Sentence with word cope with



Автоматический перевод

справиться с

Перевод по словам

cope  — справляться, совладать, бороться, сладить, риза, будка, кабина, кожух, колпак
with  — с, вместе с, от, несмотря на, напихать


I can’t cope with all this aggro.

Я не могу со всем этим справиться!

I find it hard to cope with change.

Мне трудно справляться с переменами.

She had the skill to cope with a difficult job.

Ей хватало мастерства, чтобы справляться со сложной работой.

My computer can cope with huge amounts of data.

Мой компьютер может справиться с огромными объёмами данных.

He has enough flexibility to cope with the job.

Он достаточно гибок, чтобы справиться с работой.

She’s struggling to cope with the heavy workload.

Она изо всех сил пытается справиться с большим объёмом работы.

I can’t cope with such a pile of work this weekend.

С такой горой работы я за выходные не справлюсь.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Not for the first time she wondered how he coped with so many children.  

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1. Will she be able to cope with the work?

2. They have to cope with a mountain of problems.

3. I cannot cope with that boy; he is stubborn.

4. I am afraid I cannot cope with this.

5. No one can cope with her in English.

6. She’s struggling to cope with the heavy workload .

7. It must be difficult to cope with three small children and a job.

8. We needed to reskill our workforce to cope with massive technological change.

9. The rebels were ill-equipped to cope with Western weapons and forces.

10. His indefatigable spirit helped him to cope with his illness.

11. How do you cope with the problem of poor vision?

12. He found he could no longer cope with his demanding job.

13. You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life.

14. The transport service cannot cope with the strain of so many additional passengers.

15. They may have to widen the road to cope with the increase in traffic.

16. She was finding it hard to cope with her son’s increasingly antisocial behaviour .

17. No one can cope with him in English.

18. I can cope with her in small doses .

19. Some people find unemployment very difficult to cope with.

20. Fit people are better able to cope with stress.

21. Many people find it hard to cope with change.

22. My computer can cope with huge amounts of data.

23. Depression lowers the human ability to cope with disease.

24. Doctors are having to cope with an everexpanding workload.

25. I can’t cope with all this aggro.

26. All this taught them how to cope with difficulties.

27. Hospitals said they could not cope with the wounded.

28. He was thick-skinned enough to cope with her taunts.

29. Happiness is not the absence of conflict[sentencedict .com],[] but the ability to cope with it.

30. He just buzzed off and left his wife to cope with the house and child.

More similar words: cooperate with, live with, agree with, in line with, keep pace with, make peace with, interfere with, fall in love with, communicate with, in accordance with, cope, scope, telescope, with, without, go with, within, do with, down with, with young, withdraw, go without, do without, play with, talk with, get on with, bear with, meet with, deal with, end up with. 

They couldn’t cope with difficulties.
Они не могли справиться с трудностями.

She will cope with difficult problems.
Она справится со сложными задачами.

They could not cope with those difficulties.
Они могли не справиться со всеми этими трудностями.

It’s how we cope with loss around here.
Так мы справляемся с потерями в ходе несения службы.

Rather, we have to learn to cope with them.
Скорее, мы должны научиться справляться с ними.

Our older populations have to cope with ever younger technology.
Наше более старшее население должно справляться с все более молодыми технологиями.

I may not be able to cope with those problems.
Может, я не могу справиться с этими проблемами.

China has the resources to cope with the current financial crisis.
У Китая достаточно ресурсов, чтобы справиться с текущим финансовым кризисом.

Japan is trying to cope with the aging of its population.
Япония пытается справиться со старением своего населения.

One is the depletion of resources available to cope with illness.
Одним из них является истощение ресурсов, имеющихся в наличии для того, чтобы справиться с болезнью.

And could a weakened Europe cope with an oil shock at all?
А сможет ли ослабленная Европа вообще справиться с нефтяным шоком?

To cope with climate change, we need new ways to generate power.
Чтобы справиться с изменениями климата нам нужны новые методы добычи энергии.

How do we cope with this growth of economic and political clout?
Как нам справиться с этим ростом экономического и политического влияния?

Policymakers are ill prepared to cope with a steady stream of growth scares.
Стратеги плохо подготовлены для того, чтобы справиться с постоянным потоком страхов по поводу экономического роста.

Governments who allow their political muscles to atrophy cannot cope with such issues.
Правительства, позволяющие своим политическим мускулам атрофироваться, не могут справиться с такими вопросами.

How do you cope with these journeys in terms of logistics and organisation?
Как вы справляетесь с дорогой с точки зрения организации и логистики??

Even as we cope with today’s challenge, however, we must look ahead.
По мере того, как мы справляемся с сегодняшней проблемой, мы должны смотреть вперед.

But a PM must be able to cope with an extreme work load.
Но ПМ должен быть способным справляться с огромными загрузками на работе.

Governments, too, must be prepared to cope with the ripple effects of technological disruptions.
Правительства также должны быть готовыми справляться с цепными реакциями технологических подрывов.

reduce costs and France too will be able to cope with the strong euro.
сократите стоимость производства, и Франция также сможет справиться с сильным евро.


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And not everyone can cope with such stress.

К сожалению, не все могут справиться с таким стрессом.

Rio needs money as cannot independently cope with debts.

Rio нуждается в деньгах, поскольку не может самостоятельно справиться с долгами.

Emotional&social support can help patients cope with psychological stress.

Эмоциональная и социальная поддержка может помочь пациентам научиться справляться с психологическим стрессом.

If you regularly cope with complaining colleagues, take steps to handle the situation constructively.

Если вы вынуждены регулярно справляться с нытьем со стороны коллег, предпримите шаги, чтобы плодотворно разрешить эту ситуацию.

Africa cannot cope with all these problems by just taking short-term actions here and there.

Африка не может справиться со всеми этими проблемами только с помощью принятия краткосрочных мер в том или ином направлении.

Because green spaces help people cope with stress and anxiety.

Потому что «зеленые» пространства помогают людям справиться со стрессом и тревогами.

However, how you cope with these feelings can impact certain behavioural traits.

Однако то, как вы справляетесь с этими чувствами, может повлиять на определенные поведенческие черты.

So you should probably decide if you can cope with that.

Поэтому тебе, наверное, нужно решить, сможешь ли ты справиться с этим.

You can just about cope with what you have.

Вы едва сможете справиться с тем, что у вас есть.

Such seemingly useless actions help cope with various kinds of depression.

Такие, казалось бы, бесполезные действия помогают справиться с депрессиями разного рода.

These are introduced to help patients cope with their disease.

Наша продукция разработана для того, чтобы помочь пациентам справиться с их болезнью.

Don’t assume men cope with trauma better than women.

Не ждите, что мужчина будет справляться с травмойлучше, чем женщина.

Children need an adult to help them cope with these complex emotions.

Они нуждаются в участии взрослых, которые помогли бы им справиться с этими сильными эмоциями.

Endocrinologists often collaborate with mental health professionals who can help you cope with excessive stress.

Эндокринологи часто сотрудничают с профессионалами в области психического здоровья (психолог или психотерапевт), которые могут помочь вам справиться с чрезмерным стрессом.

They know which writer can cope with a specific task.

Он решает, кто из игроков справится с тем или иным заданием.

Today everyone can cope with this task.

Сегодня каждый человек в состоянии справиться с подобной задачей.

Unfortunately, schools often do not cope with the task.

Однако, к сожалению, школа зачастую не справляется с этой задачей.

This is fundamental to transform cultures or cope with changes imposed by government.

Это самое основное, что сможет изменить школьную культуру и справиться с изменениями, навязанными правительством.

We do everything we can help families cope with tragedy.

Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы помочь пострадавшим семьям справиться с трагедией.

Accordingly, hence the fact that the majority marketers can not cope with aggressive marketing.

В результате, следовательно, растет и тот факт, что большинство продавцов не могут справиться с агрессивным маркетингом.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат cope with

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

How to use in-sentence of “cope with”:

+ Many of the organisms that live there have adapted, to be able to cope with these conditions.

+ However, it is too small to cope with internal buses, so they stop at bus stops along the streets.

+ Species like these change their physiology to cope with the amount of salt in the water.

+ They face many great and small events and cope with them using Dooly’s supernatural power and Douner’s time cosmos.

+ EN has the manpower needed to cope with the amount of vandalism they get; we do not.

+ If something goes wrong the diver may not be able to cope with the problem.

+ Goosefeather must cope with the ability to see the fate of living cats around him, including his own.

Use the word cope with

Use the word cope with

Example sentences of “cope with”:

+ This means reform is in the essential nature of Islam and Muslims are called all the time to work hard to make new ideas cope with tradition.

+ In 2007, the website moved from being sponsored and shared to running from dedicated hardware to cope with a sudden increase in popularity that happened because of these improvements.

+ Because data vault modeling stores the source of the data separately from the data itself, it can cope with change in the business environment.

+ While the family members lament Shorvori’s death, Parth struggles to cope with the pain of losing her.

+ But what about the underlying cause of anxiety? The two treatment types above focus on either reducing the symptoms of anxiety, or, helping a person cope with their disorder.

+ The term institutionalisation means when someone has lived in a hospital for so long that they cannot cope with living outside of it.

+ The robot is in charge of five smaller less intelligent robots and cannot cope with the responsibility.

+ They also had to be fit to fight well and cope with any injuries.

+ With a roadway only wide, and with serious structural weaknesses, the bridge was ill-equipped to cope with motor traffic.

+ This means reform is in the essential nature of Islam and Muslims are called all the time to work hard to make new ideas cope with tradition.

+ In 2007, the website moved from being sponsored and shared to running from dedicated hardware to cope with a sudden increase in popularity that happened because of these improvements.

+ A new pedestrian link to Kowloon Tong Station southern concourse and a new entrance were opened on 15 April 2004 to cope with the increase in interchange passenger flow.

+ His government was seen as being unable to cope with and this started to affect Rudd’s popularity.

+ Beyond policies and guidelines, the main problem with these categories is that, on a wiki of this size, with so few active editors, we cannot cope with the added maintenance in seeing that these consistently adhere to WP:BLP policies.

+ This is because Black slaves in the United States turned to religion, as a way to cope with the pain of slavery.

+ The earlier revision was able to cope with faster speeds between 36-44 points on the three reflex games, Colors, Numbers and Combo than the original revision.

+ Pitcairn, with only 30 hectares of land suitable for farming, could no longer cope with a large population.

+ Another prime objective of a Medical Social Worker is assisting patients along with staff members to cope with psychosocial problems associated with ill health Levine Herbert, 1997 and thus promote the overall wellness of theirs.

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