Sentence with word abstract

Synonym: difficult, remove, take away. Similar words: distract, attract, contract, contractor, attraction, attractive, abstinence, obstreperous. Meaning: [‘æbstrækt]  n. 1. a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance 2. a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory. v. 1. consider a concept without thinking of a specific example; consider abstractly or theoretically 2. make off with belongings of others 3. consider apart from a particular case or instance 4. give an abstract (of). adj. 1. existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment 2. not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature 3. dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention. 

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1. She tried to abstract my attention from my work.

2. It’s not a question of some abstract concept.

3. Truth and beauty are abstract concepts.

4. They can abstract precious medicines from ordinary substances.

5. Abstract nouns are usually uncountable nouns in English.

6. I like dogs in the abstract, but I can’t bear this one.

7. He is not in the least interested in abstract art.

8. Modern abstract art is outside my province.

9. I’m just talking in the abstract now.

10. His painting went through both representational and abstract periods.

11. Talking about crime in the abstract just isn’t enough.

12. It’s the abstract that is called system analysis.

13. He made an abstract of a long article.

14. Her ideas seem a little abstract.

15. She finds it difficult to grasp abstract concepts.

16. Consider the problem in the abstract.

17. Mathematics is concerned essentially with understanding abstract concepts.

18. ‘Happiness’ is an abstract noun.

19. His abstract paintings offended the art establishment.

20. He is an abstract painter.

21. ‘Happiness'[], ‘honesty’ and ‘liberty’ are abstract nouns.

22. Abstract art is an acquired taste.

23. It’s possible to abstract the most important points from this long report.

24. Legal questions rarely exist in the abstract; they are based on real cases.

25. I have difficulty dealing with the abstract — let’s discuss particular cases.

26. The research shows that pre-school children are capable of thinking in abstract terms.

27. By the age of seven, children are capable of thinking in abstract terms .

27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

28. It is easier to think in concrete terms rather than in the abstract.

29. We may talk of beautiful things but beauty itself is abstract.

30. Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong, abstract theories.

More similar words: distract, attract, contract, contractor, attraction, attractive, abstinence, obstreperous, trace, track, fraction, practice, interact, practical, track down, practically, in practice, strain, practitioner, interaction, out of practice, characterize, strategy, strategic, frustrate, characteristic, illustrate, straighten, constraint, transaction. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.



Помнишь, я преподавала абстрактный импрессионизм, а ты читала лекции по метафизической поэзии?

And that is the opinion that the mind has a power of framing ABSTRACT IDEAS or notions of things.

Это есть мнение, будто ум обладает способностью образовывать абстрактные идеи или понятия о вещах.

simple and illiterate never pretend to ABSTRACT NOTIONS.

Простая и неучёная масса людей никогда не притязает на абстрактные понятия.

ABSTRACT IDEAS are our notions of the classes of objects, that is, of

Абстрактные понятия служат для обозначения классов вещей, т. е.

ABSTRACT: Information technologies are increasingly imposed.

Abstract: На сегодняшний день все большее распространение получают информационные технологии.

All the photos for the «ABSTRACT» project have been created by the author without the use of digital technologies.

Для проекта «ABSTRACT» все фотографии были созданы автором без использования цифровых технологий.

ABSTRACT pain is most probably experienced by patients (62%).

Раздражение из-за боли чаще всего испытывают итальянцы (52%).

ABSTRACT oconuts play a unique role in the diets of mankind because they are the source of important physiologically functional components.

Кокосовые орехи играют уникальную роль в диете человечества, потому что они — источник важных физиологически функциональных компонентов.

The ABSTRACT should be brief (300 words maximum).

Резюме должно быть коротким (З страницы максимум).

ABSTRACT:In the article conceptual and methodological difficulties in realizing sustainable development issue and finding ways to solve it are analysed.

АННОТАЦИЯ: В статье анализируются концептуальные и методологические трудности в осознании проблемы устойчивого развития и в поиске путей её решения.

ABSTRACT: In the article the problem of an object and subjects relativity of the economic science is formulated.

АННОТАЦИЯ: В статье сформулирована проблема относительности объекта и предметов экономической науки.

ABSTRACT: In the article the classification of scientific approaches to objects investigation is offered.

АННОТАЦИЯ: В статье предлагается классификация научных подходов к исследованию объектов.

ABSTRACT: The article deals with reasons stipulated the appearance of transdisciplinary research methods of complex objects in science and practice.

АННОТАЦИЯ: В статье описаны причины, обусловливающие появление трансдисциплинарных методов исследования сложных объектов в науке и практике.

ABSTRACT: The article discusses the theoretical and methodological issues of professional training, pedagogical technology of this process.

В статье обсуждаются теоретические и методологические вопросы профессиональной подготовки специалиста, педагогической технологии этого процесса.

ABSTRACT: The article discusses the issues related to the theory and practice of the social investment state.

АННОТАЦИЯ: В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с теорией и практикой государства социальных инвестиций.

ABSTRACT: The article presents the results of modeling the evolution global process.

АННОТАЦИЯ: В статье представлены результаты моделирования глобального процесса эволюции.

ABSTRACT: The article deals with the changing perceptions about the state, its features and elements in contemporary integration processes.

АННОТАЦИЯ: Статья посвящена изменению представлений о государстве, его признаках и элементах в условиях современных интеграционных процессов.

ABSTRACT HIV/AIDs pandemic poses a significant obstacle to the attainment of decent work and sustainable development.

Эпидемия является серьезным препятствием на пути достижения целей достойного труда и устойчивого развития.

ABSTRACT:The authors explain a natural connection between diverse principles of academic approaches and their system analogs.

АННОТАЦИЯ: Статья посвящена обоснованию естественной связи между различными видами академических подходов и их системными аналогами.

ABSTRACT: Metallurgy is a leading branch of industry and cannot neglect the requirements dictated by the modern market.

Металлургия является ведущей отраслью промышленности и не вправе пренебрегать требованиями, диктуемыми современным рынком.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ABSTRACT

Результатов: 20292. Точных совпадений: 20292. Затраченное время: 215 мс


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word abstract, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use abstract in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «abstract».

Abstract in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word abstract in a sentence.

  1. Stiff-leaf foliage is highly abstract.

  2. This is only an abstract physical description.

  3. All tensors are written in abstract index notation.

  4. In a 2011 conference abstract, paleontologist Denver W.

  5. Escher, he designed abstract landscapes for the courses.

  6. In a 2019 conference abstract reporting ongoing research, J.

  7. As an abstract noun, there was also ἀθεότης (atheotēs), «atheism».

  8. Zebras have been popular subjects for abstract, modernist and surrealist artists.

  9. Negligence, Cardozo emphasized, derives from human relations, not in the abstract.

  10. They are allusive, repetitive, jaggedly abstract compositions that defy reduction.».

  11. And then I really went back to my other kind of painting, which was pretty abstract.

  12. These specimens had previously been assigned to Baryonyx in a 2017 conference abstract.

  13. Hey, if you look at an abstract painting and see the devil in a red splotch, that’s your prerogative ..

  14. Jackson Pollock, a major force in the abstract expressionist movement, was also influenced by El Greco.

  15. An abstract sculpture by Hubert Dalwood, from 1962, has been positioned on the lawn inside the college.

  16. He immediately began working with Noether, who provided invaluable methods of abstract conceptualization.

  17. In abstract algebra, more general structures are defined by relaxing some of the axioms defining a group.

  18. Under this view, these phonemes are not marked at an abstract level as either front vowels or back vowels.

  19. Nicks’ lyrical focus allowed the instrumentals in the songs that she wrote to be looser and more abstract.

  20. In abstract algebra, the superreal numbers are a class of extensions of the real numbers, introduced by H.

  21. She was mostly homeschooled, which she believed allowed her to explore innovative and abstract experiences.

  22. In abstract algebra, the even integers form various algebraic structures that require the inclusion of zero.

  23. In addition to carrying on with her research, she taught classes in abstract algebra and algebraic geometry.

  24. The Aten had no mythology, and it was portrayed and described in more abstract terms than traditional deities.

  25. Instead, the connections between each title are more abstract than story-based, linked only on the karmic level.

  26. This approach to invariants was later superseded by the more abstract and general approach pioneered by Hilbert.

  27. As in her previous books, Angelou uses inventive metaphors and personifications of abstract objects and concepts.

  28. It is emblematic of Kapoor’s work to deconstruct empirical space and venture into manifold possibilities of abstract space.

  29. Oppenheimer’s papers were considered difficult to understand even by the standards of the abstract topics he was expert in.

  30. Darwin also began work on a short abstract summarising his theory, which he would publish in 1859 as On the Origin of Species.

  31. The songs of OK Computer do not have a coherent narrative, and the album’s lyrics are generally considered abstract or oblique.

  32. The issue was not just an abstract problem for Zwingli, as he had secretly married a widow, Anna Reinhart, earlier in the year.

  33. Albus proposed in 1971 that a cerebellar Purkinje cell functions as a perceptron, a neurally inspired abstract learning device.

  34. Although an abstract was published containing a sufficient description, it did not identify a holotype, a name-bearing specimen.

  35. Like his Renaissance predecessors, he believed hieroglyphs represented an abstract form of communication rather than a language.

  36. In naming the game, Ueda intended to move away from the abstract title of Ico to a simpler and more straightforward product name.

  37. The plain, abstract blocks have towers on the corners and two-storey loggias, and are a further simplification of Holden’s style.

  38. These abstract figurations contain formal elements typical of their time, including diaphanous forms, flat backgrounds, and surrealist props such as flowers and umbrellas.

  39. From 2007 on, Olivier has specialized on abstract nude, compositions that he achieved by projecting patterns on his models, coupled with movement and optical deformations.

  40. As well as cost, criticisms of the building stem primarily from the modernist and abstract architecture, the quality of the building work and the location of the building.

  41. Also, Rockwell’s style of backwoods New England small-town realism, known as regionalism, was sometimes viewed as out of step with the oncoming wave of abstract modern art.

  42. Recorded in 2010, Letur-Lefr marked a clear departure from guitar-driven sound of Frusciante’s previous albums and combined elements of abstract electronica, pop and hip hop.

Synonyms for abstract

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word abstract has the following synonyms: abstractionist, nonfigurative, nonobjective, nonrepresentational, conceptional, ideational, notional, conceptual, ideal, intangible, impalpable, theoretical, abstraction, outline, synopsis, precis, pilfer, cabbage, purloin, pinch, snarf, swipe, hook, sneak, filch, nobble and lif.

General information about «abstract» example sentences

The example sentences for the word abstract that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «abstract» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «abstract».

In law, an abstract is a brief statement that contains the most important points of a long legal document or of several related legal papers. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

By painting on portions of enlarged color photographs with a clear varnish and then bleaching away unprotected portions of the image, new and abstract meanings are sought from appropriated snapshots, travel photographs, and casual documentations.


In the 50s, MoMA acquired significant works by abstract painters, such as Jackson Pollack and Mark Rothko, but the museum’s major exhibitions were of European artists and the collection featured noted colourists, such as Henri Matisse, Paul Cézanne and Pablo Picasso.


Spoonfuls (abstract extract) 2016 Blown glass, rope, hot spray epoxy on foam with armature wire, wood, mirrored plastic, sand, papier-mâché Wood putty, Acqua resin enamel and acrylic paints 11 x 8 3/4 x 6 inches


Entire Diploma show of abstract paintings taken down by order of President of Royal Academy, Sir Charles Wheeler, but Diploma awarded on strength of earlier figurative work.


To prove the standards of quality that we observe, we offer you to look through a dissertation abstract example.


In our final session of the month we create coloured abstract paintings of the Amazon jungle.


Buddhists are more likely to attend to nature in its concrete particularity than to seek abstract universal principles.


«Diebenkorn had a very successful career painting in an abstract manner.


The completely abstract painting rejected the visual vocabulary of representational painting in favor of emphasizing the flatness and materiality of the canvas.


Thus, full participation in the sacred liturgy vivifies the abstract doctrine for the individual.


Research Demonstrates the Value of Service Learning [abstract].


It also has motion, which can be plotted in an abstract space with three dimensions of its own.


I am an abstract artist and out of the…


Almost no one else could do the math necessary to understand his abstract ideas, and at the time he didn’t have any evidence to back it up.


Marble steps lead up to the front lobby, which evokes a retro-chic vibe with abstract artwork, mirrored walls, and an eerily lifelike alligator statue set atop the black-and-white, zigzag-patterned floor.


Many expatriate Surrealist and abstract artists, as well as vanguard Americans — including Jackson Pollock — worked there, attracted to Hayter’s experimental approach to graphics.


Students are required to answer questions from the text to identify nouns, adjectives and verbs, compound words and abstract nouns.


The patent application outlines the main abstract.


Painted guitar shapes act as the body in relation to the abstract still lifes and landscapes.


Both concluded with a somewhat mysterious room of «late works» which left it unclear whether that meant late in the artist’s biography (a Baziotes from 1961, but then he died the next year), late in the history of abstract Expressionism (a figurative Guston from 1976) or something else entirely — a Motherwell from 1949 and a Sam Francis from 1952 fitted neither category.


«It has this sense of space and depth, but it’s also in a way abstract, like this big void.»


Co-authors are Marina Garas, D.O.; Mary B. Roberts, M.S.; Molly E. Waring, Ph.D.; Christine M. Albert, M.D., M.P.H.; Deepika Laddu, Ph.D.; Marcia L Stefanick, Ph.D.; David K. Garas, M.B.A.; and Charles B. Eaton, M.D., M.S. Author disclosures are on the abstract.


She moved back east for art school, studying first at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, then at Yale for her MFA, where she eventually scrapped abstract work in favor of paintings of animals using glitter and rhinestones — a precursor to her portraiture, which she began to hone after her 2003 residency at the Studio Museum in Harlem.


Whether you’re looking for a brown leather bag or one that has prints and abstract designs, trust Myntra to cater to each one of your needs.


Whether his peers accepted this as a concerted exploration of space in a painting is unknown; but what he ended up with, perhaps accidentally, is a richly textured, beautifully depth-filled galactic series of abstract paintings.


But despite the differences, their content falls into two main categories: Highly-technical and detailed content (how to properly extrude dog food, how to correctly code hospital procedures and diagnoses, etc.) and the more abstract soft-skill content (how to be a better leader, how to foster interpersonal skills, etc.).


From its opening shot — an abstract pattern revealed as a sidewalk grate, from which the camera tilts up to take in midtown Manhattan at night — Carol creates a vivid retro look that’s entirely distinct from the Technicolor lushness of Far From Heaven, as well as from the drab claustrophobia of Haynes» Mildred Pierce miniseries.


Renowned for his invention of the mobile, a kinetic construction of suspended abstract elements that describe individual movements in changing harmony, Calder also devoted himself to making outdoor sculpture on a grand scale from bolted steel plate, which stand in public plazas in cities throughout the world.


In 1970, the artist commented: «the need to keep the picture completely abstract is very important to me» (quoted in Jeremy Moon, 1976 p. 7).


This exhibition includes more than forty rare museum-caliber works and presents both representational and abstract art, offering a broad spectrum of artistic expression.


The paintings and drawings of Los Angeles artist Mark Grotjahn (born 1968) collide abstract and figurative elements into spider-webbed splinters that skew traditional perspective and dazzle the eye.


Wheels punctuate the composition in a jaunty, syncopated rhythm — a chariot race without the chariots, a riot of implied motion on top of an already pushy abstract painting, not going anywhere, in perpetuity.


The artist — who lives in Berlin — will be displaying his extensive and many-sided oeuvre, consisting of photographs, abstract paintings, table installations, videos, and artist’s books.


What’s on view: Several puffy, abstract paintings that look like they’re filled with colorful gel; sculptures assembled out of household-size objects in steel, sometimes coated with beads and materials that look like straw and resin; often, they’re outfitted with holes in them


Sarris also complained about the vagueness of the finale, stating the film ended on an arrogant note of artiness: «The ending is a mishmash of psychedelic self-indulgence for the special effects people and an exercise in mystifying abstract fantasy in the open temple of High Art» (Sarris 45).


Clement Greenberg proclaimed abstract expressionism and Jackson Pollock in particular as the epitome of aesthetic value.


If your game has more of an abstract theme to it, popping in a fair amount of neon and particles can give your game an effect similar to a fireworks show.


Xico Greenwald reviews two abstract painting shows on the Lower East Side: Don Voisine at McKenzie Fine Art (through June 9) and Bob Zoell/Wyatt Kahn at Rachel Uffner Gallery (through June 2).


These luminous abstract paintings, in colours one might be tempted to describe as pretty, remind me of bits of joinery painted in the pastel colours of a beach hut.


It has an abstract, an introduction, a body and a conclusion.


Some other formative influences are apparent in the show’s first room of paintings: for Krasner, it was the abstract painter and pedagogue Hans Hofmann; for Lewis, the Harlem art school director Augusta Savage.


Throughout his career, De Keyser remained in debt to the heroes of abstract expressionism, even though his work consciously eschewed the large scale of Mark Rothko or Barnett Newman.


All women artists, over the age of 18 were encouraged to submit their best representational or abstract art and photography.


The most important thing for you to focus on is getting a great abstract written that proves to your professors that you know what you’re doing.


However stats are based on actual happenings not the abstract.


Artists such as Manfred Mohr, Vera Molnar, Frieder Nake and Stan VanDerBeek adopted computer programmes to create abstract and geometrical works while Roy Ascott, Allan Kaprow, Gary Hill and Nam June Paik used various new media to connect across multiple sites globally.


At a press conference at the school Friday evening, Sato said he had agreed to be listed as a co-author on the poster presented in New York after Moriguchi sent him an abstract.


So the continued perception that Mural achieved a high standard of abstract painting makes it serve as a benchmark with which to evaluate current work.


In a radical shift, she began abstract painting in 2011.


Including Helbig’s work was a clever move, its more abstract character allowing for a moment of rest.


абстрактный, отвлеченный, абстракция, резюме, реферат, абстрагировать


- абстрактный, отвлечённый

abstract concept — абстрактное понятие
abstract noun — имя существительное отвлечённое /абстрактное/

- теоретический
- трудный для понимания; малопонятный, неясный

abstract speculations — абстрактное теоретизирование

- иск. абстрактный, непрезентативный

abstract art — абстрактное искусство
abstract impressionism [expressionism] — абстрактный импрессионизм [экспрессионизм]
abstract music — абстрактная музыка


- абстракция; отвлечённое понятие

in the abstract — абстрактно, отвлечённо; в теории, теоретически
justice in the abstract — идея всеобщей справедливости; справедливость вообще

- отвлечённый термин
- резюме, конспект, реферат, краткий обзор

abstract bulletin [journal] — реферативный бюллетень [журнал]

- юр. документ о правовом титуле (тж. abstract of title)
- произведение абстрактного искусства

a geometric abstract in red and yellow — абстрактная картина из красных и жёлтых геометрических фигур


- отнимать; отделять, извлекать

the letter was abstracted from the bag — письмо было извлечено из портфеля
to abstract metal from ore — извлекать металл из руды

- абстрагировать; рассматривать отвлечённо

to abstract oneself /one’s mind/ from smth. — отвлекаться от чего-л.
to abstract the notion of time and space — рассматривать отвлечённо понятия времени и пространства

- абстрагироваться

abstracting from — отвлекаясь от

- реферировать; резюмировать; суммировать
- разг. похитить, украсть; увести

Мои примеры


abstract science — фундаментальная наука  
abstract of the specifications — краткое описание технических характеристик  
abstract term — общее понятие  
abstract of account — выписка из счета  
abstract mathematics — чистая математика  

Примеры с переводом

“Honesty” is an abstract word.

“Честность” — это абстрактное слово.

It is impossible for him to abstract himself from the world.

Он не может абстрагироваться от мира.

Abstract art displeases him.

Абстрактное искусство ему не по душе.

The word poem is concrete, poetry is abstract.

Слово «поэма» выражает конкретное понятие, слово «поэзия» — абстрактное.

He possessed only an abstract right.

Право у него есть только номинально.

He persuaded her to change from abstracts to portraits.

Он убедил её перейти от абстрактных картин к портретам.

Injury data were abstracted from the same source.

Сведения о травмах были почёрпнуты из того же источника.

ещё 18 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Let’s abstract away from this particular example

…the scientist wrote a bare-bones abstract of his research and conclusions…

…an abstract expressionist who uses a palette of charged colors to great effect…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

abstracted  — рассеянный, погруженный в мысли, отдаленный, удаленный
abstraction  — абстракция, отвлечение, рассеянность
abstractive  — абстрактный, абстрагирующий, отвлеченный
abstractness  — абстрактность, отвлеченность
abstracter  — референт, составитель рефератов, лицо, составляющее справки о правовом титуле
abstracting  — реферирование, абстрагирование

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): abstract
мн. ч.(plural): abstracts

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