Sentence with word considerate

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


He’s so caring and considerate and he makes me feel like I don’t deserve him.

Он такой заботливый и внимательный, и он заставляет меня чувствовать, что я не заслуживаю его.

We will provide the most considerate service immediately.

Мы предоставим самый внимательный сервис немедленно.

However, researchers have done a considerate amount of work in recent years in an attempt to understand this apparent phenomenon.

Однако, исследователи сделали тактичный объем работы в последние годы в попытке понять это кажущееся явление.

Didn’t you learn to be generous and considerate?

Достал. Тебя что, не учили быть щедрым и тактичным?

John is every bit as handsome and considerate as you said he was.

Джон именно такой, красивый и деликатный, как вы и рассказывали.

More than one of them told me that I’m actually very considerate and sweet in the bed department.

Больше чем одна сказали, что я действительно очень деликатный и милый в постельных делах.

You will be a considerate and thoughtful lover.

Я ожидаю, что ты будешь деликатным и чутким любовником…

However, both genders are generally considerate and respectful professionals.

Однако оба пола, как правило, являются внимательными и уважительными специалистами.

Social networks actually make kids more relationship-oriented, considerate, and emphatic.

Социальные сети на самом деле делают детей более ориентированными на отношения, внимательными и решительными.

It is being gentle, compassionate, kind, considerate and most importantly non-judgmental.

Это означает быть благородным, сострадательным, добрым, внимательным и, что наиболее важно, не осудительным.

These studies remind us to be considerate and sensitive when we return home.

Подобные исследования напоминают нам о том, что нужно быть внимательным и заботливым, когда мы возвращаемся домой.

Male students I meet here are mostly considerate.

«Студенты, которых я встречала здесь, в основном, внимательные.

He was her confidant and was always kind, considerate and patient with her…

Она была его доверенным лицом, и всегда была доброй, внимательной и терпеливой с ним.

I am very active, adventurous, considerate and caring and live a healthy lifestyle.

Я очень активная, предприимчивая, внимательная и заботливая и веду здоровый образ жизни.

It means being kind, gentle, considerate and respectful towards self and others.

Это означает быть добрым, нежным, внимательным и уважительным к себе и другим.

The above strategy is still highly effective because it’s thoughtful and considerate.

Вышеупомянутая стратегия все еще очень эффективна, потому что она вдумчива и внимательна.

He is considerate and careful about money — mainly his own.

Он внимателен и осторожен с деньгами — главным образом с собственными.

You become wiser, more tolerant and more considerate when you stop acting like a robot.

Вы становитесь мудрее, более терпимой и более внимательной, когда перестаёте действовать как робот.

They must also be patient and considerate as they discuss upcoming surgical procedures with patients.

Они также должны быть терпеливыми и внимательными, обсуждая предстоящие хирургические процедуры с пациентами.

His famed considerate treatment of his workers earned him even more respect.

Его знаменитое внимательное отношение к своим работникам принесло ему еще большее уважение.

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About 667 results found using ‘CONSIDERATE’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • It sounds like this fellow is the most considerate and loving when you distance.  (open, save, copy)

  • Her calm, perceptive and considerate personality contrasts strongly with Rick’s.  (open, save, copy)

  • The vast majority of people I work with are very polite, very considerate people.  (open, save, copy)

  • The song is about being considerate, compassionate and respectful of one another.  (open, save, copy)

  • He was considerate, principled, spirited and owned an infectious wit and charm.  (open, save, copy)

  • I have noticed that most people around me are fairly considerate to other people.  (open, save, copy)

  • Be CONSIDERATE of the person that is standing in front of you trying to help you.  (open, save, copy)

  • Act like a considerate citizen of the world, and you’ll boost your self-esteem.  (open, save, copy)

  • The other negotiator acts as a good guy by being considerate and understanding.  (open, save, copy)

Define ‘considerate’:

    1. Careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others
    2. Showing careful thought

Web Definitions for ‘considerate’:

  1. Showing concern for the rights and feelings of others; «friends considerate enough to leave us alone» [source]
  2. (considerately) in a considerate manner; «they considerately withdrew» [source]
  3. Consciously thoughtful and observant (often of other people); caring; characterised by careful and conscious thought; deliberate [source]
  4. (Considerateness) the sight of being-with, that is, the form of intelligence that guides our coping with others. (You should studiously avoid all of the moral overtones of the word in its ordinary usage. … [source]
  5. (Considerations (Before Judgement)) Particular conditions in a horary chart, especially those warning that the chart is not radical, meaning that the astrologer might be prone to error, or that the astrologer may be likely to give the client bad news should a prediction be undertaken. … [source]
  6. (Considerations) About 1 in every 5 adults in the U.S. has high blood pressure. High blood pressure occurs more often in men than in women, and in African Americans almost twice as often as in Caucasians. [source]
  7. (Considerations) In order to apply for a home equity line of credit, the lender will need the current appraised value of the home minus the balance owed on the mortgage. … [source]
  8. (Considerations) Several guiding principles must be considered when modifying a classroom (Maker & Nielson, 1996). A differentiated classroom must: [source]
  9. (considerations) The manmade infrastructure, civilian institutions, and attitudes and activities of the civilian leaders, populations, and organizations within an area of operations influence the conduct of military operations. (FM 6-0) [source]

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But are today’s bombings and UN sanctions much more considerate of human life than 19th-century conquests?
Но неужели сегодняшние бомбежки и санкции ООН намного более внимательны к человеческой жизни, чем завоевания XIX века?

Wherever I have gone, people have been helpful, courteous and considerate to a degree that is not common in the rest of the world.
Где бы я ни был, везде люди готовы были оказать помощь, они вежливы и внимательны, что не является обычным делом в остальной части мира.

We realized, you can make him kind, generous, funny, considerate, as long as one condition is met for him, is that he stays the top toy.
Мы поняли, что можно сделать его добрым, щедрым, весёлым, внимательным. Но нужно сохранить одно условие: он должен оставаться главной игрушкой.

Diligent and considerate, able to feel acutely the pulse of his country and accordingly respond to the demands of a globalizing world, he made a great contribution to Armenia’s remarkable economic growth and social progress.
Старательный и внимательный, способный верно чувствовать биение пульса своей страны и адекватно реагировать на потребности ставшего глобальным мира, он внес большой вклад в замечательный экономический рост и социальный прогресс Армении.

I would also like to be considerate.
Я бы тоже хотел бы быть осмотрительным.

— Nowadays, commercial art should be neat, considerate, sweet.
— Сейчас коммерческое искусство должно быть аккуратным, тактичным, сладким.

Thank you for being considerate while sneaking off.
Спасибо за то, что ты так заботлива, уходя по-тихому.

I am deeply grateful for the courteous and considerate treatment you have accorded me today.
Я глубоко признателен за предоставленный двор и за оказанный мне сегодня прием.

A considerate investor will never speculate recklessly with his clients’ life savings, despite the potential gain for himself.
Осмотрительный инвестор никогда не пустится в рискованные спекуляции, используя сбережения своих клиентов, несмотря на потенциальную личную выгоду.

Being considerate, they do not burden each other by building themselves up as heroes in their own personal tragedies.
Обладая тактичностью, они не обременяют друг друга, строя из себя героев из-за своей собственной личной трагедии.

Furthermore, it should encourage young people to adopt reasonable, safe and considerate conduct not only when driving but in day to day living, especially in respect of other people.
Кроме того, оно должно прививать молодым людям чувство уважения к разумному, осторожному и обдуманному поведению не только при вождении транспортного средства, но и в повседневной жизни, в особенности когда это касается других людей.

And everyone’s so polite and considerate — nothing like the constant catfights in my circle, where every week, somebody’s mad at somebody for God knows who what, and I’m always thrown into the middle.
И все такие вежливые и отзывчивые, не то что вечные склоки в моем окружении, где каждую неделю кто-то злится на кого-то бог знает за что, а я всегда оказываюсь в эпицентре.

The American government is, today, undoubtedly far more polite and considerate in pressing its interests vis-à-vis Russia than it was under George W. Bush, but the difference in tone is not nearly as important as the fact that the actual content of the policy is surprisingly similar: ballistic missile defense, NATO expansion, and democracy promotion.
Сейчас американское правительство, безусловно, намного вежливее и тактичнее отстаивает свои интересы в отношениях с Россией, чем при Джордже Буше. Однако, разница в тоне значит намного меньше, чем тот факт, что реальное содержание американской политики остается прежним: противоракетная оборона, расширение НАТО, продвижение НАТО.

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It’s a hard time, but she’ll be so grateful that your actions are caring and considerate.


Any guy can do this and it lets your date know that you’re considerate and willing to make an effort.


Consideration and Respect Be considerate: The deception associated with infidelity destroys trust.


Uprooting his wife (Lauren Graham, «Gilmore Girls») and three sons in a gas-guzzling Hummer to a newly-built home in Virginia, it’s clear that Evan could be a little more considerate to his family and to the environment.


And if you can do that in a way that is considerate of other needs, the deal is that much sweeter.


Strong family relationships can go a long way towards helping your child grow into a well-adjusted, considerate and caring adult.


In many families with antisocial children the parents do little to encourage polite or considerate behaviour by the child-such behaviour is often ignored and rendered ineffective.16 Yet frequently when the child yells or has a tantrum he or she gets attention; often the parent gives in, so the child wins and soon learns to adapt accordingly.


I prefer a loving, kind, caring, considerate lady, one who can understand the pleasures of adult children, family and friends.


If you are a member there, you won’t be judged solely on the basis of your current credit scores but they will be considerate enough to look at other factors associated with your financial profile.


L’m independent, considerate and self sufficient.


Looking for someone who… — is ready to settle down for life (no clubbing / drinking parties please)- is family oriented, loyal, honest, genuine, friendly — is responsible, considerate, caring and supportive — ha..


Please be considerate of another and keep your party posts family friendly.


World traveled English guy, considerate, attentive and respectful.


Respect in a relationship means honoring boundaries, being open to compromise, being considerate, understanding, and most importantly, choosing your words wisely.


«I had wanted to come to San Francisco, not just because it was a nice place to live; I had always heard the Warriors were a happy club without a lot of hang-ups, that they got along well together and that Franklin Mieuli was a fair and considerate owner.


The enemy will lie to you and try to make you believe you are doing something noble and considerate, but the truth is God is not done with you yet… and you still have a calling and a purpose to fulfill!!!


I am honest loving caring daring decent kind hearted considerate open minded understanding and loyal self confident Intellectual trust worthy down earth to every one in life and generous laugh with any one to make people happy and lively and i want you to know that when come to a relationship i do


And it’s much more likely to raise a healthy, responsible, considerate adult.


She should be caring, considerate and loving


I am friendly, honest, warm, considerate, wise & intelligent.


I’m very kind, generous, considerate, and polite.


The following are sturdier small dogs that do well with considerate older children.


Ni no Kuni II is particularly considerate with its exemplary resource management.


Be considerate about the environment and try to cause minimum impact — take only pictures and try not to touch or tread on the corals.


Very considerate of other people, and I know how to be a gentleman.


They’re also teaching your child a valuable lesson about how to be a good and considerate person, too!


Honest, open and considerate dialog is key to a healthy working environment.


Just be as considerate as possible — people will always appreciate the courtesy.


Funny, smart, Thoughtful, very considerate, an artsy person, love thinking outside of the box, I also enjoy the beauty of this world and all its mysticism.


Not only does volunteering show that you are a considerate person but also shows your willingness to give up your free time to work for something you believe in.


I consider myself kind, considerate, talkative, but shy at times also, just an average Joe.


Nurtured Heart Approach transformed my son into a well behaved, considerate boy who LISTENS to his parents.


Fortunately, Kramer is a little more considerate of filmmaking and doesn’t make an extended trailer out of the material, but there’s enough shallow editing and camera tricks with no purpose to make Bay/Sena/Scott a little wary.


Now, the Army at least brings the interviewers to you; the Army is considerate like that.


Take things slowly, be kind and considerate and do not expect much at first.


We all desire caring and considerate children but there is much confusion regarding how to get there.


The staff is very communicative and considerate with regards to your wishes and needs.


In this context it is suggested that careful considerate be given to:


Dr, Jon — thank you very much for your considerate reply.


i am a attractive, sincere, caring, considerate, sensitive affectionate woman with a sense of humor and sharp wit, who is widowed.


It’s not always easy, especially for nervous learners, but we will work patiently with all students so they can become safe and considerate drivers.


«We want to love people, we want to be kind to people, we want to be considerate, but… there are laws that relate to immigration and I think we should follow those laws.


To be considerate of others whose pets are receiving care here.


Mercedes-Benz of Owings Mills appreciates your considerate review.


Vranakis says: «People should be considerate when talking business on a mobile phone whilst in certain holiday oriented locations; obviously using a PDA’s email capabilities and texting is less intrusive.»


I am young but yet mature i love to have fearless fun and try new things i am a very caring, considerate and compassionate person i understand the role of a woman and man with that being said i am understanding of the lives of working men and women


I am looking for a mature man.I’m a white Caucasian Lady from Usa but presently out of state.its a long story which i need to explain to you.i m interested in someone who is HONEST, compassionate and considerate for others need and feelings, kind, caring, FAITHFUL, smart, open to different viewpoints an…


There should be a trophy for the most considerate club too to go along with 4rth place, topping FFP league and taking part in CL!


But the move is part of a larger trend of Automakers being more considerate of how they spend their marketing budgets.


Pit Bull owners are urged to please be responsible and considerate.


тактичный, деликатный, внимательный к другим


- внимательный; тактичный, заботливый

considerate to smb. — внимательный к кому-л.

- умышленный, обдуманный; серьёзный

the proposal was given a considerate examination — предложение было всесторонне изучено

Мои примеры


friends considerate enough to leave us alone — друзья, достаточно тактичные, чтобы оставить нас в покое  
a truly considerate person, always mindful of the needs of others — по-настоящему заботливый человек, который всегда помнит о нуждах других  

Примеры с переводом

He was always kind and considerate.

Он всегда был добр и внимателен к другим.

She is one of the most considerate people I know.

Она является одной из наиболее тактичных людей, которых я знаю.

Her children are considerate and cooperative.

Её дети внимательны к другим и отзывчивы.

He was considerate and turned down the stereo when we asked him to.

Он проявил тактичность и выполнил нашу просьбу убавить громкость магнитофона.

It was very considerate of you to let us know you were going to be late.

Это было очень тактично с вашей стороны, сообщить нам, что вы опоздаете.

He’s considerate of other people’s feelings.

Он внимателен к чувствам других людей.

Jane could have been more considerate, to say the least.

Джейн могла бы вести себя и потактичнее, — мягко говоря.

As a motorist, I try to be considerate towards cyclists.

Будучи автомобилистом, я стараюсь быть внимательным к велосипедистам.

Возможные однокоренные слова

consideration  — рассмотрение, внимание, соображение, обсуждение, возмещение, уважение, компенсация
inconsiderate  — опрометчивый, необдуманный, неосмотрительный, невнимательный к другим
considerateness  — внимательность, заботливость

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