Sentence with word conscious

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She punishes as severely as if they committed a conscious offense.

Она наказывает столь же сурово, как если бы они совершали сознательный поступок.

But this self-remembering cannot be repeated or maintained except by his conscious effort.

Но это само-воспоминание не может быть повторено или поддержано ничем иным, кроме его сознательного усилия.

This process is partly conscious, but mostly unconscious.

Это отчасти осознанный, но большей частью все же бессознательный процесс.

A. Yes, conscious choice.

Most factors influencing our behavior are not conscious or rational.

На наше поведение влияют многие факторы, большинство из которых не являются осознанными или рациональными.

Every character in your conscious and unconscious wants what’s best for you.

Каждый «персонаж» в вашем сознательном и бессознательном хочет того, что лучше для вас.

This phase also involves automatic and conscious actions.

Этот этап также включает в себя автоматические и сознательные действия.

You can also be ecologically conscious in what you buy.

Вы также можете быть экологически сознательными в том, что вы покупаете.

Including convenient services for the environmentally conscious citizens.

В том числе и удобные сервисы для экологически сознательных граждан.

He begins by outlining the basic properties that a conscious system must have.

Он начинает с того, что обрисовывает в общих чертах основные свойства, которые должна иметь сознательная система.

They make conscious decisions, based on what they need, not impulsive wants.

Они принимают сознательные решения, основываясь на том, что им нужно, а не на импульсивных желаниях.

Subconsciously, it forced itself into my conscious reality.

На подсознательном уровне, она заставила себя проявиться в моей сознательной реальности.

And these conscious thoughts all require further capacities for their application.

И эти сознательные мысли в целом требуют дальнейшие способности для своего применения».

Judgments related to conscious experience fall into at least three groups.

Суждения, связанные с сознательным опытом, распадаются по меньшей мере на три группы.

Most neurologists think everything is either conscious or not.

Большинство нейрологов думает, что все бывает или сознательно, или нет.

Every woman knows that pregnancy should be conscious and planned.

Каждая женщина знает, как важно, чтобы беременность была осознанной и запланированной.

I don’t think people are conscious.

Mitsubishi is hoping to appeal to an increasingly environmentally conscious citizenry.

Mitsubishi надеется найти поддержку спроса со стороны граждан страны, становящихся всё более экологически сознательными.

Unlike cognitive contagion, emotional contagion is less conscious and more automatic.

Однако в отличие от когнитивных цепных реакций, эмоциональное заражение является менее осознанным и более автоматизированным.

And our true nature is something I call conscious spirit.

И наша истинная природа — то, что я называю осознанным духом.

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Conscious is the second studio album recorded by New Zealand music duo Broods, released on 24 June 2016. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Twelve artists from Conscious and Unconscious: Subjects of the Real & Surreal are participating in this collaborative, surreal game known as the Exquisite Corpse.


«The two conditions [vegetative and minimally conscious] are often lumped together,» says neuropsychologist Joseph Giacino of the JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute and the New Jersey Neuroscience Institute.


We were conscious that there are lots of other international exhibitions and some significantly larger than the Wine Fair.


As a parent who lives a health conscious lifestyle I can definitely get behind that!


If you are extremely health conscious, you may feel the need to write about diets or exercise.


There’s been a great frenzy in the media recently about the concept of «conscious uncoupling» generated by Gwyneth Paltrow and Chis Martin announcing that they’ve decided to end their marriage.


Their conscious decision to explore themes such as prejudice, heritage, labour and shared narratives mark their work with a maturity and urgency that positions them as vital cogs in Ghana’s emerging discourse.


I may have seen a worse show in my 74 years but if so, it must have been before my conscious memory.


Around two to three months of age, your baby’s sucking will be a result of conscious effort and no longer a reflex.


They have an uncanny ability to be introspective, understand their own sub conscious bias, and account for it when making decisions.


Every healthy conscious person replaces candy with licorice powder covered dates.


I have asked about a dozen times now for you to describe the properties of a conscious enti-ty that exists above and beyond our universe and how it created the known universe and how you verified it using your superior ability of philosophy.


When my family developed food allergies, lactose intolerance and as we became more conscious of the food we eat, I have slowed down in making baked goodies.


But Mackey felt as if he had made enough money in his life, and it increasingly bothered him that people would dismiss his arguments about conscious capitalism because of his pay.


Committed to conscious, sustainable social change, the trio launched OTM in 2007 as a global community-focused leadership training organization for activists.


Thus the goal of therapy is to assist clients develop conscious, intimate, committed relationships.


I made 3 batches of lemon poppy seed muffins last week when my husband was out of town which means I ate way too many because I let my conscious have a sabbatical.


I am now super self conscious about how many Mexican food recipes I have.


If you drop the conventional approaches to finding a life partner and adopt this conscious approach, you too will attract lasting love.


Unlike Volkswagen, FCA has denied any wrongdoing or conscious effort to cheat on emissions testing with its EcoDiesel V-6.


Facing a life of chronic illness I made a conscious decision to take responsibility for my body and my illness; rather than waiting and expecting doctors and their medicine to pick me up and make me feel better, I instead began to look at things that I could do myself to help my body to heal and live the best life that it can.


It is the product of conscious decisions made by a people and their leadership.»


Ahead of trying out any from the above alternatives as your chosen source to turn into involved in Christian dating for free, there’s one thing you ought to be conscious of.


I made a conscious decision to avoid short sales this year and find myself the busiest I’ve been in 6 years, go figure.


I have made the conscious decision to display my fabric in this manner and I think the average quilter/sewist is aware that fabric will eventually fade.


All children deserve both parents involved in their lives, and it takes conscious effort and commitment.


«The combination of DoorDash’s superior service and El Pollo Loco’s freshly prepared food provides busy, health conscious consumers with a delivery option they can feel good about,» said Ed Valle.


It refers to those «somewhat exceptional elements in our conscious experience — those elements which may roughly be classed» as religious intuitions (PR 343).


This initiative gathers the thought leaders, pioneers, authors and activists of the conscious parenting movement together in LIVE and ON DEMAND virtual retreats that allow the participants to experience a Deep Dive into themselves with the presenter’s compassionate guidance and expertise.


At times it seems the actors are self conscious about portraying the Civil War-era icons, especially Justin Long and Kevin Kline (who I suspect watched tapes of Dick Cheney).


I’ve always felt self conscious about my stomach and back showing while nursing.


The 21 Acres Center for Local Food & Sustainable living is a global leader in sustainable & regenerative practices, serving as a living laboratory & learning center for conscious consumers who want to learn new, more sustainable ways of living.


In the years after Christ, believers openly debated His teachings, while still conscious of His warnings about the dangers of «false teachers.»


Observing the distinction between automatic actions and conscious actions (Wegner, 2013) as well, we can say that while the animals are at their place, according to specific level complexity, the human being often isn’t.


Make a conscious choice to be kind to yourself, coach yourself, and pay attention to what you could be saying to yourself; because negative beliefs can make their way onto the visible aspects of your job search.


«Real-world creative achievement was associated with leaky sensory processing — or a reduced ability to screen or inhibit stimuli from conscious awareness,» researchers studying the subject have written.


What if Renee didn’t hit her head, but instead made a conscious choice one day to love who she was?


For others, it will mean making a conscious effort to waste less food, or simply eating less.


A perfect place for the budget conscious business or leisure traveller!


Wisconsin Car Insurance — Upgrading Standard Requirements Like drivers all across the country, Wisconsin drivers are usually conscious of every dollar they spend on their read more…


If a conscious thought process was needed, it would have taken too much time and a bite would occur.


Our Club has members from all walks of life, including many health conscious breeders; participants in AKC conformation, obedience, agility, and rally competitions; therapy dogs; and many wonderful pet owners!


These days, more people are becoming conscious of the tools and products they use to keep parasites away from their humble abodes.


— Suitable applicants will be detail conscious, capable of handling multiple priorities with an ability to communicate at all levels.


This huckleberry jam is also sugar-free so could be a great gift for the health conscious clients on your list.


So, for a budget conscious fellow obtaining such a card would be akin to abomination, no?


In Harbin, China, HSI investigators documented a German shepherd still blinking and conscious as he was being skinned.


I like that it covers my butt (my most self conscious area) and I love that its long sleeve.


I don’t think couples make a conscious decision that they are going to put the kids first and the marriage last.


How can we raise our boys to be kind, conscious, empathetic?


сознательный, сознающий, ощущающий, сознание


- сознающий, понимающий

to be conscious of one’s guilt — сознавать свою вину
to be conscious of one’s folly — понимать, что поступил глупо
I am quite conscious of his innocence — я твёрдо уверен в его невиновности

- осознанный, сознательный

with conscious superiority — с сознанием своего превосходства

- ощущающий

conscious of pain [of cold, of discomfort] — чувствующий боль [холод, неудобство]
we were conscious of being watched — мы чувствовали, что за нами следят

- predic. находящийся в сознании

he was conscious to the last — он был в сознании до последней минуты

- здравый; мыслящий

man is a conscious being — человек — мыслящее существо

- (-conscious) как компонент сложных слов со значением
- осознающий

class-conscious — обладающий классовым сознанием

- тонко чувствующий, чувствительный (к чему-л.)

clothes-conscious — следующий моде; тонко разбирающийся в моде
soap-conscious — любящий хорошее мыло


- психол. сознание; сознательная психическая деятельность

the conscious and the subconscious — сознание и подсознание

Мои примеры


a conscious effort to speak more slowly — сознательная попытка говорить помедленнее  
the careful tread of one conscious of his alcoholic load — осторожная поступь человека, который помнит о том, что у него с собой спиртное  
conscious of cold — чувствующий холод  
conscious efforts — сознательные усилия  
conscious of pain — чувствующий боль  
dimly conscious — смутно сознающий  
conscious brain control — сознательный контроль  
price-conscious buyer — покупатель, чутко реагирующий на цену; покупатель, чуткий к цене  
calorie conscious — боящийся растолстеть; следящий за диетой  
calorie-conscious — боящийся растолстеть; следящий за диетой  
conscious choice — аналитический выбор; сознательный выбор  
figure-conscious — озабоченный своей фигурой  

Примеры с переводом

Is the patient conscious yet?

Пациент уже пришёл в себя?

I became conscious of someone watching me.

Я вдруг понял /заметил/, что кто-то за мной наблюдает.

She became conscious that everyone was staring at her.

Тут она заметила, что все на неё смотрят.

He was fully conscious when we found him.

Когда мы его нашли, он был в полном сознании.

She became conscious after the anesthesia wore off.

Она пришла в сознание после наркоза.

I was very conscious of being a misfit at school.

Я прекрасно понимал, что значит быть неудачником /изгоем/ в школе.

Every form of conscious life, from the lowest sensitive organism upward.

Любая форма сознательной жизни, начиная с простейших чувствующих организмов и выше.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Teenage girls are very fashion conscious (=they are very concerned about wearing the latest fashions).

…acutely conscious of his bastardy, he always felt the need to prove himself…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

consciousness  — сознание, самосознание, сознательность, понимание, память
unconscious  — бессознательный, не сознающий, подсознание
consciously  — сознательно, осознанно

How to use conscious in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «conscious» and check conjugation/comparative form for «conscious«. Mastering all the usages of «conscious» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Benjamin Lay was, in sum, a class-conscious, race-conscious, environmentally conscious ultraradical.
Russians are conscious, deeply conscious, that they have no choice.
It went from a conscious decision to a non-conscious decision.
Inspiring and motivating individuals to be conscious consumers, to develop conscious brands, and to adopt conscious business practices is the goal of Sustainia Living.
How conscious or un-conscious have those new identities been for her?
Beto O’Rourke It went from a conscious decision to a non-conscious decision.
I felt self-conscious because I didn’t want to make him self-conscious.
«The Chinese are increasingly status-conscious in an already very status-conscious society,» Chen said.
H&M Conscious Beauty H&M’s «Conscious Beauty» line comes in packaging made from recyclable materials.
Some make a conscious decision to live on the reservation; others make an equally conscious decision not to.
His priority of «conscious capitalism, » even after setbacks, has helped the company reach an increasingly socially conscious consumer.
Both Sweetgreen and Lemonade target the same market: health-conscious, eco-conscious, to-go lunchers with bougie tastes.
Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.
Shop soft staples at PactBest for: Cost-conscious and environmentally friendly basics that are soft, lightweight, and simple Why you’ll love it: Pact doesn’t think being cost-conscious and environmentally conscious should be mutually exclusive.
Even though you&aposre not conscious of it, your subconscious mind is much more alert than your conscious mind.
H&M Conscious, Everlane, and Reformation are just three new brands that offer sustainable or eco-conscious clothing options.
If by «conscious» you mean «deserving of moral status,» well then yes obviously anything conscious is deserving of moral status.
We know what conscious experience is because the having is the knowing: Having conscious experience is knowing what it is.
Plan Details: The customizable weekly menu lets you filter by carb-conscious, calorie-conscious, vegetarian, and under-30-minute recipes.
Mackey and Sisodia frame their chapters around four tenets: higher purpose, stakeholder integration, conscious leadership, and conscious culture and management.
«We’ve learned that they are fanatic, very OPSEC conscious — meaning operational security conscious — they’re  very mindful of that,» he said.
The reason we haven’t made self-conscious machines is primarily because we are in denial about what makes us self-conscious.
«Once we understand how brains can be conscious, we might then understand how many other machines can be conscious,» he said.
Conventional wisdom favors careful, conscious deliberation when making important decisions, but in complex situations, conscious deliberation often leads to poor decisions.
Not that these are like self-conscious bangers or anything, but was there a conscious effort to make things more narrative/less ambient?
» Kendrick takes a few fun jabs at the industry too: «How y’all let a conscious nigga go commercial while only making conscious albums?
«The function of the artist is to bring to conscious awareness the harmonious nature of our non-conscious mental process,» she once said.
While whites may be conscious of others’ race, they often are not conscious of their own because they do not have to be.
In «Prep,» Sittenfeld’s blockbuster debut, she portrayed a middle-class young woman attending an elite boarding school, someone self-conscious about being self-conscious.
When I make soundtracks for video games, I am forced to be conscious of how they will hear it, because the director reminds me to be conscious of atmosphere, or the stage, or the image of the game, so I have to be conscious.
People who are nimble, conscious of what’s going on in the world— conscious of kind of new developments and the way the business is evolving.
«I am conscious of the warnings that weigh upon him, but I am also conscious of his absolute legitimacy to be candidate,» Roger Torrent said.
Conscious rap Conscious rap is still a thing for the French rap scene even though it is not the genre that sells the most nowadays.
So the timelines split, with only Nadia being conscious of everything that’s happened in one version and only Alan being conscious of it in the second.
In Quartz, the writer Alden Wicker has called the phenomenon of conscious consumerism «a lie»: On its face, conscious consumerism is a morally righteous, bold movement.
On an individual scale, it’s the obvious things: Don’t use as much water, be conscious of how much you’re traveling, be conscious of what you’re buying.
«Whether it’s conscious or sub-conscious, chances are you have a preferred way to enjoy Skittles,» said Senior Brand Manager Rebecca Duke in a press realease.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Calling Thiago Rocha Pitta’s art «environmentally conscious» wouldn’t be quite right; rather, his work argues that the environment is conscious.
The Vinyl actress and cofounder of ethically focused creative agency Conscious Commerce spoke to Mashable on Monday as the spokesperson for H&M’s upcoming Conscious Exclusive collection.
It feels more commercially conscious than culturally conscious: it’s out to build a franchise and an ensemble of tough, lovable characters capable of selling another two films.
They were fashion conscious, food conscious, and into graphic design, found art and weird old «physical media» just as the digital kind began to sweep it away.
Now, I make conscious decisions while at school to protect myself, such as, I sit in different places, and I am more conscious of the people around me.
In many ways, Beautycounter has branded itself as the new Avon for the socially conscious and health-conscious woman who wants to make a little money on the side.
But if a general AI is ever created, it will raise a profoundly unsettling question: will that machine be conscious in the same way you and I are conscious?
Not only does that frame gloss over the reasons why race-conscious policies are necessary; it’s also the first step toward arguing that all race-conscious policies are unfair.
But I still don’t think it’s possible to be [totally] conscious while being that bad, because the whole reason you’re that bad is because you are not that conscious.
«It takes a real conscious mentality and subsequent conscious choices to create an inclusive environment but the outcomes far outweigh the small efforts,» says Aliermo of Hooded Fang and Phèdre.
«[Policymakers] are very conscious, deeply conscious, that we don’t go back to the situation that we had before, because a bubble is an extremely difficult thing to deflate gently,» he said.
Socially conscious funds have crept into the mainstream over the past couple of decades, and funds that focus on big American companies are a more mature area of socially conscious investing.
Sure, you can argue that there is an enormous difference between conscious and subconscious biases and that the racist is both conscious of his biases and using them as behavioral guides.
What do they call it these days — conscious uncoupling?
Was she capable of consent — sober enough, conscious enough?
You’ve made many who were sleeping, conscious — including myself.
CW: Absolutely — this is something I’m very conscious of.
» Mr. Ingram agreed: «Everyone was so label conscious before.
So you’re very conscious at that next stage, which is usually the last stage, which is the vocal; you’re very conscious that you’ve got the future of this song in your hands.
The retailer regularly offers «conscious» items that are made more sustainably (look for the telltale green hang tags) and the occasional «Conscious Exclusive» collection, which is made entirely of more sustainable materials.
» Indeed, all but two respondents said it was a conscious decision, and those who didn’t were the exceptions that prove the rule: One woman said she »always kind of felt this way so I don’t think there was ever a time where I made a conscious decision,» while another said, »I’m not sure that it was conscious decision.
Alabama inmate appears conscious for 22014 minutes during execution procedure Alabama inmate appears conscious for 25 minutes during execution procedure A prison inmate executed in Alabama Thursday night appeared to remain partially conscious for about 73 minutes after receiving a lethal injection shot, a grisly incident that raises further questions about the humaneness and efficacy of the procedure.
One of the most common contentions as to why conscious will eventually be replicated is based on the fact that nature bumbled its way to human-level conscious experience, and with a deeper understanding of the neurological and computational underpinnings of what is «happening» to create a conscious experience, we should be able to do the same.
HEALTH-CONSCIOUS CONSUMERS It plans to use the funds to finance expansion in the United States, particularly in health-conscious California, as well as in Europe, Mitte Founder and CEO Moritz Waldstein said.
«Taylor made the conscious choice to disappear,» a source said.
I’m saying, just be conscious of how fickle businesses are.
Omitting the models’ last names was also a conscious decision.
«I feel that it’s both conscious and unconscious,» Bryant said.
This is the beauty of having a conscious spending strategy.
It was a conscious choice that Nick and I made.
This is perhaps the clearest reflection of your conscious identity.
I will find out if he was conscious or not.
At least they’re even stepping into the [environmentally conscious] arena.
He made a conscious decision to focus on the latter.
«Conscious clothing doesn’t mean itchy, crafty and gross,» Wilde said.
Socially conscious, more willing to spend and highly digitally connected.
Be conscious of them, and anything you do in public.
For the first time in my conscious life I was
Readers who participate in socially conscious campaigns like this one.
«Now they’re pretty conscious» of how it works, he added.
Though I don’t believe it was conscious, they were entitled.
This suggests that the creation of conscious machines is possible.
But how will we know if our machines become conscious?
Did it make you more environmentally conscious, or more cynical?
Agency is part of what it means to be conscious.
They are both areas where the repressed conscious mind vents.
Glyphs are imbued with the power of our conscious reading.
It also is extremely conscious of humanizing every slave onscreen.
I’ve made a conscious choice to become like a canvas.
Where prejudice occurs before you’ve even had a conscious thought.
It was definitely a conscious decision that money is important.
I’m very conscious of what I put in my body.
I practice conscious consumerism in most areas of my life.
I was always self conscious about it & today didn’t help.
And it often is — at least on a conscious level.
Again, this is a theory of evolution, not conscious motivation.
Now I’m conscious, and I try to speak out more.
We’re clearly entering a golden age of socially conscious athletes.
This is an active collaboration, and it’s conscious and direct.
I managed to stay conscious until the police showed up.
Sajeesh flew back from Bahrain to find her barely conscious.
There has been a conscious emotional shift in this country.
Gwyneth Paltrow just took «conscious uncoupling» to the next level.
Noel isn’t just clever — he’s pretty fashion-conscious, as well.
You can’t really make conscious decisions about what you’re doing.
«Taylor made the conscious choice to disappear,» says a source.
Politicians, conscious of voters’ disgruntlement, have also become increasingly febrile.
Stephanie Parker: It’s hard, but they’re making conscious decisions here.
Might we recommend having them all stay conscious to start?
Allison, however, appears to be alive – she’s overdosed, but conscious.
I had to make the conscious decision to not tour.
Is that something you make a conscious effort to do?
Dickinson was conscious of the mystery image she was crafting.
Environmentally conscious consumers will choose to hire an electric car.
For years, socially conscious investing tactics haven’t seemed to work.
Like its environmentally conscious predecessors, SAGE III is super sensitive.
While we were making the record I was very conscious.
I just felt horrible and really self conscious about it.
And then I got to London and I got conscious!
Focus on being more conscious about choosing good potential friends.
«Yes.» And they were both conscious and talking, weren’t they?
Still, he’s conscious about the song’s true intent being misread.
And I, for one, welcome our future artificially conscious overlords.
I have to be very conscious about not using it.
«We made a conscious effort,» Bucks coach Jason Kidd said.
I was always very conscious of what my children thought.
He remains conscious, and police are still negotiating with him.
But it shouldn’t be a luxury to be environmentally conscious.
Too often, an environmentally conscious consumer is an affluent consumer.
Be more conscious of how you and others are feeling.
It wasn’t a conscious decision, to live minimally, she says.
Some of the visibility issues were probably conscious design choices.
That is something that I am always conscious of. Always!
The vulnerability stems from a conscious choice on Zoom’s part.
I am awake and conscious, but my body feels dead.
Environmentally conscious companies still have factories and pollution is inevitable.
A socially conscious critic is sometimes more alert to that.
Anyone can make the conscious decision to become a sheepdog.
«We’re very conscious of the potentials for abuse,» Miesnieks says.
Art director Brian Busatti says this was a conscious decision.
Was that a conscious choice, or how did that evolve?
He was always conscious of his talent, and in the
I don’t think it was conscious, but it was necessary.
But not everything at Le Petit Keller is health conscious.
JC And yet I find Rick almost impossibly body conscious.
I don’t think it’s conscious, but I think it’s present.
Socially conscious, she married a man but identifies as bisexual.
Deliberate practice requires conscious practice as opposed to unconscious practice.
«We’ve been really conscious of being better defensively,» Walker said.
Too many of us are making a conscious — and unconscionable!
He is now conscious in a serious but stable condition.
The design also centers around students of color, a conscious
«You’re conscious of taking that risk coming here,» Gonzalez said.
Certainly, the mayor’s office has been very conscious of that.
Be conscious of the words you use, even as compliments.
Meanwhile, there’s spotty evidence for relying on a conscious consumer.
«It was you,» Bran says, back in the conscious world.
You have to be engaged, conscious and moving and touching.
My ex was very tasteful and very conscious of fashion.
Nightmares happen, even if you’re conscious about what’s going on.
However, his body awareness is also a very conscious thing.
To borrow from C.G. Jung, it makes the unconscious conscious.
She was barely conscious by the time she was rescued.
I honestly believe that she isn’t making a conscious choice.
Was it a conscious decision to try these forms out?
By burying himself in the cultural conscious, Han became ungraspable.
The victim remained conscious, she said, and then suddenly collapsed.
«He definitely was conscious of a legacy,» Mr. Parke said.
However, the composition of the painting is a conscious decision.
Is that conscious choice or you just being a fanboy?
The pairing of the two exhibitions is a conscious choice.
«I was conscious of him following me, absolutely,» she said.
The attacker, while conscious, was transferred to the Pompidou hospital.
I’m very conscious about what I eat during the week.
Lauda was conscious, and the rites only made him angry.
Racism doesn’t require hatred, constant expression, or even conscious awareness.
«I used to laugh at conscious uncoupling,» Ms. Jacobson said.
Whether that’s conscious or not, the research shows it intersects.
This was not entirely a conscious decision on his part.
«This is a conscious vote,» said the lawmaker, Charandass Persaud.
They titrate their emotions in a very conscious, calculated way.
Critics say that fosters rights infringement, both conscious and unwitting.
Physically defending herself was a reflex, not a conscious decision.
She’s not being foofy and image conscious, she’s just herself.
I say it was a conscious decision on Leonardo’s part.
Be conscious of the colors, smells and shapes around you.
Such conscious juxtapositions of past and present might seem unkind.
Unfortunately, it’s part of being black and conscious in America.
Barely conscious, he managed to post an SOS on Facebook.
I don’t think I gave any of it conscious thought.
If you are privacy conscious, you should disable these requests.
I can’t dance, I’m self conscious and a bit shy.
«Changing Jessica’s hair was a very conscious choice,» says Boe.
This helps eliminate conscious or unconscious bias in the process.
It’s the creature that is most conscious of the player.
The company has focused on philanthropic and socially conscious investing.
I think it’s entirely conscious, in a lot of ways.
You were saying that you feel like it’s entirely conscious.
This behavior reflects something deeper than conscious defiance, I think.
«I loved animals and wanted to be conscious,» she says.
Now I meet my sister’s effort with conscious good will.
I’m curious to what extent that was a conscious decision?
Serge Gainsbourg inhabits a peculiar place in the cultural conscious.
The misconception has propelled into the social conscious from there.
Now, I’m more conscious of whom to come out to.
If we did create conscious beings, conventional morality tells us that it would be wrong to harm them — precisely to the degree that they are conscious, and can suffer or be deprived of happiness.
We all already interact with arguably conscious non-human animals of various levels of intelligence, and many of us will at some future point interact with arguably conscious machines of various levels of intelligence.
Instead of using that natural gas, which is produced in the most environmentally conscious manner anywhere in the world, we are importing Russian natural gas which is not produced in an environmentally conscious manner.
The premise was that the wholesome, socially conscious reggae of Conscious Youth (pronounced yout, no ‘h’), was being challenged by the aggressive ignorance of Ragga Star, portrayed as a growling Frankenstein’s Monster of dancehall.
And I’m not alone: for the past two centuries, diet fads (and the writers, dietitians, entrepreneurs, and celebrities who popularize them) have held the rapt attention of the health-conscious and self-conscious alike.
We’re conscious of our thoughts and feelings; what we’re not conscious of is their physical correlates, the chemical states in our bodies that constitute them and without which nothing could be felt or thought.
My then–4-year-old sister Khloe was self-conscious about her Afro — so self-conscious that she refused to go to school after receiving offensive comments from her classmates about her natural hair.
There is a beautiful awkwardness to these subjects, both hyper-conscious of being filmed, and simultaneously far less conscious of the longevity and reach of the document being made than we would be today.
Hello, fellow humans who were alive and conscious in the ’90s.
So what else is on the horizon for health-conscious shoppers?
His incredible imagination, unguarded and socially conscious at the same time.
What we’re really conscious about is not eroding the listener experience.
Commuters, from the sweat-averse to the environmentally conscious, are keen.
In 2016, proving she was conscious might not have been enough.
Everyone knows you need to be conscious to operate your phone!
You were always too extreme for this mundane, price-conscious planet.
We definitely prided ourselves on being conscious and not being mainstream.
Hummel is extremely conscious about what she puts into her body.
You portray Ed Sheeran as meticulously business conscious in the book.
DO IT FOR LESS Budget-conscious travelers should take note, too.
«We were very conscious about things that were misogynist,» he said.
And most lines are now more conscious about the bottom line.
This morning, H&M launched their most sustainable Conscious collection yet.
Swimsuit shopping is the self-conscious little sister of bra shopping.
You can be fashionable and eco-conscious at the same time.
How would we go about actually assembling our self-conscious machine?
«My wife hates fast food — she’s very health-conscious,» he said.
As with kids, adults need to be conscious of staying hydrated.
Are you conscious of «Japanese-ness» when you’re making house music?
OpenInvest, Grow Invest, and Aspiration all offer socially conscious investment options.
And these «truths» are deeply embedded in their conscious thought process.
Renzetti says it wasn’t originally a conscious decision to work together.
Is the nod to wedding dress hues unconscious, or very conscious?
I felt small, ugly, and incredibly self-conscious about my chest.
Among the newer frontiers being funded right now: ingredient-conscious perfumes.
Nondrinkers can become overly self-conscious about going against the grain.
Body positivity is the hottest new trend in socially conscious marketing.
I was very self-conscious [about] the way people saw me.
And I get very conscious that I missed out on something.
Your work is quite abstract, is this something you’re conscious of?
First, app designers must become more security conscious in their design.
That’s because you can tell that right now, you are conscious.
The researchers were conscious of how their results might be interpreted.
Even in an increasingly color-conscious environment, it’s a rare showing.
Serling was a socially conscious writer and a genius at plotting.
Make the conscious decision to bring more women onto your team.
I didn’t initially make a conscious decision to go raving sober.
«Conscious uncoupling» has become something of a snarky pop culture meme.
Baristas, too, recognize oat milk’s appeal for their environmentally conscious customers.
I’m extremely self-conscious about the dark circles around my eyes.
Sugary drinks have fallen out of favor with health-conscious consumers.
Whole Foods’ success is based on the perception of conscious business.
«I don’t think self-sabotaging is a conscious process,» Sherman continues.
That’s not to say that the systems adopt a conscious bias.
«I also just never felt self-conscious about it,» she says.
It is aware, but not too angry; socially conscious yet catchy.
We choose between having a conscious program and an unconscious program.
It’s arguably one of the most environmentally conscious brands out there.
At the time he was transported, he was conscious and breathing.
He is not anti-war, but is conscious of war’s limits.
«You have to be very conscious of these risks,» he said.
The kindest answer is that the film is a conscious homage.
The authorities in Guangdong are acutely conscious of the historical echoes.
I think I’m just more conscious now about what I use.
From that moment on, I felt self-conscious about my body.
A record number of «socially conscious» mutual funds launched last year.
You choose the session length and theme (conscious thinking, meditation, etc.).
Her body is changing and she’s very self-conscious about it.
Give Paris Love (Not Locks), and be a conscious global citizen.
There was no way I could accept either in good conscious.
He is now conscious in serious but stable condition, police said.
His body had reacted to the surroundings without his conscious awareness.
But she’s currently conscious and able to communicate, according to E!
The «throwaway» culture is disappearing thanks to environmentally conscious millennial buyers.
Conscious consumerism occurs when consumers align their wallets with their values.
He was also injected with drugs to ensure he remained conscious.
» He added: «We were pretty conscious about prevention as a family.
«I’m not all that race conscious,» he said, brightly at first.
And ending it also needs a conscious, deliberate, and systematic effort.
The metropolitan vegetarian option for the health conscious gal about town.
Lots of north-facing light, energy conscious and green, solar energy.
«The Unariuns seem so conscious and awake and alert,» Wille says.
Changing habits is possible, but it takes conscious and repeated effort.
A conscious machine must be able to obtain information about itself.
Like, the Young Lords and the Black Panthers were conscious decisions.
But wet, built-up, and conscious use of hands on pussy?
You should always be conscious of what you’re perpetuating, he says.
Adults make 34,997 unconscious and conscious decisions in an average day.
Did you do anything else to help Comunité be environmentally conscious?
I feel less conscious of it if I’m going buck wild.
Schultz navigated the company through tremendous growth while remaining socially conscious.
So they’re very well-rounded and thoughtful, conscious, present, modern women.
We might not even be conscious of an aversion to intimacy.
The place glowered out at the city with self-conscious insolence.
He said Scalise was conscious, answering questions, and asked for water.
We’re still reaping the blessings,» she says, but «I’m still conscious.
But, be conscious that fame is not validation for your craft.
I was always self-conscious about it and today didn’t help.
«It’s so terrifying to feel paralyzed while you’re conscious,» Flygare said.
As a privacy-conscious person, I was uncomfortable boarding this way.
It felt far more powerful to stay conscious through the terror.
One fascinating thing about Neal is how class-conscious he is.
PR-conscious network of mainstream organizations that aimed for mass appeal,
I also grew up with parents who were very health-conscious.
It’s so conscious about confronting the audience that it becomes boring.
But this was not some kind of conscious decision by Republican
Who’s up here on stage being socially conscious about black people?
And, without conscious intent, that’s pretty much how I lived, too.
«His condition is stable and he is fully conscious,» it added.
This compassionate, socially conscious filmmaker is a major emerging talent. (
The «socially conscious» Blockchain Summit is already in its third year.
Grondal says this was a conscious shift for DICE’s new shooter.
I was very conscious of that when I was writing it.
«Functional drinks», favoured by the health-conscious, are going down well.
It’s hard to imagine Nicole Kidman being self-conscious about anything.
Contrary to this misconception, getting pregnant often isn’t a conscious decision.
Was it a conscious decision to put that into the mix?
And we made a conscious decision not to add [extra] nicotine.
Making a conscious choice to eat less meat could help, too.
People are very conscious about how they best use their time.
Transgenders have to make a conscious choice to become a transgender.
Class conscious and upwardly mobile, he describes Galega as a redneck.
This conscious approach to leadership has greatly influenced his career path.
But a handful of people are surely getting more privacy-conscious.
She looks down at Hanna in a straightforward, unself-conscious way.
Faniel, barely conscious, reached out to grab the hand of Mrs.
Budget-conscious beauty lovers will love Cerave’s Skin Renewing Night Cream.
Overcompensating like that may or may not be a conscious process.
Only time will tell, and I think he’s conscious of that.
The matter is conscious when it is part of a person.
Most Republicans were cautious too, clearly conscious of the President’s ire.
Or worse, as in this case, without the woman being conscious.
«My wife hates fast food — she’s very health-conscious,» said Chen.
They were going to miss the next socially conscious Mark Zuckerberg.
For the price-conscious passenger, that makes Norwegian the default choice.
To be conscious and compassionate about the struggles of all people.
This stoical view was married to a conscious philosophy of action.
Take a look at renderings of the futuristic, eco-conscious superyacht.
I’m only conscious of what’s going on in this human form.
The ethos here stressed grass-roots, environmentally conscious, entrepreneurial urban development.
For the Europeans, less conscious thought seems to equal more success.
We are conscious that some people may be sensitive to it.
It wasn’t a conscious lapse—but this exercise made it so.
Realizing the extent of your own privilege is a conscious excavation.
Ahead, discover 31 of the best destinations for budget-conscious travelers.
It wasn’t on purpose and it was actually a conscious effort.
How have you learned to embrace features you’re self-conscious about?
Torres offered some tips to help out the calorie-conscious eaters.
«We are blending modern culture with conscious living,» said Mr. Israel.
«My conscious is clear about a lot of things,» he said.
There’s that kind of collective conscious that happens around lyricless music.
So people have stopped eating them—it’s about being socially conscious.
She’s also conscious of when to let her work bare all.
In short, it barred any systematic form of race-conscious admissions.
Last week, the privacy conscious may have gotten a pleasant surprise.
I’m barely conscious and need a game that isn’t too taxing.
Ivan: Well, if it is, it was not a conscious decision.
They are also, importantly, not a product of our conscious effort.
You just have to be conscious of him all the time.
Is it a conscious decision to work with first-time directors?
Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice.
That’s a boon for weight-conscious launches to the space station.
Better yet, it’s environmentally conscious and made with 60% recycled cashmere. 
To anyone alive and conscious in 21950, the details are painful.
And if a computer does become conscious, does it deserve rights?
Described thus, maybe he does sound like a self-conscious auteur.
None of this was exactly conscious thought at the time, though.
Perhaps this is what it means to be a conscious consumer.
He was left barely conscious and was rushed to intensive care.
And many conservative theorists are very self-conscious of this fact.
Was there a conscious effort to make something more dancefloor friendly?
You really just have to be highly, highly conscious of it.
They used to do that, and they made a conscious decision.
» «Most Jews are conscious to the experience of refugees and immigrants.
My conscious brain catches up later, adding a patina of language.
It was always a conscious decision not to color my hair.
Basically, your amygdala responds before you’re conscious of what’s going on.
Most of my friends and neighbors made the same conscious choice.
Maybe, but it’s not because of Harvard’s race-conscious admissions policy.
They are more conscious about where they are putting their money.
I’m conscious that it’s gallows humor, which is necessary in prison.
And some dispute that there is any conscious gaming going on.
Britain’s introduction of auctions in 2014 made companies more cost-conscious.
It was never conscious, but a consequence of sharing common experiences.
It is «Exotic by Nature, Conscious by Choice,» not «Enlightened Foods.»
His screenwriter, Jerry Jones (Key), has aspirations to socially conscious realism.
«We are extremely, extremely quality-conscious,» insists its boss, Alexandr Wang.
I just made the conscious decision to make the right choice.
As virtuosic as her performances are, they’re purposely conscious of themselves.
At first they are self-conscious, and their voices are tender.
California’s state sanctuary bill is a conscious effort to push back.
Economic Scene Is there a more environmentally conscious state than California?
But the system, by its very nature, is not cost conscious.
She’s also listed as the main press contact for Conscious Life.
Bouwmeester was alert and conscious in a hospital, his team said.
This postmodern approach to modernism leads to some self-conscious nonsense.
Often they would be angry that Valladares was now fully conscious.
Rather, you can make health-conscious and delicious choices with Veestro.
When I wasn’t so self-conscious about how I was seen.
The progress of our courtship outstripped the speed of conscious thought.
I was really conscious about not wanting to curse at them.
Also, be conscious of where your driver should pick you up.
Watching her mother, Humar became self-conscious about her own hair.
The country’s medium-term budget policy has also made consumers conscious.
Jed, like the German city, is full of self-conscious historicity.
«I realized that I was very conscious of aesthetics,» he says.
He compared that failure to the conscious use of perjured testimony.
While the restaurant provides health-conscious food, it doesn’t sacrifice flavor.
This plan was a conscious decision made by the Starliner team.
What does your eco-conscious tech setup look like at home?
She believes in moderation and she was conscious of her goal.
They are the result of conscious decisions made by human beings.
«They made a conscious decision to bust up organizing,» he said.
Through her work, she tells personal, informative, and socially conscious stories.
Vogel makes a conscious effort to meet up with his friends.
He was limp and dusty from an explosion, conscious but barely.
He was conscious and speaking before being taken to the hospital.
Though conscious again, she couldn’t walk, sit up or hold silverware.
Perceiver: A heightened emotional state can keep the conscious mind distracted.
Ms. Goodson’s daughter was found conscious and treated at the scene.
«Conscious sedation is a bit of an art,» Dr. Davidson said.
In neither case had there been anything resembling a conscious quota.
Whether the decision was conscious or unconscious, you should do better.
«We have thoughtful, socially conscious and digitally savvy players,» Gotham said.
He said she was conscious and did not protest or resist.
It is a conscious choice because it’s just so much noise.
DeRozan doesn’t acknowledge a conscious change, but the shift is revelatory.
Probably the latter interpretation was closer to the showrunners’ conscious intent.
But the encounter made him conscious of his own good fortune.
How conscious are you about having more diversity behind the scenes?
«The second part is the conscious recognition of harm,» Crook said.
It is, above all, a deeply self-conscious performance of animus.
«Our approach is a conscious departure from historical mistakes,» he said.
Mr Ritter’s argument that Amazon and Zalando can comfortably co-exist rests chiefly on the fact that Amazon is pursuing the more price-conscious shopper, whereas Zalando is after a higher-value, more brand-conscious segment.
The patients ranged in their severity: 12 were in a «minimally conscious state,» three were in a «vegetative state,» and six were «emerged from minimally conscious state,» meaning they had some limited ability to move and communicate.
But, like it or not, cost-conscious passengers are showing their approval.
He seemed so health-conscious, always taking vitamins like echinacea and goldenseal.
Was that a very conscious effort to do something a little lighter?
» She adds that Rodriguez, too, «is very conscious of lines and forms.
I understand if you’re trying to be health-conscious, I really do.
My parents were very art-conscious; my mother had opinions about paintings.
Problem is, that’s not always the best choice for emissions-conscious cities.
«CBT is about conscious reconditioning to change your habits,» she told me.
The oxygen levels become extremely low and stowaways struggle to keep conscious.
In November, Apple reportedly purchased the privacy-conscious AI startup Silk Labs.
«I get self-conscious sometimes about being melodramatic,» Jones says via email.
The only thing you know for sure is that you are conscious.
They’re more conscious of the subtleties, and they play with them better.
Whannell: Absolutely, and that was something that was a very conscious decision.
The real danger of AI is not that it becomes «self-conscious«.
But I just felt so self-conscious and not proud of myself.
It’s what fellow conscious brand Everlane calls «the world’s cleanest denim factory».
The fashion industry isn’t always the most conscious — socially, economically, or ecologically.
There isn’t a single day that a human being becomes self-conscious.
This is how we would have to build a self-conscious machine.
She’s too self-conscious to pee in front of her cell mates.
I’ve always made a conscious effort to have variety on each record.
The residents of this proud community run a tight, environmentally conscious ship.
What if this trend continues, and the AI develops conscious-type thinking?
Or was this a request by the potentially height-conscious Zuckerberg team?
One’s ideological position, whether conscious or not, influences how one views Castro.
Living a conscious life means choosing to live proactively and with purpose.
Few would argue that environmentally conscious packaging is not a great thing.
So it was conscious, what we intended, and it developed from there.
Even the most centrist Democrats seem conscious today of avoiding that trap.
The difference, however, is telling, and she is surely conscious of it.
George shows us all what it is to have a moral conscious.
It requires a significant degree of conscious effort to avoid that pitfall.
I was very conscious of that at that time in my life.
He remained conscious and breathing despite «serious bleeding,» according to the report.
They made a conscious decision to expose him to the entire world.
More price-conscious companies like Lenovo and HP would have fewer options.
In other words, it’s normal — and essentially human — to feel self-conscious.
It was a conscious decision to try and do our own thing.
» She called for an overhaul of laws to be more «race conscious.
I was always fairly self-conscious of my figure before having kids.
«[My] initial assessment was that he [passenger] really wasn’t conscious,» said Cutrer.
Driving occupied your conscious mind, freeing your unconscious to be somewhere else.
Was there a conscious choice to make yourselves characters in the book?
It was the first time he didn’t feel self-conscious at dinner.
But Robbins wanted his dance «plays» to be performed without conscious acting.
In those years, I was conscious of my weight, tracking every calorie.
WASHINGTON — Most people believe that journalists have inherent biases — conscious or unconscious.
But I’m trying to be conscious of not doing it right now.
Both airlines target price-conscious holidaymakers flying long haul across the Atlantic.
One is, how do we make sure people are conscious and aware?
Earth sign Virgo keeps us conscious of our footprint as we build.
«I always felt so self-conscious,» Fawcett told Texas Monthly in 1997.
Cost-conscious two-wheeler buyers like Gore might be a better bet.
Even that price-conscious 128GB expandable storage option starts looking awfully small.
As an MC, Riley went beyond exhaustive soapboxing and corny conscious ballads.
I have always felt self-conscious about the tip of my nose.
During that time, Feinstein felt self-conscious and concerned about her health.
I breathe, maybe the first conscious inhalation and exhalation of the day.
It’s a conscious break from the narrow, unimaginative grind of professional politics.
Several hours later, Lila became conscious of Marquis-Boire shaking her awake.
Nowadays, when everything is so rooted in references both conscious and unconscious.
All women — half our population — have to be conscious of that idea.
I’m not vegan, but I consider myself to be a conscious eater.
She loves to draw but is too self-conscious to show it.
Lyft has sought to brand itself as a more socially conscious company.
Both sides are more cost-conscious and striving to be more inventive.
But I’d like to maybe remind Ted, America did vote their conscious.
«But she’s always been very conscious of that and I love her.»
The Conscious Accelerator has already funded a meditation app called Inside Timer.
«The hope is we will attract entrepreneurs who are conscious,» Shao said.
Until it became a conscious, theoretical and activist program, people didn’t notice.
It certainly lacks the apparently conscious motivation of the sci-fi stuff.
That really opened my eyes and made me more conscious about light.
It was definitely more of an experiment than a conscious business decision.
«I am definitely not conscious of it,» Ausmus said about his milestone.
It was a conscious decision because I used to be a tomboy.
But you can redirect an existing corporation to become a conscious business.
Was it a conscious decision to reference that world in your music?
Let’s make this a conscious uncoupling and lay Olivia Pope to rest.
The series’ reversal of zombie misanthropy is cheerful, adorable, and entirely conscious.
How conscious were you of pushing back against that assessment of her?
Ephemerality can also encourage sharing by making people feel less self-conscious.
Living an eco-conscious lifestyle doesn’t have to be tedious or difficult.
«I defend a salsa that is urban, conscious and joyous,» he says.
That’s why I’m making a conscious effort not to sell the shirt.
On «Nikes,» Ocean is more aware or conscious than he’s ever been.
A user had to make a conscious decision to seek them out.
Here is a studio and a game conscious charting its own path.
One badge involves scouts going on an environmentally conscious camping trip. BREAKING!
«It’s a conscious awareness to stay mindful with your kids,» she explains.
No, and yet both display about as much conscious thought as Sophia.
Warped perspectives make us conscious of how we place what we see.
He’s painfully self-conscious and feels like he’s stuck in a rut.
You’re also probably health-conscious and damn anal about your calorie intake.
But we are also conscious that this is not an easy process.
Medvedeva, in choosing these bleak themes, appears to be conscious of that.
For writer Pandora Sykes, being fashion-conscious is taking a back seat.
I can’t say whether I was conscious of what I was doing.
It’s odd that someone as image conscious as Trump doesn’t get that.
And yet I find myself feeling self-conscious about my wayward neurons.
Enter NOVEL SUPPLY CO— Vancouver-made, conscious apparel for the urban adventurer.
I’m scared of being trolled, and I think I’m conscious about it.
«It’s a time to be conscious about their intentions,» Dr. Zeising says.
They made a conscious decision to pull out electricity from this area.
I am more conscious of going bald so that should tell you.
They make a conscious decision that scares and excites them beyond words.
It takes conscious effort, then, to appreciate the extra layer of astonishment.
They require us to be more conscious—more human—thus, Team Human.
It made me more conscious of my motivations for wanting to drink.
There was a conscious effort to include my drum machines more prominently.
Thinking back to high school, I remember being embarrassed and self-conscious.
Jaybird is clearly striving for a more aesthetically conscious consumer with these.
It becomes a conscious, premeditated process rather than a reflexive, unconscious response.
Buying devices from well-known, security-conscious manufacturers is a good start.
I’m very conscious of the things I put out into the world.
In this case, it was a conscious choice to focus on development.
So there’s some sensitivity in making sure that pictorial representation is conscious.
The first one that we did, Sunken, it wasn’t a conscious effort.
It includes conscious efforts to recruit police officers from the affected communities.
Back in 2016, Apple issued another green bond for eco-conscious projects.
Was that a conscious decision to identify your gender in your name?
In this scenario, marketing to the health-conscious millennials may prove challenging.
One thing we must all do is be conscious of these costs.
He’s very conscious of his place in history as the swing vote.
» The statement said Mika has «been alert, conscious and communicating through notes.
These are conscious choices about what limitations to put on the player.
We may be scared, but at least we’re conscious through the terror.
The bigger barrier might be getting career-conscious researchers to sign up.
You’re a California guy, and Californians tend to be pretty environmentally-conscious.
The potential pitfalls of socially conscious criticism extend to casting as well.
Most wild-caught fish die while still conscious, typically suffocating on ice.
Like any middle schooler, she was a little nerdy and self-conscious.
I saw that his leg was broken but he was still conscious.
Earlier this week, Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell announced their conscious uncoupling.
» Self-conscious that he’s waxing lyrical, Parry quickly adds: «It’s really corny.
I was self-conscious about my size, and this suit covered everything.
But the beauty of distracted sex is that it’s so unself-conscious.
The early history of rock music is littered with conscious-altering moments.
Click ahead for seven ways to be budget-conscious at Whole Foods.
When did you start to feel self-conscious that emotion wasn’t boyish?
Were you conscious of how phony you felt, or was it automatic?
On Tuesday, some Democratic legislators seemed conscious of the deal’s Faustian implications.
Because of this, I make a conscious effort to live for today.
Is this new record a conscious effort to move away from that?
«My parents were very conscious of appearances, but exceedingly frugal,» she said.
It includes conscious spending habits, low debt and an active savings plan.
When it premiered in 2013, House of Cards was a self-conscious
He’s conscious and he’s fought to not let things go past him.
This wasn’t a conscious effort, but I was definitely acting the amateur.
Rutledge said that we often react «mindlessly» instead of making conscious choices.
When you are conscious of their presence, they seem to be everywhere.
What about somebody who is not conscious of the dangers of charcoal?
«His dad was a very conscious person about these things,» she said.
That factor is definitely a draw for the more health-conscious buyers.
Many fashion-conscious women wear high heels to show off their legs.
«I would feel self-conscious doing it, for some reason,» he said.
I mean the self-conscious style and gaudy opera of the place.
She is a self-reflexive writer who, miraculously, doesn’t seem self-conscious.
This collapsible straw allows you to be eco-conscious on the go.
She likes sustainable brands, she’s very conscious of the brands she’s wearing.
He wittily skewered acquaintances and seemed always conscious of his physical allure.
» It was, she said, «the most self-conscious thriller I’ve ever opened.
But I was conscious, throughout my meals here, of a commandeering sweetness.
Instead, the brain-damaged patient is awake but unaware and conscious-less.
«I was always made to feel conscious of my spirituality,» she says.
I was too self-conscious, too animated, too weird in high school.
«He was conscious that people were looking at him,» Mr. Miller said.
I’ve just had a really blessed position, and I’m conscious of it.
Discouraging beneficiaries from buying such plans would make them more cost-conscious.
That’s because their conscious and unconscious mental frameworks have just stopped working.
We do need to be really conscious of it as a society.
LA2024 promises to be environmentally friendly, human-rights conscious, and socially responsible.
Was it a conscious decision to incorporate more melody this time around?
I think this has made us less happy and more self-conscious.
When I smoke a joint, I become extremely self-conscious and stressed.
But «waking up» isn’t the right phrase because I’m not exactly conscious.
I want to be conscious of what I’m putting into my body.
Who stays here: Budget-conscious families, couples, and small groups of friends.
We were conscious that some people might not take our music seriously.
Because I was so self-conscious about seeming like an attention-seeker.
The conscious mind only knows what you&aposre putting your attention on.
They volunteered to help eco-conscious candidates flip districts in the midterms.
Many of today’s teens are far more image conscious than previous generations.
If it’s about reducing food in landfills, discuss your eco-conscious values.
Taste-based discrimination — basically, racism — isn’t necessarily the result of conscious thought.
Wes reached the hospital still conscious, but hypothermia is persistent and cruel.
He is keenly conscious of discrimination against the Arab minority in Israel.
Or, how will researchers know at what point a brain is conscious?
I was very conscious of including tons of gay and lesbian stuff.
Of all the map men, Mr. Hemmer seems the most sartorially conscious.
This means, lawyers say, that Williams potentially remained conscious throughout his execution.
People are very conscious about not wanting to be seen as disrespectful.
We have vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian options for climate change-conscious cooks.
And so I became more conscious that, culturally, that’s who I am.
I mean, do you think I’m conscious of my wife being white?
He approaches those discussions with humor to help self-conscious teenagers relax.
«She was conscious, but she was just covered in blood,» he said.
The new cold brew drinks could also attract more health-conscious customers.
Plus, socially conscious travelers will appreciate the emphasis on supporting local communities.
Mr. Jordan’s insider tip for eating around Garnier is similarly budget-conscious.
Those in Furnace Creek favor a museum and an environmentally conscious inn.
Leisure travelers are naturally more selective and cost conscious than business travelers.
At least in my own conscious mind, I don’t connect those things.
Almirola was reported to have been conscious and alert throughout the ordeal.
In fact, the director makes a conscious effort to celebrate her life.
It’s a technique that, conscious or not, is recommended by crisis experts.
This frees us up to concentrate on what most requires conscious attention.
Soon, they’re hooking up, right next to their intoxicated, not conscious friend.
They have repeatedly been proved wrong and are conscious of their mistakes.
And unless you’re conscious about it, your body language will betray that.
Worse, the discrimination these Americans suffer is the result of conscious policy.
It’s about ending the race-conscious policies they believe hurt white people.
But Voltaire and Lenny Bruce, they didn’t make self-conscious folk rock.
For example, the rooms have heart monitors equipped to monitor conscious sedation. 
«We were conscious of making things ongoing concerns, ongoing challenges,» she said.
» In the meantime, he said, «Conscious Life is like a temporary microcosm.
A few dressed in self-conscious deference to the pieces on view.
The cost-conscious among us may be tempted to blame careless consumers.
Yet, my environmentally conscious heart told me to give it a try.
But will more conscious hydration really make for a more productive 2020?
This is a place conscious of history, but not hidebound by it.
Jerry Brown, in China, visited cities that see themselves as environmentally conscious.
But the fee-conscious can still take matters into their own hands.
We all want to be conscious of value when shopping for wine.
Self-conscious that his hair was graying, he wore a baseball cap.
The BRS 3000-T Ultralight stove is a budget-conscious backpacker’s dream.
But Mr. Baltrop’s a classicist too, just a less self-conscious one.
Since having my daughter, I really started to get conscious of it.
It all felt fake and I was super self-conscious and uncomfortable.
«Nothing serious,» Go said, adding the president was «conscious of his health».
The new airline isn’t alone in its quest for price-conscious consumers.
They are more conscious of how important it is to be prepared.
The school also aims to foster «conscious entrepreneurship,» Paltrow Neumann told Goop.
The party is certainly conscious of the electoral importance of working people.
She moved where he steered her, less conscious of puddles than he.
Five passengers had to be airlifted to hospital but they remained conscious.
For LA-based brand Reformation, the standout is its Conscious Cashmere line.
Conscious Cashmere is just one example of Reformation&aposs larger sustainability efforts.
Self-conscious attempts at reverse engineering are almost always an embarrassing flop.
Because those gut feelings are often informed by conscious and subconscious discrimination.
University of Texas at Austin challenges the university’s race-conscious admissions plan.
Without being conscious and purposeful about these things, you will naturally decline.
Budget-conscious travelers can forget about a free checked bag this spring.
And education has pushed residents to embrace a more water-conscious lifestyle.
For its part, Target says that it is pursuing environmentally-conscious solutions.
They were acquitted of a charge of causing death through conscious neglect.
After that, people get self-conscious and it all becomes something different.
He was conscious and speaking ahead of being taken to the hospital.
«They’re very conscious of time running out,» said Chesterfield of the wealthy.
I am pretty weight conscious (yes, I know this is a mistake).
The man was taken to the hospital and we’re told he’s conscious.
» I’ve made the conscious choice to not even use the term «troll.
And that Cleo enjoys a liberated and un-self-conscious sex life.
«I was self-conscious, especially coming back after two kids,» she said.
It was through Anna Sokolow [the politically conscious American choreographer and dancer].
«As a man, I’m a little self-conscious,» Mr. Unger, 35, said.
So have you guys made a conscious decision to sort of reset?
But was it a conscious choice to leave those wacky comedies behind?
Museums have become conscious of this stuff, but there are no audiences.
» I had to make a conscious effort to close my mouth. «Oh.
I was conscious of all the things that we’re talking about now.
You were so conscious about it: you were curating, you were writing.
They’re being authentically themselves and looking for exactly what their conscious wants.
«We were trying to be fairly conscious of camera angles,» says Graham.
We were really conscious of that and intent on keeping it tight.
As you’ll see, TrackRecord’s content strives to be cross­demographic and socially conscious.
» The training will cover topics such as «implicit bias» and «conscious inclusion.
She’s willing to talk but is shy and a bit self-conscious.
That was a conscious choice after we discussed the pros and cons.
Now, having had two babies, I feel a bit more self-conscious.
And there’s conscious and subconscious and I would say conscious is the fact that she’s a black woman and they’re looking for some reason to be able to take her down and discredit her … but she’s the queen!
To combat the growing existential threat, low- and no-buy initiatives have proliferated online, conscious consumerism has grown into a movement and younger generations are putting more and more money into so-called socially-conscious, or sustainable, investments.
Truth is hoping this revelation will strike a chord with socially conscious millennials.
You’re thinking about money today—thanks to the Moon in cash-conscious Capricorn.
If the outlandish makes you feel self-conscious, imagine yourself as a character.
By 2008, under the race-conscious policy at issue, that number nearly doubled.
Trond Wuellner, group product manager for Pixelbook, claims that was a conscious choice.
Willpower is conscious exertion, when we have to force ourselves to do something.
The subconscious can multi-task, for example, which the conscious brain cannot do.
On the contrary, shared flourishing requires a conscious commitment to the «common good».
Hillary is conscious of this: At a campaign event last week, she acknowledged
Is that a fair assessment, and is that part of a conscious decision?
Were you in any way conscious of your time being in a coma?
We have to be conscious of who’s in the room and who isn’t.
Sebastian: I don’t know if it’s a conscious thing, but we definitely do.
It’s more about making the conscious effort to say, oh, you know what?
I felt self-conscious as possibly the only person of color around. Rubio,
I believe that people can become conscious, but you have to help them.
More recently, tobacco companies have suffered cuts as health-conscious consumers change habits.
Nor is it wanting to recognize robots as self-conscious entities (thank goodness).
I felt both shallow and self-conscious — two emotions I rarely identify with.
I reckon he probably doesn’t drink that much cos he’s too health conscious.
By this definition there can be little doubt that plants are conscious organisms.
But more brands are trying to make your beauty routine more eco-conscious.
Regardless of age or experience, there is a conscious choice to be remade.
If this trait is so useful, then why aren’t all animals self-conscious?
Contelligence refers to an entity that is both intelligent and self-aware (conscious).
Also, a lot of women are also more self-conscious about their bodies.
If I know the person, I am conscious of their sense of themselves.
It will help you take your unconscious actions and make them conscious habits.
I marveled at these haunting, grainy images with a self-conscious, uncertain voyeurism.
This has prompted those supportive of race-conscious admissions to rally around Harvard.
Furthermore, both private individuals and companies are becoming more conscious of their costs.
The startup is launching a raft of investment products for socially-conscious savers.
That move helped to signal her shift from recording artist to «conscious» paragon.
Most CEOs are status-conscious and see no harm in pressing the flesh.
He’s conscious, and able to talk (with great difficulty), but he’s completely subdued.
They’re both conscious of their vocal instruments and use them with careful calculation.
It’s knowledge we wake up with when we emerge into the conscious world.
The BBC, citing sources, reported on Friday that Yulia was «conscious and talking».
«[Many] women feel self-conscious about their orgasms, or lack thereof,» Marin says.
Each objective requires conscious policy effort and performance measurement in its own right.
Mr. Powell said Fed policymakers, too, were conscious of concerns from corporate executives.
As a result, a variety of environmentally conscious companies have begun sprouting up.
Cheapflights isn’t the only one offering up data for the budget-conscious traveler.
«It made me sharper, it made me more conscious of time,» Madden said.
The crowded field of Democratic presidential hopefuls, however, is pushing climate-conscious initiatives.
They should have been conscious of the campaign finance rules as well then?
Roughly eight-eight percent of human mental activity is subconscious rather than conscious.
Pop perfectionist, R&B torchbearer, conscious recoupler, black Madonna: yes, yes, yes, etc.
Cannabis is taking off because it appeals especially to the health-conscious inebriate.
Calling all budget-conscious, bargain-loving members of the early-stage startup community.
This includes political conversations among workers, politically vocal CEOs and socially-conscious corporations.
Where you can be a little less self-conscious about how you look.
It’s something I’m definitely conscious of and try to capture when I’m shooting.
He was «very, very shocked» but conscious, eyewitnesses who assisted him reportedly said.
«I say we both try to make a conscious effort,» she told Kim.
I wasn’t ‘unlucky’ I made a conscious decision to do something especially stupid.
Was this a conscious thought when Primal Rite was percolating in your mind?
Regardless (or, perhaps, because) of such conscious inclusion, not everyone has been happy.
Russell admitted that sex scenes once made her self-conscious about her body.
I have been self-conscious about my tummy since I’ve had a child.
«Cardiovascular responses to loud noises happen whether you’re conscious or not,» says Clark.
It is the choice of technically sophisticated, security-conscious people around the world.
«We’re very conscious of not lessening the product we’re putting out,» Ponting said.
But Beyond Meat is not the only company vying for health-conscious consumers.
«We made a conscious choice that we wouldn’t edify the WEF,» said Mittler.
«When I was at the scene, initially, he was conscious and awake,» Capt.
I was very self-conscious… I almost psyched myself out of a job.
Savings app Qapital wants people to make more conscious decisions around their money.
He was pretty self-conscious being opposite Dwayne Johnson on the Baywatch set.
» L.H.: [Laughs] «What I mean is…I think my conscious would destroy me.
Deeply conscious of his impending exit, Obama has sought to extend the moment.
And for the security conscious homeowner, it comes with a very unique perk.
Officials say he is now conscious, but remains in serious condition in hospital.
We’ve all got to make a conscious decision among ourselves to do more.
Others say they make a conscious decision to leave their exes on LinkedIn.
«I think growing up, Khloé was always conscious of her weight,» said Jenner.
The two hosts lie on the floor, seemingly dead, except Maeve is conscious.
He’s also a bit more health-conscious than his teammates, given his past.
» CH: «Would you describe yourself as self-conscious or do you feel confident?
It’s the perfect way to stay stylish and conscious of your physical activity.
Cosmetics: I mimicked my usual makeup routine, just with more environmentally conscious products.
Organizers appeared to be conscious that the raid would attract a global audience.
Definition: a glamorous grandmother, especially one who is relatively young or fashion-conscious.
«I made a conscious decision to be neutral in the primary,» he explains.
What we do we mean by the word conscious in the first place?
Hygge — or the conscious pursuit of a cozy lifestyle — is everywhere these days.
I’m conscious of new boundaries as we talk, but it feels very normal.
Equal parts self-conscious, confident and narcissistic, the perfect metaphor for Veronica herself.
Most people are only conscious because they are disenfranchised in some way, right?
He was conscious but very shocked and shaken, royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell said.
Recently, BTS’s staggering popularity has been linked to the group’s socially conscious lyrics.
No one is more conscious of the effects of fear than this President.
It was the most unself-conscious I’ve ever been while making a record.
I don’t know how often Trump does this by instinct versus conscious effort.
Does this mean lots of non-humans—octopuses, crows, monkeys, machines—are conscious?
I might have a philosophy, but I cannot be conscious of that philosophy.
Rather, she writes, she was highly conscious of her new client’s apparent discomfort.
Zhu was fully conscious throughout the operation as it required only local anaesthesia.
She was just diagnosed with reflux, but right now she’s almost barely conscious.
In an environment that is increasingly health conscious, Sonic is synonymous with indulgence.
That said, a privacy-conscious smart device company would fill a market hole.
It’s like life: The less self-conscious you are, the better it works.
A couple of self-conscious boys in sweatshirts stood quietly around their workstations.
Tiffith says Jay Rock suffered several broken bones and is hospitalized, but conscious.
What happens on your subconscious level influences what happens on your conscious level.
«I wanted to make them conscious of the issue,» she told VICE News.
«Men are now more body-conscious than ever,» she told CNBC via email.
Meanwhile, alternative meat companies are eyeing health and environmentally-conscious consumers in Asia.
«The board has historically been very conscious of diversity,» Sister Nora told me.
Is that something you’re conscious of or that you take from each other?
«We were conscious that DNA could make comparisons of body fluids,» he says.
But we do appreciate that he’s conscious about stepping up his style nevertheless.
And where I’ve made a very conscious effort … PK: Keep the band together.
This communication network gives off signals that indicate how conscious an individual is.
Is that something you’re conscious of when trying to show quote unquote ‘truth’?
Clearly, this model isn’t one to feel self-conscious in her own skin.
«We were so self-conscious when we first started out,» Jesy tells me.
Was that a conscious decision, to ignore the other half of the couple?
Ryot was founded in 2012 as a socially conscious, activism-focused news outlet.
Is it a myth that hip-hop fell off from being socially conscious?
«To fast food lovers, who are also health conscious,» the store’s slogan read.
I was always mad and self-conscious about it and wondered, ‘Why me?
I was just at my most vulnerable then, I was so self-conscious.
And that personality is a socially conscious, intelligent, and funny member of society.
Locke said that individuals are self-conscious creatures who define themselves through action.
«Please be conscious of what happens when a woman gets deported,» she said.
It simply acknowledges the same class-conscious common sense that Powell’s memo expresses.
Cerreti described her former witness as conscious of what she had given up.
Does she enter with pomp and circumstance, the conscious belle of the ball?
I was self conscious about my breasts hanging and sagging in certain positions.
Soules checked on Mr. Mosher to determine if he was conscious and breathing.
It may not be a conscious lie…but it is a dangerous untruth.
Instead it is the iPhone 5s, which still sells in price conscious India.
«We are losing something and we’re not even conscious of it,» said Malcorra.
Man was conscious as he was transported into ambulance a few minutes ago.
Classical music has been recast here as a modern, global, socially conscious art.
For budget-conscious tech enthusiasts, the Roku Premiere is a good streaming choice.
I’m thrilled by how evolved and conscious and wise and sensitive they are.
There is no systematic or conscious violation in order to bypass the embargo.
But after a few minutes, my usually bold, un-self-conscious friend stopped.
Initiation of the action precedes full conscious perception of seeing the approaching ball.
These people were generally health-conscious, perhaps switching from soda to sparkling water.
K-Swiss also says its shoes are built with premium and «conscious» materials.
He suspects those perceptions, conscious or not, can sometimes tinge police-civilian interactions.
It’s a habit that you have to make a conscious effort to kick.
Most people, he realizes, tend to identify their selves with their conscious minds.
Other candidates have also proposed race-conscious policies that explicitly address racial inequality.
The result, » Madame Bovary ,» inaugurated a new, more formally conscious kind of realism.
Pair it with some cheap reusable pods if they’re the eco-conscious type. 
One possibility is that judges are growing more conscious of the system’s flaws.
«They seem to be conscious of the threat of data breaches,» Chaudhari said.
Even if men are not, like, overtly sexist—they are not exactly conscious.
It was also important to Pfeiffer that Henry Rose’s packaging be environmentally conscious.
Color of Change has been effective in putting pressure on image-conscious companies.
I was trying to throw strikes, being very conscious of not walking them.
For the health-conscious, there were Sun Chips — corn chips, but whole grain!
The blabbering, bumbling, often frumpy, perpetually single, and painfully self-conscious Ms. Jones?
No. We made a conscious decision not yet to do the United States.
Be conscious of who you surround yourself with as you begin your weekend.
But is Katy Perry only conscious now or were there hints all along.
I made up this conscious rationale but why did I really do it?
Frank is finally conscious and tells Stamper he wants to leave the hospital.
Was that something you were conscious of in your part of the state?
Eating there would run counter to my own ethos of conscious consumerism, too.
I’m immediately self-conscious of being in public, more so than most days.
Venom took it one step further and it was more obviously image-conscious.
The fact I’m conscious is testament enough of my undying love for you.
It wasn’t any kind of conscious decision, no weighing of tactics or options.
It’s not easy for budget-conscious founders to part with cold, hard cash.
«Just being conscious of it all the time is really important,» he says.
The DDD project made a conscious decision not to report such ‘secondary findings’.
I feel self-conscious when I’m pale, so it’s definitely a confidence booster.
She pushes me to be more free and less self-conscious about myself.
That was a conscious thing, and you’re the first person to catch it.
Turns out, it was a conscious choice by the developers at Inbetween Games.
It was such a conscious effort to make a really strong Anthrax record.
Currently, fully conscious chickens are shackled by their feet and hung upside down.
I tend to feel self-conscious about my body, as my weight fluctuates.
» Harvard’s race-conscious admissions policies are «narrowly tailored to achieve a compelling interest.
This knowledge has made me a more conscious traveler, particularly at foreign airports.
The omniscient narrator is conscious of everything and isn’t afraid to say so.
If they’re especially environmentally conscious,check out Reformation’s 70% recycled cashmereorPatagonia’s recycled cashmere.
They demonstrate, in the same conscious way that characterizes so many of Mrs.
The lack of other people taking pictures also made me somewhat self-conscious.
You can see why Luiselli would want this chastened, self-conscious, documentary veracity.
Ms. Musa stayed by Ms. Mohammed, caring for her until she was conscious.
We were hyper-conscious of what would happen and how people would respond.
Today, H&M announced the launch of its spring ’20 Conscious Exclusive collection.
Tea ceremonies, flower arrangements, samurai swords—there’s a very conscious style at play.
Enter THRIVE: An environmentally conscious lifestyle guide to better health and true wealth.
I’ve been conscious of not wanting to sound one dimensional throughout my career.
There are so many conscious and unconscious decisions involved with a collaborative process.
It also matters that Hackney has a young design-conscious mayor, Philip Glanville.
«Any attempt to engage your conscience must be seen as conscious,» he says.
You have to make a conscious decision to walk past a female employee.
And Mr. Semon needs to be very conscious of his comportment on stage.
Even the Vatican sent a delegation to talk about conscious and inclusive capitalism.
You are both conscious that this ballet is set during the Industrial Revolution.
And you became more conscious of how women have been underrepresented in composition.
A conscious modern-day stoner, Liam Kaczmar is an aesthetically driven weed enthusiast.
Trump’s Africa trip suggested that the aides are acutely conscious of possible problems.
What’s the difference between the politically conscious rappers of today versus your generation?
The Shed sought out musicians who are thoroughly conscious of forebears and possibilities.
Any fashion-conscious consumer with a little cash to spare might consider them.
Bill and I are also very conscious of how things can go wrong.
It makes us all more conscious, as leaders, of how we should act.
This will help you make more conscious decisions about allocating information and tasks.
Sometimes that means I get treated extra nicely, especially in generation-conscious Asia.
Now, the school has a faculty conscious of diversity and reflective about bias.
Instead, she came across at times as self-conscious and a bit nervous.
He was handsome in his military uniform; I was self-conscious in mine.
So what does that environmentally conscious country do with its broken baseball bats?
Then I use the Bumble & Bumble Curl Conscious Defining Crème on my hair.
Indians are conscious of the limited leverage the United States has over Pakistan.
Even now, she said, his remarks make her feel self-conscious during sex.
But a strong, socially conscious employer like Amazon could make a big difference.
The police said the officer was conscious when he arrived at a hospital.
Instead of dying and being buried, you die and become…conscious, evil grass.
Jaime is self-conscious, anxious and unsure of his place in the world.
If true, that would make promession a big draw for the environmentally conscious.
To stay budget conscious, we strategized ways to save on travel and hotels.
Be conscious of your actions and be patient with yourself during the transition.
That morning, Campolo was, as usual, a little self-conscious about his attire.
It says that 25 minutes after he lost conscious, school employees called 911.
They’re great, because they know how to act and not be self-conscious.
«I’m very conscious of being a queer black woman in America,» she said.
He lost about 240 pounds, and has kept them off without conscious effort.
To the status-conscious Chinese, this red-carpet treatment will not go unnoticed.
In talking about their instinctive connection might they risk making it self-conscious?
Higgins reportedly remained conscious while en route to a local hospital, TMZ reported.
» Applegate’s president, John Ghingo, proclaimed it a «win, win, win for conscious carnivores.
Investors are conscious of potential new trade tariffs from the U.S. on China.
As such, «This Time Tomorrow» poses a hazard for any spoiler-conscious reviewer.
But the high adventure is counterpointed at every turn by self-conscious humor.

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