Sentence with word amazed

amazed — перевод на русский

Your beauty amazes me as much now as always.

Я как всегда поражен твоей красотой.

Oh, no, I was amazed.

Нет-нет, я просто был поражён.

Dr. McCoy is frankly amazed at his physical and recuperative power.

Доктор МакКой буквально поражен его восстановительной силой.

I’m amazed that men like you

Я поражен, что люди, подобные вам,

Baldrick, you stand amazed.

Болдрик, ты поражен?

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— That, that would amaze me.

— Это меня удивлять.

You always try to amaze.

Ты всегда пытаешься удивлять.

You’re an unpredictable man, you’ll never cease to amaze me.

Ты — непредсказуемый человек и никогда не перестанешь удивлять меня.

You know, this planet never ceases to amaze me.

Знаете, эта планета никогда не перестанет удивлять меня.

It never ceases to amaze me, the ways man can find to hurt himself.

Меня никогда не перестанут удивлять способы, которые может найти человек, чтоб ранить себя.

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I must say I’m amazed.

Можно сказать, я удивлен.

I’m happy about everyone who’s amazed or disappointed.

Я рад каждому, кто удивлён или разочарован.

Shocked and amazed at the wonders of necroflesh? You’re not alone.

Удивлён и шокирован видом мёртвой плоти?

Dad, I’m amazed you’d let Simon drive that thing.

Папа, я удивлен, что ты доверил Саймону управлять этой машиной.

Everyone would be amazed to know that you had this in you.

Всякий был бы удивлен узнать, что в тебе такое есть.

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Karnock, your conceit really amazes me at times.

Карнок, твое тщеславие иногда поражает меня.

I’m amazed you talk to me at that tone.

Меня поражает тон, в котором вы позволяете себе со мной разговаривать. Урвать?

You know, it just amazes me that I ever thought that you were sympathetic, you know.

Меня просто поражает, как я вообще мог подумать, что Вы благожелательны.

It still amazes me that your group was spared.

Меня до сих пор поражает… что вашу группу пощадили.

You’re bravery amazes me.

¬аша храбрость поражает мен€.

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I’m a very stubborn man. You’d be amazed.

Я очень упрямый, ты удивишься.

You’d be amazed at what people stick under the desks.

Ты удивишься, что люди лепят под парты.

You’d be amazed at what I can do in a pair of size 18 boots.

Ты удивишься, что я могу сделать в сапогах 46-го размера.

so as long as you’re honest with me, you’d be amazed at what i can put up with.

Раз ты честен со мной, ты удивишься, на что я способна.

You’d be amazed what he believes.

Ты удивишься, узнав, во что он верит.

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I’m often amazed in my travels…

Мне часто приходится удивляться в поездках…

It never ceases to amaze me.

Не перестаю удивляться.

Man… your poor parenting decisions never cease to amaze me.

Господи, я не перестаю удивляться твоей полнейшей отцовской несостоятельности.

After about 1000 of them I’m still amazed.

Выпил уже тысячу бокалов, и не устаю удивляться.

You people never cease to amaze me.

Не перестаю вам удивляться.

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–Go on. Amaze me.

Удиви меня.

Amaze me, annoy me, distract me.

Удиви меня, раздражай меня, отвлеки меня.

Amaze us with your verse.

Удиви нас своими, своими стихами.

Yeah? Well, then, amaze me.

Тогда удиви меня.

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I’m amazed at you.

Я на тебя поражаюсь.

I’m amazed at the patience of your ex-husband.

Я поражаюсь терпению твоего бывшего мужа.

I’m amazed you can keep so cool.

Я поражаюсь твоему спокойствию!

(sing) I’m amazed that men like you can be so shallow thick and slow (sing)

Я поражаюсь, что такие люди, как вы могут быть такими мелкими и тупоголовыми.


— Я просто поражаюсь…

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— It amazes me how she missed so often.

Удивительно, что она промахнулась.

You’d be amazed how many people get brained by shying up into the line of flight.

Удивительно, сколько людей разбили головы из-за колебаний на линии полета мяча.

— I’m absolutely amazed.

Я считаю, это совершенно удивительно.

It amazes me how you manage to live in anything that small.

Удивительно, что для твоей жизнедеятельности их нужно так мало.

It amazes me how he can get down there… in seconds!

Удивительно, как он смог там оказаться всего за считанные секунды!

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Why… I’m amazed.

Как… я изумлён.

Thou hast amazed me.

Я изумлен…

‘As the good champion Ethelred entered the door, he was enraged and amazed to perceive no signal of the maliceful hermit.

«Когда же победоносный Этелред переступил порог, он был изумлён и жестоко разгневан, ибо злобный пустынник не явился его взору;

I put it back on the Internet and I was amazed at the number of people that picked it up and started using it.

Я выложил ее в Интернете и я был изумлен количеством людей, решившим скачать и воспользоваться ей.

When I was a little kid I used to put my face right up to them, you know, and I was just amazed because it was just this mass of dots.

Когда я был маленьким, я подносил их очень близко к своему лицу, и вы знаете я был просто изумлен, поскольку это всего-навсего огромное количество различных точек.

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Many are amazed that they made it.

Многие были поражены, что у них это получилось.

People are amazed that I remembered so much.

Иногда люди бывают поражены, что я так много о них помню.

I was actually amazed by the technology they provide.

Честно говоря, я был поражен той технологией, которую вы внедрили.

We were amazed when he brought it to us.

«Мы были поражены, когда он принес ее к нам.

I was amazed that this architecture exists.

Для меня стало сюрпризом то, что была найдена архитектура.

I amazed how smoothly everything ran this time.

Он сам удивился, насколько гладко все пошло на этот раз.

I am constantly amazed at how different brothers can be.

Меня иногда даже поражает, насколько родные братья и сестры могут быть разными.

What he discovered in his laboratory amazed him and the wider research community.

То, что он обнаружил в своей лаборатории, поразило его и более широкое исследовательское сообщество.

I am amazed each time this happens.

Я поражаюсь каждый раз тому, как это все происходит.

Hillman is amazed that our thinking rarely stretches beyond 2100.

Хиллман удивлен тем, что наше мышление редко простирается за пределы 2100.

I am constantly amazed at her brilliance.

Я нахожусь в постоянном состоянии изумления от ее гениальности.

I was amazed he could stand up.

I was further amazed at seeing television ads stating similar misleading information.

Я был еще больше удивлен, увидев телевизионную рекламную передачу, в которой сообщалась подобная искаженная информация.

Those who encountered him were amazed at his character and wisdom.

Люди, встречавшиеся с ним в это время, поражались его знаниям и упорству.

I am amazed at these people.

Я считаю, что приношу этим людям пользу .

I’m amazed you can endure.

Afterwards everybody was amazed how convincing he was.

Потом все удивлялись, как это он так здорово сыграл.

I feel constantly amazed, stunned.

Я чувствую себя всё время изумлённой и ошарашенной.

I’m amazed she tolerates it.

Andrei-senior was amazed, especially by how the tar sounded.

Андрей-старший был изумлен, в особенности тем, как у меня зазвучал тар.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат amazed

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

пораженный, изумленный


- крайне удивлённый, поражённый, изумлённый

amazed look — удивлённый /изумлённый/ взгляд

Мои примеры


to be amazed / astonished — изумляться, удивляться  
to be amazed by courage — восхищаться мужеством  
be amazed — изумляться; изумиться; ахать  
be speechlessly amazed — потерять дар речи от изумления  
be surprised / amazed — удивляться  

Примеры с переводом

He was amazed at what he saw.

Его удивило то, что он увидел.

She was amazed to see the results of the research.

Она была поражена, увидев результаты исследования.

I was amazed by the originality of her ideas.

Я был поражен оригинальностью её идей.

We were amazed that he agreed so quickly.

Нас поразило, что он так быстро согласился.

Dave amazed his friends by suddenly getting married.

Дейв поразил своих друзей, когда внезапно женился.

It amazed me (to learn) that he had been promoted.

Меня удивило, что его повысили.

She looked at her glass and was amazed to find it was empty.

Она посмотрела на свой бокал, и с удивлением обнаружила, что он пуст.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He has amazed audiences around the world with his magic tricks.

The way she was coming on to Jack, I’m amazed he managed to get out alive!

…after his transfiguration into a Buddhist monk, all his family and friends were amazed by his newly found patience and tranquillity…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

amazing  — удивительный, изумительный, поразительный
amazedly  — удивленно, в изумлении

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Axel Heidenreich

Score: 5/5
(25 votes)

Amazed Sentence Examples

I was amazed at his reaction to a simple compliment. I am amazed that you would do that for me. Dean was amazed at the size of the crowd. I’m forever amazed at your ingenuity.

How do you use amaze in a sentence?

Amaze sentence example

  1. I amaze myself with my cleverness. …
  2. He would amaze a drawing-room by suddenly ejaculating a clause of the Lord’s Prayer. …
  3. As an actress, model, even a NY Times Bestselling author, and a recently released album singer, Paris Hilton continues to amaze and dazzle. …
  4. Sometimes I even amaze myself!

How can I use make in a sentence?

Make sentence example

  • Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. …
  • That does make sense. …
  • You make a difference. …
  • Did you make any real progress? …
  • They didn’t make it to the restaurant. …
  • It shouldn’t make any difference if he’s adopted.

What is the meaning of amaze?

transitive verb. 1 : to fill with wonder : astound He amazed audiences with the power of his voice. 2 obsolete : bewilder, perplex. intransitive verb. : to show or cause astonishment The fireworks display never ceases to amaze.

How do you use Interested in a sentence?

«She is greatly interested in learning about the stock market.» «She is terribly interested in other people’s problems.» «Is he truly interested in her?» «He is not at all interested in sports.»

32 related questions found

What is interested with examples?

The definition of interested is the giving of attention to something or the people or things involved. An example of interested is wanting to follow every minute of a television drama. An example of interested are the parties involved in a court case. adjective.

What is the sentence of study?

Used with prepositions: «She is studying for her final exams.» «He is leaving home to study at a top university.» «He always wants to study with me.»

What is the noun of amazed?

amazement. (uncountable) The condition of being amazed; overwhelming wonder, as from surprise, sudden fear, horror, or admiration; astonishment. (countable, archaic) A particular feeling of wonder, surprise, fear, or horror.

How do you describe being amazed?

Surprised, amazed, astonished or. Unable to act or respond; dazed. Dumbfound is defined as to amaze someone, or to make someone speechless because of shock.

What kind of word is amazed?

amazed used as an adjective:

Astonished; confounded with fear, surprise or wonder.

What are 10 simple sentences?

50 examples of simple sentences

  • She doesn’t study German on Monday.
  • Does she live in Paris?
  • He doesn’t teach math.
  • Cats hate water.
  • Every child likes an ice cream.
  • 6.My brother takes out the trash.
  • The course starts next Sunday.
  • She swims every morning.

What are sentences 10 examples?

10 example of simple sentence

  • Does he play tennis?
  • The train leaves every morning at 18 AM.
  • Water freezes at 0°C.
  • I love my new pets.
  • They don’t go to school tomorrow.
  • We drink coffee every morning.
  • 7.My Dad never works on the weekends.
  • Cats hate water.

Do sentences examples?

Do sentence example

  • Do you like fish? 794. 249.
  • I never thought I could do it. 420. 166.
  • I’ll do the best I can. 268. …
  • I want this baby as much as you do , Alex. 302. 179.
  • Should I do more in my role? 241. 129.
  • Do you want to see it? 123. …
  • «Let’s do it,» she finally said unceremoniously. 145. …
  • Can I do more in my role? 110.

Which part of speech is amazed?

AMAZED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is amaze a real word?

verb (used with object), a·mazed, a·maz·ing. to overwhelm with surprise or sudden wonder; astonish greatly.

How do you use maybe in a sentence?

Maybe sentence example

  1. Maybe he should see a doctor. …
  2. Maybe he thought she would change her mind, but it wasn’t going to happen. …
  3. Maybe something was wrong all along. …
  4. But maybe as a civilization, we have to talk out loud to figure out where we stand, to make progress. …
  5. Maybe they knew what kind of bait to throw out.

What is the same meaning of amazed?

Some common synonyms of amaze are astonish, astound, flabbergast, and surprise. While all these words mean «to impress forcibly through unexpectedness,» amaze suggests an effect of bewilderment.

What has the same meaning as amazed?

astonished, astounded, staggered, surprised, startled, stunned, thunderstruck, aghast, taken aback, confounded, dumbfounded, stupefied, dazed, nonplussed, dumbstruck, open-mouthed, agape, lost for words, at a loss for words, speechless, wide-eyed, awed, awestruck, wonderstruck, filled with astonishment, filled with …

Does amazed mean surprise?

To amaze someone is to shock, surprise, and astonish them. Amazement is the emotion produced by truly unusual and surprising things.

What is the noun form of confessed?

confession. / (kənˈfɛʃən) / noun. the act of confessing. something confessed.

What is the adjective form of the word amaze?

Word family (noun) amazement (adjective) amazed amazing (verb) amaze (adverb) amazingly.

Can a study sentence example?

«I will study it. I learn German and I will study in the future». I think next year I will study business — M.B.A. As the oral exams approached, she recalled, Mr.

How do you use the word example in a sentence?

You use for example to introduce and emphasize something which shows that something is true.

  1. … …
  2. Take, for example, the simple sentence: ‘The man climbed up the hill’.
  3. A few simple precautions can be taken, for example ensuring that desks are the right height.

What is the make sentence of sturdy?

Someone or something that is sturdy looks strong and is unlikely to be easily injured or damaged. She was a short, sturdy woman in her early sixties. The camera was mounted on a sturdy tripod.

Asked by: Olin O’Conner

Score: 4.9/5
(7 votes)

Amazed Sentence Examples

I was amazed at his reaction to a simple compliment. I am amazed that you would do that for me. Dean was amazed at the size of the crowd. I’m forever amazed at your ingenuity.

What is the meaning of amazed?

: feeling or showing great surprise or wonder was amazed to hear what had happened was too amazed to react at first wearing an amazed expression on her face.

Does amazed mean happy?

Someone who is amazed is surprised and overjoyed.

What is the meaning of amage?

Acronym. Definition. AMAGE. African Middle East Association of Gastroenterology.

What is a better word for amazed?

In this page you can discover 45 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for amazed, like: astonished, astounded, stunned, dumbfounded, astonied, flabbergast, posed, overwhelmed, awestruck, surprised and mystified.

43 related questions found

How do you express amazed?

Ways of saying that you are surprised or shocked — thesaurus

  1. funnily enough. phrase. …
  2. you don’t say. phrase. …
  3. heavens above. phrase. …
  4. Well, I never (did) phrase. …
  5. is that a fact? phrase. …
  6. you would not believe. phrase. …
  7. of all things/people/places. phrase. …
  8. now I’ve seen everything/it all. phrase.

How do you describe being amazed?

To amaze someone is to shock, surprise, and astonish them. Amazement is the emotion produced by truly unusual and surprising things.

Which part of speech is amazed?

AMAZED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

How do you say amaze me?


  1. allow me! exp. polite expression offering to do something for someone.
  2. beats me! exp. I have no idea; I don’t have a clue. …
  3. lend me your ears! exp. …
  4. You can say that again! id. …
  5. rats! id. …
  6. keep your hair on! exp. …
  7. top that! exp. …
  8. it hit me exp. it occurred to me, I suddenly thought of it, I had an idea all of a sudden.

Is amaze a real word?

verb (used with object), a·mazed, a·maz·ing. to overwhelm with surprise or sudden wonder; astonish greatly.

What is the sentence of amazed?

Amazed Sentence Examples

I was amazed at his reaction to a simple compliment. I am amazed that you would do that for me. Dean was amazed at the size of the crowd. I’m forever amazed at your ingenuity.

Is amazed positive or negative?

Yes, amazed just means very surprised. The negative/positive aspect depends on the reason. For negative matters, we’d often use a word like shocked.

What does it mean when someone says you amaze me?

@hewenguang You amaze me means that someone has really impressed you or you think that person is really special or wonderful.

What are 5 synonyms for happy?


  • cheerful.
  • contented.
  • delighted.
  • ecstatic.
  • elated.
  • glad.
  • joyful.
  • joyous.

What’s another word for maze?

In this page you can discover 47 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for maze, like: labyrinth, puzzle, entanglement, meandering, intricacy, confusion, hodgepodge, perplexity, cat’s cradle, stun and convolution.

What is a better word for Which?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for which, like: that, and which, and-that, what, whichever, who, whatever, thus, therefore, for-which and so-that.

What has the same meaning as amazed?

astonished, astounded, staggered, surprised, startled, stunned, thunderstruck, aghast, taken aback, confounded, dumbfounded, stupefied, dazed, nonplussed, dumbstruck, open-mouthed, agape, lost for words, at a loss for words, speechless, wide-eyed, awed, awestruck, wonderstruck, filled with astonishment, filled with …

What type of verb is amazed?

(transitive) To fill with wonder and surprise; to astonish, astound, surprise or perplex. [from 16th c.] (intransitive) To undergo amazement; to be astounded.

What to say when you are impressed?

Other Similar Phrases To Show You’re Impressed

  • Wow, that’s impressive!
  • Isn’t that something?
  • How’d you do that? That’s amazing!
  • Nice! ( common even though just one word)
  • You look like a million bucks! ( specifically for physical appearance)

How do you use amazing in a sentence?

  1. Modern technology is amazing, isn’t it?
  2. His amazing recovery confounded the medical specialists.
  3. You work with amazing speed.
  4. He’s an amazing player to watch.
  5. It’s amazing how quickly people adapt.
  6. Rain forests are filled with amazing creatures.
  7. It’s amazing the difference a few polite words make.

How do you show excitement in words?


  1. hooray. interjection. mainly spoken a word that you shout to show that you are excited and happy about something.
  2. aah. interjection. used for showing that you are happy, satisfied, or surprised.
  3. excellent. adjective. …
  4. lovely. adjective. …
  5. happily. adverb. …
  6. good for/on someone. phrase. …
  7. hallelujah. interjection. …
  8. good. adjective.

How do you respond to amazing?

“You’re Amazing” – 5 tips on receiving compliments and feedback

  1. Say thank you. Feedback is a gift, so always thank the person that has said the kind remarks. …
  2. Acknowledge others. …
  3. Ask for clarification. …
  4. Practice giving compliments and pay one back if merited. …
  5. Smile.

Is you never cease to amaze me grammatically correct?

It never stops amazing me is grammatically correct, as has been said. The problem is that its syntactic form is different from that of the more or less fixed expression cease to amaze me, which is why it sounds weird.

What does never fail to amaze me mean?

DEFINITIONS1. used for emphasizing that you are always impressed or surprised by a particular person or thing, even though you know them well. It never ceases to amaze me how quick email is. He never ceased to be amazed by her physical strength.

When was the word amazing first used?

The first known use of amazing was in 1593.

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