Sentence with word burn

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

burn after reading, мне тоже так показалось, милый.

Burn After Reading was another good one, I thought.

Клип на песню линкин парк burn it down

Linkin Park, Burn It Down

2 вида тонизирующего безалкогольного напитка burn.

2 types of tonic soft beverage burn.

Клип на песню линкин парк burn it down

Download video song of linkin park burn it down

Если вы принимаете участие в много физически требуя деятельности, you would require more energy for it and burn your stores of food quickly.

In addition to the above, your body’s energy requirement is also affected by your physical activity levels. If you take part in a lot of physically demanding activities, you would require more energy for it and burn your stores of food quickly.

Потому что, когда вы считаете, что это «burn» его характера, способ рассказать вам, что вы, село вещей и остановки.

Because when you do feel this burn it is nature’s way of telling you that you are overdoing things and to stop.

Здесь Вы также можете выбрать режим «burn proof», если он поддерживается Вашим пишущим CD-ROM’ом.

You can also select «burn proof» here if it is supported by your CD burner.

Самое милое, что было сказано: «I hope you burn in hell!»

Usually it really means «I hope you burn in hell!»

Это важно, потому что русский синтаксис такое разбиение конструкции считает ошибкой, нарушением логики изложения, стилистической погрешностью.Примером является предложение с однородными членами: Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us.

This is important because Russian syntax is the split design considers a mistake, a violation of logic of presentation, a stylistic error.An example is a sentence with homogeneous members: Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us.

Широко используемым индикатором, измеряющим возможность появления таких проблем с денежными средствами, является коэффициент прожигания денег (cash burn ratio), который представляет собой отношение кассовых остатков к абсолютному значению EBITDA (он обычно является отрицательным числом).

A widely used measure of this potential for cash problems is the cash burn ratio, which is the ratio of the cash balance to the EBITDA (usually a negative number).

Возможно, вы понимаете, что ваш лучший способ выиграть игру — это топдекнуть другой burn spell, и напрямую убить своего противника.

Perhaps you realize that your best out to win the game is topdecking another burn spell and flat out killing your opponent with that plus your Lightning Bolt.

То burn, to spoil и другие глаголы, которые могут быть правильными или неправильными в британском варианте, в американском варианте всегда правильные.

To burn, to spoil and other verbs, which can be regular or irregular in the British variant, in the American variant ALWAYS regular.

Он имеет ключевые функции, такие как встроенный ползунок, поддерживающий сенсорный ввод, ползунок, поддерживаемый записью ken burn, встроенный демонстрационный импортер, встроенный лайтбокс и т. Д. Он имеет автоматические обновления на всю жизнь.

It has key features such as built-in touch supported slider, built-in ken burn supported slider, built-in demo importer, built-in lightbox etc. It has automatic updates for a lifetime.

Возможно, оно произошло от сочетания старого английского слова «bleach», вместе с формой слова «burn», то есть «поток», связанное, вероятно, с процессом отбеливания, очищения.

It has been suggested that it may be a combination of an Old English word for bleach, together with a form of the word «burn«, meaning stream, may be associated with a bleaching process.

На этом этапе я работаю в основном в Photoshop, используя слои (простые слои или корректирующие слои), режимы смешивания, градиенты, осветление и затемнение (dodge and burn).

In this phase I work mainly in Photoshop by using layers (simple layers or adjustment layers), blending modes, gradients, dodge and burn.

Официальный энергетический напиток FXOpen Drifting Belarus 2011: burn

FXOpen Drifting Belarus 2011 official energy drink: burn

В Линуксе Вам даже не нужен «burn proof» (Buffer UnderRunN proof), поскольку специальный буффер, =FIFO, внутри CD-ROM’а компенсирует небольшие помехи и и его обычно хватает чтобы избежать проблем с записью в Линуксе.

There is a special buffer called FIFO inside the CD writer to compensate for small disturbances which is usally enough to avoid burn failures under Linux.

«Нам никогда не удалось достичь того, что мы называем сжиганием слияния (fusion burn), когда реакция синтеза полностью поддерживает плазму», — заявляет исполнительный директор лаборатория по исследованиям ядерного синтеза Британского агентства по атомной энергии Ян Чепмен.

«We’ve never reached what we call fusion burn, where the fusion reaction self-sustains the plasma,» said Ian Chapman, chief executive of the UK Atomic Energy Authority.

На картинке изображён Киану Ривз, в некоторых случаях в очках, с цитатой из трейлера: We’ve got a city to burn»; иногда начинающейся с «Wake up Samurai» (от англ. — «Проснись, Самурай»).

In the image, you can see Keanu Reeves, sometimes wearing sunglasses, and the caption is a literal quote from the trailer, «We’ve got a city to burn«, sometimes also proceeded by «Wake up, Samurai.»

Dodge and Burn выходит 25 сентября.

Dodge and Burn is due out September 25th.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 525. Точных совпадений: 525. Затраченное время: 82 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word «burn»

The word «burn» is a transitive verb of the first conjugation which means to destroy or damage something or someone with fire or by the action of an energy source. For example: Burned the pot handle.

What transitive verb, «Burn» requires the presence of a direct object that complements the action that is described.

It has other meanings such as:

Sentences with the word «burn»

  1. No matter how hard I try, Ana can’t no burn down food.
  2. ¡Let’s burn soon the document before it reaches the hands of the authorities!
  3. Ana and Paula are burned from so much sunbathing on the terrace.
  4. He took a sip of soup and burned my stomach from how hot it was.
  5. Snow burned the fruits of the field.
  6. Precise burn down calories so I’m going for a run.
  7. They arrested the suspect who had Burned the house of that family.
  8. Beware of the sun that is going to burn down the skin!
  9. On that trip, we burn all our savings.
  10. Cooks usually burn arms a lot.
  11. Believe it or not, my grandmother told me that before burned garbage in building incinerators.
  12. In autumn they are usually burn down the dry leaves.
  13. Once I i burned with boiling oil and it hurt a lot.
  14. That politician was has burned of so many speeches he gave.
  15. It is dangerous to sunbathe without protection because, beyond burn us, it can also cause skin cancer.
  16. The car is burned until it explodes completely.
  17. Burn down garbage generates smoke with a large amount of chemicals that are harmful to health and the environment.
  18. I know burned the grasslands of that province.
  19. The fire went on burning the mountains of that southern city.
  20. To get a smoky flavor, burn down the aubergines directly on the stove.
  21. The physicist had to be careful not burn with those liquids.
  22. As part of the ritual, they burned incense and incense.
  23. I read in the newspaper that a group of people burned several garbage bins in protest.
  24. I can’t believe my boyfriend have burned!
  25. He was so hungry that he ate the food without question despite being burned.
  26. The sand burned the feet, that’s why they ran to the sea.
  27. The chlorine in the pool burned the swimsuit.
  28. The car seat us burned the skin of the legs.
  29. This insurance covered appliances that were will burn due to low voltage.
  30. In chemistry class, a student burned conducting the experiment of the egg entering the bottle.

Follow with:

A burn is a type of injury to skin, or other tissues, caused by heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, friction, or radiation. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

That’s so interesting that endurance exercise does not produce the pee smell — it’s the opposite of what you would expect — the body first burns available energy in the form of carbohydrates, followed by fat and finally protein.


If your aim is to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than your body burns throughout the day.


I know the real reason why the US Military burns bibles and handles the koran like a fine work of art….


The EO must be blended with a carrier oil such as coconut, olive, etc. due to the potential for skin burns.


With this baby bathtub, you don’t have to check the water temperature with your hand anymore, so you can say goodbye to skin burns.


Oftentimes, these pools will have a high level of chemicals in the water that cause blisters and potential burns to form.


If a coal seam burns through the road, asphalt could crack open and sink, swallowing people and cars and unleashing a hellish scenario that might finally make people pay attention to what is going on beneath their feet.


You can not only eat it but also apply it to your skin for improved healing from cuts, bruises and burns and for beautifying effects.


This pluripotency makes hPSCs a potential source of renewable, healthy, specialized cells for use in transplantation and the treatment of a wide variety of diseases and injuries such as heart disease, Parkinson’s and burns.


In-line skating burns as many calories as running.


After taking a lifetime’s worth of burns over the Internet’s most hated app, they ditched the five-star rating system and opted for an opt-out.


Berkshire Hathaway (brk-a) owns everything from ice cream parlors to railroads but there’s only one business Warren Buffett describes as «the company that set my heart afire 66 years ago (and for which the flame still burns)» — car insurance giant Geico.


Producing breast milk burns up calories.


Dong quai can make the skin more sensitive to the sun, potentially resulting in inflammation and burns.


Set the temperature of your hot water heater to 120 degrees F to prevent scalding burns.


Do not wash or dry any wet bags or clothing that contain zippers or any metal parts with diapers of PUL and TPU… It will cause rips, tears and burns in the diapers ~ ~ ~


Anti-scald devices can be used for tub faucets to adjust the temperature of the bathwater and prevent the chances of burns.


Residents near the sites will be notified via mail that the burns will be conducted.


Being ready for anything burns calories and tightens all those tiny muscles you can’t work out otherwise.


«If the impact of these cuts is to mean the U.S. burns gas faster, and then goes back to burning its coal reserves in 2030, arguably it will make the problem worse,» he said.


This material burns in the dwarf’s outer regions, causing its core to heat up to extreme temperatures.


It also revealed that there are 220 brothers of the Islamic movement in detention in Kaduna Central prison, some of them with fatal gun wounds and burns.


If your baby has a diaper rash, burns, or your diapers stink like a cat litter box… I get it!


Butter burns really quick and it will be very bitter.


The manuka honey is expensive, but great for healing wounds, cuts, burns and abrasions.


So if you think of the body as a machine, when it’s working and active it produces heat and burns kilojoules.


Healthy fats actually help you burn more fat, but when you eat too much processed sugar, your body burns it for energy instead of burning fat, which is why we retain the LBS!


Don’t forget to end your session with 20 minutes of «abs» on the big, bouncy ball — that move requires no weights, it «burns», and there’s lots of good looking chicks with yoga pants stretching over there.


Studies show that coffee burns fat by activating hormones that melt away stored fat and speed up your metabolism.


Basically just a list of bad and unnecessary legisaltion — fiddling while Rome burns at best, handing out extra matches at worst.


The next orbit-lowering maneuver is scheduled for Tuesday, followed by more burns March 24, March 27, April 1 and April 6.


The flare on the FPU4 Likouf no longer burns continuously.


(There’s a big difference apparently) and my son got ammonia/chemical burns because my diapers weren’t getting cleaned enough and the ingredients were harsh.


as I behold, come here to shed Their common blood, yon concourse of our kin, My members fail, my tongue dries in my mouth, A shudder thrills my body, and my hair Bristles with horror; from my weak hand slips Gandiv, the goodly bow; a fever burns My skin to parching; hardly may I stand;…


In other words, eating more calories than you need and having chronically high levels of insulin in the bloodstream will keep the body in «fat storage mode», while feeding your body with less calories than it normally burns will make it turn to its stored fat as an energy source.


When microwaving, you want to be sure to watch it closely as coconut butter burns pretty easily.


To prevent burns, always check the temperature of the bath water before putting your baby in the tub.


In other words, if you eat 100 calories of protein, your body burns 25 % of those calories just digesting the protein.


Would of been easy to sit on the bench and count his money but clearly the fire still burns.


Don’t go over 310 degrees or your candy burns and then you’ll be sad.


This is done using a formula that calculates the amount of calories your body burns in a day and then subtracting a certain amount of calories.


Using an oven glove to avoid burns, remove the pan or baking sheet from the oven.


Criticism always stings a bit, but unfair criticism flat out burns.


Brown fat burns calories, and is what hibernating animals — and even human babies — use to keep warm.


Stir occasionally so that nothing burns or sticks to the bottom.


Yet it rarely appears to be an issue of effort (he’s picked up a couple of floor burns in these NBA Finals), which makes it more difficult to critique harshly.


For fires in particular, resiliency can include preparation such as efforts by localities to reduce brush, to use fire retardant materials for buildings, to let fires burn themselves out in unpopulated areas, and to conduct controlled burns on a regular basis to prevent damage.


Once the peat burns away, it can take thousands of years to build up again.


High-intensity interval training (HIIT) burns more calories and fat in shorter amounts of time.


Peterson fell eight times, acquiring 59 road burns, which he totaled as if they were medals; his feet were burning, too, inside newly fitted skates.


Synonym: blaze, fire, flame, flare. Antonym: extinguish. Similar words: burner, burn up, burn out, burnish, burning, burnished, bury, burst. Meaning: [bɜːn]  n. 1. pain that feels hot as if it were on fire 2. a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun 3. an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation 4. a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person’s body) 5. damage inflicted by fire. v. 1. destroy by fire 2. shine intensely, as if with heat 3. undergo combustion 4. cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort 5. cause to burn or combust 6. feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion 7. cause to undergo combustion 8. burn at the stake 9. spend (significant amounts of money) 10. feel hot or painful 11. burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent 12. get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun 13. create by duplicating data 14. use up (energy) 15. burn with heat, fire, or radiation. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Gain got by a lie will burn one’s fingers. 

2. Don’t burn your bridges behind you. 

3. Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you ; music cannotpunish —- only bless. 

4. Old wood is best to burn, old horse to ride. 

5. Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. 

6. Old wood is best to burn, old book to read. 

7. Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. 

8. Green wood does not burn well.

9. That burn will leave a nasty scar.

10. He let the small fire burn itself out.

11. Now you can burn your photos onto a CD-ROM.

12. How did you burn your hand?

13. You cannot burn the candle at both ends.

14. The fire soon began to burn merrily.

15. Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil.

16. My grave is not short of you to burn incense.

16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

17. Let’s burn incense in the memory of our pure past.

18. drank a cup very to burn the very very hot water, warm actually only am the throat am the heart.

19. In summer, they usually burn some coil incense to keep away the mosquitoes.

20. He was a high-earning broker with money to burn.

21. Walking briskly can burn off a lot of calories.

22. Blow out the candles before they burn out.

23. Cover the burn with an antiseptic dressing.

24. Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us. 

25. The fire which lights (or warms) us at a distance will burn us when near. 

26. Idle such as vinegar, can soften the spirit of the calcareous; diligent like alcohol, can burn the flame of wisdom.

27. I’ve never seen anyone spend so much in one evening; he must have money to burn!

28. After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.

29. They rushed out as soon as the classroom began to burn.

30. Many workers have benefited from the new scheme, which allows careers to be put on a slow burn for months or years and then reactivated.

More similar words: burner, burn up, burn out, burnish, burning, burnished, bury, burst, suburb, bureau, burial, burger, burst in, suburban, burst into, hamburger, turn, bureaucracy, churn, turn on, spurn, adjourn, return, turn up, turn to, turn out, turn off, journey, turn in, journal. 

energy flowing and that will help you burn off more calories

Tobias Hobbes: What’s the recording for? Your protection? I could just burn the tape if I wanted to, y’know?

“Does the company have a spare ten million to burn Kira?”

“You mean you were going to burn them out!”

The motors and pumps were from a waterpark with the boilers adapted to burn liquid fuel instead of cordwood

Use at weak strength for best results and less damage (soap will burn plants)

Don’t over do it as too much soap will burn

against it, watches John burn rubber and speed away

This will burn the plants

money to burn and we won’t have

John and Teekra stand hand in hand, watching the limo burn nearby while Russ attends to Ahmed, who is oblivious to John and Teekra and still hysterical

in an attempt to burn out cancer cells, you cannot force cancer to leave

John stands a safe distance from the wreckage, shielding his eyes from the heat and watching the plane crackle and burn

everything burn, quivering with fear, tears streaming down his cheeks, his face a mask of terror in the flickering light

Every one became a torch of fire that would not burn out

«That’s about a week’s burn

Glenelle knew it would give a mortal a lethal burn if one was caught in the blast from an early 22nd century fusion shuttlecraft

men folk, ceased to burn for him

He sat under the tree for an hour, letting the noon sun burn and parch the earth

every rising phrase, letting the maelstrom notes burn through the universe

This is how the heavens broke forth into starlight, how the suns began to burn

«That’s what we all thought,» Burn said

Burn still hadn’t got the first bit

Burn glanced up and out of the dome at the debris from the battle

» As Burn spoke, she kept her eyes on the sparkles of reflected light from the debris

«What? How? Why?» Burn said

» Burn looked back at him up through the top of the junk’s canopy

«Lancer, 1-1,» Burn said

«Secure the emitters,» was all Burn said on comms

The metal storm headed straight for Horcheese and her redsuits, and Jordo ordered her to get the hell out of there, but Burn shouted over him

Burn pulled up out of the field and accelerated ahead of that deadly bow wave of debris so hard that he thought she’d rip the nacelles off their mounting

A second later, Burn fired thrust in her direction of travel and brought Audacity to a dead stop between the approaching metal storm and the redsuits

Burn lowered Audacity down slowly on her own gravity while beads of acrid looking liquid condensed on the porthole

We have no way to tell what fuel reserve it has remaining, theoretically it could have enough for a month’s burn, giving it more 61-Cygni relative velocity that we have

Burn said, «The fuck was he beating you for?»

Burn didn’t see it that way

» Burn said, «Choose

By the time he’d fallen 50 meters and almost righted himself, Burn was on him

However much or how little confidence she had in him after that omission and however she felt about using the Chief like that, Burn did the only thing she could do

I’m going to tell Burn this was all a bad idea

They’ll burn your feet when they’re about to overload

Burn said, «Are you ready to do this?»

Burn made for the hatch and almost kicked Rampone and Wambach as they came up

Burn said, «Wrong direction, y’all

Burn insisted on charging the capacitors in flight

Burn called out, «Tipperary, Chief, you there?»

«This is Burn,» she said

«Lancers, listen up,» Burn said

«Roger that,» Burn said from Audacity

Burn turned to Ernie and said, «Blow the cockpit

Burn got confirmation in her flight helmet a few seconds later that headless Audacity had obeyed her autopilot script and come to a stop behind them

» Burn voice came over comms cold and even

» Suddenly I feel something burn my face as searing pain tears through my head

Later that same night, in the small hours of Christmas Day, I lay on my mattress, nursing the mother of all headaches and feeling every breath burn through my clogged and battered nose and ribs

Yet, if you burn the clothes by mistake, you will soon feel sad and confused because of rivalry in love

He gave up on business, spent hours writing hopeless paeans to her memory, and slowly the light in their eyes, these daughters of his with their busy lives and their boisterous men folk, ceased to burn for him

as the Christians waited to burn

With sun on our necks, we bear the burn

«It has to end sometime, if nothing else Kortrax will eventually burn out

«Quick thinking,» Desa said, «I don’t think I would have remembered how their tail feathers can burn in a panic situation like that

burn red into blue, I hear one other sound; the pad of lightness

Nuran had a lot of the same, the squint, more tan than burn but she had washed the dust out her hair, leaving it honey-brown and wavy

letting the red-hot burn of combustion

not to mention the after burn

«It’s not bad, the wood they burn in here is what’s native to this basin, doesn’t have quite the smell of real swamp-bole, but that’s a minor point

as a noble thing, the burn that comes

It appeared that mother was winning and the bright lights of the Nevada desert would soon be graced by two new high rollers with money to burn

England’s green and pleasant land is no exception, with every home an entertainment gin palace, where businesses thrive and prosper in the information age, and where the electronically dispossessed watch the valves and fuses of their analogue existence slowly burn down towards a state of mass extinction

She had a nasty burn down the right side of her back

Daniel received a second-degree burn on his leg, but was too engrossed in battle to let it slow him down

Big John had received a nasty burn on his left shoulder and arm

The skin no longer felt the burn from the sun, it just felt the heat

They don’t need to turn over and burn us with drivewash, all they have to do is drop a screw when they cross our path and our point will vaporize

They’d burn thru their lithium in no time if they stayed lit at all

‘They burn little kids, see what kind of a community is this,’ a florist said to his

Come rape us, loot us and burn us

Then they are put together in sections and each section is coated with a non-flammable liquid; it cannot burn

be graced by two new high rollers with money to burn

slowly burn down towards a state of mass extinction

candle or candles to fully burn out

3 In time the flame of your love will only burn more deeply…

the flames were hottest as to burn away all the

reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but

Leand had been where he landed in life after his big burn out in the mid 55th

She could cut the time in half if she rode coaches thru the interconnects, but that would burn a good portion of what she could get back out of the house

He swallows twice, desperately fighting the burn of reflux, but he has no choice

Maggie’s cup hand is splashed and the burn bites

I shall laugh at your pleas for mercy as I burn your house to the ground and force you to watch! Fear me! I am the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa!” Said the Terrifying and Terrible Lord Ursa

She knew he was making light of the situation; laughing at her, but there again his dancing eyes causing her chest to burn

Just let the fuzz burn off and get the skin toasty

Jean watched the braziers slowly burn themselves

sun would burn away the darkness in his soul, maybe the black urges would melt

road, he could feel the back of his neck beginning to burn

We must not forget that the aeroplane is less efficient at lower altitudes and the burn rate of fuel is higher

one of my warehouses some meddling teen-agers decided to try to burn to the

that the two off-kilter ones didn’t make her burn with anger

waited patiently for his fury to burn itself out

He noticed the bush didn’t burn up which he thought was odd

«It might be in there, but I might have burned something like that when we went thru it

Sam’s ears burned with Kira’s bellowing as he escaped the office and descended the stairs

She burned her hand on the steamer rack and tossed his dog into the bun

1Sam: 30:3: So David and his men came to the city, and, behold, it was burned with fire; and their wives, and their

Instinctively, I reach out as though to take it … drawing my hand back swiftly as I realise what I am doing, and clasping it with my other hand as though it had been burned

This tiny primordial light burned across the Universe, lighting the heavens, unhindered by shadow

The countryside is flat as a board and mostly grassland, burned over by the summer sun

were a solid burned mush, they were literally stuck together!

Anyone within a thousand miles of the impact could be burned up

severed limbs and burned skin

Just once he had directly approached her, but he had crashed and burned as her pale green eyes watched him and waited to be charmed

burned away along with the cancerous ones

The stain is made from charcoal or from burned caterpillar flesh and fungus

Amid the flames and falling limbs, the man in black burned and fevered,

His eyes burned red with the fire of his kind now

‘If she had crashed when no-one was around, she would have been burned alive

Turning around to face her, his eyes bulged, his face burned tomato red

Here among the ghosts, on the edge of the world, I would not let the bastards see the hurt and pain that burned in my empty stomach

I whipped off the sacking and burned the cigarette down to the butt in two or three long, lung busting drags

My stomach burned with hunger

Each of them lasted a ten-thousandth of a second, but each one burned itself on his retina so that in only a few moments of looking up at that dazzling display, his vision was a network of slowly fading veins of blindness

So instantly, I went to see her and the sight I found is forever burned in my memory

His eyes burned my soul

They burned our schools and took away the medicine

My skin burned with anticipation

The fire burned for days and when the flames

were gone, the embers still burned until all that was left of the fortress was

All of his hair had been burned to ash, yet his bare skin

So, around the time that Jesus was a teenager, there was a revolt in the city on a hill, and the city was burned to the ground 3

The same general that burned Sepphoris to the ground for their revolt also totally destroyed a town called Emmaus

I have burned out most of it; only time will tell if I was able to get it all

collections of burned out pots and pans

There were three of them, two as large as the one that burned, one a little larger

when the last of the liquor burned,

Then I notice that not only were both his legs horribly scarred with purple and red, burned tissue, but both his feet were missing, his shins just tapered into ragged, pointed stumps

and have burned through books ever since,

We were enveloped in a sudden mist which in turn enshrouded what appeared to be an eerie forest of dead and burned out trees

From here it was just possible to see the features of the mountain, The Karthuum Valley and Rankor Hill, glowing softly green with the light of all the Nightday lanterns that burned beneath the upper fronds of that urban mountain

They were in very urban waters now, torches burned on the piers all along all shores, this close all docks worked round the week

It was then they started taking photographs and mimicking her every time she cursed her burned fingers or spat on the ground

Take Wales, for example, on Earth the place is riddled with little mining villages where men, women and children slaved underground in the most appalling conditions to produce coal which was then burned to produce pollution and energy to drive factories where even more men, women and children slaved in equally unpleasant conditions in order to keep body and soul together

Jackson and Sarah had both been burned

They were the black bastards that burned up our world

The whisky burned and crackled in my mouth

The touch of his hand almost burned hers

The touch of her hand on his face burned and he noted her reaction

At first, when the cherub’s blush still burned crimson upon the new Mrs Roach’s cheek, this new nuclear family, being father, son, mother and daughter, enjoyed the full warmth and vigour of recent fusion

He first saw the stars after his father was e-vac’d back to Nigeria when Washington was burned again

civilisation after another charred and burned on the branch

taken away and burned, but despite these initial hardships and

case they were of no comfort for they burned as they fell, adding to

She knew it had burned Heymon when she moved in with Alan, even though they hadn’t seen each other for months before she started seeing Alan

practices and literally burned her Bible in front of her

burned then the emotion should be allowed without repression, examination,

Shiploads of cordwood were being burned and shiploads of pottery, textiles, furniture and metal goods were being loaded

give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me

burned red with indignation

also and the works that are therein shall be burned up

and the works that are therein shall be burned up

The shade of the trees above were of little help against the rays that burned through the parched leaves and attacked him in many spots

They were so perfectly done that the meat fell off the bone but not one bone was burned

powder was hot, and it burned on contact, leaving

burned in the windows of the small slate-roofed

“That was my part in it,” he said, “that and getting burned by the guy who let the transferee wander lost in the halls

burned low in the huge fireplace across the hall, and

The shit burned

His voice went wistful, “She burned so hot and so bright

But after all he had seen the previous Nightday, it was the picture of Desa as she had looked sitting in front of the fire that burned in his mind’s eye

His arms burned with exhaustion, and his rapid breathing lifted up his weathered

by the sword or be burned or

That is why la Porete is to be burned for heresy

from the fire marshal stating that the “abandoned” warehouse burned to the ground

My increased workouts burned the calories quicker than usual, and

After the fur was burned off, the whole had been continuously basted in a sweet ‘n sour, lightly fermented sauce

Her chest burned with self-hatred, why had she allowed herself to fall in love with someone, who she couldn’t have, and would allow a principle to stand between them?

A bit of make-up, her nails painted and she started a batch of cookies, which she deliberately burned, so he wouldn’t think a thing had changed

A myriad of computers were scattered throughout the large room and the faint smell of burned electrical circuits permeated the stale air

Flowers’s warehouse that burned down

of Extravaganza, that maybe the roof fell in on him, and he burned alongside Max

some how burned themselves out

Ted actually burned a bunch of his paintings so would not have to pay taxes on the paintings a sad loss to us all and again something you can thank the US government for with their stupid tax laws

I prayed, burned the tape, and there was never a broken down car there again that I saw

Elijah showed the people a God who answers by fire, and when he prayed, fire came down on the altar, burned the sacrifice, the altar, and the ground the altar was on

Flames dripped from his fingers, etching a trail through the stone floor as they burned their way to his fallen orchid blade

He stood up, his flesh was fire, a pyre of blue flames that burned to the heavens

Though they burned, few fell

«Oh I love that mountain hamlet,» she told him, «Unlike some, I burned no bridges when I left there, I’m overdue to return

His arms burned from exhaustion

They both looked like they were burned out, left on the desert, dragged thru the mud, recovered from severe diseases, then gone ’round again several times

many of which have been torn down and burned

«What’s she been doing all this time? Has she burned out? Has she gone thru a few life changes?»

And the embassy burned

If it was the scrounge living in this area he wouldn’t want to socialize and quite possibly whatever drugs he was burned out on might make him paranoid

She glowed, her body radiating an aura of blue that burned Brice’s eyes to behold

Fast and savage, they left no survivors and burned most of the village to the ground

The mist had burned off the water by now and there were a few people paddling about checking the hulls for ripeness

She could still feel the darkness growing within, but in the next instant, the blue flames burned it to dust

I don’t know what possessed me to think I could convince him to stop without telling him the truth, I just thought he’d never believe it and probably think I was burned out on ‘acid

During the day she had come across a village that had been burned to the ground

Burned houses and dead citizens didn’t help anything

Walking briskly on a daily basis not only results in calorie burning, it increases enzyme and metabolic activity that may result in increased calorie consumption for up to 12 hours after walking as little as 2 miles

To keep its light burning, to keep existence from being extinguished, a god would have the honor of watching the light

According to Hammaker, earth’s inhabitants have accelerated the onset of the next ice age through the burning of fossil fuels and the deforestation of large forested areas like the Amazon

’ I said, feeling my face burning with embarrassment

That smile again, burning a thousand fold

He looked at me with burning teenage intensity, the bane of every parent

For a moment he felt extreme nausea and could see only the burning eyes of the tall stranger, surrounded by a swirl of moving facial scars

Smith looked down upon the third rock out from a brightly burning star at the

smothering the chill of morning in burning impatience

I recoiled as images of a burning cigarette end being stubbed out on my bare legs played out in my head

Chief Horcheese’s head hung back on the command chair and she stared up through the dome at the jagged rivers of raw electrons and plasma burning in the atmo as those crackling tendrils whipped at them from all directions, drawing line after line from the clouds to Tipperary’s ring-shaped bow

The rent and burning alien hull spun down on top of their heads and Tig wanted more than anything else to run, but there was nowhere to go

I developed insane urges to itch and scratch, my skin burning and inflamed My nose ran in the closely confined heat, dribbling mucous across the tape over my mouth and onto my newly shaven chin

I nod, unable to meet his eyes, my shame burning in my face

He wants to march into battle behind a burning cross

The other burning question that we debated time and again was this; where are we? Our original journeys from London had differed, with Menachem moving straight to our previous location rather than being held underground like me

’ she explained, feeling her face burning

When they reached the end of the corridor a small man in a leather jerkin jumped out of the shadows and Danton’s voice boomed out, smothering the chill of morning in burning impatience

a burning flicker of inspiration

smell of burning tobacco which had run up the wrong

mother away to the burning ghats, Nihar silently vowed

The burning liquid hit the back of her throat, fumes filling her head as she swallowed, feeling the spirit as it dribbled down into her stomach

There were flashes of Sally screaming; the ‘thing’ charging; burning pain in his chest; blood flowing on the ground, and the woman by his side; so tender, so soft

burning through the stains of passion,

and burning ground mist, down into the shadows,

His manes knew it was burning wood, something humans do because they are blind in the dark

With the brazier eye of hunger burning in his heart,

searing, burning, and he laughs as he drives his open claw

silhouettes in the burning of my shame

I’d revolutionise fast food, burning prayer wheels on the barbie for the Buddha

But the burning log landed on the plume of it’s tail

The stupid thing held it’s burning tail up out of the water as it bounded across the stream screaming and ran zigzag into the night, howling so pitifully

They ran with flaming sides and legs, knotted calves and burning lungs

When the dragons first came and began burning, most of the professors panicked and fled, leaving the students alone to face their fate

There they waited for 8 long days, until the burning stopped, and the dragons flew over no more

burning filaments by the thousand,

a low burning sun, and squints as she smiles

My feet were burning and my clothes were a thousand miles away

Salt crystals dried on my forehead causing atoms of magnification like pricks from burning spikes

In the case of granulated sugar the sugar crystals that are formed after the cane juice is treated with the fumes of burning sulphur or heated with bisulphide of lime, are sterile and devitalized

You will have to build up a flying army, as was done here, and free the people of Europe from their burning captors

It seems that five years ago, in your state of Oregon, the burning and fighting was at its peak

Immediately the burning eases and I breathe again … I hadn’t realised I’d been holding my breath

They could see lights twinkle from all the little waterfronts, still burning as light slowly returned

“Between the dragons burning, and the crazy dreams, I figured out for myself that things would never be the same again

Jools said it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard which was what she said whenever anyone made her laugh which made me wonder if she’d been burning stubble again

“Not my problem”, answered Danny and he turned away, heading towards the kitchen where Annie could smell beans or spaghetti hoops cooking and toast burning

If there is any truth to it, you can rely on exercise to keep burning those calories

Only four candles remained burning by the time we finished

‘What? The train burning, isn’t it?’ ‘Not that Parekh-ji, they want to kill a boy’

see the cold and steely determination burning behind his bright blue

(the burning will, liberation, power, lust), is earth: (the depths, the

Can you feel the flame burning within?

after-life on that burning day

to keep the home fires of her life burning brightly

Alistair stared thoughtfully at the coals burning on the stove for

physically haul air into her burning lungs

Inwardly he chastises himself for burning the other girl’s clothes

money burning a hole in their pocket

burning low in the huge fireplace

Images flash up in Maggie’s head, images of burning fuel and twisted metal

Her right arm came around slowly but the burning pain in her shoulder did not diminish

The mysterious oil lamp was still burning, set very low, and most

It seems that Leona is burning too many candles at odd angles

burning fire,” he said, “But this fire has been, shall we say, magically

’ she said forcefully, the fury burning within her shining out of her eyes

Leona is burning up as her heart races up to and beyond one hundred and fifty beats per minute

managed to save many of the burning vardo’s but

quickly as the burning pain had come, it dissipated

Boys burning testosterone

Maggie is keeping the home fires burning

Ended up burning

They kept the fire in the hearth and the cook stove always burning for warmth and comfort against the cold and dimness of the days

The sweet smell of burning

Helen is burning up inside

the two candles burning on the makeshift altar

Those few brief seconds of lunacy, of boisterous, burning Bedlam, subside and the world returns to its normal silent, brooding state

Jo is standing by the door in the lounge and turns towards me as I walk in, my face still burning with embarrassment

had begun smoking because of the green wood, burning his

A fire was already burning in the tiled insert fireplace; his suite was very comfortable

A sweet burning smell resonated through the

His words set a fire burning in her

During that time there was high energy technology based on burning rocks that were now all used up

When his strong hand encircled her neck and pulled her up to meet his burning lips

“Don’t hold it too close,” Desa told him, “You don’t want to get the bones burning

There was the morning coffee and hot water for tea, keeping the heating stoves burning in winter, sheafs of dimensioning, the labor-intense meticulous lettering of the ever-changing sections of notes which had to be inscribed on near-finished plans, and his favorite duty, serving as sometime courier between the lead Waterhouse designers and their clients

‘Can’t she be allowed to recant? Burning seems a

He climbed up the arena wall, his entire head burning, took two steps on the

What is the point of having a body if they don’t use it, you ask? They are simply burning up their last vestiges of karma before moving on to the inner planes

Her breathing came in gulps, flooding the burning depths of her body throughout her limbs

Gripping his shirt, as he told the stranger that he would be there in a minute she pressed her burning lips to his flexing muscles

Thirty minutes later, as she clutched the pillow to her burning chest, staring down at her shredded emerald dress on the floor

He didn’t even have a shirt to cover his burning chest and the PJ bottoms he’d put on before leaving the bedroom, offered little more in warmth then her own worn excuse for a night gown

Physical abuse is characterized by beating, hitting, punching, biting, burning,

The number of things they got out of the burning of simple sticks of wood in the kilns was astounding

Moses was in the wilderness when he saw a burning bush

I wonder how it happened? Did he watch the bush for a long time, or did he pass by it many times before he realized it wasn’t burning up

When Moses looked into the reason the bush was burning, God spoke

God leaves burning bushes in our paths to see if we will go, ‘look into it

The heat forced him to speed up his descent; his fingertips burning the longer they lingered on a grip

In such a small space, the stench burns and stings at my nostrils

This planet succumbs to gravitational lock before this sun burns out, but they calculate they have about another billion Earth years, they think fusion power would seriously deplete the planet of water in less than two hundred million

Yes my soul does, burns within me

Fertilizer burns can be helped with lots of watering to flush away chemicals

Pesticide burns should be treated the same as above

He spots Hassan, one of the layabouts, sitting with a cigarette dropping form his lips, a bare foot resting on a coffee table pitted with cigarette burns

Fire climbs into the night sky, illuminating the shanty town as it burns

entire star field of breweries than could an ant recite the works of Rabbie Burns across

It burns a molten metallic tritium/lithium mix

Burns with it, know what I mean

It burns with an invisible fire, we symbolize it with mirror

Basically, Smith could no more organise a cosmic booze-up in an entire star field of breweries than could an ant recite the works of Rabbie Burns across the vast glens of Whisky sodden Scotland

that burns retinas, imprinting images and colours

Later, when everything is still and quiet, the fire burns softly

It sure burns a long time

burns blue a coat and shoe cluttered hall

a range burns the first coal of winter and a dripping coat is draped

westwards, following the sun as it burns

what burns and what does not

My face burns with embarrassment, but there is no hesitation in my mind

His lanky body is trim and although he has a healthy appetite, he obviously burns off any excess in nervous energy

reconciliation to us all! The fire it burns and it shall be brought out

lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death

a view emphasised by the burns and scars on his face and hands

The coffee burns the inside of her mouth

The carpet in the downstairs bar area is dark and pock marked with cigarette burns and as Bex and Leona walk through the club they find their shoes sticking to the carpet

It burns normally, but never needs a log putting on it

The liquor burns but it doesn’t warm

The Range Rover burns through gasoline in the urban splendour of Roundswell; car dealerships, neon lights and estate houses themed on Spanish villas

His throat burns and he gags uncontrollably, depositing bile and half digested coffee over the sill and the tarmac

He has a daughter, and that burns his soul far more deeply than the cheap Spanish hooch burns in his throat

The liquid burns the cut on the inside of his cheek where Billy hit him the night before and he whimpers slightly

When they’d left the flames behind, Chen was surprised to find that his burns were gone

That image still burns in my mind to this day

This heart burns for God

burning, and first he has them stoned – then, after they are dead, he burns their

As a star falls and burns out once more

We attempted to protect the children from the more violent sandy wind, but I knew some would have sand burns from this

clear of the harpoon rope line when the sleigh ride begins, as he could get rope burns and be dragged overboard by the whale

Jean Fairsythe has a heart that burns like the sun

I realized then that Miss Ellie had suffered at least second-degree burns on her legs and feet from sitting too close to the stove

I knew she needed to be hospitalized immediately to treat the burns, infection, and high blood pressure if she were to survive the winter

If the liver is doing some of the kidneys’ work, it burns less fat

One of my favorites of her shorter verses: „My candle burns at both ends

He jumps in the car and burns the tires all the way down the

over, had a nurse place salve on my face and arms, and told me I might have some burns, trouble breathing and maybe internal injuries

You, Jocko and another man were being treated for smoke inhalation and burns,

Got some bad burns on my

“How are the burns?”

I had lost hair, nothing was cut evenly, I still had remnants from my burns, my eyebrows were singed, but I assumed it would add color to their story

If you don’t know the effects of tear-gas I can tell you it burns your eyes terribly

Fifteen minutes later they had covered as many of the burns on Terry’s body as they could

Cousin Charlie, Christmas raisins are not the only fruit that burns the

Thus says The Lord of Hosts, to the generation of His wrath: You know not the anger of The Lord, nor of My jealousy which burns in the fierceness of My wrath! The Way of The Lord is not known, and the travesty of the innocent is hidden from your eyes!

My heart burns within Me, over this love I have for you

Nevertheless, it gives considered pause to the notion that tragedy burns its candles at both ends, directing its prominent characters toward some fated center that must inevitably come to terms; the 104

The Body Count: 200,000 to 220,000 immediate deaths, 370,000 severe long term injuries or early deaths from radiation and other effects, including cancer, emphysema, leukemia, sterility, birth defects, blindness, deafness, and severe burns

He burns his boats and breaks his cooking-pots; like a shepherd driving a flock of sheep, he drives his men this way and that, and nothing knows whither he is going

“It burns,” she told them, referring to the increasing daylight

Fierce was the hot blood that burns in a dragon»s heart

It burns billion of organizational resources to produce thousands of products that stay idle or stored awaiting customers, it executes production under intention that generates expenses and they inflate its prices for later to place at the market with intensive propagandas, promotions or prizes to attract customers for the inflexibility of the retrograde economic system that obligates it to have fixed cost

But, when America burns, the Lord will raise China, Japan and other

My face burns

My shoulder still burns

Therefore, the country already burns trillion dollars in an eternal transfer of aid for citizens and incentives to the organizations, without solving the crucial problems definitively, as much of the people as of the institutions

The lie burns my throat on the way out, or maybe that’s the tears I’m fighting

I smile, relieved, as the rain puts out the fire and soothes the burns on my hands

Remember a flame burns

She’ll have to stay in bed for a while with those bad burns

hurriedly looked at her other burns on her other wrist, waist, and ankles

wound, intending to heal it, like he had healed Eynochia’s burns; but when he

This secondary burner burns and oxidises any organic material which escapes the primary chamber

I suppose a fire that burns that bright is not meant to last

Then, as she witnessed Orphenn’s healing light illuminate Celina’s burns and erase them,

She looked him over, noting the burns that ran up his arm, and the ring of bruises

Not only were the burns from the plasma and electrocutions

First, the coffin, “burn box or container” burns away very quickly to ash which is collected in the crematoria filters

At first, everything burns black, and then later, when the carbon binds with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, flames will remove all water and carbon from the bones, leaving snow white bones

9 He makes wars to cease to the end of the Earth; he breaks the bow, and cuts the spear in two; he burns the chariot in the fire

14 As the fire burns a wood, and as the flame sets the mountains on fire;

3 A fire goes before him, and burns up his enemies round about

18 For wickedness burns as the fire; It shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the thickets of the

16 He burns part of it in the fire; with part of it he eats flesh; he roasts the roast and is satisfied:

Sooner or later, karma burns itself out

the melting fire burns, the fire causes the waters to boil, to make your name known to your adversaries that the nations may tremble at

burns all the day

sacrifices a lamb, as if he cut off a dog’s neck; he who offers an oblation, as if he offered pig’s blood; he who burns incense, as if he

cause to cease in Moab, says the Lord, him who offers in the high places, and him who burns incense to his gods

As I walk the streets of Burns

in the morning it burns as a flaming fire; 7 they are all hot as an oven, and have devoured their judges; all their kings are fallen; there

3 A fire devours before them; and behind them a flame burns: the land is as the Garden of Eden before

“You and I will face whatever fire burns in our path,” he replied and paused

10 And a man’s uncle shall take him up, and he who burns him, to bring out the bones out of the house, and shall say to

19 And at another time it burns even in the midst of water above the power of fire, that it might destroy the fruits of an unjust land

herself with kerosene and burns herself to death

10 As the matter of the fire is, so it burns, and as a man’s strength is, so is his wrath; and according to his riches his anger rises; and

4 A man blowing a furnace is in works of heat, but the sun burns the mountains three times more; breathing out fiery vapours, and

Prophesies the day of final judgement, that will burn evil like a fire burns hay,

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