Sentence with word boast

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1. The boast of arrogance soon turns to shame. 

2. Great boast, small roast.

3. Speak little of your ill luck and boast not of your good luck. 

4. I don’t want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages.

5. This is an age when we boast of our emotional intelligence and we claim to feel each other’s pain.

6. The company is inclined to boast of its success.

7. His boast is that he’s the best.

8. We remember our mother’s stern instructions not to boast.

9. Nobody should boast of his learning.

10. They succeeded,but they didn’t boast it.

11. The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology.

12. It is the charity’s proud boast that it has never yet turned anyone away.

13. His boast that he could drink ten pints of beer impressed nobody.

13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

14. Jack did not feel the need to boast about his success.

15. It was his proud boast that he had never missed a day’s work because of illness.

16. Philip’s boast is that he started out without any outside financial backing.

17. It has never been the boast of a modest person that he alone could accomplish such a hard task.

18. It was her proud boast that she had never missed a day’s work because of illness.

19. It is the company’s proud boast that it can deal with all a customer’s needs in one phone call.

20. His proud boast of leading «the party of low taxation» has a hollow ring.

21. In its heyday, the studio’s boast was that it had more stars than there are in heaven.

22. Most houses on the street boast fresh paint.

23. People who boast about their I.Q. are losers. Stephen Hawking 

24. A boast, perhaps, but who can quarrel with it?

25. No boast, no brag, no chest-thumping, no combat fatigues.

26. Nor was this an empty boast.

27. There are two motives for reading a book; one, that you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast about it. Bertrand Russell 

28. ‘Making knowledge work’ is the university’s phrase, and it is no idle boast .

29. Her claim that she could beat us all was clearly no idle / empty boast .

30. She claimed that she could beat anyone, but it was an empty boast.

More similar words: coast, coastal, boat, board, on board, as to, last, vast, fast, nasty, beast, least, pasta, blast, at last, pastor, a stage, breast, at least, taste of, eastern, northeast, plastic, southeast, as though, contrast, disaster, in the past, in the least, cast aside. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


No doctrine can boast absolute originality.

Ни одна доктрина не может похвастаться абсолютной оригинальностью.

Not every zoo can boast such distinguished inhabitants.

Далеко не каждый зоопарк может похвастаться таким большим составом жителей.

English cuisine can boast except roast beef, and how lucky.

Английская кухня может похвастать разве что ростбифом, да и то, как повезёт.

Adult females, unlike males, cannot boast such a bright plumage.

Взрослые особи женского пола, в отличие от самцов, не могут похвастаться таким ярким оперением.

No other company in this industry can boast such an extensive distribution worldwide.

Ни одна другая компания в этой отрасли не может похвастаться столь обширной сетью по всему миру.

Many even successfully postpone for travel then most of our grandparents cannot boast.

Многие даже успешно откладывают на путешествия, чем не могут похвастаться большинство из наших бабушек и дедушек.

None of the currently existing hemorrhoid treatments can boast such high efficiency.

Ни одно из существующих на сегодня средств для консервативного лечения мастопатии не может похвастаться такой высокой эффективностью.

Not every printshop can boast such figures even today.

Не все федеральные издания в наши дни могут похвастаться такими цифрами.

Few other boatbuilders can boast such continuity.

Лишь немногие поезда других производителей могут похвастаться такой преемственностью.

Though we can not boast low prices, you may be confident of our expertise and responsibility.

Мы не можем похвастаться низкими ценами, но вы можете быть уверены в нашей компетенции и ответственном отношении к делу.

This the purchaser could boast, from a long and intimate acquaintance.

Этот покупатель мог похвастаться долгим и интимным знакомством».

From all the varieties, which can boast considerable efficiency of solid waste processing, incineration is the main common one.

Из всего многообразия, которым могут похвастаться методы переработки твёрдых бытовых отходов, наиболее распространено сжигание.

There are few companies in the world that can boast almost two hundred years of history.

Мало есть в мире компаний, которые могут похвастаться столетней историей.

This location can boast with a beautiful landscape, crystal clear waters, and a pine forest stretching along the seaside.

Это место может похвастаться красивым пейзажем, кристально чистыми водами и сосновым лесом, простирающимся вдоль побережья.

The $500 million complex will boast 121 rooms alongside a luxury casino suite and gaming floor.

Развлекательный комплекс, стоимостью 500 миллионов долларов, сможет похвастаться 121 игровым залом в роскошном казино.

Smaller companies cannot boast CMMI certifications but nevertheless demonstrate high growth.

Менее крупные IT-компании Беларуси не могут похвастаться сертификатами CMMI, тем не менее, они демонстрируют высокий рост.

Nigma supported Russian morphology in search even when Google couldn’t boast about it.

«Нигма» поддерживала русскую морфологию в поиске еще тогда, когда этим не мог похвастаться Google.

The 2020 Land Rover will boast a new exterior and interior design and the latest in driver assistant and connectivity.

Land Rover 2020 года может похвастаться новым дизайном экстерьера и интерьера, а также новейшим помощником водителя и возможностями подключения различных устройств.

Later models boast four-valve heads and larger engines for more performance.

В более поздних моделях имеются головки с четырьмя клапанами и более крупные двигатели для большей производительности.

We cannot boast to have rich nature resources or breathtaking landscapes.

У нас нет ни щедрых запасов природных ресурсов, ни захватывающих дух пейзажей.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

похвастать, хвастать, хвастаться, хвастовство, предмет гордости


- хвастать, хвастаться, похваляться

not much to boast of — похвастать(ся) нечем

- гордиться

the town boasts (of) its gardens — город гордиться своими садами

- грубо обтёсывать (камень)
- послать мяч за боковую линию (в теннисе)


- хвастовство, похвальба

empty boast — пустое хвастовство
to make boast of smth. — хвастаться /похваляться/ чем-л.

- предмет гордости

the baby is her boast — ребенок — предмет ее гордости

- удар за боковую линию (в теннисе)

Мои примеры


a movie studio chief who likes to boast that he can unmake any star in Hollywood if he wishes — глава киностудии, который любит хвастаться тем, что может уничтожить любую голливудскую звезду, если того пожелает  
empty / idle / vain boast — пустое хвастовство  
proud boast — бахвальство  
boast copy — хвастливый текст  
boast of a long descent — хвастать древней родословной  
make boast — похвастать; хвастаться; хвастать  
begin to brag / boast — захвастаться  
boast / brag a little — прихвастнуть  
to brag / boast wildly — расхвастаться  

Примеры с переводом

He’s boasting about how much money he has made.

Он хвастается тем, сколько денег он заработал.

The city boasts two excellent museums.

Город может похвастаться двумя отличными музеями.

‘I wouldn’t be afraid,’ she boasted.

— Я бы не испугалась, — она хвасталась.

Amy boasted that her son was a genius.

Эми хвасталась тем, что её сын был гением.

I do hate the way Bill boasts about his new car.

Мне совершенно не нравится, как Билл хвастается своей новой машиной.

Jack did not feel the need to boast about his success.

Джек не чувствовал необходимости хвастаться своим успехом.

Bill boasts of owning the biggest car in the neighbourhood.

Билл говорит, что у него самая большая машина в городе.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

‘Making knowledge work’ is the university’s phrase, and it is no idle boast (=not a boast, but true).

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

boaster  — хвастун, скарпель, бахвал, пазовик, зубило
boastful  — хвастливый
boasting  — хвастовство, похвальба

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: boast
he/she/it: boasts
ing ф. (present participle): boasting
2-я ф. (past tense): boasted
3-я ф. (past participle): boasted

ед. ч.(singular): boast
мн. ч.(plural): boasts

The swing also boast of the QuietWhisper technology which allows your baby to enjoy swinging without the noise from the swinging motor.


WebOS does NOT have the APPs that iPhone and Android boast.


In comparison with the other phones on this list, all of which boast mid-range Qualcomm Snapdragon processors, the A30 will be less powerful.


It will be hard to find a person who doesn’t know the trademark looks of the Jaguar and for those who do know, well they know that style isn’t the only thing this Jaguar boast.


The sod cutting train for the construction of Youth Resource Centres across the country landed in Brong Ahafo today and the good people of Dormaa-Ahenkro will nine months from now boast of a multipurpose Youth Resource Centre.


The new MINI 3 door, MINI 5 door and MINI Convertible boast specific design modifications, additional equipment features and individualisation possibilities as well as new digital services from MINI Connected.


It boast of a large user base of younger men and older women.


Right now, Black Panther and A Wrinkle in Time are the best performers in the cinema and both boast huge black achievement; the former being the highest rated Marvel film, and the latter breaking box office records.


The new LeEco TVs come with (up to) 4K display resolution and boast features such as wide colour gamut, high-end processors (for handling graphics-intensive applications), audio powered by Harman-Kardon and Dolby Audio, as well as sleek designs.


Also, have a boast file (I email myself mine); keep the emails thanking you for your work in it.


Man might not have the best defence but they certainly have boast the best attacking players in the league.


Just remember one thing (a story we get every other minute), when you hear someone boast to you of a tremendous story that they negotiated a debt for pennies on the dollar, it’s because the debt was probably outside the States collectible period and therefore paying anything was far too much.


Though static and silent, submenus boast a colorful design and appropriate imagery.


You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor God through breaking the law?»


Certainly some of the greatest films in history boast memorable scenes of lachrymose intensity that never fail to elicit tears from the viewer.


There are former star recruits everywhere you look, and both the offensive line and defensive back seven boast swaths of experience.


On those key issues, the mayor can (and does) boast about his pre-K expansion, the rent freeze, the settling of municipal contracts that give nearly every city worker a raise, the paid sick leave law that helps low-wage workers, and his drive to use zoning and city incentives to boost the number of inexpensive apartments.


Not only does the 2018 Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross boast admirable performance and power, but it also features a daring design and fun technology to further increase its appeal.


If you want all of that with better space and performance, you might want to have a look at class competitors first as a few boast better dimensions and spec.


Available in Premium or Limited trim levels, BRZ models all boast performance features, such as the sport-tuned suspension with front strut brace and TORSEN limited-slip differential.


A holistic nutritionist and chef, Sarah Britton (BFA, CNP) is the creative force behind MY NEW ROOTS, the award-winning food blog which features original recipes that taste great, look beautiful, and boast incredible health benefits.


Overall Saint-Étienne boast a long and intriguing history, being arguably the most successful club in French football history.


Some of these websites boast of extensive blog sections that give users the opportunity of sharing their life experiences.


Dell’s tablet also offers support for voice and video calls, boast integrated Google Maps with turn-by-turn navigation, and will come bundled with a number of social apps like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.


In lieu of a receiver hitch, the Cheyenne boast a neat center-exit exhaust routed through the rear bumper fascia.


They have already got ten distribution hubs set up and warehouse space adding up to about a third of what their Unites States enterprises boast.


Audi has also stated that the new R8 will form the basis for two additional models, an R8 e-tron, which will feature a 450Km range and boast outputs of 340kW and 920Nm.


How about we add a fun printed scarf as a layer and boast of our layering skills.


On the other side, the Washington Wizards (47-46 ATS, 20-26 ATS on the road) boast just one championship and haven’t reached the conference finals since 1979.


The man who revolutionized boxing and became an American icon called himself The Greatest and worked hard to prove it was no idle boast.


Offerings like their S.S. Salmon Sandwich and Kale Toast Crunch boast ingredients rich with omega-3s, fiber, and b vitamins — elements necessary for lifelong health.


We’re also home to world-class fertility specialists and boast 300 days of mood-enhancing sunshine a year.


Though all three devices run on Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0, boast NVIDIA Tegra 3 processors and feature a five-megapixel camera on the back and two-megapixel front-facing snapper, each has its own characteristics to make it stand out from the rest.


Ironically Cuomo’s attempt to hype and spin a record of fiscal restraint into much more — as reflected in his boast of producing a non-existent $ 2 billion «surplus» — is actually fueling calls for higher spending than he wants to tolerate.


Isaiah held up to scorn the boast of the Assyrian:


I’d hear the chaplain boast about there being «no atheists in foxholes» and think «uh.


In addition to having solid towing capabilities, the 2018 and 2017 F-150 boast many high-tech amenities, such as the SYNC ® 3 system.


Notwithstanding his superlative boast earlier this year, Governor Andrew Cuomo on Friday described his relationships with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio in almost clinical terms, offering all-is-well claims that belie the current frostiness between the Democratic politicians.


A couple of squares can give you an anti-depressive boast when times are desperate.


All powerful and fuel-efficient, and boast of a compact design.


And even the hope Conwert’s own valuation might benefit from a premium KWG multiple no longer seems viable, as its shares now trade at an NAV premium & boast a steady upward trajectory.


It is no idle boast: This city of 70,000 lies in the heart of Canada’s oil sands, geologic formations that collectively contain 13 percent of the world’s proven oil reserves.


you bcan better desribe me rathar than me, because if I’ll say some thhing in my praise it’ll be boast and off course I don’t wan na under estimate myself.


Reacting, the state Publicity Secretary of the APC, Mr. Chris Finebone, said Emeh’s boast was expected, adding that he would among those who would be shocked when APC defeats his party in the next governorship election.


However, the Bianconeri boast experience, depth and intelligent players who can always change the face of the game.


While many gurus boast of astronomical rates of returns over very short time spans, their claims don’t stand up to scrutiny.


It also explains the militants» pre-election boast to cripple Nigeria, should Jonathan lose.


Most services offer smartphone apps as well, and Rdio and Spotify boast modes that allows users to sync music to their phones when offline.


Some are sandwiched in between grungy areas, while others boast of hip and trendy name brands.


Many other cities across the U.S. boast ultra-affordable home buying, says the National Association of REALTORS ®, which publishes a quarterly home affordability study.


About 3941 results found using ‘BOAST’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • They boast six or seven Pro Bowl selections, and at least one consensus All-Pro.  (open, save, copy)

  • In fact, he can boast about how little he pays, and ask to be charged even more.  (open, save, copy)

  • At the other end, Chelsea boast weapons of their own to create plenty of damage.  (open, save, copy)

  • A collection of individuals who constantly boast and consistently under achieve?  (open, save, copy)

  • Not as bad perhaps as the Kiwis, who boast grog trade distributor Beaver Liquor.  (open, save, copy)

  • Master of Hounds from Ireland and England’s Mantoba boast the top European form.  (open, save, copy)

  • Ellett wasn’t the type to boast about his Crimson Tide past, but customers knew.  (open, save, copy)

  • After all, no other musical can boast a T.S. Eliot as its lyricist, so to speak.  (open, save, copy)

  • By reputation, these Jags boast a starting front four revered around the league.  (open, save, copy)

Define ‘boast’:

    1. Talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities
    2. (of a person, place, or thing) Possess (a feature that is a source of pride)
    1. An act of talking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction
    1. (in squash) A stroke in which the ball is made to hit one of the sidewalls before hitting the front wall

Web Definitions for ‘boast’:

  1. Speaking of yourself in superlatives [source]
  2. Show off [source]
  3. Sport: wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner; «she was sporting a new hat» [source]
  4. Boasting is the act of making an ostentatious speech. It is considered a vice by such major religious groups as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Boasting has also been studied by such evolutionary psychologists as Robert Wright. [source]
  5. A brag, a loud appraisal of oneself; ) A shot where the ball is driven off a side wall and then strikes the front wall; An oath or toast made during a ritual in Heathenry; to brag; to talk loudly in praise of oneself; ) To play a boast shot; To possess something special [source]
  6. (boasting) The making of boasts [source]
  7. To hear boasting in your dreams, you will sincerely regret an impulsive act, which will cause trouble to your friends. To boast to a competitor, foretells that you will be unjust, and will use dishonest means to overcome competition. [source]
  8. A work of literature in which the leading ingredient is a formalized boasting or extolling by a speaker or writer. Originally a genre associated with battle or other types of victory, in the Bible the boast is often turned to spiritual effect when people boast in God or their salvation. [source]
  9. Any shot that hits three walls before bouncing. [source]

Synonyms for ‘boast’:


  • brag
    , vaunt
    , swagger
    , talk big


  • brag
    , vaunt
    , pride
    , ostentation
    , bragging
    , swank
    , braggadocio
    , boastfulness

Native speakers pronounce  ‘boast’:

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