, рухнув в море. / Самолёт упал в море.

My computer crashed last night.

Прошлой ночью мой компьютер «упал».

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He crashed the cymbals together.

The plane crashed into a mountain.

The walls crashed down around them.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

crash in — вторгаться
crash out — сбегать, быстро засыпать, отрубаться, бежать из тюрьмы, вырваться на волю

Возможные однокоренные слова

crasher  — грохот, незваный гость, взломщик
crashed  — пьяный, изрядно напившийся, накрытый полицейской облавой
crashing  — сокращение времени, необыкновенный, терпеть крах

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: crash
he/she/it: crashes
ing ф. (present participle): crashing
2-я ф. (past tense): crashed
3-я ф. (past participle): crashed

ед. ч.(singular): crash
мн. ч.(plural): crashes

How to use crash in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «crash» and check conjugation/comparative form for «crash«. Mastering all the usages of «crash» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Even a cathartic plate-smashing sequence was performed with impeccable timing and vigor: one — crash — plate — crash — per — crash — word — crash.
» Adamski reportedly responded, «If we crash, we crash together.
Remasters of the original Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2, and Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped will come at an unspecified later date.
I’d crash, get up, run again — and then crash again.
That deadly 2015 crash and Huang’s 2018 crash had something in common: They followed closely after another crash in the same spot.
Unfortunately, Huang’s crash happened just two weeks after another crash in the same spot, and once again the crash attenuator hadn’t been replaced.
Or that «Crash Into Me» isn’t about a metaphorical emotional ‘crash‘?
Fatal crash details The crash happened the morning of February 4.
Friday’s crash is the deadliest civil aviation crash since 2011, Homendy said.
Footage of crash The crash was captured by memorial visitor Shawn Winrich.
The Ethiopian crash is the second fatal crash involving the MAX jet.
The March 11 crash was the deadliest crash involving a national doors-off helicopter tour, and Liberty Helicopters’ third crash in the past 11 years.
Friday’s crash was so severe because the crash barrier where the accident occurred had been crushed in a prior crash and not replaced, according to Tesla.
Shortly after the crash, a nearby business released surveillance video of the crash.
If your plane needs to crash land, crash land in a potato field.
Friday’s crash is similar to the first fatal Tesla crash linked to Autopilot.
Thompson said the crash is under investigation by the major crash reconstruction team.
Cause of the crash is being investigated The crash occurred around 5 p.m.
» He added: «I’ve never seen a plane crash, blimp crash, anything like that.
Crash investigators have implicated the system in the Ethiopia crash and another 737 Max crash in October, saying it was triggered by bad data from the sensors.
If Ms. Karna’s crash had happened just one year later, the highway division’s Inspector D’Ulisse acknowledged, perhaps the crash investigation squad would have responded to the crash.
Texas plane crash The crash of a private plane killed 10 people in Texas.
Friday’s crash is similar to the first fatal Tesla crash linked to Autopilot use.
After the crash, she’s okay physically after the crash, but mentally and emotionally damaged.
If we [in the U.S.] are going to crash, we’re all going to crash.
Military plane crash Sixteen people were killed in a military plane crash in Mississippi.
Friday’s crash is similar to the first fatal Tesla crash linked to Autopilot use.
Five people died in the crash in Louisiana and one in the Maryland crash.
Sony confirmed at E3 2016 that Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, and Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped were all due for HD makeovers in an upcoming collection.
School bus crash Six children are dead after a fatal school bus crash in Tennessee.
The terms «before the crash» and «after the crash» became part of the town’s legacy.
Huang’s March 2018 crash happened just two weeks after another crash in the same spot.
This crash occurred just months after another fatal plane crash involving a Boeing 737 Max.
Become a crash test cadaver Plastic crash test dummies are all well and good, but there’s nothing like a real human body to simulate what happens in a car crash.
The crash, in Buffalo, was the most recent fatal crash on a domestic airline; an Asiana flight in 2013 was the last fatal passenger plane crash in the United States.
But crash experts say it may provide only limited insight into the reason for the crash.
After the crash, a witness saw Naylor’s dog running out of the cornfield after the crash.
That means they can absorb a crash better and passengers feel less force in a crash.
But crash experts say it may provide only limited insight into the cause of the crash.
Talley Rd crash update: We have received confirmation another child in bus crash has passed away.
Algerian plane crash What caused the plane crash in Algeria that killed at least 257 people?
NHTSAs special crash investigation program will investigate the crash in Los Angeles of a 2016 Tesla.
Crash prompts industry review The commercial air tour industry is facing increasing scrutiny after the crash.
The November 2015 crash happened six weeks after a September 2015 crash in the same spot.
In the Hoboken crash, the engineer, Thomas Gallagher, also said he did not remember the crash.
NHTSA’s special crash investigation program will investigate the crash in Los Angeles of a 2016 Tesla.
In IIHS crash testing, the Countryman earns the best score of Good in all categories, including Small Overlap Front, Moderate Overlap Front, Side Crash, Roof Strength, and Head Restraint crash testing.
Each chart also shows separately the median for three sub-periods within this time period: pre-crash (2004 to 2008), the crash period (2009 to 2011), and post-crash (2011 to today).
Read: Who were the bus crash victims The deadly crash led to criminal charges against Walker, 24.
Tesla crash: The car company says the SUV involved in a deadly crash was driving on autopilot.
Hoefs admitted to police after the crash she had been on the phone when the crash occurred.
Military plane crash Three US Marines killed in a crash off Australia’s east coast have been identified.
CRASH SITE Responsibility for leading the probe fell to Ethiopia because the crash occurred on its soil.
Both the Ethiopian Airlines crash and a Lion Air crash in Indonesia occurred shortly after take-off.
Van Garderen told Business Insider how the crash happened: «It was a really stupid crash,» he said.
Video footage of the operator during the crash shows her looking down several times before the crash.
The crash is under investigation National Transportation Safety Board investigators arrived Friday morning at the crash scene.
The crash attenuator is designed to reduce crash forces before a vehicle hits a concrete median barrier.
The crash is being investigated by the Eaton County Sheriff’s Office Crash Reconstruction Team and Detective Bureau.
Investigators have drawn similarities between flight data from that crash and the Ethiopian Airlines crash this month.
Crash investigation The NTSB will likely look at three things: the pilot’s training, experience and immediate response during the crash; what, if anything, on the helicopter caused the crash; and what environmental factors may have contributed to the crash, said Gary C. Robb, an aviation attorney based in Missouri.
Note: This is not a course on the Instagram marketing crash, it’s a crash course on Instagram marketing.
Five days after the crash the battery reignited after bursting into flames at the scene of the crash.
It said the crash was not the result of enemy action and the crash site had been secured.
In the days following the crash, a team of NTSB investigators combed the crash site … rummaging through debris.
The crash sparked national headlines when authorities announced the fatal car crash was a crime —  not an accident.
The other reasons are violent: gunshot (four), grenade (two), plane crash (two), car crash (two), and animal (one).
The Ethiopian Airlines crash was the second of the 737 Max-8 planes to crash in five months.
Both the Ethiopian Airlines crash and a Lion Air crash in Indonesia occurred just minutes after take-off.
But the currency crash just prefigured the privacy crash, a lurking, existential horror that tore into everyday relationships.
The crash was at least the third crash or downing of a coalition fighter jet in the conflict.
And even provides a model crash report to collect information on HAVs involved in a crash (p.85033).
Crash Bandicoot N’Sane Trilogy allows people to play through the classic Crash Bandicoot trilogy in a modern remaster.
They also point out that the Colgan crash was the last fatal crash involving a U.S. passenger airline.
Setting up a car to be snappy and tight can lead to it being impossible to drive—unless you’ve put in some serious hours of practice, expect to crash, and crash, and crash again.
In a statement after the crash, the farm said the plane flew low over their property before the crash.
The plane seems to crash (or it goes through the motion of a movie plane crash – loud noise, spinning).
According to the crash report, cops did not suspect drugs or alcohol to be a factor in the crash.
That crash, and a 737 Max crash in Ethiopia last March, killed all 346 people on the two flights.
Grand Canyon crash: Three people have died and four were injured in a helicopter crash in the Grand Canyon.
This latest crash follows the first-known fatal crash that occurred with Autopilot engaged on May 7 in Florida.
Crash rates for conventional vehicles at all severity levels were higher than self-driving crash rates, the study found.
The NHTSA recommends car seats be replaced following a «moderate or severe» crash, though not after a «minor» crash.
Usher – «Crash» Usher’s new hypnotic song «Crash» is the second single that will feature on his upcoming studio album.
The tests indicate overall good performance in crash protection as well as being equipped with robust crash avoidance technology.
The Ethiopian Flight 302 crash killed all 157 aboard and the Lion Air Flight 610 crash killed all 189.
She became minister nine days after the crash; she was not the minister at the time of the crash.
A driver with at least one driving error resulting in that fatal crash becomes known as the crash initiator.
«We saw our families struggle during the stock market crash of ’09, and the tech stock crash,» she said.
I get on with Peter — a crash is a crash — but I’d just like to know about the elbow.
She lived near the crash site, according to WTVC, and rushed to the scene when she heard the crash.
The movie «Crash» was a hit at the time, so he created a collection inspired by a car crash.
«She blamed me for the crash and she had a right to blame me for the crash,» he said.
And investigators have found similarities between that crash and the Ethiopian Airlines crash this month that killed 803 people.
The agency, which is still investigating the crash of the 2017 Tesla Model X that was being driven in «Autopilot» mode, said the state failed to repair a crash attenuator after a crash 11 days earlier.
If a car crash is necessary to the story, why not just make it a good, old-fashioned car crash?
EgyptAir crash Searchers have fished plane wreckage, personal belongings and human remains from EgyptAir Flight 804’s watery crash site.
Crash survivor Dave Sanderson hugs his daughters at Charlotte Douglas International Airport after returning home the day following the crash.
Authorities have said they had found clear similarities between March’s Ethiopian Airlines crash and October’s Lion Air crash in Indonesia.
Russia plane crash A huge search is ongoing in the Black Sea after the crash of a Russian military plane.
Ethiopia said on Sunday that the crash of the Ethiopian Airlines plane had «clear similarities» with October’s Lion Air crash.
The apparent reason was a run-of-the-mill system crash—but what caused that actual crash is still unclear.
«After the Lion Air crash, they knew that there was a risk for another crash to occur,» Tor Stumo said.
The cause of the crash is similar to the suspected source of another crash in Indonesia involving the same jet.
Because if you imagine a crash is coming — one is a crash, what people imagine is that everyone goes down.
The crash bears a striking resemblance to another crash of a 21 Max 220183 Lion Air flight in October 22018.
The emphasis on headlights makes sense: Walking away from a crash is good, but avoiding a crash entirely is better.
As the investigation into the crash continues, families of the victims continue to grapple with the fallout from the crash.
The tests indicate overall good performance in crash protection and that the car is equipped with robust crash-avoidance technology.
The ultimate goal: «Decrease the likelihood of a crash and cushion against serious injury should a crash occur,» she said.
Young Crash Victims Shared Kobe Bryant’s Passion for Basketball More details emerge about the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant.
The cause of the crash remains under investigation, however there are no indications the crash was caused by enemy fire.
The helicopter crash happened a few miles outside of Charlottesville and it was not immediately clear what caused the crash.
Prior to the Ethiopian Airlines crash that killed 157 onboard, another fatal 737 MAX crash killed 189 people on Oct.
But we did this big story called «Crash Virgins» about people who had never been through a crash before. Yeah.
Sky News and The Guardian said that the crash is believed to be the first fatal crash involving an electric scooter in the UK. It is not known what kind of scooter was involved in the crash.
Prior to the cargo plane crash in Georgia, there was a T-38 crash that killed a pilot in November in Texas, a HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter crash in western Iraq in March that killed all seven on board, and an F-16 crash in Nevada in April that resulted in the pilot’s death.
Prior to the cargo plane crash in Georgia, there was a T-38 crash that killed a pilot in November in Texas, an HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopter crash in western Iraq in March that killed all seven on board, and an F-16 crash in Nevada in April that resulted in the pilot’s death.
In the frontal crash above, you can see the crash structure give way, absorbing much of the force of the crash and sending some of the engine and wheel structure downward instead of rearward into the passenger compartment.
The NTSB found the side- and rear-facing bench seats in the New York crash failed in the direction of the crash forces and that the strength of these seats and their anchorages was inadequate during the crash.
Dozens of families have sued Boeing over the Lion Air crash, and several lawsuits have been lodged over the Ethiopian crash.
A local trader at the site of the crash said the fire was still burning nearly two hours after the crash.
Russia plane crash At least 41 people were killed when a Russian passenger jet crash-landed at an airport in Moscow.
School bus crash There are a lot of unanswered questions about Monday’s bus crash that killed five children in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
A National Transportation Safety Board report on a 2016 crash found that the tractor-trailer was not detected before the crash.
Detectives from our Crash Reconstruction Unit are on the scene at RT1 and Giles Run Road for a fatal pedestrian crash.
The tragic crash has left somber relatives questioning the cause of the crash – was it a technical problem with the plane?
Tesla’s Autopilot technology has been cited in both the May crash, and a second non-fatal crash in Montana in June.
When self-driving cars crash, data from their must be retrieved by NHTSA and the manufacturer for crash reconstruction and analysis.
AGT star dies in car crash America’s Got Talent lost one of its rising stars in a car crash on Saturday.
The crash is under investigation, but state troopers told WXII that the bus’s left front tire blew, which caused the crash.
He was president in 1978 when, on his way to investigate a plane crash, he was killed in a plane crash.
An Ethiopian Airlines crash earlier this month left 157 people dead, and a Lion Air crash in October left 189 dead.
The department is investigating accusations that the deputies shared pictures of the crash scene with people outside of the crash investigation.
«While the cause of crash is under investigation, there are no indications the crash was caused by enemy fire,» he posted.
An NHTSA statement said the agency has assigned its special crash investigation team to inspect the car and the crash scene.
She lives in the neighborhood where the crash took place and was driving behind Walker’s bus before the crash, WTVC reports.
His angel, as played by Nancy Crane, didn’t simply crash through the ceiling (there being no ceiling through which to crash).
She lives in the neighborhood where the crash took place and was driving behind Walker’s bus before the crash, WTVC reported.
CALIFORNIA CRASH One of the two women who survived a deadly small plane crash in Southern California was found in the bedroom of a home the plane crashed into and a second survivor was found near the crash scene.
More importantly, though, this crash data now includes more data about the context of each crash by combining the crash data with Firebase’s analytics data to show you how a user arrived at the point when the app crashed.
In the seconds leading up to the crash, the vehicle sped up and didn’t brake or steer away from a crash attenuator.
In that statement, the company said that a damaged safety barrier, called a crash attenuator, contributed to the severity of the crash.
The victims of the crash are still struggling to understand why the crash happened, said Robert J. Mongeluzzi, one of the lawyers.
The global economy and many local economies had crumbled, and that happened after the real estate crash and the dot-com crash.
But the anecdotes emerging about both the crash of Lion Air Flight 610 and this weekend’s crash in Ethiopia are frighteningly similar.
The weekend crash of a Boeing 2500 MAX 523 in Ethiopia was the second fatal crash involving the a aircraft in months.
The crash near Addis Ababa on Sunday marked the second time the Boeing plane has sustained a fatal crash in five months.
The system activated in the Ethiopian Airlines crash in March and also during a separate Lion Air crash in Indonesia in October.
It was the second deadly crash involving the model in under a year, after an October crash in Indonesia left 85033 dead.
Tesla said Autopilot was activated before the crash and Huang’s hands weren’t detected on the wheel for six seconds before the crash.
Next time a friend asks if they can crash on the couch, tell them no but they can crash on the ottoman.
The state government of Quintana Roo, where the crash happened on Tuesday, said at least 12 people total died in the crash.
The timing of the jet’s crash immediately raised questions regarding whether the missile strike and the deadly crash might have been connected.
Investigations will be conducted into what caused the crash, and Ukraine&aposs embassy has already offered a shifting account of the crash.
Texas cargo plane crash Two bodies have been recovered from the site of a cargo plane crash in Texas over the weekend.
A thick mist caused poor visibility at the time of the crash and was being cited as a possible contributor to Monday’s crash.
Helicopter crash There are renewed calls to ban helicopter flights over Manhattan after a copter crash-landed on the roof of a building.
Three weeks after the crash, Tesla issued a statement placing the blame on Huang and denying moral or legal liability for the crash.
One of the drivers in the crash, David Ragan, told reporters that the crash happened much too quickly for him to avoid it.
«The Smolensk crash continues to fan heated public tensions,» said Izabella Sariusz-Skąpska, daughter of a Polish activist who died in the crash.
Tennessee helicopter crash There’s much we don’t know about the crash yesterday of a sightseeing helicopter in Tennessee that left five people dead.
The crash killed people from 35 countries, all of which are also entitled to examine the crash site and join in the investigation.
Both died in 1993 — Kulwicki at age 38 in a plane crash and Allison three months later in a helicopter crash at 32.
NHTSA deployed its Special Crash Investigations Team to investigate the vehicle and crash scene, and is in communication with the Florida Highway Patrol.
Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel toured the crash site on Friday and said Cuban officials would seek to determine what caused the crash.
While the financial crisis of 2008 had some similarities to the 1929 crash, the worst effects of that crash have long since passed.
Indonesia plane crash A big breakthrough in the Lion Air crash investigation: One of the plane’s so-called «black boxes» has been found.
Futoran also said the technology is very different from existing crash reporting services, because users can have a bad experience without any crash.
This is a bond crash and debt crisis in the making and could end up being the biggest trigger for the stock crash.
Though the crash remains under investigation, it has been speculated that low visibility due to foggy weather may have contributed to the crash.
Tennessee school bus crash A bus driver was found guilty on charges related to a 2016 crash that killed six children in Chattanooga.
The March Ethiopian Airlines crash was the second fatal crash involving a 737 Max, leading to a combined death toll of 346 people.
Iranian media reported that the crash was due to unspecified «technical problems,» with Abedzadeh saying terrorism had played no part in the crash.
As the NTSB wrapped up their recovery operations Tuesday at the crash site, investigators are working to determine the cause of the crash.
Investigators in both the Ethiopian Airlines crash and the Lion Air crash have focused on MCAS and its possible role in both crashes.
The Federal Aviation Administration has said there are similarities between that crash and a second 737 MAX crash earlier this month in Ethiopia.
Investigators have drawn similarities between the flight data from that crash and the Ethiopian Airlines crash earlier this month that killed 157 people.
In the three years before the Tesla crash, the device was struck at least five times, including one crash that resulted in fatalities.
The crash is the deadliest transportation accident since 2009, when the Colgan Air Flight 20173 crash in Buffalo, New York, killed 50 people.
This is the third Tesla crash that may have been linked to autopilot since January that NHTSA is investigating «The agency has launched its special crash investigations team to gather information on the South Jordan, Utah, crash,» the agency said on Wednesday.
The creators of Cardboard Crash told me that they worked backwards from the fact that VR can cause nausea, imagining a situation where you might be sick (right before a car crash) but also passive (right before a self-driving car crash).
The Model 3 received a five-star rating in the frontal crash, side crash, and rollover categories, and some of its driver assistance features — like forward collision warning, lane departure warning, crash imminent braking, and dynamic brake support — met the agency’s performance tests.
PENNSYLVANIA-CRASH Five dead, 60 hurt in Pennsylvania highway crash (Reuters) — At least five people were killed and about 60 injured in a Pennsylvania Turnpike crash early Sunday involving a tour bus, three tractor-trailers and a passenger vehicle, turnpike officials said.
«We see the [bill] as speeding us toward another financial crash and preventing the Fed’s ability to respond to another financial crash,» Sebastian said.
The 2019 MAX was grounded worldwide in March following a fatal Ethiopian Airlines crash just five months after a Lion Air crash in Indonesia.
Samrao also told BuzzFeed News he believes a worn tire caused the crash and that they are reconstructing the crash scene to further investigate.
It’s the imposition of circuit breaker-thinking, imported directly from the flash crash-vulnerable NYSE market, that stopped this Shanghai flash crash from worsening.
The crash raised concern over the model’s safety as it comes less than six months after another deadly crash involving the 737 MAX 8.
Boeing’s chief salesman said data from the Ethiopian crash was still filtering through and it was still to draw full conclusions about the crash.
The crash comes 3 days shy of the 5-year anniversary when Tracy was involved in a fatal car crash on the NJ Turnpike.
In a crash, it can contact emergency assistance, and send video of the crash to your phone to show to authorities and insurance companies.
Although the investigation into the Queens crash has only just begun, the aftermath of the 2014 crash could provide a guide to its survivors.
The 270 Max has been grounded worldwide since the March 8007 crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 8007, the second fatal crash within five months.
The agency said data and physical evidence shows similarities between the Ethiopian Airlines crash and the Lion Air crash less than six months ago.
Many questions remain about the crash of a Ukraine International Airlines plane in Iran on Wednesday, a crash that killed all 176 on board.
Last year, 189 people were killed in a 85033 Max crash in Indonesia and 157 were killed in a crash in Ethiopia this year.
The crash Authorities said the crash left debris over four blocks in the Yorba Linda community, located about 33 miles south of Los Angeles.
Investigators are still probing the cause of the Ethiopian crash, as well as the other Max crash involving a Lion Air jet last October.
Hence, because the Fed tried to cushion the 22011 stock market crash with low interest rates, we got an even bigger crash in 22011.
In the case of the Lion Air crash in October and the Ethiopian Airlines crash last week, the information coming from the official crash investigations is focused squarely on a system built into the aircraft to prevent it from stalling, or running out of lift.
A spokesman for the U.S. Transportation Department that oversees NHTSA said late on Friday that «NHTSAs Crash Investigation Division assigned a Special Crash Investigation team to investigate the crash«, while the NTSB said it is sending a team of three «to conduct a safety investigation».
A spokesman for the U.S. Transportation Department that oversees NHTSA said late on Friday that «NHTSA’s Crash Investigation Division assigned a Special Crash Investigation team to investigate the crash«, while the NTSB said it is sending a team of three «to conduct a safety investigation».
A preliminary report into October’s crash, however, indicates that the likely cause of the crash was a faulty sensor that reported the airplane was stalling.
Torres named The Crash Fund after one of her brood – Crash – a pit bull puppy she rescued after his breeder dropped him, shattering his elbow.
The first is the full Traffic Homicide Investigation, including an investigative report, crash reconstruction diagram, the traffic crash report, and toxicology reports of both drivers.
Before she was paralyzed in a crash at 5, Jillian Brown loved riding horses and bikes Before the crash, Jillian liked to be in motion.
Halsell, whom police detained at the crash scene, said he didn’t remember leaving the motel or how the crash happened, according to the court documents.
Mr. Muilenburg will face the Senate on the first anniversary of the crash of Lion Air Flight 610, which was the first Max to crash.
The Lion Air crash and the subsequent crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 in March led to the worldwide grounding of the 737 Max fleet.
The company also developed the world’s first virtual pregnant crash test dummy to study how a woman and her fetus are affected in a crash.
In Yemen, Houthi officials offered no immediate comment on the crash, while its Al-Masirah satellite news channel reported only that the crash had occurred.
Hardly. The crash-free streak predates his term of office: no commercial jet operated by an American airline has suffered a fatal crash since 2009.
Family: He became disabled after near-death crash Scott was in a near-death motorcycle crash last year that left him disabled, family members said.
Crash and crash again So far, China’s stock market has only been able to make it through one of its three trading days without crashing.
Tesla said the crash was the first fatal crash in the more than 130 million miles that the semi-autonomous driving system has been used.
The crash involved two other cars resulting in the death of the 38-year-old Tesla driver at a nearby hospital shortly after the crash.
Aldine Mail Route fatal crash: the 14-year-old & his two teen passengers were reportedly throwing eggs at other cars just prior to the crash.
Indeed, you can make a good argument that rather than being overvalued right before the 2202 crash, stocks became severely undervalued right after the crash.
This is the second fatal crash in which the Autopilot system had been engaged, including a 2016 crash in Florida that killed a Tesla driver.
A pilots union said that the second Boeing 737 Max crash could have been prevented if Boeing listened to its suggestions after the first crash.
Leader of a scientific team on the Greenland ice cap rescues survivors of a BOAC plane crash and discovers the crash was no accident. Stewardess.
After a months-long investigation, the agency identified seven safety issues related to the crash, including limitations to Tesla’s crash avoidance system and driver distraction.
Canada bus crash The mourning stretches from Saskatchewan to the NHL after 10 junior hockey players were killed in a bus crash in the province.
Australian Transport Safety Bureau, the national air crash investigator, and state police will investigate the crash site, which firefighters described as an active fire ground.
The Ethiopian Minister of Transport said preliminary data recovered from the black boxes of the crash in Ethiopia showed similarities to the Air Lion crash.
Traders were marking 30 years to the day since the 1987 Black Monday stock market crash, although many market participants considered another such crash unlikely.
The rail crossing is marked only with a sign and state officers with the Illinois State Police Crash Reconstruction Unit are now investigating the crash.
In fact, the human brain reacts to a story about a car crash much in the same way it actually reacts to a real car crash.
» He told CNBC on the 30-year anniversary of Black Monday, «I didn’t know to call it a crash cause I ain’t never seen a crash.
The request follows the March 10 crash of a 737 MAX jet in Ethiopia and the crash in Indonesia in October of another 737 MAX jet.
The National Transportation Safety Board will investigate the crash scene, but Hastings said he believed his father’s plane had hit a power line, causing the crash.
After confirming that you’re okay, Personal Safety asks what happened, and you can pick between no crash or minor crash to help improve future detection accuracy.
Boeing last week said it completed fixes to airplane software that has been implicated in the October crash in Indonesia and the March crash in Ethiopia.
One person on a boat near the crash told the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper he saw smoke coming from the left wing just before the crash.
In a video of the crash released by police officers, Vasquez can be seen looking down in front of her for several seconds before the crash.
» The NHTSA said the crash «calls for an examination of the design and performance of any driving aids in use at the time of the crash.
The Ethiopian Airlines crash and an October crash by Indonesia’s Lion Air killed 183 people in total and sparked the biggest crisis in decades for Boeing.
Investigators of an Ethiopian Airlines crash earlier this month have said they detected «clear similarities» between that flight and another fatal crash in Indonesia in October.
Correction: This story has been updated to reflect that 157 people died in the Ethiopian Airlines crash and 189 people died in the Lion Air crash.
The agency declined to ground the jet after the first crash in Indonesia in October, and was hesitant to ground the jets after the Ethiopia crash.
In an article published in Tuesday’s the Australian, Vance explained that in previous crash investigations, planes that crash into water are usually reduced to tiny fragments.
The crash Sunday was the second deadly incident involving the airplane model in five months, following a crash over Indonesia in October that killed 189 people.
The 737 Max was grounded globally in March after a fatal Ethiopian Airlines crash and a crash of a Lion Air jet in Indonesia in October.
In the hours after the crash, Ms. Kaller said that an official with a United States consulate in Costa Rica also contacted her about the crash.
In its English-language report on the plane crash, which did not include the image, IRNA cited an Iranian emergency official for details of the crash.
Experts have pointed to similarities between the Lion Air crash six months ago and last week’s Ethiopian Airlines crash, which killed all 157 people on board.
The US’s National Transportation Safety Board said they were formally notified of the crash by Iranian authorities and had designated «an accredited representative» to the crash.
Ukraine plane crash Ukrainian authorities are investigating whether an anti-aircraft missile was involved in the Ukrainian International Airlines crash in Iran that killed 176 people.
The initial crash caused seven other minor crashes, said the police, who described the road conditions at the time of the crash as slick and foggy.
The crash is widely seen as the spark that ignited the genocide, making responsibility for the crash one of the most politically volatile questions in Rwanda.
On Uber’s self-driving crash: Uber grounded all of its semi-autonomous cars that were being tested on public roads after a fatal crash in Arizona.
Investigators probing the doomed Lion Air crash in Indonesia have indicated that the pilots appeared to be battling the system and the similarities between that crash and the Ethiopian Airlines crash have increased scrutiny from lawmakers and regulators on Boeing and the FAA on the plane’s launch.
School bus crash More developments from Monday’s deadly crash in Chattanooga: Investigators say the bus was not on its intended route at the time of the accident.
Gary Robb, a helicopter crash lawyer who has written a book on the subject, represented a woman injured in a Papillion crash in the region in 2001.
The 737 Max was grounded globally in March after a crash in Ethiopia killed all 157 people on board, the model’s second deadly crash in five months.
The 737 MAX was grounded globally in March after a crash in Ethiopia killed all 157 people on board, the model’s second deadly crash in five months.
«The agency has launched its special crash investigations team to gather information on the South Jordan, Utah crash,» NHTSA said in a statement given to Reuters today.
While an investigation into the crash is ongoing, the Tampa Bay Times reported that the driver survived the crash uninjured and was not cited for the collision.
If you’ve ever wondered how Coachella headliners crash during the festival, Lady Gaga’s $12 million Mediterranean desert rental gives you a good idea — they crash just fine.
What’s striking about the March 1 crash is that the details are nearly identical to those of the first publicly reported, deadly Autopilot crash, in May 2016.
During the press conference, police said the crash occurred on the eastbound lanes of Interstate 70, where traffic was at a standstill because of an earlier crash.
Dowd says Thurman felt disempowered by the crash, and that comes through clearly, as does the trauma of the crash itself, which left Thurman with ongoing injuries.
Boeing paused delivery of 737 Max planes after the Ethiopia crash, which came less than five months after another deadly crash in Indonesia involving the same model.
The most recent crash, involving an Ethiopian Airlines plane, killed all 157 people on board, while a Lion Air crash in Indonesia last October killed 189 people.
The system, called the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), has come under scrutiny following the Ethiopian Airlines crash and another Lion Air crash last year in Indonesia.
But crash experts say it may provide only limited insight into what caused the crash, especially if the crew was confused or unable to diagnose any faults.
Following the 2011 train crash in China, the government tightened censorship controls to squash the very vocal opposition to the government over its handling of the crash.
Following a Florida crash in 2016 that killed the driver of a Tesla, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration concluded that Autosteer actually reduces Tesla’s crash rate.
The 573 MAX was grounded globally in March after a crash in Ethiopia killed all 157 people on board, the model’s second deadly crash in five months.
In the Lion Air crash in Indonesia last year, 189 people died, not 157; 157 people were killed in the Ethiopian Airlines crash last month, not 189.
In the days after the Ethiopian Airlines crash, the carrier’s chief executive brought up both angle of attack sensors and MCAS in the context of the crash.
«While the cause of crash is under investigation, there are no indications the crash was caused by enemy fire,» a spokesman for the Air Force said Monday.
NHTSA, in an email Tuesday, said its special crash investigation program will do a crash scene and vehicle inspection of the Tesla Model S after the collision.
«Deeply saddened by the plane crash in Kingston,» the tweet from ambassador Javlon Vakhabov reads, adding the crash killed children aged three, 11 and 15 years old.
Because Piper can’t remember anything from before the crash, it’s unclear exactly why she would have caused the crash — but it seems fairly certain that she did.
A video released this week from inside the vehicle involved in the crash shows the driver not paying attention to the road until seconds before the crash.
Couch, 16 at the time of the crash, was found to have a blood-alcohol level three times the legal limit for adult drivers after the crash.
» Trump, alluding to impeachment, threatens that «if they ever do anything bad to us … that stock market will crash like you have never seen a crash before.
A video released this week from inside the vehicle involved in the crash shows the driver not paying attention to the road until seconds before the crash.
Kurt Busch, though, had to drop to the back in his backup car after a practice crash, as his crash came after the starting grid was set.
The crash After the crash Sunday, Orrego-Savala was accused of driving without a license and suspicion of intoxicated driving, and taken to the Marion County Jail.
Both the crash last October involving the Lion Air jet and the crash last week involving an Ethiopian Airlines jet resulted in the deaths of everyone aboard.
In the Ethiopian crash, it was not clear if Yared’s colleague — First Officer Ahmednur Mohammed, 25, who also died in the crash — had used the new simulator.
That includes a T-38 crash that killed a pilot in November in Texas, a C-130 aircraft crash that killed nine people near Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport in Georgia in May and an F-16 crash April 4 in Nevada that killed an Air Force Thunderbirds pilot.
That includes a T-85033 crash that killed a pilot in November in Texas, a C-130 aircraft crash that killed nine people near Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport in Georgia in May and an F-16 crash April 4 in Nevada that killed an Air Force Thunderbirds pilot.
After perusing the available catalogue, I settle on J. G. Ballard’s Crash, the 1973 novel about car-crash fetishists adapted for the screen in 1996 by David Cronenberg.
New York couple killed in a crash The three deaths in May happened a few months after a car crash in the Dominican Republic killed two other Americans.
«We have never seen this level of damage to a Model X in any other crash,» Tesla said in a blog post on its site after the crash.
One witness to the crash told the Mercury News Peoples appeared to be repeatedly mumbling to himself after the attack, «I love you, Jesus,» at the crash site.
Regardless, the crash is another blow to Egypt, which is still reeling from the October crash of a Russian holiday jet that killed all 224 people on board.
Here’s the amazing thing: If a flash crash happened today, we wouldn’t know much more about what caused it than we did when the original Flash Crash occurred.
That incident was the unit’s first crash since the deadliest accident in Thunderbirds history, the infamous «Diamond Crash» of 1983, which cost the lives of four Thunderbirds pilots.
The airplane manufacturer’s sales have slumped in the wake of the Ethiopian Airlines crash that killed 107 people and last year’s Lion Air crash that killed 13 people.
Following a deadly Tesla crash involving Autopilot, Tesla’s semi-autonomous advanced driver assistance system, a 2017 federal report found that Autopilot led to a 2.913 percent crash reduction.
While cars crash and catch fire on a fairly regular basis, Teslas have a rare but recurring problem of bursting into flame after a crash, or even spontaneously.
«Today, New York City experienced yet another deadly helicopter crash, this time, with our nightmare of having a helicopter crash into a building,» Maloney said in a statement.
Murphy: Two confirmed fatalities in school bus crash Governor Phil Murphy releases information after New Jersey school bus is involved in a serious crash with a dump truck.
The MCAS system has come under scrutiny from investigators reviewing two fatal 737 Max crashes — the Lion Air crash in October and the Ethiopian Airlines crash in March.
MAN, EJECTED FROM VEHICLE, SURVIVES VIOLENT CRASH AT FLORIDA TOLL PLAZA A motorist who was involved in the crash told FOX5 he came across the debris very fast.
The 123 MAX was Boeing’s fastest selling jet before an Ethiopian Airlines crash near Addis Ababa on March 10, five months after a Lion Air crash in Indonesia.
On a hard crash landing, the astronauts might be killed; on a not-so-hard crash landing, the astronauts might survive, only to be stranded on the moon.
Philip, who suggested low sun had affected his sight for the crash, also received a warning from police for driving without a seatbelt two days after the crash.
This week’s crash, which killed all 157 people onboard, followed an October crash that killed 189 people on a Boeing 737 Max 8 that took off from Indonesia.
A lot of people end up giving up on their routines and trying these crash diets, crash workout programs—making New Year’s resolutions that only last until February.
China was first to ground the MAX after a March 10 crash in Ethiopia within five months of a similar crash off Indonesia, killing a combined 346 people.
Driver’s son died in a crash on Sunday, police say Townsend’s 29-year-old son, Max Townsend Jr., died Sunday in a separate crash in Moore, Lewis said.
In statements, the Federal Aviation Administration said it would investigate the crash, and the National Transportation Safety Board said it had a team responding to the crash site.
Documents released through a federal investigation into the fatal 2018 crash of a Tesla Model X on Autopilot suggest the feature had glitched near the crash site before.
The announcement acknowledged that investigators had not yet determined the cause of the Ethiopian crash or whether it was the same cause as the earlier crash, last October.
The crash has led to questions about Boeing’s new 737 MAX 8 jet, which was also involved in the Lion Air crash that killed 189 people last October.
Robert Clifford of Clifford Law Offices, which represents families of the Ethiopian crash victims, said 103 lawsuits have been filed against Boeing so far over the second crash.
The crash on Highway 101 near Mountain View, California, last Friday looked gruesome with the front half of the electric SUV destroyed in the crash and subsequent fire.
Four Marines were killed earlier this week in a helicopter crash in California, and a day later an Air Force Thunderbird pilot died in a crash in Nevada.
Ethiopian Minister of Transport later reiterated that point, saying preliminary data recovered from the black boxes of the crash in Ethiopia showed similarities to the Lion Air crash.
Nader’s niece was among 157 victims of an Ethiopian Airlines 737 MAX crash on March 10, months after a Lion Air crash in Indonesia that killed 189 people.
The Air Force crash today marks the fifth U.S. Air Force non-combat aviation crash of 2018 versus seven for all of last year: The crash took place hours before Defense Secretary Jim Mattis was scheduled to deliver a commencement address at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.
Colombia plane crash Investigators think the plane that crashed near Medellin, killing 71 people, may have run out of fuel because there’s no fire damage at the crash site.
In the days following the crash, Tesla released two blog posts and ended up scuffling with the National Transportation Safety Board, which had sent investigators to the crash scene.
Richard Seeks, the lead plaintiff, said Boeing’s compromises began to emerge after the Ethiopian Airlines crash killed all 157 onboard, five months after the Lion Air crash killed 193.
DPS said Baldassari bolted from the crash — and finally was arrested while walking along Texas State Highway 20 in El Paso County, approximately 250 miles from the crash site.
An NTSB preliminary report on the crash found that the Tesla accelerated in the three seconds before the crash, and no precrash braking or evasive steering movement was detected.
Far-right populism in the West, in particular, had been around for decades before the crash — and didn’t gain too much electorally in the immediate wake of the crash.
CRASH TESTS LOYALTY The biggest test of this carefully built customer community came in 2014, when a test flight crash killed the co-pilot and seriously injured the pilot.
Tesla learned about the crash of the Model S sedan in Florida «shortly» after the May 7 crash, and on May 16 it disclosed the incident to the government.
Hayes, 29, was accused of shooting the couple during an April 9 altercation that followed at least one traffic crash, with a disagreement about whether a second crash occurred.
The commission also said that at least four victims of the crash had significant burns on their bodies, although they were found away from flames on the crash site.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has sent its special crash investigations team to the state, the agency said as details about the Friday evening crash became public Wednesday.
Not only does it have a five-star crash safety rating, but also its structure is so strong that it broke some of the crash-testing gear in 2013.
First, a bus slide slams into a four car crash pile up (that happened off screen) as peacefully as a 40-foot long steel box can crash into anything.
Today, Local Motors released the footage of two crash tests from late last year, which the company says is the first public footage of an autonomous pod crash test.
Although the truck driver had been found to have used marijuana prior to the crash, NTSB was unable to determine impairment, if any, at the time of the crash.
The violent crash went down Thursday night in Sarasota, Florida … after former ‘Siesta’ costar Carson Wall ran a red light in a 2007 Cadillac … triggering a 3-car crash.
The Transportation Department’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) received a petition last year to require «forward crash warning, crash imminent braking, and dynamic brake support» in new cars.
«When @hannibalburess hits you up and tells you to crash the red carpet since he couldn’t make it…. You crash the damn red carpet,» he captioned the first post.
» Abboud added that the company regretted the crash and said that it values «the thoroughness of the NTSB’s investigation into the crash and look forward to reviewing their recommendations.
C is then killed in a car crash just outside the house: typically, Mr Lowery doesn’t stage the crash itself, but instead constructs a quiet tableau of the aftermath.
The crash, which G.M. safety engineers learned about in May, involved a 2014 model; the crash did not happen in 2014, and it did not result in a fatality.
Muilenburg on Thursday posted a video saying that «erroneous» data contributed to the March Boeing 737 Max 8 plane crash as well as October’s Lion Air crash in Indonesia.
The crash, which G.M. safety engineers learned about in May, involved a 2014 model; the crash did not happen in 23622, and it did not result in a fatality.
The comment contradicts claims made by Boeing, the manufacturer of the 737 Max plane involved in the crash, that pilots could have avoided the crash by following safety procedures.
The automated flight control system, called the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), has come under intense scrutiny following the Ethiopian Airlines crash and another crash last year in Indonesia.
Lion Air crash The pilots of the Indonesian jet that plunged into the Java Sea last month fought to override the plane’s automatic safety system right before the crash.
Crash Bandicoot’s back in action courtesy of the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, a PS4-exclusive (for now) collection featuring remastered versions of the mutant marsupial’s first three games.
On Saturday, federal investigators from the safety board were working to determine the cause of the Hoboken crash — the first fatal train crash on New Jersey Transit since 1996.
If someone died or the crash appears serious enough to warrant fuller investigation, based on conversations with emergency medical personnel at the scene, the officers summon the crash unit.
Yet the precise cause of the crash remains unknown, and a preliminary report on the accident released by Indonesian crash investigators in November was notably lacking in significant details.
Last weekend’s crash in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, was the second crash of a 737 Max 8 since October, when a Lion Air plane plummeted to earth, taking 189 lives.
Black Monday was the sell-off the day before the stock market crash of 1929, Black Tuesday, as well as the day of an even bigger crash in 1987.
Afghanistan crash: Two American service members died today in a helicopter crash, the military said, bringing the number of U.S. troops killed this year during combat operations to 19.
Plane crashes Investigators have confirmed that there are «similarities» between this month’s Ethiopian Airlines crash and October’s fatal Lion Air crash, but they’re not saying anything else for now.
An internal investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which was recently made public, predicted that the Boeing 737 Max crash could crash 15 times more over its lifespan.
Eklu added that more than 50 people were injured in the crash and the death toll could rise as police are still assessing the situation at the crash site.
New York limo crash Hundreds of people gathered Monday night for a vigil near the site of that ghastly limo crash that killed 20 people in upstate New York.
The NTSB is scheduled to hold a hearing on the Huang crash next week, where it’s expected to formally determine the cause of the crash and make safety recommendations.
There were no injuries reported after the crash, the OPA says, and investigators looking into the crash were only expecting that their colleagues would get the driver’s insurance information.
But less than two years passed between the meltdown of 2008 and the Flash Crash of 2010 and another crash is inevitable while we hope it is far off.
Indonesia plane crash Lion Air flight 610 was essentially a new jet, so why did it crash into the Java Sea minutes after takeoff from Jakarta, killing 189 people?
When I asked Uber about this, a spokesperson said that crash data from trips is «more reliable,» as drivers may not report a crash if they’re not driving someone.
Indonesia plane crash Investigators of the Lion Air flight 220 crash that killed 291 people say they’ve heard transponder pings that could lead them to the plane’s flight recorders.
Not a single business or department has any record of this crash and «NO ONE had even heard about a crash matching Fleming’s description» until Fleming spoke about it.
Billy broke his leg, both arms, several ribs and his jaw in the crash … and suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns because his vehicle caught fire after the crash.
» — Lily, 34 «Let druggie friends crash on couch.
Nintendo Switch Lite + Crash Team Racing bundle — $213.24
The plane was grounded worldwide after a fatal crash of an Ethiopian Airlines jet in March, which followed a fatal crash of a Lion Air jet in Indonesia in October.
The NTSB investigated the crash and determined that the Autopilot feature, which provides some self-driving functions to Tesla cars, was engaged for nearly 19 minutes before the fatal crash.
A report on the cause of the Lion Air crash has not yet been released, and Muilenburg stressed that any air crash was the result of a chain of events.
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump blamed terrorism for the EgyptAir Flight 804 crash in a tweet posted early Thursday morning, even though authorities are still investigating the cause of the crash.
It said the plane involved in the crash had undergone thorough checks last month and that it had successfully flown several other routes on the same day as the crash.
The collapse in house building since the crash has left the country with a massive shortage, pushing rents back up to their pre-crash peaks and sparking a homelessness crisis.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which had been investigating the crash for over six months, released a report largely exonerating Tesla and its Autopilot system’s involvement in the crash.
Experts will be looking for any links between Sunday’s Ethiopian Airlines crash and the October crash of a 267 Max operated by Lion Air in Indonesia that killed 225 people.
Investigators have noted «clear similarities» between an Ethiopian Airlines crash of a 20193 Max on March 22019 and another deadly crash of that model of plane in Indonesia in October.
Garuda has only one 737 MAX and had been reconsidering its order before the Ethiopian crash, as has fellow Indonesian carrier Lion Air, which experienced a deadly crash in October.
Garuda has only one 777 MAX and had been reconsidering its order before the Ethiopian crash, as has fellow Indonesian carrier Lion Air, which experienced a deadly crash in October.
The 737 MAX was Boeing’s fastest selling jet before an Ethiopian Airlines crash near Addis Ababa on March 10, which followed a Lion Air crash in Indonesia on Oct. 29.
The crash victim The truck-driver victim of the crash was William Gray, a reserve officer with the police department in Rigby, Idaho, the department said in a statement Friday.
Hot air balloon crash It’s a tragedy almost too horrible to comprehend: Sixteen people, out for a breezy balloon ride on a sunny summer morning, killed in a fiery crash.
CERTIFICATION Any software updates or new driverless features must be submitted to the N.H.T.S.A. POST-CRASH BEHAVIOR Automakers should prove their cars are safe to use again after a crash.
While the intersection where the collision occurred had been the scene of a crash that killed six people in 1997, the cause of the April crash was far from clear.
He began to piece together information about Captain Dickson’s crash, including eyewitness reports and German military forces records that identified a crash site near where Mr. Dickson reportedly went down.
Early on, automakers had difficulty getting high ratings because crash forces in this test are concentrated on the vehicle’s outer edge, which wasn’t well protected by frontal crash-zone structures.
Much about the cause of the crash remains unknown and will take weeks to investigate, and Boeing and the National Transportation Safety Board are sending teams to the crash site.
The 25 MAX was Boeing’s fastest selling jet before an Ethiopian Airlines crash near Addis Ababa on March 10, which followed a Lion Air crash in Indonesia on Oct. 29.
NBA postpones Lakers game after crash A day after the crash, the National Basketball Association said Tuesday night’s Los Angeles Lakers game versus the Los Angeles Clippers would be postponed.
Following the Ethiopian Airlines crash — the second crash of a 737 Max 8 plane in less than five months — countries and airlines around the world grounded their 737 Max planes.
Two provincial council members also confirmed the crash, according to AP. Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman, said the group was checking on news of a plane crash, Reuters also reported.
The last fatal crash involving a U.S. passenger airline was the 2009 Colgan Air crash in New York, which killed 85033 people on board and one person on the ground.
Meads learned the Federal Aviation Administration had grounded all Boeing Max 224 and 21117 planes because of similarities between Sunday’s crash in Ethiopia and the Lion Air crash in Indonesia.
«Markets do not crash because of impeachment, they crash because of recessions, which are usually caused by a policy mistake,» said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at National Securities Corporation.
Boeing has faced intense scrutiny following an Ethiopian Airlines crash earlier this month that killed 157 people just months after a Lion Air crash in Indonesia left 189 people dead.
INTERNATIONAL An article on Thursday about five family members who died in the crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 misstated the total number of people who perished in the crash.
These included a Douglas DC-3 LASER crash in March in Colombia which saw 14 people die, a Russian Sukhoi Superjet 100 crash in May which caused 41 deaths and the November crash of a Busy Bee Dornier plane in the Congo which killed 19 on board and 10 people on the ground.
The data were from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey, which included how much sleep drivers reported having in the 24 hours preceding a crash.
Environmental activists are naturally up in arms about the rocket crash and the potential for hydrazine to harm these critters, but what will the impact of the crash be, scientifically speaking?
In the clip, Burcham claims that Jacob Haselden, the 20-year-old pilot who crash-landed the plane, told her a «defective flux capacitator» was the possible cause of the crash.
The 737 Max was grounded worldwide after a fatal crash of an Ethiopian Airlines jet in March, which followed a fatal crash of a Lion Air jet in Indonesia in October.
Ostseewelle radio, which first reported the crash, posted a video sent in by a listener which it said showed two plumes of smoke rising from separate crash sites some distance apart.
The 737 Max 8 and 9 were grounded worldwide after an Ethiopian Airlines crash two months ago that investigators have described as appearing similar to a Lion Air crash last year.
Fifteen factors outlined include ways to ensure that the technology works properly, data recording and sharing, a vehicle’s ability to survive a crash and how it would behave after a crash.
This crash is large enough to make a noticeable dent on the all-time chart of cryptocurrency’s market cap – meaning this could be a crash that won’t be forgotten about quickly.
The crash in Ethiopia and the crash of a Lion Air plane in Indonesia last October that killed all 3023 people on board have left the world’s largest planemaker in crisis.
The crash of Ethiopian Airlines flight ET 302 on March 10 killed 157 passengers and crew, the second deadly crash involving a Boeing Co 737 MAX 8 airliner in five months.
Boeing’s newest narrowbody model was grounded worldwide in March following a deadly Ethiopian Airlines crash just months after a similar crash on Lion Air in Indonesia that together killed 346 people.
To drive the point home, IIHS used its crash testing facility to reenact an actual crash that occurred between a 2010 Ford F-150 pickup and a 2007 Chrysler Sebring sedan.
Both the Lion Air crash and the Ethiopian Airlines crash occurred with the 737 Max-8 airplane, but Boeing’s software update appears to be for all planes in the Max line.
The NHTSA investigations are only intended to determine whether a safety defect led to a crash — beyond that the agency does not attempt to assess the root causes of a crash.
Ben Bernanke, appointed by President George W. Bush, from your home state, steered for most of the relevant period, fed behavior during the crash and the immediate aftermath of the crash.
Experts say it is too early to speculate on what caused the crash or whether it is related to the Lion Air 737 Max 8 crash in Indonesia five months ago.
A memorial service is planned for families in Marseille on March 23; The following day – the one year anniversary of the crash – families will visit the isolated crash site outside Barconnelette.
IVAR WOLD Moultonborough, N.H. To the Editor: You got a lot right in your July 11 editorial on the Tesla crash that led to a fatality («Lessons From the Tesla Crash«).
Hours before crash, winds forced change of course It was not immediately clear what caused the crash, which happened early Sunday afternoon in Nandayure, a region in Costa Rica’s Guanacaste province.
An emergency locator transmitter was spotted at the crash site, but it’s not clear whether it had been activated or whether a mayday was called in before the crash, Hatch said.
In other Tesla news, the National Transportation Safety Board is investigating a crash, that at first glance seems to be similar to the fatal crash that killed Tesla owner Joshua Brown.
«—Reuters Tarantino Responds to Uma Thurman Crash ClaimsThe director said a car crash involving the actress during the production of Kill Bill was «one of the biggest regrets of my life.
But the crash of a 737 Max in Ethiopia in early March, the second deadly crash of the new plane in less than five months, has thrown those plans into question.
Mills builds his case on trends that emerged in the aftermath of the tech bubble, financial crisis, 2011 Euro debt crisis, 2016 oil crash and the 2018 flash crash sell-off.
The source told the newspaper that sharing the photos of the crash scene and the victim’s remains was the topic of a discussion among first responders two days after the crash.
One reason the 22015 crash had been fatal was that officials had been too slow to replace a crash attenuator—an accordion-like metal device designed to cushion a car’s impact.
Cover: Rescue team at the crash site of a Ukrainian airliner that burst into flames shortly after take-off from Tehran on Wednesday, killing all 176 people aboard in a crash.
Boeing employees called the airline involved in the first fatal crash of a Boeing 737 Max plane crash «idiots» for wanting training before the airline started to fly the plane model.
A prominent Canadian CEO, whose colleague lost family in the crash, also said the US was partially to blame because of the escalating rhetoric and threats leading up to the crash.
Boeing crash raises questions: Shares in Boeing (BA) were poised to open sharply lower in New York after the second crash of a 737 MAX 8 in less than five months.
The Ethiopian Minister of Transport reiterated that point on March 17, saying preliminary data recovered from the black boxes of the crash in Ethiopia showed similarities to the Air Lion crash.
Four Marines died in a CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter crash Tuesday in Southern California, and an Air Force Thunderbirds pilot was killed in an F-16 crash Wednesday in Nevada.
Previous studies of the Flash Crash in May 2010 did not come to a firm conclusion about the cause, nor did an investigation into a sudden crash in Treasurys in Oct.
GRAPHIC — Ethiopian airlines crash speed and altitude data: tmsnrt.
GRAPHIC — Ethiopian Airlines crash plane and black boxes: tmsnrt.
» Tesla explained the crash, blaming a «brightly lit sky.
So, that was … Did they crash into each other?
To the contrary, markets often fall — and sometimes crash.
There have been a string of military aircraft crashes over the past several months, including a Navy T-45 crash in October in Tennessee that killed two pilots, a crash in Syria in late September, a Black Hawk Helicopter crash off the coast of Yemen in August, a downed Army helicopter off the coast of Hawaii that killed five the same month and a Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey crash off the coast of Australia that killed three.
Aviation authorities around the world grounded the 737 Max planes following the crash of one of the jet in Ethiopia, which came less than five months apart from a crash in Indonesia.
The crash comes almost two months after Canada was shaken by bus a crash in a remote Saskatchewan town that killed 16 people, most of them members of a junior hockey team.
The airline has been involved in a handful of plane crashes in the area, with a non-fatal crash occurring back in July 2018 and five people killed in a 2007 crash.
Cause of crash uncertain Lisa Neville, Victoria’s minister for police, told reporters that the cause of the crash is «still being confirmed by police and fire services,» CNN affiliate Seven Network reported.
At a press conference after the crash, members of Congress who were on the train told reporters the scene of the crash was reminiscent of the June 14, 2017, shooting of Rep.
The investigation also cleared Tesla and Autopilot of any fault for the crash, noting that the driver should have had at least seven seconds to react and try to avoid the crash.
The 737 MAX was grounded following a fatal Ethiopian Airlines crash that killed all 157 on board just five months after a similar crash of a Lion Air flight killed 189 people.
Similarly, there was more traffic to the Wiki page for a 2001 American Airlines crash right after the 2015 Germanwings crash, even though the two pages aren’t directly connected by a hyperlink.
Describing the aftermath of the train crash, Flake said he made his way toward the back of the train until he was parallel to the crash before exiting the train to help.
Schairer, 30, experienced a horrifying crash while finishing his run in the men’s snowboardcross event Thursday, which saw him lose control while high in the air and crash land on his back.
But as innovation marches forward, we are still figuring out how autonomous vehicles will transform culpability when there’s a crash, something that’s particularly important if the crash harms or kills a pedestrian.
If this doctrine does not apply, self-driving cars may have more of a duty to avoid a crash than a human has, even if the crash was primarily the pedestrian’s fault.
European regulators on Tuesday grounded the aircraft following Sunday’s crash of a similar plane in Ethiopia, which killed 157 people and was the second crash involving that type of plane since October.
Skiing has also been destroying her body, race by race, crash by crash, for years — ensuring her fourth Olympic appearance, at the 2018 Winter Games in South Korea, will be her last.
Investigators are still investigating the cause of Sunday’s crash, but the crash in October may have been related to automation in the aircraft that forced the nose of the plane down unnecessarily.
Boeing’s signature jet was grounded across the world last week following a deadly Ethiopian Airlines crash near Addis Ababa on March 10, just five months after a Lion Air crash in Indonesia.
The priority, we’re told, is finding video of the couple in the car right before the crash — in order to see what specifically caused the Range Rover to lose control and crash.
The Boeing 737 Max airplanes should be grounded until the cause of the weekend crash in Ethiopia crash is determined, the international president of the Transport Workers Union told CNBC on Tuesday.
The investigation into the Florida crash is ongoing, but details emerged earlier today that suggest the driver of the Tesla may have been watching a Harry Potter film when the crash occurred.
Ron Paul said that the crash was the fault of the US for destabilizing the Donetsk region and that reporting on the crash without the context of the conflict was «government propaganda.»
EgyptAir crew members have been subjected to much stricter security measures since the crash of the Russian jetliner in October, said the pilot, who described the procedures before that crash as lax.
Europe and other nations had already stopped the planes flying due to safety concerns, following an Ethiopian Airlines crash on Sunday, five months after a Lion Air crash involving the same jet.
BTW … special moment after the crash between Post and a pap, who made the rapper happy as hell when he recovered the Rolls-Royce hood ornament that flew off after the crash.
All Boeing 737 Max planes have been grounded in the wake of the Ethiopian Airlines crash after aviation authorities around the world cited similarities between the crash and the Lion air disaster.
Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche and Willem Dafoe star in this drama about a plane crash victim who, just at the end of World War II, can’t remember his life before the crash.
I was on a high, but it wasn’t a drug high; I was on adrenaline, and sooner or later you crash and burn, and unfortunately the drugs helped me crash and burn.
President Trump announced the decision hours after Canada had grounded them, pointing to new satellite data suggesting similarities between the Ethiopian Airlines crash on Sunday and a crash in Indonesia in October.
After the fact, people tried to come up with various explanations of the crash, but Shiller managed to interview a large number of traders in real time, as the crash was happening.
After the Flash Crash in May, 2010, the SEC realized they could not reconstruct trading activity to get at the real cause of the crash, or even who might have caused it.
Syrians.  4. California crash The mystery is deepening around last week’s car crash on the Northern California coast that took the lives of at least five members in a family of eight.
The Crash: The helicopter fell at a rate of about 23 miles an hour and slammed into the hill in a «high-energy impact crash,» according to the National Transportation Safety Board.
In the New York City crash that killed five people, the helicopter company, FlyNYON, was accused of ignoring pilots&apos safety concerns just months before the crash, The New York Times reported.
The airline and airport authorities in Kathmandu have traded blame for Monday’s accident, the Himalayan nation’s worst air crash since a 1992 crash of a Pakistan International Airlines aircraft killed 167 people.
Monday’s crash carried a wrenching poignancy: Twenty-eight months to the day of the deaths in Mississippi, seven Marines from the same company died in a helicopter crash off the Florida coast.
When engineers measured how the lower leg and foot of crash test dummies handled the crash, the injuries were extensive enough to merit a «poor» score in that category for four trucks.
«Every book about the great crash of 1929 mentions how the shoeshine boys around the New York Stock Exchange were playing stocks with borrowed money right up until the crash,» he said.
Authorities are still investigating the cause of last month’s fatal crash involving a 737 Max flown by Ethiopian Airlines, as well as the crash last October of a Lion Air-operated Max.
These housing markets are near the ‘7th inning stretch’ before everything starts to crash — The housing market has certainly made progress since 2008, when its crash nearly broke the global financial system.
Using footage from the department’s own cameras, Detective Kolenda identified a vehicle matching the description on the police accident report, and two and a half weeks after the crash, he interviewed the S.U.V.’s registered owner, who said he had been driving it the day of the crash but insisted he had not been in a crash that day.
After the March 10 crash in Ethiopia, which killed 157 people, the Ethiopian Transport Ministry recovered black box data showing the crash was similar in some ways to another Boeing crash, months earlier in Indonesia, that killed another 189 people; pilots in both cases reported flight control issues relating to the plane’s newly installed automated stall-prevention program.
ETHIOPIA-AIRPLANE-BOEING/ Boeing’s 737 MAX back in spotlight after second fatal crash CHICAGO — A fatal crash in Ethiopia on Sunday involving an updated version of Boeing Co’s best-selling 737 is putting the spotlight back on the aircraft just five months after another deadly crash involving another brand-new model of the same type in Indonesia.
New York couple were killed in a March crash The three deaths at the hotel came a couple of months after a car crash in the Dominican Republic killed two other American tourists.
The National Transportation Safety Board looked at the crash and said better communication between dispatchers might have alerted police to stop Pickett while he was driving erratically through different communities before the crash.
A witness to Ford’s 2015 Santa Monica crash told NBC News that Ford «saved several lives» by rerouting his crash landing to the Penmar Golf Course to avoid a tract of suburban homes.
Malmquist said one name change inspired by a crash was the airline ValuJet, which rebranded as as AirTran in 1997 following the high-profile crash of one of its jets the previous year.
That’s why mere suggestions, like being told cars «smashed» instead of «hit» after viewing a video of a car crash, will lead people to recall the crash being more severe than it was.
Two others, a sheriff’s deputy and a corrections officer, died in a car crash in the torrential rain in Hardee County, while one person died in a single-vehicle crash in Orange County.
Earlier this month Boeing disclosed that new orders for the 737 Max had already slowed before the second crash, and that it has received no orders for the plane since the second crash.
The cause of the crash was not immediately clear, but communication with the plane was lost around 0950 GMT, the army said, adding that several emergency teams were dispatched to the crash site.
Gizmodo reports on crash records from Tempe, Arizona’s police department, which indicate the safety driver behind the wheel during March’s fatal self-driving car crash may have been watching Hulu on her phone.
The CAAC asked Chinese airlines to stop flying the planes early on Monday, as the Ethiopian Airlines crash appeared to have similarities to the Lion Air crash in October involving the same plane.
While there was sufficient time for either driver to have acted to avoid the crash, there is no indication that the driver interacted with the vehicle in the two minutes before the crash.
According to police, the investigation into the crash is ongoing, and investigators are still in the process of talking to witnesses who were at the scene to determine the details of the crash.
When it does crash, it has the good sense to crash and relaunch very quickly, which ultimately results in less downtime and less me-wanting-to-throw-my-computer-out-the-window time.
It was grounded globally following the crash, which was the second deadly accident in six months involving the new model after a Lion Air crash in Indonesia in October that killed 189 people.
After the EgyptAir crash, several media outlets, including the BBC, saw through this scam and reported that Internet trolls had been putting up fake posts about crash victims, apparently to trick the media.
A 737 Max 8 was involved in an Ethiopian Airlines crash earlier this month that killed 157 people, and in a Lion Air crash in Indonesia last October that left 85033 people dead.
That episode caused Amazon’s competitors to troll Amazon pretty mercilessly in 2019, with eBay announcing a «crash sale» and the online betting site Bovada letting gamblers wager on the odds of a crash.
In particular, families of victims from the second crash have stated that they believe, based on what was known at the time, that the aircraft should have been grounded following the first crash.
A report on Friday’s crash released by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department did not indicate if Autopilot was engaged in the crash that killed the 50-year-old Tesla Model 3 owner.
Though no cause in the Ethiopian Airlines crash has been determined yet, one of the pilots reported «flight-control problems» to air traffic controllers, requesting permission to turn back minutes before the crash.
The families of passengers and crew members killed in the Ethiopian Airlines crash and the crash of Lion Air Flight 610 in October have hired lawyers to pursue legal claims against the company.
No help in Dutch crash inquiry: Boeing and American safety officials refused to cooperate with a new investigation of a deadly 2009 crash that had similarities to recent accidents involving the 737 Max.
TMZ broke the story … Kobe, his 13-year-old daughter and 7 other people were killed in a helicopter crash Sunday in L.A. Bad weather conditions are a possible cause of the crash.
Two deadly noncombat aircraft incidents also occurred last month: Two Navy pilots were killed in a crash off of Key West and seven service members were killed in a chopper crash in Iraq.
Vanessa’s lawyer says on the day of the crash, Vanessa went to the Sheriff’s Department and requested the crash site be designated a no-fly zone so photogs would be kept at bay.
Iranian officials said they suspected the crash was caused by a mechanical issue, according to the AP.The Ukrainian Embassy in Tehran said the crash was an accident but did not specify what happened.
Cruz has been one of the loudest critics of Boeing since the Ethiopian Airlines crash this month that killed 157 people, following a Lion Air crash in October that left 189 people dead.
The planes were grounded for an indefinite period globally this week in the wake of the incidents — a crash in October by Lion Air in Indonesia, and a crash Sunday involving Ethiopian Airlines.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (CNN)Preliminary data recovered from the black boxes of last week’s Ethiopian Airlines crash has revealed «similarities» to October’s fatal Lion Air crash, the Ethiopian Minister of Transport said Sunday.
New data links crash to Lion Air crash The Ethiopian Airlines Boeing Max 28 jet plummeted into a field shortly after leaving Addis Ababa’s Bole International Airport on Sunday morning, killing 297 people.
The flight control system has now been implicated in two fatal plane crashes: the Ethiopian Airlines crash last week that killed 157 people and the Lion Air crash in October that killed 189.
It was too soon to tell on Sunday whether the causes of the Ethiopian Airlines crash were the same as or similar to those of the Lion Air crash in Indonesia last year.
Morales «is definitely at fault in this crash,» Montes says.
Many Germans remain hostile to banks after the financial crash.
And it was like I had my own personal crash.
The crash happened about three miles north of Trinidad, Colorado.
The Navy estimates that the crash cost nearly $21993 million.
Some describe the experience as feeling like a crash landing.
Let’s crash through the surface of A Star Is Born.
Spiegel said Snapchat now has its lowest crash rate ever.
The crash injured five and left 10 American sailors missing.
It would also point to a slowdown not a crash.
Multiple friends and family members witnessed the crash, police say.
Tuesday’s crash isn’t the first at the Main Street crossing.
If they so much as touch each other, they crash.
Uber did not deny it was responsible for the crash.
It did not crash, but it also did not load.
Sounds like a party we might just want to crash.
The crash killed 83 of the 179 people on board.
The crash was first reported to authorities about 5 p.m.
There’s more to be gained by avoiding a crash entirely.
The other two boats were not involved in the crash.
Authorities closed the freeway as a result of the crash.
At most schools you can crash college lectures for free.
The other victims of the crash escaped with minor injuries.
Security cameras outside the house may have captured the crash.
That’s one fatal crash for every 143,000 hours of flight.
It was a loud crash, like a train hitting something.
During the fatal crash, the braking system had been disabled.
A quick 5G crash course: it comes in two flavors.
Clark was in the bar when she heard a crash.
It’s a great place to do a rocket crash movie.
Two men were killed in the plane crash Monday morning.
A helicopter crash injured four people Saturday night in Chicago.
The cause of the crash was under investigation, police said.
Ronaldo was in Germany at the time of the crash.
Juliette survives a horrific plane crash, which isn’t totally believable.
Comedian James «Jimmy Mack» McNair was killed in the crash.
«We were told we were going to crash,» Bergen said.
Then fatalities and overall crash numbers began to rise again.
If you don’t, your life will crash down around you.
The crash took place in Franklin County in northeast Georgia.
A panic is likely and then a crash may follow.
«We’re headed for a crash sooner or later,» he observes.
To be sure, not everyone expects a major crash ahead.
Hotz also spent some time talking about Tesla’s fatal crash.
The National Transportation Safety Board is also investigating the crash.
A week of mourning followed the crash in Addis Ababa.
Several humanitarian aid workers were also killed in the crash.
The cause of the crash has not yet been identified.
Investigators have not yet determined what led to the crash.
He plans to put another new song called «Crash» tomorrow.
Then, in the crash of 2008, it all fell apart.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is investigating the crash.
She died in a car crash in Paris in 1997.
Samantha healed from the injuries she sustained in the crash.
The agency said they could fail during a crash event.
A technical malfunction caused the crash, the military statement said.
Officials did not release information on what caused the crash.
His son, James Jr., 2175, also died in the crash.
The crash is being investigated by the Iowa State Patrol.
Coalition forces are securing the crash site, the statement said.
Austin had to reshape his dreams after the second crash.
We exited the tunnel into a crash of white light.
The motorists involved in the second crash were not harmed.
In a pinch, she could always crash with her mother.
Tesla continues to earn high marks in crash safety tests.
Another major feature of Firebase is its Crash Reporting service.
NHTSA later exonerated Tesla for any involvement in the crash.
They were returning from their trip when the crash happened.
After Kobe tragically died in a helicopter crash on Jan.
He said the recent, epic housing crash didn’t deter him.
The crash resulted in an extreme build up of traffic.
Smoke rises from the crash site on May 2, 2018.
The site of an early morning train crash on Feb.
Russian authorities are still investigating the cause of the crash.
He also said no alcohol was involved in the crash.
Police initially said Williams was at fault for the crash.
Since the crash of Ethiopian Airlines 302, that’s mostly changed.
«It was a car crash,» chuckles a senior SNP official.
Fortunately, Ogita now sees the beauty of the pole crash.
On Wednesday, Kris Jenner was injured in a car crash.
The crash killed one pilot and seriously injured the other.
That could well be a different kind of car crash.
Those elements were so completely minimal in The Crash Pad.
Jerue said the cause of the crash is being investigated.
Both teams will also wear patches honoring the crash victims.
Elsewhere, an Aston Martin is impounded after a mysterious crash.
There’s no Gran Turismo, Parappa the Rapper, or Crash Bandicoot.
I wash my face and brush my teeth and crash.
«I’m not saying the market’s going to crash,» Bass said.
The cause of the fatal crash remains under federal investigation.
Five hours after the crash, his blood alcohol levels were .
There’s shower sex, NSFW elevator antics and a helicopter crash.
The crash had been caused by debris on the runway.
Nearly two decades later, I’m still amazed we didn’t crash.
Boeing’s share price has fallen by 10% since the crash.
Most crash investigations end up pinpointing a combination of factors.
The cause of the crash has not yet been established.
The crash happened before she got a chance to reply.
The crash can be seen in videos posted to Twitter.
The second crash prompted the jets’ grounding on March 14.
Polish and Russian investigations blamed pilot error for the crash.
Teams cannot test until they have passed the crash tests.
These conditions triggered the «flash crash» in sterling on Oct.
It was like watching a car crash in slow motion.
Ahead, a crash course in starting your first fantasy team.
Seven women and one man were injured in the crash.
The Navy estimates that the crash cost nearly $110 million.
Hayman did not sustain any serious injuries in the crash.
And just like cars, that means using crash test dummies.
The cause of Thursday’s crash is unclear as of now.
The circumstances of this crash were similar to Lion Air.
Read on for a crash course in all things astrological.
The airline was broadcasting a show called Why Planes Crash.
Of course, Dean died in an automobile crash on Sept.
We also got a crash course in each other’s foibles.
But the immediate aftermath of the crash, policy was appropriate.
Glenn died in a car crash in Texas on Monday.
A market crash followed, with airline stocks leading the way.
«It momentarily crossed my mind it could crash,» she says.
Chile’s civil aviation authority is expected to investigate the crash.
Federal investigators are currently probing the cause of the crash.
Initially authorities reported the Tuesday crash had killed five people.
And new details about the deadly plane crash in Cuba.
Clarkston had celebrated her birthday a day before the crash.
He gave no indication what might have prompted the crash.
The crash also killed a student, and left dozens injured.
The cause of the crash remains unclear at this time.
Neither company has reported a crash involving an autonomous vehicle.
The NTSB faulted Tesla in a prior fatal Autopilot crash.
Waves crash against a seawall in Prestwick, Scotland, in 2014.
Robert Ward was onboard the bus and survived the crash.
This week’s crash foreshadows the end of that golden age.
After the crash on March 22025th it reaffirmed its airworthiness.
Instead the economy suffered something closer to a system crash.
Additionally, Boeing faces lawsuits from the families of crash victims.
Next thing I know, she’s dead in a car crash.
Saanvi uses her newfound confidence — gifted by the plane crash?
He walked away from the crash with some minor bruises.
A pilot ejected before the crash and was found dead.
Perspectives reset, time doubles back, expectations crash into one another.
I got a little nervous because of the Finisar [crash].
There has been no claim of responsibility for the crash.
His Land Rover Range Rover was overturned in the crash.
And if you crash land, you’ll have a role somewhere.
This time next year, we will have experienced another crash.
The crash is presumed to have killed all on board.
In 1997, Antoski was involved in a serious car crash.
It is unclear who was at fault for the crash.
Last week’s Amtrak crash in South Carolina shouldn’t have happened.
Crash sites are a frequent occurrence in No Man’s Sky.
Look at this crash test between two similar Nissan models.
The video of the Tuesday crash has since gone viral.
The crash occurred at the Elizabethton Municipal Airport in Elizabethton.
I don’t know what else to call it, the crash?
No one on the ground was injured in the crash.
Sometimes he feared they were going to crash the plane.
There is nothing more discouraging than seeing an app crash.
«It honestly is a crash culinary school course,» Burrell says.
«We gonna die,» Stacy had said just before the crash.
Tesla has provided another update to last week’s fatal crash.
So, for example, Crash Bandicoot, but made by Quantic Dream.
Police said the crash was viewed as a terror attack.
At least two dozen people were injured during the crash.
I just need my phone to work and not crash.
Trouble was, the Beresheet didn’t so much land as … crash.
Some cabin crew members have expressed concerns about the crash.
She died following a car crash in Paris in 1997.
White people accounted for 55 percent of the crash fatalities.
What sells are the scenes where spaceships crash into London.
The cause of the crash had yet to be determined.
But it wasn’t a car crash that took his life.
The report did not give a reason for the crash.
No — they take over the aircraft and crash the plane.
Moreover, crash would not have occurred if it was on.
All 11 people on board were killed in the crash.
Those models fell very short during the 2008 financial crash.
Since the Ethiopian crash, Boeing shares have fallen 14 percent.
Police declined to comment on the cause of the crash.
Investigators are trying to determine the cause of the crash.
Afterward, she sought footage of the crash, but Tarantino refused.
Injury crash involving this McLaren and possibly two other vehicles.
If you remember Crash Mode, this should all sound familiar.
The video was shot around several weeks before the crash.
Surveillance video of the crash shows they’re both damn lucky.
The U.S. military did not immediately comment about the crash.
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But a car crash crippled his hands, ruining his career.
Or when I crash, now my phone is wrecked too!
Williams was driving about 5 mph when the crash occurred.
They will crash out, there will be even more damage.
Local authorities have ordered a thorough investigation into the crash.
Shrapnel from the crash seems to have damaged the droneship.
But when it’s all over, it’s a big time crash.
Provided, that is, it doesn’t crash into a power pylon.
None of the six occupants on board survived the crash.
The studio would simply crash and burn if they left.
And I hope that this crash course will not continue.
«I foresee some sort of crash,» Dr. van Gils said.
«We don’t know the cause of the crash,» said Maj.
What were you hearing from Boeing after the first crash?
A lack of pilot experience was cited in the crash.
The cause of the crash remained under investigation, she said.
In 1967, my neck was broken in a car crash.
His brother’s leg was broken in the crash, say police.
When Lin suddenly died in a plane crash on Sept.
I bought this place in 2008 right after the crash.
He begins using words like «terrorism» to describe the crash.
The agency has an ongoing probe of the Tempe crash.
Diana died in a tragic car crash the following year.
I remember in particular the global financial crash in 2008.
My first year of university was an absolute car crash.
British tourists at the resort were evacuated after the crash.
The cause of the crash was weather related, Miller stated.
Three such guards died in Thursday’s crash of Flight 804.
Varthaman was reportedly captured by Pakistani villagers after his crash.
Investors were still assessing the damage caused by Monday’s crash.
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The cause of the crash was under investigation, Bock said.
Conricus said missile remnants were found near the crash site.
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Devonte, the extrovert Devonte, 15, remains missing after the crash.
The NTSB faulted Tesla in a prior fatal autopilot crash.
We get home and crash in bed by 2 a.m.
«Life has changed a lot since the crash,» Wulandari said.
Comcast plans to crash that deal with a higher offer.

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