Sentence with word annually

Synonym: each year, every year, p.a., per annum, per year, yearly. Similar words: annual, manual, actually, sexually, gradually, virtually, eventually, insinuate. Meaning: [ˈænjʊəlɪ; ˈænjʊlɪ]  adv. 1. without missing a year 2. by the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received). 

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1. Fifteen thousand bird watchers visit annually.

2. These animals migrate annually in search of food.

3. Times Square attracts more than 30 million visitors annually.

4. An estimated 1600 vessels pass through the strait annually.

5. Members of the council are elected annually.

6. Membership must be renewed annually.

7. Pensions should be increased annually in line with earnings or prices, whichever is the higher.

8. The jazz festival is held annually in July.

9. They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.

10. Subscriptions are due annually by the end of January.

11. The initial rent will be reviewed annually.

12. The prices of milk and cereals are fixed annually.

13. A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually.

14. Clients are charged a flat rate of £250 annually.

15. Many migratory birds visit this lake annually.

16. These orange trees fruit annually.

17. The chairmanship of the committee rotates annually.

18. We must harness the rivers which overflow annually.

19. Companies report to their shareholders annually.

20. Employees are entitled to four-weeks’ paid vacation annually.

21. El Salvador produces 100,000 tons of refined copper annually.

22. Staff performance is reviewed annually.

22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

23. There are 13,000 hospital admissions annually due to playground accidents.

24. The local authorities annually disburse between £50m and £100m on arts projects.

25. Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually pass over and are ab-sorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population.

26. The bill was designed to permit workers to take up to twelve weeks’ unpaid leave annually for family reasons.

27. Make sure that all gas fires and central heating boilers are serviced annually.

28. As you are aware, a fee will be charged annually.

29. This is a perennating rhizome from which flowering shoots arise annually.

30. It makes no difference whether dividends are paid quarterly or annually.

More similar words: annual, manual, actually, sexually, gradually, virtually, eventually, insinuate, cannot, wanna, manner, cannot help, planner, channel, announce, planning, casual, mutual, ritual, sexual, actual, visual, anniversary, qualify, virtual, as usual, unusual, announcement, casualty, sexuality. 

annually — перевод на русский



Каждый год мы устраиваем обед потому что он ежегодный.

My fan club is having its annual Ted Baxter Bridge Tournament tonight.

Сегодня вечером мой фан-клуб организует ежегодный турнир по бриджу имени Теда Бакстера.

It’s an annual match against Hedwick, sort of local derby.

Ежегодный матч против команды Хэдвик, Что-то вроде местного соревнования.

— 3rd annual Laugh-Competition —

— 3-й ежегодный конкурс смеха —

She has just won the 3rd annual Laugh-Competition!

Она только что выиграла третий ежегодный Конкурс Смеха!

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Dr Bashir’s annual report is due next week.

Годовой отчет доктора Башира должен быть готов на следующей неделе.

I’m just going over our annual report.

Я как раз изучаю наш годовой отчёт.

Do you want an annual subscription or a visitor’s pass?

Вам годовой абонемент или по гостевому тарифу?

No, but I’m presenting the annual financial report next week.

Нет, но я представляю годовой финансовый отчет на следующей неделе.

James was due to give the annual financial report this week.

Джеймс должен давать годовой финансовый отчет на этой неделе.

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In Rome alone we sell 5000 of them annually.

Думаю, что только в Риме мы продаем в год почти 5 тысяч штук.

Could you kindly tell the court how much yak manure Is deposited annually on the plains of rapshu? What?

Не могли бы вы поведать суду, сколько бычьего навоза за год откладывается на равнинах Рапшу?

With Clamp’s annual salary, if he goes to the bathroom for 30 seconds the man’s earning $375 while he stands there.

Судя по тому, сколько Клэмп зарабатывает в год, пока он в туалете за 30 секунд ему капает 375 долларов.

Pay off the 2,500 to my attorney, pay her fee in full. My annual consulting-— Plus giving that deposition to the judge in your behalf.

¬ернуть $2,500 моей адвокатше, заплатить ей всЄ сполна. ћои консультации за год… ѕлюс залог под освобождение судье от твоего имени.

I’ve put the entire annual heating allowance on him.

Я поставил на него всю деньги за отопление за год.

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We are taking a vacation to Hawaii… It’s our annual vacation…

Мы собираемся на Гаваи… отпраздновать нашу годовщину…

Today, we celebrate the opening of the 8th annual Festival of the Ermeux.

Фестиваль Эрмё отмечает свою восьмую годовщину.

We had them made for our annual Memorial Day camping trip.

Мы сделали их на годовщину дня памяти.


Вторая годовщина международного дня протеста против войн.

It’s not what most people would do with a bottle of whisky at the weekend but this is the ninth annual… .. phenomenon that’s baffled the…

Это не то, что большинство людей сделали бы с бутылкой виски На выходных, но это девятая годовщина.. феномена, который расстраивает..

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Gabriel, it is coming up to the time of year when I put on the annual Post Office garden party.

Габриэль, скоро придёт время моего ежегодного приёма в саду.

I don’t recall us ever having an annual garden party before, Miss Lane. Yes.

Что-то не припоминаю никакого нашего ежегодного приёма в саду, мисс Лэйн.

And on the eve of our biggest annual benefit?

И всё это накануне большого ежегодного приёма?

You’re throwing the annual fourth of July party?

Ты проводишь ежегодный прием четвертого июля?

where they have their annual Madison Monroe dinner.

там проводится ежегодный приём у Мэдисон Монро.

The wedding photograph-— March ’97, D.C. March through to April is the annual Cerry Blossom Festival in D.C.

Свадебный фотограф — Март 97, Округ Колумбия с марта по апрель ежегодный фестиваль цветения вишни в Округе Колумбия

Tonight’s the annual Dauphine street music festival.

Сегодня вечером состоится ежегодный фестиваль музыки на Дофин(стрит).

Be it resolved therefore that Mrs. Eunice Long has been declared the blue ribbon winner of the annual Topeka canning festival, and that throughout the Year of Our Lord one-aught-three, all preserved peaches, be they canned and/orjarred,

Было решено, что миссис Юнис Лонг должна быть представлена к высокой награде… за победу в ежегодном фестивале по консервированию в г. Топека. И на протяжении всего 103 года Создателя, на всех законсервированных персиках, в железных и стеклянных банках должно быть написано ее имя, Королева Топеки.

Widespread obesity and the annual Pawnee Harvest Festival.

Массовым ожирением и ежегодным фестивалем сбора урожая Поуни.

Hey, Sam, you know why I’m not going to spend my money at the annual Lily Dale E.S.P. Festival and hot-dog-eating contest this year?

Эй, Сэм, а знаешь, почему я не буду тратить свои деньги на ежегодном фестивале в Лили Дэйле и даже на состязании по поеданию хот-догов?

There’s not a word in the annual report.

В годовом отчёте нет ни слова.

Uh, the annual farming report.

В годовом отчете по сельскому хозяйству.

They need a portrait for the annual report…

Им нужен портрет для годового отчета…

He screwed up the annual return.

Он напортачил с годовым отчётом.

The annual budget report from last year.

Годовой отчет по бюджету за прошлый год.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word annually, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use annually in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «annually».

Annually in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word annually in a sentence.

  1. He purchased a new model annually.

  2. Benjamin would visit them annually.

  3. The Cleveland Open is held annually.

  4. Her initial salary was $1500 annually.

  5. Canberra gets 100.4 clear days annually.

  6. These groups perform annually at the «D.C.

  7. Until 1967, the sides met almost annually.

  8. This migration cycle is repeated annually.

  9. The reserve attracts 70,000 visitors annually.

  10. Belgrade Marathon is held annually since 1988.

  11. Americans consume 3.9 kg (8.6 lb) annually per capita.

  12. A maximum of 30 merit madges should be awarded annually.

  13. The tradition, Aggie Replant, has been repeated annually.

  14. Grand Coulee Dam generates 21 TWh of electricity annually.

  15. Religious activities are annually organised by the society.

  16. At its peak, more than 12 million cigars were manufactured and exported annually.

  17. The historic Prime Minister’s XI cricket match is played at Manuka Oval annually.

  18. Since fiscal year 2006, the appropriation has reached over $1.5 billion annually.

  19. Since 2011, the Kigali Up music festival has been held annually in July or August.

  20. The hatchery produces about 300,000–400,000 Lahontan cutthroat trout fry annually.

  21. Chennai Rainbow Pride (சென்னை வானவில் விழா) has been held annually in the city of Chennai since 2009.

  22. The Wayne Gretzky Trophy is awarded annually to the playoff champion of the OHL’s Western Conference.

  23. Parts of Geauga County to the east receive over 44 inches (1,100 mm) of liquid precipitation annually.

  24. Many New Jersey wineries sell their products at festivals that are held annually throughout the state.

  25. He estimated that the Church of Scientology paid US$20 million annually to over one hundred attorneys.

  26. Titchwell Marsh RSPB, Cley Marshes NWT and Holkham NNR each attract 100,000 or more visitors annually.

  27. By the 1990s, tourism was the island’s principal business, bringing in more than $100 million annually.

  28. The fort opens annually around May 10, the anniversary of the 1775 capture, and closes in late October.

  29. The Johnny Owen Courage Award and the Johnny Owen Carer’s Award are presented annually at the hospital.

  30. Between 60 and 80 are sold annually; the auction helps keep the herd at a sustainable population of 150.

  31. As an illustration, the lowest paid civil employee in 1876 was a janitor who earned Rs 600$000 annually.

  32. Approximately 5 million people pass through Banff annually on the Trans-Canada Highway without stopping.

  33. Calls for proposals are issued roughly annually, with time allocated for a cycle lasting about one year.

  34. The lectures were given annually from 1971 to 1991 and then discontinued as a series of single lectures.

  35. The Hobey Baker Award was established in 1981 and is awarded annually to the best player in NCAA hockey.

  36. The Cleveland International Film Festival has been held annually since 1977, and it drew a record 106,000 people in 2017.

  37. The 1st Gilwell Scout Group meets annually during the first weekend in September at Gilwell Park for the Gilwell Reunion.

  38. In 1994, Normandy contained 2000 Percheron and Norman Cob horses, and annually bred around 600 foals of these two breeds.

  39. In 1995 she received over 280,000 visitors, and the whole dockyard receives between 400,000 and 500,000 visitors annually.

  40. She and Spiegel re-enacted the ceremony for her followers, and the group celebrated the anniversary of the event annually.

  41. The harvesting of wild fish accounted for 90.4 million tonnes, while annually increasing aquaculture contributes the rest.

  42. His foundation partners with the CPS for a reading challenge; the top 300 readers, out of 30,000 annually, attend his camp.

  43. At the centre of this suite is the Bow Room, through which thousands of guests pass annually to the Queen’s garden parties.

  44. The visitor center is usually open, annually, from the Memorial Day weekend, at end of May, through Labor Day in September.

  45. Up to that point, around 10,000 Europeans arrived in Brazil annually, but after 1872, their numbers increased dramatically.

  46. As of 2018, the 89-hectare (220-acre) reserve had about 100,000 visits per year, with around 3,500 children annually making use of the RSPB’s on-site education programmes.

  47. Nevertheless, the annual North v South games were among the most popular and competitive in the sport, running annually from 1849 until 1900 and intermittently thereafter.

  48. It is in poor condition; it was moved in the 20th century both to shield it against sunlight and protect it from the almost 300,000 visitors the hospice receives annually.

  49. Sponsored by the Great Lakes Brewing Company, the Great Lakes Burning River Fest, a two-night music and beer festival at Whiskey Island, has been held annually since 2001.

  50. The resort averaged 1869.8 hours of sunshine annually between 1981 and 2010, which is 43% of the maximum possible, and 40% above the United Kingdom average of 1339.7 hours.

Synonyms for annually

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word annually has the following synonyms: per annum, p.a., per year, each year, yearly and every year.

General information about «annually» example sentences

The example sentences for the word annually that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «annually» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «annually».

Eyes of school going children should be examined annually as also eyes of adults

Since then, he has acquired a sort of cult following which surged in the 60’s with the peace and Earth-loving hippies and has continued on into the 80’s and 90’s with New Ager’s buying the bulk of the over million bottles hand packed annually

They had unsuccessfully paired her off with the son of a wealthy San Francisco family who annually frequented their Inn

The Lodges’ account, into which they had been annually contributing about fifteen hundred dollars was now, after nine years of also modestly compounded interest: $25,400

Let us suppose, too, that the coarse materials annually wrought up in the one cost only seven hundred pounds, while the finer materials in the other cost seven thousand

The capital annually employed in the one will, in this case, amount only to one thousand pounds; whereas that employed in the other will amount to seven thousand three hundred pounds

The whole of what is annually either collected or produced by the labour of every society, or, what comes to the same thing, the whole price of it, is in this manner originally distributed among some of its different members

If the society were annually to employ all the labour which it can annually purchase, as the quantity of labour would increase greatly every year, so the produce of every succeeding year would be of vastly greater value than that of the foregoing

The idle everywhere consume a great part of it; and, according to the different proportions in which it is annually divided between those two different orders of people, its ordinary or average value must either annually increase or diminish, or continue the same from one year to another

The whole quantity of industry annually employed in order to bring any commodity to market, naturally suits itself in this manner to the effectual demand

industry, the quantity of industry annually employed is necessarily regulated by the annual

will annually work up very nearly the same quantity of linen and woollen cloth

thousand pair of Shetland stockings are annually imported into Leith, of which the price is

always disfranchised upon that account, but obliged to fine annually to the king, for

The whole annual produce of the labour of the society is annually

The price which the town really pays for the provisions and materials annually imported into

it, is the quantity of manufactures and other goods annually exported from it

overseers of the poor should be annually appointed, who, with the churchwardens, should

At present, the value of the tea annually imported by the English East India company, for the use of their own countrymen, amounts to more than a million and a half a year; and even this is not enough; a great deal more being constantly smuggled into the country from the ports of Holland, from Gottenburgh in Sweden, and from the coast of France, too, as long as the French East India company was in prosperity

In order to supply so very widely extended a market, the quantity of silver annually brought from the mines must not only be sufficient to support that continued increase, both of coin and of plate, which is required in all thriving countries; but to repair that continual waste and consumption of silver which takes place in all countries where that metal is used

In the manufactures of Birmingham alone, the quantity of gold and silver annually employed in gilding and plating, and thereby disqualified from ever afterwards appearing in the shape of those metals, is said to amount to more than fifty thousand pounds sterling

A considerable quantity, too, must be annually lost in transporting those metals from one place to another both by sea and by land

He informs us, too, that if we were to judge of the quantity of gold annually imported from the Brazils to Lisbon, by the amount of the tax paid to the king of Portugal, which it seems, is one-fifth of the standard metal, we might value it at eighteen millions of cruzadoes, or forty-five millions of French livres, equal to about twenty millions sterling

Some part is sent annually by the Acapulco ships to Manilla; some part is employed in a contraband trade, which the Spanish colonies carry on with those of other European nations; and some part, no doubt, remains in the country

The produce of all the other mines which are known is insignificant, it is acknowledged, in comparison with their’s ; and the far greater part of their produce, it is likewise acknowledged, is annually imported into Cadiz and Lisbon

The quantity of brass and iron annually brought from the mine to the market, is out of all proportion greater than that of gold and silver

The great quantities of silver carried annually from Europe to India, have, in some of the English settlements, gradually reduced the value of that metal in proportion to gold

The proportion between the quantities of gold and silver annually imported into Europe, according to Mr Meggens’ account, is as one to twenty-two nearly ; that is, for one ounce of gold there are imported a little more than twenty-two ounces of silver

The great quantity of silver sent annually to the East Indies reduces, he supposes, the quantities of those metals which remain in Europe to the proportion of one to fourteen or fifteen, the proportion of their values

The whole quantity of bread annually brought to market, is not only greater, but of greater value, than the whole quantity of butcher’s meat; the whole quantity of butcher’s meat, than the whole quantity of poultry ; and the whole quantity of poultry, than the whole quantity of wild fowl

In consequence of such reductions, many mines may be wrought which could not be wrought before, because they could not afford to pay the old tax ; and the quantity of silver annually brought to market, must always be somewhat greater, and, therefore, the value of any given quantity somewhat less, than it otherwise would have been

A market which, from requiring only one thousand, comes to require annually ten thousand ton of fish, can seldom be supplied, without employing more than ten times the quantity of labour which had before been sufficient to supply it

Thus the farmer annually replaces to the manufacturer the provisions which he had consumed, and the materials which he had wrought up the year before; and the manufacturer replaces to the farmer the finished work which he had wasted and worn out in the same time

This is the real exchange that is annually made between those two orders of people, though it seldom happens that the rude produce of the one, and the manufactured produce of the other, are directly bartered for one another ; because it seldom happens that the farmer sells his corn and his cattle, his flax and his wool, to the very same person of whom he chuses to purchase the clothes, furniture, and instruments of trade, which he wants

But when we say that a man is worth fifty or a hundred pounds a-year, we mean commonly to express, not only the amount of the metal pieces which are annually paid to him, but the value of the goods which he can annually purchase or consume; we mean commonly to assertain what is or ought

Though we frequently, therefore, express a person’s revenue by the metal pieces which are annually paid to him, it is because the amount of those pieces regulates the extent of his power of purchasing, or the value of the goods which he can annually afford to consume

The amount of the metal pieces which are annually paid to an individual, is often precisely equal to his revenue, and is upon that account the shortest and best expression of its value

As the same guinea which pays the weekly pension of one man to-day, may pay that of another to-morrow, and that of a third the day thereafter, the amount of the metal pieces which annually circulate in any country, must always be of much less value than the whole money pensions annually paid with them

No account has been got of the gold coin ; but it appears from the ancient accounts of the mint of Scotland, that the value of the gold annually coined somewhat exceeded that of the silver

The gold and silver money which circulates in any country, and by means of which, the produce of its land and labour is annually circulated and distributed to the proper consumers, is, in the same manner as the ready money of the dealer, all dead stock

What is annually saved, is as regularly consumed as what is annually spent, and nearly in the same time too : but it is consumed by a different set of people

That portion of his revenue which a rich man annually spends, is, in most cases, consumed by idle guests and menial servants, who leave nothing behind them in return for their consumption

That portion which he annually saves, as, for the sake of the profit, it is immediately employed as a capital, is consumed in the same manner, and nearly in the same time too, but by a different set of people: by labourers, manufacturers, and artificers, who reproduce, with a profit, the value of their annual consumption

By what a frugal man annually saves, he not only affords maintenance to an additional number of productive hands, for that of the ensuing year, but like the founder of a public work-house he establishes, as it were, a perpetual fund for the maintenance of an equal number in all times to come

The quantity of money, therefore, which can be annually employed in any country, must be determined by the value of the consumable goods annually circulated within it

But the money which, by this annual diminution of produce, is annually thrown out of domestic circulation, will not be allowed to lie idle

The value of the consumable goods annually circulated within the society being greater, will require a greater quantity of money to circulate them

It is the means the most vulgar and the most obvious; and the most likely way of augmenting their fortune, is to save and accumulate some part of what they acquire, either regularly and annually, or upon some extraordinary occasion

The capital, therefore, annually employed in cultivating this land, and in maintaining this labour, must likewise be much greater

A capital lent at interest may, in this manner, be considered as an assignment, from the lender to the borrower, of a certain considerable portion of the annual produce, upon condition that the burrower in return shall, during the continuance of the loan, annually assign to the lender a small portion, called the interest ; and, at the end of it, a portion equally considerable with that which had originally been assigned to him, called the repayment

Any increase in the quantity of commodities annually circulated within the country, while that of the money which circulated them remained the same, would, on the contrary, produce many other important effects, besides that of raising the value of the money

A capital may be employed in four different ways; either, first, in procuring the rude produce annually required for the use and consumption of the society ; or, secondly, in manufacturing and preparing that rude produce for immediate use and consumption; or, thirdly in transporting either the rude or manufactured produce from the places where they abound to those where they are wanted ; or, lastly, in dividing particular portions of either into such small parcels as suit the occasional demands of those who want them

But a great part of it is always, either annually, or in a much shorter period, distributed among the different workmen whom he employs

The capitals of the British manufacturers who work up the flax and hemp annually imported from the coasts of the Baltic, are surely very useful to the countries which produce them

Those materials are a part of the surplus produce of those countries, which, unless it was annually exchanged for something which is in demand here, would be of no value, and would soon cease to be produced

The value of goods annually bought and sold in any country requires a certain quantity of money to circulate and distribute them to their proper consumers, and can give employment to no more

in the pound land-tax, and what was annually borrowed of the sinking fund

But whatever part of this money of the mercantile republic Great Britain may have annually employed in this manner, it must have been annually purchased, either with British commodities, or with something else that had been purchased with them ; which still brings us back to commodities, to the annual produce of the land and labour of the country, as the ultimate resources which enabled us to carry on the war

The whole gold and silver annually imported into both Spain and Portugal, according to the best accounts, does not commonly much exceed £6,000,000 sterling, which, in some years, would scarce have paid four months expense of the late war

With the same annual expense of labour and commodities, Europe can annually purchase about three times the quantity of plate which it could have purchased at that time

The parties concerned have replied, that their trade by this continual exportation of silver, might indeed tend to impoverish Europe in general, but not the particular country from which it was carried on ; because, by the exportation of a part of the returns to other European countries, it annually brought home a much greater quantity of that metal than it carried out

But a great part of all the different branches of our woollen manufacture, of our tanned leather, and of our hardware, are annually exported to other European countries without any bounty, and these are the manufactures which employ the greatest number of hands

If England, for example, should import from France nothing but the native commodities of that country, and not having such commodities of its own as were in demand there, should annually repay them by sending thither a large quantity of foreign goods, tobacco, we shall suppose, and East India goods ; this trade, though it would give some revenue to the inhabitants of both countries, would give more to those of France than to those of England

The whole French capital annually employed in it would annually be distributed among the people of France; but that part of the English capital only, which was employed in producing the English commodities with which those foreign goods were purchased, would be annually distributed among the people of England

If it was not with tobacco and East India goods, but with gold and silver, that England paid for the commodities annually imported from France, the balance, in this case, would be supposed uneven, commodities not being paid for with commodities, but with gold and silver

But the capital of the country is equal to the capital of all its different inhabitants; and the quantity of industry which can be annually maintained in it is equal to what all those different capitals can maintain

Both the capital of the country, therefore, and the quantity of industry which can be annually maintained in it, must generally be augmented by this exchange

As, in every civilized country, it is the commodity of which the annual consumption is the greatest ; so a greater quantity of industry is annually employed in pruducing corn than in producing any other commodity

First, the tax in Spain, the prohibition in Portugal of exporting gold and silver, and the vigilant police which watches over the execution of those laws, must, in two very poor countries, which between them import annually upwards of six millions sterling, operate not only more directly, but much more forcibly, in reducing the value of those metals there, than the corn laws can do in Great Britain

Some treaties of commerce, however, have been supposed advantageous, upon principles very different from these; and a commercial country has sometimes granted a monopoly of this kind, against itself, to certain goods of a foreign nation, because it expected, that in the whole commerce between them, it would annually sell more than it would buy, and that a balance in gold and silver would be annually returned to it

Portugal receives annually from the Brazils a greater quantity of gold than can be employed in its domestic commerce, whether in the shape of coin or of plate

A large share of it comes annually to England, in return either for English goods, or for those of other European nations that receive their returns through England

The far greater part, almost the whole, they pretended, of this annual importation of gold, was not on account of Great Britain, but of other European nations; the fruits and wines of Portugal annually imported into Great Britain nearly compensating the value of the British goods sent thither

The mass of commodities annually thrown into the great circle of European commerce, and by its various revolutions annually distributed among all the different nations comprehended within it, must have been augmented by the whole surplus produce of America

Maryland, and Virginia, for example, send annually to Great Britain upwards of ninety-six thousand hogsheads of tobacco, and the consumption of Great Britain is said not to exceed fourteen thousand

But whatever forces into a branch of trade, of which the returns are slower and more distant than those of the greater part of other trades, a greater proportion of the capital of any country, than what of its own accord would go to that branch, necessarily renders the whole quantity of productive labour annually maintained there, the whole annual produce of the land and labour of that country, less than they otherwise would be

The capital which supplies the colonies with this great quantity of linen, is annually distributed among, and furnishes a revenue to, the inhabitants of those other countries

Organized annually for the benefit of the

The interest of this debt alone is not only greater than the whole extraordinary profit which, it never could be pretended, was made by the monopoly of the colony trade, but than the whole value of that trade, or than the whole value of the goods which, at an average, have been annually exported to the colonies

That part of the produce of the land which remains to him after paying the rent, ought to be sufficient, first, to replace to him, within a reasonable time, at least during the term of his occupancy, the whole of his original expenses, together with the ordinary profits of stock; and, secondly, to replace to him annually the whole of his annual expenses, together likewise with the ordinary profits of stock

They annually reproduce nothing but those funds

Unless, therefore, they annually save some part of them, unless they annually deprive themselves of the enjoyment of some part of them, the revenue and wealth of their society can never be, in the smallest degree, augmented by means of their industry

Over and above what is destined for their own subsistence, their industry annually affords a neat produce, of which the augmentation necessarily augments the revenue and wealth of their society

First, this class, it is acknowledged, reproduces annually the value of its own annual consmnption, and continues, at least, the existence of the stock or capital which maintains and employs it

Farmers and country labourers, indeed, over and above the stock which maintains and employs them, reproduce annually a neat produce, a free rent to the landlord

manufactures, a greater quantity of subsistence can be annually imported into a particular country, than what its own lands, in the actual state of their cultivation, could afford

Though in representing the labour which is employed upon land as the only productive labour, the notions which it inculcates are, perhaps, too narrow and confined ; yet in representing the wealth of nations as consisting, not in the unconsumable riches of money, but in the consumable goods annually reproduced by the labour of the society, and in representing perfect liberty as the only effectual expedient for rendering this annual reproduction the greatest possible, its doctrine seems to be in every respect as just as it is generous and liberal

The government is in a committee of nine persons, who meet at London, but who are chosen annually by the freemen of the company at London, Bristol, and Liverpool ; three from each place

For the proper application of this sum, the committee is obliged to account annually to the cursitor baron of exchequer; which account is afterwards to be laid before parliament

But as it was not expected that much profit could be made by this trade, both the Portuguese and French companies, who had enjoyed it upon the same terms before them, having been ruined by it, they were allowed, as compensation, to send annually a ship of acertain burden, to trade directly to the Spanish West Indies

From 1708, or at least from 1711, this company, being delivered from all competitors, and fully established in the monopoly of the English commerce to the East Indies, carried on a succesful trade, and from their profits, made annually a moderate dividend to their proprietors

, which would have made their annual payments to their proprietors equal to what they had agreed to pay annually to government, or to £400,000 a-year

The court of twenty-four directors had before been chosen annually; but it was now enacted, that each director should, for the future, be chosen for four years ; six of them, however, to go out of office by rotation every year, and not be capable of being re-chosen at the election of the six new directors for the ensuing year

The whole annual produce of the land of every country, if we except what is reserved for seed, is either annually consumed by the great body of the people, or exchanged for something else that is consumed by them

Every man assesses himself, and, in the presence of the magiatrate, puts annually into the public coffer a certain sum of money, which he declares upon oath, to be one fourth per cent

In France, the personal taille at present (1775) annually imposed upon the twenty generalities, called the countries of elections, amounts to 40,107,239 livres, 16 sous

The number of new-built houses that are annually brought to market, is more or less regulated by the demand

The quantity annually consumed by any individual is so small, and may be purchased so gradually, that nobody, it seems to have been thought, could feel very sensibly even a pretty heavy tax upon it

In the first place, almost the whole capital of every country is annually distributed among the inferior ranks of people, as the wages of productive labour

Secondly, a great part of the revenue, arising from both the rent of land and the profits of stock, is annually distributed among the same rank, in the wages and maintenance of menial servants, and other unproductive labourers

  • Use the word Annually in a sentences

Sentence Examples

While it is regrettable, we must remember that the treaty by which your foster father received annually a sum of money from my government for his extraordinary services ceased automatically to exist on the occasion of his death.

So she feels she has to feed them annually.

Twenty-three and a half percent compounded semi-annually.

In return for our espionage activities on behalf of the reichswehr, they undertook to pay us 250,000 marks annually as a subsidy.

I’ll get him to write and tell her that a distant relative has left her 5,000 pounds. To be paid annually on her birthday. 1,000 at a time.

It has been spared the sensational publicity of such questionable honours as the Pulitzer Prize and those awards presented annually by that… film society.

How much damage is done annually to the American forest by the spruce bud worm?

How much damage… is done annually to American forests… by the spruce bud worm?

That’s about 1 million people, annually.

Robert Stroud’s petition for parole has been denied annually for 24 years.

Collectively Italian hat makers produce 50 million hats annually.

In Rome alone we sell 5000 of them annually.

And to invite you to a feast… to be held in a fortnight… when annually I gather about me… the nobles of the countryside.

You can pay annually or biannually.

500,000 a month, and he gets two million annually as consultant to the society… three million as a member of «Siculedile». As a politician he’s opened a new course… in league with the socialists and Communists from the province, and they are already giving him the wink.

Here is Giulia Masini: 30,000 for the policy. 8,400 annually.

«Ten percent of our gross national product annually. » That’s preposterous.

annually. — I don’t know.

It earns us 330,000 gold pieces annually or about 200,000 koku.

The factory will produce 32,000 tonnes of nitrates annually for agricultural use

And then there is Clara, vowing annually to give up coconut sweets.

After hearing both parties, the commissioners pass the verdict that for Dirx’ claim as to Van Rijn’s wedding vows insufficient proof has been produced but that nevertheless Van Rijn is fined to pay 160 guilders at once and 200 guilders annually for the rest of her life provided that claimant maintains her testament fully in favour of Titus.

We’ll up your premium semi-annually

Compoundlng at 91/4 per cent annually only it┬┤s more like 14% shielded.

That means at least 5 million insects are consumed per acre annually.

It was secretly based at Miami University which has the largest domestic CIA station budgeted annually for hundreds of millions of dollars.

It’s a known fact, Sonny Jim, that a secret society of the five wealthiest people, known as the Pentavirate run everything in the world, including the newspapers and meet tri-annually at a secret mansion in Colorado known as…

I dreaded 40 years stuck indoors with two weeks to go snorkeling annually.

A hundred million annually!

One hundred million annually!

The U.S. Marshal Service annually flies… 155,000 prisoners around the country… for transfers, legal hearings and medical exams.

«Ten percent of our gross national product annually.» That’s preposterous.

And 1 .5 million per family annually for 30 years.

this already the employee. first Jump annually Recently Year-old Mary’s Fondu Albright is ended. super.

In his hands, India, which at the time had been ravaged by drought and overpopulation in his hands, their wheat crop increased from 11 million tons to 60 million tons annually.

Blooms twice annually with bright, blue flowers.

And even though demand for a number of high tech products was doubling or tripling annually, in many cases new supply was coming on even faster.

You know how much money a top male basketball player… generates for his school annually?

He wins swimming race annually.

I have brought you a gift from our Holy Father… to express his highest esteem for your lordship, for, as you know, my lord, this most sacred rose is consecrated annually by Pope Leo himself,

That was renewed annually.

I am absolutely Annabelle Bronstein. And I do not pay 900 American dollars annually to be treated like this.

Rotterdam now works 350 million tons of cargo annually… leaving Singapore a distant second.

It has been held annually for more than 1,000 years.

Welcome to the annual meeting of people who… annually meet!

Yet it’s the 6th time I arrive here annually.

Through our research, we found that you can harvest about 6% of the population annually and still have a healthy group of bears.

And if it fails, annually astronomical profits for… Shareholders then, it will be ejected.

A few years ago that the EU subsidizes the cultivation of tobacco with nearly $ 1 trillion annually.

In the nine years that I was privileged to steer this ship, and now under the able captaincy of Gordon Adair, profits have doubled annually.

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