Sentence with word convict

1, I have all the evidence necessary to convict this young criminal now.

2, Murrow’s evidence was enough to convict Hayes of murder.

3, He was stigmatised as an ex — convict.

4, They have brought the escaped convict to bay.

5, They amassed enough evidence to convict her.

6, There was insufficient evidence to convict him.

7, There wasn’t enough evidence to convict her.

8, The police didn’t have enough evidence to convict him.

9, They have drove the escaped convict to bay.

10, We must fix the ex — convict up with at least an odd job.

11, It was difficult to convict him of the falsity of his beliefs.

12, They amassed enough evidence to convict him on six charges.

13, You can’t convict a man of a crime on circumstantial evidence alone.

14, She walked through, feeling like a condemned convict.

15, Prosecutors believe they have enough evidence to convict Smith.

16, But to convict on her word alone!

17, A South Carolina jury refused to convict the patrolmen.

18, They say perhaps it was an escaped convict who got into the house while Joe was out.

19, This shows inhumanity because it is despicable to convict a man of a crime of which you know he is innocent.

20, In 1997 Mr Nero’s evidence helped to convict 46 mobsters.

21, Or would it be fairer to convict the harm-doer of a lesser offence,( thus ignoring the chance result?

22, That phrase is read narrowly to convict the accused of handling rather than theft, handling being a more serious offence than theft.

23, You’ll be facing a Federal rap for aiding and abetting an escaped convict.

24, It was thought that he’d committed the crime but there wasn’t sufficient evidence to convict him.

25, In his summing-up, the judge said that it was dangerous to convict on this evidence alone.

26, He was found innocent in the court, that is to say, the court could not convict him legally.

27, He said he questioned whether there was enough evidence to convict his client on conspiracy to commit murder.

28, It was decided that there was sufficient evidence to convict Marconi.

29, If this issue is resolved negatively, then the plea of autrefois convict could not be sustained in this case.

30, If you are accused of being a Christian, there should be enough evidence to convict you. Joyce Meyer 

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In addition, in the last few years, the convict took the drugs from chronic back pain.

Кроме того, в последние несколько лет осужденный принимал лекарства от хронической боли в спине.

In addition, the convict began the process of distance learning, and in conclusion wrote books.

Помимо этого, осужденный начал процесс заочного обучения, и в заключении писал книги.

The interests of the correction of prisoners are not subordinated to the aim of profiting from convict labour.

Интересы исправления осужденных не подчинены цели получения прибыли от труда заключенных.

The case referred to in paragraph 50 concerned beatings by a convict.

Указанный в пункте 50 случай касается избиения заключенных.

The convict was pardoned after serving his sentence.

Осуждённый был помилован, после того как отбыл свой срок.

Several months later, convict leasing was officially abolished.

Несколько месяцев спустя принудительная сдача в аренду осужденных была официально отменена.

A life-sentence convict writes letters to those on the outside.

Осужденный на пожизненный срок пишет письма тем, кто живет на свободе.

The convict fully admitted his guilt, so the criminal case was considered in a special order.

Осужденный свою вину признал полностью, поэтому уголовное дело рассматривалось в особом порядке.

The convict was caught the same day at 13 kilometers from the colony.

Осужденного поймали в тот же день в 13 километрах от колонии.

The convict or his counsel sends him a letter.

Осужденный или его защитник направляет ему письмо.

Another circumstance that must be taken into account is the composition of the convict‘s family.

Еще одно обстоятельство, которое необходимо учесть судебному органу, — состав семьи осужденного.

According to the convict, his parents are retired, but are forced to work because of a lack of money for drugs.

По словам осужденного, его родители — пенсионеры, но вынуждены работать из-за нехватки денег на лекарства.

The convict asserted his innocence, even after his head was cut off.

Осужденный заявил о своей невиновности даже после того, как ему отрубили голову.

Every convict has her own tragic story that led her here, and an explanation of how it happened.

У каждой осужденной, есть своя собственная трагическая история, которая привела ее сюда, и объяснения того, как это произошло.

The convict shall also totally abstain from alcohol.

Осужденные должны также полностью воздерживаться от употребления алкогольных напитков.

If the convict disobeys the rules he has to serve his sentence in a prison.

Если осужденный не соблюдает эти правила, то он должен отбывать срок своего приговора в тюрьме.

The time spent by the convict beyond the bounds of the corrective labour institution counts towards the sentence served.

Время нахождения осужденного вне пределов исправительно-трудового учреждения засчитывается в срок отбывания наказания.

Since May 14, 2018 the convict holds a hunger strike and is under constant observation from physicians.

С 14 мая 2018 года осужденный держит голодовку и находится под постоянным наблюдением со стороны медиков.

His motivation, the convict explained by the desire to overthrow the government, which he considers an «enemy of the Russian people».

Свою мотивацию осужденный объяснил желанием свергнуть правительство, которое он считает «врагом русского народа».

The criminal law of Germany allows adjournment and installment of fine payment if the convict cannot pay immediately due to his/her personal circumstances or financial position.

В соответствии с уголовным законодательством Германии, допускается отсрочка и рассрочка уплаты штрафа, если осужденный в силу личных обстоятельств или материального положения не в состоянии немедленно исполнить судебное решение.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат convict

Результатов: 2196. Точных совпадений: 2196. Затраченное время: 70 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

A convict is «a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court» or «a person serving a sentence in prison». (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

A current inmate at the San Quentin state prison in California was recently interviewed about how convicts manage to gain muscle in prison.


Pell convicts himself of tactlessness several times over.


Instead, she insisted she was simply looking to give the district the benefit of her experience as an entrepreneur and as a nurse to convicts re-entering society.


Searching for sympathy, some convicts sheepishly acknowledge responsibility for their transgressions and proclaim themselves reformed.


In the week that saw Prime Minister Tony Abbott declare that Australia was «nothing but bush» before the arrival of Britain’s «marines and convicts and sailors» (see his full statement and some of the Twitter reaction at the bottom of the post), two states also threatened to close remote Aboriginal communities in a dramatic funding stoush with Canberra.


454 (1) If a court convicts a person for a contravention of a by-law of the City or of a local board of the City without proof of the by-law, another court hearing a motion to quash the conviction may dispense with such proof or may permit the by-law to be proved by affidavit or in such other manner as it considers appropriate.


In my last guest-blog post about my new book, The Machinery of Criminal Justice, I advocated requiring military service as a punishment for able-bodied convicts without serious violent tendencies.


That and the reluctance to hire former convicts leads to high levels of recidivism.


The road to redemption is long — and the cure for the toxic masculinity, egoism and crippling self-doubt that led both convicts and civilians alike to this retreat may not necessarily be within reach.


The researchers then compared the «blackness» ratings with the convicts» sentences.


According to a statement issued by the state Publicity Secretary of the party, Mr Funmi Lamuye, on Thursday, the party said it was shocked to learn that the state governor, Mr Rauf Aregbesola, had ordered the release of the convicts.


As she creatively buffs the windows, the reaction of the convicts reminds us that these are still men and no amount of humiliation and degradation can change that.


what i see through your expression is this: the pain and suffering of the cross («the way») simultaneously makes me weak or convicts me to realize that i am weak.


«I issued those licenses without pretense to what their crimes were because despite my personal views of their crimes, in our state, convicts are afforded the right of marriage.»


Flagbearer of the Progressive People’s Party has said the remission of the four month jail term handed the Montie convicts is one of the worst actions taken since independence.


Depending on the severity of your charges, once you lose your traffic ticket case (i.e. the judge convicts you), the penalties you’ll endure could be any of the following:


Experience meeting with paroled convicts in the field and in the office.


Branson has been unusual in his support of former convicts by given them jobs and opportunities.


makes it sound like pit bull type dogs are convicts and need extra special training before being allowed back into the general population.


Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as Ben Richards, it is set in an American totalitarian state where convicts are given a supposed chance at freedom in a fixed televised game show.


Offenders would have to wear high-visibility fluorescent jackets while doing the work and local communities could hold referendums on the projects they want convicts in their area to do.


According to the group, the two convicts were used as…


Yet despite its housing an overload of 2,000 convicts, mostly for drug trafficking, it is considered a model prison.


If a Virginia jury convicts a criminal defendant, the jury recommends the sentence.


You will get the chance to walk where kings and convicts have walked and learn about the symbols of power and punishment through the ages.


For two hours, we’re locked in with this true story (adapted from Billy Moore’s memoir of the same name), terrified as Sauvaire and cinematographer David Ungaro leer at every grimy detail, surveying the stories each inch of the convicts» (mostly tattooed) flesh tells.


For whatever reason convicts were sent to the colonies that rebelled in 1776 and later to Australia and New Zealand though not to Canada.


Who would’ve thought a film about a little girl (Bridgette Andersen) running away from home and crossing paths with two escaped convicts (Mark Miller and Donovan Scott) would be so zany and heartwarming?


After picking up the convicts, the hijackers then made the pilot fly towards a remote mountainous region in central Puerto Rico where the group proceeded to flee on foot.


In addition to the traffic ticket penalty administered by the state SOS, the court that convicts you will also sentence you appropriately.


This unfortunate arrangement is a little hard to swallow but it makes for one exciting ride when the convicts break loose while onboard and hijack the plane.


This course is recommended for health care professionals, especially addiction counselors, psychologists, mental health counselors, social workers, and nurses who seek knowledge about effective intervention strategies for convicts with co-occurring disorders.


The oversight in the regulations rendering convicts virtually immune from deportation under certain circumstances represents political dynamite.


While all types of dogs, including German shepherds and Labrador retrievers, can sniff out convicts, cadavers and victims of disasters, the dogs with floppy ears seem to be the best at what they do.


All you need to do is just make sure you submit to him and obey him when he convicts your heart.


The word we proclaim is multipurpose: it challenges us, comforts us, convicts us, consoles us.


The majority of the book relates how the rehearsals of The Tempest in the prison are going, with Felix gradually winning over the convicts to his avant-garde approach to the play (Ariel the fairy as a blue-skinned space alien wearing ski goggles, for example).


To consider convicts, sheep stealers and mussel munchers!


The fact that DeLay — under indictment, boss to a couple of Abramoff-scandal convicts, bounced from Congress by his own party — feels he’s in a position do to any name calling is surreal with a Salvador Dali exponent.»


Despite naming their discovery «New Holland» the Dutch did not settle here; that honour went to the British who established a penal colony, to which convicts were deported by ship, on 26 January 1788, where the city of Sydney now stands.


But God has some coming here which are NOT reprobates, and it is for them that we come here and share the Gospel of salvation, giving them hope, and preaching the Word of God to convicts human hearts of SIN, RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUDGMENT.


ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Promoted the mission of the Life Christian Church successfully by organizing a gala of 12 events in a year • Provided religious counseling to fifteen convicts of the Hazel Prison successfully bringing them to the faith


Abusing convicts plays well in Edmonton Centre, makes the bagman’s phone ring, makes another Conservative majority in 2015 that much more likely.


The article reports that as the result of the exoneration of more than 200 convicts through use of DNA evidence over the past decade, states are now providing easier access to DNA evidence.


Update: Jury convicts Northfield breeder of animal cruelty (found guilty of 13 felony counts of animal cruelty)


First he «donates» to buy off Dannel and assure the demise of our public schools so our children can be charterized by unqualified non career teachers supervised by convicts and bottom feeders.


Also interwoven with that is an emphasis on human survivors and factions — there are groups of escaped convicts, scavengers and more, and they’ll be a bit tougher to deal with this time around.


Very good marks to this high-tech update of The Defiant Ones, which pairs Rutger Hauer and Mini Rogers (both superb) as convicts linked by futuristic collars necessitating their remaining in close proximity… at the risk of impromptu decapitations.


A superior maneuverability is obtained by disabling convicts as this locked in a forward direction to increase stability when jogging or when the stroller is a rough terrain.


Their work description also involves booking incoming inmates and keeping proper record of old convicts.


осужденный, осужденный, каторжник, осуждать


- предназначенный для преступников, пенитенциарный

convict prison — тюрьма для осужденных преступников
convict colony /establishment/ — ист. исправительная колония для преступников
convict ship — ист. судно для перевозки преступников
convict system — ист. система отправки преступников в колонии

- арх. осуждённый, заключённый


- осуждённый; заключённый; преступник, отбывающий каторжные работы, каторжник

returned convict — осужденный, освобожденный из места лишения свободы


- юр. признать виновным, вынести приговор; осудить

to convict of /редк. for/ murder — признать виновным в убийстве

- привести к сознанию виновности; заставить осознать свою вину

to convict smb. of his error — убедить кого-л. в совершённой ошибке
to be convicted of sin — раскаяться в грехах

- убеждать

no use talking, you can’t convict me — говорить бесполезно, вы меня всё равно не убедите /не уговорите/

Мои примеры


a warning that the three escaped convicts were armed and dangerous — предупреждение о том, что трое беглых заключенных были вооружены и опасны  
incontrovertible facts that left the jury with no choice but to convict — неопровержимые факты, которые не оставили присяжным другой возможности, кроме вынесения обвинительного приговора  
escaped convict — осуждённый, бежавший из заключения  
convict on parole — заключённый, условно освобождённый из тюрьмы  
to convict a perpetrator — осудить преступника  
to convict of a crime — осудить за совершение преступления  
to convict summarily — осудить в порядке суммарного производства  
to convict of / редк. for/ murder — признать виновным в убийстве  
convict at large — осужденный, бежавший из заключения  
felon convict — осужденный за совершение фелонии  
poor convict — осужденный, признанный бедняком  
convict-made goods — товары, изготовленные заключенными  

Примеры с переводом

The prisoner was convicted of robbery.

Подсудимый был осуждён за ограбление.

She was convicted of shoplifting.

Она была осуждена за кражу в магазине.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

Вы когда-нибудь были осуждены за совершение преступления?

He was convicted on fraud charges.

Он был осужден по обвинениям в мошенничестве.

It was difficult to convict him of the falsity of his beliefs.

Было непросто доказать ему, что его убеждения ложны.

He was convicted in federal court.

Он был осуждён федеральным судом.

It is illegal to harbor an escaped convict.

Укрывательство беглых заключённых запрещено законом.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…all members of the local constabulary were on the alert for the escaped convict…

The jury acquitted the defendant because there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him of the crime.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

conviction  — убеждение, убежденность, осуждение, уверенность, признание виновным
convicted  — осужденный, изобличенный, осужденный, заключенный
convictive  — убедительный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: convict
he/she/it: convicts
ing ф. (present participle): convicting
2-я ф. (past tense): convicted
3-я ф. (past participle): convicted

ед. ч.(singular): convict
мн. ч.(plural): convicts


noun существительное

множественное число (plural):


















  1. заключенный

    escaped convict
    беглый заключенный

    old convict
    старый каторжник

  2. осуждение

  3. преступник

  4. колодник

adjective прилагательное

  1. каторжный

    convict prison
    каторжная тюрьма

participle причастие

















  1. осужденный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений convict на 1 миллион слов: 3.

Примеры предложений

The convict was pardoned after serving his sentence.
Осуждённый был помилован, после того как отбыл свой срок.

The police are hunting an escaped convict in this area.
Полицейские охотятся за беглым преступником в этом районе.

I’m supposed to feel sympathy for the convict?
Я должен сочувствовать заключенному?

Tom is a convict.
Том — заключенный.

We now have all the evidence we need to convict Tom Jackson.
Теперь у нас есть все доказательства, которые нам нужны, чтобы осудить Тома Джексона.


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