Sentence with word chief

Chief is a four-person band from Santa Monica, California, stationed in Los Angeles, California. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

You simply can’t plug the huge budget deficits looming in the years ahead without taking a bite out of Medicaid and, as sure as night follows day, picking a fight with Cunningham’s chief client.


We actually think it’s a lot more than just about Yellow Tail,» said Renato Reyes, chief marketing officer for Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits, the U.S. importer and marketer of Yellow Tail.


In the last couple years, his foundation offered up $ 2 million to establish a chair at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, $ 2 million for a chief curator at the Audain Art Museum in Whistler, and yet another $ 2 million to help endow a chair in central banking at Western University.


«Jon Carroll, president and chief executive of Family Offi…


Police chief William Baker spoke to the media Tuesday morning and confirmed local and state police were investigating a break-in at Gronkowski’s home, but would not comment on the items listed as missing.


Also, better internal accounting measures have allowed the Park District to collect more fees while tracking exactly where the money is going, according to Ron DeNard, chief financial officer for the district.


The profit warning and write-off saw Treasury Wine Estates shares plunge more than 12 per cent and later led to the ejection of its chief executive, David Dearie.


«Bubble or new asset class, either way it’s something that means something,» said Brad McMillan, chief investment officer at Commonwealth Financial Network.


Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla Motors, for instance is investing $ 5 billion to build the Gigafactory, which will become the world’s largest production site for lithium-ion batteries.


They included Dwight Howard, the Orlando Magic basketball star; Andrea Jung, the chief executive of Avon; Gregory Brown, president of Motorola; and Charles E. Phillips Jr., president of Oracle.


In this case, SodaStream’s chief executive, Daniel Birnbaum, must make a full public accounting of anything he said or did wrong, Smith says.


Elected officials, gubernatorial appointees, municipal managers, department heads, chief fiscal officers, judges, and several other policy-makers convicted of a felony, involving the breach of public trust, would all be subject to forfeiture of pension benefits.


It is not immediately clear who will succeed Mr Sharif, however his brother Shehbaz, who is chief minister of Punjab province, is seen as a strong contender for the job.


As the chief executive officer or founder of a company, your experiences have earned you a wealth of knowledge that you could be sharing in the form of guest articles.


At the theological level, Hauerwas cites the remark by Cardinal Walter Kasper, the Vatican’s chief ecumenical officer, that «the ecumenical aim is not a simple return of the other into the fold of the Roman Catholic Church nor the conversion of individuals, even if this must obviously be mutually acknowledged when based on conscience.


There are three chief types of debt consolidation, namely, debt consolidation loans, debt management plans and debt settlement.


In 2002, frustrated with his chief sponsor, Rossignol, and what he felt was the company’s overemphasis on traditional, racing-specific products, Hall joined with five fellow pros and all dropped their ski endorsement deals, partnered with a British venture capital firm and formed Armada Skis, a freeride-only manufacturer.


[16] Martin Wolf, the chief economic commentator of the Financial Times, wrote an article on this idea in entitled «Only the ignorant fear hyperinflation».


The announcement follows days of protest and a personal apology by Starbucks chief executive Kevin Johnson to the men in a private meeting Monday, a company spokeswoman confirmed to The Washington Post.


Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul says she doesn’t know when the state’s proverbial glass ceiling will be broken and New York will have a woman in charge of the chief executive post, but she says it’s unlikely that it will be her who reaches that milestone.


I used to be a bit of an amateur chief whip and I don’t think they’ve got the votes.»


Obama is the President of the U.S. he is not a pastor in chief Good that he has used scripture and Brings God into it, but hopefully with a sincere heart.


After the government announced a 19 % funding cut for Labour and other opposition parties, Katie Ghose, the chief executive of the ERS, said the move was a step in the wrong direction and could be «deeply damaging for accountability».


Porat was the chief financial officer of Morgan Stanley ms, whose annual earnings call was two days away.


One of the oldest names on Wall Street is moving to one of the fastest-growing cities in the South, reinforcing a recent shift in finance jobs to cheaper parts of the U.S. AllianceBernstein Holding LP plans to relocate its headquarters, chief executive and most of its New York staff to Nashville, Tenn., in an attempt to cut costs, according to people familiar with the matter.


Kelli Cummings, chief spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R-LI), defended the raises, some as small as 3 percent, saying they were the first in four years.


Cryptocurrency traders don’t need — or even want — to be protected from market manipulation, according to the chief executive of the Kraken crypto exchange.


«Since we launched our Chocolate Pu-erh Tea in 2008, it has increased in its popularity every year,» says Ahmed Rahim, CEO and chief alchemist for Numi Organic Tea.


Headed by new chief executive Kate Allum, dairy farmers co-operative First Milk is building a new # 10 million state-of-the-art creamery on the Mull of Kintyre peninsula in Scotland.


Lion chief executive Stuart Irvine said on Monday that the size and the fixed cost base of the Australian wine business meant that it didn’t stack up on a return on investment basis compared with other opportunities in beer and cider where Lion has a much bigger business.


Last June, Kalanick was ousted as Uber’s chief executive and pushed out by the company’s board amid a litany of regulatory problems, driver and consumer scandals, and court cases.


Mr. Meresman has served both as chair of the audit committee and chief financial officer of several public companies.


Giving evidence to MPs on the parliamentary commission on banking standards today, Martin Wheatley — the chief executive designate of the Financial Conduct Authority — said «our culture went away from being about service to consumers».


The Daily Star has stated that Manchester United’s chief Ed Woodward, had previously had talks with the agent of Romelu Lukaku, with the hopes of bringing him to the Theatre of Dreams in the days to come.


Patrick O’Flynn, who publicly fell out with Mr Farage, will be Mr Nuttall’s chief political advisor, while Ms Evans, who was also on the anti-Farage wing of the party, will also get a job in the coming days.


Sian Davies, the National Farmers Union (NFU) chief dairy advisor in the UK, said in November 2015 that «UK and EU dairy farmers now compete in a global milk market and no EU only mechanism can manage to cushion EU farmers through periods of market downturn.


Prior to that role, Drucker Mann served as chief revenue officer and publisher of The Food Innovation Group (FIG).


A committee of MPs has issued formal summonses for former Cambridge Analytica chief executive Alexander Nix (pictured) and former Vote Leave campaign director Dominic Cummings to attend a hearing about the Facebook data scandal.


He was the chief reason why AC Milan could qualify for the UEFA Champions League this season as he turned out to Milan’s best player yet again.


She was promoted to chief winemaker of Yalumba in 2006, taking over responsibility for all winemaking.


As chief technology officer, David manages the technical engineering team and is responsible for all website, mobile and internal product development, corporate IT and data center operations across Zillow Group.


Facebook chief security officer Alex Stamos cited the IRA’s use of «inauthentic accounts to deceive and manipulate people» as «why we don’t want them on Facebook.


Espaillat, the first formerly undocumented immigrant elected to the House, assailed several other Trump’s proposed appointees: Breitbart News co-founder Stephen Bannon for chief political strategist; Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions for U.S. Attorney General; Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; fast food magnate Andrew Puzder as Secretary of Labor.


For the past several months, the chief investment strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch warned against the so-called Icarus trade, which he defines as a reversal of the «melt up» seen in stocks since early 2016.


Apparently in the short-term the technical leadership will be taken over by senior directors Aldo Costa (engineering director), Mark Ellis (performance director), Rob Thomas (chief operating officer) and Geoff Willis (technical director).


Norman Eisen, chair of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, was chief White House ethics lawyer in the Obama administration.


Brian Krzanich, chief executive officer of Intel Corp., holds up a 49-qubit superconducting quantum test chip named «Tangle Lake» while speaking during a keynote address at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S., on Monday, Jan. 8, 2018.


The main group fighting to pull Britain out of the European Union was in disarray as Tory Eurosceptic MPs clashed with the organisation’s chief executive and one director announced he was quitting in disgust.


Sopnendu Mohanty, the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s chief fintech officer, won the market reform award for his work promoting fintech infrastructure and Yvette Rodriguez, Hong Kong’s head of legal at Deutsche Bank, picked up the in-house contribution award.


At his press conference, our chief executive outlined the qualities required to take on one of the biggest jobs in world football.


Sentences with the word Chief?



  • «the chief aim of living»; «the main doors were of solid glass»; «the principal rivers of America»; «the principal example»; «policemen were primary targets»; «the master bedroom»; «a master switch»
  • «in the U.S. the president is the commander in chief«
  • «We lead him to our chief«; «can you take me to the main entrance?»; «He conducted us to the palace»
  • «there are too many gatekeepers between the field officers and the chief«
  • «the chief stationed two men outside the building»; «he awaited word from his man in Havana»
  • «instructional designers are trained in something that might be called tradecraft»; «the CIA chief of station accepted responsibility for his agents’ failures of tradecraft»
  • «the chief is on the warpath today»
  • «he told his story to some conservative worthies»; «local worthies rarely challenged the chief constable»

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The service of the chief engineer includes the following divisions: the department of the chief power engineer, the department of the chief mechanic.

«Служба главного инженера включает в себя следующие подразделения: отдел главного энергетика, отдел главного механика.

The chief disadvantage of a vasectomy is its permanence, although this is also considered the chief advantage.

Главным недостатком вазэктомии является ее необратимость, что также считается и ее главным преимуществом.

The chief property of senna is that it strengthens the heart without harshness.

Главное свойство александрийского листа состоит в том, что он укрепляет сердце, не ожесточая его.

Some day i will tell every one of you his chief feature or chief fault.

Когда-нибудь я укажу каждому из вас его главную черту или его главный недостаток.

He’ll make chief inspector in a year, assistant chief constable in five.

Он стал старшим инспектором за год, помощником старшего констебля за пять.

From that moment until I was thirty-eight, mathematics was my chief interest and my chief source of happiness.

С этой минуты и… до моих 38 лет математика составляла главную мою страсть и служила главным источником радости».

It includes the chief form of slavery and it is also the chief possibility of liberation.

Эта власть включает в себя главную форму рабства; она же является главной формой и возможностью освобождения.

The chief journal for a chief physician and their deputies.

Accounting is most often controlled by a chief accountant; additionally, there is usually an assistant chief accountant and other ordinary accountants.

Бухгалтерию чаще всего возглавляет главный бухгалтер, кроме того обычно имеются заместитель главного бухгалтера и рядовые бухгалтеры.

The decision on reviewing the manuscripts and the appointment of reviewers is made by chief editor upon presentation of a deputy chief editor.

Решение о рецензировании рукописей и назначении рецензента принимается главным редактором журнала по представлению заместителя главного редактора.

This is its chief attraction and its chief danger.

For the chief precepts should include a precept of the chief virtue.

В самом деле, главные предписания должны содержать предписание главной добродетели.

Piasecki remained the chief test pilot for the PV-2, as well as chief engineer and company president.

Фрэнк Пясецкий оставался главным пилотом-испытателем для PV-2, в дополнение к своим обязанностям главного инженера и президента компании.

The chief representative shall have the rights of the chief flight representative as specified in Section I of this Annex.

Старший представитель обладает правами старшего летного представителя, указанными в разделе I настоящего Приложения.

Herman Kallenbach… our chief carpenter, also our chief benefactor.

Герман Калленбах наш главный плотник, а также наш основной благодетель.

He was replaced as chief designer by George Carter, the former chief draughtsman at Sopwith and later the chief designer for the Gloster Aircraft Company.

Он был заменен на посту главного конструктора Джордж Картер, бывший главный рисовальщик на Сопвич и позже главным дизайнером Gloster Aircraft Company.

Questions are answered by the chief physician — Alexey Degtyarev, in his absence Marina Yavorskaya is the deputy chief physician for medical work.

На вопросы отвечает главный врач — Дегтярев Алексей Михайлович, в его отсутствие Яворская Марина Алексеевна — заместитель главного врача по медицинской работе.

MGM Resorts said James Stewart was named chief executive of MGM Growth Properties while Andy Chien was appointed chief financial officer.

Руководители компании сообщили, что Джеймс Стюарт (James Stewart) был назначен главным исполнительным директором MGM Growth Properties, в то время как Энди Чен (Andy Chien) занял должность главного финансового директора.

There are a number of challenges when you become chief.

Существует ряд специфических проблем, которые возникают в том случае, когда руководителем становится женщина.

One chief even denied that any such doctrine exists.

Есть много людей, утверждающих, что такой доктрины не существует.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат chief

Результатов: 89913. Точных совпадений: 89913. Затраченное время: 140 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

главный, основной, заведующий, важнейший, начальник, руководитель, глава, шеф, вождь


- главный; руководящий; старший

- основной; важнейший, главный


- глава, руководитель; лидер; начальник, шеф; заведующий, директор

- разг. шеф, чиф (в обращении)
- вождь (племени, клана); властитель, повелитель

Red Indian chief — вождь индейского племени
robber chief — атаман разбойников
Hail to the Chief — «привет вождю» (марш при встрече президента США)

- геральд. верхняя часть щита

Мои примеры


the chief engineer on the project — главный инженер на проекте  
the President’s chief economic adviser — главный экономический советник президента  
chief of the party — лидер партии, руководитель партии  
chief intimate — лучший друг  
chief supporter — основной сторонник  
chief reasons — главные причины  
chief difficulty — основная, главная трудность  
chief aim — главная цель, стратегическое направление  
chief cashier — старший кассир  
the chief of party — лидер партии, руководитель партии  
chief judgeship — должность председателя суда  
chief bibliographer — главный библиограф  

Примеры с переводом

The chief wants you.

Шеф требует вас к себе.

Safety is our chief concern.

Наша главная задача — безопасность.

We lead him to our chief.

Мы ведём его к начальнику.

The fire chief suspects arson.

Начальник пожарной охраны подозревает поджог.

The idea was to tour the chief towns.

Идея состояла в том, чтобы посетить с гастролями крупные города.

One of the chief causes of crime today is drugs.

Сегодня одной из главных причин преступности являются наркотики.

Native American tribal chiefs

вожди индейских племён

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He held (=had) the rank of Chief Inspector.

…our chief is out on a business trip right now…

The new Chief Executive was profiled in yesterday’s newspaper.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

chiefly  — главным образом, особенно, свойственный вождю
mischief  — беда, шалость, вред, зло, озорство, проказы, озорник, повреждение, бедокур
chiefdom  — главенство в племени
chiefship  — положение вождя, территория под управлением вождя племени

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): chief
мн. ч.(plural): chiefs

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

In ordinary times the president may be almost compared to the managing clerk in a large business establishment, whose chief function is to select his subordinates, the policy of the concern being in the hands of the board of directors.

At one time she would come on board with a jar of pickles for the steward’s pantry; another time with a bunch of quills for the chief mate’s desk, where he kept his log; a third time with a roll of flannel for the small of some one’s rheumatic back.

Richet considers that the fusel oil contained in spirits constitutes the chief danger in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

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Grant from the Irish parliament, the king promised certain graces, of which the chief were security for titles, free trade, and the substitution of an oath of allegiance for that of supremacy.

He is not a dramatist — his work as such is insignificant — nor a novelist, for, though his two chief works except the Confessions are called novels, Emile is one only in name, and La Nouvelle Helotise is as a story diffuse, prosy and awkward to a degree.

From 1851 to February 1856 he was an associate justice of the state supreme court, and from December 1854 was chief justice.

An act of accusation, containing in 37 articles the chief complaints against them, was read out to the people; not only their policy, but their orthodoxy was attacked, and there was even an insinuation of sorcery.

Reorganized in 1907 the colonial office consists of three chief departments: (I) the Dominions Department, dealing with the affairs of the self-governing over-sea dominions of the British crown, and of certain other possessions geographically connected with those dominions; (2) the Colonial Department, dealing with the affairs of crown colonies and protectorates; (3) the General Department, dealing with legal, financial and other general business.

The chief industries of the town are iron casting, copper and lead smelting, cannon founding, the manufacture of furniture and carriages, liqueur distilling, lithographing and printing.

By President Washington’s appointment he became chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States in March 1796, and in 1799 President John Adams sent him, with William Vans Murray (1762-1803) and William R.

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