Sentence with word bored

I was bored with his endless sermon.
Мне наскучила его бесконечная проповедь.

It still beats being a sex symbol for bored housewives.
Все еще пытаешься быть секс-символом для скучающих домохозяек.

While I empty her chamber pot and lick your cock when you’re bored?
А я буду выносить ее ночной горшок и лизать тебе член, когда ты заскучаешь?

Or make you become angry, impatient or bored.
Они или разозлятся, или потеряют терпение, или заскучают.

Like their counterparts in the north, they would still be socially committed, but mindful of their stock options, as they bored their children with stories of the «I was at Woodstock» variety.
Как и их единомышленники на севере, они были бы до сих пор социально преданными, заботясь при этом о своих фондовых опционах и нагоняя тоску на своих детей рассказами типа «Я был в Вудстоке».

I think he got bored with finding it ready made in England he had to go and create it for himself.
Я думаю, что ему прискучило получать её в готовом виде у нас в Англии, у него возникла потребность уехать и самому создать её.

It startled, then bored, then repelled me.
Сначала меня это удивляло, потом наскучило, потом оттолкнуло.

It’s probably just some bored teenager who hacked the account.
Наверняка это просто какой-то скучающий подросток, взломавший наш аккаунт.

And maybe a lot of people they saw bored with the Indian set.
И возможно, многие люди терпеть не могли индийскую часть выступлений.

I feel bored with my life and the daily grind.
Мне наскучила моя жизнь и ежедневная рутина.

Body fully developed, precocious, sophisticated, bored with all the other kids her age.
Полностью сформировавшееся тело, развита не по годам, искушенная, скучающая со всеми другими детьми ее возраста.

I mean, I’m so bored, I can’t even watch TV anymore.
Всмысле, всё так наскучило, телевизор уже заколебал.

Putin, who thrives on verbal combat, often looked bored with Kelly’s pallid attempt at interrogation.
Путин, мастер словесных баталий, не раз выглядел скучающим на вялом допросе Келли.

We thought you might’ve been getting a little bored sitting in that bed all day.
Мы подумали, что тебе, наверное, немного наскучило лежать в койке весь день.

Smoking, drinking and hanging around street corners is a common characterisation of a bored, unhealthy, unemployed youth.
Курить, пьянствовать и болтаться без дела по улицам — такова общая черта скучающей, опасной и безработной молодежи.

She was sired to you, and I can only assume you took full advantage of that until you got bored of her, right?
Она была связана с тобой и я могу только предположить, что ты ей пользовался, пока она тебе не наскучила, верно?

Obama dismissed Putin back in 2013 as behaving “like a bored kid in the back of the classroom.”
А в 2013 году Обама назвал поведение Путина поведением «скучающего на задней парте школьника».

But its gun-slinging troopers got bored there, and many of them eventually drifted west to St. Petersburg, where they fell in with various extortion rackets.
Но его склонным к применению оружия бойцам быстро наскучило там. И многие из них в конечном счете перебрались в Санкт-Петербург, где занялись различным рэкетом и вымогательствами.

At best, this program is make-work with a couple of junkets to Russia and northern California for bored weaponeers.
В лучшем случае перед нами имитация бурной деятельности с возможностью командировок в Россию (и наоборот, из России на север Калифорнии) для скучающих «оружейников».

The Sistine Chapel cannot compare with it — most children will become bored after ten minutes by the frescoes of Michelangelo, but will watch a detergent commercial with riveted interest.
Сикстинская капелла не может сравниться с этим — большинству детей фрески Микеланджело наскучат через десять минут, но они могут с напряженным интересом смотреть рекламу моющего средства.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


If anything, the 58-year-old was bored.

Может быть, этому 58-летнему человеку просто было скучно.

Don’t date someone because you are lonely or bored.

Не начинайте отношения с кем-то, просто потому что вам скучно или одиноко.

«Just looking,» I tell the bored attendant.

«Я пока просто смотрю.», сказал я скучающей продавщице.

I can watch TV all day without getting bored.

Я могу смотреть телевизор весь день, и мне не надоест.

Never understood people who say they were bored.

Ну не встречали мы людей, которые сказали бы, что им было скучно.

More importantly, I wasn’t bored.

Очень важно то, что мне не было скучно.

As usual, I was bored.

Но, как и раньше, мне было скучно.

Someone who was bored even took a job.

Кто-то, кому было скучно, даже устраивался на работу.

I am bored in my relationship.

Мне так скучно, когда я в отношениях.

I got bored and left early.

Мне стало скучно, и я ушёл пораньше.

If you’re bored, change my oil.

Если тебе скучно — поменяй пока масло в моей машине.

She gets bored, she moves on.

Когда ей становится скучно, она просто меняет одного на другого.

You must be pretty bored to call me.

Должно быть тебе было очень скучно, если ты мне позвонила.

He’ll leave when he gets bored.

Он с тобой расстанется, когда ему станет скучно.

Your husband hates you and you’re bored.

В итоге: муж тебя презирает, а тебе скучно.

We called him when we were bored.

Хотя мы звали его, только когда становилось скучно.

Therese go if you’re bored.

Тереза, можете идти, если вам скучно.

Not unless I was bored to tears.

Нет, в том случае, что было до слёз скучно.

But she got bored, started sleeping around.

Но ей стало скучно, и она начала спать с кем попало.

The public secret was that everyone was bored.

Общественный секрет заключался в том, что всем было скучно.

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Bored (stylised as Bored!) were an Australian punk rock band which formed in Geelong in 1987. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The last thing you want is a bored, unengaged director.


Meet Samuel Andresen-Anderson: stalled writer, bored teacher at a local college, obsessive player of an online video game.


Some questions asked if participants buy things when they feel anxious, bored, or upset, whereas others revolved around guilt, pride, or power in regard to money.


Both would get bored very quickly and possibly sick, if they were not provided what they need to keep healthy — both mentally and physically.


The variety of options means that there is always something new to try, keeping you from getting bored and your results from plateauing.


Mark Strong, Liam Cunningham and David Wilmot play the smugglers, who seem as bored plying their trade as Boyle is at police work.


Bresson spends considerable time watching the lieutenant at work; we feel imprisoned, but we never feel cramped or bored.


Powered by a bored and stroked 230kW 5.7-litre version of the venerable Holden V8, it stood out with its bright yellow exterior paint and large rear wing with carbon-fibre inserts.


Without a frame of footage nor a single interview presented from outside the camp, the documentary shows a capitalist nightmare that accords its victims — who are, essentially, the same bored, World of Warcraft-obsessed kids we have here in the States — zero wiggle room.


So I have to be creative when making them, because if I was only to eat them cooked in one way, I would get bored very easily.


My 18 month old rescue, Chester, has such difficultly latching onto a food and not getting bored halfway through the bag and I decided to try some Eukanuba adult large breed for him and he loves it!


The Theory of Everything is a nice introduction to the life of Stephen Hawking, it looks nice visually, but overall the film left me feeling a bit bored.


In it, «Imagine a Los Angeles where crime is so low that a bored cop sells drugs and harasses a teenager to pass the time.


And by the way, what do people talk about when they are so bored they can’t find anything else?


A cat may be curious about a tortoise at first, but will soon become bored and ignore it.


Since Beabull dogs are very intelligent, it’s important to make sure that they have mentally stimulating challenges and tasks or they may become bored, which can lead to destructive behavior.


Dogs that are not provided with sufficient play and exercise time are likely to become bored.


Rather than waiting for my character to walk back and forth when I messed up a section and missed an item, I can quickly zip around without getting bored or annoyed at myself.


Well thats because my sleeping patterns have being disturbed, so now, to me, day is night and night is day.Its really annoying as my friends sleep at night.Why am I telling you this, because I’m bored and if you have read this far I assume you are to.


He became so bored, that he licked his paws constantly to self-sooth and ended up with lick granulomas all over them.


In fact I looked at it and my first reaction was what a lovely, interesting top (I get so bored of the plain t-shirts lately)!


The Last Breakup (Unrated) Bittersweet romance drama, set in NYC, about a bored young couple (Zoe Lister-Jones and Daryl Wein) who agree to orchestrate the gradual end of their relationship.


If you’re afraid it might be too cluttered, have a friend (preferably a writer friend) take a look and let you know if she ever gets bored or overwhelmed.


I also noticed I got a little bored looking only at the map in the top right corner that shows me where I will go next.


Businesses with bored owners slowly die.


Chris Duffett was on a street evangelism team with 12 bored teenagers who mostly didn’t believe that God could do anything supernatural — but one got a clear picture of a woman in a red jacket with a fur collar, wearing black boots, and with severe stomach pain.


She’s needy and curious, bored and hungry, funny and sometimes more than a little mean.


Remember that a bored German shepherd will keep himself busy by barking and try to be annoying in order to draw your attention.


P.S. I have been to Powell’s and bored my (ex —RRB- boyfriend to tears — after 2h he was dragging me out.


A very good man of great heart, understanding, ready to make you happy, no problem attached, free from hassles and no burden from me, someone who can make you feel relaxed and be a good companion, you will never feel bored or lonely, ever want you smile, let give a trial, thank you


With many people having completed or grown bored of the holiday releases, new IPs thrive during these down times.


is really about choice:) Also, if I eliminated all the stress in my life, I’d probably be totally bored!


We’re happy to provide you some helpful tips to relieve your bored dog in the comfort of your own home!


Cat laser pointers can provide key stimulation and keep them from becoming overly bored.


In addition to its provocatively euphemistic title, it’s also of note for the controversial central storyline involving the incestuous feelings that emerge between a bored, unhappy and injured housewife and her impressionable college-age son.


A sedentary dog is a bored dog, often an overweight dog, and, in general, a less-than-optimally-healthy dog.


This may result in the lower-ability students getting frustrated and giving up ~ and the higher-ability students getting bored and distracting themselves and others.


They love to please and they only exhibit behavioral problems if they are very bored.


Kyle is a carefree Father-to-be who has just found success with his face on the bottle of hot sauce, while Peter is a bored Doctor who is fresh out of a divorce and bitter.


As much as I love my morning routine of eggs and bacon, I sometimes like to change things up when I get a little bored of the same repetitive meals.


Payne believes that a bored child is one who is on the brink of imagining an amazing and creative new way to entertain himself — if only parents don’t rush in with some sort of guided activity first.


I was worried that I might become bored quickly but the truth is that even after years I still love every single bag that is in my closet and, most important, I still wear each of them on a regular base.


I was getting so so bored growing it out so now I have a bit of a fringe.


Like chronically bored but healthy people, they need far bigger hits to find fun.


This is one film that only relies on jump scares to scare you, and time and time again you find yourself more bored than enjoying yourself due to the fact that it is a poorly constructed horror film that doesn’t offer anything remarkable for genre fans looking for something really interesting to watch.


Next time you find yourself getting a little bored (Come on, Jim and Pam, JUST KISS ALREADY), give these a shot!


Programs must be Active because students are entering afterschool programs after a full day of regular school, which can mean they will be easily antsy, bored, and distracted.


There are countless variations on your current workout if you’re getting bored but more is NOT better when it comes to training for size.


Learn why, without exercise and firm training, Malamutes become bored and destructive.


I didn’t know what to do, and was getting bored and frustrated.


Sentences with the word Bored?



  • «The children acted up when they were not bored«
  • «Enough horsing around—let’s get back to work!»; «The bored children were fooling about»
  • «his blase indifference»; «a petulant blase air»; «the bored gaze of the successful film star»
  • «bored with life»; «strolled through the museum with a bored air»
  • «the housewife bored us with her domestically limited conversation»
  • «Her eyes glaze over when she is bored«
  • «the amoral, jaded, bored upper classes»
  • «he was listless and bored«
  • «he was scared witless»; «the students were bored shitless»
  • «bored stiff»; «frightened stiff»



- скучающий

Мои примеры


the amoral, jaded, bored upper classes — аморальная, пресыщенная, скучающая аристократия  
bored children brabbling in the back seat — заскучавшие дети, которые переругиваются на заднем сиденье  
bored to death — смертельно скучающий  
bored to tears — утомленный до слёз  
television bored me to distraction — телевизор надоел мне до безумия  
be bored for lack of an occupation — скучать от безделья  
be bored — тосковать; скучать  
become bored — соскучиться  
bored hob — насадная червячная фреза  
bored shitless — умирающий от скуки; неимоверная скука; очень скучно  
bored spindle — шпиндель с осевым отверстием; полный шпиндель  
bored tube well — буровая скважина с обсадной трубой; артезианский колодец  

Примеры с переводом

I hope I haven’t bored you.

Надеюсь, я вам ещё не наскучил.

She soon got bored with the job.

Работа ей скоро наскучила.

Are you bored with your present job?

Вам скучно на нынешней работе?

He bored her stiff.

Он надоел ей до чёртиков.

We were bored with the movie, so we left.

Нам наскучил фильм, поэтому мы ушли.

He was easily bored.

Он легко приходил в состояние скуки.

He seems the most bored, the most indifferent spectator there.

Кажется, что здесь он самый скучающий и наиболее равнодушный зритель.

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

As the meeting progressed, Nina grew more and more bored.

My children can act like little hellions when they’re bored.

I feel so bored at work, like I’m just going through the motions.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

borer  — бур, сверло, бурильщик, расточный станок, бурав, сверлильщик, сверловщик
boring  — скучный, буровой, бурильный, надоедливый, бурение, расточка, сверление, отверстие
borism  — отравление борной кислотой, интоксикация борной кислотой, бором или бурой

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