Sentence with word antique

Synonym: aged, ancient, archaic, old. Antonym: modern. Similar words: antiquity, frantic, quantity, romantic, pedantic, meantime, semantics, antipathy. Meaning: [æn’tiːk]  n. 1. an elderly man 2. any piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity. v. 1. shop for antiques 2. give an antique appearance to. adj. 1. made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age 2. out of fashion 3. belonging to or lasting from times long ago. 

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1 These antique paintings are priceless.

2 The antique is a fake.

3 Antique toy cars are ten a penny nowadays.

4 I can not evaluate such an important antique.

5 He can distinguish a genuine antique from a reproduction.

6 They have a lot of antique furniture.

7 She’s really making a go of her new antique shop.

8 Such a finding as this exquisite antique is rare indeed.

9 We have an antique clock on our mantelpiece.

10 We went for a browse around an antique shop.

11 I made him a bid for the antique table.

12 He wears designer clothes and drives an antique car.

13 We went bargain hunting at the antique market.

14 Their house is adorned with beautiful antique ornaments.

15 By trade he was a dealer in antique furniture.

16 He delights in browing through antique stores.

17 Antique furniture fetches very high prices these days.

18 She’s an antique, a used-car,( etc dealer.

19 So when did you start collecting antique glass?

20 The decor is a mix of antique and modern.

21 He is a dealer in antique.

22 This antique is worth several hundred pounds.

23 She wore an antique gown to the costume party.

24 This is an antique chair.

25 The antique shop was just full of old rubbish.

26 «It’s an antique.»»An antique, my eye!

27 Oliver made a fortune by investing in antique furniture.

28 The antique is assigned to the eleventh Century.

29 He has been trading in antique furniture for 25 years.

30 You can’t give away Granny’s old bookcase — it’s a valuable antique.

More similar words: antiquity, frantic, quantity, romantic, pedantic, meantime, semantics, antipathy, substantial, antiseptic, quarantine, in quantity, anticipate, substantially, unique, clique, liquid, obliquely, technique, iniquity, ubiquitous, ant, can’t, until, pant, want, ANTS, on time, in time, entity. 

antique — перевод на русский


An antique.


I have my little house. I have my antiques.

…лошади, домик, антиквариат.

I hope it’s not some priceless antique.

Надеюсь, это не какой-нибудь бесценный антиквариат.

Antiques do not sell and yet they sell.

Антиквариат не покупают, тем не менее, он продан

I’m an art and antiques dealer, in case you didn’t know.

Я продаю предметы исскуства и антиквариат, на всякий случай, если вы не знали.

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An antique shop on 3rd Avenue.

Антикварный магазин на Третьей авеню.

— It was antique.

— Но ведь антикварный

It’s a toy or an antique or something.

Он игрушечный или антикварный.

This is an antique armoire.

Это антикварный армуар.

— It’s an antique.


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— Invitation to the auction. Unique antique clock on the cheap.

— ѕриглашение на аукцион. «никальные старинные часы по дешевке.

Uh-huh. Well, you know, those antique earrings you bought her should go a long way toward that. (groaning):

Те старинные серёжки, что ты ей купил должны сделать своё дело.

— Hey, do you wanna buy any antique doubloons?

Старинные дублоны не нужны?

Ralph collected antique cars.

Ральф коллекционировал старинные автомобили.

And antique tools to look at when you roll over.

И старинные инструменты, на которые можно смотреть, лежа на животе.

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Wolfgang von Waltershausen officer, farmer, antique dealer, gigolo, wine trader

Вольфганг фон Вальтерсхаузен, офицер, фермер, антиквар, жиголо, в настоящее время торговец вином.

The antique dealer wants to see you.

Антиквар хочет с тобой поговорить.

The antique dealer wants to know…

Антиквар хотел спросить…

This gentleman is an antique dealer from Paris.

В общем, я… Этот мсье — парижский антиквар.

I hear you’re an antique dealer.

Говорят, вы антиквар.

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It’s an antique use in war.

Это — древний военный обычай.

This is antique Provence,

Это древний Прованс!

-Who needs an antique handkerchief?

— Кому нужен древний платок?

It’s an antique chinese gong.

Это древний китайский гонг.

Antique what?

Древний, что?

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if you a little use your imagination, these girls easily are converted in their antique doubles, which so fermented along these places.

Если вы немного воспользуетесь своим воображением, эти девушки легко превращаются в своих античных двойников, которые так же бродили по этим местам.

— Tsezarskoe Italian Bureau Antique Romans.

— цезарское итальянское бюро Античных римлян.

And first pick of antiques and artworks.

И право первого выбора из античных и художественных вещей.

Kyle killed that woman in Vancouver about three weeks ago near that antique steam clock in Gastown.

Кайл убил эту женщину в Ванкувере около трех недель назад вблизи этих античных часов в Газтауне.

18th-century Austrian hemophiliac, not that I know too much about these fancy, antique bloods.

Кровь австрийца-гемофилика, жившего в 18 веке, хотя я немногое знаю об этих античных кровях.

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That antique clock belong to my Grandfather working for 100 years never stop that morning when my Grandfather was born … they bought it back now it doesn’t work anymore… that clock

Старые часы… Принадлежавшие момеу дедушке… Они проработали 100 лет…

One antique bellows.

Старые меха.

The antique dolls!

Старые куклы!

I’m gonna blow these up and put them on my antique bean cans, filled them with pencils so I can write thank-you notes in the tub.

я их надую и одену на мои старые консервные банки, потом туда поставлю карандаши, и смогу потом писать записочки сид€ пр€мо в ванной!

That’s just, antique blank canvas.

Там просто старые чистые кассеты.

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We walked by this antique store. I saw this pin.

Мы проходили мимо антикварной лавки, и я увидела эту брошку

I think I ran into that girl from the antique store.

Кажется я встретилась с этой девушкой из антикварной лавки.

It was in the window of the antique store near my place.

Это изображение места преступления, над которым я работаю. Она была в витрине антикварной лавки.

What, you’re gonna live a regular life with that bitch, Alice, from the antique store?

Ты что, хочешь прожить обычную жизнь с той сучкой, Алисой, из антикварной лавки?

Oh, look, an antique stand.

Посмотри, антикварная лавка.

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Антикварный магазин был закрыт, ты же знаешь, какой у этих магазинов ненормальный график работы.

We are going to soon Reinbek for some tablecloths From antique to fetch.

Мы собирались поехать в антикварный магазин за скатертями и салфетками.

Curios antiques.

» Безделушка » — антикварный магазин.

I’m excited because we’re going antiquing this weekend.

Я в предвкушении, потому что мы едем в антикварный магазин на выходных.

Listen, Antiques Roadshow, you got all your stuff back, but Raphael still wants to kill me, and Camille is nowhere to be found.

Слушай, Антикварный магазин, ты получил все свои вещи обратно, но Рафаэль все еще хочет убить меня и Камиллу никак не найти.

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It’s a real antique watch.

Это антикварная вещь.

There’s an antique, a mirror box, in your possession.

В твоем владении одна антикварная вещь, зеркальная коробка.

My husband said that’s because it’s an antique.

Мой муж сказал, что это антикварная вещь.

It’s an antique!

Это антикварная вещь!

How about an owner who doesn’t want to desecrate a one-of-a-kind antique?

А как насчет того, что владелец не хочет портить единственную в своем роде антикварную вещь?

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A true antique (Latin: antiquus; «old», «ancient») is an item perceived as having value because of its aesthetic or historical significance, and often defined as at least 100 years old (or some other limit), although the term is often used loosely to describe any objects that are old. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

At Chairish, we know how important quality and efficiency is for those who love and collect antiques.


This beach villa is furnished with many lovely antiques featured throughout.


«I spent six months scouring antiques stores and eBay for items, which is cost-effective since you only bid as high as your budget allows,» says the homeowner.


The arts and antiques dealers Sir Joseph Joel Duveen (1843 — 1908) and his son Lord Joseph Duveen (1869 — 1939) made significant financial contributions to the original gallery at Millbank.


Unlike many safety razors designed to appear as antiques, Merkur 20C has a modern, up-to-date style.


Today they have been transformed into three charming historic inns that will take you back in time, with 124 guestrooms all handsomely restored and tastefully furnished in original and reproduction antiques.


San Miguel used to be known for tinwork, glass, ceramics, and pottery from Dolores Hidalgo, one-of-a-kind antiques from old haciendas, and lots of bad fine art.


It’s a wonderland of jungles and living birds and antiques.


Unfortunately, it’s not a French antique, however, it was a steal!


They can buy an Eighteenth Century Neoclassical sculpture, a Rothko, a Dan Flavin installation, or antique.


Checked baggage should not include fragile or perishable items; electronic equipment; money, bank cards, keys, jewellery, valuables, fur; antiques and art works; technical documentation, business papers, and securities; medication and medical papers; photographs, passports, and other identity documents; unique or irreplaceable items.


It’s probably not surprising to you guys that I spend my time off hunting for treasures in upstate NY (Mystery Spot antiques is worth your time!)


Standing at around 5 x 4 x 2 metres the towering structure is assembled solely from «antique» furniture and wooden trinkets salvaged from house clearance auctions and second-hand stores.


Though Larry isn’t rich, he has a lot of valuable antiques and some hi tech equipment he’d rather not part with.


The 1920s typewriter adds character, along with other fab finds from car-boot sales and antiques markets.


His wife, Norma, already owned an antiques shop.


I love to cook, shop local farmers markets, and antique.


This Saturday (October 25), Billy LeRoy is reviving his antiques business for one day only.


The six airy bedrooms with timber floors are tastefully decorated with a fusion of elegant Asian influenced antiques and modern…


Four primary vehicle groups are typically found within the restoration market: antiques manufactured prior to 1920, domestic vehicles manufactured from 1920 to World War II, post-World War II domestic vehicles and foreign vehicles.


I do still love my antiques but could really use advice on how to marry all of my styles together without it becoming total chaos.


Mount Dora offers a touch of New England with its hometown ambience, antiques and picturesque shopping district.»


Sweet South Cottage began hosting the French Country Flea Market in 2012 as a way to bring together the very best purveyors in the region of antiques, vintage-inspired home decor and heirloom quality goods.


Things like fire arms, jewelry, antiques, recreational vehicles and things like that are things that are usually covered by riders.


True antiques can be quite pricey, but with a little creativity, you can get the same effect for cheap.


A trumeau mirror Debbie found at an antiques shop 20 years ago hangs above the new freestanding bathtub, enhancing the period style of the space.


Partly designed by Alberto Cortes and Yvonne Hulst, the designers responsible for The Purist in Ubud, The Giri Residence in Ibiza and Ryad Dyor in Marrakech, Villa Levi combines contemporary design with eclectic Indonesian antiques and a sublime back-to-nature setting.


Choose from a sprawling pavilion-style property with five bedrooms and its own private waterfall and massage cave, or a whimsical treehouse with bamboo bridges between its three bedrooms decked out with traditional Sumbanese carvings, antiques made of local wood and vibrant ikat prints.


Work hard till you are 35 — enjoy the power of compounding and well off will be a reality — there is no figure to determine what «well off» means but try and build multiple income streams — in my case furniture, art, antiques, rental income and our salaries have helped us build this stream.


Midwest About Blog Boylerpf is the place where you will find some of the best affordable antique & vintage jewelry from the Victorian, Edwardian, Art Nouveau, Art Deco jewelry & retro chic.


The heady scent of spices fills the air; even items like antiques and art and crafts can be found among the stalls, priced cheaper than you will find anywhere else in Lombok.


Then I layered in antiques mixed with some fun finds from World Market.


This bed and breakfast retreat in Long Beach, Washington is elegantly and comfortably furnished in antiques.


Marian ParsonsMay 14, 2015Before and Afters, buying & selling antiques, Hand Painted Furniture, Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint17 Comments


Examples include artwork, antiques, coins and wine.


You should have insurance as unique as your antique!


im a widow 66, 5» 7» I like country music, old time rock & roll, R&B and gospel… antiques and flea markets, eating in or out and cook outs with family and friends.


Further afield, the San Francisco Fall Art & Antiques Show (SFFAS), now in its 35th year, attracts art and antiques enthusiasts from the West Coast and beyond (27 — 30 October).


Victorian Christmas items and antiques.


With ten elegantly decorated rooms and suites featuring Victorian antiques, the establishment ensures that your stay will be a blend of elegance and relaxation.


It is a beautiful old home filled with memorabilia and antiques.


If I was looking for particular antiques to collect, they can be pretty expensive.


The ornament laying on the mantel is an antique.


Indoors, welcome guests will discover a regal arrangement of furnishings and high quality decor that includes terracotta floor that has the advantage of staying naturally cool, plus a collection of antiques from across the Indonesian archipelago.Some of the fantastic facilities at Puri Ganesha Villas include fully air conditioned bedrooms, villa dining from the hours of seven thirty in the morning to ten thirty at night.


older french gentleman, quiet, classical music, antiques (including myself), world traveld, Cooking is one of my hobbie.


Various personal property items may qualify for a blanket insurance policy, such as artwork, antiques and collectibles.


The group show takes Candida Höfer’s photogaphies and puts them in dialogue with the work of different contemporary artists and antiques to generate an experimantal curatorial discourse.


Balinese and Javanese antiques and a bold use of colour create a unique and comfortable sanctuary for guests.


The Bar is situated next to the restaurant and is decorated with a very rare Chinese antique liqueur screen, and lithographs by Henry Moore, Robert Motherwell, and other early twentieth century painters.


, antiques, gardens and a variety of photos and thoughts that are sure to make you smile.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word antique, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use antique in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «antique».

Antique in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word antique in a sentence.

  1. Hill Theatre, now an antique mall.

  2. The pavilion includes a donated antique caboose.

  3. However, the Cossa Virtues, from their hair to their sandals, are more thoroughly antique.

  4. Broad Ripple Park Carousel is an antique carousel in The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis.

  5. He sells the carpet to antique dealer George Jones (Wheeler Oakman) to fund the robbery scheme.

  6. Borat then visits an antique shop, in which he clumsily breaks various Confederate heritage items.

  7. She used an antique typewriter for the mock documents with a dip pen for the embellished handwriting.

  8. In 2008, the village commemorated the first race’s centennial in a parade featuring about 60 antique cars.

  9. Her performances pleased the theatre proprietors, who presented her with an antique tea and coffee service.

  10. Van Gogh finally started to attend the drawing classes after antique plaster models given by Eugène Siberdt.

  11. The Fall Festival Parade, occurring since the 1940s, features bands, floats, balloons, horses, and antique cars.

  12. In 2006, a local businessman donated an antique caboose to the trail Association; this was placed beside the pavilion.

  13. The ghost train was intended to be a subway car but there was no time to find a suitable model and an antique train was used.

  14. The recordings were initially created as a quadraphonic test by Parsons, who recorded each timepiece at an antique clock shop.

  15. Balzac’s renowned attention to detail is used to describe a gambling house, an antique shop, a royal banquet, and other locales.

  16. The infantry was equipped with old Japanese Arisaka rifles, antique Maxim machine-guns and dummy Lewis guns constructed from wood.

  17. Clarkson to design a three-story, 16,000-square-foot office building of brick, ornamented with stone bas-reliefs of antique coins.

  18. Various travel writers in the 1950s extolled the pleasures of the nightly cruises and meals on the Old Bay Line’s antique steamers.

  19. The renovation included repainting walls, refinishing floors, repairing fireplaces, and replacing antique pipes, windows, and wires.

  20. Geri introduces Mick to her mother Naomi and sister Alma, before they both leave to browse at antique dealer Aaron Beardsley’s house.

  21. To achieve the antique look, rough paper was pressed and printed, with the roughness restored after printing by dipping the paper in water.

  22. Stern lit the tiles from above to produce a soft, warm light that was intended to evoke the period through tones close to antique and sepia.

  23. Mathews and Norman Muller think Isis’s pose in late antique panel paintings influenced several types of Marian icons, inside and outside Egypt.

  24. The confluence of realist detail with symbolic meaning continues when Valentin enters the antique shop; the store represents the planet itself.

  25. Harvey points out that Dylan «retains the idea of the listener being sent upon a task, a northern place setting, and an antique lyric quality».

  26. In 1955 Dallas Barrack, a Springdale antique dealer, bought Oklahoma Row, and renovated it into an antique store called the Palace Art Galleries.

  27. The Double T has cosmetically restored the engine to its 1914 (SP #216) appearance, and placed it on display along with some antique passenger cars.

  28. However, he combined an overriding concern for his personal interests with a deep-seated patriotism, based on a nostalgia of Rome’s antique virtues.

  29. In 1982, the parochial church council proposed closing the church as it was denied permission to sell its antique silver to assist with urgent repairs.

  30. In the gambling house, the orgiastic feast, the antique shop, and the discussions with men of science, Balzac examines this dilemma in various contexts.

  31. Although Hogg spent little time at the Varner plantation after Bayou Bend was constructed, she continued to purchase art and antique furniture on its behalf.

  32. Homer found inconsistencies in paint quality and atmospheric effect, and wrote that the painting was unsuccessful in reconciling antique and naturalistic ideals.

  33. MOBA was founded in 1994, after antique dealer Scott Wilson showed a painting he had recovered from the trash to some friends, who suggested starting a collection.

  34. In 1973, two gay men tried to open an antique shop, but the Eureka Valley Merchants Association (EVMA) attempted to prevent them from receiving a business license.

  35. Hoe held it until 1912; following his death that year it was sold in a large scale and commercially successful sell-off of his collection of rare and antique books.

  36. Unlike the rest of the mall at the time, the expansion wing was enclosed, featuring palm trees, tropical plants, and fountains, along with antique lights and skylights.

  37. The art department had an extensive research library of old catalogs, among them an original 1934 Sears Catalog, which were purchased at flea markets and antique stores.

  38. The church also houses a collection of fifteen antique, chained books in an oak reading desk; the oldest items date to the early 17th century and include tracts on divinity.

  39. He plots to rob his brother’s bank by constructing a tunnel from the nearby home of antique dealer George Jones, who is currently on a trip to Cairo to purchase antique rugs.

  40. Acquiring the narrow-gauge Edaville Railroad in Carver, Massachusetts in 1955, he began amassing one of the largest collections of antique steam locomotives in the United States.

  41. Four years later Friedrich entered the prestigious Academy of Copenhagen, where he began his education by making copies of casts from antique sculptures before proceeding to drawing from life.

  42. The central figure of Charity is the most antique, assimilating elements of Classical depictions of Abundantia, Ceres, and Juno, all of which were depicted with cornucopias in their left hands.

  43. The classic view of Domitian is usually negative, since most of the antique sources were related to the Senatorial or aristocratic class, with which Domitian had notoriously difficult relations.

  44. Each spring the Stamford Museum & Nature Center hosts its antique classic and classic car show featuring automobiles of all makes and models, US as well as imports, manufactured between 1900 and 1979.

  45. Art, antique, and specialty shops, as well as galleries, restaurants, and entertainment venues, make up downtown Nashville, and many inns, rented cottages, and bed and breakfast establishments serve visitors.

  46. Many traditional and historic bazaars are located throughout the city, Laad Bazaar being the prominent among all is popular for selling a variety of traditional and cultural antique wares, along with gems and pearls.

Synonyms for antique

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word antique has the following synonyms: age-old, old, demode, ex, old-fashioned, old-hat, outmoded, passe, passee, unfashionable, unstylish, old-timer, oldtimer, gaffer, old geezer and antiquate.

General information about «antique» example sentences

The example sentences for the word antique that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «antique» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «antique».

Sentences with the word Antique?



  • «age-old customs»; «the antique fear that days would dwindle away to complete darkness»
  • «antique furniture»
  • «the beautiful antique French furniture»
  • «a suit of rather antique appearance»; «demode (or outmoded) attire»; «outmoded ideas»
  • «an authentic signature»; «a bona fide manuscript»; «an unquestionable antique«; «photographs taken in a veritable bull ring»
  • «bewitching smile»; «Roosevelt was a captivating speaker»; «enchanting music»; «an enthralling book»; «antique papers of entrancing design»; «a fascinating woman»
  • «She gave away her antique furniture»
  • «He replaced the old razor blade»; «We need to replace the secretary that left a month ago»; «the insurance will replace the lost income»; «This antique vase can never be replaced»
  • «not worth his salt»; «worth her weight in gold»; «an appraisal determined the antique carved chair was worth $900″

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