Sentence with word behaviour

Behaviour is a double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal covering all aspects of ethology. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

We have gone from being a club that few know about in our own University to a club that is recognised throughout the UK for their achievements and sportsmanship like behaviour


Tim, can you just state clearly whether or not you believe there is evidence of less-than-optimal behaviour (at the very least) shown in these emails?


In a market that is now completely consumer driven, it has never been more important for organisations within the legal sector to present themselves in a relevant way; whether that’s through client-facing actions such as engagement, service and interaction, or internal firm behaviours including the management of teams and staff.


I love seeing how even minor changes can have such huge effects on visitor behaviour.


We are punishing children for the behaviour of their parents.


Alhough of great importance to society for their potential for causing destruction, as well as their human and economic impacts, there is little guidance from AOGCMs concerning the future behaviour of tornadoes, hail or lightning.


This insulates the REIT from changing consumer behaviour.


But the real problem with timing strategies is not the costs: it’s behaviour.


I do however, strongly believe, that eating the right foods can help alleviate symptoms that present challenging behaviour.


Children can show their distress following traumatic experiences through their play and behaviour.


It does turn into behaviour discussions the whole time.


Change the behaviour in your classroom in record time


Cook, Carys, Flierdt, Tina van de, Williams, Trevor, & et al. (2013) Dynamic behaviour of the East Antarctic ice sheet during Pliocene warmth.


65 % of men consider such behaviour refreshingly liberated, whilst an equally emphatic 65 % of women think it’s unacceptable.


If you’re unknowingly making your dog anxious then they may show unwanted behaviour such as growling or even snapping.


The insincerity in their behaviour will however not be lost on Ghanaians.


But while RS badged cars rarely disappoint — we’ll never forget the intricately detailed steering of the 996 GT3 RS or venomous behaviour of the «widow maker» 997 GT2 RS — lesser models have sometimes been less spectacular.


Moreover, the widespread adoption of mobile CCTV systems in means of transport such as school buses, to evaluate incidents and monitor behaviour of pupils, further reinforces the flexible and proactive nature of this type of security system.


However, if the censored content was likely to have offended people through actual insulting language or behaviours depicted (such as racism, sexism or homophobia) without being used as the views of an antagonist


Thijs van Overveld at Doñana Biological Station in Seville, Spain, whose team filmed the behaviour, says this has a great effect on the appearance of these otherwise white birds, but it’s not yet clear what it might be signalling (Ecology,


Monitoring involves collecting information about the peer behaviour that is distressing for the student.


One needs to investigate some processes, events and behaviour to define the subject.


All the owners of the other dogs noticed the change in behaviour.


remind students of what behaviours sabotage their chance of being a successful classuse «I» statements,» I need you to stop saying things like that, as I expect everyone to treat each other with respect in this class»


Nevertheless, we can can try to decode its behaviour in both ideological terms and its necessary translation into action-oriented public policy positions.


The executives and company members facilitate the best service with clam behaviour.


«Making sure teachers are fully trained to deal with any sort of challenging or violent behaviour is a core part of teacher standards.»


Expel peer, say Bridget Harris and Susan Gaszczak, who were among alleged victims of sexually inappropriate behaviour


On the positive side, guests are more environmentally aware and are adapting their behaviour accordingly.


(Which, by the way, accords to a meme which governs most casualties in modern zombie movies to result from irrational or incompetent behaviour on part of the humans and not from a direct influence by the undead.)


However, whilst quicker, a claim of unreasonable behaviour often creates significant animosity which in turn, damages any future relationship and can very negatively impact on any children.


On the other hand, if you fail to anticipate changes in consumer behaviour and therefore technology, you risk losing your standing within the industry and your appeal to your customers.


No manager worth his salt will utter out whatever he observes or feels all the time because human behaviour is dynamic not static.


MEOW Foundation will disclose to the applicant all known medical conditions, but can not guarantee the future health (including dental health) or behaviour of the cat.


They are engaging, dynamic, using praise, movement, play, and other rewards to build desired behaviours.


Know what skills and behaviours are needed to work well as a team Match own strengths and skills to a given team task Work positively as a member of a team Know own performance as a member of a team A fully editable WORD DOC version is available on request.


A community of stable families has fewer problems with crime, antisocial behaviour and isolation than a community in which short-lived relationships are the norm.


Our inability to enforce laws opens us to all manners of anti-social behaviour.


If your cat is giving you a hard time scratching at your door in the middle of the night or invading your space on the bed for no good reason, you have to let it know that this behaviour is wrong.


Indeed, they are so encouraging that I can’t help but suspect respondents significantly underreported unethical attitudes and behaviour.


The town of Portia is filled with a vibrant cast of unforgettable faces all with exciting stories to share, energetic personalities and individual behaviours.


Such behaviour was forbidden, as this was in an era of the League’s enforced wage cap, meaning any additional financial incentives to players were strictly outlawed, despite many clubs privately ignoring the ruling.


With his uncanny sense for predicting animal behaviour, he led us on the thrilling game drives that brought us up close and personal to the «Big 5.»


In the meantime, such games do affect their behaviour, discovered Frans Folkvord, and if it were up to him they would be banned.


I set it in motion by suggesting that we as a family discuss the inappropriate behaviour of a brother in law towards teenage girls in our family over 2 generations — I was one and he had begun to single out my eldest daughter.


Dog behaviour training is best handled by starting early with your puppy, developing good habits when dogs are easier to train, and establishing yourself as the leader.


I’ve read the way Mann addresses people — it’s definitely an ego issue with him, but why have the rest of the gang ended up copying his bad behaviour?


At times, you may need a little help just to sort out a puzzling behaviour for your generally well-behaved dog, or you might like to learn some fun games — like agility, rally obedience or party tricks to stimulate the canine mind.


Not only did the theologians at the university want «the silly bag tamed,» her uncle, Adam von Thering was angry that her unladylike behaviour had brought shame on their family’s name and he «wanted her walled up for good.»


If you or your child sulks, recognise this manipulative, unacceptable behaviour for what it is and deal with it!


across is that positive behaviour gets attention and one thing all kids

label the behaviour as “wrong” or “naughty” rather than the children

Tatania dragged him from one VIP to another, introducing him before dominating the conversation with amusing epithets about speculative inappropriate behaviour from Sam

Aldous smiled at this typical Kira behaviour

· Replace the fear-motivated behaviour with love-motivated behaviour

We are also not here to be preoccupied with indiscriminate or unregulated gratification of the senses, or to imitate the behaviour of others whose lives are so misdirected

Our lifestyle and behaviour are dictated by the expectations of others

Illusions, attachments, irrational behaviour and dependency continue

‘Molly, can you pass on what I’ve said to Stephen, please? He’s in touch with the Inspector dealing with the case and I feel he ought to know about Dan’s behaviour

He might have got away with Joanna’s murder on the grounds of her behaviour, but there’s no way on the earth that he can justify his behaviour towards you

It’s about three months since I first noticed a radical change in Persephone’s behaviour: She is always shouting and laughing at top voice, she is trying to be clever and expert in all subjects, she is constantly asking for favours: “Type these poems for me” … “Tell your mother to sew this skirt of mine” … “Will you paint this picture for me?” … “Go to that public service and ask this or that” and so on

Then I had to explain to her that what had put me off her during the last five months was a negative change in her overall behaviour

Good cop, bad cop: the alternating patterns of behaviour of The Kid and Smiler

Only once, in a rare demonstration of sincerity, he admitted that the subconscious affects human behaviour only by 2%

He never complained about my blatant usury, although he would, when the atmosphere became too dense to support life, make his inevitable and irrefutable point about my behaviour

Her behaviour was quite beyond the pale and he took all available legal steps to ensure that every one of her lines of income and credit were suspended with immediate effect

This behaviour is a potential link toward irrationality, which can be just as dangerous if not the same or worse than mental illness

The fisherman was disgusted with his wife’s behaviour, until, with the screaming and shouting turning into the inevitable sobbing and sniffing that always closed down their arguments, she explained just how much their current house was worth and what that meant in terms of their future lifestyle

‘His reaction and behaviour ever since speaks volumes for his generosity … and our friendship generally — he was incredibly kind and has continued to be so

As for the once famous television gardener, he soon found that many years of proud and boastful behaviour makes for a rapid fall from grace

Given her brother’s obvious lack of filial concern for his sister and given Annie’s disgust at his behaviour, there seemed little alternative but that she should vacate the premises

It’s one thing to disapprove of someone’s behaviour but quite another to write this sort of filth

behaviour was quite beyond the pale and he took all available legal

fisherman was disgusted with his wife’s behaviour, until, with the

many years of proud and boastful behaviour makes for a rapid fall

Annie’s disgust at his behaviour, there seemed little alternative but

behaviour and appearance to our eyes

Obviously, the memory of her behaviour after the mud wrestling had left its mark

behaviour, and to recognise the signs of attempted smuggling

Ozzie’s behaviour after Mickey disappeared had made Kev nervous

and briefly consider his behaviour, the man began to realise

‘In this matter I will guarantee his behaviour

had told Jean of the man’s similar behaviour towards his

His behaviour was very odd

bizarre behaviour of his father, replied easily;

men rolled their eyes and their behaviour now began to

London His editor Monty was impressed with his work but not his behaviour

behaviour towards the end anyway, and was more than

objected to his behaviour and reported him to the town

Bernadette, outraged that such behaviour was not only

mood wasn’t improved by the behaviour of the local

Though a certificate carries along with it no testimonial of good behaviour, and certifies

modicum of respect; ‘I don’t believe that the behaviour of

us only to have decent behaviour, because we are his

if he is so capricious, what should our behaviour be like

unrepentant behaviour to our attention – and you would

Marguerite couldn’t believe that their behaviour had been

her hysterical behaviour has another explanation,

logical explanations of the behaviour of the

behaviour is full with contradictions

however, the true Greek’s behaviour was seen:

Any untoward behaviour could result in severe punishment, or even being sold as a slave

Young blood would just add some spice and excitement again and keep the rest of his concubines on their best behaviour

Such behaviour would not be tolerated by the court officials and it was punishable by five lashes with a braided camel-tail whip on the naked back

“Zarko – what’s going on?” she asked again, totally baffled by his strange behaviour

He could be in serious trouble if this reached the king’s ears – he wouldn’t tolerate unthankful behaviour like this

UBO: Does it say in the bible that the Messiah and his followers promoted promiscuity and wanton behaviour?

exhibits suitable behaviour on the job

‘Human behaviour and aspirations are a threat to this universe

Her vehicle contained what was then a new type of AI, which used a ‘human-like’ subroutine: it sometimes offered advice on speed and course, allowing and sometimes over-ruling any irrational behaviour of the driver (who was really only a passenger)

The discipline of the college, at the same time, may enable him to force all his pupils to the most regular attendance upon his sham lecture, and to maintain the most decent and respectful behaviour during the whole time of the performance

Astronomers observed certain aspects in the behaviour of light when looking at distant celestial objects

I found Beth and told her about the strange behaviour at first I think she thought I was joking but when she saw the look on my face she dashed upstairs

She stepped back and stood with Beth and Mabel who looked concerned by her behaviour as I boarded the train

and had presumed with typical vanity that it was her behaviour

behaviour towards her actively encouraged this

This was different, someone had changed her thoughts; her altered behaviour was the result

However, I was pleasantly surprised by your sensible behaviour

“Who do you think you are talking to I am the Countess de Angély and I own this Château I shall report your behaviour to your superiors be sure of that

Indeed, Wil and Hayley had been going at it every night since their wedding; the emotions that surged through his friend during those first nights made it easy for Carl to detect the same behaviour in Adem and Jean in the past week

This aggressive behaviour draws a great deal of attention from other Humans when performed in a crowded area

Anxious behaviour starts as you prepare to leave the house

Don’t appear guilty or sad to be leaving the dog, he will pick up on this behaviour

Traditionally used to regulate the female cycle and for hormonal imbalance which is often seen as edgy, PMS type behaviour

Learn to recognise minute nuances in your animals behaviour and feeding behaviour and you will be in a better position to, treat them early

In a way, she felt responsible for Gerrid and she had to explain to them his behaviour – as though he were some younger brother under her care in the absence of parents

«I am an honest fisherman and do not hold with that behaviour

If only he had access to L-Seven-Six’s vast array of knowledge, although even then there may not be something similar to correlate from human female behaviour

Dockets did not get lost, and many policemen were sent to jail or hanged when found guilty of such behaviour

So when they were caught it caused a notable uproar, and their earnest explanations of their miraculously acquiring an ability to swim swimming capability fell on deaf ears, and they suffered accordingly for being “f horrible nasty longhaired liberals with f communists viewpoints having f dared to lie to their PT Sergeant, but not to worry, such f behaviour will be cured by him, PT Sergeant Whomever by the grace of general Coetzee blah blah blah

I have never witnessed it, but female cadets also received corrective PT so to speak for obnoxious behaviour

Naturally they were appalled by such behaviour, but an evil eye stopped all unpleasantness before it started

* Obviously I do not mean that there was open disrespect because our training would never allow for such behaviour towards a commissioned officer, but their orders would be questioned if it did not fully represent the realities of the mean streets

After a short while about seventy percent of the barricaded ones surrendered and were charged with drunkenness and disorderly behaviour

“Stop this behaviour at once Carolyn! It was just Pickles

Can there be more honour in that kind of behaviour? I am astonished by American History in general and if you want to know why read Presidents Lincolns Gettysburg speech

We are saying to banksters stop your inhuman behaviour in treating defaulters as something akin to Satan

The law does not take kindly to such behaviour as it is presumed in law that a woman’s virginity is a serious matter (as it is and should be) for once broken it stays broken even if physically repaired

affected by the behaviour of his dog that she admitted him even to the

Being physically separated from Dawn this way had shaken Alex from his self-cantered behaviour, made him realise that he had to change, make up for the loneliness he’d caused his daughter

which is communist behaviour from any viewpoint

We f know how to deal with communist behaviour

it is shot down as «opening the door for irresponsible behaviour to produce unwanted children»

Untreated, bad behaviour of a minority becomes a habit and causes resentment in the team members

Be critical of another»s behaviour, but if you criticise who they are, you will either

Your goal is always to preserve the self-image, whilst at the same time commenting on negative behaviour

You should always know what alternative behaviour you expect from the other

Still, the silent way did not bring any kills and we wanted to kill enough of the enemy to discourage their communist behaviour

As a result we fired a few dozen rounds back with our R1 (SLR) rifles before he wisely apologized for his unsporting liberal communist behaviour

There can be no excuse of such behaviour even if the times were different, and there was much reason for hate

  • Use the word behaviour in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I know a few things about predatory behaviour.

Neither the Marquis’ search nor the Marquise’s day to day behaviour revealed the slightest evidence of guilt.

But Griet finds something odd in Michel’s behaviour.

Moreover, your unqualified behaviour towards city clerk Hermann Schraat is considered a serious offense against a public administrator.

«Your behaviour with Pauline Hofer was simply… scandalous!»

Dr. Sch├Ân’s behaviour makes this marriage impossible

You were going to explain your behaviour last night.

Stop, I say- Stop this shameful behaviour.

You, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have been able to observe the behaviour of the accused.

The prosecutor has called this behaviour stubborn and indifferent.

Her behaviour during the trial made a deep impression on me.

Take care of that behaviour of yours!

Maybe I took too much credit to myself for your good behaviour.

I won’t stand for behaviour like this…

Madeleine, I think the behaviour of this young man is excellent and I want you to apologise.

I don’t want to hurt you but I cannot condone Irene’s behaviour, I must warn you even this is quite unnecessary

Her Majesty has decreed that the deported convicts are allowed to marry and leave the institution in case of good behaviour.

Two lines in the behaviour book mean revocation of the marriage permission until the end the penalty period.

Spare me such impudent behaviour.

So make sure that your behaviour is worthy of your father’s son.

I promise to be on my best behaviour.

But the Navy can neither countenance nor condone such rowdy behaviour.

Even so I feel that in that time I should have been able to make it clear to him that I did not expect and would not tolerate such behaviour.

Your behaviour of late has been completely unforgivable.

Your behaviour is an insult to my sister and a provocation to me.

He may improve with care, so try not to break the place up, and be on your best behaviour, right?

He’s an authority on human behaviour.

There was nothing wrong with my behaviour.

There is no reason why I should be disappointed by his behaviour

This sort of act is typical of the short sighted cunning… that goes with paranoid behaviour.

I’ve rather resented behaviour towards me.

That was fne behaviour of yours downstairs, just fne.

The people are ashamed of their ludicrous behaviour.

My lord, the witness has shown in his evidence and behaviour… an almost pathological bias, against not only my client, but all women.

Circumstances force us to abolish etiquette and invent other codes of behaviour.

I’ve broken all the rules and protocols regulating a sovereign’s behaviour.

I can understand you feelings, but I can’t justify your behaviour!

I can’t? But how can a dead man think about proper behaviour?

The army has been counting on you for a certain pattern of behaviour.

I warn you that you have sacrificed months of good behaviour.

Your reckless behaviour is giving animals a bad name!

And may he get time off for good behaviour.

You consider my behaviour improper.

Well Mrs Humphries, from what you’ve told me I shouldn’t say there’s anything abnormal about your husband’s behaviour.

Why, then, the intelligent and sensible and civilised husband…is insulted …and he’s reduced to the most insensible, and uncivilised behaviour.

You got time off for good behaviour?

Your behaviour is very strange.

Outside of a beehive, Margo, your behaviour is hardly queenly or motherly.

There was no ex cuse f or his behaviour.

Why, in less than six months, with good behaviour and hard work, you’ll be wearing yellow stripes on your breeches.

Thinking about how one’s children/grandchildren would think about his or her behaviour is an excellent filter for how we should act (though, not the ONLY one people should rely on, imo). ❋ Tyler (2009)

They have no insight that their behaviour is actually problematic. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Firstly they are being asked to lie by saying that they have arrived when they havent-this forms a discipline offence and anyone who encourages this behaviour is also liable to discipline ❋ Inspector Gadget (2010)

If her behaviour is any indication of the type of president she could have been then case closed — Hillary you never had a chance. ❋ Unknown (2008)

This behaviour is the act of an insecure idiot who can only feel good about himself by knocking people down. ❋ Inspector Gadget (2007)

This behaviour is there at the outset too, it’s not as if we see it growing and have some reference of caring to point back to in them. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Induce people all to want the same thing, hate the same things, feel the same threat, then their behaviour is already captive – you have acquired your consumers or your cannon-fodder. ❋ Unknown (2005)

If she wishes to repeatedly use disparaging terminology, repeatedly suggest ideological blindness, and ideologically driven attempts to control information then I will inform her that her behaviour is the exact opposite of what this list requires of guests. ❋ Unknown (2005)

In its weekly Internet newsletter on Friday, the ANC once again released a statement, first issued earlier this week, in which it labelled her behaviour as «regrettable». ❋ Unknown (2001)

Erasmus said his support of the policies of the former government was partly a result of his conservative upbringing, but also because of what he described as the behaviour of radicals. ❋ Unknown (1998)

The common people of Russia are in general ugly, but their behaviour is at once simple and dignified, and they are the best creatures in the world. ❋ Unknown (1903)

To me her behaviour is almost the same: for she is cold, distant, and haughty, and her eyes express the greatest contempt. ❋ Unknown (1778)

I find here that it depends what you classify as behaviour — for me if there is some logic around the way that a string is formatted when it is going to be displayed then that is behaviour and we should look to put that logic as close to the data as possible i.e. within the micro type. ❋ Unknown (2009)

In the middle of a recession/repression/depression, this kind of behaviour is only going to accelerate. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I swear, this kind of behaviour is enough to end any TV show creator’s desire or inclination to have anything to do with fandom whatsoever. ❋ Karenmiller (2009)

And make it really clear by your voices and your actions that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable. ❋ Karenmiller (2009)

This kind of behaviour is sickening and has the potential to tear society apart. ❋ Not A Sheep (2008)

This is simply not done, I don’t expect this kind of behaviour from a company which I think should have easy access to any sort of photo material (ordered and paid for!). ❋ Lindy (2007)

«That is same [unusual] behaviour.» [says] [brit] #1. ❋ Amanda (2005)

Ron: Hey, I’m going to Urban Behavior; I’ve got to buy some Jeans. I’ll talk to you later.
James: You mean behaviour?
Ron: Huh? Why do you [English people] have the extra vowel in there? It doesn’t make sense!
James: The extra vowel, in most cases, is silent, but American brains can’t handle the extra task in figuring that out. Plus, that’s the original [English way] we’ve always spelled behaviour, but thanks to Noah Webster, he decided to get creative, one day, and misspell our words. That’s very unoriginal!
Ron: I thought English came from America?
James: ENG-lish came from ENG-land, [way before] America was even a country.
Ron: Whatever, bye! ❋ Charles Wright (2012)

I’m the [topic] of your conversation, [that’s what] I call [fan behaviour]. ❋ Djalaoq (2016)

Susan: [sylv] can you pass me the henry hoover from by your toes?
[The grorb]: sure Susan let me just finish the mood board for Liberis.
Matt: [csl] pmsl.
Luke: that was grsly behaviour.
The grorb: I hate you. ❋ Ilikeherbutshehasboyfriend (2021)

Person 1: did you hear,[Stacy] [drowned] last week
Person 2: [smh], regulus behaviour ❋ Your Average Bitch (2021)

Wow why did you [randomly] kick that [bin] over? That’s some [Pooja behaviour] right there. ❋ WhatIsThisBehaiour!? (2019)

1)-Mike:Did you hear about that TikToker who claimed that Anya from [Spy x Family] blushing is [sexualization]?
-George:Damn man, that’s some [Maidenless Behaviour] right there!
2)-Josh:Yo Jake, whatchu watching there?
-Jake:That’s my waifu, Ranni-chan! Look at her smooth, blue skin and her four slender arms…
-Josh:What the fuck bro, that’s some real [maidenless behaviour] you having… ❋ DollarStoreJesus (2022)

Me: Woah you deadlifted [300] kilos. That’s King Behaviour
Me: Thanks for [looking out] for me bro, [that was solid] King Behaviour ❋ HH01 (2019)

1) Buying [party drugs] for an entire group of people and then doing them all by yourself in one sitting = [hero behaviour]
2) [Hooking up] with a stripper and getting her pregnant = hero behaviour ❋ Burt Damascus (2013)

Luigi(atheist): There’s nothing wrong with incest and [bestiality].
[Harun]: This is [godless behaviour]. ❋ Dzemana (2022)

behavior (n): a particular way of acting

Use “behavior” in a sentence

Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.
There’s no excuse for such behavior.
How can you justify your behavior?
His behavior is morally unacceptable.
He is embarrassed by his son’s behavior.

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