Sentence with word click

Synonym: chatter, chink, clack, clink, cluck, come home, dawn, detent, dog, fall into place, flick, get across, get through, mouse click, pawl, penetrate, sink in, snap, suction stop, tick. Similar words: clip, pick, kick, cliff, cling, trick, brick, clinic. Meaning: [klɪk]  n. 1. a short light metallic sound 2. depression of a button on a computer mouse 3. a stop consonant made by the suction of air into the mouth (as in Bantu) 4. a hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward. v. 1. move or strike with a noise 2. make a clicking or ticking sound 3. click repeatedly or uncontrollably 4. cause to make a snapping sound 5. produce a click 6. make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens 7. become clear or enter one’s consciousness or emotions. 

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1. The answerphone gave a sharp click.

2. Enter your password, then click on the ‘proceed’ icon.

3. He saluted with a click of his heels.

4. Click on the icon when you want to print.

5. There was a metallic click and the gates swung open.

6. You draw the shape somewhere on your worksheet, click on it and copy it to the clipboard.

7. The lock took with a click.

8. Click on this icon to align or justify text.

9. If you get stuck, click on Help.

10. Click on this link to visit our online bookstore.

11. Click on the icon to open the file .

12. He closed his briefcase with a click.

13. Click the «back» button on your browser.

14. Click on the square icon to maximize the window.

15. Click on the printer icon with the mouse.

15. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

16. Click ‘File’ in the menu bar, then click ‘Exit’.

17. Click this option to right-justify the selected text.

18. Click the left mouse button twice.

19. Click on this icon to open the File Manager.

20. Click here to connect to the Internet.

21. Click here to add your opinion to the survey.

22. Click on the file and drag it across.

23. Click the OK button to start.

24. The door closed with a click.

25. The front door closed with a click.

26. Double click on the icon to open the file.

27. Click on «open file» in the dialogue box.

28. Position the mouse pointer and click.

29. The key turned in the lock with a loud metallic click.

30. A website may have many different web pages for you to click on and explore.

More similar words: clip, pick, kick, cliff, cling, trick, brick, clinic, client, pickup, pick off, pick out, pick up, decline, climate, stick to, stick out, clinical, inclination, slice, garlic, police, policy, public, license, delicate, conflict, explicit, Catholic, in public. 

The Click was a hip hop group consisting of 4 members from Vallejo, California. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Photographing something half cooked just for clicks is cheating


The site continues to evolve (visitors can now toggle between fabric swatches, and search by colour) and the process can be completed in five clicks, down from 30.


Solid hate vibes can lead to many clicks.


(You’ll know if your baby isn’t nursing if you don’t hear swallowing sounds, like little clicks, or see the jawbones moving.)


Adding or saving a new targets is only a few clicks of work, and much easier than copying / pasting into your spreadsheet.


Based on the fact that online file sharing is getting more popular, it should take only a few clicks to upload your business presentation online.


Google, meanwhile, came up with opposite results, claiming that «a full 89 percent of the traffic generated by search ads is not replaced by organic clicks when ads are paused.»


What should those numbers be to minimize the worst-case number of clicks?


A 22 year old player with 189 appearances in the Bundesliga for a club currently second in the league, playing just the kind of football that even Santi would have been proud of and with Sven utilizing his extensive German football database to convince the dithering Arsenal board of the players acumen, everything sort of clicks with Max Meyer to Arsenal.


Still, using a cpm with a bid near the high-end of the recommended spectrum and a well-targeted, relevant ad will keep your clicks in the cheap, for now.


If they approach a smooth vertical surface like a window at an angle, none of their echolocating clicks bounce back to them, making it appear to be a gap they can fly through.


One post I still need to add on my blog is the top articles by clicks from my tweets.


However, both of these were somewhat offset by a rise in aggregate paid clicks, which rose by 47 % compared to last year.


But even experts have trouble sorting recorded clicks, because the distinguishing features of these signals are so subtle.


With just a couple of clicks, you can view your portfolio by asset class, performance, or sector.


Organize projects & share information with your bookkeeper in a few clicks.


With Elemental Threads, you can go from this: to THIS: And all with just a few easy clicks of the mouse!


Every so often a neat campaign comes along where you can help just by a few clicks.


You can start your favorite episodes, you can access all the bonus content and all that great stuff with just a few simple clicks.


With a few clicks, you can add products to your list.


AWS said its new Blockchain Templates will simplify the process of launching an Ethereum or Hyperledger Fabric network, getting it done «in a matter of minutes and with just a few clicks


If you are a local business and want to make sure that you are paying for the right type of clicks in your AdWords or PPC marketing campaigns, then consider using one of the negative keyword lists that I’ve provided below.


We will feature the 3 posts with the most clicks next week along with 3 of our favourites.


Parents love its unique ability to convert from single into a double side-by-side mode with just a few clicks.


The Donkey by Bugaboo is a stroller that is designed to expand from a single child configuration to a twin configuration with just a few simple clicks.


This strategy uses only those Free Bitcoin faucets that do not require a lot of clicks, endless ads or impossible captchas.


A pragmatist can never beat a perfectionist if it all clicks, and looking at Guardiola’s Man City side I don’t see him faltering in the next 2/3 seasons and so it doesn’t really matter who Jose signs he will not be able to beat Guardiola.


The sounds Cranford is most interested in, and has spent the last two decades trying to understand, are the rapid-fire clicks toothed whales use for echolocation.


It is easy to strap on with just two clicks but can only face inward towards the parents.


SpyFu — Provides search volume, number of clicks per day and their average daily cost, the actual number of advertisers currently bidding on the keyword and the actual AdWord ads that are running (click to enlarge).


Replacing your wipers can become a quick and easy process with just a couple of clicks!


Despite the various issues and potential risks that comes with trading and storing cryptocurrencies, especially when a user has to deal with multiple wallets, the emerging platform solutions like xChainge make trading and storing your crypto assets an easy task that can be achieved with just a few mouse clicks.


This high back booster seat has special lower LATCH connectors that secure the seat to your vehicle when not in use — just with two simple clicks and a pull.


I remember how foolishly i wasted my first $ 25 in a single day for getting only 10 clicks.


The only reason i can think of as to this article was posted is to attract clicks for advertising purposes.


PPC (pay-per-call)— some ads, particularly those served to mobile search users, may be charged by the number of clicks that resulted in a direct call from a smartphone.


In fact, the No. 1 complaint in the ACSI survey was that it took too long or too many clicks for the user to find what they wanted.


Sometimes browser clicks didn’t register for as long as 10 seconds.


Thanks to the magic of Amazon’s high-tech consumerism machine, there is almost nothing you can’t search for, find and own forever with a few clicks of a mouse.


March had the most eyes and clicks of any month yet!


With the reach of organic media dwindling, and brands competing for impressions and clicks, providing your employees with strategic brand and industry content ensures that your company’s message is communicated in the appropriate voice and on diverse channels.


Well beyond clicks and views, this taxonomy-driven tool delivered real insights into which content pieces were (and weren’t) being read, shared, commented on, shared again and so on.


Research has found Facebook posts that include an image get 53 % more likes, 84 % more link clicks, and 104 % more comments.


Built-in analytics allows you to measure clicks, conversions, and revenue across channels or by SKU.


The secret of this ability is that the porpoise uses very short clicks and these are higher in frequency than those of many other toothed whales, explains Lee Miller from the Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark (SDU).


It figures out the target portfolio, capital gains tax, exit loads and then makes it super simple for you to just execute in 3 clicks.


So far, most of the qualitative metrics we’ve looked at have dealt with either a piece’s ability to attract clicks and brief interactions, or a campaign’s ability to retain readers.


In response to clicks embedded in the drumming, the N100 and P200 ERP components were decreased during Trance.


The iPhone has a new application out called Total Baby which helps mothers keep track of how often they nurse, for what amount of time, and even which breast is used with a few quick clicks.


In fact, a properly executed bid testing program will generate more revenue, more clicks or more efficiency and, overall, more return or savings over the course of a year than the incremental money spent on the program itself.


щелчок, защелка, щелканье, щелкающий звук, щелкать, ладить, иметь успех


- щёлканье (затвора, щеколды)
- фон. щёлкающий звук (в некоторых южноафриканских языках)
- тех. собачка, защёлка; трещотка
- св. щелчок (в телефонной трубке)

click method — настройка по щелчку

- дёрганье крючком
- километр


- щёлкать (о задвижке, задвижкой и т. п.)

the door clicked shut — дверь защёлкнулась
to click one’s tongue — прищёлкнуть языком
to click one’s heels (together) — щёлкнуть каблуками

- пользоваться успехом

a movie that clicks with young people — фильм, нравящийся молодёжи
the writer clicked with his first story — первый же рассказ принёс этому писателю известность

- нравиться (особ. представителям другого пола)

they clicked with each other as soon as they met — они понравились друг другу с первого взгляда

- ладить (с кем-л.)

your nephew and I did not click — мы с вашим племянником не поладили

- разг. (вдруг) оказаться уместным, попасть в точку

her joke suddenly clicked (with us) and we all laughed — её шутка наконец дошла до нас, и мы все засмеялись

- выпадать на долю, доставаться
- воен. быть убитым
- прост. понести, забеременеть

Мои примеры


the click of the lifted latch — щелчок поднятого запора  
double click — двойной щелчок  
to click one’s fingers at a passing waiter — щёлкнув пальцами, подозвать официанта  
to click on an icon — выбрать пиктограмму, щёлкнуть на иконке  
to click a mouse button — кликнуть кнопкой мыши  
click on the button — проф. щелкнуть мышью  
click-in stop — защёлка  
click into place — вставать на свое место; защёлкнуть на месте; становиться ясным  
click response — реакция на короткое звуковое воздействие; реакция на щелчок  
click-through — нажатие; клик  

Примеры с переводом

The camera shutter clicked.

Затвор фотоаппарата щёлкнул.

Suddenly everything clicked.

Вдруг всё стало ясно.

The door clicked shut.

Дверь защёлкнулась.

They clicked straight away.

Они сразу нашли общий язык.

The song clicked with my mood.

Песня была как раз под моё настроение.

It’s 10 clicks away.

Это в десяти километрах отсюда.

Click on the icon to open the file.

Чтобы открыть файл, щёлкните мышкой по иконке.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Xhosa speakers click

The door clicked shut behind me.

Click on the top of the window to minimize it.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

clicker  — зазывала, метранпаж, заготовщик
clicking  — потрескивание, щелчок по кнопке мыши, выбор щелчком по кнопке мыши, щелчок

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: click
he/she/it: clicks
ing ф. (present participle): clicking
2-я ф. (past tense): clicked
3-я ф. (past participle): clicked

ед. ч.(singular): click
мн. ч.(plural): clicks

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • click [klɪk] сущ

    1. щелчокм, щелканьеср


      • single click – одиночный щелчок
    2. кликм, нажатиеср

      (clickthrough, press)

      • cost per click – цена за клик
      • pay per click advertising – оплата за клик
    3. щелкм


  • click [klɪk] гл

    1. щелкать, щелкнуть, кликнуть, кликать

      (snap, please click, call)

      • click here – кликнуть сюда
    2. нажать, нажимать, жать


      • click button – нажать кнопку
щелчок click, snap, flip, fillip
щелканье click, crack, snap, clack, jug
защелка latch, snap, catch, pawl, click, trigger
засечка serif, notch, cut, nick, click, overreach
щелкающий звук click
трещотка ratchet, rattle, clapper, rattler, clap, click
собачка dog, doggy, pawl, doggie, trigger, click
щелкать click, flip, snap, crack, clack, fillip
ладить get on, get along with, cope, click, rub along, do with
отличаться слаженностью click
отличаться четкостью click
иметь успех be successful, succeed, take, come off, take on, click
точно подходить click
точно соответствовать fit, click

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • click гл

    • go · snap · press · push · hit
    • mouse click · flick · clack
    • cluck


  • clack, snap, pop, tick, clink
  • chink, clink
  • suction stop
  • dog, pawl, detent


  • snap, clack, tick, pop, clink
  • become clear, fall into place, come home, make sense, dawn, register, get through, sink in
  • take to each other, get along, be compatible, be like-minded, feel a rapport, see eye to eye, hit it off, be on the same wavelength
  • go down well, prove popular, be a hit, succeed
  • snap
  • flick, snap
  • cluck, clack
  • sink in, dawn, fall into place, get through, get across, penetrate, come home
  • chatter
  • tick

Предложения со словом «click»

You want to click on the gear icon, then Settings, then Advanced Settings.

Нажмите на значок шестеренки, затем настройки и дополнительные настройки.

And you click host a dinner.

И вы жмёте кнопку: «устроить ужин».

And when it does click , it doesn’t feel like you thought up that puzzle piece, it feels like you found it .

И когда он сложится, ощущение, что ты не выдумал этот недостающий кусочек, а как — будто нашёл.

Or think of what a math whiz working at Facebook lamented a few years ago: The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads.

Или вспомните, как несколько лет назад гений математики, работающий в Фейсбуке, сетовал: «Лучшие умы моего поколения думают о том, как заставить людей кликать на рекламные объявления».

You won’t click on that article that talks about Hey, all those doctors are on the run in country X.

Вы не кликните на статью со словами: Эй, все врачи бегут из страны N.

You expend the energy it takes to open an e-mail, move the cursor to the no box, click , and send.

Это ведь не сложно открыть e — mail, переместить курсор на нет, нажать и отправить.

Be a darling and slide the cursor down to the letter G. Give it a click and I’ll be out of your hair.

Будьте любезны, наведите курсор на букву Г, нажмите и я от вас отстану.

You drag the slider to highlight your icons, and then just click Submit to answer, and we animate away the difference between your answer and reality.

Вы перетаскиваете ползунок, чтобы выделить иконки, а затем просто нажимаете Отправить, а мы анимируем разницу между вашим ответом и реальностью.

And I think it would be important for audiences to demand more buttons on their favorite websites, buttons for example that say, If you liked this story, click here to support a cause your storyteller believes in.

На мой взгляд, слушатели могли бы требовать больше опций на своих любимых веб — сайтах, например, в виде кнопок, позволяющих тем, кому понравилась история, одним кликом поддержать благую цель, о которой идёт речь.

Or click here to contribute to your storyteller’s next big idea.

Или конкретно поучаствовать в следующем проекте рассказчика.

Who’s going to click on like?

Кто будет лайкать это?

He hadn’t cared for that double click at all.

Ему всегда было наплевать на такие двойные щелчки в трубке.

Click on an icon and it takes you to either an image or a video of a murder scene, or a victim’s home address.

Нажимаем на них и видим фото или видео с места преступления, либо домашний адрес жертвы.

From out of the shadows that cloaked the end of the street came the sudden sound of expensive shoes click-clacking on the pavement.

Во тьме, скрывавшей дальний конец улицы, застучали каблучки дорогих туфелек.

Seeing her go click-click-clack , as soon as a kid starts crying.

Она щёлкает своим фотоаппаратом, как только заметит плачущего ребёнка.

Then he would retire to the bush, and click his tongue against his teeth, and the unicorns would dash forward in wild confusion.

Потом он снова прятался за куст и начинал щелкать языком.

We should be able to click on those trees until we can count the veins in the leaves.

Надо добиться максимального разрешения, что бы мы могли посчитать все жилки на листьях.

Generally it’s not a good idea to click on any internet offers that you haven’t requested.

Вообще лучше не нажимать на все подряд предложения в интернете, которые вы не запрашивали.

This mouse click wasn’t done by Trevor in Accounts.

Этот клик мыши был сделан не Тревором из бухгалтерии.

One click and you’re overwritten with random ones and zeros.

Один клик, и вот ты уже записан случайными единицами и нулями.

Right-click on an area of the map and it will zoom down to a fineness of about six hundred miles on a side.

Правый клик по области карты, и она увеличится до разрешения примерно шестьсот миль на сторону.

He heard the slow rasp of the pistol sliding from its holster and the harsh click as the hammer was drawn back.

Он услышал шорох вынимаемого из кобуры пистолета, потом вздрогнул от щелчка, когда Маггард взвел курок.

There was no sound in the room except for the click of her needles.

В воцарившейся в зале тишине раздавалось лишь позвякивание спиц.

There was a metallic click that sounded very much like a round being chambered.

Раздался металлический щелчок, очень похожий на досыл патрона в зарядную камеру.

The invisible clock ticking away in my mind gave a loud click and instantly cut the time I had left in half.

Невидимые часы, тикающие в моем сознании, щелкнули и разом сократили оставшееся время наполовину.

Perry Mason reached the front door and stood there, waiting on the porch for what seemed to him to be two or three minutes before he heard Eva Belter’s step and the click of the lock.

Мейсон ждал на крыльце несколько минут, прежде чем услышал шаги Евы Белтер и щелчок замка.

Then there was a click and I was listening to a distant ringing and the voices of the ghosts.

Раздался щелчок повешенной трубки, и я снова услышал отдаленные голоса и тихие гудки.

The platoon is walking through the jungle when suddenly there is a barely audible click .

Взвод пробирается через джунгли, когда внезапно раздается еле слышный щелчок.

Another click , and the second cuff closed around Rollo’s left wrist.

Еще один щелчок, и второе кольцо наручников сомкнулось на левом запястье Ролло.

While they were speaking on the phone, Sexton had clearly heard the distinctive triple-click of his Jourdain clock in the background.

Во время разговора по телефону сенатор ясно слышал переливчатый звон старинных часов работы Журдена.

He shut the telescope with a click that sounded clear amid the noise of the wind about his ears.

Он резко сложил подзорную трубу, и щелчок отчетливо прозвучал в шуме ветра.

The steel made a pleasing metallic click as she pushed it home.

Замок издал приятный щелчок, когда она вернула нож на место.

He shut the door and it locked with the same greased click .

Он закрыл дверь и запер ее на тот же самый смазанный замок.

Click here to discover the Spirit Painting by Snidco.

Нажмите здесь, чтобы открыть для себя дух Картина SENIDECO.

Click on the name of the street you want to see.

Нажмите на название улицы, которую хотите увидеть.

This audio file is not stored on the local host. Click on this label to load it.

Аудио — файл не сохранён на вашем компьютере. Нажмите здесь чтобы его загрузить.

Click on the presentation to display the images in random order.

Нажмите на презентации, чтобы просмотреть изображения в случайном порядке.

Click the right mouse button on the board to display a popup menu.

Кликните правой кнопкой на доске, чтобы появилось контекстное меню.

Click here to display ODE Yalıtım quality certificates.

Кликните здесь для сертификатов качества ODE изоляции…

Click here to display the Web Browser screen.

Щёлкните здесь для отображения окна Браузера.

Click a name in the list to display the records for that table.

Щелкните по имени в списке для вывода на экран записей этой таблицы.

Double-click a document icon to display the corresponding Help page.

Дважды щелкните значок документа, чтобы показать соответствующую страницу справки.

Click the small plus sign that is next to the page name to display the corresponding sub-items.

Щелкните маленький плюс рядом с именем страницы, чтобы просмотреть соответствующие подчиненные элементы.

Click the format to display the replacements.

Щелкните формат, чтобы вывести варианты замены.

Please click the national flag icon of each country from a translation sidebar to display this by other languages.Thank you.

Пожалуйста, нажмите на значок национального флага в каждой стране с переводом боковой панели, чтобы отобразить эту другими languages.Thank вас.

If your network link has more than one placemark, click Reset to display all these placemarks to users.

Если сетевая ссылка имеет более одной метки, нажмите Сброс, чтобы пользователи могли видеть все метки.

Click here to display the download archive of ODE Yalıtım brochures, quality certificates, application details and TS 825 software.

Кликните здесь для того, чтобы видеть скачивание архива ODE Yalıtım, брошюр, сертификатов качества, деталей приложения и программного обеспечения TS 825.

Click the buttons to navigate through the records or enter a record number to display a record.

Перемещайтесь по списку записей с помощью кнопок или введите номер записи для ее отображения.

Click to display additional AutoText commands, for example, to create a new AutoText entry from a text selection in the current document.

Щелкните, чтобы отобразить дополнительные команды автотекста, например, для создания новой записи автотекста из текста, выбранного в текущем документе.

Click a category to display the files associated with that category in the.

Щелкните категорию, чтобы отобразить файлы, связанные с данной категорией, в поле.

Click the Insert button to display the image in the description of your link or in the text of the article.

Нажмите кнопку Вставить, чтобы картинка отобразилась в описании вашей ссылки или в тексте статьи.

Click the box to the right of the AcceptEula setting to display a drop-down arrow, then click the arrow and select True.

Нажмите в поле справа от параметра AcceptEula, чтобы отобразить стрелку, затем нажмите на стрелке и выберите значение True.

Click the arrow to the left of a stored procedure or stored function to display the parameter list for that procedure or function.

Кликните стрелку слева от хранимой процедуры или функции для отображения списка параметров для этой процедуры или функции.

To rotate a 3-D object around any of its three axes, click to select the object, and then click again to display its rotation handles.

Чтобы повернуть трехмерный объект вокруг одной из трех его осей, выберите объект щелчком и затем щелкните еще раз, чтобы отобразить маркеры вращения.

The cube has animated moves in progress or the demo is running. Please wait or click on the cube to stop the demo.

Кубик в процессе анимации ходов или запущена демонстрация. Подождите или щёлкните на кубике для окончания демонстрации.

On the Online Certification Authority page, click the Select button.

На странице Интерактивный источник сертификатов жмем кнопку Выбрать.

On the Internal Network setup page, click the Select Network Adapter button.

На странице установки внутренней сети щелкните на кнопку Select Network Adapter.

On the Select Protocol page, click New.

На странице Select Protocol щелкните New.

Click Next on the Select Protocol page.

Щелкните Next на странице Select Protocol.

Click the up and down arrows to scroll through the games list.

Чтобы увидеть список игр целиком, прокручивайте категории игр мышкой.

  • Use the word Click in a sentences

Sentence Examples

That means in the time that it takes for me to click my fingers, light has travelled around the Earth seven times, or that it travels ten million, million kilometres in one year, and that’s the yardstick that we use to measure the universe,

Like a light switch Just go click

Stand up and click your heels together!

If any of us stops a bullet, before we die… we’re going to come to you, click our heels together and ask stiffly,

The click of the wheel, the pop of the cork… — … the seductive laughter of lovely ladies.

Say, she couldn’t make a better choice, and she’s a swell gal, and I hope you both click.

A person has left mercilessly Look on the bright side of things and click It is better that this kind of man abandons him earlier

I used this little jigger to click it over a notch with every turn.

# click, click, click hear the cricket

# With a click, click, click

# Put a click, click, click in your song

# click, click, click, hear the cricket

# click, click, click, hear the cricket # lt is verily quite a song

# With a click, click, click # Ah-ah ah-ah ah… #

# Put a click, click, click

* As I click my heel * * All the trees would kneel *

It must be wonderful to click that way.

I’m sorry, but I’ve already subscribed to click, Pick, Hick, Tick Gaff, Staff, Laugh and Chaff.

As soon as I click, I’ll pay you back every nickel of it, ok?

Oh, Nicky, you know you click better when I’m around.

I got click, Ric, Look, Reep, Spot, Snap, SockÔÇö

I’ve done everything I could to make it click.

And then there was a little click as they hung up the receiver.

It’s true, the darn stuff didn’t click, but for the first time, I was sure I could fight it through.

When you hear the metallic clickclick, hang on.

That kind of a book, if they click at all, usually make a fortune.

Keep going around to those casting offices. I’m sure you’ll click.

Conductor, if we entered this tunnel at 9:13, I mean 12:13… My watch is still on San Francisco time… And the rails go «clickclick» every 21/2 seconds…

[click] play something else.

All of a… All of a… All of a click, the gun start to go shoot.

The princess was his favorite chick But with no dough, they couldn’t click

ÔÖ¬ You’ll have to click the heels ÔÖ¬

ÔÖ¬ Who will click the heel ÔÖ¬ ÔÖ¬ And kiss the hand ÔÖ¬ ÔÖ¬ To make a hit with Fifi ÔÖ¬

When you get the right one a click happens inside of you.

That click just happened inside of me.

I watched my wife and I had a click.

You can hear a little click. Little click. That’s someone lifting a receiver off the hook-

Oh, well, we’ll discuss it tonight. I’ll be home… [ click ] Hello?

Bill says that… [ click ] Hello?

That click just now on my telephone.

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