Sentence with word arose

возникать, появляться, происходить, являться, вставать, проистекать, подниматься

неправильный глагол

- past от arise

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

A quarrel arose.

Вспыхнула ссора.

Doubts arose in his mind.

В его голове возникли сомнения.

A shout arose from the crowd.

Из толпы раздался крик.

While he meditated a wind arose.

В то время как он медитировал, поднялся ветер.

The sport arose in the 19th century.

Этот вид спорта появился в девятнадцатом веке.

Additional expenses arose from your delay.

Ваша задержка привела к дополнительным расходам.

A conflict arose because of a misunderstanding.

Из-за какого-то недоразумения разгорелся конфликт.

ещё 11 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

A dispute arose over who was to be the next king.

Controversy arose (=began) over the use of the chemicals on crops.

…a dissonant chorus of noises arose from the busy construction site…

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The second problem that arose then and continues today relates to missile defence.

Вторая проблема, которая возникла у нас тогда и продолжается, — это система противоракетной обороны.

The doctrine originally arose to prevent related persons from using legal mechanisms to obtain advantages in priority.

Первоначально эта концепция возникла с целью не допустить того, чтобы связанные с должником лица использовали правовые механизмы для получения преимуществ при установлении очередности.

Do not think that encryption arose only when writing originated.

Не стоит думать, что шифровки возникли только тогда, когда возникла письменность.

Under-expenditures arose because of insufficient lead time to procure budgeted items.

Неизрасходованные средства возникли из-за недостатка времени для реализации заказа на закупку предусмотренных бюджетом предметов.

Yet this sort of propaganda arose mainly from cynicism.

Тем не менее, этот вид пропаганды возник в основном из цинизма.

Indeed, soon after, new debt-servicing difficulties arose.

В самом деле, вскоре возникли новые проблемы с обслуживанием долга.

New species arose when populations built up mutations that made interbreeding impossible.

Новые виды возникли, когда в популяциях образовались мутации, которые сделали межвидовое скрещивание невозможным.

This idea that arose historically with religious toleration can be extended to other instances.

Эта идея, которая исторически возникла вместе с религиозной терпимостью, может быть распространена и на другие случаи.

But facts show that the problem arose much earlier.

Но факты говорят о том, что проблема возникла гораздо раньше.

Apparently, antibiotic resistance arose long before human colonization with bacteria.

Судя по всему, устойчивость к антибиотикам возникла еще задолго до колонизации человека бактериями.

Problems also arose over misunderstandings concerning the benefits they were to receive.

Возникли также проблемы в связи с недопониманиями в отношении тех льгот, которые они должны были получить.

It says nothing about how life originally arose.

Она не дает ответа на вопрос, как жизнь возникла первоначально.

Primarily this problem arose when calculating real GDP.

В первую очередь эта проблема возникла при расчете реальных показателей ВВП.

Perhaps resentment arose because residents of New York saw diplomats parking illegally without any accountability.

Вероятно, неприязнь возникла потому, что жители Нью-Йорка видели, как дипломаты оставляют свои автомашины в неположенных местах, не неся при этом никакой ответственности.

Problems with visas for the Sudan arose immediately.

Проблемы с визами для въезда в Судан возникли сразу же.

These suspicions arose after the rebels attacked Brazzaville in 1999.

Эти подозрения возникли после того, как повстанцы напали на Браззавиль в 1999 году.

Conflicts arose in places where Armenians and Azerbaijanis lived together.

В местах, где армяне и азербайджанцы жили совместно, возникли конфликты.

However, as critiques of racism and scientific arguments against the existence of race arose, a trend towards self-identification of racial status arose.

Однако, поскольку критические анализы расизма и научных аргументов против существования гонки возникли, тенденция к самоидентификации расового статуса возникла.

The situation arose in the mid-1960s when ethnic nationalism arose in Armenia.

Ситуация возникла в середине 1960-х годов, когда в Армении возник этнический национализм.

Radical feminism arose during the 1960s ‘second wave’.

Оказала сильнейшее влияние на развитие радикального феминизма «второй волны» в 60-е годы прошлого века.

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1. The mischief arose from irresponsible gossip.

2. A storm arose during the night.

3. Before they could start a mist arose.

4. The abortion arose from an accidental fall.

5. The problem first arose in 1993.

6. The peasants arose against their masters.

6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

7. We arose early on Christmas morning.

8. I arose early in the morning.

9. Several new industries arose in the town.

10. Division arose over the interpretation of the idea.

11. The topic arose naturally in the conversation.

12. He arose at 6:30 a.m. as usual.

13. Several important legal questions arose in the contract negotiations.

14. The disagreement arose over a difference use of terminology.

15. The conflict arose from different ambitions within the team.

16. Disagreement arose about exactly how to plan the show.

17. Heavy Metal music really arose in the late 60s.

18. Controversy arose over the use of the chemicals on fruit and vegetables.

19. A disagreement arose over who should pay for the trip.

20. A dispute arose over who was to be the next king.

21. Further complications arose when the newspapers published an interview with the prisoner’s family.

22. Then a wind arose, and the little sailing boat filled away.

23. Then wind arose, and the little sailing boat filled away.

24. When I arose from the chair, my father and Eleanor’s father were in deep conversation.

25. He arose at dawn.

26. The current debate arose out of the concerns of parents.

27. The speaker failed to put his ideas over clearly enough so that some misunderstanding arose.

28. Another flight would be arranged on Saturday if sufficient demand arose.

29. As soon as the tremor passed, many people spontaneously arose and cheered.

30. Anita had a reciprocal arrangement with her brother-each would take care of the other’s children if the need arose.

More similar words: prose, morose, sun rose, prosecute, prosecutor, prosecution, a bed of roses, proselytize, heterosexual, carol, aroma, arouse, parody, around, baroque, bear on, bear out, sarong, parole, maroon, hear of, wear out, wear off, tear off, clear out, clear off, get around, kangaroo, iditarod, paroxysm. 

arose — перевод на русский

Well, I want someone on this project who’s got a good practical knowledge of drilling and of coping with any emergencies that may arise.

Ну, я хочу чтобы на проекте был кто-то, у кого есть практические знания по бурению и справится с любыми ЧП, которые могут возникнуть.

On only some of those worlds will intelligence arise.

Только на некоторых из тех планет может возникнуть разум.

We do not know beforehand where fundamental insights will arise from about our mysterious and lovely solar system.

Мы не знаем наперёд, откуда могут возникнуть фундаментальные открытия о нашей любимой и таинственной Солнечной системе.

On others, it may arise and die out or never evolve beyond its simplest forms.

На других жизнь может возникнуть и угаснуть… или никогда не подняться выше простейших форм.

Among a hundred billion galaxies and a billion trillion stars life and intelligence should have arisen on many worlds.

Среди сотни миллиардов галактик и миллиарда триллионов звезд жизнь и разум должны возникнуть на многих планетах.

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Arise, Robin, Baron of Locksley, Earl of Sherwood and Nottingham… … andlordof allthe landsandmanors appertaining thereto.

Встань, Робин, барон Локсли, граф Шервуда и Ноттингема, и владыка всех примыкающих земель.

Arise, dissembler.

Встань, лицемер.

Arise, black vengeance, from thy hollow cell.

Встань, мщенье черное, из адской бездны!

Arise, Farlaf, no need to fear,

Встань, молодец: все тихо в поле,

Arise, you shall not kneel:

Встань, ты не должна колени преклонять.

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The men in that particular fleet also realize that we have a tremendous economic strength here, an economic strength that enables us to be protected against the boss, if such need arises.

Мужчины в этом флоте также осознают, что мы имеем огромную экономическую силу. Экономическую силу, которая позволяет нам быть защищенными от начальства, если возникает такая необходимость.

If one were to apply Stanislavsky’s teachings about the Ultimate Goal, a curious thought arises:

Если тут применять учение Станиславского о сверхзадаче, возникает любопытная мысль:

Construction arises out of the ashes of destruction.

Созидание возникает из пепла разрушения.

If the universe truly oscillates if the modern scientific version of the old Hindu cosmology is valid then still stranger questions arise.

Если Вселенная и в самом деле пульсирует, если современная научная версия древней индуистской космологии верна, то возникает ряд еще более странных вопросов.

«Out of this, the divine King Soma, the full moon, arises»

«Из этого божественный Царь Сома, полная луна возникает»

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Arise, as was promised and foretold.

Восстань, как было обещано и предвидено.

Arise and rejoice, for you are now one of the holy brethren!

Восстань и радуйся, ибо теперь ты один из святых братьев.

Arise and rejoice!

Восстань и радуйся!

Arise O Lord;

Восстань, Господи,

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— I had it with me, and when the chance arose, I put it on Dr. Williams’ white coat.

Он был со мной, и когда появилась возможность, я прицепила его на халат доктора Уильямса.

The fraction of suitable planets in which life actually arises is called f sub-I.

Доля подходящих планет, где действительно появилась жизнь, f с индексом l.

Within the bubble, the ancestors of DNA found a home and the first cell arose.

Внутри пузыря обрело дом древнее ДНК, и появилась первая клетка.

An opportunity arose for me to showcase my talents,and I took it.

Появилась возможность проявить свой талант, и я решила воспользоваться.

I’m sorry that when the opportunity finally arose that I was here in your office.

Я сожалею о том, что когда наконец, появилась такая возможность она появилась в твоем офисе.

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— You may arise, thespian.

Вставай же, несчастный.

here, arise, Caterina, rise, thus.

Вот, вставай, Катерина, поднимайся, вот так.

Arise ye prisoners of starvation

Вставай, проклятьем заклейменный!

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«Arise … »


Arise, Sir Thomas Cromwell, also Baron Cromwell of Wimbledon.

Поднимитесь, сэр Томас Кромвель, барон Кромвель Уимблдона.

Now, arise, little ones!

Теперь, поднимитесь, малыши!

Arise heroes of Ispahan.

Поднимитесь, герои Исфахана.

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And everything stays quiet, And no storm arises if I see you.

И все стихнет, И буря не появляется, если вижу я тебя.

And there, Broomhilda shall remain, unless a hero arises brave enough to save her.

И там Брумхильда остается, пока не появляется герой, достаточно смелый чтобы спасти ее.

Does a fella arise?

Появляется парень?

All the Seljuk army that arise in front of the city walls as we speak… to free us from tyranny.

Вся сельджукская армия появляется перед городом, пока мы говорим, чтобы освободить нас от тирании.

You talk big, but when the opportunity actually arises to do something…

Вы говорите солидно, но когда появляется возможность сделать что-то на самом деле…

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I thought that if the opportunity arose…

Я просто подумал, что если будет возможность…

Maybe a year, if the opportunity arose.

Или год, если у убийцы появится такая возможность.

How did the opportunity arise?

Как вы нашли возможность?

I suppose the real question is, if the opportunity arose, would you prefer to live somewhere else?

Я думаю, вопрос заключается в том, если будет возможность, где бы вы предпочитали жить еще?

The opportunity has arisen to present this to you, okay?

Представилась возможность показать вам вот это.

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I arose and saw with different eyes.

Я воскрес и увидел мир другими глазами.

— Yes. Jesus went into the cave, and he arose three days later.

Иисус вошёл в пещеру и воскрес спустя три дня.

And on the third day, He arose from the dead,

И на третий день, Он воскрес из мёртвых.

The Master has arisen!

Мастер воскрес!

I knew it would delay their attack until he arose.

Я знал, что это задержит атаку, пока он не воскреснет.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word arose, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use arose in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «arose».

Arose in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word arose in a sentence.

  1. Some theological disputes arose.

  2. Complications arose when William A.

  3. Confusion arose about the timeline.

  4. It is unclear when the rumour arose.

  5. Conflicts arose between the brothers.

  6. A second crisis arose on 30 July 1832.

  7. Other difficulties arose from the design.

  8. As the singers assembled, problems arose.

  9. Opposition and protests arose immediately.

  10. The Sao culture arose around Lake Chad, c.

  11. Kingdoms, fondoms, and chiefdoms arose in the west.

  12. The first challenge arose from his ethnic heritage.

  13. A violent blizzard arose after they scaled the pass.

  14. The same procedure was used whenever a vacancy arose.

  15. The first name arose from the topography of the place.

  16. The New Objectivity arose in response to expressionism during the Weimar Republic.

  17. The next Second Circuit vacancy arose in 1921, but with the conservative Warren G.

  18. Problems regarding the idea of federation also arose between Bulgaria and Romania.

  19. As threats arose, Standish typically advocated intimidation to deter their rivals.

  20. The BBC also explained that confusion arose with the Arabic names that were common.

  21. The first point of contention was one that arose in many communities when considering a war memorial.

  22. If a problem arose, they could correct the problem, or reconfigure the system to mitigate its effect.

  23. Eden was annoyed that the accusations against Knight arose during a trial in which he played no part.

  24. Tension also arose between the government and Poland’s German minority, particularly in Upper Silesia.

  25. The first international crisis Harrison faced arose from disputed fishing rights on the Alaskan coast.

  26. A story arose, related by Pausanias, of an oracle who had foretold these events a generation earlier:.

  27. Additionally, technical problems arose that appeared to make the Zeus almost trivially easy to defeat.

  28. Two serious crises arose that challenged its viability and undermined the foundations of the monarchy.

  29. The meeting proved controversial, and disputes arose over how many captains had supported the decision.

  30. Warelwast’s relations with his cathedral chapter were good, and no disputes arose during his episcopate.

  31. Further controversy arose in New York in May 1913, two months after the conclusion of the Chicago trial.

  32. Further dissension soon arose between Joyce and Mackintosh about how far south the dogs should be taken.

  33. From the start of Elizabeth’s reign, it was expected that she would marry and the question arose to whom.

  34. Within the district, gold rush settlements quickly arose near the mines, and Rhyolite became the largest.

  35. After problems arose in identifying this glacier, a nearby ice rise was renamed the McDonald Ice Rumples.

  36. This arose, ironically, because of Herring’s deliberately vague instructions, which he hoped would ensure Allied harmony.

  37. Message forums (a specific structure of social media) arose with the BBS phenomenon throughout the 1980s and early 1990s.

  38. A controversy arose as to whether an alternative reburial site, York Minster or Westminster Abbey, would be more suitable.

  39. The fact that the majority of the figures are almost naked, he wrote, arose from a desire to avoid «unpictorial» costumes.

  40. Darwin’s barnacle studies convinced him that variation arose constantly and not just in response to changed circumstances.

  41. It arose in Beijing in the mid-Qing dynasty (1644–1912) and became fully developed and recognized by the mid-19th century.

  42. French monarchs systematically sought to check the growth of English power, stripping away lands as the opportunity arose.

  43. In the wake of the season, questions arose regarding the potential impact of global warming on Atlantic hurricane activity.

  44. Libyan control began to erode as a rival dynasty in the delta arose in Leontopolis, and Kushites threatened from the south.

  45. Appearances in While Parents Sleep and Cavalcade were followed by a break, as problems arose with the lease of the theatre.

  46. Between his coronation and 1071, William consolidated his hold over England, defeating a number of rebellions that arose particularly in the north and west of the country.

  47. Davis had been specifically excluded from earlier resolutions restoring rights to other Confederate officials, and a movement arose to restore Davis’s citizenship as well.

  48. Although the sisters had been close, disagreements over Anne’s finances, status, and choice of acquaintances arose shortly after Mary’s accession and they became estranged.

  49. Controversy arose before the All-Star game when word surfaced that several veteran players, led by Isiah Thomas, were upset by the amount of attention Jordan was receiving.

  50. Sports rivalries between locals and foreigners arose in Callao, and between elites and workers in Lima—as foreigners departed, this became a rivalry between Callao and Lima.

General information about «arose» example sentences

The example sentences for the word arose that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «arose» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «arose».

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