Sentence with word complaint

Synonym: ailment, charge, ill. Similar words: complain about, plaintiff, explain, maintain, comply, complex, complexity, comply with. Meaning: [-nt]  n. 1. an often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining 2. (formerly) a loud cry (or repeated cries) of pain or rage or sorrow 3. an expression of grievance or resentment 4. (civil law) the first pleading of the plaintiff setting out the facts on which the claim for relief is based 5. (criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense. 

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1 He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion. 

2 I have a complaint about the food.

3 I’d like to make a complaint about the noise.

4 My doctor prescribes aspirin for every complaint.

5 I wish to make a complaint.

6 The road-works caused much complaint among local residents.

7 This is a cause of complaint.

8 The most common complaint is about poor service.

9 What is your complaint?

10 Portugal has lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice.

11 I believe you have a complaint against one of our nurses.

12 As selfishness and complaint cloud the mind,[]so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.

13 The policeman was suspended while the complaint was investigated.

14 My complaint was referred to the manufacturers.

15 My wife’s complaint really drugged me.

16 He has a minor skin complaint.

17 You may refer your complaint to an independent adjudicator.

18 We have been bombarded with letters of complaint.

19 You had every opportunity to make a complaint.

20 We anticipated their complaint by writing a full report.

21 Her voice took on a nasal whine of complaint.

22 She lodged a complaint about the noise.

23 They lodged a complaint against the doctor for negligence.

24 You have no grounds for complaint.

25 Your complaint must be made through the proper channels.

26 Letters of complaint poured in .

27 Mr Genoa filed a formal complaint against the department.

28 The company has been sitting on my letter for weeks without dealing with my complaint.

29 Her life was finally extinguished by the onset of liver complaint.

30 If your neighbours are too noisy then you have cause for complaint.

More similar words: complain about, plaintiff, explain, maintain, comply, complex, complexity, comply with, compliance, complicated, contemplate, accomplishment, ain’t, accomplishments, faint, painter, paintwork, in the main, constraint, uncertainty, maintenance, in the first place, claim, proclaim, imply, sample, temple, simply, employ, plan. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

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While his tone is regrettable, his complaint is still valid.

Несмотря на то, что мой подзащитный уже находится на свободе, его жалоба сохраняет актуальность.

Baker says he has only one complaint.

Берия сказал, что не может быть, чтобы была всего одна жалоба.

But every letter of complaint reaches our office.

Но на все письменные жалобы в наш адрес мы реагируем.

A confirmation that your complaint has been received.

Получить документ о том, что ваша жалоба была принята.

Any request or complaint is examined and solved.

Каждое обращение, будь то жалоба или просьба, рассматривается и анализируется.

Clients are encouraged to submit their complaint in writing.

И наконец, клиента поощряют к подаче жалобы в письменном виде.

I have not received one complaint.

Хотя на меня не поступило ни одной жалобы .

Despite this, settings hijacking remains our number one user complaint.

Несмотря на это, жалоба на взломанные настройки по-прежнему остается номером один у наших пользователей.

These two institutions may receive any complaint relating to human rights violations.

Эти два учреждения могут принимать к рассмотрению любую жалобу, связанную с нарушением прав человека.

An investigation was opened following her official complaint of torture.

На основании ее официальной жалобы, касающейся применения пыток, было отдано распоряжение о проведении расследования.

Anyone who has a complaint can contact the committee.

Любые лица, у которых есть жалобы, могут обращаться в комитет.

No complaint had been recorded so far.

На сегодняшний день не было зарегистрировано ни одной такой жалобы.

State of course ignored our complaint.

Следствие, по сути, проигнорировало нашу жалобу.

The Panel may decide to give precedence to a particular complaint.

Палата или ее Председатель могут, тем не менее, решить дать приоритет отдельной жалобе.

The only complaint we have is that Expeditions occasionally suffers from connection errors.

Единственная жалоба, которую мы имеем, состоит в том, что Expeditions иногда страдает от ошибок подключения.

If the complaint relates to a certified client, then examination of the complaint is consider the effectiveness of the certified management system.

Если жалоба имеет отношение к сертифицированному заказчику, то при проверке жалобы рассматривается результативность сертифицированной системы менеджмента.

Convicted person that made a complaint shall be notified about decision taken on the complaint.

Осужденный, подавший жалобу, должен быть уведомлен о решении, принятом по жалобе.

The complaint must be accompanied by the required information, medical certificate, a statement of the complaint, etc.

Жалоба должна сопровождаться затребованной информацией, медицинской справкой, изложением жалобы и т.д.

A complaint in which the applicant does not state his name, surname and address is considered an anonymous complaint.

Жалоба, в которой заявитель не указывает свою фамилию, имя и адрес, считается анонимной жалобой.

Mercier wrote complaint after complaint, then engaged lawyers.

Мерсье написал жалобу, и делом занялись юристы.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат complaint

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

In legal terminology, a complaint is any formal legal document that sets out the facts and legal reasons (see: cause of action) that the filing party or parties (the plaintiff(s)) believes are sufficient to support a claim against the party or parties against whom the claim is brought (the defendant(s)) that entitles the plaintiff(s) to a remedy (either money damages or injunctive relief). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Lane Hudson, the guy who helped bring Foley’s political career to an end last Fall by anonymously posting transcripts of some of those conversations and who’s now writing online at News for the Left, has filed a complaint with the FEC against likely Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson.


Given your tolerance of other dairy, I would suspect the latter, especially since I have read similar complaints.


But my biggest complaint is about the interior.


It’s OK if you don’t like Walmart but it’s not OK to come into someone else space and pitch your complaint; it’s like walking into someone’s home and whining about the brand of furniture they have or maybe the breed of dog they own.


Be sure to monitor the comments though to address any complaints and remove anything overtly offensive.


A stiff neck is a common complaint which will probably affect everyone at some point in their life.


But officials recognize that people filing sexual harassment complaints may need an extra layer of protection.


Last year that resulted in a firestorm of quality-of-life complaints to several Orange County police departments, in particular in the city of Middletown.


Ditto the slick-shifting manual gearbox, though there were strictly no complaints from this correspondent.


My only complaint about Vegan Sandwiches Save the Day so far is that there are just too many amazing looking recipes, I want to make all of them at once!


Potential often to percent from complaints period is sites some at uk dating.


This lack of clearcut opportunities has always been my main complaint with how Pochetinno plays.


Fatigue: This is the most common complaint from my clients that begin taking the Plexus ProBio5 & BioCleanse supplements and/or participate in my 10-Day Detox.


Kirk Reimer, executive director of the Park District, said complaints come in regularly — and tickets have been issued — about dogs being walked off leash in the city’s parks or about owners not scooping.


ABC News reports that the $ 41 billion telecom company sent cancellation letters to more than 1,000 subscribers who had issued repeated service complaints.


Earlier this month she filed a complaint with the State Ethics Commission when Mayor Lovely Warren held a similar event at City Hall.


Under the Department of Housing Preservation and Development’s new guidelines, landlords whose tenants register bed bug complaints will be instructed to hire qualified pest management professionals to treat the infestations.


The most common complaint (there are several actually) is that the screen has a purple tint in darker areas.


But what if the harassment complaints against Brown and Baillie weren’t true?


Even though breastfeeding is a totally natural function — breasts were designed to produce milk — breastfeeding in public is riddled with complaints from opinionated onlookers.


«The proposed ordinance will authorize a contract that could be used by the CRB’s executive director to expand the CRB beyond its current role, which is to review citizen complaints and provide a recommendation to the chief of police, into assisting complainants with civil litigation,» Miner wrote in her veto letter.


But complaints like the ones you’ve read on this board concerning a «Christian cult-like» atmosphere and overt proselytizing appear to be commonplace and you need to just bloody accept it because it’s a fact.


Children’s animation «The Jungle Bunch» and Oscar-winning musical comedy «La La Land» were among 16 movies that prompted complaints to the Irish…


My only complaint is that it’s a little annoying to take the fabric cushions off to wash them because of the way you need to unhook the straps but it’s not a huge deal.


This line is the most overt complaint about the gendered sexual violence that takes place in Angels Wear White, the second feature from Vivian Qu.


The New York attorney general’s office plans to operate a complaint hotline to address voter problems in Tuesday’s congressional primaries.


Wozniak isn’t the only one making heated complaints in the first official trailer for Danny Boyle’s upcoming look at the computer-industry titan.


The EFCC had, in February, lodged a complaint of alleged misconduct against Yunusa before the NJC.


WASHINGTON — The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has filed an administrative complaint against Britax Child Safety Inc. alleging that the company has not recalled a jogging stroller that allegedly has design defects that pose a hazard to children and adults.


• About the many complaints filed against notoriously corrupt cops Keith Herrera and Jerome Finnigan and the little-to-no action that was taken by the police department?


The 19-member Progressive Caucus echoed many of these concerns and complaints in its collective statement to the press.


a common complaint that my sister has is that plus sized clothing offerings aren’t the same as the cute stuff you find in straight sizes.


The industry is largely self-regulating, and there is currently no requirement for clinics to report freezer failures — which can destroy couples» fertility hopes — unless a negative media report emerges, or someone makes a complaint.


Amid complaints of disruption and angst in the classrooms, the state’s major teachers union launched a petition drive asking parents to protest the use of a new set of standardized tests.


I actually got complaints as some investors thought I had somehow abandoned our discipline.


In February, Common Cause of New York filed a complaint with the Campaign Finance Board and the city Conflicts of Interest Board regarding CF1NY.


After every complaint mentioned that I have with this game, I actually ended up having a really good time with it.


First, I notice that many people seem to have complaints towards a low carb diet, so why not recommend a more generous serving of carbs?


The board, at both the local and state level, traditionally was used its own staff to investigate complaints.


UPPER MANHATTAN — Uptown is getting serious about cleaning up its streets with three recently launched initiatives seeking to remove graffiti and litter from Harlem to Inwood, where resident complaints have reached a fevered pitch.


After UTLA started trying to organize the Alliance staff, it filed a number of complaints with PERB claiming Alliance leaders were illegally blocking unionization efforts.


She obviously has a complaint, so he does have an unfortunate situation on his hands that he has to remedy quickly because she could talk to others and spread her poisonous lies.


The tech giant dismissed 20 employees this week after an internal investigation surrounding complaints around discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying and retaliation.


Founder Scott Levenson worked «side-by-side» with de Blasio on David Dinkins» 1989 mayoral campaign, the complaint says.


The idea of a customer complaint going viral and spreading around the web is the stuff of nightmares for many businesses.


Since we are talking about cheap workout equipment, there are a few complaints about minor problems.


Acura client relations confirmed this as well and recommended me to bring my car to another dealership based on all the complaints they have had about the service provided here.


The only complaint I have about the email app is that my Gmail labels are out of order in the drop down menu, but I’m not sure if that’s truly a problem with the app or just a Gmail quirk.


However, over half of the complaints were related to loan modification, collection or foreclosure — issues that have tarnished Wells Fargo’s reputation in the past.


» [Beffa’s complaint] is the act of one individual as opposed to a full board of education,» he said.


жалоба, недовольство, болезнь, недуг, недомогание, боль


- недовольство
- причина недовольства

my chief complaint is that … — главная причина моего недовольства заключается в том, что …

- жалоба, сетование

he is full of complaints — он постоянно жалуется
to make a complaint — жаловаться
you have no cause /ground/ of /for/ complaint — у вас нет оснований жаловаться

- юр. жалоба; иск; возбуждение уголовного дела

to lodge /to make, to prefer/ a complaint against smb. — подавать жалобу на /иск против/ кого-л.; возбуждать уголовное дело против кого-л.
bill of complaint — исковое заявление, жалоба (письменная)

- ком. рекламация; претензия

customer complaints — претензии потребителей
Complaints — «стол претензий», «бюро жалоб» (в магазине)

- болезнь, недомогание; боль

a complaint of the liver — боль в печени
he’s suffering from a heart complaint — он страдает болезнью сердца
he who makes constant complaint gets little compassion — вечные жалобы не находят сочувствия

Мои примеры


there was no occasion for complaint — оснований для жалоб не было  
hepatic complaint — жалобы на боли в печени  
complaint book — книга жалоб  
complaint bureau — отдел рекламаций  
consider a complaint — рассматривать жалобу  
lodge a complaint against smb. — подавать жалобу на/иск против кого-л.  
make a complaint against smb. — подавать жалобу на/иск против кого-л.  
prefer a complaint against smb. — подавать жалобу на/иск против кого-л.  
to address a complaint — обратиться с жалобой  
complaint handling — работа с жалобами  

Примеры с переводом

I wish to make a complaint.

Я хочу подать жалобу.

There was no occasion for complaint.

Не было оснований для жалоб.

They had the insolence to file a complaint.

У них хватило наглости подать жалобу.

The shop has been sitting on my complaint for more than a month.

Магазин почти месяц не давал ответа на мою жалобу.

Letters of complaint pour in from all quarters

Отовсюду сыплются письма с жалобами.

She endured her misfortune without complaint.

Она безропотно переносила свое несчастье.

The alleged victim made the complaint at a police station in York.

Предполагаемая жертва подала жалобу в полицейском участке Йорка.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He is being treated for a stomach complaint.

They lodged a complaint against the doctor for negligence.

Mr Kelly has lodged a formal complaint against the police.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): complaint
мн. ч.(plural): complaints

Sentences with the word Complaint?



  • «a common (or familiar) complaint«; «the usual greeting»
  • «an air-cooled motor was more effective than a witch’s broomstick for rapid long-distance transportation»-LewisMumford; «effective teaching methods»; «effective steps toward peace»; «made an effective entrance»; «his complaint proved to be effectual in bringing action»; «an efficacious law»
  • «file for divorce»; «file a complaint«
  • «he filed a complaint«; «he filed his tax return»
  • «there was no occasion for complaint«
  • «his attorney argued for the relation back of the amended complaint to the time the initial complaint was filed»

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