Sentence with word bridge

A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles without closing the way underneath such as a body of water, valley, or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

If the real owner shows up and threatens me then I’ll just tell him that he should have labeled his bridge better, or gotten more trustworthy agents to collect tolls.


Musk has been working with Hawthorne officials for about a year on plans to build either a pedestrian bridge or tunnel for employees, Hawthorne City Manager Arnie Shadbehr said.


We named the sheds in honor of the Tortorella’s dog Bear, who has recently crossed the rainbow bridge.


The new pedestrian bridge over the I-190 north near the Peace Bridge in Buffalo.


Our days at sea are yours for relaxing or join in with others to dance classes, games and special events such as wine tastings, galley tours and bridge tours coordinated by the Singles Travel International Concierge Team.


Deadlines can sneak up, so often borrowers must scramble to pay off a maturing loan with a bridge loan (hard money loan) until they are able to refinance with another bank loan.


All over the country we’ve heard about infrastructure rotting away — bridges collapsing in Minnesota, roads in disrepair, levees breaking.


«This is the first cable-stayed bridge built in New York.


The advent of more nimble communication tools in enterprise software bridges a technology gap that hurts productivity and frustrates employees.


Attention — to those of you who frequent Joe Station Bark Park with your «kids,» please note that the repairs to the damaged I-244 bridge over Charles Page Blvd are scheduled to close Charles Page Blvd until Thanksgiving, so the park can not be accessed from the east.


This Oscar winner looks at a World War II POW group that’s forced to build a bridge that the Allies plan to destroy.


In classrooms where units build on each other, such as math, this protocol comes in handy at the end of a unit, acting as a bridge to the next.


Located just five minutes over the arched bridge to Vilano from the North end of the historic district.


On another note, today is the day our previous Cocker Spaniel, Brandy Noel, left this earth and crossed over the rainbow bridge on October 11, 2008.


Now, think in terms of threes: Roll towards the bridge of your nose trying to look forward, drop the bottom, gently dig the fingertips into the ground to help pull the chest forward.


Bender was seeking an amazing $ 15 million: $ 9 million for a bridge related to his company’s Atlantic Yards project, $ 2 million for a retail center in Mill Basin and $ 4 million to renovate a skating rink in Prospect Park.


I was actually expecting the bridge to feel alot longer and higher, it was not in the least bit scary to walk across.


Three sources asked to remain anonymous out of fear of angering Zuckerberg or burning bridges with the company.


Homebuyers may resort to using a bridge loan to snap up a property quickly before their old home sells.


When I’m working for a publisher usually they serve as a bridge between the author and me.


To achieve a mesmerizing glow, apply In Tough Highlighter to your cheek bones, bridge of your nose, cupids bow, forehead and chin.


«The flooding has caused significant damage to roads and bridges in central part of the state and Pennsylvanians are just beginning to pick up the pieces,» said Secretary Foxx.


a couple of minutes away from the main attractions of Venice — San Marco Square and the Rialto bridge.


«We have used our Federal Stimulus funds in New York to save the jobs of thousands of teachers, hire construction workers to improve our roads and bridges, help low-income families find and keep housing, and maintain the immensely important programs that provide health care and unemployment insurance,» Governor Paterson said.


BBC reporter Holly Jones, who was on the bridge at the time of the incident, said the van was driven by a man and was «probably travelling at about 50 miles an hour».


I apply it under my eyes (triangle shape), on my chin, above my lips, down the bridge of my nose and a bit on my forehead and blend it all with a makeup sponge.


Once they hook up the car, it starts on a little journey across the 85-foot-high Hemishofen bridge in Switzerland.


I looked at the pics of your other dogs and am so sorry about your precious Beauregard… I know he is happy now at the rainbow bridge.


Such songs create amazing bridges with other people to talk about what Jesus offers the world.


Tappan Zee Construction, LLC is beginning daytime pile driving work to install a temporary foundation needed to support a trestle in the river on Thruway Authority property just north of the current bridge in Tarrytown.


Other bugs include ferry’s manoeuvring through bridge pylons where they’d otherwise crash and not being able to play a road where you know you’d clearly be able to place it, but apparently you can’t because, for example, there may be something in the way, when clearly, there isn’t.


Addressing the press after an oddly-timed but unrelated announcement regarding bridges and tunnels controlled by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Cuomo denied or dodged all allegations former Christie operative David Wildstein made on the stand in Newark yesterday.


It is certainly important for there to be mutual respect, but there is an opportunity to consider how this respect not only allows women to feel more affirmed but also creates a bridge that helps to lessen the communication gap between Black male students and female educators, thereby affirming the Black male student.


Certainly, in the course of ministry it makes sense to build bridges and create opportunities for the truth of Christ to eventually be presented.


Take a trip to Ferry Point in the Bronx, and what you’ll see isn’t pretty: 175 acres of rubble, scrub growth and debris left over from the construction of the Whitestone and Throgs Neck bridges 50 years ago.


According to the 2013 Status of the Nation’s Highways, Bridges, and Transit: Conditions and Performance report to Congress (C&P report) assessing the physical conditions, operational performances, and financing mechanisms of highways, bridges, and transit systems, demonstrated a deficit in planned funding to repair the Nation’s infrastructure.


Cuomo helped blow up a bridge over the Ronodut Creek in the Marbletown hamlet of High Falls today.


«You have made my job to build bridges so much easier.


arsenal are crap, load of rubbish etc. for those that haven’t noticed we are still top of the league, we are in the last 16 o f the champions league, so I am not ready to jump off a bridge yet.


TOKYO — Japan’s government may create its own version of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) to foster medical innovation and bridge the gap between the laboratory and the clinic.


«The device uses microwaves to measure the distance between the sensor and the bridge, much like radar does,» says Albert Migliori, a Los Alamos physicist.


There are agricultural products there that people can not access or if you access them and you farm, you can not bring the food across, and so you must build a bridge there in other that the trucks can go across and bring that food.


DROID can be used as a shield to block lasers, can push blocks to use as bridges over hot lava type gaps and he can even throw Vesta over gaps to trigger switches amongst other things.


«The College Success Academy builds another bridge for them.


USA Today reported that Malcolm Wilson’s daughter was upset that her father’s name would no longer be on the bridge, which is formally known as the Malcolm Wilson Tappan Zee Bridge, a name that also honors Native Americans and Dutch settlers.


Buhari said while the borrowed funds would be used to finance the deficit in the 2017 budget, they would provide funding for the capital projects in the budget, including the Mambilla hydropower project; construction of a second runway at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja; counterpart funding for rail projects; and the construction of the Bodo-Bonny road, with a bridge across the Opobo Channel.


With another strong performance by Radcliffe anchoring the film, more of fan favorite villain Snape (Rickman, Sweeney Todd), and bolstering even further an already impressive cast of the finest British actors, The Half-Blood Prince provides another solid entry in the franchise, giving an entertaining bridge between the strong Order of the Phoenix and the upcoming final chapter, The Deathly Hallows.


When I taught geometry we explored strength of bridges due to shape.


They said the collapsed bridge makes it difficult for them to access their farms, especially during the rainy seasons and some farmers have sustained various degrees of injuries by falling from it into the river while crossing, due to decayed wood slabs on it.


-LSB-…] For example, to fuel my lunch hour swim and get me through to my late lunch, I often choose an oat bar or a portion of overnight oats to bridge between a very light breakfast (typically a green -LSB-…]


Synonym: bridge circuit, bridge deck, bridge over, bridgework, nosepiece, span. Similar words: ridge, bride, rid, edge, arid, budget, rider, trudge. Meaning: [brɪdʒ]  n. 1. a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc. 2. a circuit consisting of two branches (4 arms arranged in a diamond configuration) across which a meter is connected 3. something resembling a bridge in form or function 4. the hard ridge that forms the upper part of the nose 5. any of various card games based on whist for four players 6. a wooden support that holds the strings up 7. a denture anchored to teeth on either side of missing teeth 8. the link between two lenses; rests on nose 9. an upper deck where a ship is steered and the captain stands. v. 1. connect or reduce the distance between 2. make a bridge across 3. cross over on a bridge. 

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1. Let’s cross the bridge when we come to it. 

2. Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it. 

3. Let every man praise the bridge he goes over. 

4. Don’t cross the bridge till you come to it. 

5. Let every man speak well of the bridge theat carries him over. 

6. The bridge broke down in last earthquake.

7. After the bridge, the road straightens out.

8. The roads intersect near the bridge.

9. The house is beyond the bridge.

10. They recreate themselves with playing bridge.

11. He walked back over the railway bridge.

12. They will organize a Bridge Club.

13. The bridge is noteworthy for its sheer size.

14. The soldiers were tearing across the bridge.

15. A row of reinforced concrete pillars supports the bridge.

16. Road and bridge construction is underway.

17. The new bridge is a triumph of engineering.

18. A bridge spans the river there.

19. The bridge is reinforced with huge steel girders.

20. The bridge has a span of 100 metres.

21. I declare this bridge open.

22. They have anticipated us and seized the bridge.

23. This bridge over the river has a steel framework.

24. The bridge links the island with the mainland.

25. The alley led to the railway

26. The bridge vibrated when a heavy truck passed.

27. The bridge is now open to two-way traffic.

28. Is this bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries?

29. The water sloshed around the bridge.

30. The central portion of the bridge collapsed.

More similar words: ridge, bride, rid, edge, arid, budget, rider, trudge, ride on, drudgery, knowledge, get rid of, corridor, acknowledge, take pride in, acknowledgement, bring, brisk, brick, debris, hubris, fabric, British, in brief, briefly, brittle, bring up, bring out, bring in, bring down. 

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Rostov movable railway bridge is a three-span arched double track bridge with a lifting middle part through the Don River.

Ростовский подвижный (подъёмный) железнодорожный мост — трёхпролётный арочный двухпутный мост с подъёмной средней частью через реку Дон.

In 2008, the Triborough bridge was officially renamed the Robert F. Kennedy bridge.

В Нью-Йорке в 2008 году мост Трайборо был официально переименован в мост им. Роберта Ф. Кеннеди.

The bridge is 918 meters — it gives the bridge a full right to be called the longest navigable bridge in the world.

Длина моста составляет 918 метров — это даёт мосту полное право называться самым длинным судоходным мостом в мире.

The bridge‘s famous red-orange color was chosen specifically to make the bridge more easily visible through the dense fog that frequently shrouded the bridge.

Известный красно-оранжевый цвет моста был специально выбран, чтобы сделать мост более заметным в густой туман, который часто покрывает мост.

The hybrid bridge is a hybrid of the above two structures, and the bridge and the bridge share the load of the bridge as a load-bearing structure.

Гибридный мост представляет собой гибрид двух вышеупомянутых конструкций, а мост и мост разделяют нагрузку моста в качестве несущей конструкции.

While the bridge is the longest cross-sea bridge, it actually consists of two sections and three artificial islands.

Хотя мост является самым длинным мостом через море, на самом деле он состоит из двух секций и трех искусственных островов.

Going back to the bridge metaphor, the bridge has a weight limit.

Возвращаясь к метафоре моста, мост имеет ограничение по весу.

After ’31 the bridge was officially named the bicycle — pedestrian bridge.

Спустя 31 год мост официально назвали велосипедно — пешеходным мостом.

According to historical books, the bridge was built in 1912 and became the first manually turnable bridge.

Согласно историческим книгам, мост был построен в 1912 году и стал первым вручную поворотным мостом.

There were also refurbished houses for the technical equipment of the bridge, the bridge itself was equipped with a backlight.

Были также отреставрированы домики для технического оборудования моста, сам мост был оборудован подсветкой.

There is zero chance the bridge could ever connect to a road or other bridge on the far end.

Есть нулевой шанс, что мост может не подключаться к дороге или другими моста на дальнем конце.

The bridge is being built in one of most seismically active areas in the world, which places additional demands on the bridge‘s design.

Мост построен в одном из самых сейсмически активных районов в мире, что предъявляет дополнительные требования к конструкции моста.

This bridge would be built near the existing bridge, eventually replacing it.

Мост должен был быть построенным рядом с уже существующим мостом и заменить его.

But this bridge collapse stopped suspension bridge development dead in its tracks.

Обрушение этого моста остановило дальнейшее развитие подвесных мостов.

The highway bridge was rebuilt in a different location, though entrances to the old bridge still stand.

Мост был построен заново в другом месте, тогда как остатки старого моста до сих пор сохранились.

Ahead of him was a bridge, and at the bridge more soldiers stood shooting.

Впереди его был мост, а у моста, стреляя, стояли другие солдаты.

The bridge was built at the request of the residents of areas located near the bridge.

Мост был построен по просьбе владельцев участков, расположенных вблизи моста.

The bridge is a unique integration of bridge, pavilion and corridor.

Мост представляет собой уникальную интеграцию моста, павильона и коридора.

It precedes all questions, but when one is changing from one process to another, the bridge becomes a bridge indeed.

Это предшествует всем вопросам, а при смене одного процесса на другой действительно становится мостом.

Some designs are better suited for a short bridge, while others allow a bridge to stretch for thousands of feet.

Некоторые проекты лучше подходят для короткого моста, а другие позволяют мосту протянуться на тысячи метров.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат bridge

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Examples of how to use the word “bridge” in a sentence. How to connect “bridge” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

bridge (n): a structure that is built over a river, road, or railway to allow people and vehicles to cross from one side to the other

Use “bridge” in a sentence

I don’t know the exact length of this bridge.
The village is connected with our town by a bridge.
They’re constructing a bridge over the river.
There is a cottage beyond the bridge.
The bridge is about a mile long.
This new bridge is a triumph of engineering.
The bridge is approximately 2 km long.

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  • Use the word Bridge in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Through forests arrowing, All sturdy sons and brothers They hunted on and on further and further longer longer until deep lay a hunted bridge, wandrous stags had crossed it.

Mrs Peters. 101 bridge Road, Crawley.

A marine closes the bridge through which they have passed.

The bridge is closed. Everyone is waiting for the signal which starts the shell on its voyage.

Dining on the bridge, Van Groot sees the new pilot arrive.

Her cousins, the Tremonts, were giving a bridge whist party the afternoon of Anna’s arrival.

And when he had crossed the bridge, the phantoms came to meet him.

Paula says her father felled one of the trees on that pinnacle so that it dropped across the chasm and made a bridge.

First down to the forest… then over the bridge and up again.

Have you found the bridge?

«At Big Shanty we will steal the train while the passengers and the crew are at dinner, and proceeding North we will burn every bridge, cutting off the supplies of the army now facing you.»

«At Nine o’clock tomorrow morning our supply trains will meet and unite with General Parker’s army at the Rock River bridge

«Once our trains and troops cross that bridge, nothing on the earth can stop us.»

The Northern division nearing the bridge to meet the supply trains.

«That bridge is not burned enough to stop you, and my men will ford the river.»

And two people like us, on this bridge just as if we’ve known each other all our lives.

Under the Paris bridge this morning there was found in the water the body of a man.

Now that this game is over, how about some bridge?

He thought it was contact bridge.

A bridge, Anna, it’s pretty, eh?

Someday, bridge, he look awfully pretty to you.

With the second kind of men you can play bridge, play golf, go to the theatre, dance the tango….

my wife very much likes to play bridge.

Mr. S├®rigny, a bridge partner of my wife.

You have so many things to think about… golf, bridge, tennis, so many things.

I’ll even learn to play bridge.

Well, you see, it’s money I won at bridge.

Oh, I’ll tell you. I’ll see you tomorrow at bridge, and then you can turn the funds over to me and I’ll see that he gets it.

«His face was a strong — a very strong — aquiline, with high bridge of the thin nose and peculiarly arched nostrils;

The transporter bridge has taken away my customers.

Now they all use the bridge.

Remember when we went on the transporter bridge?

I come up to see the captain’s bridge.

You ought to better be thinking about that bridge.

Into taking an engine and a string of flats out onto the bridge.

He figured that the weight of a trainload of cement would hold the bridge steady.

I said, «well, you better be thinking about that bridge«.

He’s got an engine and a string of flats headed for the bridge.

He wants me to let him have an engine and some flatcars to take out on the bridge.

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