Sentence with word branch

Synonym: divide, expand, spread. Antonym: trunk. Similar words: ranch, franchise, brand, brand new, rancor, entrance, tolerance, insurance. Meaning: [brɑːntʃ]  n. 1. an administrative division of some larger or more complex organization 2. a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant 3. a part of a forked or branching shape 4. a natural consequence of development 5. a stream or river connected to a larger one 6. any projection that is thought to resemble a human arm. v. 1. grow and send out branches or branch-like structures 2. divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork. 

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1. He grafted the branch onto the apple tree.

2. An outgrowth of new shoots on a branch.

3. Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas.

4. I chopped a branch off the tree.

5. A sparrow alighted on the branch.

6. With an easy spring the cat reached the branch.

7. He held on to the branch like grim death.

8. The birds flitted from branch to branch.

9. Ethics is a branch of philosophy.

10. The bank recently opened a branch in Germany.

11. They decided to locate a branch in Paris.

12. A snake coiled itself around the branch.

13. Our New York branch is dealing with the matter.

14. A snake winds around a branch.

15. The drowning man grasped at a branch.

16. Contact your local branch to arrange an appointment.

17. He hacked at the branch until it fell off.

18. Help me to tie the branch down.

19. The branch sagged under the weight of the apples.

20. A long-tailed tit alighted on the branch.

21. He was assigned to the company’s branch in Cairo.

22. The tree began to branch out.

23. A branch whipped across the car window.sentence dictionary

24. The two halves of the main branch have grown apart[], forming separate trees.

25. The food was analysed root and branch and found to contain small amounts of poison.

26. The bookshop has decided to branch out into selling various records and tapes.

27. She tried to catch at a branch but couldn’t reach.

28. Coincident with the talks, the bank was permitted to open a New York branch.

29. A bank’s local market share tends to be divided equally between the local branch and branches located elsewhere.

30. It was a bold move on their part to open a branch of the business in France.

More similar words: ranch, franchise, brand, brand new, rancor, entrance, tolerance, insurance, brake, embrace, punch, bench, bunch, launch, celebration, in charge of, unchangeable, grand, rank, a grand, range, random, grant, orange, cancel, cancer, arrange, transit, far and away, veteran. 

A branch (UK: or UK: , US: ) or tree branch (sometimes referred to in botany as a ramus) is a woody structural member connected to but not part of the central trunk of a tree (or sometimes a shrub). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

These distributors are those, which have offices and branches spread across the country to sell mutual funds, insurance, loans, etc..


About Blog Metal Blast is an international metal magazine based in Europe, with branches in America and Australia.


In 2017 we rehomed and reunited around 46,000 cats and kittens through our nationwide network of over 250 volunteer-run branches and 36 centres.


The best banks allow you to open an account online quickly and easily, without the hassle of having to visit a brick-and-mortar branch.


BRUSSELS (AP)— A Belgian investigating judge has charged a Swiss private banking branch of HSBC with massive organized fiscal fraud, money laundering and forming a criminal organization to the benefit of over 1,000 wealthy clients that cost the Belgian…


I think the problem is with the disconnect between TD Asset Managment and TD branches.


» [T] he superiority of Congress over Parliament pales beside a comparison of the executive branches in our systems.


Trust me there was not Christmas tree branch strong enough to hold that bad boy.


The report, which comes from Kotaku, has revealed that an internal message sent to developers from Sony’s America and European branches states that the company will «plan to end all Vita GameCard production by close of fiscal year 2018.»


I tucked some gold and copper dipped faux magnolia leaves into the pine branches.


Signal Financial has ATMs at all of our branch locations.


«I grew up in pastoral settings» — specifically, the Italian countryside, where her parent were members of the local branch of the Children of God.


Without strong public pressure, the Congress may be unable to sustain a critical posture toward the executive branch with its insistent claim that national security requires public trust in secret power.


He is currently vice-chairman of the Conservative branch in his local ward, Mapperley.


Leroux overhauled the whole organizational structure at Desjardins so that, for example, females would make up at least 30 % of the talent pool at all levels of the company — from executive to branch.


«They feel it strengthens the executive branch and strengthens the role of lobbyists and entrenched staff,» Morelle said.


In fact, seven teachers, backed by the Houston branch of the American Federation of Teachers, have sued over using test data in evaluations.


Each dungeon is large, but ends up being what amounts to an incredibly long road from point A to point B with some small branches that lead to either dead ends with enemy encounters or treasure orbs that give mostly negligible spoils.


Game Rant has noted that some of the branches are prepared to use a ticketing system to allocate the product for some customers.


This powdered, nutrient dense fruit dries naturally on the branch of the baobab tree.


If you dont have an account, just step into any of our branches and ope.


If you do not wish to apply for the HSBC Advance suite of products, similar products are available separately by calling 1.888.310.4722 or visit a branch.


Gently slide a «branch» into each hole to serve as arms.


Issues that interested him included ways to better balance the state’s legislature and its executive branch, questions involving term limits, the ideal of a neutral redistricting, better environmental protections, and the codification of new rights for state citizens.


Despite frequent complaints, and even action by one manager, on-site contractors and the branches of government never investigated or acted to reduce this damage.


Some recent successes that the Board has overseen include: establishment of a low-cost spay-and-neuter clinic in Dartmouth and veterinary hospital in Sydney, merger of the SPCA’s 11 branches into a single provincial organization, development of the WOOF (Working on our Future) Program in partnership with the NS Department of Justice, and launch of a new SPCA website.


Then I recommend the good speakers to our other branches.


They don’t have to worry about staffing branches or even building them.


African populations branch in two directions and then further subdivide around 200,000 years ago.


While addressing journalists, within the premises of Ado Ekiti branch of the Zenith bank, Fayose alleged the federal government through the EFCC of blocking his account which he described as an illegal act.


What Mo-zam-bik advertises Mo-zam-bik certainly delivers; the Ballito branch is a double storey bui…


They provide opportunities for individuals to gain access to wealth building tools… We’ve been urging KeyBank to invest in branches in our community,» said Thomas Keily of the Law Center.


To test your balance, try floating your branches (arms) upwards.


The company combined low-cost online broker fees with reasonable local services (at higher prices) across a network of more than 500 branch offices to establish its market position.


Mallis served as executive director of the CFDA for 10 years, where she furthered the organization’s charter to promote American fashion as a «recognized branch of American art and culture» and helped to implement the foundation’s burgeoning philanthropic goals to raise money for breast cancer and AIDS charities, design scholarships, and numerous other initiatives to benefit designers and the industry at large.


McAlpine said previous studies have shown regrowth of linear nerves, but this is the first time a study has shown the creation of a custom guide for regrowth of a complex nerve like the Y-shaped sciatic nerve that has both sensory and motor branches.


The advantage to working with somebody like me though is that quite often I can actually get you a better deal and a better rate than you can get through the branches.


It has nominations in every key branch (directing, acting, editing, writing) and took home the top PGA Award.


Smaller branches may not have the revenue to be able to maintain a modern e-book collection.


When threatened by predators such as clouded leopards, the monkeys leap out of branches hanging over a river and crash into the water with a loud splash.


To request the amount to pay off a home equity loan, please call 1-877-430-4562, visit your local Regions branch, or send a request in writing to Regions Loan Operations at the address below.


We had a bear rip a large branch off of our apple tree, so we decided to steam juice the apples so as not to waste them.


Each year, branch and Home Office associates take to the road to raise funds for cancer research for the firm’s annual Tour de Ted.


Then there’s the problem that the ICC is an independent entity with no legislative or executive branch to check its power.


The group acquired 100 per cent ownership of a local financial services company in Hong Kong, adding five more branches to its global network.


Following the decade-long tradition, 19 leaders from all levels and branches of government will be recognized for their efforts to provide better educational options for the families they represent.


Veterinary Neurology is the branch of medicine that treats diseases of the nervous system: the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles in pets.


The winning candidate, AG (as he likes to be called) has been just one of the potential kings-in-waiting as there are several branches of the family — each with an heir interested in the top job.


In the dining room I kept the theme of simplicity going by adding forsythia branches from our yard.


A lab block, hamster-safe dog biscuit (should not contain garlic), tightly rolled cardboard, apple branch or a Popsicle stick work well, especially if they’re anchored tightly.


Phrases with «branch»:

  • branch
  • executive branch
  • to branch
  • to branch out
  • branch office
  • executive branch of government
  • branch of the military
  • branch of science
  • judicial branch of government
  • executive branch of the federal government
  • (see

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The branch distribution point in the branch office is protected so that only clients in can access it.

Точка распространения филиала защищена таким образом, чтобы только клиенты в подсети имели к ней доступ.

My Alfa-Bank is your personal Bank branch, which operates 24/7.

Му Alfa-Bank — это ваше персональное отделение Банка, которое работает в режиме 24/7.

The modern Northwestern branch of the Turkic language is often referred to as the Kipchak branch.

Современная северо-западная ветвь тюркского языка часто упоминается как кипчакская ветвь.

They also help to maintain the separation of powers by arming each branch with a defensive power to resist encroachments from another branch.

Они также помогают поддерживать разделение властей путем «вооружения» каждой ветви мощью для противостояния посягательствам другой ветви.

In parallel with the military branch developed a branch of civil.

Параллельно с военной ветвью развивалась и ветвь гражданская.

The dorsal branch of the vagus originates in the dorsal motor nucleus and is considered the phylogenetically older branch.

Дорсальная ветвь блуждающего нерва берёт начало в дорсальном моторном ядре и считается филогенетически более древней ветвью.

Apologetics is generally viewed as one branch of dogmatic science, the other and chief branch being dogmatic theology proper.

Апологетика, как правило, рассматривается как одна из ветвей догматической науки, другим и главный филиал бытия догматическое богословие правильно.

The distinction between registering a branch office and subsidiary is that the branch office can be registered based on the power of attorney.

Различие между регистрацией филиала и дочерней компании заключается в том, что филиал может быть зарегистрирован на основании доверенности.

New technology allows even the smallest branch to become a full-service branch.

Новые технологии позволяют даже самому маленькому филиалу стать филиалом с полным спектром услуг.

We are creating a branch here, we are starting activities within the branch.

Мы здесь создаем филиал, в рамках филиала начинаем деятельность.

R1a1 branch descendants now live in Lebanon, with the beginning of the branch 4400 years ago.

Ветвь потомков R1a1 живёт сейчас в Ливане, с началом ветви 4400 лет назад.

This is one branch of a large, Spanish organisation, with stores all over Spain and its flagship branch in Madrid.

Это одна из ветвей большой испанской организации, которая имеет магазины по всей Испании и свой флагманский филиал в Мадриде.

By obtaining a branch license by the Department of Economic Development the parent company is allowed to conduct business through the branch.

Выпуск лицензии филиала «Департаментом экономического развития» позволяет родительской компании вести бизнес через филиал.

The bank has a branch in Astrakhan and planned to open one more branch in Kazan.

У банка есть филиал в Астрахани; планировалось открытия филиала в Казани.

In April 1985, a branch of the Sugino dojo was established in France, with Floquet acting as branch director.

В апреле 1985 года филиал додзё Сугино был создан во Франции, с Флоке в качестве директора филиала.

Best estimates were earned by Šiaulių bankas Klaipėda branch, Panorama customer service branch in Vilnius and Šiauliai branch.

Наилучших оценок были удостоены филиалы Šiaulių bankas: Клайпедский филиал, отделение по обслуживанию клиентов Panorama в Вильнюсе и Шяуляйский филиал.

Next academic year there begins work the branch of the Board in St. Petersburg, opening of branch in Khabarovsk is also planned.

В следующем учебном году начинает работу филиал Пансиона в Санкт-Петербурге, также запланировано открытие филиала в Хабаровске.

The branch will be located on the territory of the Samarkand branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies.

Филиал разместится на территории Самаркандского филиала Ташкентского университета информационных технологий.

We will also expand our branch network nationwide.

Также мы продолжим расширять дилерскую сеть по всей стране».

The secondary bronchi additionally branch into many shorter tertiary bronchi within each lobe.

Вторичный бронхи в свою очередь, разделяются на множество более мелких третичных бронхов в пределах каждого лепестка.

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отделение, филиал, ветвь, боковой, вспомогательный, разветвляться


- ветка (дерева)
- шутл. ребёнок, отпрыск
- отрасль (промышленности, науки и т. п.)

branch of learning — отрасль знания
pathology is a branch of medicine — патология — один из разделов медицины

- филиал, отделение

branch establishment — филиал, отделение
branch post-office — (местное) почтовое отделение
branch bank — отделение банка
a neighbourhood branch of the city library — соседнее /ближайшее/ отделение городской библиотеки

- линия, ветвь (родства)

English is a branch of the Germanic family of languages — английский язык

ещё 11 вариантов


- раскидывать ветви (тж. branch forth, branch out)
- разветвляться, расходиться (тж. branch off, branch away, branch out)

the road branches here — здесь дорога разветвляется

- сделать ответвление (коммуникации и т. п.; тж. branch off)
- быть порождением; возникать из чего-л.

poetry that branched from Baudelaire — направление в поэзии, вызванное к жизни Бодлером

- вышивать узор из цветов, веток, листьев

Мои примеры


birds singing from the branches of a tree — птицы, которые поют на ветвях дерева  
a new branch of science — новая отрасль науки  
the legislative branch of the government — законодательная ветвь власти  
to branch out — разветвляться  
branch of decay — ветвь ядерного распада  
branch manager — заведующий отделением, заведующий филиалом  
olive branch — предложение о примирении  
branch switch — групповой выключатель  
request for a branch — запрос на ветвление  
branch business — отделение фирмы/предприятия  
branch of knowledge — отрасль знаний  
local branch — местное отделение  

Примеры с переводом

The branch crashed down on my car

Эта ветка свалилась на мою машину.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy.

Этика — это раздел философии.

She grabbed at the branch.

Она ухватилась за эту ветку.

Break a branch from a tree.

Отломите с какого-нибудь дерева ветку.

There’s a branch above you — can you reach it?

Над тобой ветка, достанешь до нее?

The young tree is beginning to branch out.

Крона молодого дерева разрастается.

The rail company may have to close the branch line to Uckfield.

Железнодорожной компании, возможно, придется закрыть ветку до Укфилда.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The branch speared up into the air

The branch snapped cleanly in two.

Statistics is a branch of mathematics.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

branch off — отклоняться, отделяться, отходить от главного направления
branch out — отходить, ответвляться

Возможные однокоренные слова

branchless  — без ответвлений, без сучьев
branchy  — ветвистый, разветвленный
disbranch  — подстригать, обрезать ветви
branching  — разветвление, развесистый
branched  — ветвистый, с ветвями, разветвленный, ветвиться
brancher  — молодой сокол или другая молодая хищная птица, молодой сокол, обрубщик сучьев

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: branch
he/she/it: branches
ing ф. (present participle): branching
2-я ф. (past tense): branched
3-я ф. (past participle): branched

ед. ч.(singular): branch
мн. ч.(plural): branches

Sentences with the word Branch?



  • «he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study»
  • «a site approachable from a branch of the Niger»
  • «the arm of the record player»; «an arm of the sea»; «a branch of the sewer»
  • «a branch of Congress»; «botany is a branch of biology»; «the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages»
  • «break a branch from a tree»
  • «The branch crashed down on my car»; «The plane crashed in the sea»
  • «cut off the ear»; «lop off the dead branch«
  • «decorticate a tree branch«
  • «A flower developed on the branch«; «The country developed into a mighty superpower»; «The embryo develops into a fetus»; «This situation has developed over a long time»
  • «graft the cherry tree branch onto the plum tree»
  • «the executive branch«
  • «The branch fell from the tree»; «The unfortunate hiker fell into a crevasse»
  • «The bird landed on the highest branch«; «The plane landed in Istanbul»
  • «the branch with the big peaches on it hung lowest»
  • «we paused momentarily before proceeding»; «a cardinal perched momently on the dogwood branch«
  • «The branch speared up into the air»
  • «the endmost pillar»; «terminal buds on a branch«; «a terminal station»; «the terminal syllable»

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