Sentence with word boost

The Boost is a 1988 drama film directed by Harold Becker. It stars James Woods, Sean Young, John Kapelos, Steven Hill, June Chandler and Amanda Blake. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Chia seeds, nut butter, or protein powder added to your base recipe will give you the perfect protein boost.


I can’t see either ourselves or Chelsea going on a particularly good run, and while Liverpool haven’t looked anything special all season, once they (most likely) win the Carling Cup, it could give the squad the boost it requires.


Johan Lundgren, the Swede who took over as CEO at the start of December, attributed the revenue rise to more passengers — up 8 % to 18.8 million in the quarter — and a boost in inflight and ancillary sales.


A delicious way to skip a meal while on the go or give yourself the boost you need on a busy day.


Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body has provided a much needed boost to recognizing meanings built into the human body.


Nursing Blend is an all-natural dietary supplement that contains a blend of herbs that have been used for centuries by nursing mothers when a boost in breast milk supply is needed, including fenugreek and fennel seed.


We are at home and could really do with a confidence boost after losing to Olympiacos.


The public backlash against Facebook could provide a boost for bipartisan legislation such as the Honest Ads Act, which calls for the government to regulate online political advertising the same way it does television, radio, and print advertising.


Leader Gary Burrill said the NDP bill’s three-year wait time would give businesses time to adjust, while giving workers a more significant boost.


On the other hand, economist Larry Summers argues in Foreign Affairs that running deficits can stimulate the economy — like giving a car battery a boost to get it going.


SEE MORE: Antonio Conte admits he wants to see more from Chelsea summer signing Jose Mourinho ready to offer two Man Utd stars to sign $ 80million Chelsea transfer target «He’s ready»: Chelsea boss Antonio Conte hints at huge injury boost


Taking risks and succeeding boosts your child’s self-esteem.


Construction and retail trade have received a boost since 2007, and the amount of money set aside for services sector has taken a hit over that time period.


Computer simulations of supernovas predict smaller black hole boosts, making for a cosmological conundrum.


Mix in electrolyte-rich drinks for an extra boost of hydration.


On the other hand, domestic demand should continue to be supported by the low level of interest rates, while the recent depreciation of the yen is giving a significant boost to export growth.


The creation of a single securities regulator in Canada to replace the existing patchwork of provincial and territorial securities regulators would enhance oversight, strengthen investor protection and boost competitiveness.


WM plans to introduce its first model in 2018 and boost production to more than 100,000 units annually within the following three years, he said Tuesday.


When the credit bureaus can see that a person has had experience managing their own credit, they’re more likely to give the consumer a boost.


It will give the players a huge boost if they beat City on Sunday, but whether or not they can do so remains to be seen.


Sprinkle it over anything from salads and roasted veggies to pasta and rice for a subtle, savory flavor boost.


It’s tasty, comforting and it’s a perfect way for you to nourish your body and give your immune system a boost as we head into this very stressful time of year.


The hope is that the exchange will experience a turnaround that sees a boost in customer confidence.


Take 1/3 cup of oatmeal (not instant), 1/3 cup of low-fat (one percent, no salt added) cottage cheese and 3 egg whites combined with your sweetener of choice, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, 1 or 2 packets of stevia or a quarter scoop of vanilla protein powder if you really need that extra protein boost.


But in exchange for a 4.8 percent boost to the state’s schools — half of what the state Regents requested — Cuomo said the Legislature had to pass his education proposals.


I agree that it happens to fit right in with the «revival» trend, though, which I’m sure boosts its popularity immensely!


Significantly, the poll of 2,052 voters was carried out after the Manchester bombing, suggesting Theresa May has had no boost from being able to make several appearances as prime minister while the election campaign was suspended.


The vote gives a political boost to multiple parties.


Team up with our thousands of successful members and start getting the boost your goals need today!


Oil prices got a boost early in the session from a broader investor push into commodities after Chinese data showed industrial production in the world’s largest importer of raw materials grew more than expected over the first two months of the year.


Coupled with results elsewhere so far this weekend, it’s a huge boost for the Rossoneri’s hopes of qualifying for the Europa League.


THE election of the pro-nuclear Liberal Democratic Party in Japan has prompted forecasts of improved market conditions for uranium producers and a boost in stock prices.


«Apart from that, volunteering has just been a massive confidence boost and has definitely made me into a more outgoing person.»


Children and teens enjoy a boost to their appearance, too.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could get a substantial boost if Congress approves President Barack Obama’s 2011 request for a 23 % increase over its current budget, to a shade over $ 4 billion.


Missouri gets a committee boost, having beaten Ohio State-killer Illinois earlier in the year.


The recent pickup in oil prices is, of course, welcome, because it means a boost to Canadian income for every barrel exported.


SEE ALSO: Sturridge return a boost for Liverpool but hopes still rest on regular Man City tormenter (video)(Video) Youth star Niall Ennis shows why Manchester United are interested in signing him Chelsea transfer news: Jose Mourinho reveals strategy for January window (video)


According to one of the traditional laws of polling, surveys conducted during the party conference season should be treated with some scepticism, for they usually give a short-lived boost to whichever party is grabbing the headlines at the time.


Will stocks get a boost from lower long-term rates?


Hongkong is such a port city to rely on luxury goods to enhance their own charm, adidas ultra boost men, with a three thousand year history of Chengdu can not through the introduction of luxury reflect their inclusive?


Their win total also gets a boost, moving from 51.5 to 53.5 — 5.5 wins higher than the Timberwolves and eight higher than the Nuggets in their division.


In addition to confirming those, Antpool is also said to be burning BCH on a daily basis in order to reduce supply and boost prices.


Ladies and gentlemen, a little more than a decade ago, when we broke ground for this campus, our vision was to build a state of the art education facility in a part of Nigeria that desperately needed a boost.


She couldn’t have given him a bigger boost than her call for Saturday Night Live to cancel his invite to host on Nov. 7.


Gustavo Rivera, the main challenger to State Senator Pedro Espada Jr., received a major boost Sunday when a third candidate in the upcoming Democratic primary decided to drop out and back Mr. Rivera.


Stepping away from my work environment every day gives me an emotional boost.


This is one of the clear advantages of purchasing youtube views as it will provide the much needed boost to your video.


The South Korean health ministry announced last month that research into stem cells and regenerative medicine will receive a funding boost of 33 billion won (US$ 29 million) in 2012, four times that given in 2011.


If you are anything like me, you need a little boost in the morning, especially after a sleepless night with a cranky toddler.


форсировать, повышать, ускорение, наддув, поддержка


- разг. поднимать; подпихивать (сзади)
- помогать выдвинуться; активно поддерживать

to boost smb. into a position — устроить кого-л. на место
he was boosted into power by business interests — он пришёл к власти благодаря поддержке деловых кругов

- рекламировать; способствовать росту популярности (особенно книги или автора)

many reviewers were boosting it as his best book — многие рецензенты рекламировали это произведение как его лучшую книгу
perhaps advertising might boost the sales — может быть, реклама увеличит сбыт (товаров)

- повышать

to boost spirits — поднимать настроение
to boost prices — взвинчивать цены

- физ. повышать давление, напряжение
- тех. форсировать (двигатель и т. п.)
- воен. ускорять
- спорт. принять и передать (мяч)
- амер. сл. воровать


- разг. поддержка; проталкивание

to give smb. a boost — поддержать кого-л.

- создание популярности; рекламирование

he got a good boost at the start — ему с самого начала создали хорошую рекламу

- повышение (цены, зарплаты и т. п.)
- эл. добавочное напряжение
- обстрел; налёт
- поиск
- разгон (ракеты)
- форсаж (двигателя)

Мои примеры


tax boost — повышение налогов  
boost of sale — рост продаж  
boost in prices — рост цен  
to give a boost to demand — стимулировать спрос  
a boost to the economy — стимулирование экономики  
the way to boost the economy — способ поднять экономику  
to boost / lift / raise morale — поднимать боевой дух  
to boost / raise salaries — поднимать зарплату  
pressure boost — наддув  
built-in pay boost — автоматическое повышение выплат в соответствии с ростом цен  

Примеры с переводом

The new resort area has boosted tourism.

Новая курортная зона привела к развитию туризма.

That promotion was a real boost for her ego.

Это продвижение повысило ее самомнение.

He boosted her up.

Он помог ей подняться выше. / Он её подсадил.

She boosted the boy onto his father’s shoulders.

Она подсадила мальчика на плечи к его отцу.

Exercise can sometimes provide a boost of energy.

Занятия спортом порой обеспечивают мощный заряд энергии.

The tax cut will boost the economy.

Снижение налогов будет стимулировать экономику.

Union endorsement is a good boost for a political candidate.

Поддержка профсоюза — это хорошая реклама для кандидата на политический пост.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The poll provided a morale boost for the Conservatives.

After layoffs at the company, employees needed a boost in morale.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

booster  — усилитель, бустер, помощник, рекламщик, горячий сторонник, побудитель

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: boost
he/she/it: boosts
ing ф. (present participle): boosting
2-я ф. (past tense): boosted
3-я ф. (past participle): boosted

ед. ч.(singular): boost
мн. ч.(plural): boosts

Definition of Boost

to help, stimulate, or encourage something to improve

Examples of Boost in a sentence

My kind words encouraged my sister to continue doing her best, and that boost really helped her improve.


We often take medication and receive vaccinations to boost our immune system, making it stronger than it is by itself.


I needed a boost to keep me awake in the morning, so I drank two cups of coffee to give me some much needed caffeine.


If there’s one thing that gives me the boost I need to make it through the day, it’s the encouragement of my friends and family.


To boost my chances of success on the math test, I studied a whole three weeks in advance to make sure I would ace it.


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  • Use the word BOOST in a sentences

Sentence Examples

In the days of struggle to fulfill the Plan of the proletariat’s inconceivable heroism of the boost in socialist rivalry, mines and factories proclaim:

I think the greatest way to boost sales will be a series of pep meetings in all our branches throughout the country.

I’ve always wanted to give you a boost in print, you deserve it.

What good will a boost in this rag be doing me? Lt’ll be a knot.

McLEAN: A friend of yours asked to put in a boost for you.

No, no, I don’t want you to boost them.

Oh, you mean you want me to boost your hotel?

boost it in the right place and soon.

Well, every knock’s a boost, you know.

Give me a boost, will you, Mr. Ireland?

I said «maybe. » Give us a boost over.

They got him in one of those Peashooters. Just got a boost too.


What a boost for circulation. Yes, indeed.

Babies boost circulation.

We can steal their thunder and boost circulation at the same time if we beat her to it.

And having babies to boost your circulation takes time.

That damn port engine’s still not giving me anything like the right boost.

Go down and give Abby a boost.

Now this, uh, Fleming story, properly followed up, should boost circulation 10 percent.

We got to write Congress to boost our PX ration.

Well, boost your price and I’ll toss back the little ones.

We need some excitement to boost circulation.

Is that how you boost tourism?

Fear and panic gave me a boost up over that ledge… and I began to run, not walk, to the nearest exit.

Is that a boost or a knock?

You have to take this medicine because soon you have to start working so hard that if you don’t get a boost

I’ll give you a boost. — Lorelei?

He can’t boost me any higher than you.

Thirty-five inches of boost!

But seeing you there gave me a boost, and I won, you understand?

Give me another inch of boost!

Hey, that’d boost your legal career real good, wouldn’t it?

Which makes it a gilt-edged priority that one of us… gets into that Krell lab and takes that brain boost.

So you took the brain boost, huh?

If he knew we were here, it might boost his morale.

Your job is to give the team a boost!

It’s only the new, solid fuel that will give the required boost in payload.

Now turn on your ignition boost and crack your throttle.

It doesn’t matter how much we boost the transmitter power if it doesn’t reach the plane.

The entire apparatus to give it the required boost… is in my laboratory.

I designed an instrument to create… a sudden and powerful electrical boost… to help me free my thought.

Give me a boost, Charlie.

Well, you feel you’re going to boost their morale?

We’re also doing our best to boost production.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Some treat them with a pinch of salt, seeing the stories as typical press hyperbole to boost sales.

Far from changing his mind about the inheritance or feeling competitive with a possible new heir, he was busy giving Felipa a boost into the position his father had coveted for his only son.

This Cooperative Wheat Research Production Program, in which Borlaug took part, aimed to boost Mexican wheat production.

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It was a cynical ploy to boost sales.

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