Sentence with word amusing

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There is also another amusing example described by ethnographers.

В этом плане есть тоже забавный пример, который описывают этнографы.

I don’t find any of this amusing.

Я не считаю, что что-то из этого — забавно.

Just as amusing as your post.

Сами Вы смешной, как и должность Ваша.

Asked why kids liked watching his videos, Ryan replied: «Because I’m entertaining and I’m amusing«…

Отвечая на вопрос, почему дети любят смотреть его видео, Райан, которому сейчас восемь, ответил: «Потому что я развлекаюсь, и я смешной».

And all this is done in a highly amusing manner.

И все это подано в очень веселой форме.

Some amusing stories about colleagues were shared.

Некоторые поделились забавными историями, связанными со своими детьми.

So amusing was this ability that he gave private performances for visiting royalty.

Это умение было настолько забавным, что он даже давал частные спектакли для гостей королевской семьи.

Many of them are amusing, but rather unbelievable.

Многие из них очень забавные, но к сожалению, неправдоподобные.

This may seem strange or even amusing.

Этот способ может показаться странным, и даже забавным.

Then I noticed that life itself is amusing.

Потом я заметила, что жизнь сама по себе забавна.

Less amusing since you stopped coming by.

Менее забавны, после того как ты перестал туда заглядывать.

The things you find amusing astound me sometimes.

Я иногда в шоке от того, что ты находишь смешным.

No, he probably found it amusing.

Нет, возможно, он даже считал это забавным.

Thought he might find them amusing.

Подумал, что он может найти их забавными.

Thinking about it now, it seems amusing.

Сейчас, когда я об этом думаю, это кажется забавным.

Nothing harmful but amusing (at least to me).

Получилось нечто абсолютно нелепое, но забавное (по крайней мере, для меня).

You want someone kind, intelligent and amusing.

Вам хочется иметь кого-то, кто добр, интеллигентен и забавен.

Getting under her skin was so amusing.

Тем не менее, влезть в его шкуру было довольно забавно.

It was amusing watching their relationship progress.

Было забавно наблюдать за тем как развивались их отношения.

The book is packed with useful information and amusing stories.

Тем не менее книга эта содержит множество полезной информации и забавных историй.

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amusing — перевод на русский


It’s quite amusing that I don’t have a watch.

Это довольно забавно то, что у меня нет часов.

Most amusing, sir.

Очень забавно, сэр!

It should be amusing.

Забавно! Пойдем посмотрим.

Now isn’t that amusing. I hadn’t until a moment ago.

Забавно — а я так начал думать, едва кое-кто ушел…

Very amusing, I’m sure.

Очень забавно.

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Am I amusing you, Colonel?

Вам смешно, полковник?

well, it isn’t amusing.

Ну, это не смешно.

But look at me, I’m not amusing at all.

Вы только посмотрите на меня. Это же совсем не смешно!

Martha thinks that unless you, as she puts it, bust a gut, you’re not amused.

Марта считает, что если ты не надрываешь живот, значит, тебе не смешно.

He doesn’t amuse me.

— Из-за него. А вот мне за него не смешно.

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I just came to see if your prayer would entertain me… as much as my medicine seems to amuse you.

Кто знает, может это развлечёт меня как Вас забавляет моя медицина.

But it amuses me all the same to have the proof of what I was thinking.

Но это меня забавляет всё равно доказывая то, о чём я думала.

The marathon amuses me.

Марафон меня забавляет.

— Our game amuses me.

— Наша игра забавляет меня.

This little obscene lines in you I was terribly amused.

Эта маленькая непристойная чёрточка в тебе меня страшно забавляет.

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I-It’s just that the boys… told me to amuse you for a little while.

О. Э… это просто ребята меня попросили… э… развлечь тебя ненадолго…

I thought they might amuse Piccolo.

Я думаю, они могли бы развлечь Пикколо.

Here’s something might amuse you.

Вот ещё кое-что, что может развлечь вас.


Да, это сможет меня развлечь.

I thought to amuse her.

Я хотел развлечь её.

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And you can just sit around and be amused?

И вы можете просто сидеть тут и развлекать себя?

You used to be very good at amusing yourself.

Раньше у тебя хорошо получалось себя развлекать.

I look to you four to amuse me.

И полагаюсь на вас четверых — вы будете меня развлекать.

— to keep your nephew amused?

-…чтобы развлекать вашего племянника?

Our role is to amuse and amaze.

Наша задача — удивлять и развлекать

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— Otherwise it wouldn’t have been amusing.

— В противном случае это не было бы весело.


А когда мне весело, я смеюсь.

But the directors were not amused.

Но директорам весело не было.

Did you amuse yourself?

Было весело?

And then you’ll see, it’s amusing.

И потом, вот увидишь, это так весело.

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Your cafe amuses me.

Ваше кафе позабавило меня.

All that stuff about his merely being amused is nonsense.

А все россказни о том, что это его позабавило — чепуха.

I don’t know all the details, but at the time it amused me, really.

Я не знаю подробностей… Но меня это позабавило.

Yeah, it amused me too.

Да, это и меня позабавило.

To be honest, I think he’d be amused.

Нет, я думаю, это бы его позабавило.

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That was all very amusing.

Было очень интересно.

No, just amused.

— Нет-нет, просто интересно.

Cannes was very amusing.

В Каннах было очень интересно.

I know, but it seemed amusing.

Знаю. Но тогда казалось что это интересно.

I’m sure I’ll find it very amusing.

Уверена, там мне будет очень интересно.

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She had a right to amuse herself, didn’t she?

Она имела право развлекаться, не так ли? Любовь для нее была всего лишь игра.


Может быть в деревню развлекаться.

What can we do to amuse ourselves?

Как будем развлекаться?

It means we become lovers… and spend a certain amount of time together, like today… amusing ourselves.

Это значит, мы будем любовниками и мы будем проводить какое-то время вместе, как сегодня… развлекаться.

You just amuse yourself, don’t you?

Тебе бы все развлекаться, да?

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Amusing to hear such a sensible account.

Занятно услышать такое разумное мнение.

It was amusing to watch to work.

Занятно наблюдать за твоей работой.

How amusing it must be to lead someone to death , quietly.

Как это занятно, привести кого-нибудь к смерти.

Rather amusing.

Довольно занятно.

It’s amusing for your guys to use kung fu to play soccer and then to reach the finals.

Занятно, что вы, ребята, используете Кунг Фу для игры в футбол да ещё и вышли в финал.

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He knows many amusing magic tricks.
Он знает много забавных фокусов.

Americans who are less than perfect are amusing.
Несовершенные американцы очень их веселят.

What about it is amusing to you?
Что так тебя развеселило?

What’s amusing to me is that you would cover yourself by besmirching these fliers.
Что меня забавляет, так это то, как ты прикрываешь себя, очерняя этих совят.

It was quite an amusing story actually.
На самом деле, это весьма забавная история.

And I can be very amusing, of course.
И, конечно же, я могу развеселить людей.

Uh, it was quite an amusing story, actually.
На самом деле, это весьма забавная история.

I’m glad you find this amusing, {PHONE Ringling} ’cause now he’s yours.
Рад, что развеселил тебя, потому что теперь он — твой.

No, no, actually, it’s quite an amusing story.
Нет, нет, вообще-то забавная история.

He’s pleasant, amusing, and he acts his age.
Он обаятельный, забавный и ведёт себя соответственно своему возрасту.

And that she can be amusing, under the right circumstances.
И что она может быть забавной, в правильных обстоятельствах.

In spite of your doleful air, you’re quite amusing.
Несмотря на ваш печальный вид, Вы весьма забавны.

Good heavens, I didn’t write anything amusing, did I?
О боже, я не писал ничто забавного, не так ли?

That’s an amusing figure, since you agreed on 30 with Badger.
Забавная цена, учитывая, что вы согласились с Барсуком на 30.

I’d dress him up ln period costumes and take amusing photographs.
Я одевал ее в исторические костюмы и делал забавные фотографии.

In an amusing incident Tom Baker sprained his ankle on that rock there.
Забавный тогда случай произошёл, когда Том Бейкер растянул лодыжку на том камне.

But it’s amusing nevertheless that the Kremlin still uses this kind of subliminal agitprop.
И тем не менее, довольно забавно, что Кремль до сих пор использует этот действующий на подсознание агитпроп.

Just wanted to tell you that you’re kind of amusing for an old man.
Просто хочу сказать, что для старичка ты забавный.

The anger of the Socialist Party’s barons at Royal’s rise was amusing to observe.
Гнев баронов Социалистической Партии, вызванный подъемом Руаяль, особенно забавно было наблюдать.

It’s given us interesting furniture, stylish hi-fi, amusing children’s toys and, of course, this.
Она дала нам интересную мебель, стильную аудио аппаратуру, забавные детские игрушки и, конечно это.


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@duwease: disqus I assume that the various pictures of amusing cats are an attempt to find laughter energy?


The title of the exhibition, «Not For Pro?it», not only references the fundamental nature of the artist-run centre identity, but to a wholly amusing and utterly extraordinary typo in Modern Fuel’s newest brochure.


The jokes were amusing at first, but they are getting old.


About Blog From a ghost writer to iScriblr — my life has been a roller coaster ride of amusing (most of the times), deplorable (sometimes) and impelling (always) moments!


I said I make it myself, and the response was highly amusing — I guess this is still not a typical answer.


«It’s as amusing as hell that I’m taking on terrorists and whatever tomfoolery I’m doing and then I race back to my director’s chair and start embroidering onesies as if my life depended on it.»


Weird, confounding, amusing but perplexing — those are all words which spring to mind when trying to describe The Lobster.


what is a good color to paint a bedroom good colors for bedroom amusing good colors for bedrooms best color paint living room feng shui.


While Halloween is a lively time for children and adults alike, The Humane Society of the United States is reminding human guardians that this haunting holiday may be more scary than amusing for your pet.


What I find amusing about people fighting tooth and nail about the Bible being the only source of inspired truth, is the fact that they themselves are defending a harmful fallacy about the doctrines of pre-believers being doomed to eternal separation from God.


There is an amusing numerological coincidence pointed out at the time by Charles Harrison: if you insert the periods p, masses m, and distances from the Sun d for the eight planets in the formula P = sum (p * m/d ^ 2) / sum (m/d ^ 2) you also get 11.295 years.


As for newborn fun, your baby’s attempts to smile and coordinate arm movements may be amusing enough for everyone, but it won’t hurt to have a few toys available to stimulate baby’s growing brain.


At first, it was amusing, introducing a seemingly important character only to have him trip up and shoot himself in the face, the first time he sees a zombie.


NVIDIA Highlights automatically captures kills, deaths, and key events in supported games, enabling you to review, edit, and share your best and most amusing moments with ease after a long day of gaming.


Might it not be amusing to perform the drama?


Otherwise, there’s a lot of fluff in Donna and Wayne Powers» (Valentine, Deep Blue Sea) screenplay, but it is amusing for the duration of The Italian Job.


The name of Fulton J. Sheen brings to mind many things: «the Golden Age of Catholicism»… the stirring sermons… the amusing stories and dramatic conversions… the black cassock and red cape… the glistening pectoral cross… the angel cleaning the blackboard… and the signature sign-off to his Life is Worth Living television shows: «God love you!»


My expectation was for a lightly annotated collection of quotes â $ «amusing and entertaining, but perhaps not particularly enlightening.


The original Cars videogame was amusing and a great chance to enjoy the setpiece of the Cars movie.


Walter Connolly is splendid as usual as Miss Colbert’s father, and Roscoe Karns is amusing as a traveling salesman.


stefanthedenier December 13, 2012 at 1:19 am… they made the» Sunspots Forgery» to support the biggest continuous con, since Darwin published his book… Very amusing, almost Vuk-or-Mann quality.


I must say, this commercial is actually amusing and has decent music to go with it.


Often inventive, fun and amusing, plush toys also add spark to retail shelves and bins, injecting stores with energy and color, and encouraging customer engagement and spontaneous purchases.


It’d be nice if The Interview held up its part of the deal and offered a really funny experience, but it is only sporadically amusing, which still puts it among the middle of the pack as far as new comedy films go.


The LEGO Batman Movie looks like it will be as amusing as its predecessor, if the trailer is anything to go by.


Keitel is amusing as Caine’s best friend and cameoing Jane Fonda is a force of nature.


Car lovers and films fans that are willing to switch off their brains should find Need for Speed offers (at the very least) an amusing ride.


But all the «fire Turgeon» posts are amusing.


His popular «Now and Then» compilation of amusing articles about his latest travels can be found in our Features section.


Combinations of the six gameplay modifiers, meanwhile, range from unplayable (Invisibility combined with Trampoline, which keeps you endlessly bouncing, is impossible to manage) to mildly amusing (Jetpacks are… okay).


Some have amusing combo names, such as Chug (pug and Chihuahua), but many are unique!


Yet no matter the scene, the star is consistently incapable of crafting an amusing scenario or dropping a witty one-liner, with his off-the-cuff story only proving how difficult it can be to successfully pull off improvisatory comedy.


If you’re an illustrator you might create some interesting or amusing infographics.


I felt it was amusing when I thought I only preemptively corrected my mistake.


Quirky combat system, amusing story and other things made it a…


The film does manage to evoke a certain charm in its own goofy way, similar to the way Adam Sandler films do, but the film lacks the intelligence and screenwriting to make it anything more than mildly amusing fare.


This situation is fitfully amusing in itself, but the fun really begins when Nell and Dinah uncover an insidious plot involving corporate espionage and murder.


Bionic Commando has it all — unique action, substantial adventure, amusing dialogue, and a big fat exploding head to top it all off.


Also the old man Marcus was a welcome reveal, though it’s led to an amusing meme I saw online once and could never find again suggesting Gears of War and Sony’s God of War should cross-over for the game Grandfathers of War.


«The Film Critic» is primarily an imaginative look at a budding romance between two quite different people, but in addition the story is filled with amusing side characters such as Victor’s fellow critics who often seem comatose at the advance screenings and especially Leandro Arce (Ignacio Rogers), who would like to kill Victor as his films have been regularly panned by Victor, and whose columns have relegated at least one movie editor to a menial job.


The original Pac-Man had been released on Xbox LIVE Arcade, and Microsoft teamed with Namco Bandai to host the Pac-Man World Championships, which featured a number of amusing promotional videos, such as the following:


That said, it’s still worth playing if you want an amusing, silly bit of action.


Bewildering, amusing, tough and kindly-all these are Casey Stengel (37), the master manager.


That sounds amusing but many online daters dwell on Your source for the latest sex tips, celebrity news, dating and relationship help, beauty tutorials, fashion trends, and more.


Her younger mate, who to be fair was perfectly pretty in a small-town-spends-a-lot-of-time-at-the-salon-trying-to-achieve-the-magazine-look sort of way was engaged in an amusing dance between checking me out and trying to ignore the increasingly lude suggestions of her partners-in-Sminoff-Ice.


If you have a camera on your cell phone or have purchased a digital camera, own lots of props, and are looking for a photogenic dog that will make every shot you take amusing, be sure to get out there and find a Pug!


Granted, it is somewhat amusing (and disappointing) to look at the second film’s depiction of the year 2015.


Elder ladies do look hot, are amusing to be with and are brave, yet you can’t deny the way that they are excessively hasty, innocent and requesting.


Posts cover criminal law issues and current events from the standpoint of a prosecutor, offer insight into the criminal justice system and trials and tell amusing court stories.


Those who had seen the amusing clip were more likely to solve the problem.


About 3646 results found using ‘AMUSING’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • This is an amusing theory, and reminds me of a Halloween party, I think in 1999.  (open, save, copy)

  • In a single summer break, this show went from howlingly funny to mildly amusing.  (open, save, copy)

  • For Stevan, it was an amusing existence, but it came to an abrupt end last fall.  (open, save, copy)

  • That Fox has become the champion of the Moral Majority I find endlessly amusing.  (open, save, copy)

  • The long-ago credulity of the good folk of Klagenfurt, Austria, is more amusing.  (open, save, copy)

  • It’s always amusing to see how people love to associate themselves with success.  (open, save, copy)

  • Maybe tell a quick, amusing story about growing up with his older brother, John.  (open, save, copy)

  • Family at Dawn is the most amusing piece and Tucked In the most quietly opulent.  (open, save, copy)

  • Its amusing to see your ostracism by many of the AGW-faithful commentators here.  (open, save, copy)

Define ‘amusing’:

  • amusing is present participle form of amuse

    amused (past participle) — amusing (present participle) — amused (past tense) — amuses (3rd person singular present)

    1. Cause (someone) to find something funny; entertain
    2. Provide interesting and enjoyable occupation for (someone)
    1. Causing laughter or providing entertainment

Web Definitions for ‘amusing’:

  1. Occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion; «The play amused the ladies» [source]
  2. Make (somebody) laugh; «The clown amused the children» [source]
  3. (amused) pleasantly occupied; «We are not amused» -Queen Victoria [source]
  4. (amusing) providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining; «an amusing speaker»; «a diverting story» [source]
  5. (amusing) arousing or provoking laughter; «an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls»; «an amusing fellow»; «a comic hat»; «a comical look of surprise»; «funny stories that made everybody laugh»; «a very funny writer»; «it would have been laughable if it hadn’t hurt so much»; … [source]
  6. Amusement is the state of experiencing humorous and usually entertaining events or situations, and is associated with enjoyment, happiness, laughter and pleasure. The word «Amuse» is so named from the opposite of «Muse» -to learn or to think. [source]
  7. AMuse is a freeware music collection manager for AmigaOS4 that includes client functionality . AMuse supports submissions of locally played music, listening to similar artists and user library, scrobbling of tracks. … [source]
  8. To entertain or occupy in a pleasant manner; to stir with pleasing emotions; To cause laughter, to be funny; To keep in expectation; to beguile; to delude; this sense? … [source]
  9. (amused) referring to someone who is in a state of being entertained [source]

Native speakers pronounce  ‘amusing’:

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