Sentence with word accompanied

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Accompanied classes in surgery with display of operations on animal, anatomic drugs, tables.

Занятия по хирургии сопровождал показом операций на животных, анатомических препаратов, таблиц.

Accompanied everywhere by the king, was with Peter the Great abroad.

Всюду сопровождал царя, бывал с Петром Великим за границей.

According to their statement, belgian planes «Accompanied the Russian to the point, the mission took the aircraft (british) royal air force».

Согласно их заявлению, бельгийские самолеты «сопровождали российские до того момента, как миссию взяли на себя самолеты (британских) королевских ВВС».

We Accompanied Refugee Children on Their First Day of School

Мы сопровождали детей-беженцев в их первый школьный день…

Accompanied her husband in the Civil War.

Она сопровождала мужа на фронтах Гражданской войны.

The current Chairman Sakhalin government Vera Georgievna Shcherbina Accompanied Oleg Kozhemyako in all the regions where he worked — starting in Primorye.

Нынешний председатель правительства Сахалина Вера Георгиевна Щербина сопровождала Олега Кожемяко во всех регионах, где он работал — начиная с Приморья.

Accompanied the construction of a large number of mini-refineries for Chinese and foreign customers.

Сопровождал строительство большого количества мини-НПЗ для китайских и зарубежных клиентов.

Accompanied the deal the law firm «Yuskutum», — stated in the message.

Сопровождала сделку юридическая фирма «Юскутум», — говорится в сообщении.

Accompanied the pope to Foligno on June 10, 1476, leaving Rome because of the plague.

Сопровождал Папу в Фолиньо 10 июня 1476 года, покидая Рим из-за чумы.

Accompanied alexander i to a meeting with napoleon in tilsit.

Сопровождал Александра 1 на встречу с Наполеоном в Тильзит.

Accompanied the team yunarmeytsy member of the regional branch of the all-Russian youth military-Patriotic movement «UNAME» Samara region.

Сопровождали команды юнармейцы — члены регионального отделения Всероссийского детско-юношеского военно-патриотического движения «ЮНАРМИЯ» Самарской области.

Accompanied in 2015 a project to import clothing from the UK (London) to Ukraine (2015).

Сопровождал в 2015 проект по импорту в Украину одежды из Великобритании (Лондон) (2015).

Accompanied Peter I to Paris during the negotiations about the union with France and took part in the conclusion of the Amsterdam treaty (1717) with France and Prussia.

Сопровождал Петра I в Париже в 1714 и участвовал в заключении Амстердамского договора 1717 с Францией и Пруссией.

Accompanied King Charles VIII of France to the Council of the Florentins in 1485.

Сопровождал короля Франции Карла VIII в Совет флорентийцев в 1485 году.

Accompanied Nuncio Giambattista Pamphilj, future Pope Innocent X, as auditor to the nunciatures in Naples and Spain.

Сопровождал нунция Джамбаттисту Памфили, будущего папу римского Иннокентия Х, как аудитор в нунциатуру в Неаполе и Испании.

Accompanied the future Tsar Alexander III in the journey to Russia and made sketches (see Notes Kachalova — Kachalov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich).

Сопровождал будущего царя Александра III в путешествии по России и делал зарисовки (см. Записки Качалова — Качалов Николай Александрович).

1 Children Accompanied The Family On Hunts

1 Children Accompanied The Family On Hunts

Between 1905 and 1912 he accompanied the emperor on several voyages.

В период с 1905 и по 1912 год художник сопровождал кайзера во время ряда его морских путешествий.

Since horses accompanied man everywhere — in peace and in war.

С тех пор лошади сопровождали человека везде — в мире и на войне.

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Предложения, которые содержат Accompanied

Результатов: 6413. Точных совпадений: 6413. Затраченное время: 137 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Мои примеры


accompanied luggage — багаж  
accompanied by boys her own age — в сопровождении молодых людей своего возраста  
compression accompanied by rafting and hummocking — сжатие, сопровождающееся наслоением и торосообразованием  
accompanied by — к настоящему прилагается; с последующим  
accompanied solo song — пение с аккомпанементом  
be accompanied by smb. — сопровождаться кем-либо  
be accompanied by — сопровождаться  
be accompanied with — дополняться  
be accompanied — сопровождаться  
bending accompanied by shear — поперечный изгиб  

Примеры с переводом

Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

Дети до четырнадцати лет должны сопровождаться взрослыми.

He sang and she accompanied him on the piano.

Он пел, а она аккомпанировала ему на фортепьяно.

Jean accompanied her on the piano.

Жан аккомпанировал ей на рояле.

A delicious sauce accompanied the grilled fish.

К рыбе на гриле подали очень вкусный соус.

The disease is accompanied by sneezing and fever.

Заболевание сопровождается чиханием и высокой температурой.

Ten adults accompanied the class on their field trip.

Десять взрослых сопровождали класс во время экскурсии /культпохода, вылазки/.

Accompanied by our guide, we proceeded to the glacier.

В сопровождении нашего гида мы продолжили путь по направлению к леднику.

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the movie has been so overhyped that one half expects its opening to be accompanied by the proverbial ringing of the welkin…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Sentence with word accompanied. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use accompanied in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for accompanied.

  • She came, accompanied by Crammon. (12)
  • Emilia accompanied them a little way. (10)
  • I accompanied the expedition as surveyor. (7)
  • No twinge of remorse accompanied Gottlieb. (10)
  • There Gitta left Cyriax and accompanied Ratz. (5)
  • My Irish friend accompanied me so far on the way. (2)
  • We went among them, accompanied by their master. (10)
  • Dr. Bouthoin, accompanied by his curate, the Rev. (10)
  • Sepulchral cadences accompanied the representation. (10)
  • Champlain himself accompanied the priest from Quebec. (19)
  • Something of a shudder accompanied the expression of it. (10)
  • Mr and Mrs M. were the gentleman and Lady who accompanied him. (4)
  • It was about noon, when, accompanied by Courtier, she rode forth. (8)
  • Lucy shook their hands, and went out, accompanied by Mrs. Doria. (10)
  • Fellingham accompanied them and certain jurats to London next day. (10)
  • Many of the people from the house had accompanied it to the grave. (12)
  • Bessie, a fine, gray horse, also from New Hampshire, accompanied us. (21)
  • Guy accompanied these remarks with a pitiful glance at his companion. (10)
  • When the voice is accompanied by instruments, the vocal scale is used. (3)
  • When De Tracy set sail a throng of eager young nobles accompanied him. (19)
  • So she instantly accompanied Lienhard to the tavern, and Kuni pleased her. (5)
  • Then Count Lenkenstein sent for his wife, whom Anna and Lena accompanied. (10)
  • At this period an insatiate appetite is accompanied by a fastidious palate. (10)
  • Without a word of protest Juliana accompanied her ladyship to Beckley Court. (10)
  • Pericles accompanied him into a caffe, the picture of an enamoured happy man. (10)
  • Christian accompanied her on the next occasion, and saw little, almost nothing. (12)
  • In the cemetery Christian had escaped from the friends who had accompanied him. (12)
  • A phantom ring of mist accompanied her from her first footing outside the house. (10)
  • A very, very kind embrace, and some agitation of manner, accompanied these words. (4)
  • The two nephews accompanied Lord Avonley to London, and slept at his town-house. (10)
  • Those words and the sound of a hiccough accompanied Gyp down the alley to her cab. (8)
  • Struck by his words, which were accompanied by a painful puckering of the checks, Mr. (8)
  • Mr. Pendyce went out at half-past ten accompanied by his bailiff and the spaniel John. (8)
  • Shortly after, he was seen passing through the gates of the garden, accompanied by Rhoda. (10)
  • Shortly after, he was seen passing through the gates of the garden, accompanied by Rhoda. (22)
  • They all proceeded to a lofty and spreading oak, accompanied by the great Chief, Altamaha. (18)
  • When your son, accompanied by the student Voss, appeared in the street, he approached them. (12)
  • A look of tenderness accompanied the words, and grew into a dusky crimson rose under his eyes. (22)
  • According to one informant she accompanied a Danish painter to Wassigny in the North of France. (12)
  • He accompanied his wife downstairs and bought her some violets from the florist in the vestibule. (13)
  • Frank Morris, the orator of the circus, accompanied us and I had him make an address at the grave. (21)
  • His life was one long service to his art, accompanied in his later years by devotion to the church. (3)
  • The answer was a vacuous shake of the head, accompanied by an expression of unutterable mournfulness. (10)
  • Lavender descended from the car, and, accompanied by Blink, entered the hotel and sought the coffee-room. (8)
  • This was very proper; the sigh which accompanied it was really estimable; but it should have lasted longer. (4)
  • When Joe was gone, accompanied by the unwilling Blink, turning her beautiful dark eyes back to the last, Mr. (8)
  • They were accompanied by 300 Indians and 60 canoes, laden with furs, out of which they made a handsome profit. (19)
  • His majesty entered, accompanied by the queen, his brother, two or three archduchesses, and a long suite of officers. (6)
  • A murmur that was no true sound, but like the whisper of a heart to a heart, accompanied this voyage of the dark water. (8)
  • Cecil accompanied his descent of the steps with the humming of an opera melody: Beauchamp tripped into the hall-passage. (10)
  • That they might not be without the ministrations of religion, Father Sylvie, a Jesuit priest, accompanied the expedition. (19)
  • This address, accompanied by a commanding elevation of the dexter hand, seemed to excite Mr. Raikes far more than Old Tom. (10)
  • When Mr. Stone, refusing to be accompanied, had taken his departure, and Thyme had gone to bed, Stephen withdrew to his study. (8)
  • The housekeeper and most of the men and maids had accompanied their mistress to help in the kitchen and to wait upon the visitors. (5)
  • These instructions he accompanied with a lifting of the eyebrows, and a pursing of the mouth, in an anxiety not altogether burlesque. (9)
  • Five distinguished chiefs accompanied 250 of their best warriors, and by the middle of July, Three Rivers {70} was reached in safety. (19)
  • I started from the former place at three a.m., with beautiful weather, which, true to tradition, accompanied me all through my journey. (10)
  • At once the man threw out his fingers, accompanied by an amazingly voluble delivery of his reasons for this revolt against her authority. (10)
  • Symptoms of wrath here accompanied the declaration; and, with a sigh and a very bitter feeling, Mrs. Hawkshaw allowed him to have the last word. (10)
  • The wonders would be explained, and never a hand need to interject, if the mystifying man were but accompanied by that monkey-eyed confraternity. (10)
  • There, accompanied by the dog Balthasar, he examined the plants narrowly and succeeded in finding at least two dozen berries which were really ripe. (8)
  • As they were going forth the mountaineer accompanied them to the step on the threshold, and with a mysterious eagerness in his eyes, addressed Agostino. (10)
  • Something of this went reeling through Fleetwood; positively to this end; accompanied the while with flashes of Carinthia, her figure across the varied scenes. (10)
  • That Philippa still retaining her affection for her ungratefull Husband, had followed him to Scotland and generally accompanied him in his little Excursions to Sterling. (4)

Also see sentences for: unaccompanied.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word accompanied, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use accompanied in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «accompanied».

Accompanied in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word accompanied in a sentence.

  1. His wife dutifully accompanied him.

  2. This is accompanied by vocalizations.

  3. Salting may be accompanied by singing.

  4. On July 10, 1861, he accompanied Simon B.

  5. This display is accompanied by a loud call.

  6. The refrain is accompanied by a gospel choir.

  7. The Final Cut was accompanied by a short film.

  8. Cherry-Garrard would be accompanied by Dimitri.

  9. This display is usually accompanied by calling.

  10. Wing-waving may be accompanied by a yammer call.

  11. Blanche McGraw accompanied her husband on the tour.

  12. Her husband accompanied her to provide translation.

  13. The teenagers were accompanied by seven chaperones.

  14. Roosevelt, Kennan accompanied Ambassador William C.

  15. Beck accompanied them on acoustic guitar and vocals.

  16. Seven of the calendrical crescents (red) are accompanied by other glyphs (green).

  17. It was accompanied by a graphic novel and animated film, aired on CBC Television.

  18. The privateers, accompanied by their two prizes, limped across the Pacific Ocean.

  19. These temperatures were accompanied by winds of up to 89 miles per hour (40 m/s).

  20. Normally, such actions would be accompanied by firing a cannon to draw attention.

  21. He finally left Cuzco on 18 May, accompanied by a party of six who, like him, were returning to Lima.

  22. Some horse units of the 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 15th Cavalry regiments accompanied the US forces in Europe.

  23. Each sound was accompanied by a specifically shaped note and thus became known as shape note singing.

  24. Smaller-scale works for accompanied voice include the five Canticles, composed between 1947 and 1974.

  25. Edward witnessed several of his father’s charters, and often accompanied him on royal peregrinations.

  26. In 1988, Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch reported seeing an individual accompanied by a shortfin pilot whale.

  27. The development was accompanied by extensive negotiations between natives and US government agencies.

  28. The Sieur de Tavannes, who accompanied Enghien, also makes some mention of the events in his memoirs.

  29. He travelled often in childhood, occasionally accompanied by his father, with whom he was very close.

  30. McAlpine also noted that the song has a «frosty-rave» chorus accompanied with Rihanna’s «icy» vocals.

  31. The next day, Anna orders Karan to kill rival gangster Musa, while accompanied by his gunman Francis.

  32. In the spring of 2010 the Stanley Cup made its fourth trip to Afghanistan, accompanied by ex-players.

  33. The reviews are arranged alphabetically by artist name and accompanied by annotations for each record.

  34. Heavy rains accompanied the storm’s passage through the state, peaking at 11.02 in (280 mm) in Robert.

  35. Warbrick accompanied her, and barely two minutes later the geyser erupted and killed the entire party.

  36. These rescuers included veteran mountain men, most notably John Turner, who accompanied the return of Reed and McCutchen.

  37. This movement with the water rushing up toward us was accompanied by a rumbling roar, mixed with more muffled explosions.

  38. In the episode, the song is performed during a routine by the high-school cheering squad, accompanied by the school band.

  39. Moderate rainfall accompanied its two landfalls in the United States, causing localized flash flooding and road closures.

  40. The eleven Victorian players, accompanied by many acquaintances, both men and women, arrived in Launceston on 9 February.

  41. These were the most elaborate temple ceremonies, accompanied by the recitation of hymns and the performance of musicians.

  42. Five minutes later, the 23 Matildas of the 7th Royal Tank Regiment advanced, accompanied by the 2/2nd Infantry Battalion.

  43. Patton arrived at the hospital the same day, accompanied by a number of medical officers, as part of his tour of the U.S.

  44. When Jing Province fell, Liu Bei quickly fled south and was accompanied by a refugee population of civilians and soldiers.

  45. The bunker was inspected on 10 September 1944 by the French atomic scientist Frédéric Joliot-Curie, accompanied by Sandys.

  46. Along with anti-Jewish incidents, the Partisan Congress was accompanied by non-racially motivated fights and disturbances caused by persons under the influence of alcohol.

  47. In June 1955 the Daily Express journalist and reviewer Nancy Spain, accompanied by her friend Lord Noel-Buxton, arrived uninvited at Piers Court and demanded an interview.

  48. Albert Trott was a controversial omission, in light of performances in the previous Ashes series, but he accompanied the team on their voyage and later settled in England.

  49. When the two brothers-in-law rode together, accompanied by soldiers, the heretic suddenly struck Jovan with a sword at a mountain pass named Derven, but could not cut him.

  50. Hemingway accompanied the troops to the Normandy Landings wearing a large head bandage, according to Meyers, but he was considered «precious cargo» and not allowed ashore.

Synonyms for accompanied

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word accompanied has the following synonyms: attended.

General information about «accompanied» example sentences

The example sentences for the word accompanied that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «accompanied» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «accompanied».

Random good picture Not show

1. They are never alone accompanied by noble thoughts. 

2. A truly elegant taste is generally accompanied with excellence of heart. 

3. to move as if accompanied by a singsong.

4. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

5. The kind old man is accompanied all the time.

6. His wife accompanied him on the trip.

7. The gang chief went everywhere accompanied by his henchman.

8. She accompanied me to the doctor’s.

9. Children under fourteen should be accompanied by a parent.

10. The course books are accompanied by four cassettes.

11. She was accompanied by her elder sister.

12. The dish was accompanied by a variety of pickles.

13. He accompanied his words with actions.

14. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

15. The official was accompanied by all the pomp of his high position.

16. A warm and harmonious song has accompanied us for three years.

17. He sang and Alice accompanied him on the piano.

18. Depression is almost always accompanied by insomnia.

19. They accompanied him during his exercise periods.

20. Her entrance was accompanied by suitably dramatic music.

21. The text is accompanied by illustrations.

22. He was accompanied on the expedition by his wife.

23. She accompanied him from a sense of loyalty.

24. His actions were accompanied by a rambling monologue.

25. His faithful old dog accompanied him everywhere he went.

26. Visitors must be accompanied by club members.

27. And then poverty was accompanied with illness.

28. He was accompanied by his mousy little wife.

29. Mary sang and I accompanied her on the piano.

30. Diana’s house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music.

More similar words: accompany, companion, company, accomplish, keep company with, accomplishment, accomplishments, panic, rampant, compare, Spanish, Hispanic, accord, accost, account, tobacco, accolade, encompass, account for, according, accordion, comparable, comparison, accounting, accord with, accommodate, according to, on account of, by comparison, accommodating. 

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