Sentence with word childhood

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1. Happy is he that is happy in childhood

2. Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. 

3. The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. 

4. The habit carries over from my childhood.

5. Love was totally absent from his childhood.

6. From earliest childhood she’d had a love of dancing.

7. It was unreal. Like some crazy childhood nightmare.

8. She’s always snivelling about her unhappy childhood.

9. She had all the normal childhood illnesses .

10. Grandpa told the children the tales of his childhood.

11. Since childhood, her life has revolved around tennis.

12. Granny has clear impressions of her childhood.

13. His novels draw heavily on his childhood.

14. He often casts back his mind to his childhood.

15. I can’t help thinking of my happy childhood.

16. My childhood will never fade from my memory.

17. She likes to reminisce about her childhood.

18. She eventually married her childhood sweetheart.

19. He was cursed with poor health from childhood.

20. I met a childhood friend at the party.

21. His thoughts wandered back to his childhood.

22. His unhappy childhood has branded him for life.

23. Her problems stem from her difficult childhood.

24. They docked him of the pleasures of childhood.

25. They are really childhood sweethearts.

26. She’s been asthmatic since her childhood.

27. She eloped with her childhood sweetheart.

28. Her early childhood was very happy.

29. Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place.

30. Allergies to milk are quite common in childhood.

More similar words: child, children, childish, grandchild, childlike, only child, child support, childishness, bloodhound, hood, manhood, hardihood, falsehood, likelihood, livelihood, chill, chili, chilly, neighborhood, chilled, chill out, achilles, sketchily, achilles’ heel, in the neighborhood of, achilles tendon, winston churchill, dhoti, ad hoc, landholder. 

«Bucking the trend»: What enables those who are disadvantaged in childhood to succeed later in life?


This strawberry pop tart ice cream takes some of my favorite childhood treats (pop tarts, strawberry jam, and sprinkles) and turns them into the perfect bowl of ice cream.


A recent article in The New York Times highlighted the enduring effects of childhood sibling loss.


Further restricting fat and calories is not only going to do nothing for the childhood obesity epidemic, it is harmful to developing brains of children.


PNC Grow Up Great believes deeply in the power of high-quality early childhood education and provides innovative opportunities that assist families, educators and community organizations to enhance children’s learning and development.


The ketogenic diet for the treatment of childhood epilepsy: a randomised controlled trial.


Take everyone’s childhood favorite, Campbell’s condensed tomato soup: One can contains 30 grams of sugar.


The study is the first to track the QoL of young people with cerebral palsy from childhood to adolescence.


We ended up with the governor of Georgia partnering with Sony Music to give classical music CDs to families of newborns and Florida’s state-run childhood centers piping in Bach, Vivaldi, and Mozart, all in the hope of making babies smarter!


According to the website for the Office of Women’s Health, research has proven that breastfed babies have a lower risk of asthma, childhood obesity, ear infections, eczema, diarrhea, vomiting, lower respiratory infections, and type 2 diabetes.


Chess At Three is the authority in early childhood chess.


Born in Chicago on March 11, 1969, Terrence spent a majority of his childhood in Cleveland, Ohio before moving to New York City to pursue a career in acting under the guidance of his grandmother and famous stage actress Minnie Gentry.


For me it’s not so important the childhood because I’m sure that it was normal.


Nestlé, the worldÂ’s largest infant formula manufacturer and distributer, is planning to partner with the city of Newark, New Jersey in a nutrition education program to target childhood obesity.


Kennedy found out through the grapevine that his childhood nanny did not vote for him when he ran for president.


According to the Community Childhood Hunger Identification Project, a FRAC study on childhood hunger, hungry children have two to three times as many health problems as low-income children who get plenty to eat.


Earlier this year, Skapek discovered that a combination of anticancer drugs could stop or slow the growth of a childhood cancer called desmoid fibromatosis, a disease that develops in cells that help form tendons, muscles and nervous tissue.


Perhaps your favorite childhood book, toy or game.


Those attempts disguised as «tough love» never once worked with me throughout my childhood.


Also at 6 p.m., Trump’s childhood home in Queens goes up for auction with an opening bid set at $ 849,000, The Roosevelt Hotel, 45 E 45th St., Manhattan.


The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that childhood obesity has doubled in the last two decades.


They have a knack for drawing out the dark and maudlin aspects of childhood, the loneliness and isolation, as well as the capacity for wonder and amazement, the sheer possibility of anything and everything.


… Well-written and bursting with ideas, this will be essential reading for anyone who cares about childhood in America.»


This is precisely why the democratic approach has been shown to produce happier, more successful adults, while empowering the childhood years with joy and reward for both the parents and the children.


The brussels sprout is the perennial childhood dinner table torture device, perhaps only second to the lima bean.


Still I buy lots and lots of them as long they are in season, although I have to say they are rarely so delicious as they used to be during my childhood and youth in Romania, where they grow just about anywhere.


I am also in love with this movie because young Peter Quill was taken in 1988, the movie has a huge 80’s vibe that was reminiscent of my own childhood.


featuring Cindy McCain’s childhood estate in Phoenix, an Architectural Digest spread on another property the McCains had owned previously, and tax records and photos detailing seven houses and condominiums — in Coronado and La Jolla, Calif.; Phoenix and Sedona, Ariz.; and Arlington.


Type 1 diabetes is often diagnosed in childhood, and is therefore a more chronic form of condition.


Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009)- McConaughey plays a womanizer who reacquaints with his childhood crush (Jeniffer Garner) in the 2009 rom-com.


Over the last few years a number of cancer types have been found to harbor frequent and recurrent mutations in the histone variant H3.3 and two other associated genes, DAXX and ATRX, notably pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and childhood gliomas.


Most high chairs (without newborn inserts) take over at 6 months old and last through early childhood.


South Mountain Park, where I spent a good part of my childhood exploring and scrambling over boulders, completes the circle.


Immunizations can protect infants from serious childhood illnesses, so it’s important that your baby receive them on time.


You’ll get creative ideas for hands-on programming that works for early childhood


As part of their efforts to ensure that all professionals who work with children birth to five are knowledgeable and skilled in promoting early childhood mental health, the State of Alaska entered into a licensing agreement with the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health (MI-AIMH) to use the Competency Guidelines for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Based Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health.


While he appears to be investigating Costello with zeal, it just so happens that since altar-boy childhood, this particular homey has been secretly loyal to Costello, who essentially groomed Sullivan to work for him on the inside — tipping him off to police maneuvers, that sort of thing.


Overview: Dr. Brian Gluvic and Nutritionist Sonia Reed will discuss the current epidemic of childhood obesity and diabetes and its contributing dietary factors.


Justin Kirk and Joseph Fiennes star in this independent drama about a middle-aged man who decides to fulfill a childhood dream of swimming 150 miles of the Hudson River with his best friend rowing alongside for encouragement, but a bittersweet hidden agenda for the feat is gradually revealed.


While this is a frightening statistic, 90 % of childhood injuries and death can be prevented.


WHAT: When small-time criminal Jimmy «Whitey» Bulger (Johnny Depp) begins to make a name for himself in South Boston, he strikes a deal with childhood friend/FBI agent John Connolly (Joel Edgerton) to help get rid of the local mob.


His childhood was filled with horrible memories of divorced parents ruining Christmas by fighting every year over who would have the children, and then acting so poorly the children felt horribly guilty going to the other parent’s house.


Hematologic malignancies include the most common childhood cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, as well as acute myeloid leukemia, non-Hodgkins lymphomas, and Hodgkins lymphoma.


Seeing this was a part of my childhood always having holidayed in Ireland xx


This may bring back some childhood memories, I think that I’ll have to make it a Sunday afternoon project this weekend!


Oatmeal Cookie Sandwiches — Mashed banana, flax seed and agave nectar keep these childhood treats moist and delicious, but still healthy.


According to Dr. Robert Lustig, one of the leading experts on childhood obesity, sugar is a poison, responsible for obesity along with chronic and lethal diseases


And Posnanski learned the lesson that childhood can not teach: «Sometimes those moments that you spend hoping and believing and waiting for something good to happen are the best moments of your life.»


It really is quite a horrible thing to be telling children these myths, and then have them fail science classes later because mommy and daddy were so ignorant as to shove this down their throats throughout childhood.


The best outcome by far is regularity, which has been an issue for me since childhood.


Sentences with the word Childhood?



  • «clicking on the icon calls up the program»; «the author’s description of the banquet called up delicious aromas»; «running into an old friend summoned up memories of her childhood«
  • «the carefree joys of childhood«; «carefree millionaires, untroubled financially»
  • «a childhood that was unhappy and deprived, the family living off charity»; «boys from a deprived environment, wherein the family life revealed a pattern of neglect, moral degradation, and disregard for law»
  • «a dim figure in the distance»; «only a faint recollection»; «shadowy figures in the gloom»; «saw a vague outline of a building through the fog»; «a few wispy memories of childhood«
  • «effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive»; «riotous times»; «these troubled areas»; «the tumultuous years of his administration»; «a turbulent and unruly childhood«
  • «the ephemeral joys of childhood«; «a passing fancy»; «youth’s transient beauty»; «love is transitory but it is eternal»; «fugacious blossoms»
  • «a fanciful mind»; «all the notional vagaries of childhood«
  • «she spoke feelingly of her early childhood«
  • «a surprisingly impressionistic review bearing marks of hasty composition»; «she had impressionistic memories of her childhood«
  • «the innocencies of childhood«
  • «a loveless childhood«
  • «spent his childhood on the paternal farm»; «paternal traits»
  • «she has been suffering from petit mal since childhood«
  • «the unhappy memories of her childhood receded as she grew older»
  • «the girl reminded her smilingly of their childhood spent together»
  • «adolescence is a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood»
  • «they moved the meeting date up»; «from childhood upward»

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I had a great childhood and feel very lucky.

У меня было замечательное детство, я чувствовал, что мне действительно повезло.

I think she robbed me of my childhood.

Мне казалось, она просто недодала мне моё детство».

Many have their roots in childhood.

Многие из которых берут свои корни в детстве.

Discover how your childhood environments impact the way you live today.

Вычислите, как события вашего детства влияют на то, что вы делаете сейчас.

So I saw her throughout my childhood.

Таким я видел его на протяжении всего своего детства.

Obesity is a problem that often begins in childhood.

Ожирение — проблема, которая в большинстве случаев берет свое начало в детстве.

My childhood was not all work and no play.

Ничего не было в моем детстве, только работа и никаких игр.

The conditioning we undergo starts in childhood.

Понимание того, кем мы являемся, начинается с детства.

Some people write because it was a childhood dream.

Бывают случаи, когда люди принимают решение на основании того, что это была мечта детства.

What your presumed childhood experiences must have been like.

Что тот опыт детства, который у вас есть остался позади.

Apparently, many adult foot problems begin during childhood.

По-видимому, многие проблемы с ногами у взрослых начинаются в детстве.

During childhood, they are yellow.

С детства все привыкли, что оно желтое.

My therapist said it was caused by my childhood.

Мой психолог говорит, что это из-за того что произошло со мной в детстве.

Research indicates that childhood is the optimum time for language acquisition.

Научные исследования доказали, что детство — самое оптимальное время для обучения другим языкам.

These times hold some of my favourite childhood memories.

От одной мысли об этом навевает некоторые из моих самых любимых воспоминаний детства.

This may come from my childhood.

Может быть, это пришло из моего детства.

My childhood was what it was.

Мое детство было таким, каким, наверное, должно было быть.

It starts with what happens in childhood.

Для начала обратимся к тому, что происходит с нами в детстве.

Social phobia also usually begins in childhood or adolescence.

Социальная фобия также, как правило, начинается в детстве или в подростковом возрасте.

Scientists may be close to making one of your childhood fantasies a reality.

Ученые могут быть близки к тому, чтобы сделать одну из ваших фантазий о детстве реальностью.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат childhood

Результатов: 41772. Точных совпадений: 41772. Затраченное время: 116 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

детство, детский возраст, младенчество


Мои примеры


diseases that can occur in childhood — болезни, которые могут возникнуть в детстве  
the pain of a difficult childhood — тяжёлые воспоминания о детстве  
care of motherhood and childhood — охрана материнства и детства  
to be in second childhood — впасть в детство  
childhood chum — друг детства  
childhood dream — детская мечта  
childhood fantasy — детская фантазия  
flashback to smb.’s childhood — воспоминания о детстве  
happy childhood — счастливое детство  
to recapture one’s childhood — вернуться в детство  
traumatic events in childhood — душевные травмы, полученные в детстве  
unhappy childhood — несчастливое детство  

Примеры с переводом

I had a very happy childhood.

У меня было очень счастливое детство.

She had a lonely childhood.

У нее было одинокое детство.

The habit carries over from my childhood.

У меня эта привычка с детства.

He had a normal childhood.

У него было нормальное детство.

His childhood was spent in Brazil.

Его детство прошло в Бразилии.

He had an idyllic childhood.

У него было беззаботное детство.

He had a miserable childhood.

У него было несчастное детство.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Childhood seems a lifetime ago now!

She had a safe, cosseted childhood.

Trillin’s remembrances of his childhood

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): childhood
мн. ч.(plural): childhoods

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