Sentence with word bump

удар, шишка, столкновение, ударяться, ударять, толкать, вдруг, внезапно


- глухой удар; столкновение

to make a bump — спорт. нагнать, победить в парусной гонке

- шишка, выпуклость
- шишка (во френологии)
- разг. способность

the bump of locality — способность ориентироваться на местности

- воздушная яма

ещё 5 вариантов


- ударяться; налетать, наталкиваться

to bump against the kerb — врезаться в край тротуара
to bump into another car — налететь на другую машину

- ударять

I have bumped my knee — я ушиб колено

- спорт. победить в парусной гонке
- прыгать, скакать

to bump along — подпрыгивать, трястись на ухабах

- амер. воен. жарг. обстреливать
- разг. выгнать, убрать, снять (с должности и т. п.); отвести (кандидата); провалить (на выборах)
- разг. снять (пассажира с самолёта); не предоставить (заказанного) места (в самолёте)


- сильно; с шумом

he went bump down the stairs — он с грохотом скатился с лестницы
to come bump on the floor — шлёпнуться на пол
the car ran bump into the wall — машина врезалась в стену

Мои примеры


bump of locality — способность ориентироваться на местности  
rock bump — горный удар  
bump on a log — тупой, как бревно  
bump off — устранить силой  
bump stroke — такт сжатия  
a bump just under his eye — синяк прямо у него под глазом  
belly-bump — совокупляться  
bump up — повышать по службе; увеличивать; продвинуть  
go over a bump — проходить через препятствие  
bump out — растягивать  

Примеры с переводом

I bumped into an old friend in town today.

Сегодня в городе я столкнулся со старым приятелем.

My car bumped into the tree.

Моя машина врезалась в дерево.

I’ve bumped into the door and hurt my knee.

Я стукнулся о дверь и поранил колено.

Did you feel a bump?

Ты почувствовал удар /толчок/?

She has a bump on the back of her head.

У неё шишка на затылке.

Two more good results will bump up your average.

Еще два неплохих результата поднимут твой средний балл.

The bump threw him off the bicycle

От удара он упал с велосипеда.

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The boat bumped against the pier.

Rose fell, landing with a bump.

The car hit a bump on the road.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

bump off — устранить силой, убивать
bump up — повышать, увеличивать, повышать по службе, назначить, продвинуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

bumper  — бампер, буфер, амортизатор, изобилующий
bumpiness  — болтанка

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: bump
he/she/it: bumps
ing ф. (present participle): bumping
2-я ф. (past tense): bumped
3-я ф. (past participle): bumped

ед. ч.(singular): bump
мн. ч.(plural): bumps

Bump is an experimental Jazz fusion album by John Scofield. It was released on March 14, 2000 by Verve Records. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The car absorbs road bumps, which are aplenty in Cleveland, yet maintains excellent control and feel in curves and during avoidance maneuvers.


There are often bumps, twists, and turns along the way, and that makes it all the more thrilling.


Dogs challenge each other with stares, shoulder or hip bumps and shoves, mounting behavior, or blocking access to food, play, or attention.


Rugby union is a physical, full-contact sport — so you expect a few bumps while playing.


So, Democrats — including several Catholics, such as Senator Tim Kaine, who are «personally» though not professionally opposed to abortion — voted to filibuster the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and the Republican leaders who could have moved a bump stock ban bill to the floor after the Las Vegas massacre did not.


So it’s no surprise that Khloe, the Kardashian currently exhibiting that glowingly gorgeous baby bump, would hand pick Earth Mama products for her prettiest pink Amazon Baby Registry sponsored baby shower!


The fact is we analyzed results from running the first set of Gecko TV spots and liked the bump in business volume.


That wave of new digital students is also turning into a huge bump in popularity for online dating sites as well.


Answer: I would go to vet to see if bumps are secondarily infected and may need topical prescription antibacterials like benzoal peroxide products or another excellent topical called mupericin.


It just seems to em that all this SHOULD have produced SOMETHING in the CO2 charts, and if CO2 is such a driver of temperatures, a bump in the temperature charts.


A 750 mln euro share buyback will smooth the bumps for investors.


With growth of coffee consumption in the US and Europe stagnating, manufacturers are pursuing increase opportunity in emerging markets, such as Brazil, «despite several macro-economic road bumps,» according to new research from Rabobank.


As you pay the loan down, you’ll see a bump in your score.


Now, they all have itching which seems to start with tiny red bumps, which itch, they scratch and create small scabs.


The car’s 2-ton weight enables it to ride flat over most bumps.


The other ironic part is that the complaint over the speed bump, the 350 microseconds, acts as if the market is devoid of latency already.


There will be bumps for sure — technical problems and bad test items — but that’s the point — that’s why there’s a dry run.


In addition to the research bump, NSF received $ 14 million more than House and Senate panels had previously approved for educational activities.


Some improvements and bug fixes have been implemented with a brand-new update which bumps the game version up to 1.6.0.


The package of common sense gun control measures put forward by NYLGVP, including my bill closing the bump stock loophole, will reaffirm New York as a leader in the fight against gun violence and save lives.


Lister, played by Craig Charles, travels back in time and accidentally bumps Lee Harvey Oswald out the window before he fires the shot that killed Kennedy.


A set-up switch allows the driver to access three different suspension modes: R (high performance), Sports (the normal setting) and Comfort (for city driving to absorb road bumps).


As we said, the Audi A6 is still a fairly comfortable car that can isolate the cabin from lumps and bumps in the road surface, but those who’d prefer a softer edge to their sedan’s suspension setup may want to look elsewhere.


Pricing and fuel-economy figures are not yet available (they’ll be announced at the Detroit auto show in January), but figure low $ 60s for a base 540i M Sport and a fuel-efficiency bump of about 10 percent.


«She’s usually so skinny, but now she has the cutest little bump and a glow about her.»


Anything Loan (Signature Loan) The Anything Loan is our answer to life’s financial speed bumps, with money available anytime you need it.


Also visible is the Fox air bump that helps the coilover soak up hard hits.


My newest obsession, thanks to a girl’s weekend filled with gabbing, boozing (at least for most) and all kinds of other girliness, is the very brilliant idea of accessorizing the bump with a necklace.


While some offerings like Stranger Things don’t need a hardware bump from the Hollywood elite, other things such as The Florida Project, which didn’t have the luxury of a massive marketing budget, could use the lift.


Bray describes the series as «a wild new ride full of dames and dapper dons, jazz babies and Prohibition-defying parties, conspiracy and prophecy — and all manner of things that go bump in the neon-drenched night.»


The 4 percent bump in per-student spending matches the recommendations made by Utah Gov. Gary Herbert.


It is also common that the area expands and some bumps similar to goosebumps can be found in the areolas which come to be of use in your nursing time.


This Maternity dress was taken a couple weeks ago and now that I am 23 weeks, I feel like my bump is WAY bigger!


It’s usually accompanied by swelling, hives, and bumps or blisters.


You used to look down on bro nods and fist bumps — but since that’s how gym rats communicate, that’s become the language you speak most often.


The dress was the perfect fit and looked amazing with my bump!


With a suspension that’s surprisingly cushiony and reacts quickly to bumps, the H3 delivers an impressively easygoing ride.


This way, when your baby experiences a bump in the road, you’ll know just how to respond to get back on track.


Instead of a fancy air suspension all around, like in the 350, the E220d gets traditional steel springs which rob you off the convenience of raising the ground clearance to tackle speed bumps.


So by eating conventional produce we may get a tiny bump in cancer risk, but that’s more than compensated by the dramatic drop in risk that accompanies whole food plant consumption.


The accessory, called a bump stock, allows someone to convert a semi-automatic firearm to a nearly fully automatic one.


Do you have noticeable wave motions after a bump (bouncing up and down more than 2 times)?


Watch your child ride in comfort and style, thanks to the puncture-proof knobby front tire and air-filled rubber rear tire that absorbs bumps.


Like every top seed, the Jayhawks had a bumpy road to get to the top of their region, and the bumps won’t stop here.


As soon as I found out I was pregnant I couldn’t wait to start dressing my bump and come up with what my pregnancy style would be (on a budget of course)!


The suspension is great and it soaks in the bumps very well.


The road settings for the suspension don’t turn the GTS into a cosseting cruiser, but they soften things sufficiently to let it cope well with B-road bumps and although you’ll still find it distracted by cambers, you’re not left fighting the car.


Critical Knowledge: New California model introducedF430/F430 Spider are unchanged430 Scuderia receives a slight bump in power and recalibrated transmission612 Scaglietti is available with a new owner customization program599 GTB Fiorano is unchanged2009 Ferrari CaliforniaA new model for 2009, and paying homage to the 1957 250 GT California Spyder, Ferrari has introduced a limited-production open-top GT styled by Pininfarina.


Well, it’s the first time i see you without a bump!


Avoid popping these bumps, as they provide a protective substance to keep your breasts healthy.


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A hard, raised red bump indicates you could have TB.

Твердая, поднятая красная шишка означает, что у вас, вероятно, будет туберкулезная инфекция.

It was unpleasant, but after two days the bump became soft, the state of health improved.

Было неприятно, но через двое суток шишка стала мягкой, самочувствие улучшилось.

So you won’t feel that bump at every turn, although the overall speed and response is impressive.

Таким образом, вы не будете ощущать этот удар на каждом повороте, хотя общая скорость и реакция впечатляют.

All of this for a slight bump in your human capital (the blue bars).

Все это за небольшой удар в вашем человеческом капитале (синие столбики).

The baby bump you’ve been anticipating will probably become visible to others around week 20.

Например, ожидаемый вами бугорок ребенка, вероятно, станет видимым для других на 20-й неделе.

Acute localized external otitis: The pus-filled bump will often burst and heal in a few days without treatment.

Острый локализованный наружный отит: Заполненный гной бугорок часто лопается и заживает в течение нескольких дней без лечения.

Boils start out as a small, round bump, which is usually swollen and red.

Фурункулы начинаются с небольшого круглого бугорка, который обычно бывает раздутым и красным.

Literally every bump could be stronger or weaker than the previous one, and there is no way to know in advance.

Буквально каждый удар может быть более сильным или слабым, чем предыдущий, и нет никакого способа узнать заранее.

It may just be a quick road bump in the road.

Это может быть просто удар по скорости на дороге в жизни.

This means that a minor bump or injury can cause large or lumpy bruises.

Это означает, что незначительная шишка или травма может вызвать большие или бугристые синяки.

There’s no rhyme nor reason for so many newer owners to be on the wrong end of a bump.

«Там нет рифмы или причины для стольких новых владельцев, чтобы быть на неправильном конце удара.

Sasha had a huge bump on his head.

На голове у Саши была огромная шишка.

Perfectionists feel every bump in the road.

«Перфекционисты болезненно чувствуют каждый бугорок на дороге.

In fact, it tarnished the company’s image, with Pepsi getting a bump from the New Coke disaster.

Фактически, это затмило имидж компании, и Pepsi получил удар от катастрофы New Coke.

According to Defense News, there is a sense that Fiscal Year 2020 may only come with an inflation bump.

По данным Defense News, есть ощущение, что финансовый год 2020 может прийти только с инфляционным ударом.

We probably went over a bump or somethin’.

Мы, наверное, наехали на выбоину или еще что-то такое.

But this turned into a bump and abduct.

Но здесь получалось, что «въехал и увёз».

We hate that we have to bump important stories.

Нас бесит, что нам приходится отвлекаться от действительно важных новостей.

Or our fists will never bump again.

Или наше первое «дай пять«, станет последним.

Internal polling shows a three-point bump from last night’s speech.

Внутреннее голосование показало, что вчерашняя речь подняла ваш рейтинг на З пункта.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат bump

Результатов: 2952. Точных совпадений: 2952. Затраченное время: 77 мс


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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

He had a big bump on his knee that looked like the gnarl of an old tree.

There was a gentle bump as they landed.

You live here; you just might bump into someone you know.

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Maybe I’ll bump into the Psychic Tipster and cash in.

The bump jarred the cell phone loose, and it fell in the space between the seat and door.

Lavater would have said I lack the bump of paternity.

The bump sounded again, as if someone ran into it.

The child cannot believe that the strongest and wisest of its people have no remedy for its pain, and the hope of relief and the expression of its mother’s sympathy while she rubs the bump comforts it.

Dean moved close enough to bump Fitzgerald but held his temper.

The projecting bone or bump at the back of the head.

  • Use the word bump in a sentences

Sentence Examples

He’s got a small bump on the neck but otherwise he’s fine.

I fell on the tarmac, so they had to bump us up.

This isn’t a dog, he’s a bump on a log!

«If you don’t want Mulligan to bump you off, Professor, you’d better stick with me.»

If I’m gonna bump off the enemy, I gotta have some practice.

-No… he promised me he wouldn’t bump nobody off.

If he don’t, we’re going to bump off every screw in here and throw them out in the yard.

So if you ever bump into me, you better see me first… ya dirty, sneakin’ rat!

They’ll bump me off first.

Well, I had enough guts to bump off that four-eyed husband of Rosa’s, didn’t I?

Yeah, I did it, and I got enough guts to bump you off too!

A big bump, even for such a bad road.

It hit a bump and the gun went off.

Say, if I wanted to bump myself off as bad as that, I’d take an easier way.

Sailors like me that sort of bump around the world-

We seem fated to bump into each other in the dark.

Doing nothing but bump into old friends tonight.

All right, arrange for me to bump into him in your office as if it were an accident.

Well, I must have hit a bump.

Think of trying to bump herself off in here, of all places.


Funny place to pick for a bump off.

Didn’t you steal it yourself and bring it down here to bump off Rita Ross?

With the whole Pacific Ocean to swim in, I’d have to bump into you!

Did Lloyd fall down and bump her nose?

They got the heat on Brad, but they’ll lay off when they find out he’s liable to bump this chicken.

Don’t sit there like a bump on a stump, go down and throw them out.

-That’s not a bump, it’s a pimple.

Ah. Oh, I hate to leave that but we may bump into another later, eh?

Just lucky he didn’t bump his head on that boat.

Every time you bump somebody off, it costs me a lot of money.

Say, you know I thought there was something funny about that because he didn’t confess until after his mob tried to bump him off.

If he gives that dame any information, bump him off.

Well, the idea that the first person we bump into may be the murderer… sort of gives a fellow the creeps.

If it weren’t for Miss Dawson being here, I’d bump your heads together.

Maybe you just bump your head on bunk when you get up this morning, huh?

You sure you didn’t bump your head, Manuel?

The doctor found a bump on his head that must have been made a couple of days ago.

Hey, T.B., feel that bump.

Look at this bump I’ve got.

Big noise — made a big bump.

I’m waiting for the bump.

You’re the poorest sport I ever had the misfortune to bump into.

You can’t bump off a priest.

All you had to do was bump me off.

Then I woke up with a bump on my head— Feel it?

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