Sentence with word charity

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Many people donate to charity and feel significantly happier as…

Многие люди жертвуют на благотворительность, и в результате чувствуют себя гораздо счастливее.

If so, get to know the charity.

And one more to demonstrate our own faith and charity.

И ещё одну, чтоб показать насколько крепка наша вера и милосердие.

You’re the public face of the charity.

Теперь, нравится тебе это или нет, ты — публичное лицо милосердия.

Company-based charity efforts hinge on profitability.

Политика компании в сфере благотворительности основывается на результативности.

I donate them to charity, he said.

I, like many others, had no idea of charity.

Whoever is wrong owes $100,000 to charity.

And only in adulthood we have time for self-care and charity.

И только в зрелом возрасте у нас есть время для самостоятельной помощи и благотворительности.

Remember that lending is not charity.

Maybe he gives less to charity.

All associations except firefighting and charity were closed.

Все ассоциации граждан, кроме связанных с пожаротушением и благотворительностью, были закрыты.

And he works with this cancer-research charity.

You’ve never been interested in charity.

The current situation around the charity requires publicity.

«Нынешняя ситуация, которая сложилась вокруг благотворительности, требует широкой огласки.

Key words: institutional charity, world rating of charity, socio-historical trends of charity, comparative historical and sociological research of charity, socio-cultural values of charity.

The second defect charged to the charity system is that it is charity and compassion only.

Второй недостаток, в котором обвиняют систему благотворительности, заключается в том, что в ее основе лежат лишь милосердие и сочувствие.

You cannot centralize or enforce charity because then it is no longer charity, but slavery.

‘Diakonia’ stems from charity, and charity is rooted in disinterested love for every single person.

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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

An American charity called «Karmic Cash»
Американский благотворительный фонд «Кармические наличные»

Weldon embezzled from his own charity.
Велдон тратил деньги своего благотворительного фонда.

Sabrina’s throwing a charity bash there.
Сабрина устраивает там благотворительный банкет.

They laundered dirty money through the charity.
Они отмывали свои грязные деньги через благотворительный фонд.

morality is more than compassion and charity.
моральное поведение есть нечто большее, чем просто сострадание и благотворительность.

We’re doing a bicycle ride for charity.
Мы принимаем участие в благотворительном велопробеге.

They laundered their dirty money through the charity.
Они отмывали свои грязные деньги через благотворительный фонд.

So, it’s a charity dinner for lupus.
Это благотворительный обед для болеющих волчанкой.

You can’t even donate one to charity.
Ты даже не можешь пожертвовать его на благотворительность.


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A charity or charitable organization is a non-profit organization whose primary objectives are philanthropy and social well-being. Charity may also refer to: (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

If you’re planning to give to a charity anyway, you could contribute stock that has gone up significantly in value, which enables you to deduct the fair market value of the stock at the time of the contribution while avoiding capital gains taxes.


War of the Roses, Magicka, Knights of Pen and Paper, Victoria II and more are just a few dollars away in this «pay what you want» charity drive.


Whether you are investing into specific financial instruments or donating time and money into charity, real impact happens only when you measure progress.


And all that money if he were really christian he would donate it to charities and such


Be careful about disclosing personal information to any unrecognized charities.


Amazonsmile is the exact same site as Amazon, the only difference is it allows you to help a charity.


It’s somewhat entertaining — and I admire the fact that all of the winnings are going to veteran charities — but the show is a little clunky.


Many of these will be owned by small businesses, charities, and self-employed Londoners already hard hit by the recession.


The 31-year-old in a picture posted on his official Instagram account revealed his involvement with a certain charity organization known as the Kemi Malaika Foundation.


«Abra has gifted bomb expansion in our use charity over the past integrate of months,» Bill Barhydt, owner and CEO of Abra, tells Inverse.


We come to see, as Nabi says, «that one is well served by a degree of both humility and charity when judging the inner workings of another person’s heart.»


Privately, Mr. Drake has hosted the Harvard Business Club at his NY home, produced Carnegie Hall concerts, & raised funds for the charity Best Buddies for years.


FWIW, they also give quite generously to their church, other charities, and other people.


It also allowed for the introduction of free schools — all-ability, publicly funded schools set up by different groups, such as parents, community or faith groups, charities, and private, fee-charging schools.


Its is felt in the emotion that Leanne Turner puts into the Aching Arms charity, founded by just wanting to support some other fellow bereaved parents, and now touching parents daily through partnerships with 70 + hospitals just seven years later.


For charity: water, that’s the people that actually drive the rigs of clean water into the underserved towns, the people that build the wells, etc..


Wealthy women tend to gravitate to certain events like charity balls, movie premieres, and gallery openings.


Ministry is the effort to grow past, to evolve beyond, the limitations of welfare and the indifference of charity.


Rosario Dawson’s cop is supposedly the figurehead for some charity which has something to do with her police work (but what, exactly?)


Many donors find it advisable to consult a financial professional and tax advisor to explore options before giving to a charity.


Frantz Fund: The Frantz L. Dantzler friends for life fund, inc., is a charity in St. Joseph County, Ind., that works with veterinary clinics to help needy people provide basic care to their pets.


Though we may always be a local charity organization, I envision C4EB becoming a big name in the national cloth diaper community in just a few short years to come: D


But the charity drive truly has much more to it than the pores…


Don’t make it sound like he is on charity.


Another great gift that is also perfect for last minute would be to donate to a charity in that person’s name.


The majority of the points in this category are based on a survey that MoneySense sends to the charities.


The education charity looked at the number of new reception pupils who fail to meet the level of social and emotional development, knowledge and skills needed to provide the foundation for good progress through school.


Depending on the type of card you use, you can set up a one-time or recurring donation to the charity of your choice.


I’ll tell you guys more about my charity work in the near future in case you’d like to be a part of it.


Smaller charities and campaign groups gain invaluable exposure, prompting top journalists to approach them for comment on the issues that matter most.


Poverty can not be combatted when charity is limited by market considerations.


For example, Beverly Woods has a relationship with a local charity that serves homeless children in our school system.


Since 2000, Buffett has held an annual fundraiser, auctioning off a charity lunch with him on eBay.


But here in the U.S., the vast majority of thrift shops are donation-based and center on a charity or non-profit organization.


Our sister charity the Sutton Trust has also funded the development and pilot evaluation of EasyPeasy, a smartphone app which sends regular game ideas to parents that they can play with their children.


Each location’s general manager is involved in coordinating charity and volunteer efforts including donating to food banks.


It could be for a Christmas gift, a charity donation, or just because you’ve been wanting one.


They could even have protested, in the face of Catholic attacks, that they were and are still major donors to a large third-world charity founded by Catholics, Mary’s Meals (yes, it’s that Mary), which feeds about half a million third-world children every day.


Research published on Tuesday by The Sutton Trust charity warns that cost could be putting off some students from leaving home to study.


Disclosures stating only that the charity will receive «proceeds,» «profits,» «net proceeds,» or some other general financial benefit as a result of sales will not meet this standard.


Starring: Michael Masurkevitch as Pirate Mike Otis Morris as Otis M. Morris Sameer Khan as Jogger Neighbour Jessica Boland as… pirate mike, pirate, lockyer, masurkevitch, otis morris, commie ninjas, cocaine, balloon, clown, train, homo, dildo, charity


A Christian charity is encouraging parents to take action as new research has shown a huge rise in online… More


The council also gave $ 573,589 to the Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, the massive charity run by Brooklyn’s Democratic Party chairman, Assemblyman Vito Lopez.


«If the special prosecutor really is going to rise up, we think that charity begins at home.


Our contributions to local charities help raise funds for needy pets and community causes.


Data shows children who didn’t take part in the activities, run and funded by various governments, private companies and charities, did just as well in GCSE tests.


These ladies are mostly out in the limelight going to charity events and might just meet the right guy for associating with, but they should not overexpose themselves as a viable asset since it can create ripples in her stature.


Now the charity has put together a special online toolkit to make it as easy as possible for schools to join in the fun and maximise their fundraising for next year’s event (Friday -LSB-…]


This skin is part of a breast cancer awareness charity event that Blizzard is running through May 21st.


(Remember from my other posts that I believe in «common grace» — that by God’s mercy working through people, they are able to do acts of charity and good.


благотворительность, милосердие, благотворительные дела


- благотворительность; филантропия
- благотворительное общество
- благотворительное учреждение (приют, богадельня и т. п.)

he left his money to charity — он оставил своё состояние на благотворительные цели

- милосердие; отзывчивость; сострадание

Brother [Sister] of Charity — брат [сестра] милосердия (из монахов и монахинь)

- снисходительность (в суждениях); доброжелательность; благожелательность

with charity for all (Lincoln) — всем желая добра

- милостыня, подаяние
- рел. любовь (к ближнему)

to be /to live/ in charity — жить в любви

- (as) cold as charity см. cold

charity begins at home — кто думает о родных, не забудет и чужих

Мои примеры


a mawkish plea for donations to the charity — сентиментальная /слезливая/ просьба о пожертвованиях на благотворительность  
a parsimonious woman who insists that charity begin — and ends — at home — прижимистая женщина, которая настаивает на том, что благотворительность начинается и заканчивается дома  
act of charity — благотворительная акция  
to dispense / distribute / give charity to — подавать милостыню  
to accept charity — принять подаяние  
to ask / beg / plead for charity — просить милостыню  
public charity — общественная благотворительность  
to contribute to charity — делать благотворительные пожертвования  
to dedicate oneself to charity work — посвятить себя благотворительности  
to dispense charity to the needy — раздавать милостыню нуждающимся  
a charity drive — благотворительная кампания  
as cold as charity — холодный как лёд; бесчувственный; бессердечный  

Примеры с переводом

All the money will go to charity.

Все деньги пойдут на благотворительность.

She refused to accept charity.

Она отказывалась принимать милостыню.

He gave yearly great sums in charity.

Он ежегодно давал большие суммы денег на благотворительность.

Her pride wouldn’t allow her to accept charity.

Гордость не позволит ей принять подаяние.

The children raised over £200 for charity.

Дети собрали на благотворительность свыше двухсот фунтов стерлингов.

Most people give to some charity at Christmastime.

Большинство людей на Рождество делают пожертвования.

He was appointed director of charity.

Он был назначен директором благотворительной организации.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Newspaper reports showed him little charity.

Charity embraces all acts of generous giving.

Several charities sent aid to the flood victims.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

charitable  — благотворительный, милосердный, щедрый

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): charity
мн. ч.(plural): charities

Sentences with the word Charity?



  • «a childhood that was unhappy and deprived, the family living off charity«; «boys from a deprived environment, wherein the family life revealed a pattern of neglect, moral degradation, and disregard for law»
  • «I donated blood to the Red Cross for the victims of the earthquake»; «donate money to the orphanage»; «She donates to her favorite charity every month»
  • «His ostensible purpose was charity, his real goal popularity»
  • «a fund sacred to charity«; «a morning hour sacred to study»; «a private office sacred to the President»
  • «the dictionary gave several senses for the word»; «in the best sense charity is really a duty»; «the signifier is linked to the signified»
  • «a virtual dependence on charity«; «a virtual revolution»; «virtual reality»

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