Sentence with word courage

1. Let difficulties occur but not the loss of courage

2. No way is impossible to courage

3. Despair gives courage to a coward. 

4. Take one’s courage in both hands. 

5. With close friends in their lives,people develop courage and positive attitudes.Teenagers have the moral support to assert their individuality;the elderly approach their advanced years with optimism and an interest in life. 

6. Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. 

6. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

7. Men of courage, men of sense, and menof letters are frequent: but a true gentleman is what one seldom seen. 

8. Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue. 

9. Happiness is form courage.

10. He mustered up enough courage to attack the difficulty.

11. Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.

12. He was honored for his courage.

13. His courage and exploits were legendary.

14. I wonder at your courage in asking him directly!

15. Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.

16. Men don’t follow titles, they follow courage.

17. Contemporary accounts attest to his courage and determination.

18. He nourished me to muster my courage.

19. He has proved his courage in battle.

20. There was a wellspring of courage within her.

21. His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.

22. The soldier showed great courage in the battle.

23. He showed great courage in battle.

24. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity.

25. Caring for elderly relatives requires considerable moral courage.

26. He praised her for her courage.

27. The American president praised Turkey for its courage.

28. The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully 19 have been kindness, beauty and truth. 

29. If democracy is to survive, it is the task of men of thoughts, as well as men of action, to put aside pride and prejudice; and with courage and single-minded devotion—- to find the truth and teach the truth that shall keep men free. 

30. The world can be changed by man’s endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . 

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Becoming a hero requires more than courage.

Но для того чтобы быть справедливым, требуется нечто большее, чем мужество.

Finding the courage takes courage itself.

Но признать сам факт тоже нужно мужество.

I can tell you that courage begets courage.

Позвольте мне показать, что такое смелость.

Teach boys that emotional courage is courage, and that courage and empathy are the sources of real strength in life.

Учите мальчиков тому, что эмоциональная смелость — это действительно смелость и что смелость и эмпатия — источники настоящей силы в жизни.

As an environmentalist, Bob considered courage and creativity and courage to be renewable resources.

Как видный представитель экологического движения, Боб считал, что храбрость, креативность и еще раз храбрость — это те ресурсы, которые всегда способны к возобновлению.

But using emotional courage builds your emotional courage.

Но использование эмоционального мужества создает ваше эмоциональное мужество.

This entertainment appeared many years ago among the locals, similarly competing in courage and courage.

Это развлечение появилось много лет назад среди местных жителей, подобным образом соревнующихся в смелости и мужестве.

He stressed that it was important to show «courage, determination and courage» at the talks.

Он подчеркнул, что важно проявить «мужество, волю и смелость» на переговорах.

This breed demonstrates the courage and courage of much larger dogs in size.

Эта порода демонстрирует мужество и храбрость гораздо больших собак по размеру.

What is called for, I believe, is courage, the courage and conviction.

Для этого необходимы, я считаю, смелость, мужество и убежденность.

Affective part — noble passions (courage, courage, submission to duty).

Аффективная часть — благородные страсти (храбрость, мужество, подчинение долгу).

It takes courage and perhaps more than courage.

In courage, deliberate courage, there is more than instinct.

This honorary badge was given to people who showed special courage and courage in battle.

Этот почетный знак выдавался людям, проявившим особую храбрость и мужество в бою.

Not just physical courage, but mental courage.

There is, however, another type of courage, moral courage.

The most important form of courage is moral courage.

Today we congratulate all the power engineers and wish them courage and patience, fortitude and courage.

Сегодня мы поздравляем всех энергетиков и желаем им мужества и терпения, стойкости и смелости.

The courage is not brute courage.

It takes courage to ask a question of courage.

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The courage of ordinary death.
Мужество перед обычной смертью.

I never had her courage.
Я уступала ей в смелости.

And thyme is for courage.
И тимьяна для храбрости.

You have discipline, courage, ability.
В вас есть дисциплина, отвага, дарование.

Summon up your courage and tell the truth.
Соберись с духом и скажи правду.

When I come to a place like this, gradually, a small courage takes hold of me and I feel fitter for things.
Когда я попадаю в место как это, постепенно бодрость духа возвращается и я чувствую силы продолжать.

Revolutions require courage and sacrifice.
Революции требуют мужества и жертв.

But he has more courage.
Но в нем больше смелости.

What gives us the courage?
Что же придает нам храбрости?

Lord, we ask for courage, wisdom.
Господь, мы молим о мудрости и отваге.

Or maybe I didn’t have the courage.
Может, мне не хватало духу.

You must build up your courage.
Ты должен закалять своё мужество.

Chen once had political courage.
Когда-то Чэнь обладал политической смелостью.

I don’t have your courage.
У меня нет твоей храбрости.

To have your strength, your courage.
Приобрести твою силу, твою отвагу.

She has spirit and courage and a fine independence.
У нее есть присутствие духа и храбрость, и независимость.

We have courage for that, sir.
У нас будет достаточно мужества на тот случай, сэр.

Does anyone else has the courage?
А у кого еще хватит смелости это сделать?

Dog has that kind of courage.
Такая храбрость и у собаки есть.

I admire you for your courage.
Я восхищен твоей отвагой.


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courage — перевод на русский


To become a little child again Courage Go…

Стать снова маленьким ребенком Мужество Иди…

This is a different kind of courage, Rocky.

Это другое мужество, Рокки.

Those with brains and courage come through all right.

У кого есть ум и мужество, те выплывают.

I love your courage and stubbornness so much that I could forget… the best wife a man ever had.

Я люблю твоё мужество и упрямство так люблю, что чуть не забыл жену, лучше которой нет.

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You’re confusing courage with wisdom.

Ты перепутал храбрость с мудростью.

Read what my medal says. «Courage.»

Прочтите, что написано на медали: храбрость.

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Why? Because you will take one step toward me… and know my secret, and lose courage.

Потому что Вы сделаете шаг навстречу мне… узнаете мой секрет, и утратите свою смелость.

You’ve got everything it takes to make a good Marine: courage, ability, stamina…

у вас есть всё, чтобы стать отличным морпехом: смелость, выносливость …

At the last minute, her courage failed her.

В последнюю минуту, ее смелость пропала.

I mean, my courage hasn’t failed me.

Я говорю о том, что моя смелость не покинула меня.

And you were the one man in Virginia who had courage enough to say he hated horses.

И это человек из Вирджинии, который имел смелость сказать, что он ненавидит лошадей.

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The greater therefore should our courage be.

Тем больше быть должна отвага наша.

Noble Romans, men of the Tiber, masters of the Earth where is the courage that made Rome master of the world?

Но, владыки мира, где же те отвага и решимость, которые вознесли Рим над всеми народами?

Grow, Tom Thumb, grow, for your courage will bestow.

= Расти, Мальчик Спальчик, расти, потому что твоя отвага велика!

Pity I’ve got my men. I admire courage.

Молодец, Пити, отвага всегда меня восхищала.

Courage and hope for the future.

Отвага и вера в будущее.

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I have more courage than you.

Я смелее тебя.

Have courage and don’t worry.

Смелее, не волнуйся.

It’s very easy, courage, I’ll help.

Просто будь смелее, а я помогу.

Courage, Ibrahim, or she’ll slip through your fingers!

Смелее, Ибрагим, или она ускользнёт от вас!

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— He has much courage.

— Он очень храбрый.

Courage, man.

храбрый человек.

Plenty of courage, I see.

Очень храбрый, да.

Only you, Mel Gibson, have had the wisdom and the courage to show the world the truth.

Только ты, Мел Гибсон, настолько мудрый и храбрый, что показал миру правду.

Please have a little courage, ok?

Ты ведь храбрый мальчик?

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You don’t think I have the courage?

Думаешь, у меня не хватит смелости.

If the Lewises have the courage to start over, I won’t let them down.

Мириам, Если у Льюиса хватит смелости начать всё заново, я не подведу его.

— We’ll never have the courage. — You don’t know me.

У нас никогда не хватит смелости.

Who would ever have the courage to marry you now to face up to the jokes of friends the gossip at the Café?

У кого хватит смелости теперь, жениться на тебе и терпеть шутки друзей, сплетни в кафе? Все будут против тебя.

I love you more than I love anybody, but I don’t have the courage to destroy my home.

Я тебя люблю, но… у меня не хватит смелости бросить свою семью.

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If you have the courage to live it, it’s marvelous.

Если у вас хватает смелости жить, это чудесно.

And if it turns out I haven’t courage enough, we’ll soon know it.

И если окажется, что мне не хватает смелости, то мы об этом скоро узнаем.

Instead, I’m the one without the courage to bury anything at all.

А получается, что мне не хватает смелости это сделать.

And nobody in town’s got the courage to fight back.

И ни у кого в городе не хватает смелости противостоять ему.

I don’t have the courage to substitute my daily reality for an artificial paradise.

Мне не хватает смелости… чтобы заменить свою повседневную реальность искусственным раем.

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boy, bristle thy courage up.

Мужайся, малый.

Courage, Linuccia, you know why we’re doing it for, at last.

Мужайся, Линуччия, по крайней мере, ты знаешь, зачем мы это делаем.

Courage, Linuccia.

Мужайся, Линуччия.

Courage, Aderabat! Come on!

Мужайся, Аденобар!

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Maybe that’s the only way she can let go a little and find the courage to go on.

Это дает ей силы.

Direct your courage to the girl, Spartacus.

Лучше направь свои силы на девушку, Спартак!

My courage always rises with every attempt to intimidate me.

Напротив, любая попытка вызвать мое смущение, придает мне силы.

She gave me the courage to start the 12 steps, with Shanks there.

ќна придала мне силы, чтобы начать 12 шагов, вместе с Ўенксом.

god, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference… the members of the fairview chapter of a.a.

Бог дает спокойствие, чтобы я мог принять то, что не изменю, даровал силы изменить то, что в моих силах и мудрость понять, в чём их отличия. Члены общества Анонимных алкоголиков каждое своё собрание заканчивали молитвой.

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Courage (also called bravery or valour) is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Now as SVP and GM for Salesforce Radian6, LeBrun offered 10 tips for aspiring start-ups, including warning against focusing on potential exits and having the courage to go after your dream clients even before your product is ready.


It takes a special kind of courage for a famous artist to drag 40-year-old apprentice pieces out of the attic and make an exhibition of them.


Yet through it all, Ella refuses to break, refuses to give in, finding courage in kindness, letting her love for life and its myriad of mysteries to speak for itself no matter what calamities might befall her.


«Do we have the courage to stay the course there?»


It’s possible that Constand may have benefited from the #MeToo momentum on Thursday, but it took an extra dose of courage for her to make her claims years ago, in an environment that was so much less accepting.


I’ve been following your weblog for a while now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Porter Tx!


Some of the personality aspects that parents can observe and further develop include courage, kindness, humor and much more, reported The Age.


While his San Felipe was faster than Jacinto’s, the latter produced one of the finest exhibitions of courage and ability in his first effort around two turns.


All in all, online dating grants singles the courage they sometimes lack when dating the conventional way.


Courts have recognized how difficult it is for survivors of sexual abuse and assault to gather the courage and come out to proceed with their cases.


Then you just need the courage to invite them to connect.


Strong themes are explored, asking ethical questions and for a change, we get a film that has the courage of it’s convictions and doesn’t shy away from addressing the conflicts or inhumanity of the main characters.


Wallace described Villaraigosa as «a man who along the way come to realize that powerful interests have aligned to support policies that are not in the best interests of kids — and had the courage to stand up.»


This was the notion that many people in their social and in their working lives need legal help and would benefit from legal guidance but lack the resources, or perhaps simply the courage, to secure legal counsel from lawyers.


With the encouragement of fellow pilot and childhood sweetheart Carol Ferris, if Hal can quickly master his new powers and find the courage to overcome his fears, he may prove to be not only the key to defeating Parallax… he will become the greatest Green Lantern of all.


We honor the courage it takes to make the decision to come to therapy.


However, when I got to college and started developing my courage and personality, I decided to figure out just how we were related to Amelia.


The abjection that Cooke’s characters evince from their circumstances manifests as a kind of courage: a mindless valour in the face of doubt.


Maybe this is the recipe that gets my courage up to try it!


Rounders see’s all the angle’s but doesn’t have the courage to make a move.


But Lord, I’m faltering, I’m losing my courage.


Mr. Flaherty, in a recent submission to the Globe and Mail and the Financial Times with some of his international finance colleagues, said that the problem in the EU and the US is lack of «political leadership and courage».


Join us as we invoke the Pope’s encyclical Ladauto Si and pray for Governor Cuomo to find the courage to save New Yorkers and the planet by stopping the dangerous AIM Pipleine and CPV Power Plant and that he shuts down Indian Point without any increased gas dependency in our state.


With the support from my husband I found the courage to get myself a personal trainer.


That speech and quotes from many others have inspired us and given us the courage to act upon our own dreams.


That means that ordinary people got rich because they had the courage to follow up on their ideas.


Leslie, I hope the courage and honesty to share your story, will help others faced with that choice, make theirs.


And as we do, we draw inspiration from our founders, leaders of courage and audacity.


Maybe I just lack the courage to call myself «consultant.»


And it makes sense up to a point, as Howard is primarily a believer in courage of any sort, most grimly expressed in Mel Gibson’s character’s call for the head of his son’s kidnapper in Ransom.


Each year the Foundation selects a small group of winners for its Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award, given to leaders who pursue poverty alleviation with entrepreneurial zeal, business methods, and the innovation and courage to overcome obstacles.


She sends out daily dating forecasts to her fans to motivate them to take action, have courage, and make genuine personal connections in their everyday interactions.


I applaud the community members who have spoken out and urge all who have not until today worked up the courage to do so to make the jump today.


The Blue Line is a story centered on the consequences of oppression, collective subservience, and individual courage, and, most of all, the notion that belief in the future of humanity is an act of faith most beautiful and deserving.


A good outcome will require a lot of work and a fair amount of courage.


Their order once ran some brutal institutions in Ireland, and it will take courage for my old teachers to face up to the inevitable besmirching of their reputation and the wiping out — in the eyes of the public — of so much of their own good work.»


If only his courage, fight and will to win could have been infectious in the dressing room!


Finally, after a few sessions of coaching, she got the courage, the understanding, and the right words to end this negative relationship.


Even Murch, however, can’t save the picture from its own worst instincts, first with irradiated sailors heroically injured by their courage, then during a fifteen-minute conclusion that manages to not only shoehorn a television playing the fall of the Berlin Wall, but also Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson in mad-scientist fright makeup toasting fallen comrades under obfuscating end titles.


Whether clients are feeling distressed, overwhelmed or discouraged from a current situation or a chronic problem that never seems to get resolved, I help them find the courage and confidence to overcome challenges and reach for their goals.»


Frankly, sir, you lack the courage of your convictions.


It takes a lot of courage to give everything that you have to a goal when it might be criticized, judged or rejected.


In Darkness bears many broad strokes from numerous Holocaust and wartime related dramas that have come before it: danger, atrocity, courage, family ties, and the conflict between self-preservation and benevolence are all present.


We as men used to hold true to the codes of chivalry & bushido & vied for our position atop the food chain with feats of valour, intellect, strength & courage.


You really did great… I can’t even get the courage to step in front of the camera!


And we of the faith will have to have the courage to do what Elijah did, that is, fling the epithet back in the accusers» teeth (12): It is not I who have troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house, you and your kind, you and your acquisitive systems.


This course provides polish, depth and courage so that coaches may respond to a wide range of clients and coaching situations with creativity and power.


But knowing that should lead us beyond a life of passivity to a life of fierce courage and open-handed grace.


You are learning something new, and that takes courage and patience.


You know how to show your true colours without having the courage to show your true name.


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