Sentence with word computer

Sentences with the word Computer?



  • «able to swim»; «she was able to program her computer«; «we were at last able to buy a car»; «able to get a grant for the project»
  • «abort the mission»; «abort the process running on my computer«
  • «you should acquaint yourself with your new computer«; «We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings»
  • «the advent of the computer«
  • «The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model»; «The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops»
  • «the operation of a computer presents and interesting analogy to the working of the brain»; «the models show by analogy how matter is built up»
  • «Then the computer came along and changed our lives»; «Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago»
  • «applaudable efforts to save the environment»; «a commendable sense of purpose»; «laudable motives of improving housing conditions»; «a significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence»
  • «use your head!»; «we only use Spanish at home»; «I can’t use this tool»; «Apply a magnetic field here»; «This thinking was applied to many projects»; «How do you utilize this tool?»; «I apply this rule to get good results»; «use the plastic bags to store the food»; «He doesn’t know how to use a computer«
  • «the architecture of a computer‘s system software»
  • «boot your computer«
  • «The new manager generated a lot of problems»; «The computer bug generated chaos in the office»; «The computer generated this image»; «The earthquake generated a tsunami»
  • «browse a computer directory»; «surf the internet or the world wide web»
  • «the busbar in this computer can transmit data either way between any two components of the system»
  • «the CPU and the memory form the central part of a computer to which the peripherals are attached»
  • «The ads induced me to buy a VCR»; «My children finally got me to buy a computer«; «My wife made me buy a new sofa»
  • «he used his computer to make a collage of pictures superimposed on a map»
  • «the lights went on»; «the computer came up»
  • «a memory and the CPU form the central part of a computer to which peripherals are attached»
  • «a true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance»
  • «configure my new computer«; «configure a plane for a combat mission»
  • «My computer crashed last night»; «The system goes down at least once a week»
  • «a desirable job»; «computer with many desirable features»; «a desirable outcome»
  • «digital computer«
  • «disable this command on your computer«
  • «doubling with a computer took no time at all»
  • «we can’t work because the computer is down»
  • «the factory went down during the strike»; «the computer went down again»
  • «The amplifier drives the tube»; «steam drives the engines»; «this device drives the disks for the computer«
  • «in an early stage»; «early forms of life»; «early man»; «an early computer«
  • «a well publicized entrant is the pocket computer«
  • «Run the dishwasher»; «run a new program on the Mac»; «the computer executed the instruction»
  • «a quantum computer can factor the number 15″
  • «flat computer monitors»
  • «this computer can perform a million flops per second»
  • «his opinions are in flux»; «the newness and flux of the computer industry»
  • «the computer had a desktop footprint of 10 by 16 inches»
  • «the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems»
  • «the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem»
  • «computer chess games are getting cheaper all the time; furthermore, their quality is improving»; «the cellar was dark; moreover, mice nested there»; «what is more, there’s no sign of a change»
  • «a hand-held computer«
  • «an incomparable week of rest and pleasure»; «the computer proceeds with its incomparable logic and efficiency»; «this report is incomparable with the earlier ones because of different breakdowns of the data»
  • «he’s a truck jockey»; «a computer jockey»; «a disc jockey»
  • «trash these old chairs»; «junk an old car»; «scrap your old computer«
  • «computer literate»
  • «the hard disk in you computer is magnetic storage»
  • «The computer programmer morphed the image»
  • «he missed the bell in his occupation with the computer game»
  • «optimize a computer program»
  • «the computer is outputting the data from the job I’m running»
  • «the particular demands of the job»; «has a particular preference for Chinese art»; «a peculiar bond of sympathy between them»; «an expression peculiar to Canadians»; «rights peculiar to the rich»; «the special features of a computer«; «my own special chair»
  • «physical properties»; «the physical characteristics of the earth»; «the physical size of a computer«
  • «This dictionary can be read by the computer«
  • «repeaters can be used in computer networks to extend cabling distances»
  • «Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left»; «the computer has supplanted the slide rule»; «Mary replaced Susan as the team’s captain and the highest-ranked player in the school»
  • «a computer system provides utility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users»
  • «We simply could not start the engine»; «start up the computer«
  • «he bought a new stereo system»; «the system consists of a motor and a small computer«
  • «I’ve upgraded my computer so I can run better software»; «The company upgraded their personnel»
  • «in this computer game, space travellers are vaporized by aliens»
  • «he took the computer with a view to pawning it»

A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

If I put him on the floor with his toys while I work on the computer, he fusses.


The town board has not adopted an acceptable computer use policy, a breach notification policy or a disaster recovery plan.


Their group is also working to shrink the computers that run the system into the size of iPhone, something that is portable and possibly even wearable.


luckily, my wonderful new computer has arrived + thus, blogging can re-commence!


A New York State Supreme Court judge today reserved judgment in the case of Syracuse Common Councilors versus Mayor Stephanie Miner’s administration over a computer use policy.


Customers receive software to run on their personal computers that enables them to download information from daily bulletin boards released by the company.


While I don’t presume to read traders» (or trading computers») minds (see Barry ritholtz» note this morning about ex post facto rationalizations), generally speaking there is concern that the «taper» of long term bond purchases will cause bond yields (the percent of interest paid on them) to rise.


You will then have the ability to trade from any internet connected computer facility located anywhere in the world.


It’s available on smartphones, tablets, the computer and even Apple Watch.


In just one recent example, Baidu Inc agreed in April to acquire U.S. computer vision firm xPerception, which makes vision perception software and hardware with applications in robotics and virtual reality.


In one church’s computer lab, the youth group serves as the teachers and the senior citizens are the students.


You are collecting these data in an uncontrolled environment (who knows, for example just how each person’s computer is rendering each font, how large the font is, is it on an iPad or iPhone, laptop or desktop), are their kids breaking furniture in the background, etc..


It’s not uncommon to have your baby next to you as you’re watching the television, working on the computer, or browsing on your smartphone.


Each year for the past eight years, the company donates computers and printers to local schools.


«Nick was a great bridge between biology and computer scientists, and that made it possible to do the kind of work that we did,» Kunz adds.


Meanwhile, Amazon is going to cause further disruption in the computer infrastructure industry as it keeps pushing its web services and cloud computing vision.


For example, your e-mail address may be stored in a cookie that will remain on your computer after you sign out.


Make sure your computer has wired and wifi connection in campus.


FBI investigators had found new emails on a computer used by Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin, after Comey closed the investigation in July of that year.


The Jewish Daily Forward: Internet Cafe on Front Line of Culture War Joseph Oppenheim’s iShop, in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, looks more or less like any other computer store.


Pennsylvania mom Catherine Venusto has been arrested for allegedly hacking her children’s school computer to change their grades.


«The Pit Stop» meeting room alternates between offering teen activities, such as movie nights and parties, and senior activities, such as computer classes, crafts, bingo, workshops and luncheons.


When an individual’s details were very similar to a convicted person’s data on the police national computer, this led to a case of mistaken identity.


He held actuary job with the state and a prominent computer company.


Sundar was also the COO for a startup, Medsn, earlier in his career.Sundar has a master’s degree in computer engineering from Syracuse University and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras.


You can then save this product to your computer, open and print.


Miners on the network contribute their computer power to solve complex algorithms and are rewarded with new bitcoins.


We’ve had year over year 50 % growth and recently moved into a new high-tech facility with new phone systems, computers and software upgrades.


A quantum computer requires systems that are isolated from their environment, but can be integrated into devices, and whose states can be measured with high accuracy.


To date, more than 1,800 collection services have been made available to the public and more than 230,000 tonnes of TV and computer e-waste has been collected and recycled under the scheme.


The Center space has computers, printers and a fax and scanner for families to use as well as cell phone charging stations.


Research In Motion Ltd. shares traded higher Thursday afternoon following comments by a Lenovo Group Ltd. executive that the Chinese computer company was looking at possible acquisitions, including RIM.


Like all those inventions, the personal computer offers its power to the individual.»


They will need to sign the computer use policy in order to have access reinstated.


Wilmers was among the dignitaries present for Wednesday’s dedication of the new library which now offers hundreds of books and dozens of computers to its users, including Westminster’s 600 students.


I can only guess that many hours are spent on the computer as well as the training paddock.


All this sounds pretty scary if you are currently doing a job a robot or computer software can do.


Well, it is actually Sunday morning as I write this because we are headed off for a caravan holiday this week and I will have no internet or computer to set the linky up so I am being super organised.


Hi Joyce, If you’re on your computer you can enter your email address in the blue bar at the very top of the site where it says «Don’t Miss A Recipe.»


So as I sit here, safely behind the shield that is my computer, I finally have the guts to respond to her.


Each device will have an onboard computer (similar to the kind used by a Predator drone) that will detect small changes in the wind and automatically adjust to them.


The team has come up with a way to communicate with a computer system by having users «speak silently» to themselves, or subvocalize.


To find you the right-sized small business loan, we don’t just plug your numbers into a computer and let it make all the decisions.


(Whereas) computers never get distracted, are never drunk and they have senses that span 360 degrees, 30 times a second (with) greater situational awareness.»


DO NOT check this box if you are using a public computer.


Chipmaker Micron has created a brand new type of memory technology that it says can offer the same memory speed and persistent storage found in chips located next to a computer‘s processor.


Networked control systems are essentially pathways that connect and coordinate activities between computers and physical devices.


Now, let’s just sit back for a few months and watch the show — we’ll know all too soon whether these predictions are on the mark, assuming our computers don’t throw up their shiny electronic hands in dismay at what we ask them to show us and go on strike.


The United States and Israel have never publicly acknowledged it, but evidence indicates they released a sophisticated computer worm starting around 2008 that attacked and later caused damage at Iran’s main nuclear enrichment plant.


There are many different types of kid friendly operating systems and software so you can use any computer, whether it’s a gaming laptop or a business laptop.


  • Use the word Computer in a sentences

Sentence Examples

As Professor Henri Vollmer put it with this system we achieved the qualitative jump to an autonomous computer.

You taught me everything I know about computer hacking.

What’s computer hacking got to do with diamonds?

I figured the consulate computer had files on this cultural attach├®.

Some thief put all that information into a computer?

What exactly was in the computer?

I need your help to hack my way back into the computer.

My computer is set up to receive the information.

The computer had to be there.

We’ll need to examine Senor Baena’s office, his computer hard drive… Whatever you need.

There’s nothing unusual on Baena’s mobile or landline — calls to his oncologist, between himself and Ignacio Ortega, a call to a restaurant Home and office computers? Office computer wasn’t tampered with, but the home computer was wiped.

AII their computer networks are shut down.

He could fix a computer with a hairpin and a piece of duct tape.

Now, go on, get out your computer, and give me a figure on that gas.

Need time from the integrating computer.

I could. I don’t think the computer could.

Well, I won’t know until I run it through the computer, but it looks like the profiler that dips here like this for an extensive blind spot.

Well, gentlemen, this is the computer itself.

Well, did you have a tiring day at the computer, dear?

No, dear, as a matter of fact, I had an exceptionally full, stimulating if I may say so, useful day at the computer.

A computer is simply an electronic adding-and-remembering machine its fundamental operation being not altogether unlike that of the human brain.

I can build and operate the greatest computer in the universe but I’m not able to teach my own little boy simple arithmetic.

You know, Tom, sometimes I think you’re turning into a computer yourself.

Both the computer rooms are empty.

The question is whether we’re justified in using 50 or 60 computer hours trying to work out the improved table of random numbers.

Two or three minor units could be out of whack, but not the whole computer.

And I’d be interested in hearing how Dr. Merrinoe himself accounts for these aberrations in the computer.

Theoretically, the computer can be operated only from the main console and by a highly trained technician.

Without it, any attempt to move the computer would set off a minor atomic blowout that would completely wreck the basic units before they could be examined.

The colonel feels that Dr. Merrinoe should be denied further access to the computer except in the presence of witnesses.

Yes? May I show you the computer or anything?

Well, look, doesn’t this whole thing suggest that the real difficulty may lie with the computer?

You agree the trouble must be in the computer itself?

Seven times in the past 29 years, without our once suspecting it the computer has suggested certain changes in its own design which we blindly carried out.

Well since they first uh tried contact with us by radio, we’ve developed a language computer.

I fully realize our language differences, however I also know you finally have perfected the dictorobitary, or as you on Earth put it, the language computer. So you can now understand that which I speak.

We don’t refer to the father-mother as a brain. Your father-mother is an electronic computer.

Everything registered goes into the master computer.

I’m just a nursemaid to a Mark 201 computer trying to add a few extra years to our miserable span.

The master computer as the father-mother.

Mike, can I get on your computer?

Say, did i ever tell you fellas about the time i gave a demonstration with the computer machines?

He wanted to confuse the computer.

This isthe Master computer.

You know more than the Master computer.

компьютер, ЭВМ, ПК, машина, вычислитель, компьютерный


- компьютер, электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ

digital [analogue] computer — цифровая [аналоговая] вычислительная машина
hybrid computer — аналого-цифровая вычислительная машина
satellite computer — периферийная ЭВМ
portable computer — портативный компьютер

- вычислитель, расчётчик
- счётчик (прибора)


- компьютерный, машинный (о расчёте, управлении и т. п.)

Мои примеры


the physical size of a computer — физический размер компьютера  
Repeaters can be used in computer networks to extend cabling distances. — Ретрансляторы могут использоваться в компьютерных сетях для увеличения расстояния прокладки кабелей.  
the special features of a computer — специальные возможности компьютера  
personal computer — персональный компьютер  
computer facilities — вычислительная техника  
to run a computer — работать на компьютере  
expert in computer science — специалист по компьютерам  
computer fair — выставка компьютерной техники  
computer-aided design — компьютерный дизайн  
computer cartography — машинная картография  
campus-based computer center — университетский вычислительный центр  
computer center — вычислительный центр  
computer chassis — шасси компьютера  

Примеры с переводом

My computer is working slow.

Мой компьютер работает медленно.

Did you try restarting the computer?

Ты пробовал перезагрузить компьютер?

My computer went nuts on me.

Мой компьютер стал выдавать мне какую-то ерунду.

The old computer is temperamental.

Этот старый компьютер работает с перебоями.

Your computer is far superior to mine.

Твой компьютер намного лучше моего.

Amy is online on her portable computer.

Эми вышла со своего переносного компьютера в интернет.

He doesn’t know how to use a computer.

Он не умеет пользоваться компьютером.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The computer has introduced radical innovations.

…puzzled by the cryptic e-mail message left on his computer…

…got a copy of the couple’s bridal registry from the store’s computer and scanned it for items we could afford…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

computable  — исчислимый
computing  — вычислять, считать, подсчитывать, исчислять, высчитывать, делать выкладки
computed  — вычислять, считать, подсчитывать, исчислять, высчитывать, делать выкладки
computerese  — язык программирования, жаргон программистов, компьютерный жаргон
computerite  — специалист по ЭВМ, программист
computerize  — внедрять вычислительную технику, компьютеризировать
computerlike  — напоминающий компьютер, бесстрастный как машина, подобный компьютеру
computery  — системы ЭВМ, технология, ЭВМ

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): computer
мн. ч.(plural): computers

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