Sentence with word antonym

It includes etymologies, pronunciations, sample quotations, synonyms, antonyms and translations.


Let’s take a look at the antonyms (opposites) of the word gentle in the thesaurus ~ harsh, tough, violent, sharp, rigid, severe, unrelenting, unforgiving, punitive, unpleasant, pitiless, stern.


Words can now literally be defined with their antonym.


1) Verbal Ability The ability to approach written texts (i.e., words, sentences, verbs and adjectives), in order to comprehend meanings, produce synonyms and antonyms, know the meaning and use of words, complete sentences with words omitted based on the word context, and have a critical view towards written speech.


For Judd, the geometric is far more than fact — geometry is also immune to sensitivity and it is the antonym of emotion, and in this regard, his sculptures are the pure antithesis of the primordial sculpture — the human body.


Some people see in the word natural simply an antonym of supernatural or divine, and so they see «natural explanations» of phenomena as excluding the divine.


There are a few examples, and an explanation of what an antonym is.


By enlarging the above template, you can create a fun rhyming antonym chant that students enjoy singing and reading through out the school year.


A Peaceful Protest Act would also provide criteria to assess whether or not a protester is «peaceful»; its antonym is violence, not disruption or inconvenience.


I am a «tradie author» (I just made that antonym up, by the way) but being new to the game and neither gorgeous nor famous I still have a 9 to 5 day job.


It encompasses studying a word at many levels and from many perspectives: letter sounds, spelling patterns, syllabication, definitions, parts of speech, synonyms, and antonyms.


Focusing on synonyms and antonyms, the lesson demonstrates ways to compare and define different words, including word analogies and thesaurus skills.


Rather than pure abstraction, this series of large-scale canvases are antonyms of the abstract — each is a study or story telling device about abstract painting.


The book provided practice with sentence completions, word parts, antonyms, and analogies.


Each unit in Take Aim includes word mapping activities that require students to connect the target words to other words, parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, or personal experience.


Recognize synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and homophones for identified vocabulary words presented in isolation or within a group of words.


This blazing-fast, futuristic racer was the perfect antonym to Super Mario Kart.


2 interview guides; interview video tutorial; interview preparation; 12 figural reasoning tests; 5 math drills; 4 inductive reasoning drills; a full personality test; 2 personality guides; a predictive index; preparation guide; 5 PI-LI tests; PI-LI study guide; 8 spatial reasoning tests; 4 back-to-basics study guides; 1 recognition of assumptions study guide; 2 antonyms tests; 2 averages video tutorials.


The title of the exhibition is meant to juxtapose the term «Minimal Art» with its antonym «Maximal», not as a paradox or contradiction, but rather as a combination of thoughts on the nature -LSB-…]


The platforming simply feels good and the usage of letters, words and antonyms add another layer to it.


v Synonyms for meant at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions.


Look up a word and you get the definition, the proper places for hyphenation, pronunciation, word frequency (from 1539 to 2007 using Google’s one million books sample), synonyms, antonyms, narrower and… [more]


Explain how the knowledge of categories of words (synonyms, antonyms etc.) and figurative language support word consciousness


On the front, have them write a sentence on the palm, synonyms on the thumb, pointer, and middle finger, an antonym on the ring finger, and the definition on the pinky.


While the words SNK and Rich might almost seem like an antonym in an Oxford Dictionary, things could all be changing in less than an year.As reported last month that SNK plans to go public by the end


To a child’s delight, bright dots and brief rhyming verses cleverly demonstrate antonyms and synonyms.


Also, within each interactive notebook page, students are to provide a synonym, antonym, and sentence for the word.


Our vocabulary worksheets include exercises on vocabulary, word recognition, word usage, synonyms and antonyms; we also have a separate section of spelling worksheets.


Visitors will be invited to «take a seat and consider freedom, refuge, sanctuary and their antonyms».


«Cis -» is a Latin prefix meaning «on the same side as,» and is therefore an antonym of «trans -.»


This lifestyle and its constant changes have proved to be the antonym for routine.


Generally speaking, then «binary» in binary editor doesn’t refer to the base two, it actually is the antonym of «text editor».


online dating synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language, definition, see also outline, only, on, onlooker, Reverso dictionary, English synonym, English vocabulary.


Through synonyms and antonyms, context clues and structural elements like prefixes and suffixes, students add more vocabulary to their growing banks.


«Epic Movie» and «highlight» are antonyms.


In several passages shalom is an antonym for war and means «the absence of war,» as it does so often in customary English usage.


Embedded in this worksheet you will find clear sections that include the term, the defintion, a sentence, a visual and a synonym or antonym.


Have students create lists of synonyms and antonyms for the word.


Goal of Activity: Your child will learn the difference between antonyms and synonyms and practice finding each for words he knows.


For example, the new standards place additional emphasis on building vocabulary through informational reading and the use of roots, affixes, cognates, synonyms and antonyms to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.


There’s two kinds of antonyms: opposites (left and right) and present/absent (light and dark, where dark describes the absence of light).


It examined two characteristics of welcoming interactions: what Pittinsky calls «empathic joy,» or the happiness that comes from taking the perspective of another person, and «allophilia,» a term he coined as an antonym to prejudice, meaning «love or like of the other.»


More than 150,000 word choices include synonyms, antonyms, related words, and idiomatic phrases.


Vocabulary works with synonyms, structural analysis, memory, context clues, lexical clusters, antonyms, definitions, and common words to high-value unfamiliar words.


You wouldn’t mention how disorganized or irresponsible you are, and their antonyms (organized, trustworthy, etc.) are wasted words too.


Topics include synonyms, antonyms, compound words, content area vocabulary related to key science and social studies topics, and much more.


«he had to accept the truth of her accusation» synonyms: veracity, truthfulness, verity, sincerity, candor, honesty; More accuracy, correctness, validity, factuality, authenticity «he doubted the truth of her statement» antonyms: dishonesty, falseness • that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.


Your child will move forward by learning about prefixes, suffixes, root words, antonyms, synonyms, and word relationships.


The games provide practice and reinforcement in understanding synonyms and antonyms, recount and recall, identifying the main idea, drawing conclusions, understanding cause and effect, and more.


it is better to keep things in perspective I thought an antonym of «alleviate» was lightening things up.


Looking for sentence and phrases with the word you? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

1, Two antonyms of ‘light’ are ‘dark’ and ‘heavy’.

2, » Long » is the Antonym of’short «.

3, ‘Old’ has two possible antonyms: ‘young’ and ‘new’.

4, For example, the words hot and cold are antonyms that describe physical temperature.

5, Synonyms and Antonyms — which should be easily accessible from a given entry.

6, With pairs of antonyms, if one member undergoes a metaphorical extension, the other tends to change in a parallel fashion.

7, A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms might also be useful.

8, In this sense,( the Antonym of libido is destrudo.

9, Good’is the Antonym of’bad ‘.

10, Give the synonym and Antonym of this word.

11, Plaintiff is an Antonym of defendant.

12, Find Antonym for every word below.

13, Guessing word from Synonym and Antonym.

14, Sad is an Antonym of happy.

15, Current Chinese Antonym is one of the most complex glossary category in Chinese glossary system. What people see is not just only the one-to-one combination, but an anfractuous Antonym net.


Tips to remember how to use «Antonym» in sentences:

  • Understand the meaning and type of that word in reputable dictionaries like Cambridge or Oxford to understand the basic meaning of the word «Antonym».
  • Through the example sentences that we give above, understand how to use the word.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of the word, the correct pronunciation will help you remember the word better.
  • Read the whole sentence containing the word «Antonym», this will help you familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of the word in the sentence.
  • Learn to associate the image or action of the word «Antonym» through the meaning of the examples, this will help you remember the usage of the word longer.
  • Do not forget to practice many times with useful sentence patterns so that you can remember them for a long time.
  • Combine practice and make your own sentence patterns containing the word, you will progress very quickly!


Definition of Antonym

a word that means the opposite of another word in the same language

Examples of Antonym in a sentence

One antonym pair we are very used to in driving is ‘go’ and ‘stop,’ for obvious reasons.


It is often very easy to think of the antonym for descriptive terms, such as ‘short’ for tall and ‘thin’ for thick.


Because so many words mean the same thing, there is often more than one antonym for every word that means the opposite.


I played a game with my little brother in which we had to give the antonym for the word the other said, so I said ‘soft’ when he said ‘hard.’


There is more than one antonym for the word ‘stop,’ including go, advance, move, forward, and many more.


Other words in the Grammar & English Usage category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

1, Two antonyms of ‘light’ are ‘dark’ and ‘heavy’.

2, » Long » is the antonym of’short «.

3, ‘Old’ has two possible antonyms: ‘young’ and ‘new’.

4, For example, the words hot and cold are antonyms that describe physical temperature.

5, Synonyms and Antonyms — which should be easily accessible from a given entry.

6, With pairs of antonyms, if one member undergoes a metaphorical extension, the other tends to change in a parallel fashion.

7, A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms might also be useful.

8, In this sense,( the antonym of libido is destrudo.

9, Good’is the antonym of’bad ‘.

10, Give the synonym and antonym of this word.

11, Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant.

12, Find antonym for every word below.

13, Guessing word from Synonym and Antonym.

14, Sad is an antonym of happy.

15, Current Chinese antonym is one of the most complex glossary category in Chinese glossary system. What people see is not just only the one-to-one combination, but an anfractuous antonym net.

16, T : Yes , what is the antonym of » interesting ‘? «

17, In English, antonym is a word that is contrary in meaning to another.

18, Regarding the Shortcomings in Antonym Study from Lao Zi’s » you » and » wu «

19, An antonym is a express those ways the opposite of anotIT express.

20, The paper tries to study the asymmetry of antonym in Chinese from the perspective of lexical semantics and on the basic of markedness theory.

21, The antonym study of special book of ancient Chinese language should have a scientific, feasible method to determining antonymous relation.

22, The antonymous compound word comes directly from the phrase of antonym, and its source head is the single sound antonym.

23, This judgement is supported by the paradoxical result of replacing the adverb by its antonym :?

24, The change of the system of monosyllable includes the change of the system of synonym and antonym.

25, A word which has more than one meaning can have more than antonym.

Antonyms give English writing meaning, and studying antonym examples will help you understand them better.

Antonyms are words in the English language that have opposite meanings. They can be nouns, adverbs, prepositions, or adjectives. The only rule is that the word must mean the opposite of another word, and if it does, it is an antonym.

Antonym is a word that comes from the combination of two Greek words. Anti means “opposite,” and onoma means “name.” Combining these into the word “antonym” means “opposite name,” or opposite meaning. The word antonym has its own antonym, the word synonym, which means words with the same meaning.

Understanding antonyms will help you create more engaging writing and give you a better understanding of English grammar. The best way to understand them is to study antonym examples so you can understand how these opposite words appear in your writing.

Antonym Examples

Before looking at specific types of antonyms, consider some basic antonym examples. These are opposites you probably already know, but learning how to spot them will teach you how to use antonyms in your writing.

  • Accept and deny
  • Add and subtract
  • Agree and refuse
  • Alive and dead
  • Always and never
  • Angel and devil
  • Beautiful and ugly
  • Better and worse
  • Big and small
  • Boring and amusing
  • Ceiling and floor
  • Cheap and expensive
  • Child and adult
  • Clean and dirty
  • Dark and light
  • Deep and shallow
  • Defend and attack
  • Depart and arrive
  • Empty and full
  • Enemy and friend 
  • Far and near
  • Fast and slow
  • Fat and thin
  • Full and empty
  • Gentle and violent
  • Happy and sad
  • Hot and cold
  • In and out
  • Kind and mean
  • Last and first
  • Lazy and active
  • Low and high
  • Marry and divorce
  • Mess and order
  • Moon and sun
  • New and old
  • Normal and odd
  • Odd and even
  • Optimist and pessimist
  • Over and under
  • Part and whole
  • Plenty and lack
  • Public and private
  • Reduce and increase
  • Reply and ask
  • Rick and poor
  • Safe and dangerous
  • Same and different
  • Stupid and smart
  • True and false
  • United and divide
  • Vacant and occupied
  • War and peace
  • Water and land

You can also use a thesaurus to find new words that fit these patterns. For example, you could say warm and chilly instead of hot and cold. These are also antonyms. 

Using Antonyms in Sentences 

Creating a word list of opposite words is a fun activity for kids and English language learners, but antonyms can actually make your writing very rich. Adding contrasting words with different meanings to the same sentence can create a word picture. Consider this example sentence:

  • She placed her freezing hands on the warm cup of cocoa. 

You can instantly picture the scene here and the contrasting temperatures of the woman’s hands and the warm drink. In addition, this use of antonyms makes the imagery more vibrant in the sentence. 

Four Types of Antonyms

Antonyms typically fall into one of four categories. Understanding these will help you spot some antonyms that may not be as obvious as others.

Complementary Antonyms

Complementary antonyms
Exit and entrance are complementary antonyms

Complementary antonyms are mutually exclusive words that exist without depending on each other. For instance, daughter and son are considered complementary antonyms. This is because a family can have a daughter without having a son, but the two words are opposites.

Here are some more examples of complementary antonyms:

  • Exit and entrance
  • Treat and punishment
  • Right and wrong
  • Left and right
  • Push and pull
  • Boys and girls
  • Man and woman

Relational Antonyms

Relational antonyms have a relationship with each other. This means the words can only exist together. This concept is a bit harder to understand, but here are some examples:

  • Teacher and student
  • Doctor and patient
  • Husband and wife
  • Parent and child
  • Plug and socket
  • Night and day

In each of these examples, you must have one to have the other. For example, you cannot have a student if you don’t have a teacher. Nor can you have a child if there wasn’t at one point a parent.

Sometimes relational antonyms have a relationship based on how they are used in the sentence. For example:

  • The pan was warm. After a while, it became cool to the touch.

In this example, the pan must be warm before it could cool off, making these relational antonyms. 

Graded Antonyms

Graded antonyms are adjective antonyms that can have adverbs in front that qualify the intensity of the word. For example, you could say that your airline tickets were expensive or cheap. Or, you could say that they were “very” cheap or “very” expensive. 

Some examples of graded antonyms include:

  • Bland and tasty
  • Light and dark
  • Interesting and boring
  • Wet and dry
  • Friendly or mean


The auto-antonym is one word with two different meanings, and one of the meanings is an opposite meaning of another. This type of antonym can also be called a contronym or Janus word.

The word clip is a good example of an auto-antonym. It can mean to attach something to another item, or it can mean to cut off. These meanings are opposite of each other, as these sentences show:

  • Sarah clipped the note onto her backpack, so she would not forget it.
  • Sarah clipped the signed portion of the permission slip to take back to her teacher.

Dust is another example of an auto-antonym. It can mean to remove a fine layer of particles off of a surface, or it can mean to add them. Here are example sentences that show these meanings:

  • Johnathan will dust the cabinets before company comes.
  • Johnathan will dust the top of the cake with powdered sugar.

Again, these two meanings are in contrast to one another. Other words that can be auto-antonyms include:

  • Left: meaning “remaining” or “departed.”
  • Plug: meaning “to fill a hole” or “to create a hole.”
  • Sanction: meaning “to bless” or “to ban.”
  • Awful: meaning “awe-inspiring” or “really bad.”

Making Antonyms with Prefixes 

In addition to the four main types of antonyms, English writers can create antonyms by adding prefixes to words. The four prefixes that create antonyms are:

  • Dis-
  • Im-/in-
  • Mis-
  • Non-/un-

Here are some example word pairs that show how these prefixes create antonyms:

  • Obedient and disobedient
  • Comfortable and uncomfortable
  • Tolerant and intolerant 
  • Possible and impossible
  • Lead and mislead
  • Understood and misunderstood
  • Verbal and nonverbal

A Final Word on Antonym Examples

You can find examples of antonyms everywhere in the English language. These opposite words can help create interesting contrasts in your writing. 

As you learn to use antonyms, don’t be afraid to grab the thesaurus, which lists both synonyms and antonyms to any word you’re considering. This tool will help you find the exact word that conveys your meaning and, in the case of antonyms, its opposite.

FAQs on Antonym Examples

What are synonyms and antonyms?

A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word. For example, happy and joyful are synonyms. An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. For example, happy and sad are antonyms.

Both antonyms and synonyms work together to make writing more meaningful and memorable when you use them properly.

What are the types of antonyms?

The four types of antonyms are:
1. Auto-antonyms
2. Graded antonyms
3. Relative antonyms 
4. Complementary antonyms

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  • Nicole Harms has been writing professionally since 2006. She specializes in education content and real estate writing but enjoys a wide gamut of topics. Her goal is to connect with the reader in an engaging, but informative way. Her work has been featured on USA Today, and she ghostwrites for many high-profile companies. As a former teacher, she is passionate about both research and grammar, giving her clients the quality they demand in today’s online marketing world.

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