Sentence with word admire

(1) A fool always finds a bigger fool to admire him. 

(2) If the eye do no admire, the heart will not desire. 

(3) When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. 

(4) He stepped back to admire the painting.

(5) I admire you for it.

(6) I really admire your enthusiasm.

(7) I admire her for her bravery.

(8) He is a noble man, we all admire him.

(9) We admire his working so hard.

(10) I admire her dedication to the job.

(11) She embodies everything I admire in a teacher.

(12) I admire her boundless energy.

(13) We admire his continuance of work.

(14) I admire her for her perseverance.

(15) She never ceased to admire the stoical courage of those in Northern Ireland.

(16) You had to admire the slick presentation of last night’s awards ceremony.

(17) Walk down Castle Street and admire our little jewel of a cathedral.

(18) He pretends to admire me, though privately he hates me.

(19) I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing.

(20) You have to admire the way he handled the situation.

(21) I don’t agree with her, but I admire her for sticking to her principles.

(22) You have to admire the sheer vitality of his performance.

(23) I admire the effective use of colour in her paintings.

(24) I admire the way she is able to shrug off unfair criticism.

(25) I really admire the way she brings up those kids all on her own.

(26) He felt a glow of pride as people stopped to admire his garden.

(27) They stopped at the top of the hill to admire the scenery.

(28) Search for knowledge, read more, sit on your front porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs.

(29) For all you mean to me each day,for all the happiness you bring my way,for the love and the memories we share,for you beauty I admire always,I’m hoping your birthday is the nicest in the world!

(30) Susannah put down the paintbrush and stood back to admire her handiwork.

We too often admire those buildings.
Мы слишком часто восхищаемся такими зданиями.

All these are things I admire.
Именно эти черты меня восхищают.

As we ascend the stairs to this Hall, we can admire two impressive murals depicting war and peace, well-being and poverty.
Когда мы поднимаемся по лестнице, ведущей в этот зал, мы имеем возможность любоваться двумя волнующими стенными росписями, изображающими картины войны и мира, процветания и нищеты.

Now we may not agree with what religions are trying to teach us, but we can admire the institutional way in which they’re doing it.
Мы можем не соглашаться с тем, чему религии пытаются нас учить, но мы не можем не восторгаться тем, как методично они это делают.

Now the question is, how to get the suckers out to this wilderness so they can admire your landscaping, Duke.
Теперь вопрос в том, как вывести лопухов к этому пустынному месту чтобы они могли полюбоваться твоей работой, Дюк.

And the sunset will be so beautiful, I’ll have to get off my horse to admire it.
Закат будет так красив, что я сойду с лошади, чтобы им налюбоваться.

Tell him I know the demons are real and I admire his courage for standing and speaking against them.
Скажите я знаю, что Демоны реальны и я преклоняюсь перед тем что он отважился их обличить.

And these are people we admire.
И именно этими людьми мы восхищаемся.

It creates a vibrant, energetic community where people admire and respect each other.
Это создает яркое, энергичное сообщество, в котором люди восхищают и уважают друг друга.

To admire another man’s wife is a pleasant thing, but sensual desire indulged for its own sake is greed, a kind of gluttony, and a misuse of something sacred, which is given to us so that we may choose the one person with whom to fulfill our humanness.
Любоваться чужой женой приятно, но предаваться чувственному желанию — это порок, своего рода чревоугодие, и злоупотребление чем-то священным, что нам дано, так что мы должны выбирать одного человека, с которым будем реализовывать свою человечность.

Are we really supposed to admire and love modern monarchies, such as the British House of Windsor, even more so today, just because some new princess has been plucked from the middle class?
Предполагается ли, что мы должны восторгаться и любить современные монархии, такими как английская монархия династии Виндзоров, еще больше сегодня лишь за то, что некоторые из новых принцесс были «выдернуты» из среднего класса?

You have to admire their fearlessness.
Вы должны восхищаться их бесстрашие.

There is certainly much for us British to admire in Ireland today: its economic growth, its cultural renaissance in literature and music, its appeal to immigrants from around the world, who now comprise 17% of the country’s population.
Нас, британцев, конечно, многое восхищает сегодня в Ирландии: её экономический рост, её культурный ренессанс в литературе и музыке, её привлекательность для иммигрантов всего мира, которые сейчас составляют 17% населения страны.

Later in his life, Sun came to admire another foreign political model, Leninism, because of its ability to generate party discipline, underscoring his merely instrumental embrace of republicanism as the most promising new political technology to deploy in the service of China’s essence.
В поздние годы своей жизни Сунь начал восторгаться другой иностранной политической моделью — ленинизмом, поскольку там предусматривалась партийная дисциплина. Тем самым, он показал, что его положительное отношение к республиканизму носит чисто утилитарный характер, поскольку Сунь считал его самой многообещающей политической технологией, которую можно поставить на службу Китаю.

I admire you for your courage.
Я восхищен твоей отвагой.

I do admire the girl’s pluck.
Я восхищаюсь мужеством этой девушки.

You almost have to admire the cynicism.
Таким цинизмом просто нельзя не восхищаться.

One has to admire the sheer Promethean ingenuity.
Нельзя не восхититься поистине Прометеевой искусностью.

May I just say that I admire your chivalry?
Могу только сказать, что восхищаюсь твоей галантностью?

You know that I admire your powers of observation.
Вы знаете, я восхищаюсь вашей наблюдательностью.


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Whoever watches this will admire the writer’s imagination.

Тот, кто наблюдает за этим, будет восхищаться воображением писателя.

And each year I admire her more.

Более того, с каждым годом восхищаюсь все сильнее.

Unfortunately no one can today admire its internal treasures.

К сожалению, никто не может сегодня полюбоваться его внутренними сокровищами.

I also admire the occasional reproduction.

They possess a special charm which makes people admire them.

Они обладают особым обаянием и харизмой, благодаря которым люди восхищаются ими.

Even those who have no formal religious belief admire and respect him.

Даже те, кто не имеет никакой формальной религиозной веры, восхищаются и уважают его.

Qualities of people you admire always work as motivation.

Качества людей, которыми вы восхищаетесь, всегда работает как мотивация.

Even the most successful people you admire face obstacles everyday.

Даже самые успешные люди, которыми вы восхищаетесь, сталкиваются с препятствиями каждый день.

I made the decision last week to go where people admire success.

Я принял это решение на прошлой неделе, мы поедем туда, где люди восхищаются успехом.

Sadly, our societies often admire those serving such idols.

И к сожалению, наше общество часто восхищается теми, кто служит таким идолам.

Remember that you admire this person because you respect their thought leadership.

Помните, что вы восхищаетесь этим человеком, потому что уважаете его мыслительное лидерство.

Tell your children about the women you admire most.

Расскажите своим детям о женщинах, которыми вы восхищаетесь больше всего.

Other women I greatly admire did this experiment with me.

Женщины, которыми я восхищаюсь, провели этот эксперимент вместе со мной.

Just like we admire those who climb mountains and do other dangerous sports.

Наверное, так же, как мы восхищаемся людьми, которые покоряют горы и занимаются другим опасным спортом.

Usually we only praise heartily those who admire us.

От всей души мы обыкновенно хвалим тех, кто восхищается нами.

Most people admire nature in some form.

Большинство людей восхищаются природой в той или иной форме.

My father is the entrepreneur I admire most.

Как я уже говорил, он тот предприниматель, которым я восхищаюсь больше всего.

Each of us has heroes we admire.

У каждого из нас есть кумиры, которыми мы восхищаемся.

Some admire her abstractions, others esteem her figurative works.

Одни из них восхищаются ее абстракциями, другие предпочитают ее фигуративные работы.

Let her know you admire her.

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восхищаться, любоваться, восторгаться, выражать восторг


- восхищаться, восторгаться; любоваться

to admire smb. — восхищаться кем-л.
I admire him for his courage — я восхищаюсь его мужеством
to admire a baby — любоваться младенцем

- часто ирон. удивляться, изумляться

I admire your nerve! — ну и наглец же ты!; можно только удивляться твоему нахальству!

- амер., диал. желать, хотеть

I should admire to have you all go along — мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы все тоже пошли

Мои примеры


them I do not admire — вот ими-то я отнюдь не восхищаюсь  
admire to one’s hearts content — налюбоваться  
admire a baby — любоваться младенцем  
admire landscape — любоваться природой; любоваться видом  
admire the landscape — любоваться природой; любоваться видом  
he stood back to admire the picture — он отошёл назад, чтобы полюбоваться картиной  

Примеры с переводом

I admire his honesty.

Я восхищаюсь его честностью.

I admire her gritty determination to succeed.

Я восхищаюсь ее твердой решимостью добиться успеха.

I admire his stubborn refusal.

Я восхищаюсь его решительным отказом.

They all admired his behaving in that manner.

Все восхищались таким его поведением.

I admire the precision of her work.

Я восхищаюсь точностью /аккуратностью/ её работы.

We gazed out the window and admired the scenery.

Мы смотрели в окно и любовалась пейзажем.

I admire her artistic integrity.

Я восхищаюсь её художественной целостностью.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Purcell even flouted the timeless protocol of pretending to admire the work of his fellow editors.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

admirable  — замечательный, восхитительный, превосходный, очаровательный
admiral  — адмирал, флагманский корабль
admirer  — поклонник, обожатель, ухажер
admired  — почитаемый, возлюбленный
admiring  — восхищенный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: admire
he/she/it: admires
ing ф. (present participle): admiring
2-я ф. (past tense): admired
3-я ф. (past participle): admired

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word admire, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use admire in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «admire».

Admire in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word admire in a sentence.

  1. I cannot admire their performances.

  2. Being a boy is what the girls admire.».

  3. Many young hip-hop fans greatly admire her.».

  4. The people on the streets admire the family of ducks.

  5. I am thankful I can see much to admire in all religions.

  6. Scobie sent word stating «Well done, I admire your spirit».

  7. Anyone who cares for sheer efficiency must admire his work».

  8. The only way you can admire and respect a great driver and friend.

  9. I don’t have time to worry about who I admire or who I identify with.

  10. Others admire her effort to preserve Malagasy traditions and independence.

  11. But we made a good movie.» Ford said of Scott in 2000: «I admire his work.

  12. Hanna had come to admire McKinley; the two men shared many political views.

  13. Hanna came to admire McKinley and became a friend and close adviser to him.

  14. Additionally, the public was slow to admire the gold Oregon Pioneer atop the dome.

  15. She was, however, said to admire Blair’s efforts to achieve peace in Northern Ireland.

  16. We shall probably not equal his behaviour, but we admire him for pointing out the way.».

  17. Here we no longer have the impalpable texture of musical poetry that we admire in Orfeo.».

  18. And they admire the Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it.

  19. He commented, «I admire deeply the works of Richard Wagner in spite of their bizarre character.

  20. Sherman was distantly related to American founding father Roger Sherman and grew to admire him.

  21. The show’s writers admire Grammer’s singing voice, and try to include a song for each appearance.

  22. This rancid-smelling aphrodisiac I deplore.» Asked for a response, Presley said, «I admire the man.

  23. At the time, Lichtenstein noted that «the things that I have apparently parodied I actually admire.».

  24. Few would admire the work for painterly flourishes, such is its horrific force and its lack of theatricality.

  25. The author Rita Severis has compared his painting with the watercolours of Turner, whom he was known to admire.

  26. Try a smile.» He also came to greatly admire Captain Gibbons, along with his platoon sergeant, Sergeant Whinney.

  27. The show’s writers admire Grammer’s singing voice and include a song for each appearance, including this episode.

  28. Gawain and Arthur admire the axe, hang it up as a trophy, and encourage Guinevere to treat the whole matter lightly.

  29. There is the story of the woman who read Hamlet for the first time and said, «I don’t see why people admire that play so.

  30. Nevertheless, poet and critic John Dryden rated Shakespeare highly, saying of Jonson, «I admire him, but I love Shakespeare».

  31. Despite their political differences, Waugh came to admire George Orwell, because of their shared patriotism and sense of morality.

  32. Writing for New York magazine, David Edelstein called upon viewers to admire «the shading and intelligence she brings to Cassidy».

  33. Now lots of girls I’ve had to jilt,For they admire the way I’m built,It’s a good job I don’t wear a kilt,When I’m cleaning windows!

  34. When it erects the feathers of its neck, it makes a beautiful ruff about its head, which it seems to admire, as a peacock its tail.

  35. When asked which botanists in history he did admire, he cited John Lindley, Carolus Clusius (1526–1609) and Olof Swartz (1760–1818).

  36. Some contemporary scholars call Pericles a populist, a demagogue and a hawk, while other scholars admire his charismatic leadership.

  37. This attention to detail had its critics: Agate remarked, «When I look at a watch it is to see the time and not to admire the mechanism.

  38. He told the crowd that «Everyone, I think, must admire the grace and simplicity of this fountain which the genius of Lutyens has designed.

  39. I admire her straightforward, unpretentious approach to cookery.» For Dickson Wright, «she is one of the greats of English food history.».

  40. The curtain falls before a yawning and weary audience.» But others found much to admire in the work, despite the poor opening performance.

  41. From this vantage point, the owners of Belton could admire the perfect symmetry of their avenues and formal gardens spreading from the house.

  42. He became friends with Zappa in the 1980s, and said, «I admire everything Frank does, because he practically created the new musical millennium.

  43. I really like and admire her tenacity and I wish her the best.» In 2020, McGowan clarified her comments: «It’s not like I’m raging at Ben Affleck.

  44. Although the King was initially suspicious of Churchill’s character and motives, in due course both the King and Queen came to respect and admire him.

  45. According to Jaafar, «100% of Malaysians respect and admire Lat, and see a Malaysian truth, whether he is drawing a policeman, teachers, or hookers.».

  46. The Daily Alta California in May 1850 reprinted a piece from an unnamed Eastern newspaper, which said of the new piece, «we cannot say that we admire it ..

  47. On April 2, Moore wrote to Keck, advising him to get rid of both, and to put in place of the building a catamount, which would make a coin one could admire.

  48. In his later years he said to the actor Simon Callow, «I do admire people like you and Ian McKellen for coming out, but I can’t be doing with that myself.».

  49. Nonetheless, he thought it regrettable than a real-world musician had not been cast, especially as he considered it unlikely that Tamsin would admire Parsons.

  50. During his stay, he wrote that he grew to admire the Jewish inhabitants of the area, and he became a strong supporter and advocate for Israel when he became a Senator.

Synonyms for admire

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word admire has the following synonyms: look up to.

General information about «admire» example sentences

The example sentences for the word admire that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «admire» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «admire».

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