Sentence with word coin

монета, монетка, деньги, звонкая монета, чеканить, придумывать, штамповать


- монета

gold [silver, copper] coin — золотая [серебряная, медная] монета
small coin — разменная монета
base coin — а) фальшивая монета; б) амер. разменная монета
false coin — а) фальшивая монета; б) подделка
current coin — а) ходячая монета; б) распространённое мнение
coin collector — собиратель монет, нумизмат
to spin /to toss (up)/ a coin — а) играть в орлянку; б) решать пари /спор/ подбрасыванием монеты

- тк. sing разг. деньги

he has plenty of coin — у него много денег

- спец. штемпель, чекан, пу(а)нсон
- архит. угловой камень

to play smb. back in his own coin — отплатить кому-л. той же монетой


- чеканить (монету), выбивать (медаль)

to be coining money — делать деньги, обогащаться

- фабриковать, измышлять

to coin a lie — придумать ложь

- создавать новые слова, выражения

to coin a word — выдумать /создать/ новое слово


- монетный

coin show — выставка монет
coin slot — отверстие для опускания монеты (в телефоне-автомате и т. п.)

Мои примеры


to put a coin in circulation — выпускать монету в обращение  
to clip the coin — делать фальшивые деньги  
to pay a man back in his own coin — отплачивать той же монетой, отплачивать тем же  
to coin bad money — делать фальшивые деньги, фальшивомонетничать  
a coin is tossed — жребий брошен  
to change a coin — разменивать монету  
to coin new term — вводить новый термин  
to mint a coin — чеканить монету  
to refund a coin — возвращать монету  
dud coin — фальшивая монета  

Примеры с переводом

This coin will not pass.

Эту монету не примут.

I have a dollar in coins.

У меня есть доллар мелочью.

This coin is a counterfeit.

Эта монета фальшивая.

He’s coining money.

Он деньги лопатой гребёт.

A new coin was issued.

Была выпущена новая монета.

The coach coined the phrase “refuse to lose.”

Тренер придумал фразу “не желаем проигрывать”.

He fished for a coin in his pocket.

Он порылся в кармане в поисках монетки.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…seeking a job that pays plenty of coin…

She held the coin carefully between finger and thumb.

«What’s this right here?» «It’s a very rare gold coin.»

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

coinage  — чеканка монет, чеканка монеты, монетная система, металлические деньги, выдумка
coiner  — фальшивомонетчик, выдумщик, чеканщик
recoin  — перечеканивать, снова пропускать через печатный станок

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: coin
he/she/it: coins
ing ф. (present participle): coining
2-я ф. (past tense): coined
3-я ф. (past participle): coined

ед. ч.(singular): coin
мн. ч.(plural): coins

Sentences with the word Coin?



  • «the coin bank was empty»
  • «spin a coin«
  • «the Canadian dollar has the image of loon on one side of the coin«
  • «the probability that an unbiased coin will fall with the head up is 0.5″; «if that phone call is for me, chances are it’s my wife»
  • «coin phrases or words»
  • «the dollar coin has never been popular in the United States»
  • «the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln»; «the emperor’s tomb had his image carved in stone»
  • «I don’t know what to do—I may as well flip a coin
  • «mill a coin«
  • «in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately»; «he called each flip of the coin a new trial»
  • «the Post Office issued a series commemorating famous American entertainers»; «his coin collection included the complete series of Indian-head pennies»

A coin is a small, flat, (usually) round piece of metal or plastic used primarily as a medium of exchange or legal tender. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Watching video ads is voluntary if players want to speed up the rate they earn coins to win new characters.


Seeing you handle money helps kids learn to identify different bills and coins, count and make change.


It didn’t work out that way, in part because the «adaptation agenda» can only move forward if the protection of the climate and the protection of the poor are treated as two sides of one single, indivisible coin.


The other major coins are also lower today, but they are holding on to most of their recent gains although Ethereum, Monero, Litecoin, Ripple are still in a downtrend that has been dominating trading since June.


Just ask the numerous people who fell off Rainbow Ride after collecting 99 out of 100 coins if you need proof of that.


This year, Jamie Foxx, Paris Hilton and Floyd Mayweather all promoted «initial coin offerings».


The other side of that coin is that if you can’t claim the exemption, you can’t claim these credits.


Money sloshes around via exploding CGI coins — the digital puss of wealth accretion under authoritarian capitalism — yet the film fails to locate China’s live-stream stars in meaningful social context.


This year alone, there have been 151 initial coin offerings (ICOs)— mostly in communications (22.8 percent), finance (17.2 percent) and trading and investing (14.5 percent).


With hard-earned coin funding renovation you can spruce the place up a bit to receive guests, build an inn, construct some new walls and even hire some guards to fend off the occasional attack.


Each wave is fought by utilising the vast armory of weapons, skills, magic and power-ups that are available, with all weapons and skills upgradeable at a shop with coins collected during each game.


In 2014, he put 1 % of his net worth into Bitcoin, judging that the digital currency’s potential for large-scale economic disruption (see Forbes» cover story on the coin revolution) outweighed the risk of a total loss.


It’s on course to raise about $ 2 billion, mainly through an initial coin offering.


Sarah Hyndman has taken beer cans, coins, tape, food, stamps and half-eaten cookies to make her own personal version of the Olympic rings.


The truth is that liberalism and repression are two sides of the same coin; bourgeois freedom and democracy are inseparable from exclusion and dispossession.


Octopath Traveler: Wayfarer’s Edition, a special edition bundle that includes a stylized pop-up book, a helpful cloth map, the Octopath Traveler: Sound Selections CD and a replica coin based on the in-game currency, launches the same day.


Near term, I think EOS and BCH are the most promising coins.


In Mario Party 7, his Special Orb is the Vacuum Orb, which sucks up other characters» coins.


Many investors claim that these coins, in serving as payment methods, carry utilities, and should not be classified as securities or investment contracts.


Multiplayer is at its best in the Golden Vase mode, which is a single-screen competition to collect coins in a time limit, and the Tower of Nanner, a co-op mode where everyone tries to get to the top of a tower with only nine lives each.


The Bottom Line The Envision is a competent, comfortable conveyance for families with a little more coin to drop than average.


As price of each coin is a major component to calculating profit, they are susceptible to price manipulations as well.


The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Commissioner John Price has announced that the securities watchdog plans to extend guidelines for initial coin offerings (ICOs) in accordance with Australian Law.


This year’s St. Mary’s and Purdue squads are quite similar, with impressive offenses and sketchy defenses, so that one truly is a coin flip.


With more competitive exchange rates, the platform will attract more users who wish to quickly switch between coins.


For instance, it’s designed for a casual market and testing REACTIONS is a big part of the design, so there’s lots of clicking on things that could have been automated (picking up sunlight and coins, certain attacks with long charge-ups).


In trying to work both sides of the coin, developers harm themselves, their audience, and ultimately their game.


If you plan to make short-term or small-volume trades, you may be happy with storing your coins in your account on the exchange.


In a PoS system, on the other hand, forgers are determined by the amount of coins they own (their «stake») and the complexity of the network.


If you lose access to your Pvt kay all your coins will be gone.


In September, DJ Khaled also promoted an initial coin offering (ICO), a high-tech fundraising trend, calling digital currency a «game changer» on Instagram.


We can configure the coin validator to accept any -LSB-…]


We are actively looking into adding more coins.


One side of each shop is solely dedicated to purple coins of the current region, with exclusive souvenirs, stickers, and outfits available for purchase.


However, there are now more than a hundred cryptocurrency coins since their discovery in 2009.


Also, when the player Spin Jumps in front of a flower, it will drop a coin.


Jockey looks like one of those coin operated kiddie horse rides.


The latter includes destroyed or lost coins so it can not reflect an accurate figure for the market cap.


After all, according to crypto critics, there’s no reason to have so many coins when they’re all using the same basic building blocks.


This is a clear signature of correlations, as ten independent coins have 0.01 % chance to land on the same side simultaneously.


Tonal embroidery on the coin pocket and back welt pocket.


Cast your fishing line into the well for a chance at a rare catch, or steal coins to increase your fortune.


It’s pathetic that the future of the club is put on the flip of a coin if an ultra rich old man will get the complete power he wants?


Decred, as a crypto coin, truly works great with sufficiently greater chance of potential growth in the long run.


The other side of the «positive procrastination» coin is the theory of structured procrastination, which John Perry advocates as being the best way to channel natural procrastination tendencies into productivity.


Have students research the state they have been assigned and design a coin they think would be an appropriate representation of that state.


Bi-fold wallet for kids has a large pocket for paper money, a small zipper pocket to neatly store the coins found under the couch cushions, and several other tiny compartments to hold stickers, pretend driver licenses, and of course a library card!


Following Beta, Blockbid will launch its live exchange, which will include additional features, more coins and fiat currencies to be added, at a super low 0.1 % flat trading fee.


(If I’ve angered you then I may as well add that I’d rather have a hero like Terry Fox on our coins than any monarch.)


If he starts digging in an inappropriate area, shake a can of coins or blow a whistle to startle him and say «no dig.»


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


A clad coin is a coin that has multiple layers of metal in it.

Плакированный монета является монета, которая имеет несколько слоев металла в нем.

This process will yield a coin that will give the illusion of a rare and more expensive coin.

Этот процесс даст монету, которая создаст иллюзию редкой и более дорогой монеты.

Even if in 999.999 cases the coin went tails, there are only two possibilities for the coin to drop out this 1,000,000 times.

Даже если в 999.999 случаях монета выпала решкой, существует только две возможности выпадения монеты в этот 1.000.000 раз.

Moreover, behind each coin there is a real gram of the product created specifically to support the coin.

Более того, за каждой монетой стоит реальный грамм продукта, созданного специально для поддержки монеты.

It’s a perfect gift and not only coin collector would be happy to own this nice silver coin.

Это прекрасный подарок, и не только коллекционер монет будет счастлив владеть этой красивой серебряной монетой.

Just about every coin collector I know hopes to sell their coin collection for huge profit someday.

Почти каждый коллекционер монет, которого я знаю, надеется когда-нибудь продать свою коллекцию монет за огромную прибыль.

One of the most obvious signs that a coin is uncirculated is the absence of wear or rubbing on the coin‘s high points.

Одним из наиболее очевидных признаков того, что монета анциркулейтед является отсутствие износа или трения на высоких точках монеты.

Every year, a new coin series is issued, though the motif on the coin never changes.

Каждый год выпускаются монеты новых серий, хотя рисунок на монете не менялся ни разу.

The value of the coin was 60 kreutzers, and it was worth the gold coin — goldgulden.

Стоимость этой монеты составляла 60 крейцеров, и она соответствовала золотой монете — гольдгульдену.

Thus, the image of coin will appear at a higher level than actual position of coin.

Поэтому видимое изображение монеты находится выше, чем сама монета.

The coin is a sovereign: a type of gold coin with a face value of one pound.

Монета является совереном: тип золотой монеты номиналом один фунт.

The coin cannot move out of the strip or jump on or over another coin.

Монету нельзя перемещать за пределы ленты, а также перепрыгивать через другие монеты или на них.

A stable coin is a coin that has a fixed value.

На самом деле стабильная монета — это монета, предназначенная для того, чтобы держать стабильную стоимость.

The worth of the coin is right there in the coin.

A coin detector initially registers that a coin has been inserted and unlocks a brake so the handle can move.

Детектор монет сначала регистрирует то, что монета была вставлена, а затем разблокирует тормоз так, чтобы ручка может двигаться.

The unconditional leader is a coin of 1/2 kopeck1961 The coin was printed after the monetary reform.

Безусловным лидером является монета 1/2 копейки 1961 г. Монета была отпечатана после денежной реформы.

Act of March 3, 1851, authorized the 3-cent coin, the smallest denomination of silver coin ever produced.

Закон от З марта 1851 года разрешил монету в 3 цента, самую маленькую номинал серебряной монеты из когда-либо выпущенных.

With only one specimen existing, this coin is probably the rarest and most valuable coin in U.S. history.

Известен только один экземпляр данной монеты, она является наиболее редкой и ценной монетой в истории США.

ICOs, or initial coin offerings, are what companies do when they are introducing their coin to the market.

ICO или первоначальные предложения монет — это то, что делают компании, когда они вводят свою монету на рынок.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат coin

Результатов: 20552. Точных совпадений: 20552. Затраченное время: 126 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

How to use coin in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «coin» and check conjugation/comparative form for «coin«. Mastering all the usages of «coin» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Coin of the day: BURST — First truly Green coin and most overlooked coin.
And, well, «coin» is too generic unless you’re coin trade press.
Jesus Coin (a parody coin that has nonetheless been traded like a real one) and Christ Coin (a non-parody coin that has been shunned as though it were a spoof) have encountered no namesake legal issues.
It’s another side to the coin, but it’s still the same coin.
There are two coin-operated washing machines and two coin-operated dryers.
Every last DK Coin and bonus coin in Donkey Kong Country 23.
For instance, one $5 coin will cost the face value of the coin, the cost of designing and making the coin, and a surcharge of $35.
Also on the outs are the Coin Rewards and the Coin Developer Program.
MG: Something that’s the shape of a coin but is not a coin.
Now I have a coin collection of every state dating back to a Delaware coin made in 1.83 to the final coin made in Hawaii in 1959.
Like many coin offerings, Dragon Coin has failed to live up to its promises.
For each coin in circulation there’s an equivalent U.S. dollar coin held in reserves.
The coin is bigger than former President Barack Obama’s challenge coin — by a lot.
Cost of coin production might go up, but that doesn’t affect coin price at all.
But like many coin offerings, Dragon Coin has failed to live up to its promises.
The Professional Coin Grading Service authenticated Green’s coin and assigned it a value of $24,000.
The Central Bank of Ireland issued her silver proof coin on Wednesday as a limited edition collector coin, marking the first time a woman appears on an Irish commemorative coin.
But if the coin followed the rules of quantum mechanics, the coin would be flipping midair.
Just like the knight coin, another portion of the coin opens up after activating the switch.
Coin Rewards and the Coin Developer Program are being shut down immediately, but existing Coin cards will remain under their one-year manufacturer’s warranty and continue functioning until the battery gives out.
The commemorative coin is available in gold and silver proof, with prices varying from 13 pounds for a £5 Brilliant uncirculated coin cover to £2,100 for the one ounce gold proof coin.
China Bans Initial Coin Offerings, Warning of Financial ScamsThe initial coin offering party is over in China.
The process repeats, the coin speeds up, the funnel deepens and narrows, the coin goes ever downwards.
Last month, China banned cryptocurrency exchanges and initial coin offerings, while South Korea banned initial coin offerings.
Comebacks are the coin of the realm in elite sports, often because of the coin at stake.
The coin is a sovereign: a type of gold coin with a face value of one pound.
But Fitbit isn’t buying Coin for its current Coin 2.0 gadget; that’s actually being left out of the deal and Coin says its existing products can be used until their internal batteries die.
In fact, he said it’s the only coin traders should be buying as the coin becomes more mainstream.
Similarly, don’t prey on speculators expecting your coin offering to appreciate simply by virtue of being a coin.
A charity coin spinner – also known as a spiral wishing well, coin funnel or a coin vortex donation box – has a slot in the side, into which you roll a pound coin, and then you stare down through the clear domed plastic covering to observe your pound’s journey down the funnel.
Despite the «coin» in the name of this wallet, I would absolutely not recommend it as a coin pouch.
Bonus: Coin In/Coin Out, a new kiosk-slash-gallery by local artists Geovanna Gonzalez and Angel Lauren Garcia.
Coin flips In Alaska in 2006, a Democratic primary for a House seat was decided by a coin toss.
Since 1792, the coin has transferred between eight numismatists, and in 1942, collector Eric P. Newman acquired the coin.
Grant Holland from Wilmington, N.C., inherited his coin collection and its special memories: My grandparents started a coin collection back in 1999 saving every quarter from each state and placed it into a coin collection book.
They punched and backflipped and roundhoused — dropping coin after coin — until finally, forearms sore, they reached the game’s end screen.
The cryptocurrency, called «estcoin,» could be launched via the digital coin community’s version of crowdfunding – an initial coin offering (ICO).
«Pump and dumpers are people who often say, ‘Hey, let’s all of us together pump this coin,’ which means buy the coin, create the demand in the market, the coin will go up in value,» Saddington says.
Once you’ve created your coin and are ready to launch, you need to reach out to exchanges to carry your coin.
Two factors could explain why these results deviate from commonly-held conceptions: time and crypto partisanship by coin (or coin tribalism).
Soon, we’ll see what happens when countries with really screwed-up financial systems start insisting that their coin is the best coin.
It’s hard to say, since the coin itself is currently undergoing its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) crowdsale and does not yet exist.
This will raise the price of the coin and help pay for infrastructure, as well as boost the growth of the coin.
«Coin of the day,» the account tweeted, promoting GVT, a new digital coin that had started trading in the fall of 2017.
You may think coins aren’t worth a damn, but that money that goes in the bin coin by coin really adds up.
The Red Purse contains a £5 coin, commemorating the 200th anniversary of Queen Victoria’s birth & a 50p coin portraying Sherlock Holmes. pic.twitter.
The digital coin industry is increasingly trying to find ways to curry favor with regulators on fundraisers known as initial coin offerings.
The SEC has ordered civil penalties against Airfox and Paragon Coin that sold digital tokens deemed as securities in initial coin offerings.
JPM Coin also puts a spotlight on Ripple, a startup with its own crypto coin and payment network that uses blockchain technology.
The Pirate Bay used a tool called Coin Hive to hijack visitors’ browsers, and it’s not clear how many customers Coin Hive has.
Coin Hive’s landing page features a demo that uses your browser to mine cryptocurrency, and with No Coin enabled it would not work.
That’s the claim made on a website promoting McAfee’s services to companies launching a new digital coin or planning an initial coin offering.
The data that exists on your Coin will continue to be protected via your tap code, should you continue to use your Coin.
Take a coin from your pocket (I’m assuming you have a coin, if not, get one), and hold it up to the moon.
That’s how a duck can quack in English, ga ga in Japanese, coin coin in French, kyra kyra in Russian, and so on.
That would be like flipping a coin, getting three heads in a row, and then concluding that coin flips always end on heads.
According to The Washington Post, Trump «was personally involved in redesigning the coin,» so dropping «E pluribus unum» from his coin was intentional.
It was worth roughly $1 per coin in February and after the arrests in April, it’s dropped to less than $0.02 per coin.
Perhaps one day, you’ll book your next flight using American Airlines-Coin, or pay for your trip to Disney World with Disney-Coin.
The coin now on pre-sale at the White House gift shop isn’t identical to the original White House Communications Agency coin: It features Trump, Kim, and President Moon Jae-In of South Korea, and comes in a black velvet coin case.
If the anecdotal evidence of Clinton winning six coin flips is correct, she would have won six county delegates through coin flips (setting aside the fact that party records show Sanders also won six county delegates as a result of coin flips).
MUSIC-QUEEN-COIN/ UK issues commemorative coin celebrating rock band Queen LONDON (Reuters) — Britain’s Royal Mint has issued its first commemorative coin featuring a British rock group, in a tribute to the late Freddie Mercury and the three other band members of Queen.
The everyday person can no longer either mine the coin or expect to use the coin in everyday transactions without high fees or risk.
The pair behind My Big Coin also claimed that the coin was backed by gold and was partnering with MasterCard, two obviously false assertions.
Fitbit was quick to point out that the acquisition was just a piece of the larger Coin puzzle and doesn’t include, say, Coin 2.0.
Although the highly volatile coin has plunged from its record high of $103,340 last December, it’s still worth just over $6,800 a coin today.
«We are glad both agencies will continue to target frauds and scams masquerading as initial coin offerings,» said Jerry Brito, Coin Center’s executive director.
The platform suspended trading of Bitcoin Cash after its value soared from $3,000 a coin to more than $8,500 a coin within an hour.
In the world of coin offerings, Mr. Zaslavskiy’s were small potatoes — the S.E.C. said REcoin, his real estate coin, had raised only around $300,000.
Despite several startups working on a stable coin, though, neither Song nor Byrne were convinced that a truly stable coin is on the way.
The coin will have a $100 face value and goes on sale April 6 to commemorate the 225th anniversary of the mint’s coin production.
The platform suspended trading of Bitcoin Cash after its value soared from $3,85033 a coin to more than $8,500 a coin within an hour.
The platform suspended trading of Bitcoin Cash after its value soared from $3,000 a coin to more than $8,500 a coin within an hour.
Investors might be loathe to buy into a coin based in China due to some of its crackdowns, such as banning digital coin issuances.
The new £1 coin is based on an old 12-sided three-penny bit, a popular British coin which went out of circulation in 1971.
After Blakeman told the teams the coin had not flipped, he stuck with Rodgers’s tails call as he successfully flipped the coin a second time.
What the Des Moines Register said — you know, there were coin — I think there were half a dozen coin flips — a fairly chaotic type situation.
He spoke of creating a possible «deplorables coin» at Harvard in a small event this spring, which would be a coin presumably for Trump supporters.
The No.2 coin by market capitalisation Ethereum has gained 21 percent in the same period, with No.3 coin Ripple’s XRP gaining 1003 percent.
«There’s a couple of iconic rarities in the rare coin market,» said David Hall, co-founder of Professional Coin Grading Service of Santa Ana, California.
Messaging app Kik, popular among teens, had its own initial coin offering (ICO) last year, raising nearly $100 million for Kin, its ethereum-based coin.
One coin on heads and one coin on tails — called «odds» or «one them» — means there is a replay and the coins are tossed again.
Users will only get one coin for each insight, which is equivalent to each potential coin-earning opportunity — a streak, each new sticker earned, etc.
A red one had a five pound coin marking 200 years since Queen Victoria’s birth and a 50 pence coin depicting fictional detective Sherlock Holmes.
While the digital coin, the largest by market cap, once hovered near $20,000, the coin was priced at approximately $6,700 Thursday, 5:30 p.m. ET.
A TV viewer had noticed that Thompson had placed her coin alongside her ball, then later put the ball down in front of the coin.
JPMorgan will control the JPM Coin ledger, and each coin will be backed by a dollar in JPMorgan accounts, giving the coins a stable value.
That made it an appealing coin in which to park funds between trades, even though the coin has been dogged by hacks and rumors of fraud.
Its developers tried to keep the coin alive as Coinye instead of Coinye West, but despite their efforts, nobody mines or trades this coin in 2017.
The coin sales, or «initial coin offerings,» give investors the chance to buy into a new digital token while letting developers get easy access to funding.
Witz said that the Luna Coin will be a utility coin, meaning that it’s designed for a specific purpose and not as an investment or security.
Susan B. Anthony The suffragist was the first woman to appear on an American coin: a $1 coin produced from 1979-81 and again in 1999.
This time, while official results are still being tabulated, reporters’ tweets suggest several caucuses have been decided by coin toss so far: The coin toss pic.twitter.
The coin, with a $100 face value, will commemorate the 22003th anniversary of the Mint’s coin production, the Mint and the Treasury Department announced on Thursday.
Nearly $400 million has been lost or stolen from coin sales known as initial coin offerings, accounting giant Ernst & Young said in a report released Monday.
Canadian mint releases luminescent coin In commemoration of its 21994th anniversary, Canada released a glow-in-the-dark coin into circulation, a first for the country.
Here’s Oscar Owen teasing you with three tricks you can do with a coin—making a coin teleport, disappear, and switch hands—and then crushing you as he explains how he pulls it off (it can be as simple as pushing the coin off the table).
It’s difficult to predict exactly where a single coin will land — there are just too many factors influencing which way the coin will bounce at each peg.
Starting on Wednesday, Chainalysis customers can track Binance coin, Gemini dollar, Tether, and USD coin on Chainalysis KYT (Know Your Transaction), the firm’s anti-money laundering service.
Vending machines use light sensors to measure the size of a coin and electromagnets to detect the metal type to determine what kind of coin it is.
Ripple reached a record-high of $3.65 per coin earlier this month which briefly made it the world’s two largest cryptocurrency based on total coin market cap.
Bitcoiin has been a dubious coin since its launch and this mysterious exit, which removes the only recognizable figure associated with the coin — Steven Seagal — doesn’t help.
It reached a record-high of $3.65 per coin earlier this month which briefly made it the world’s two largest cryptocurrency based on total coin market cap.
It was a 2,000-year-old gold coin with the face of a Roman emperor, so rare that only one other such coin is known to exist.
The platform announced the arrival of the indaHash Coin this week, with the pre-ICO (initial coin offering) set for November 8 and running for a week.
Determinism versus randomnessIn physics-speak, scientists categorize a coin flip as deterministic, since the outcome is determined by factors that are in place before the coin lands.
For decades, the Treasury Department denied the existence and legitimacy of these 20 pennies, but Lutes had the coin authenticated by coin expert Walter Breen in 1958.
Hillary Clinton got very lucky in Iowa and reportedly won all of the coin tosses in the state—though she didn’t win all the non-coin toss tiebreakers.
But when I drop it into her cup, I realize it isn’t a 11 Euro coin but some foreign coin that was in my pocket for some reason.
Earth is at the center of the coin; the nodes are the two points on the coin&aposs rim that are on the same ecliptic plane as Earth.
Scott Travers, a coin dealer in New York, says investors sometimes resubmit the same coin ten or 20 times to the same company in hope of an upgrade.
New digital tokens are created via a process known as an initial coin offering (ICO) where a start-up can issue a new coin which investors can buy.
Ether is the second-largest digital currency by market value, according to Coinmarketcap data, and is commonly used in digital coin sales known as initial coin offerings (ICOs).
Facebook could guarantee the value of the coin by backing every coin with a set number of dollars, euros and other national currencies held in Facebook bank accounts.
Four days after the YouTube review was published, Greene turned to Twitter to brag that Hacken’s coin was up 14 percent on the day to $1.54 per coin.
They stopped to ask a peasant which way to go, and the peasant told them, and the king handed him a tip—a coin—and the peasant looked at the coin, realized that the face on the coin was the face that he was looking at, and turned them in.
Mainframe is known for its antics back in March, when it avoided regulatory scrutiny over initial coin offerings by giving away its new coin for free at a party.
Aaron Rodgers Mad About The Coin Flip Tho Had Blakeman let his first coin toss go, Rodgers would have lost, since he called tails and it landed on heads.
You must use only four coin values and you must be able to create the values 23 through 28 using one coin at a minimum and two coins maximum.
He expects more projects based on ethereum’s platform will deliver throughout the year, such as coin for online casinos called FunFair, and Dent, a coin for buying mobile data.
The website showed that tron’s latest gains gave the coin a market cap of $13.5 billion, greater than that of litecoin and just behind that of another coin, stellar.
Symbolism aside, the new Lady Liberty coin is «really beautiful,» said Jeff Garrett, the president of the American Numismatic Association, who saw the coin several months ago in Washington.
The coin, the first to be introduced in 30 years, has 12 sides and contains a secret security feature that is believed to be embedded inside the coin itself.
Still, the firm though is participating in the initial coin offering at Telegram, sources say, and last month backed the initial coin offering at Basis, which raised $133 million.
Inside Bistro Adler, a woman was throwing coin after coin into the slot machine, while another slept huddled in a chair—her blonde wig had slipped off, exposing her head.
This can introduce confusion in keeping track of transactions and ShapeShift (a popular platform for coin-to-coin conversions) doesn’t provide users with records of their trades, according to Cross.
It also incorporates an additional material inside the coin itself, which can be detected electronically by coin-counting and payment machines, as well as micro-sized lettering and a hologram.
While it was the world’s largest gold coin when it was issued, in 2007, that distinction is now held by the Australian Kangaroo One Tonne Gold Coin, minted in 2011.
LONDON (Reuters) — A rare 1937 Edward VIII sovereign coin has been bought by a private collector for 1 million pounds ($1.31 million), making it the most expensive British coin ever.
While it was the world’s largest gold coin when it was issued, in 23622, that distinction is now held by the Australian Kangaroo One Tonne Gold Coin, minted in 2212.
If that results in another coin being identified, and that coin is itself used as a mixin in a subsequent transaction, it can reduce the stealth of those later transactions, too.
Facebook first started blocking ads promoting cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings in January 2018 over concerns that users might be scammed by initial coin offerings offered by some crypto start-ups.
In that process, a company issues a new digital coin in exchange for money, and the coin has can either be traded or used on a service offered by the company.
Although the federal government began issuing an official one-ounce palladium coin last year, palladium is «not a big bar-and-coin market,» said Philip Newman, the director of Metals Focus.
An article on Tuesday about the theft of a 221-pound coin known as the Big Maple Leaf from the Bode Museum in Berlin erroneously attributed a distinction to the coin.
Milk + Clay coin pouch, $2000, and necklace, $200,
According to Bitcoin developer Jimmy Song, a digital stand-in for the US dollar would make it easier to do coin-for-coin trades (called «atomic swaps») say, one bitcoin for one stable coin, without the need for an exchange to mediate the transaction because the stable coin’s value will always be the same.
The market’s wild-west days ended in 1986 when the first independent coin certifier, the Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS), based in California, established itself as an authority on authenticity and quality.
But this involves another assumption: If an agent’s measurement says that the coin toss came up heads, then the opposite fact—that the coin toss came up tails—cannot be simultaneously true.
Those factors include the angle at which the coin starts out on your thumb, the force your hand exerts on the coin, the pull of gravity, friction in the air, and more.
The easiest way to tell if you have a potentially valuable coin is to first look it up on reputable websites such as the Numismatists Guaranty Corporation or Professional Coin Grading Service.
In laymen’s terms, this claim is the equivalent of flipping a coin twice, having both come up heads, and declaring that the coin is «very likely» to have heads on both sides.
INTERNATIONAL An article on Tuesday about the theft of a 221-pound coin known as the Big Maple Leaf from the Bode Museum in Berlin erroneously attributed a distinction to the coin.
In its latest effort to fend off cryptocurrency scams, the Securities and Exchange Commission launched its own fake initial coin offering website today called the Howey Coin to warn people against fraudulent cryptocurrencies.
Since the beginning of 2017, 65 startups have raised $522 million using initial coin offerings — trading a digital coin (essentially an investment in their company) for a digital currency, like Bitcoin or Ether.
The Washington President coin will be publicly unveiled at the Coin and Collectibles Expo in Long Beach, California on Thursday, and will be displayed in New York and Chicago before the Philadelphia auction.
Congress’ own budget watchdog – the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) – recognizes the many benefits of a dollar coin and has recommended switching to the dollar coin ten times over the last 24 years.
Coin flips, poker hands and other crazy ways America settles tied elections Other races have been decided with random games like coin flips, pulling a high card from a deck or drawing straws.
The designer of the commemorative coin, Edwina Ellis, said in a press release sent to Mashable that she wanted the coin to represent how Hawking succeeded in making complicated science easier to understand.
But Chinese officials have been moving against the digital currency for months, banning fundraising through digital coin launches (technically known as Initial Coin Offerings, or ICOs) and ordering local exchanges to halt operations.
President George H. W. Bush tosses the coin for #SB51!
Global retail investment, including coin and bar demand, was mixed.
The value of the coin has not yet been revealed.
It is two sides to the same coin of bigotry.
Photo: GettyThe initial coin offering party is over in China.
Regulators stepped up enforcement of initial coin offerings in November.
The two later flip a coin after the disappearing incident.
So flip a coin if you ask me to choose.
But I am not going there like flipping a coin.
The paradox is just two sides of the same coin.
There’s also the question of who is receiving the coin.
The country prohibited initial coin offerings (ICOs) starting in September.
The seal assured the weight and authenticity of the coin.
He then pivoted straight into the possible forthcoming Facebook Coin.
We don’t think we’ll be buying any Facebook Coin, either. 
» The question that remains is: «Will people trust that coin?
To the sort of two sides of the same coin.
The real risk of Facebook’s Libra coin is crooked developers
As of writing, Bitcoin is hovering around $745 per coin.
Investing in initial coin offerings, or ICOs, is a minefield.
I toss a coin repeatedly until it comes up heads.
TO CRITICS, predicting cryptocurrencies’ value is like flipping a coin.
Might as well flip a coin here … it’s 50/50.
Many coin locations were more rewarding than the stages themselves.
XVG is an epitome of a coin driven by mania.
The digital coin also received approval from the country’s parliament.
He has coin, ambition and comfort in his own skin.
Of course, the other side of that coin is wow.
I mean, this is very interesting to coin a phrase.
The coin, titled «The Canadian Landscape,» can be found here.
«She’s going to be on a coin someday,» he said.
«It was not easy parting with the coin,» she said.
The benefit is even murkier for a crypto coin company.
Flip a coin and hope it comes up heads. 21950.
Fear and optimism are two sides of the same coin.
A tiny wooden rabbi, with a coin in his hand.
We do not have a one cent coin in canada.
I’ve inserted my coin, I’m ready for that replay.  Yeah.
We hope this [composition] makes some coin for the beneficiaries!
Not that the coin you’re holding will ever need it.
The coin is not sold on any major cryptocurrency exchange.
In exchange, they said, Gross helped the operator of Coin.
Prosecutors last year charged Murgio over the operation of Coin.
The coin is now available on the Royal Mint’s website.
The D.C. based cryptocurrency Coin Center group praised Hinman’s remarks.
Trump and Kim are two sides of the same coin.
This donation knocks out a huge chunk of that coin.
S. gold coin sales vs Dow Jones industrial average: reut.
For years, I tossed a coin or called my mother.
A coin in good condition could go for about $75,000.
Said Sonya Curry, «We are flipping a coin every game.»
Mara Wyrm, especially when you have the Coin, is ideal.
The coin is a reminder to never forget your goals.
Only a finite number of coin — 22014m — can be created.
XRP is the digital coin network participants use for transactions.
The Libra coin is not a traditional cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.
And, for now, bitcoin is the only digital coin accepted.
Solidarity and kinship are two sides of the same coin.
Initial coin offerings, a form of crowdfunding, carry on apace.
Gross and Yuri Lebedev, who prosecutors say worked on Coin.
Donald and Hillary, they’re flip sides of the same coin.
Items inside include a fridge magnet and a chocolate coin.
His coin collection was reduced to a few melted pieces.
Network participants use a digital coin called XRP for transactions.
It is now trading at just below $8,000 a coin.
But to build a news division, that takes serious coin.
The weekend of the conference, it hit $4,000 a coin.
In exchange, they say, Gross helped the operator of Coin.
Of course Goatse Coin is not one of those projects.
I recently went to Milwaukee, and that was good coin.
Brown won the coin toss and elected to go second.
They know that that’s the other side of the coin.
To coin a phrase: The revolution will not be embargoed.
What we’re doing is two sides of the same coin.
By all means, do this if you have the coin.
He is, to coin a Rushkoffian term, a «digigenic» candidate.
How do you flip a coin and it doesn’t flip?
And then there’s the sweeter side of the dumpling coin.
Prosecutors said that beginning in 2013, Anthony Murgio operated Coin.
Last month, the virtual coin rose more than 400 percent.
In daily journalism, sources are the coin of the realm.
«She had only flipped half the coin,» Mr. Casal said.
«They’re two sides of the same coin,» Ms. Nandy said.
«Both represent two sides of the same coin,» Dent wrote.
Are you going to allow initial coin offerings on Nasdaq?
I just had acknowledged not every coin was the same.
Those two things are two sides of the same coin.
Café du Coin, 9 Rue Camille Desmoulins, 11th Arrondissement, Tel.
Expertise is a coin of the realm among political journalists.
«We were going to flip a coin,» Ms. Chou said.
Both impulses, two sides of the same coin, are fair.
No one puts a coin in the empty guitar case.
Though the copper coin solved one mystery, it presented another.
And lastly, a commemorative Brexit coin will come into circulation.
Entering the day, Saturday’s game was basically a coin flip.
The digital coin reached $2.51, according to data from CryptoCompare.
In each of four paintings, women interact with a coin.
The flip side of this coin is, of course, wages.
And meanwhile, you know, there’s a scarcity valuing the coin.
It costs over $1,000 per coin to create a bitcoin.
Procurement costs alone exceed the face value of this coin.
«I see them taking in a good chunk of coin
They are the flip sides of the same populist coin.
Proponents of the coin boom say this misses the point.
But bitcoin bulls say the coin is not dead yet.
Source: Coin Dance Meanwhile, institutional interest in bitcoin is rising.
That you’re pushing along with a potential coin offering — ICO?
Collectors expect the black Lady Liberty coin to be popular.
Some were starting companies with initial coin offerings, or ICOs.
Five other individuals have been charged in connection with Coin.
That will buttress the demand for the platform’s digital coin.
«Nothing has changed in terms of coin transaction,» he added.
There’s no doubt there are two sides to the coin.
In fact, they are two sides of the same coin.
The coin, pictured above, is more than a little troubling.
I realized, well isn’t there another side of this coin?
Everyone tries to coin their own subgenres apparently these days!
Meaning having a coin that has a large market cap.
When Alice gets a YES for her measurement, she infers that the coin toss came up tails, and when Bob gets a YES for his measurement, he infers the coin toss came up heads.
I hope this article is universally panned as a sportswriter panicking about the random fluctuations and coin flips of sports all coming up «BORING» one after another and ascribing meaning to those coin flips.
After you create a successful coin system for your country, the neighboring countries ask you to do the same for them, but to please not repeat the same coin system for any of them.
Currency exchanges such as Coinbase, headquartered in San Francisco, allow anyone to buy a coin or a fraction of a coin for either fiat or cryptocurrencies, thus opening up the market to new users.
Dozens of companies and developers have also created «initial coin offerings,» or ICOs, in which a firm offers investors the chance to buy a proprietary virtual coin to raise money for a new venture.
Impak Coin has already raised more than C$1.5 million ($1.18 million) for the new currency and plans to launch an Initial Coin Offering — or a public sale of the digital money — this month.
«In military tradition, a coin is placed in the palm of the hand of the person presenting it, and then the recipient shakes that person’s hand and receives the coin in the handshake,» Hosford explains.
California-based CashBet said on Wednesday that the Premier League club had agreed to become its «exclusive and official Blockchain Partner» ahead of the upcoming «initial coin offering» (ICO) of its new cryptocurrency, «CashBet Coin«.
Posted 03 July 2016 In the late 1800 and early 1900s, coin-op machines began were finding their way into bars, saloons and shops, and coin-op arcades were popular destinations in many major cities.
«If JPM Coin is a cryptocurrency, then Facebook credits and World of Warcraft money are cryptocurrencies,» Jerry Brito, executive director of DC-based policy research and advocacy group Coin Center, told me over the phone.
MORE (R-Ariz.) reintroduced The COINS Act as S. 21625 this year to 2900) replace $220006 notes with the $2202 coin and 2628) change the composition of the five cent coin to 28500 percent copper.
Yet unlike the doctor, the physicist can’t simply flip a coin to eliminate the freedom-of-choice loophole since that coin might physically influence the system being measured in ways not realized by the physicist.
Overstock’s gains accelerated in the last few months after news that the company is planning to launch a licensed digital coin trading platform through its subsidiary tZero and raise funds through an initial coin offering.
BERLIN (Reuters) — German special police commandos have arrested four men aged 18 to 20 suspected of stealing a gold coin worth about $5403 million from Berlin’s Bode Museum, but they failed to find the coin.
I think the election is a coin toss at this point.
Proof of a coin toss at Des Moines East High School.
The fastest method is to just install No Coin in Chrome.
It is considered to be the most secure coin ever developed.
The processing service converts each type of coin for a fee.
The popularity of coin offerings has surged in China this year.
The coin depicts the 3rd century BC ruler, King Ptolemy III.
And many expressed their doubts with initial coin offerings, or ICOs.
These villainesses are two very different sides of the same coin.
Moreover, the man loses the sheep; the woman loses her coin.
As the COIN team grew, it was merged into Marketplace Analytics.
Kristen Santillo, Gross’ lawyer, said he was tricked into believing Coin.
Celebrities including Paris Hilton and Jamie Foxx were endorsing coin offerings.
Whoever doesn’t have their coin on them has to buy drinks.
Which side of that coin does Daryl fall on right now?
It has a digital coin known as ether linked to it.
The rare-coin market, however, has long had a reputational problem.
Moreover, COIN was a viable strategy, which had worked in Iraq.
That was not the only coin-related confusion of the day.
The duo also inquired about purchasing a more expensive domain — coin.
My freedom was put at risk because of a coin flip.
Somebody caught ’em all … and paid some serious coin for it!!!
That option is, admittedly, dependent on the toss of a coin.
Hanan even scored a small keepsake from Martin — a Westeros coin.
In Iowa, the ties were broken by a controversial coin toss.
So, Circle launched its U.S. dollar-backed «stable coin» in May.
But buying packs — especially with Madden’s Coin currency — is a waste.
News of the coin received a mixed reaction on social media.
At time of writing this, it is around $17,000 a coin.
The U.S. Mint was not alone in limiting silver coin sales.
He believes Facebook’s token or coin will look «exactly» like Kik’s.
On the opposite side of the coin is men holding fish.
Art-Grani previously minted a Putin coin after Russia annexed Crimea.
The more you share, the more your Luna Coin stash grows.
That’s quite a lot of coin to drop on any instrument.
It may actually be — I rarely say this — a coin flip!
No, Clinton didn’t win Iowa because of a coin flip 4.
So it’s incorrect to say that Clinton won every coin flip.
It’s two sides of the same coin though, challenge and opportunity.
When a coin gets stuck, it often passes on its own.
But a coin toss is actually more accurate than expert opinion.
Is it kind of a different side of the same coin?
Do you think there’s room for more than one stable coin?
You can see the coin has gone directly through the table.
What I gather Japan did was they call it J-coin.
I said it last year: Playoffs, it’s flip a coin sometimes.
In the United States, by contrast, digital coin transactions are taxable.
There is now the infamous creation of the summit challenge coin.
Luckily, the hosts of Coin Talk know just what to say.
Each coin is associated with its owner by a digital key.
Be on the lookout for phony initial coin offerings or ICOs.
The «coin of the realm» for a president is his time.
I don’t know if it’s true, and I didn’t coin that.
What are the other unique coin systems that you can create?
But a coin is virtual money and a token is not.
Rimon said she spotted the shining coin in the grass nearby.
Two players from the 1966 game would toss the game coin.
«They are two sides of the same coin,» she told me.
Machado’s characters, a miser who glimpses a friend’s coin collection, reflects,
«For Amusement Only,» coin-operated entertainment from the early 20th century.
Let me give you the other side of the statistical coin.
If we play Texas again, it’s likely a coin-flip game.
XRP is the digital coin that network participants use for transactions.
Sometimes we flip a coin, allowing chance to decide for us.
Secretary Clinton, you won the coin toss, so you’ll go first.
The latest: apparently launching a bitcoin-based cryptocurrency called Goatse Coin.
But most importantly: Is the plan to launch a coin… real?
It helped us a lot, but the coin has two sides.
Information is more akin to a kiss than to a coin.
If I may coin a phrase: It’s the white resentment, stupid.
«It’s like flipping a coin,» polling analyst Jorge Giacobbe told Reuters.
How do you have slow-mo HD isolation on the coin?
Meanwhile, the SEC has become increasingly vocal on initial coin offerings.
You don’t have to buy one whole coin at a time.
However, he welcomed more regulation around Initial Coin Offerings or ICOs.
Initial coin offerings (ICO) have been banned in China since 22.
«They are two sides of the same coin,» Tim Murtaugh said.
Suffice to say, essentially no coin offerings have followed these rules.
Nasdaq’s C.E.O. praised the S.E.C.’s scrutiny of initial coin offerings.
A coin flip was used as a tiebreaker, and Hamlin won.
That’s why its fate is so, to coin a phrase, uncertain.
Fox slotted in a coin and hit the 1 PLAYER button.
He had flipped a coin and stood staunchly by the results.
«It’s the other side of the same coin, basically,» she explains.
Rates futures have suggested this as a coin-toss coming in.
Every time a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin.
What’s indisputable is that coin offerings are quickly growing in popularity.
The presidential challenge coin produced for White House Communications Agency members.
The coin of the realm is knowing what they don’t know.
If you kept going, you’d stop believing the coin is weighted.
«I had the tickets,» Ms. Coin said by phone from Rome.
Some big names are participating in Unikrn’s unique initial coin offering.
They’re encouraged to pick up every coin and appreciate its value.
Bitcoin is the «coin of the realm» in the dark web.
Demands seven and eight are two sides of the same coin.
The Harry Potter coin developers claim the attack isn’t so dire.
However, ethereum dropped after some initial coin offerings clogged its network.
What if we can only have one side of the coin?
Trust but verify: Here’s what the Canadian loonie coin looks like.
And that of course is the other side of that coin.
Those rolls «make coin roll hunting worth the time and effort.»
Initial coin offerings have found favor with the unlikeliest of supporters.
These so-called initial coin offerings have exploded in recent months.
In 2017, the Chinese government banned initial coin offerings (ICOs) outright.
How about shelling out some real coin once in a while?
A granite display stand is supplied with the coin when purchased.
The coin design was striking and simple, highlighting the country’s wildlife.
We need to just flip a coin, no thinking, no deciding.
True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar.
Looking back a month, bitcoin was worth around $8,500 a coin.
He said the hype surrounding initial coin offerings was «quite tremendous».
«To have justice, it’s two sides of the coin,» she said.
The official Challenge coin for the first lady, Melania Trump The official challenge coin for Vice President Mike Pence Concerned about running afoul of rules barring government resources from being used for partisan political purposes, the White House Counsel’s Office warned staff members not to display the Republican National Committee’s challenge coin, or any paraphernalia with Mr. Trump’s campaign slogan, in government buildings.
Monero has since been updated to reduce the chance of successfully identifying which is the real coin and which are the mixins using the second method to 45 percent, still essentially flip-of-the-coin odds.
Just earlier this month, a penny coin dating back to 1933—one of only four ever made—was sold for £53,000 ($103,951), the world record amount for a copper or bronze coin ever sold at auction.
In an April post, Washington, DC think tank Coin Center’s director of research Peter Van Valkenburgh wrote that ether shouldn’t be a security because no third party is behind the virtual coin providing us with profits.
Here’s the full statement from the SFC: SFC issues statement on initial coin offerings The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) today issued a statement on existing regulations which could be applicable to initial coin offerings (ICOs).
Lyrics such as «Toss a coin to your Witcher, O valley of plenty/O valley of plenty, ohhhohhh/Toss a coin to your Witcher, a friend of humanity» pay homage to Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill).
When the coin goes on sale on Thursday it will be available only to so-called accredited investors, which allows the coin to be exempt from many S.E.C. regulations that are intended to protect smaller investors.
But if Facebook goes with a coin it does not entirely control, it will be harder for the company to make money from transaction fees and easier for criminals to use the coin for illegal purposes.
The decree is designed to attract digital coin entrepreneurs, who are moving businesses to locations more welcoming to crypto-currencies as they face intensifying scrutiny from regulators over digital currency fund-raising, known as initial coin offerings.
Earlier this year, the SEC had halted what it alleged was a fraudulent initial coin offering by AriseBank to raise $1 billion for its «AriseCoin» cryptocurrency, which was considered one of the largest initial coin offerings ever.
For one, Digital Currency Group CEO Barry Silbert predicted that the U.S. Federal Reserve and the People’s Bank of China will seek to digitize their current fiat currencies, issuing something akin to RMB-coin, or dollar-coin.
In the cryptocurrency field, proof of stake might be if you have, let’s say, 10 coins and I have one coin your vote might be worth 10x as much authority as what my one coin would be.
The company’s involvement with cryptocurrencies deepened in September, when it announced that one of its subsidiaries, tZero, would enter into the digital coin trading business with a joint venture that utilizes initial coin offerings and blockchain technology.
His presidency has yielded more — and more elaborate — coins that are shinier, flashier and even bigger, setting off a boom for coin manufacturers, counterfeiters and collectors, with one official Trump challenge coin recently fetching $1,000 on eBay.
Developers also say the initial coin offering circumvents what can be a bureaucratic process of venture capital raising — EY estimates cumulative venture capital investments in blockchain projects is less than half what initial coin offerings have raised.
After the patrons of your bar have spent all their coin, you can hire them and send them out on adventures in dangerous places, where they will earn more coin that they can spend in your tavern.
The flip side of that coin, however, is too little too late.
For London, the high-profile has been a coin with two sides.
Alcala had told the government all about Clark’s FIFA coin-minting operation.
I tried No Coin myself and it seems to work as advertised.
And, if so, could Coin carve out the role of payments facilitator?
The $20 silver coin released today retails for $129.95 CAD ($101 USD).
A coin, for example, can be heads, or it can be tails.
On the other side of that coin are wrestlers like AJ Styles.
So what does the name augur for Facebook and the coin itself?
You would get just as much predictive power from a coin toss.
The recent surge in Initial Coin Offerings or ICOs only confirms this.
If you were unlucky, someone had stuck gum inside the coin slot.
Across all age groups, pennies accounted for two-thirds of coin ingestions.
«There are two sides to this coin,» Lansbury told the Radio Times.
The coin was not even the apex of the hype for this.
Getting a few strong exchanges to accept your coin is absolutely imperative.
A smart contract tells the coin how to react in certain situations.
This is not a concern for Coin Up’s Patidar or Acorns’ Kerner.
Challenge coin traditions have climbed to the highest ranks of the military.
A cryptocurrency refers to a digital coin that runs on a blockchain.
It appears that the coin tosses may not have been documented independently.
That’s what I’ve only ever wanted to do, to flip the coin.
We asked for feedback from both sides of the founder/investor coin.
Ethereum, the second most popular coin offering around was particularly vulnerable today.
Coin offerings can go for years before everyone involved gets royally screwed.
On Prince George’s second birthday, the Royal Mint issued a similar coin.
The world’s most popular cryptocurrency is now worth over $2,270 per coin.
A Quiet Place is very much the flip side of that coin.
Do you see these movements as two sides of a dangerous coin?
Maria Cantwell (D-WA) tried to coin a new nickname for Palantir.
So we’re trying to play on both sides of that same coin.
Phil is no better at predicting the weather than a coin flip.
Soon after, Seagal and the anonymous founders parted ways with the coin.
That, too, appears to be about as reliable as a coin flip.
Not as good as a coin flip, but better than the average.
They’re two sides of the same coin, not unlike the doubles themselves.
This isn’t the first time the Mint has created unique coin shapes.
That hasn’t stopped him from making bullish calls for the digital coin.
Did they just flip a coin and win a $500 billion jackpot?
There are three early applications for the JPM Coin, according to Farooq.
Initial Coin Offerings or ICOs are no longer legal in South Korea.
Finally, your vast knowledge of hidden coin smorgasbords in Super Mario Bros.
Not in this era of parity and competitive balance and coin flips.
The coin previously belonged to a private owner who also remained anonymous.
Of those, there were exactly seven county delegates determined by coin flip.
The last person who disrespected Remy’s coin ended up in the hospital.
BSV are currently worth $63 per coin while BCH are worth $122.
The second-biggest coin Ethereum ETH=BTSP has slumped by nearly half.
He is, to coin a phrase, built like a brick shit house.
The Washington President coin comes from the collection of the late Eric.
Hamlin won the coin toss, which was predetermined as a tie-breaker.
If there’s a tie, it all comes down to a coin toss.
We flip a coin, and we let the teams start making picks.
The coin toss is the ultimate example of the 50/50 proposition.
Part of the tradition includes passing off the coin during a handshake.
In fact, cancer and aging are two sides of the same coin.
A two-sided, silver and gold plated 1994 Chargers Super Bowl coin.
And of course, Melonport also raised funding through an Initial Coin Offering.
Dragon Coin claimed it raised over $300 million from investors last fall.
The dog’s face is displayed on the front of the virtual coin.
That means that one dollar or pound gets you one crypto coin.
It made sense to me to put him on the $2 coin.
No one has been prosecuted over golden coin turtles in recent years.
John Hancock debuted COIN, a product similar to Swell, earlier this year.
But they and four other men were charged in connection with Coin.
Mr. Hoffe put a Canadian dollar coin in a metal coffee can.
» Douglas did not coin the phrase «the right to be let alone.
These seemingly disparate stories actually are two sides of the same coin.
In September, China banned a practice known as «initial coin offerings» (ICOs).
Santander is involved in numerous blockchain projects, including the Utility Settlement Coin.
Or if you get a coin, it means you’re coming into money.
China banned the initial coin offerings last month, sending bitcoin’s price tumbling.
For Korman, control and improvisation are two sides of the same coin.
Now it’s time to look at the other side of the coin.
In a lot of ways, they’re two sides of the same coin.
The deluxe coin-op version of Sega’s Out Run was huge, literally.
Before the coin toss, Reid confronted Jenkins, and had to be restrained.
Treasury & Mint officials unveiled the 2017 American Liberty High Relief Gold Coin!
The $100 gold coin commemorates the 225th anniversary of the U.S. Mint.
Two anthems, a few photos and a coin toss and we’re off.
Technology has always been a coin with two sides: potential and peril.
The devil agreed, but Jack ditched the tab and kept the coin.
There’s a two-inch collectible coin (?), a seven-inch large hole adapter (
McNall, a coin collector and movie producer, was thrilled with the attention.
The coalition’s goal is to create reading spaces in 30,000 coin laundries.
The €5,000 coin by Van Cleef, for instance, cost €130,000, or $153,920.
A row of coin-operated gumball machines line one white brick wall.
You can’t let one side of that coin dominate what’s going on.
One company well-suited for such a coin, he said, is Amazon.
You toss the coin twice, and get two heads in a row.

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