Sentence with word advantage in it

The Advantage is an American rock band from Sacramento, California that formed in 1998 and specialises in doing covers of music from old NES games, also known as Nintendocore. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Each team has about 25 games remaining, and at the top of each conference, these games will decide crucial battles for playoff seeding and homecourt advantage through the postseason.


However, the right back will be desperate to take advantage of the Brazilian’s suspension, and will be an attacking threat for Atletico to contend with.


West Ham appear to be struggling to create an atmosphere at the London Stadium and the home advantage that the Hammers used to revel in at Upton Park has dissipated since this move.


One of the advantages of personal loans is that you can get your money by the next business day.


Tax loss harvesting is still a good option if you like your fund — and can be even more of an advantage!


We ignore rebalancing (and dividend-reinvestment) frictions and tax implications, thereby giving an advantage to frequent rebalancing.


That’s always been my competitive advantage,» Vaynerchuck says.


One of the big advantages of mutual funds is the elimination or reduction of single stock risk.


Roma had their chances in the first half and early second half but they fail to to take advantage of the chances.


Per its own literature, MAIN seeks out strong management teams with established track records, entrenched industry knowledge, strong competitive advantages, and stable, positive cash flows.


Failing to invest in social risks capital, so becoming socially mature and leading by example is key for organisations, before their competition can monopolise the social advantage.


An academic expert in this area of economics, David Autor, maintains that humans will likely retain an advantage in jobs that require interpersonal interaction, flexibility, problem solving and common sense.


«Despite the near-term unfavourable outlook, New Hope remains in an enviable position to take advantage of future opportunities and to manage through this phase of the cycle,» managing director Robert Neale said in a statement.


Christians have been taking advantage with their position of authority for so long that their impositions are simply more tolerated.


For starters, home court advantage has been crucial during the NBA playoffs.


Those companies still stuck in the old, non-green ways — or those unable to turn their green initiatives into marketing advantages — could face extinction if they don’t turn it around, as both customers and employees desert them for companies that have gone green.


I was lucky to find that one of my local veggies stores has a good price on asparagus this week so I took advantage to get a couple of bunches to make my green pizza with herbed cashew cheese and this spring vegetable zoodle pasta recipe.


Similarly, banks may offer you bundled financial services or products so that you can take advantage of package prices that are less than the sum of the individual items.


Bitcoin appears to have been a convenient method of transfer of value as speculators have also taken advantage of the prevailing demand for the cryptocurrency.


If your taxable income (that is income after all deductions and exemptions) is likely to be less than $ 75,300 married, or $ 37,650 single, then take advantage of the zero percent qualified dividend and long-term capital gains rate.


North Market will be a place for the community to take advantage of its services, events and education program during one visit.


However, American schools held a decided advantage: 41 of the 50 spots — a split that reflects the EMBA programs that responded (28 American schools and eight from overseas).


Although portfolio rebalancing strategies incur transaction costs and tax liabilities, there are several distinct advantages to maintaining the desired target allocation.


Why not take advantage of our pilot plant at the Product Development Centre in Sweden to try out new recipes?


Well, one advantage to replacing the Cheap Plastic Crap bath toys with phthalate-free bath toys, is that they’re so much more expensive, you won’t have a boatload of them invading your house!


There is no company too large or too small to deploy the advantages of an automated spiral conveyor system.


A s a private-label company, Tumbador Chocolate enjoys certain advantages that chocolate brands do not, CEO Michael Altman says.


Being simultaneously positioned long and short (long relative strength and short relative weakness) while the major indices are in «no man’s land» is an ideal way to minimize risk, while taking advantage of clear divergence occurring due to institutional sector rotation as well.


What are the advantages to homebirth that you are aware of?


We can use our suffering to God’s advantage; it can have some benefits.


This recipe takes advantage of red grapefruit that’s especially flavorful in winter.


Both fabrics feel soft and smooth on the skin and look great and have their own advantages.


And if you do have the option of bringing in foreign investors, this may be to your advantage in the long run.


He also emphasised the importance of equalising Portu’s goal almost immediately, saying «They took advantage of the spaces we left.»


The goal is to make sure that children can take advantage of all of the benefits of sports participation without the risk of long-term brain injury or disease.


The first is that people who have advantages and are complacent about their situation do not usually change unless pressure is put on them by those who, because of their suffering, need to have things changed.


They could have a RARE off-day and if our players have been told» just go there and have fun, we aren’t taking this seriously» how do they go ahead and take advantage?


All these advantages, and the benefits they bring, are undeniable.


It was a stark admission from a CEO who has declared revolutionary robotic assembly as his decisive advantage over incumbent automakers.


The media has a lot of influence over consumers, and with consumers becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of eating healthy wholesome foods, it’s no surprise that supermarkets take advantage of this by drastically increasing the price of these foods!


He will be matched up with Allen and Lee and needs to find as many advantages to attack the Memphis big men as he can.


In fact, your small company has distinct competitive advantages that can put your corporate counterparts to shame.


My biggest advantage is that I’ve only required five hours of sleep a night, leaving lots of time to get more done.


This type of program can really help create a competitive advantage, for any enterprise.


We also turn down offers from lenders that we feel take advantage of small-business owners.


What market trends do you see on the horizon that could give you a similar competitive advantage?


As this federal election unfolds, Harper has all the advantages of incumbency, a huge war chest of election funds and polls that show Canadians would much prefer him to Mr. Dion as prime minister.


«It’s possible interest rates will go down,» said CIBC deputy chief economist Benjamin Tal, adding there’s a huge amount of mortgage debt already in the pipeline that was created when people took advantage of rates they were pre-approved for in the summer.


Similar to the previous day’s race, the quad had an early 4 second advantage over the other crews at the 500m mark, which they continued to extend, eventually finishing over 13 seconds ahead of Tilburg University (NED) in second place, and 36 seconds ahead of University of Heidelburg (GER) in third, in a final time of 06:56:42.


Andros Townsend’s 2nd half penalty handed Spurs the advantage in the first leg of our Capital One Cup Semi Final against Sheffield United.


преимущество, польза, плюс, перевес, способствовать, благоприятствовать


- преимущество; превосходство

the advantages of a good education — преимущества хорошего образования
to gain /to get, to score, to win/ an advantage of /over/ smb. — добиться преимущества /взять верх/ над кем-л.; оказаться в лучшем положении, чем кто-л.
to give /to provide, to confer on, to offer/ no unilateral advantage to either side — дип., воен. не давать преимущества ни одной из сторон
to take advantage of smb. — а) обмануть /перехитрить/ кого-л.; б) эксплуатировать кого-л.

- выгода; польза; выигрыш (в чём-л.)

- спорт. преимущество в счёте (в теннисе после счёта «поровну»)

advantage game — игра, выигранная в партии после счёта по пяти
advantage in — «больше» у подающего
to take smb. at advantage — захватить кого-л. врасплох
you have the advantage of me — а) вы меня знаете, а я вас нет; б) вы знаете что-то такое, что мне неизвестно


- давать преимущество; благоприятствовать; способствовать; приносить пользу, выгоду

to advantage agriculture — способствовать развитию сельского хозяйства
such action will advantage our cause — такие действия обеспечат успех нашего дела /пойдут на пользу нашему делу/

Мои примеры


the contention that the royal family took advantage of the young Diana’s naivety — утверждение о том, что королевская семья воспользовалась наивностью молодой Дианы  
e-mail scams that take advantage of unwary computer users — мошенники, работающие по электронной почте, которые пользуются доверчивостью компьютерных пользователей  
Worms take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers. — Вирусы-черви пользуются возможностью автоматической отправки и получения файлов, которая есть на многих компьютерах.  
unfair advantage — незаслуженное преимущество  
great / definite advantage over smb. — большое, явное преимущество над кем-л.  
advantage server, advantage in — «больше» у подающего  
to advantage the economy of the country — способствовать развитию экономики страны  
take advantage of — извлечь выгоду из  
gain advantage — получить преимущество, добиться преимущества  
offer advantage — обеспечить преимущество  
competitive advantage — эк.; полит. конкурентное преимущество  
dubious advantage — сомнительное преимущество  
fundamental advantage — основное преимущество  

Примеры с переводом

It turned out to my advantage.

Это обернулось мне на пользу.

Our team had the advantage of experience.

У нашей команды было преимущество, так как у нас было больше опыта.

The big advantage of this system is that it is fast.

Большое преимущество этой системы в том, что она быстрая.

Can’t you see (that) he’s taking advantage of you?

Как вы не понимаете, что он использует вас?

His height gives him an advantage over the other players.

Его рост дает ему преимущество перед другими игроками.

This system advantages the rich.

Эта система благоприятствует богатым.

Younger workers tend to be at an advantage when applying for jobs.

Молодые работники, как правило, имеют преимущество при приёме на работу.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The system has the added advantage of recordable DVD drives.

Businesses manoeuvred to have their industry organized to their own advantage.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disadvantage  — невыгодное положение, неудобство, ущерб, причинять ущерб
advantageous  — выгодный, полезный, благоприятный
advantaged  — обладающий преимуществом, имеющий превосходство

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): advantage
мн. ч.(plural): advantages

Sentences with the word Advantage?



  • «it turned out to my advantage«; «reaping the rewards of generosity»
  • «the experience gave him the advantage over me»
  • «that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble»- Edmund Burke; «taking a mean advantage«; «chok’d with ambition of the meaner sort»- Shakespeare; «something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics»
  • «cutthroat competition»; «bowelless readiness to take advantage«
  • «he is capitalizing on her mistake»; «she took advantage of his absence to meet her lover»
  • «were convinced that it would be to their advantage to join»; «I am positive he is lying»; «was confident he would win»
  • «a discriminatory tax»; «preferential tariff rates»; «preferential treatment»; «a preferential shop gives priority or advantage to union members in hiring or promoting»
  • «indirect benefits»; «an indirect advantage«
  • «he took advantage of the lowness of interest rates»
  • «he taught me to set up the men on the chess board»; «he sacrificed a piece to get a strategic advantage«
  • «being in office already gives a candidate a great advantage«; «during his first year in office»; «during his first year in power»; «the power of the president»
  • «they took advantage of her simplicity»
  • «You are taking advantage of my good will!»; «She is trespassing upon my privacy»
  • «used unfair methods»; «it was an unfair trial»; «took an unfair advantage«
  • «an unhoped-for piece of luck»; «an unthought advantage«; «an unthought-of place to find the key»
  • «worms take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers»
  • «it is wrong for the rich to take advantage of the poor»; «cheating is wrong»; «it is wrong to lie»

Definition of Advantage

a condition or circumstance that gives someone a greater chance of success

Examples of Advantage in a sentence

The thief took advantage of the light security on New Year’s Eve to empty every cash register in the mall.


The towering giant had a decided advantage on the court, especially since he could dunk with his feet touching the ground!


Because Abigail had subbed for the first-grade, she considered herself at an advantage when compared to the others candidates vying for the same teaching position.


After goofing off in college, Mike regretted having not taken advantage of the opportunities that had presented themselves.


Sue is a particularly mean person who likes to take advantage of people’s weaknesses whenever the opportunity presents itself.


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Benefits are generally gifts or results.


The company gives you benefits for working there, and if you do really well, you’ll be given a bonus as a benefit.

If you go through with this plan, it could benefit some people.

We’re holding a benefit concert, the proceeds from ticket sales will go to benefit children in hospitals.

Advantages, which can include some benefits, are not always gifts.


One advantage to this plan is that it doesn’t cost as much money.

He had many advantages from birth, being the son of an accomplished and rich business man, growing up with the future captains of industry, that propelled him to create something great.

The battle turned and pushed Don Quixote uphill, and he cried out «Now I have the advantage! I have the upper ground!» He proceeded to fight his way back down the hill.

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