Sentence with word capable

Sentences with the word Capable?



  • «able teachers»; «a capable administrator»; «children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable»
  • «she does an amazing amount of work»; «the dog was capable of astonishing tricks»
  • «He bated his breath when talking about this affair»; «capable of bating his enthusiasm»
  • «She succeeded in persuading us all»; «I managed to carry the box upstairs»; «She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it»; «The pianist negociated the difficult runs»
  • «capable of winning»; «capable of hard work»; «capable of walking on two feet»
  • «no one believed her capable of murder»
  • «a passage capable of misinterpretation»; «open to interpretation»; «an issue open to question»; «the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation»
  • «carnivorous plants are capable of trapping and digesting small animals especially insects»
  • «a real character»; «a strange character»; «a friendly eccentric»; «the capable type»; «a mental case»
  • «arrive home at a reasonable hour»; «commonsense scholarship on the foibles of a genius»; «unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated»
  • «enthalpy is the amount of energy in a system capable of doing mechanical work»
  • «we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil»
  • «someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations»; «an able and resourceful politician»; «the most resourceful cook in town»

способный, допускающий, могущий, умелый, одаренный, поддающийся, умный


- способный, одарённый

capable pupil — способный ученик

- умелый; знающий

capable doctor [teacher] — знающий /толковый/ врач [учитель]

- способный (на что-л.)

capable of every wickedness [of any crime] — способный на любую подлость [на любое преступление]
capable of bringing happiness — могущий дать счастье

- поддающийся, допускающий

capable of improvement — поддающийся улучшению
the plan is capable of improvement — ирон. этот план оставляет желать лучшего
capable of explanation — объяснимый, поддающийся объяснению

- арх. имеющий какую-л. вместимость
- юр. уст. исчерпывающий, обширный

Мои примеры


a capable and efficient editor — способный и квалифицированный редактор  
a strong, capable woman — сильная, способная женщина  
capable of being isolated — изолируемый  
capable of high precision — обеспечивающий высокую точность  
the granite, capable of taking a high polish — гранит, который прекрасно шлифуется  
capable of every wickedness — способный на любую подлость  
capable of mischief — способный причинить вред  
legally capable — право- и/или дееспособный  
capable doctor — знающий /толковый/ врач  
capable of being graduated — градуируемый  
trademark capable of distinguishing — товарный знак, способный к различению  
nuclear-capable bomber — бомбардировщик-носитель ядерного оружия  

Примеры с переводом

He was capable of stealing.

Он был способен на воровство.

Only humans are capable of speech.

Только люди способны разговаривать.

I don’t think he’s capable of murder.

Я не думаю, что он способен на убийство.

Silvia is capable of standing up for herself.

Сильвия способна постоять за себя.

I am quite capable of doing it myself, thank you.

Я вполне способен сделать это сам, спасибо.

The dog was capable of astonishing tricks.

Собака умела делать / была способна на удивительные трюки.

Who could be capable of such atrocity?

Кто мог совершить такое зверство? / Кто был способен на такую жестокость?

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Возможные однокоренные слова

cap  — крышка, колпачок, шапка, колпак, кепка, покрывать, крыть, надевать шапку
caper  — каперсы, скачок, прыжок, капер, коленце, дурачиться, скакать, шалить, прыгать
capful  — полная шапка
incapable  — неспособный, недееспособный
capably  — умело
caped  — с пелериной, одетый в плащ, накидку

At a brand-new facility, biologists manually breed supercorals capable of living in increasingly inhospitable waters


Eva Moskowitz, the combative CEO of Success Academy, and one of the organizers of the Albany rally, dreamed of expanding Success to 100 charter schools, in a kind of parallel district that would be capable of outperforming traditional public schools and siphoning their students.


They’re guided by capable, interesting directors, until they have to shoot the big stuff for the trailer.


All 14 heads are capable of being used in a single combination calculation, while the weigher’s unique triple combination calculation software can calculate three optimal weight combinations, double check them and then select the one nearest to the target weight — all in a single cycle.


«Makarfi has said so, that anyone who feels he can win the election and knows he is capable of leading the party, is free.


In other words, his proposal, if it could be executed at all, would produce an individual capable of using liberty well and responsibly, inevitably embedded in a society in which most people would be sorely tempted to abuse their liberty.


«Microsoft needs to hire people capable of inventing the Microsoft of five or 10 years hence.»


A standard biology textbook would likely explain that vision in dim light is enabled by rods — sensitive light detectors that are only capable of producing black and white vision.


The fact is that even though they strive for higher goals for themselves and all of humanity, those who are religeous are still humans and thus very capable of making horrible decisions and taking horrible actions both as a group and individually.


Her character in The Avengers, Black Widow, may not have been explicitly super-powered, but she was nonetheless more than capable of holding her own in a battle against an invading horde of aliens.


«The top players like him are capable of adapting to whatever situation they find themselves in,» he told Sky Sport on Friday.


Food dyes and artificial sweeteners are neurotoxins that are capable of disrupting normal nervous system function, subsequently leading to increased symptoms of anxiety.


The 6.0-liter now chugs out 626 hp and 605 lb-ft of torque, making the all-wheel-drive W12 S capable of 4.2-second 0-60 mph sprints.


Do you attach your self-worth to how much physical activity your body is capable of doing?


Corals are the only animals other than humans that are capable of building structures that can be seen by space.


Of the two Republican candidates, he’s the one capable of the essential task of engaging Andrew Cuomo, the Democratic front-runner, in a serious debate about how to best revive the state’s economy, reduce its excessively heavy tax burden and clean up its horribly corrupt political culture.


And even though Sondheim approved the cast, we probably wondered whether non-singing actors as Depp and Bonham Carter were really capable of pulling off this unusual and exacting work.


Almost as big and refined and a 7 Series, but with more than a dash of driver involvement, the capable four-door saloon still remains relevant, despite operating in a sea of upmarket SUVs.


Like my dad did with me, I am making sure that no matter what other education they receive in their lives, that they are well equipped with life skills that at the least are capable of providing for their needs without any employment at all, other than self.


Your baby might be capable of drinking more than you suspect; if he finishes a bottle and still seems interested, burp him, and then offer another 2 ounces.


Indeed, the people here are well qualified and capable to do the job competently.


Much to the chagrin of his superiors, including Colonel Phillips (Tommy Lee Jones, a towering, wryly comic presence even in a largely inconsequential role), Erskine chooses Rogers for an experimental procedure that turns the bag of bones into a high-grade beefcake, capable of advanced battle techniques and super speed.


In training, every time I choose courage over fear, or persistence in the wake of challenge, I know I am building myself more capable to handle challenges in life.»


The number given here is the most PSI that the pump is capable of.


Getting back to Coming & Going (a lazy title that holds no particular relevance to the movie), you don’t need to see it and very likely wouldn’t enjoy it, nor would doing so give you much indication of the genius work Darby has elsewhere proved himself extremely capable of.


The Training has built the pillars to trust myself, the basis to hold myself and face the future with a different attitude, and I feel stronger and capable.


Mounted on the ceiling above was a projector capable of flashing bursts of light onto the screen, at the same spots where the speakers were located.


In the long term, empowerment helps children become capable and develop high self esteem in their teen and adult lives.


The more than 200 charter schools authorized by LAUSD would tell you that are subject to a very rigorous process and undergo intense scrutiny from the district’s capable charter division staff.


I believe Sanchez will be an effective option at striker playing in the 4-2-3-1 with a no10 of Ozil or Cazorla’s quality behind him but i can’t see it working within the 4-3-3 unless the game is extremely open… In my opinion the recent change in tactic has been in place to utilize the developing threat of Ox, Wilshere and Ramsey who are all very capable of scoring goals from midfield.


Their goal, audaciously named quantum supremacy, is to build the first quantum computer capable of performing a task no classical computer can.


They also must be change agents, capable of dealing with vast ambiguities; human relations gurus; school culture shapers; savvy budget administrators; and outstanding performance managers.


The alternative to the disappearance of Christian existence is the emergence of a new vision capable of sustaining intentional communities whose vitality would enable them to revivify part of the remains of the institutional church.


In other words, the vast majority of the protesting students at these schools are ostensibly capable of buying more food or bringing food from home if they truly feel deprived by the new school meals.


And finally, to commemorate the launch of the company’s SmartHub Gen II, 365 will be giving away a customized MicroMarket capable of generating $ 100,000 in revenue to one lucky contest winner.


That would be enough, but add in Miles Sanders who would be the starter at just about any other school, as well as some very capable backups in Andre Robinson and Mark Allen, and you’ve got a loaded backfield that will be an absolute force.


The internet based platform is alleged to be extremely capable, but we are convinced these loyal customers exists largely due to Nextoption’s focus on education and desire to entice its forex traders on their alleged best practices and strategies in Options trading.


I would love to see Rice given an occasional chance as the one capable of carrying the ball out of defence as an alternative to Route One.


True, this has led to an explosion in new companies far beyond the levels seen previously, which is entirely expected — lower barriers to entry to any market means more total entries — but this has actually made it even more difficult for venture capitalists to invest in seed rounds: most aren’t capable of writing massive numbers of seed checks; the amounts are just too small to justify the effort.


You are now officially a content whisperer capable of filtering out all that junk content.


This actually could steal the show on Tuesday Night if both groups play the way they are capable of.


There are professionals who are involved in this sofa that will be capable of tell you the best you are able to get on your company offices or home.


We know you’re equal parents who are completely capable of caring for your children just as well as those of us who are the primary caregivers do.


He has been voted Serie A’s goalkeeper of the year an incredible nine times in his career — a record, and it is easy to see why with some of the fantastic reflex saves he is capable of producing.


They do not tolerate any sort of criticism, and can be very stubborn when they believe they are in the right.The Ox is very capable and hardworking, but the flip side of this particular coin is a tendency to be moody, gloomy, conformist and quite often, not to put too fine a point on it, dull.


Conversely, when target antigen is located only in a tissue or organ remote from the germinal centre, B cells capable of reacting against both antigen and «self» are able to escape the germinal centre and produce autoantibodies.


City’s Abu Dhabi-based owners, from the moment they took control of the club, came with a dual purpose: to create a first team capable of dominating domestically and compete in Europe, and to build a youth academy the envy of club’s worldwide, attracting and developing the finest young talent the game has to offer.


But speaking on Onua Fm morning show with Bright Kwesi Asempa, Dr Anthony Akoto Osei, who is part of the list, said the president-elect should be given free hands and room to appoint capable hands to lead the country.


This ability is gifted to us through evolution and it’s what made us capable of the «flight and fight» response that’s been essential to our survival.


One big moneyline upset could sway the figures, and West Brom look like they’re capable of pulling one off soon.


Предложения со словом «•capable»

Now our Todai Robot is among the top 20 percent, and it was capable to pass more than 60 percent of the universities in Japan — but not Todai.

Сегодня наш Todai — робот входит в первые 20 процентов, и он смог бы поступить в более чем 60 процентов японских университетов, но не в Todai.

But when I sat at that first game, I couldn’t be sure what is this thing capable of.

Во время той первой игры я не был уверен, чего ожидать от этой штуковины.

Each is capable of good or ill.

Каждый способен принести как пользу, так и вред.

And by connecting telescopes from around the world, an international collaboration called the Event Horizon Telescope is creating a computational telescope the size of the Earth, capable of resolving structure on the scale of a black hole’s event horizon.

Соединяя телескопы по всему миру, международный проект под названием Event Horizon Telescope создаёт вычислительный телескоп размером с Землю, способный сфотографировать структуру в масштабах горизонта событий чёрной дыры.

The community, together, discovered over 90 percent of asteroids bigger than one kilometer across — objects capable of massive destruction to Earth.

Сообщество учёных обнаружило более 90% всех астероидов, диаметр которых более одного километра, именно они могут нанести непоправимый ущерб Земле.

I would argue, only government is capable of creating these necessary conditions for economies to thrive.

Я могу утверждать, только правительство может создать условия, необходимые для процветания экономики.

We’ve created a technology that we call nano-DLD that is capable of precisely this: automated exosome isolation to aid rapid cancer diagnostics.

Мы создали технологию, которую называем nano — DLD и которая может делать следующее: автоматизированное выделение экзосом для быстрой диагностики рака.

You’re saying that people of reason, people who would consider themselves not racists, but moral, upstanding people, have a rationale that says humans are just too different, that we’re in danger of overloading our sense of what humans are capable of, by mixing in people who are too different.

То есть рациональные люди, которые считают себя не расистами, а добропорядочными гражданами, думают, что люди просто слишком разные, что нам грозит опасность переоценить собственные человеческие возможности при наплыве слишком отличных от нас людей.

Under their very capable leadership, they’ve actually undergone a series of transformations.

Под могущественным руководством она претерпела ряд оптимизаций.

Your work argues that man is capable of anything.

Ваша работа утверждает, что человек способен на все.

The collar you wear is capable of controlling you.

Ошейник, который ты носишь, способен управлять тобой.

I cannot believe Caroline is capable of wilful deceit.

Не могу поверить, что Кэролайн способна на расчетливый обман.

Even outlandish ones concerning artisans capable of constructing war machines.

Даже о нелепых ремесленниках, которые способны строить военные конструкции.

Doris insisted he was capable of helping Marsha pull.

Дорис утверждал, что вполне способен помочь Марше тянуть колымагу.

Normally he is more than capable of commanding this station.

Обычно он более чем способен к командованию этой станцией.

Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling.

Вы никогда не будете способны на обыкновенное человеческое чувство.

She did not believe Siuan Sanche was capable of sympathy.

Она не верила, что Айз Седай способна на сочувствие.

Our kitchen is capable of preparing food for any diet.

На нашей кухне готовят блюда для всех режимов питания.

But once the music starts to play, once there is a great desire to come out and shows to all that you are capable.

Но как только начинает играть музыка, сразу появляется большое желание, выйти и показать на все что ты способен.

Just as Jesus created wine from water, we humans are capable on transmuting emotions into music said one man of wisdom.

Подобно тому, как Иисус сотворил вино из воды, мы, люди, способны на превращения эмоции в музыку, сказал один мудрый человек.

I am capable to work with them, and I also possess the qualities needed in this work.

Я способен работать с ними, и я также обладают качествами, необходимыми в работе.

The first day I was very tired and, unfortunately, was not capable to do something.

В первый день я очень устала и, к сожалению, была не в состоянии что — либо делать.

Heroes whom Robert plays are capable of a great pure love and they appreciate friendship.

Герои, которых играет Роберт, ценят дружбу и способны на великую, чистую любовь.

The other side had no weapons capable of dealing with Guardship soldiers in full combat armor.

У противника не было оружия, пригодного для боя с солдатами Стража в полном боевом снаряжении.

Under ordinary circumstances, that would be a force capable of crushing any enemy.

В обычных условиях такая армия могла сокрушить любого врага.

Your Majesty has no idea of the scientific miracles that human beings are capable of.

Вы не представляете, какие научные чудеса доступны человечеству.

He was shrewd and clever in many little things, and capable of creating a good impression.

Он был умен и хитер в мелочах и умел производить на людей выгодное впечатление.

Today, any nuclear country or terrorist is capable of inflicting damage on a massive scale with weapons of…

Сегодня любая ядерная держава или террористы способны нанести огромный ущерб при помощи оружия…

A thief, physically capable, compulsively devious and utterly devoid of soul.

Вор в хорошей физической форме, хитрый и абсолютно лишённый души.

The most important thing is, that the convicts should believe that the inhabitants of the island are numerous, and consequently capable of resisting them.

Важнее всего внушить этим преступникам убеждение, что обитатели острова многочисленны и сумеют им противостоять.

Waylander had known much pain in his life and had always considered himself capable of withstanding any torment the world could inflict.

Нездешний в жизни не раз испытывал боль и полагал, что способен выдержать любую муку.

A phantom brother capable of overcoming every obstacle, rising above my failures.

Одаренность моего призрачного брата в преодолении всех препятствий возвышалась над моими неудачами.

Smaller ships were physically capable of landing almost anywhere on a habitable planet.

Маленькие корабли могли приземляться практически где угодно на планетах, пригодных для жизни.

You’re capable of hitting a man who merely intrudes upon a harmless situation.

Вы способны ударить человека, который всего лишь застал вас в невинной ситуации?

Now, you stand between me and the recovery of someone for whom I care with all the depth I am capable of mustering.

Сейчас вы находитесь между мной и спасением человека, которого я ценю, насколько только способен.

It’s a sad truth that the people closest to us are the ones capable of causing us the most pain.

Горькая правда в том, что самые дорогие нам люди могут причинить больше всего боли.

And I’m perfectly capable of going to my furthest corners and composing music.

И я отлично могу залезать в свои самые отдаленные уголки и сочинять музыку.

We were connected by a continuous neuroelectric field that was capable of regenerating the damaged components of an injured Borg.

Мы были соединены непрерывным нейроэлектрическим полем, способным к регенерации поврежденных компонентов раненого борга.

The medical science of my own era is capable of sustaining my life on an endurable basis.

Медицинская наука моей эры способна поддерживать во мне жизнь на нужном уровне долгое время.

Mason took out a cigarette case, fished out a cigarette with his long, capable fingers, lit it, and surveyed Locke with eyes that were cold and uncordial.

Мейсон достал портсигар, вытащил длинными пальцами сигарету, прикурил ее, после чего смерил Локка холодным взглядом.

Two transparent, flexing pieces of plastic, a bit like limpware dental appliances, capable of adjusting themselves to fit.

Два прозрачных гибких кусочка пластика, немного напоминающие носовой лимпсофт — имплант, самоустанавливающийся по размеру.

The twins appeared capable of reproducing each other’s thought trains at will.

Близнецы, казалось, способны были по собственному желанию воспроизводить ход мыслей друг друга.

She tries to cry out again but she’s losing consciousness and she’s capable of only a weak moan.

Она пытается закричать снова, но теряет сознание и издает только сдавленный стон.

He left the hysterical woman in her aunt’s capable hands.

Здесь он доверил бьющуюся в истерике женщину заботам ее тетушки.

That’s why we’ve employed a capable detective as well. I was thinking of having him keep tabs on what the police are doing.

Так что мы наняли такого же умного детектива следить за ходом следствия.

The human brain is theoretically capable of such discipline but the experiment has never been tried before to this extent.

Теоретически человеческий мозг способен на это, но никогда не было проведено полной серии экспериментов.

Physically he was still capable of continuing, but his mind and his spirit were depleted.

Физически он был готов продолжать путешествие, но его разум и дух требовали отдыха.

You cannot suppose me capable of trying to persuade you to marry against your inclinations.

Ты ведь не можешь предположить, что я способен уговаривать тебя выйти замуж против твоей воли.

And quicklime is capable of dissolving the flesh off human bones in a matter of days.

А негашеная известь способна растворить плоть на человеческих костях за считаные дни.

The thrice-damned harvest of this world was damnably capable at battle.

Трижды проклятая добыча этого мира была чертовски умелой в битве.

I’m going to leave these problems in your capable hands.

Я вынуждена оставить эти проблемы в ваших умелых руках.

I’m gonna have to leave my three friends in your very capable hands.

Я собираюсь оставить трёх моих друзей в ваших умелых руках.

Al-Qaeda will have to remain in your capable hands.

Аль — Каеда останется только в твоих умелых руках.

His enhanced sense of smell was capable of separating scents with the acuity and precision of a good chemistry lab.

Его усовершенствованное обоняние было способно анализировать запахи на уровне хорошей химической лаборатории.

It is in effect capable of produce endless fire and light.

Человек и правда может создать вечный огонь и свет.

Quinn’s reports refer to uninhabited planets capable of sustaining life.

Отчеты Джонаса Квина ссылаются на несколько необитаемых планет пригодных для жизни.

This machine is capable of doing all kinds of calculations without paper or pen.

Эта машина способна производить все виды вычислений без бумаги или пера.

How do you transform human nature so that people will be capable of democracy?

Как изменить человеческую природу, чтобы люди были способны к демократии?

Mason abruptly released the forefinger, spun the other lawyer halfway around, grasped the back of the lawyer’s coat with his big, capable hand, and propelled the lawyer to the door.

Мейсон отпустил палец, развернул адвоката, схватил за шиворот и потащил к двери.

They don’t believe you are capable of breaching the city walls.

Они не верят, что вы способны пробить городские стены.

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