Sentence with word convince

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Only convinced people can convince others.

Лишь тот, кто искренне убежден в чем-то, может убедить других.

Those you convince can become your bridges to reach the experts.

Тех, кого вы убедить может стать вашим мосты, чтобы добраться до специалистов.

Keep trying, you might convince me.

Продолжай меня убеждать, возможно, у тебя получится.

Communicate and convince in a situation, often under pressure.

Уметь правильно общаться и убеждать в любой ситуации, чаще всего под давлением.

They convince themselves that just building their career.

Они убеждают себя в том, что всего лишь строят свою карьеру.

You cannot convince them to let the prisoners escape.

Вы не сможете убедить его, чтобы он позволил заключенным сбежать».

Understandably, these positions hardly convince those who support the moratorium on testing.

Вполне понятно, что такая позиция едва ли убеждает тех, кто выступает за мораторий на испытания.

I think you can convince us to understand its secret.

Я думаю, можно убедить нас в том, чтобы понять его тайну.

Their fruity flavor can probably convince everyone and therefore you should try this recipe immediately.

Их фруктовый аромат, вероятно, может убедить всех, и поэтому вы должны попробовать этот рецепт сразу.

Nothing you say will convince me.

Ничто из того, что ты говоришь, меня не убедит.

Ethos is how you convince an audience of your credibility.

Этос — это то, как вы убеждаете аудиторию в правдивости своей речи.

You’ll never convince me otherwise.

И ты никогда не убедишь меня в обратном.

I knew you’d convince him.

Я знал, что ты сможешь его убедить.

But maybe others can convince them.

Но, возможно, другие смогут их убедить.

Unless we can convince them it’s a fake.

Если только мы не сможем убедить их, что это подделка.

You could’ve helped me convince him.

Кей, ты могла бы помочь мне убедить его.

Good, now go convince her.

Хорошо, а сейчас иди и убеди её.

Now perhaps he can convince you.

Теперь, возможно, он сможет убедить вас.

Sam, I cannot convince one man.

Сэм, я не могу убедить одного единственного человека.

Cranfield finally convince, once and for all.

Кренфильд всё-таки убедил девятерых убить меня, раз и навсегда.

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to convince smb. of one’s sincerity — убедить кого-л. в своей искренности  
to convince smb. of one’s errors — заставить кого-л. осознать свои ошибки  
to speak with half convince — говорить неуверенно  
convince a voter — убеждать избирателя  
convince an opinion — убеждать мнение  
convince of errors — заставить осознать свои ошибки  
convince of sincerity — убедить в своей искренности  
convince of — убеждать в; убедить в  
convince oneself — убеждаться; убедиться; показать  
convince the public — убеждать общественность  

I’m convinced (that) she’s lying.

Я уверен, что она лжёт.

It’s useless to try to convince her.

Бесполезно пытаться её убедить.

He convinced me that the story was true.

Он убедил меня, что история была настоящей / правдивой.

I was unable to convince her to stay.

Я не смог убедить ее остаться.

They convinced us of their innocence.

Они убедили нас в своей невиновности.

I’ve been trying to convince him to come with me.

Я пытался убедить его пойти со мной.

To declaim is easier than to convince.

Разглагольствовать намного легче, чем убеждать.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

I/you/we/they: convince
he/she/it: convinces
ing ф. (present participle): convincing
2-я ф. (past tense): convinced
3-я ф. (past participle): convinced

It is hard to convince John.
Джона трудно убедить.

You just have to convince Waitlist.
Осталось убедить Список Ожидания.

It is hard to convince Jack.
Джека трудно убедить.

And we managed to convince him.
Но мы сумели убедить его.

I must convince Decourt to go boating.
Нужно убедить Поля выйти в море.

Prosecuting attorney just needs to convince a jury.
Прокурору надо будет убедить в этом присяжных.

People convince themselves they are right about their trades.
Люди убеждают себя, что они правы относительно своих сделок.

So unless you can convince him to booty bump.
Разве что ты убедишь его ширнуться ректально.

Um, I tried to convince him not to settle.
Я пытался убедить его не предлагать отступные.

We need only to convince ourselves to grasp it.
Нам остается только убедить себя осознать это.

«How many people can they trick, convince, or buy?
«Сколько людей они могут заставить, убедить, или купить?

I need to you convince Brian Galloway to come here.
Ты должен убедить Брайана Галлоуэя пойти работать к нам.

Convince Jeremy and Clay to let me come to Stonehaven.
Убеди Джереми и Клэя позволить мне вернуться в Стонхейвен.

We gotta convince Lassie to put us on this case.
Надо убедить Лэсси взять нас на это дело.

To convince him to give in to his better nature.
Убедить его уступить своей лучшей природе.

He tried to convince them of his innocence in vain.
Он безуспешно пытался убедить их в своей невиновности.

And you have to, first you have to convince yourself.
Ведь приходится, во-первых, убедить самого себя,

Convince them to tell the story to another two persons.
И убедите их рассказать о ней ещё двоим.

And no amount of awesome swag could convince me otherwise.
И никакое количество крутых штучек не убедят меня в обратном.

She is going to convince him never to leave the country.
Она хочет убедить его никогда никуда не уезжать.


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Synonym: assure, guarantee, make certain, persuade, pledge, promise. Similar words: convinced, convict, conviction, convenience, province, convey, convert, conversion. Meaning: [kən’vɪns]  v. make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something. 

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1. How can I convince you ?

2. He has managed to convince even the sceptics.

3. It’s hopeless trying to convince her.

4. Her arguments didn’t convince everyone, but changes were made.

5. He managed to convince the jury of his innocence.

6. We were able to convince the students of the need for wider reading.

7. Orson Welles managed to convince many Americans that they were being invaded by Martians.

8. The government must still convince the sceptics that its policy will work.

9. I have given over trying to convince him.

10. Thomas, she sensed, could convince anyone of anything.

11. She utterly failed to convince them.

12. We failed utterly to convince them.

12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

13. They argue heatedly, but neither could convince the other.

14. He managed to convince voters that he was for real.

15. It was well-nigh impossible for him to convince her that he was right.

16. If he doesn’t manage to convince them, it won’t be for want of trying .WHICH WORD?

17. The government must still convince the sceptic that its policy will work.

18. He has to convince a judge that he wasn’t going to abscond with the money.

19. I tried to convince them, but they weren’t the least interested.

20. Baker had to convince jurors that his client had been nowhere near the scene of the murder.

21. I couldn’t convince him no matter how hard I tried.

22. But he now has to convince sceptics that he has a serious plan.

23. His doctor tried to convince him that he wasn’t really ill and that it was all in the mind.

24. Agricultural companies have failed to convince consumers that GM foods are safe.

25. She used all her powers of persuasion to convince Tilly that it was the right thing to do.

26. He was unable to convince the sceptics in the audience.

27. It took many hours to convince the court of his guilt.

28. He could not convince those who held the money bags that his idea was viable.

29. There is a holy, mistaken zeal in politics, as well as religion, by per-suading others we convince

30. Autosuggestion is the power of mind over matter — if you convince yourself that you are cured, you will be.

More similar words: convinced, convict, conviction, convenience, province, convey, convert, conversion, convention, conversation, conventional, concept, concede, concert, concern, conceive, conference, conception, concerning, consequence, in consequence, concentrate, concentration, concentrating, saving, divine, serving, envious, envision, in view of. 

About 11306 results found using ‘CONVINCE’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • It will no longer be possible to convince the oppressed that they are powerless.  (open, save, copy)

  • If we want reforms, we have to convince people and get the majority on our side.  (open, save, copy)

  • These personal histories didn’t convince me that their generation has it so bad.  (open, save, copy)

  • City officials know it will take time to convince outsiders that Juarez is safe.  (open, save, copy)

  • This morning, I tried to convince the grade schooler to buy her lunch at school.  (open, save, copy)

  • My older children in particular are trying to convince me to change my thinking.  (open, save, copy)

  • Capitalising whole words and denigrating people isn’t going to convince anybody.  (open, save, copy)

  • They will convince the people of Israel that they have a true partner for peace.  (open, save, copy)

  • However in trying to convince on the Lib Dems policies, he faced an uphill task.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘convince’:

  1. Convert: make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something; «He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product» [source]
  2. Convinced(p): persuaded of; very sure; «were convinced that it would be to their advantage to join»; «I am positive he is lying»; «was confident he would win» [source]
  3. (convinced) having a strong belief or conviction; «a convinced and fanatical pacifist» [source]
  4. (convincing) causing one to believe the truth of something; «a convincing story»; «a convincing manner» [source]
  5. To make someone believe, or feel sure about something, especially by using logic, argument or evidence; To overcome, conquer, vanquish; To confute (someone); to prove (someone) wrong; to overcome (someone) in argument [source]
  6. (convinced) In a state of believing, especially from evidence but not necessarily [source]
  7. (convincing) Effective as proof or evidence [source]
  8. (convinced) when I am sure or certain about something (refer to base word) [source]
  9. (convinced) to get someone to agree with you [source]

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