Sentence with word achievement

Achievement (1864–1872) was a British Thoroughbred racehorse and broodmare. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

For a movie that proceeds in a mediocre way, this surely was a great achievement.


Outcomes from the Knowledge in Action (KIA) project-based learning (PBL) Advanced Placement (AP) course (s) were compared with outcomes from traditionally taught AP courses among student groups who were matched for school-level achievement and socioeconomic status.


The researchers summarized studies that related particular art forms to specific types of academic achievement through the powerful statistical technique of meta-analysis, a method common in such fields as medicine and public health.


Once again, the answer is not to lower aspirations, but to recognise that the best way to assist students to reach high standards is to target assessments and teaching on current levels of achievement.


The award for career achievement in acting will be known as the Sidney Poitier Life Achievement Award, named for the iconic Oscar-winner who blazed a trail as one of the preeminent actors of his generation.


While not quite as rich as his previous film The Lobster, this is still a remarkable achievement in its ability to play it straight and still present darker than dark material in a way that is perversely comedic.


Despite these achievements, our financial performance did not meet the challenging targets established by the CNGC at the beginning of fiscal 2015.


It honours his ballsy achievements — gathering and publishing explosive political and corporate documents — and tries, weakly, to find some explanation in his childhood.


But she’s already notched a lifetime of achievements.


No, it wasn’t the year’s very best performance, but the Academy wanted to recognise his achievement beyond the tokenistic Best Foreign Film award.


And as we discover, reading even a menu is a major achievement, if the light is very dim.


The Minister who addressed a press conference in Lagos on Sunday said Nigerians must understand that IPOB was not set up to fight for the right of anyone or group, but as a tool to destabilize the nation, divert attention from the efforts of the Buhari Administration and obliterate the laudable achievements of the Government.


A Boston school does its part to close the achievement gap while helping students develop respectful minds.


«We applaud this latest achievement of our many Penn State scientists and students who have helped to build and are helping to develop this innovative new technology and its system of international collaboration among many research teams worldwide,» said Nicholas P. Jones, Penn State’s Executive Vice President and Provost.


New empirical work, using better data (e.g., that enable researchers to estimate the relative impact of factors affecting student achievement growth from year to year) and more-sophisticated statistical techniques has, in broad terms, reinforced the Coleman Report conclusion that teacher quality is the most important schooling variable.


Throughout all of his endeavors, Jamie has shown tenacity for artistic achievement that may be his defining trait.


Skyfall isn’t Newman’s greatest work, but let’s consider this Oscar a glorified lifetime achievement award.


It’s important to note that the countries which regularly kick our butts in achievement haven’t experienced the non-teacher employee hiring explosion that we have.


Singleton’s achievement was indeed a major milestone in the history of black film.


«On a personal level yoga has been instructive in helping me redefine my expectations for achievement.


At Lesbianist, we are never completely satisfied with our achievement to date, so please feel free to click here and send in any suggestions on how we can improve our site to better meet your needs.


Babalola said that Mimiko’s achievements and policies had been able to bridge the gap between the privileged and the less privileged.


We are proud to report that our progress in 2014 (when combined with our achievements since 2012) has resulted in meeting and exceeding this goal by 20 percent.


I’d call that a substantial achievement.


Never advertise your achievements upfront.


And when a school’s members function as a PLC and are truly collaborative and reflective, then student achievement will soar.


The Telstra Business Women’s Awards give outstanding business women in Asia the chance to reflect on their achievements, set bold new goals for the future and build exciting relationships with an extensive Alumni community across Asia and Australia.


It is seen in the fight that Leigh Kendall has demonstrated for the past three years since Hugo was born, in her ability to hold true to who she is, and be proud of her own achievements and fight, like really fight, like no other.


We now know, based on the pioneering research work of William Sanders and others, that this is simply not the case, that there are more variations in student achievement between classrooms in a school than between schools in a district or between school districts and that the decisive input is the quality of instruction in the classroom.


«However, signing this bill would jeopardize the State’s achievements by sending a clear signal that New York is a haven for entities intent on breaking other states» laws, avoiding other states» legitimately imposed taxes and regulations, and selling to minors with impunity.»


Join us in celebrating the achievements of these renowned actors and actresses on Friday night of the Festival.


Even cataclysmic events and personalities may produce unintended achievements and contribute towards the common good.


Such a read of the history of slavery obscures its long, slow death in medieval Western Christendom and the dramatic revival of the institution in the service of the signature economic achievement of liberal modernity, the capitalist world market.


That’s probably why I’m so down on Thibs especially and also in the achievement of this team so far.


An ad touting President Donald Trump’s achievements in his first 100 days was rejected by CNN because it contained a graphic that accused the mainstream media of «fake news.»


The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) on Monday hailed President Muhammadu Buhari’s achievements in the war against corruption and in the agricultural sector.


This award promotes and recognises outstanding environmental achievement in the Western Australian resources industry.


A federal report highlights charter schools that are using effective methods to close the achievement gaps between low-income, minority, and special education students and their peers.


What of the achievements of Catholic scientists?


Indeed, SPI has also marketed consistently, though perhaps with a tin ear, to the gay community, including sponsoring gay pride events internationally, and creating short «documentaries» about the challenges and achievements of «ordinary» LGBT people.


Other strategies LACES faculty has used include participating in district-supported site leadership for closing the achievement gap; designing opportunities for teacher collaboration around increasingly common assessments; and offering professional development for highly differentiated instruction, noted the California Best Practices Study.


Honestly, making yogurt in Instant Pot was a dream-come-true achievement for me.


As with the IQ scores, the relations between breastfeeding and achievement scores were significant after inclusion of social class and maternal education but not after inclusion of maternal IQ and the HOME scores.


Those involved can be proud of the achievements, but we must not allow ourselves to be mesmerised by them.


Americans are success-oriented, and they value education as the prime road to vocational achievement.


The PIRLS 2016 results and questionnaire also revealed that higher levels of enjoyment of reading are associated with higher levels of achievement, so long as students have books in the home.


CHICAGO — It’s been more than a year since Paul Tough’s best-selling book «How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character» revolutionized how we think of achievement.


Frankly, there have such a vast pool of players who could have been great (Ramsey, Wilshere, Ox, Gibbs, Walcott to name a few) in our team but wasted away in their development, that it makes me think if they are in fact ordinary or their is a systemic flaw in our system under Wenger preventing the desired development and peak potential achievement in the ling run.


Policy achievements — such as the pupil premium, free school meals, the increase in the tax allowance and so on — tend to be in micro areas of public policy that are invisible to most voters.


They will take the opportunity to apprise the Deputy Prime Minister about Ghana’s recent macroeconomic development and achievement and the poise for economic transformation.


(1) Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life. 

(2) It was unkind to denigrate her achievement.

(3) This was no mean achievement for the government.

(4) Reaching this agreement so quickly was a great achievement.

(5) Getting both sides to agree was a notable achievement.

(6) You can be justly proud of your achievement.

(7) I rank her achievement very highly.

(8) I warmly congratulated him on the marvellous achievement.

(9) We use standardized tests to measure scholastic achievement.

(10) It is indeed a remarkable achievement.

(11) His most significant political achievement was the abolition of the death penalty.

(12) It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player.

(13) Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you’ve set for yourself . To be the person[ ], you want to be ——that is success .

(14) His achievement gratified his.

(15) This conference in itself constitutes a solid achievement.

(16) He has an impressive record of achievement.

(17) We mustn’t belittle her outstanding achievement.

(18) Success should not be measured solely by educational achievement.

(19) It’s a remarkable achievement for the company.

(20) Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. 

(21) There is a close connection between family background and academic achievement.

(22) Let freedom reign. The sun never set on so glorious a human achievement.

(23) Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money. It lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.

(24) We are very happy to learn that you have successfully passed the college entrance examination this year and have been admitted into Beijing University with honor.Allow us to offer our most sincere congratulations on this happy occasion and wish you greater achievement in your college education.

(25) In the 1860s, Tolstoy was at the zenith of his achievement.

(26) Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement.

(27) She was deflated when Fen made no comment on her achievement.

(28) Flying across the Pacific for the first time was a great achievement.

(29) Congratulations upon having received your Doctorate in Philosophy.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part, and it is an achievement you can well be proud of.I am sure, from the fine record, that you will be equally successful in whatever career you pursue.

(30) To interest my heart and soul in my work, and aspire to the highest efficiency in the achievement of results. To be patiently receptive of just criticism and profit from its teaching.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Achievement involves all four areas, and success means finding balance in the four areas.

Однако достижение включает в себя все четыре области, а успех означает найти баланс в четырех областях.

Unforgettable Achievement and on the reverse Star of Victory 1941 .

Незабываемое достижение», и на реверсе на английском — «Звезда Победы 1941».

Great Achievement for a small team.

Это огромный успех для маленькой команды.

«A Landmark Achievement for Human Rights: The Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Assembly and Association,» September 30, 2010.

«Знаменательный успех для прав человека: специальный докладчик на свободе собраний и ассоциации», 30 сентября 2010.

Achievement scholarships, as the name implies, go to good achievers.

Стипендии за высокую успеваемость присуждаются, как видно из их названия, хорошо успевающим студентам.

Achievement gaps are greatest towards universal completion of secondary education.

(с) Разрыв в успеваемости является самым большим в плане всеобщего завершения среднего образования.

Achievement: contribution to issues of civil society funding.

Достижение: вклад в решение вопросов, связанных с финансированием гражданского общества.

Achievement for you most likely comes through your personal expression.

Достижение для вас, скорее всего, идет путем привлечения вашей изобретательской экспрессии.

Achievement comes when we get what we want.

Успех — это когда мы достигаем того, что хотим.

Achievement boosts your self-confidence by making you feel more competent.

Достижения укрепляют вашу уверенность в себе, помогая вам чувствовать себя более компетентным.

Achievement in judo any skill level can take different amounts of time.

Достижение в дзюдо любой квалификации может занимать разное количество времени.

Achievement is more meaningful when it springs from a base of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Успех более значителен, если он основан на физическом, эмоциональном и духовном благополучии.

Achievement or non-achievement of the goals of the annual plan is monitored at the six-monthly or mid-point progress review.

Контроль за достижением целей годового плана осуществляется на этапе шестимесячного или среднесрочного обзора хода осуществления.

Asylum seeker children may also benefit from the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant.

Дети лиц, ищущих убежища, могут также получать субсидии по линии грантов для улучшения школьной успеваемости детей этнических меньшинств.

We fixed a bug that could prevent some players from leaving the Achievement Room.

Мы исправили ошибку, которая может помешать некоторым игрокам покинуть Зал достижений.

Moreover, the second time in 250 years Russia again seizes the crimea and terribly proud of this «Achievement«.

Более того, второй раз за 250 лет, Россия опять овладевает Крымом и страшно гордится этим «достижением«.

Reading was the first university to win a Queen’s Award for Export Achievement, in 1989.

Рединг был первым университетом, получившим премию королевы за достижения в области экспорта в 1989 году.

Achievement Motivation: These athletes wish to engage in competition or social comparison.

Мотивация достижения: Эти спортсмены хотят участвовать в соревнованиях или социальных сравнениях.

Winner of five BAFTAs, including Game Design and Artistic Achievement.

Обладатель пяти наград BAFTA, в том числе за игровой дизайн и художественные достижения.

Not surprisingly, the site has received the Achievement in Customer Excellence (ACE) award for five years in a row.

Неудивительно, что сайт получал награду «Достижение в награждении клиентов» (АСЕ) пять лет подряд.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Achievement

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Achievement?



  • «variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors»; «the discovered behavior norms»; «discovered differences in achievement«; «no explanation for the observed phenomena»
  • «such an enormous response was astonishing»; «an astounding achievement«; «the amount of money required was staggering»; «suffered a staggering defeat»; «the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying»
  • «the actual attained achievement test score»
  • «took a battery of achievement tests»
  • «the eclat of a great achievement«
  • «extraordinary authority»; «an extraordinary achievement«; «her extraordinary beauty»; «enjoyed extraordinary popularity»; «an extraordinary capacity for work»; «an extraordinary session of the legislature»
  • «a fantastic trip to the Orient»; «the film was fantastic!»; «a howling success»; «a marvelous collection of rare books»; «had a rattling conversation about politics»; «a tremendous achievement«
  • «an illustrious achievement«
  • «the problem with achievement tests is the narrowness they impose on students»; «the attraction of the book is precisely its narrowness of focus»; «frustrated by the narrowness of people’s horizons»
  • «a noteworthy fact is that her students rarely complain»; «a noteworthy advance in cancer research»; «a remarkable achievement«; «a notable increase in the crime rate»
  • «a precocious child»; «a precocious achievement«
  • «an achievement that puts everything else in the shade»; «his brother’s success left him in the shade»
  • «the ultimate achievement«; «the ultimate question»; «man’s ultimate destiny»; «the ultimate insult»; «one’s ultimate goal in life»

How to use achievement in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «achievement» and check conjugation/comparative form for «achievement«. Mastering all the usages of «achievement» from sentence examples published by news publications.

The film ultimately scored four nominations — achievement in sound mixing, achievement in sound editing, achievement in film editing and best picture.
Aside from that, it’s also nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay, Achievement in Production Design, Best Original Song, Achievement in Costume Design, Best Original Score, Achievement in Sound Editing, and Achievement in Sound Mixing.
We celebrate achievement, but we make achievement possible with opportunity.
That’s because that was not my achievement, but rather the curators’ and MoMA’s achievement.
Achievement Hunter, a Rooster Teeth channel, focuses on comedy style gaming videos and achievement guides.
The movie took home three Academy Awards in 2019: Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures (Original Score), Best Achievement in Costume Design, and Best Achievement in Production Design.
If the achievement is hidden, hit square to reveal what the achievement wants you to do.
Here’s a few achievements from my career (something for you to work off of): [ACHIEVEMENT 1] [ACHIEVEMENT 2] [ACHIEVEMENT 3] If there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know.
«Mastery of early math skills predicts not only future math achievement, it also predicts future reading achievement
Robert De Niro is set to receive the SAG Life Achievement Award for career achievement and humanitarian accomplishment.
The general knowledge and science achievement gaps in kindergarten were even larger than the reading or mathematics achievement gaps.
Duckworth breaks it down very simply why grit works: Talent x effort = skill Skill x effort = achievement It’s all about achievement.
Low-income students’ achievement improves in integrated schools, and contrary to many parental concerns, middle-class students’ achievement does not suffer.
Factors that helped explain science achievement gaps included children’s reading and mathematics achievement, their behavior and, most importantly, their general knowledge.
Perhaps most intriguing, increased spending correlated with a widening of the achievement gap: The most consistent relationship between schooling characteristics and achievement gaps is the positive association between per pupil instructional expenditures and achievement gaps; in areas with greater spending, even after controlling for between state differences, achievement gaps tend to be larger than in those with lower spending.
Who should win: Bong Joon Ho — «Parasite»While «1917» is an astonishing technical achievement, «Parasite» is the artistic achievement of the decade.
I certainly think every inch of this film shows it was a true American achievement, but it was also a human achievement.
The quest to «close achievement gaps» is vain indeed when the measure of achievement is a test based on a statistical norm.
This is a remarkable achievement — and it’s the only achievement the Democrats can claim since blowing their «sure thing» election in 2016.
We have enjoyed 60 years without nuclear weapons exploded in anger…what a stunning achievement—or, if not achievement, what stunning good fortune!
There’s no sense of achievement in succeeding at the same simple task over and over again — achievement requires learning, developing, and pushing yourself.
» He also wrote: «Achievement tests may well be valuable indicators of general school achievement under conditions of normal teaching aimed at general competence.
This remarkable scientific achievement, carried out in the middle of the Cold War, is arguably the greatest public health achievement of all time.
The key to higher achievement via the growth mindset lies in focusing on process more than ability, and has quantifiable results for achievement.
But then student progress sped up again; math achievement growth is back where it was before the reforms, and English achievement growth is higher.
Children’s general knowledge was a stronger predictor of third grade science achievement than race/ethnicity, reading or mathematics achievement, classroom behavior or family income.
In 1999, he received the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award and less than a decade later, in 2007, he won the ZEE Cine Lifetime Achievement Award.
But the Iran deal wasn’t just an American achievement, it was and is the world’s achievement to end a nuclear threat and avoid a war.
«The notion of a woman hero is a fine example of women’s eagerness to accept the appearance of achievement without actual achievement,» the email read.
«Achievement is achievement, regardless of whether or not there is a screen credit,» the group said, in reference to those who work steadily but without credit.
The Achievement First University Prep High School, one of several Achievement First public charter schools in Bushwick, serves about 275 students from Grades 9 through 12.
She is also the recipient of the Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award, and she has been inducted into the Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Hall of Fame.
Step 4’s Goal Pursuit & Achievement Process is the hardest part because it requires that you: Each of these two Goal Pursuit & Achievement Processes requires effort.
That is a huge achievement — for me, as a researcher who focuses on growth and inequality, maybe the biggest achievement of all in the past two centuries.
The exhibit makes a great achievement in filmmaking look less like a cinematic U.F.O. and more like, well, an achievement — the product of ingenuity, talent and tenacity.
L.S.U. football has long served as a measure of achievement in a state that has struggled with poverty, educational achievement, cancer rates, infant mortality and political chicanery.
One troubling conclusion: «We argue that heat effects account for up to 13 percent of the U.S. racial achievement gap, both because black and Hispanic students live in hotter places than white students and because heat damages minority students’ achievement more than white students’ achievement,» the paper notes.
Liu Chuanzhi, founder of Lenovo and chairman of Legend Holdings The Lifetime Achievement award recognizes business pioneers for their achievement, innovative spirit and contributions to Asia’s evolving business landscape.
That’s why the Campaign for Black Male Achievement (CBMA) has spent the last decade working to close the achievement gap and improve life outcomes for black men and boys.
Dishonored 2 offers the «Ghostly» achievement for completing an entire mission without being spotted, while the «Shadow» achievement is for those who can avoid detection for the entire game.
Being somewhat less irritable is not the kind of achievement that people usually look to religion for, but it may be as good an achievement as we ought to expect.
«Rogue One: A Star Wars Story» was released in December 2016 and was nominated for two 2017 Academy Awards: Best Achievement in Sound Mixing and Best Achievement in Visual Effects.
More than that, «a genuine achievement in criticism is an achievement in creation»–her own prose being the case that proved her point, if not quite in the way she meant.
Lowell’s long list of achievements in the film industry ran the gamut — his biggest achievement being winning the Oscar for Technical Achievement in 1980, for his efficient, compact lighting-equipment system.
February 9, 2013 — Receives the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.
For Nintendo, this is an impressive — and necessary — achievement.
«Traditionally, we’re focused much more on academic achievement, and more and more, we’re realizing through many studies that academic achievement is only one part of making somebody successful,» said Penn State’s Jones.
Over a third say the outcome of the summit was a major achievement for the US, with 24% saying it was minor and 13% saying it was not an achievement at all.
Earlier this year, she won the National Book Critic Circle’s Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award, and it’s widely expected she’ll only rack up more lifetime achievement awards over the next few years.
It teaches a lesson on a frustrating truth that pervades much of educational achievement research: There is not a quick fix, no single lever to pull to close achievement gaps in America.
Data on student achievement are collected manually, if at all.
Nevertheless, it was a remarkable achievement for both ring legends.
Harrison Smith’s second interception of the night preserved the achievement.
Both would consider winning their hometown race a crowning achievement.
The award is in recognition of a writer’s lifetime achievement.
I just thought it was a great achievement for us.
A modest achievement, surely, but I still feel rather smug.
And this, I believe, is an achievement worthy of fireworks.
Your greatest achievement may be birthed out of your loneliness.
There was a lot of focus on achievement and success.
There’s little doubt that drones are an impressive engineering achievement.
Achievement is an objective measure about what you’ve actually done.
Given crises in Argentina and Turkey, that is some achievement.
Let me give you an example not related to achievement.
Kim’s leak wasn’t an artistic achievement, but an aggrandizing one.
It is a tolerable achievement and it is a disaster.
«This in itself is quite an achievement,» Chaudry told Refinery29.
Her awareness of Desiigner’s existence is in itself an achievement.
But his achievement is less significant than he makes out.
It’s an achievement of little practical use, but still important.
A lifetime achievement award for stuff that happened in 2002?
«The award tonight marks a great humanitarian achievement,» she said.
But overall, this year was filled with achievement in space.
He was awarded a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010.
«This is a miracle,» he said of Marvel Studios’ achievement.
The act was former President Barack Obama’s biggest domestic achievement.
Certain tendencies in critical thought distort his achievement, that’s all.
Creating either of these companies would be a signal achievement.
«This is, of course, Turkey’s achievement, Turkey’s baklava,» Kanbur said.
Your help and support has been instrumental in this achievement!
Rihanna performed four times and celebrated a lifetime achievement award.
Perception often counted for just as much as actual achievement.
In terms of the popular vote, their achievement is remarkable.
You were sort of the hamster on the achievement wheel.
Mr Trump hailed it as «a historic and unprecedented achievement«.
In addition to that achievement, there’s another cause for celebration.
«We can not become complacent with this achievement,» Etienne said.
It’s a record of achievement that dwarfs most modern presidencies.
It’s a powerful, yet emotional, day around success and achievement.
The Cataracs’ last achievement was providing the internet with that .
Pick one major financial achievement and keep it in mind.
This is for sure the biggest achievement in my career.
What will history look back on as his greatest achievement?
She quickly became the face of the historical scientific achievement.
Very few studies have examined children’s science achievement across time.
Tagging 9 White Shark pups is a tremendous scientific achievement!
President Donald Trump has a signature achievement within his grasp.
Students «are under tremendous pressure for academic achievement,» Hu said.
Meanwhile, different colleges offer different amounts for the same achievement.
So is it wrong to pay for high academic achievement?
His monumental achievement fell on Jordan’s Independence Day, May 225.
The Avengers needed 14 days to log the same achievement.
I know there’s no achievement, no officially sanctioned high fives.
For one cat, the monumental achievement was captured on video.
Working can indeed bring a sense of pride and achievement.
New York legalized gay marriage in 279, a historic achievement.
And so we forget to be surprised by Hillary’s achievement.
It’s a remarkable achievement of narrative efficiency, fuelled by humility.
Bush’s win was, to put it mildly, an incredible achievement.
Which doesn’t sound like a big achievement but it is.
The award celebrates the highest level of achievement in television.
Test scores and graduation rates go up, achievement gaps close.
The New York Times called it a «rare achievement» and
And unfortunately, that’s not a very easy achievement to measure.
«So I think that is quite an achievement,» he added.
China has surpassed all other nations with a new achievement.
Corriere dello Sport joined in by hailing the monumental achievement.
Trump will surely claim credit for this «achievement» as well.
That winning my love would always be his greatest achievement.
The mere existence of «Age of Resistance» is an achievement.
Achievement is often the hard work of diligence and perseverance.
The defeat of the caliphate has been a huge achievement.
An expansive pose signals power and a sense of achievement.
The real achievement of this novel is its pesky style.
The movie’s most satisfying achievement is its sense of proportion.
It was a great challenge but also a great achievement.
That’s why the military retirement overhaul is an important achievement.
It’s also important to acknowledge the difficulty of the achievement.
That’s a significant achievement for this poor, mostly rural state.
Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness congratulated Brown on the achievement.
With each achievement, I felt my life become more meaningful.
But for Solomon, the album’s message was its greatest achievement.
He was awarded the group’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011.
Just making it this far would have been an achievement.
» Tan Ruth on «Ever Felt Jealous of a Friend’s Achievement?
» Janet Han on «Ever Felt Jealous of a Friend’s Achievement?
Achievement at any cost perpetuates a harsh attitude toward life.
I wish to congratulate our Soviet colleagues on their achievement.
Wenger’s longevity, as Ferguson highlighted, is an achievement in itself.
Point being, this should be an achievement day for you.
As such, people use conspicuous consumption to demonstrate their achievement.
I miss the highs that came with each new achievement.
That is both an incredible achievement and a heavy responsibility.
But the stellar achievement of Kubo is the animation itself.
This is why Marshall’s achievement is nothing short of miraculous.
It’s like the Nobel or an Oscar — a lifetime achievement.
Prohibition was another achievement — for what it’s worth — of 1919.
Artistic achievement was won by Ori and the Blind Forest.
You were on an achievement path, which many people are.
December 2019 brought a new achievement for Loeffler: US Congress.
And this achievement bears strongly on the current political debate.
And obviously, your kids have achieved a lot of achievement.
Student achievement has always been the currency of education policy.
Under the circumstances, though, that hardly is a crowning achievement.
The one million milestone is a huge achievement for Tesla.
It was a breakthrough achievement for Bloomberg LP — and China.
But I think we have to acknowledge that extraordinary achievement.
House Democrats have also claimed the achievement as a victory.
But Trump did bring up Eisenhower’s grand achievement in Cincinnati.
Resetting the clock on mankind’s debut would be achievement enough.
Does that change your thinking about this achievement at all?
He collected his second Oscar, for lifetime achievement, in 2014.
Launching even one into orbit would be a major achievement.
Parton received the Recording Academy’s «Lifetime Achievement Award» in 2011.
The difference between success and achievement is subtle but crucial.
But Blackburn didn’t want to dwell on that historic achievement.
Avoiding a strike is an important achievement for Fiat Chrysler.
It was — and remains — the president’s most significant legislative achievement.
The liberation of Bosnia was President Bill Clinton’s crowning achievement.
The liberation of Syria can be President Trump’s crowning achievement.
The meme is about «positivity and celebrates achievement,» she added.
Salahuddin wanted adventure, and thrill, and the feeling of achievement.
It’s still imperfect, but the jukebox is a huge achievement.
Eddie Murphy was presented with the Hollywood Career Achievement Award.
It is a remarkable achievement: generous, honest, almost unbearably poignant.
I salute these brave women and their quiet, historic achievement.
This settlement is a very important achievement for our museum.
Congress should not shy away from promoting this historic achievement.
In this way, Trump risks drowning out his greatest achievement.
He’ll earn around $22,500 from the U.S. for his achievement.
For some people, sneakers are the apex of human achievement.
This is perfectly fine, but not exactly a big achievement.
Its members had attained high levels of education, achievement, culture. . . .
It’s an achievement his high school classmates could have predicted.
But for the United States, it was a major achievement.
It steers us away from the specifics of Prince’s achievement.
Cameras were on hand to document the achievement from above.
Students’ high school GPA’s also showed little correlation with achievement.
But James’s real achievement was to make sexual excess dull.
»  «What was the most significant achievement in your political career?
But whatever it takes you know that’s a great achievement.
For example, Louisiana’s extensive voucher plan unambiguously reduced student achievement.
Emma Morano’s singular achievement in life may have been perseverance.
In every way, that staging is the more ingenious achievement.
It is a fog that seeps into every Cormier achievement.
Maybe the Brooklyn Museum will turn to his achievement soon.
Oh that’s really not an achievement, Lauren, not to explode.
Now, they are helping close the achievement gap in Akron.
Even when she succeeded, her achievement was not universally celebrated.
Pasta Flyer isn’t spectacular, but it’s still a major achievement.
In retrospect, this might end up being Obama’s signature achievement.
That is a remarkable achievement in an age of copying.
That was a really amazing achievement in the film industry.
Researchers studying children randomly assigned to the Tennessee Voluntary Pre-kindergarten Programme, for example, found that while participants performed better on a battery of achievement tests at the end, the achievement gap subsequently reversed.
«An impressive technological achievement» It’s «an impressive technological achievement» that advances the field in several ways, says Theodora Mauro, a dermatologist at the University of California, San Francisco, who didn’t work on the study.
Tschang denied the charges, and his current employer, Achievement First, agrees with him that the allegations against Tschang were false or «grossly distorted,» according to a letter from Achievement First’s co-CEO, Doug McCurry.
The Life Achievement Award honors both «career achievement» and «humanitarian accomplishment,» and off screen Tomlin is a staunch supporter of philanthropic organizations devoted to civil rights, health care, animal welfare, overcoming homelessness and LGBTQ advocacy.
City Connects, which operates in 79 elementary schools mainly in the Northeast, has erased two-thirds of the achievement gap in math and half the achievement gap in English, compared with the Massachusetts statewide average.
Ryan Gosling, who plays Armstrong in the film, said at the press conference that the scene doesn’t appear because First Man chooses to cast the landing as a «human achievement,» not just an American achievement.
But the best bosses do not regard that as an achievement.
In 2012, Moore received the Screen Actors Guild’s lifetime achievement award.
Eternity Street is an achievement, and I use that word particularly.
The details of this achievement were published today in Heritage Science.
So you built a PC. Congratulations, seriously, on a great achievement.
This quote from Sun Tzu sums up Trump’s achievement so far.
The financial services team leader would score low on achievement orientation.
«That was a major achievement on the global stage,» he said.
On her profile, she calls that her greatest achievement to date.
And she’s celebrating her big achievement with an equally beautiful event.
After all he has been through, it represents a staggering achievement.
But this is a really special achievement, because Terry is blind.
«Her greatest achievement is getting out of trouble,» Trump told supporters.
Just opening bills you’ve been ignoring is already a huge achievement!
But Tom’s real achievement is that he willed himself to be.
Someone please give this man a lifetime meme achievement award ASAP.
Horse racing fans witnessed a historical achievement at Saturday’s Belmont Stakes.
It’s definitely an achievement that I never thought I could reach.
Johnson’s signature achievement as president was the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Congratulations to a fellow NEW YAWKA on a RECORD BREAKING achievement.
There’s just one problem: IBM thinks Google has overstated its achievement.
The achievement was the man’s, the woman the mere mechanical bearer.
» But she says her latest achievement is a «dream come true.
Now, she’s hoping this latest achievement spreads her message even further.
In the moment of international achievement, we see him by himself.
Life and death are clear signs of achievement for a neurosurgeon.
But it’s an achievement that inevitably won’t roll over into 22020.
Among her commendations were three Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals.
It supported Trump’s 2017 tax cuts, the president’s signature legislative achievement.
If government figures are correct, it would mark a huge achievement.
She was 21901, her artistic achievement at once stunning and unfulfilled.
The award is the Globes’ version of a lifetime achievement award.
This kind of thinking falsely dictates a path to Black achievement.
For a business as big as Apple, that’s a significant achievement.
Its boss, Elon Musk, lauded the achievement, SpaceX’s heaviest payload yet.
This was a major achievement of President Obama, of our country.
There’s a lot of technical achievement to celebrate on all sides.
Freeman was the 54th recipient of the SAG Life Achievement Award.
Why hasn’t someone like Sylvester Stallone gotten a lifetime achievement award?
The foundation awarded its 2017 Achievement Award to Daniel Joseph Martinez.
The entire Godfather trilogy, for instance, Francis Ford Coppola’s crowning achievement.
What better achievement was there to prove women belonged in boxing?
Yet this achievement is not quite as impressive as it sounds.
That remains unlikely, because Republicans are desperate for a legislative achievement.
It’s a rare, impressive, old-fashioned achievement, and it suits them.
For such pop heavyweights that high achievement is practically a disappointment.
Hanks, 62, is presenting the life achievement award to Alan Alda.
Allen’s excitement at the achievement was dampened by his increasing anxiety.
Given that Beach House formed in 27, it’s a remarkable achievement.
We don’t put the same value on women’s achievement or health.
It’s a fairly humble statement for a potentially world-changing achievement.
Both Eddington’s achievement and Einstein’s brilliance were trumpeted in the media.
Do not be fooled by those who denigrate this unique achievement.
Yet why these science achievement gaps are occurring has been unclear.
Girls displayed relatively lower science achievement than boys in third grade.
The achievement is now, and the benefits for a thousand years.
This is «Transparent»‘s achievement: to show gender as a performance.
The ATS-V’s seats are its crowning achievement in this segment.
The AHCA was an achievement for a fractious GOP House caucus.
Erban’s achievement was not without its share of bruises and scrapes.
Games are also proving to be good ways to judge achievement.
The film’s central achievement is bringing this virtual world to life.
They also used grades and teacher evaluations to measure academic achievement.
Now, just being one of the crowd would be an achievement.
Bruce Davidson was named the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award.
If it’s happening, then the charter effects on achievement are inflated.
The Winklevoss twins now have an undisputed achievement to their name.
It’s such an amazing achievement that she has done it successfully.
Marriage is neither a crucible nor an achievement, and its end
You and your team have truly achieved a monumental achievement. Congratulations.
All of the above has one more important achievement to add.
But so far, Pruitt’s biggest achievement is that he appears successful.
This record is an achievement of manner and the songwriting process.
It bears repeating just what an incredible achievement the child is.
And one, Marc Jacobs, has already won a lifetime achievement award.
The biggest achievement, however, is the improved self-confidence of trainees.
It’s not just the achievement; it’s the flavor of it, too.
«It’s not quite Leicester-esque, but it’s a great achievement nonetheless.»
He was nearly 70 at the time of his crowning achievement.
His major legislative achievement, the tax cut, still doesn’t poll well.
Here is surely the supreme achievement of understatement in all ballet.
But now Boies’s resume will include a far more infamous achievement.
The goal of racial equality remains a goal, not an achievement.
In four F.A. Cup finals, we’ve never won, a record achievement.
Posthumously, she was awarded the Grammy’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 1995. 
We take plumbing for granted, but it is an amazing achievement.
They build castles of achievement or prisons of fear and doubt.
Hamilton was clearly moved by both his achievement and the message.
For non-Hispanics, he is a visible symbol of Latino achievement.
The latest introduction was hailed by some as an impossible achievement.
But in fact, residency graduates are likely to improve student achievement.
So you talk about an achievement gap — it starts right there.
Chang’s achievement lies in reanimating the political history of the pencil
«Many fathers emphasize competition and achievement with their boys,» he said.
Of course, it’s such a great achievement to be back there.
The achievement of Anna Sperber’s «Prize» is that it largely does.
The pride he took in black achievement emanates from his work.
I would love that, that would be such a great achievement.
The Holets family celebrates each achievement in Champ’s recovery from afar.
Instead, fixating on achievement creates all sorts of problems for kids.
Clinton over a challenger who sometimes seemed to dismiss that achievement.
«What an achievement,» the team’s technical head Paddy Lowe told reporters.
KELLY: OK. KASICH: Not just talk, but a record of achievement.
That achievement is an acknowledgment of her talent and hard work.
But its alleged dullness — its normalcy — was a kind of achievement.
Oh, and it should have a system-level achievement system, too.
Lehmann will present the Best Technology Achievement Award at 9:05pm.
It’s all about the sense of achievement when you get there.
Rebecca Rabinow received the 2017 Walter Hopps Award for Curatorial Achievement.
But it’s only the achievement of a lifelong dream for him.
To win here is an achievement unrivaled in the racing world.
Maybe take to the catwalk yourself, to earn a new achievement.
Achievement will never make him happy, at least not for long.
But Wind Waker, that was a staggering achievement, it was unbelievable.
The other big achievement is the Sustainable Development Goals — Agenda 2030.
Braving the heat in the city can feel like an achievement.
However af Klint’s achievement alters the past, it belongs to us.
But achievement gaps persist and the city’s schools remain deeply segregated.
The PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction 2010.
The appeal of the work is largely in its technical achievement.
This wealth bestows a certain level of status, which suggests achievement.
Yet he knows that ambition and achievement won’t ever match up.
Achievement First is not the only charter wrestling with that issue.
Or just have the special honors that recognize achievement over time?
None of these minor flaws detract from the book’s overall achievement.
Where achievement doesn’t quite match ambition yet is in the storytelling.
Ms. Hagen won an additional Tony for Lifetime Achievement in 1999.
I felt pride in her achievement and joy in her radiance.
Achievement tracking can be just as powerful in our personal lives.
His achievement is monumental, marked by literary grace and intelligent commentary.
I’m getting to that age when I’m getting lifetime achievement awards.
The G.O.P.’s only legislative achievement has been a big disappointment.
His one big legislative achievement, the 2017 tax cut, remains unpopular.
He will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s Grammys.
This is an important achievement for Palestinian diplomacy and Palestinian nonviolence.
That’s a real achievement for gender equality in the United States.
For the American people to support it is a remarkable achievement.
Ligety seemed pleased to see his rival realize a milestone achievement.
He even included conservative ideas in his signature legislative achievement, Obamacare.
From the letter: It really is a remarkable achievement by Fuji.
David Cronenberg and Vanessa Redgrave received Golden Lions for lifetime achievement.
«In Romania, the achievement is enormous,» Ruzici said of Halep’s win.
But research is clear that teacher churn negatively impacts academic achievement.
It was a historic title, and a profound achievement for James.
While men are promoted on potential, women are promoted on achievement.
Which makes «In the Distance» an uncanny achievement: an original western.
It frequently marked some right of passage, or celebrated some achievement.
It is not easy at all to make such an achievement.
Because if you are successful, it’s a great feeling of achievement.
And in 2019, she was awarded Cooper Hewitt’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
Crying in lifetime achievement acceptance speeches, though, is certainly all right.
This means the $3 million achievement is 38 times its MSRP.
They instill an ethos of achievement in their sons and daughters.
Sidama voters described the referendum as the achievement of a lifetime.
«This great achievement is now under assault by Russia,» he said.
That’s a huge achievement and one worth the price of admission.
«And that, in turn, leads to longer-term achievement,» she says.
But music still remained a significant marker of his creative achievement.
Do you think Kipchoge’s achievement is something to celebrate for humanity?
The free-travel area is a key achievement of European integration.
The former vice president has a strong record of liberal achievement.
Nike’s running division oscillated between catastrophe and controversial achievement in 219.
To reach it would be more than an achievement for him.
«Well, now we achieved the big dream and achievement,» Sato said.
In 2016, Mr. Ingrassia received the Gerald Loeb Lifetime Achievement Award.
But that will scarcely detract from either countries’ sense of achievement.
So far, the ambitious agenda has stagnated without a signature achievement.
That was found to explain 14 percent of their cognitive achievement.
For 30 years, Reagan’s historic achievement largely held fast — until Trump.
«It’s the most significant professional achievement I’ll ever have,» Gerhardt said.
Nonetheless, it provides an invaluable introduction to his complex, resonating achievement.
Abiy’s landmark achievement to date is securing peace with neighboring Eritrea.
This is perhaps the biggest achievement as the second round begins.
In those days, getting anything into space was a major achievement.
Mark Daly said he introduced a motion to recognize Cullen’s achievement.
The movie won an Oscar for best achievement in costume design.
Before November 9, 2016, I misunderstood democracy as a historical achievement.
It’s a stunning achievement, worthy of a great director’s twilight years.
Professional achievement and income are not the only things that matter.
But there is one achievement that is rarely on the list.
We can, and must, seek to repeat their historic achievement today.
A tremendous achievement and I know you’re trying to do that.
Perhaps his most significant achievement on Capitol Hill came on Feb.
And even if you have, Peck’s film is a considerable achievement.
Given how much Canadians talk about weather, that’s a notable achievement.
Miss Brennan won the Beard Foundation’s lifetime achievement award in 2009.
They were poorer, younger, and of lower educational achievement than average.
While no agreement is perfect, this achievement must not be underestimated.
I would say this is the biggest achievement of my recovery.
Resting on this achievement alone is an exercise in schoolboy smarm.
As income inequality has increased in America, so have achievement gaps.
She won a Good Conduct Medal and an Army Achievement Medal.
Using them as garbage collectors is more of a symbolic achievement.
Clinton’s victory is a remarkable achievement, and it shouldn’t be dismissed.
«What Branson did remarkably well — which probably influences every person that’s gone on from a Virgin experience — is he set a cadence of culture and achievement and the possibility of achievement with little nuggets,» Ritter said.
It was conceived as a lifetime achievement award before the advent of lifetime achievement awards, and put writers on the same level as those who were forging world peace and expanding our knowledge of the physical universe.
In 2628, nearly four out of ten (28500 percent) of 6900th grade students performed below the basic achievement level in math and nearly three out of ten (2628 percent) performed below the basic achievement level in reading.
Research from Stanford economist Sean Reardon finds that the school achievement gap between the richest and poorest Americans is twice the size of the achievement gap between black and white Americans and has been growing for decades.
«My achievement, my studying, it was all me,» Ms. Ayala-Perez says.
It is also a towering achievement that will not be soon forgotten.
Bringing this synthesis to popular acclaim is Jackson’s great and continuing achievement.
And with Wilkerson’s landmark Twitter achievement, Wendy’s donated $100,000 to the organization. .
But Green’s biggest achievement may not have been his win-loss record.
But the program’s most innovative achievement isn’t its reproduction of monarchal pomp.
Before we nitpick Virgin Galactic’s achievement, let’s give credit where it’s due.
The story isn’t particularly original, but Mustang’s achievement is to criticize a
Reynolds was incredibly touched by her Screen Actors Guild life achievement win.
She said her proudest achievement is having saved 11 girls from FGM.
Stone was honored with the WGA West’s Laurel Award for Screenwriting Achievement.
In honor of his achievement, Jill threw her husband a pizza party.
That same year, he received the first UNICEF UK Lifetime Achievement Award.
The attempt was beautiful to watch, and a thrilling achievement in itself.
«India has made an unprecedented achievement today,» he added, speaking in Hindi.
The grandaddy of them all is Wikipedia, still the internet’s crowning achievement.
It’s a symbolic achievement, without much practical significance for the iPhone maker.
Democrats uniformly oppose the effort to tear down Obama’s signature legislative achievement.
Jamison places a mental asterisk next to every achievement and all-nighter.
And she is mentoring other parents through the nonprofit Northside Achievement Zone.
That sort of achievement may help energise SK to pursue bolder deals.
But, important conversations with living comedy legends isn’t Karp’s only recent achievement.
McCreery says both demanded equal celebration, but the second achievement felt different.
The Xbox One X is nothing if not an impressive engineering achievement.
What’s trickier, though, is knowing how these numbers translate to scientific achievement.
But there was inconclusive evidence on whether it could help academic achievement.
This brings Olympian achievement to a few, but psychological burdens to many.
These accomplishments all provide the fast feedback of achievement that feels good.
But that might not have been the biggest achievement for the company.
For Jinnies, their groundbreaking achievement is a reflection of Los Angeles’ diversity.
We killed the cows and had a party, to celebrate our achievement.
I’m so proud of Victoria and my children — they’re my greatest achievement.
It stands for: positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement or accomplishment.
For others, it was a crowning, cinematic achievement for the United States.
The achievement marks the first time any YouTuber has reached this milestone.
But now being in the final, it’s an unbelievable achievement for me.
Nixon earned a Lifetime Achievement Emmy in 2010 for her longstanding career.
Given how complicated its grabber arm is alone, that’s quite an achievement.
Much like «Moonlight», this is a major achievement and an unforgettable film.
Griezmann requires a hat-trick in the final to match that achievement.
It was a glorious technical achievement but wasn’t aimed at being practical.
It’s Def Leppard’s crowning achievement, bookended by their two most significant misfortunes.
This achievement doesn’t necessarily mean Purple Rain is a good movie, though.
And for those people, Linux on the Switch is a huge achievement.
In traditional royal-fashion fashion, the hat is the outfit’s crowning achievement.
Salaam received a lifetime achievement award from President Barack Obama in 2016.
But that’s a small price to pay for such a major achievement.
Players can earn experience by unlocking achievement-like «feats» with different actions.
Ten years later, she won the James Beard Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award.
TOM WOLFE’s great achievement was to write prose as big as America.
TalkingPoints is another organization working to bridge the achievement gap with technology.
The sets for its post-apocalyptic future were too massive an achievement.
Paul Krugman Health reform is the signature achievement of the Obama presidency.
Given our history, the current defense relationship is indeed a significant achievement.
Gardening gives him purpose and a constant sense of achievement, he says.
For me, however, Ronaldo’s European Championship is the achievement that sticks out.
This is the real achievement of My Struggle, and while it requires
Trump has frequently touted the economy as his greatest achievement in office.
Failure helps us to better plan and prepare for achievement and accomplishment.
The event’s crowning achievement came in the form of its clothing wares.
Earlier that year Reynolds received the Screen Actors Guild’s Life Achievement Award.
New Delhi (CNN)In purely electoral terms, it is an extraordinary achievement.
The path to high achievement is made one step at a time.
That the documentary can’t totally answer this question is its biggest achievement.
The path to great achievement and leadership is not an easy one.
Behind Karmakar’s achievement, is a story of guts, hard work, and determination.
For years, it has been an assertion of status, achievement and wealth.
I don’t consider it an accomplishment or an achievement in any way.
Many labeled this achievement as a game changer for the rocket industry.
Williams is the first composer to receive the AFI’s lifetime achievement award.
It was, for many, an achievement comparable to the National Health Service.
John Glenn leaves a legacy of achievement and inspiration like no other.
Such an achievement would be a powerful legacy for the Trump Administration.
Drake was number 1 for 15 weeks- this is no trivial achievement.
«India has made an unprecedented achievement today,» he said, speaking in Hindi.
Bjoergen received plenty of plaudits from her competitors following her historic achievement.
Samantha Bee wins for Outstanding Achievement in News and Information #TCA85033 pic.twitter.
Compared with its deflationary past, Japan’s mild inflation is a remarkable achievement.
«We had hoped to give Trump a signature infrastructure achievement,» Pelosi said.
The company’s biggest achievement, though, is simultaneously more sophisticated and lower-tech.
«India has made an unprecedented achievement today,» he continues, according to Reuters.
The greatest achievement of the college lobby may be its near-invisibility.
That in turn will put Obama’s biggest foreign policy achievement at risk.
Clinton’s achievement had intensified feelings that many Americans already held about her.
Compatibility is an achievement of love; it must not be its precondition.
Diana Ross closed the show after being given the lifetime achievement award.
What Leicester had in 2016 was a breathtaking, wondrous one-off achievement.
It was a landmark achievement, and substantially diminished nuclear risks for decades.
To say so is not to undermine or disparage Pressley’s significant achievement.
Mr. Wallach received an honorary Academy Award for lifetime achievement in 2010.
It’s distressing that some apparent carelessness in attribution might overshadow her achievement.
It is an achievement this close, tight-knit community is proud of.
The next achievement I’m trying to get is to walk 1000 kilometres.
But it’s always too easy to conflate individual achievement with systemic change.
Self-compassion can lead to greater achievement than self-criticism ever could.
He was left with inadequate proof of his achievement, upsetting his father.
He was given a special Tony Award for lifetime achievement in 2004.
In some cases, an achievement for one woman creates quandaries for others.
Under the suffocating hand of Common Core, true academic achievement is withering.
Meg Larrea, awarded Navy Achievement Medals to four junior prosecutors under Czaplak.
This is a tremendous achievement, but there is more work to do.
Did that achievement persuade your family to take your comics career seriously?
Finding a style is a real achievement: not everyone can do it.
Mr. Modi’s election was the crowning achievement of this new Indian elite.
Do you want to be looking back on your life’s greatest achievement?
He also won 13 Sports Emmy Awards and a Lifetime Achievement Emmy.
Irene Kim: Owning a Cadillac in America synonymous with success and achievement.
Price has been a leading critic of Obama’s hallmark policy achievement, Obamacare.
The arts have a far greater impact than on academic achievement alone.
Merkel still has the chance to pull off a substantive diplomatic achievement.
Still, 12-0 is 12-0, a rare achievement for any program.
Nearly ten months later, Trump is still without a major legislative achievement.
Significant though this was, Woman’s Day was far from her only achievement.
This isn’t a lifetime achievement award, it’s based on this season only.
The Boston triumph, Keflezighi says, was the crowning achievement of his career.
Trump has publicly acknowledged a deal could be a legacy-defining achievement.
These additional services play an important role in narrowing the achievement gap.
Congratulations on that touchdown, the pinnacle of achievement in a football game.
But more sleep has been shown to lead to higher academic achievement.
Additionally, the movie was awarded a Special Achievement Oscar for special effects.
Mr. Wiseman previously won a Golden Lion for lifetime achievement in 2014.
One would be the crowning achievement of his unlikely major league career.
Then I make my bed; it’s your first achievement of the day.
It was what should have been the peak of her professional achievement.
A World Series title would only put a crown on that achievement.
For Ratley, watching Collins lift into space felt like a personal achievement.
It was a time of great intellectual and artistic achievement in Mexico.
Friday’s panel also tackled segregation as a topic that affects achievement gaps.
The achievement of high office demands that one be courageous in leadership.
There are many who consider this achievement nothing short of a miracle.
In a city that showcases African-American achievement and influence, reading Mrs.
It’s going to be O.K. Ever Felt Jealous of a Friend’s Achievement?
Narrative evaluations shift the focus from academic achievement to learning and growth.
In these morning hours, we’re also more concerned with achievement and power.
But whatever causes this achievement gap, it vanishes on this new test.
He vowed to keep the ball as a symbol of the achievement.
She received the European Union’s Women of Achievement Humanitarian Award in 2005.
Virginia’s parents continue their toxic focus on body type, fitness and achievement.
But, check out the clip … Lil Nas seemed to downplay the achievement.
Last year, McNally received a Tony Award for lifetime achievement in theater.
«It’s great to bring awareness to achievement because it encourages other people.»
The dearth of archival sources makes her achievement all the more impressive.
She asked the fans to stop booing and to recognize Osaka’s achievement.
Was the instrument a technological achievement that came a century too soon?
In 2012, Mr. Flynn received the Mets Hall of Fame Achievement Award.
So far there is little proof that such technologies significantly improve achievement.
He considered a question about an achievement of which he was proud.
And the result amounts to a major bureaucratic, academic and emotional achievement.
On Obamacare, his signature achievement, a grade of incomplete, awaiting its implementation.
And he is handing Netanyahu an achievement sought by successive Israeli administrations.
What a wonderful window into the nature and the mystery of achievement.
Yet the Catalan regional authorities are putting this remarkable achievement in danger.
Their missile traveled only about 580 miles, by itself no great achievement.
The familiar logos of the vanquished seemed to burnish the Astros’ achievement.
Which achievement does the author believe she will be most remembered for?
«I think it’s an incredible achievement what our country’s done,» he said.
I found it chilling that her achievement would create so many struggles.
The award is a lifetime achievement accolade for her contributions to television.
And our kids are No. 1 in the nation in student achievement.
That season may have also been LeBron James’ finest (a lofty achievement).
The Trump administration’s signature legislative achievement was a tax overhaul in 2017.
That led to higher achievement scores at age 12, the research found.
In the current political moment, doing no harm would be an achievement.
Netflix’s achievement illustrates a new attitude from the Academy toward streaming services.
Topics ranged from education and civil rights to technological achievement and courage.
Meanwhile, many other politicians noted the historic achievement on Twitter, including Sen.
Formally, I think that this is the standout achievement of these works.
Mr. Pruitt would derail the Paris climate accord, an unprecedented global achievement.
His three-year-old administration is untouched by scandal, a rare achievement.
As the book opens, the cartoonist is receiving a lifetime-achievement award.
McConnell’s thrust is emblematic of what he sees as his crowning achievement.
It beats out PewDiePie, the 2nd most popular channel, for the achievement.
The rigor of her achievement is that it won’t stop revealing itself.
I will consider that a great achievement to solve the DACA problem.
But the finished product is an incredible achievement in stop-motion animation.
That way, when Colombia eventually joins, it will be a real achievement.
It turns out, the couple’s daughter was quite proud of her achievement.
She received the first Emmy Lifetime Achievement Award given to a documentarian.
Many say passage of the Affordable Care Act is her signature achievement.
Right, but even Ronald Reagan had a long list of real achievement.
But that would leave the achievement as one only for male students.
But it’s more likely Obama’s major anti-tobacco achievement will remain law.
But the probe’s crowning scientific achievement was its collision with the Moon.
The sentence against Mr. Fujimori was a historic achievement for Peruvian justice.
This safety net was the greatest unacknowledged achievement during the Cold War.
There was no Instagram post celebrating the achievement in advance this time.
Feminism became a catch-all term for self-empowerment, for individual achievement.
Meanwhile, the achievement gap remained the same for students in poor schools.
Best Animated Feature Film Incredibles 2Isle of DogsMiraiRalph Breaks the InternetSpider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Achievement in Cinematography Cold WarThe FavouriteNever Look AwayRomaA Star Is Born Achievement in Directing Spike Lee, BlackKklansmanPaweł Pawlikowski, Cold WarYorgos Lanthimos, The FavouriteAlfonso Cuarón, RomaAdam McKay, Vice Achievement in Visual Effects Avengers: Infinity WarChristopher RobinFirst ManReady Player OneSolo: A Star Wars Story Achievement in Production Design Black PantherThe FavouriteFirst ManMary Poppins ReturnsRoma Best Documentary Feature Free SoloHale County This Morning, This EveningMinding the GapOf Fathers and SonsRBG Documentary Short Subject Black SheepEnd GameLife BoatA Night at the GardenPeriod.
For example, high standards and high-quality assessments aligned to those standards are a start, but the plans must also articulate statewide goals for improving reading and math achievement with a focus on closing pernicious gaps in achievement.
In 2013, Mississippi passed a Literacy Based Promotion Act, which mandated that in most cases, a student scoring at the lowest achievement level on the state-mandated third-grade achievement test won’t be promoted to fourth grade. Voilà!
In their mid-20s, the two groups had similar life circumstances and achievement, and at ages 29 to 36, educational achievement and family and partner relationships were still similar — but fewer premature adults were employed or employed full time.
When those feelings of jealousy begin to set in, instead of framing a friend’s achievement as something you could have done but didn’t, try to find the complementary aspects of their achievement to discourage the implicit comparison, Vedantam writes.
The British Society of Cinematographers gave him a lifetime achievement award in 1995.
In 2011, the federal Interior Department gave him its Lifetime Conservation Achievement Award.
«We think this is an incredible achievement for international car companies,» Manriquez said.
Theater was chosen for its 2016 arts award, designed to recognize lifetime achievement.
Nominated for eight Grammy Awards and won four, plus a lifetime achievement award.
Staring at my reflection, it hit me: my body was my only achievement.
But the real achievement on the S13 and S1R are their new sensors.
Yet what, if anything, will be the eventual applications of his crowning achievement?
That blend of outlandish achievement and disruptive idiosyncrasy was central to his appeal.
With the achievement competence, you have high standards for yourself and for others.
A deep playoff run would be a major achievement for the 2017 squad.
Knight believed in profitability and its achievement through a quality product and innovation.
Here’s Harrison Ford at the AFI Life Achievement Awards Thursday night in Hollywood.
For appearing too ready to celebrate his literally once-in-a-lifetime achievement?
There’s no nagging or judgment, just self-compassion, self-care, and actual achievement.
«Manchester by the Sea» actor Casey Affleck took the «Desert Palm Achievement Award».
More important, the earphones sound great — quite an achievement for a wireless model.
«I love empire, I love power, I love achievement,» Mr Spencer has said.
In educational achievement in the United States, more women are going to college.
Avoiding high concentrations of migrants in particular schools would help their academic achievement.
In 2005, The American Film Institute awarded the Life Achievement Award to Lucas.
During his successful presidential campaign this year, Hassan Rouhani often celebrated this achievement.
This is a remarkable achievement, unprecedented across the entire span of human history.
But they are convinced that their great achievement is about to be betrayed.
Instead, haute couture works as a display of ingenuity, wit, and artistic achievement.
To celebrate the achievement, Sony has released a limited-edition Series A Walkman.
Intellectual achievement gets less and less recognition in the eyes of the public.
It was a fitting farewell for a man of such integrity and achievement.
Google followed with 14 awards, including best user interface, productivity, and technical achievement.
The achievement stunned experts who thought that this scale of improvement was impossible.
This is an incredible achievement—only 7 nations have ever entered its orbit.
It’s an unfathomable achievement and proves he can unite the toughest of clans.
In celebration of her history-making achievement, Amiyah Scott shared the tweet below.
However, «Thank U, Next» might be his greatest achievement, and he knows it.
The achievement heightened American anxieties that nuclear tensions could spill over and upwards.
Pence may have lied more than Trump did, and that’s a historic achievement.
Pulisic stayed on the field long after the final whistle, cherishing his achievement.
Her methods are not effective but «results oriented» (ergebnisorientiert) or «achievement capable» (leistungsfähig).
Record video, take a selfie, and don’t be afraid to document your achievement.
THE GREAT achievement of parliamentary democracy is to take politics off the streets.
But something happened that prevented Obama from completing another historic domestic legislative achievement.
For two breeds, the show was their debut; participation alone marks an achievement.
Even more amazing was that Bowie dethroned commercial powerhouse Adele in this achievement.
You also get certificates of achievement when you go through an entire course.
Despite the crowning achievement, Ohashi has said she was broken — mentally and physically.
If that isn’t the pinnacle of scientific achievement, I don’t know what is.
That kind of mindset would of course seemingly correspond with achievement and learning.
They are a singular achievement that cements his unique place in art history.
The Academy previously honored «Diamond Diana» with a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012.
A signature achievement of his administration, it came to be known as Obamacare.
The health reform law was considered former President Barack Obama’s biggest domestic achievement.
The test represents an important technological achievement given our mounting space junk problem.
She was here at the Grammy Awards to receive a lifetime achievement award.
What emerged were games that emphasized individual growth and achievement over direct conflict.
Zuckerberg noted that we’re close to eradicating polio, which is a huge achievement.
The achievement comes after progress on the conjecture had been stalled for decades.
Their biggest achievement was converting synth pop into something mainstream and widely known.
Maybe it speaks to the movie’s historic achievement that these impressions can coexist.
Still, it doesn’t rescue «Do They Know It’s Christmas?» as an aesthetic achievement.
The awards also gave Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones a lifetime achievement award.
In 2014, he received the Hall of Fame’s Buck O’Neil Lifetime Achievement Award.
In an era of unprecedented sports specialization, Ledecka’s achievement would be truly unique.
Oscar-winning director Ridley Scott was presented with a special lifetime achievement award.
Dan expressed his pride at his sister’s incredible achievement under such tragic circumstances.
Let’s just stop for a moment and appreciate the magnitude of that achievement!
Central to the achievement of the SDGs is an emphasis on global education.
General knowledge gaps by kindergarten strongly predicted science achievement gaps by third grade.
Both the general knowledge and science achievement gaps were very stable over time.
Make sense of them so you’ll continue to build toward your next achievement.
«A conservative achievement this is not,» CEPR wrote in a report last October.
He was recently honored with the International Documentary Association’s 2015 Career Achievement Award.
But he never faulted Don Draper for taking fictional credit for his achievement.
In fact, the Miracle on Ice overshadows any other achievement of Soviet hockey.
It’s in the figure of Lancelot that White finds his greatest literary achievement.
As the Telegraph’s Parliament correspondent, Michael Deacon, puts it: It’s a remarkable achievement.
She’s been presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Academy in 2002.

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