Sentence with word absent

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Students who sleep during class are considered absent.

Ученик, не находящийся в классе во время урока, считается отсутствующим.

Our still conspicuously absent gallery owner.

Вероятно, нашему до сих пор отсутствующему владельцу галереи.

He whined and was often absent.

I notice you were absent from class today.

The study excludes students that are absent on the day of data collection.

Таким образом, обследованием не охватываются молодые люди, не посещающие школу, и учащиеся, отсутствовавшие в день сбора данных.

The only leader of stature was absent when the attack occurred.

Единственный руководитель, пользовавшийся авторитетом, был в другом месте, когда началось нападение.

Education was conspicuously absent from this assessment.

В этой оценке ничего не сказано о процессе образования.

Other guarantees are either absent or cover only certain limited risks.

Других гарантий либо не существует, либо они охватывают лишь конкретные ограниченные риски.

His own father was largely absent.

Тем временем, ее отца по большей части не было рядом.

Create it if it is absent.

Здесь же можно создать его, если он отсутствует.

Delusion and hallucinations are usually absent.

Иллюзии и галлюцинации, как правило, отсутствуют.

It is not absent because human witnesses are.

Он не пойман лишь потому, что вмешались инспекторы природоохраны.

And I want no-one absent from lunch…

И я хочу, чтобы никто не увильнул от обеда.

And you possess wealth absent name.

А у тебя есть богатство, но нет имени.

After I commanded you remain absent his company.

После того, как я приказал тебе держаться от него подальше.

As gables and horse, they are absent.

Что же касается фронтонов и конек, то они отсутствуют.

He transferred here while you were absent.

Его перевели к нам, пока тебя не было.

We were absent when he needed us.

Нас не было рядом, когда он нуждался в нас.

Good or bad, but leadership qualities in you are absent.

Хорошо это или плохо, но лидерские качества в тебе, практически, отсутствуют.

They also popularized several key techniques absent in second-generation operating systems.

Они даже сделали популярными несколько ключевых технических приемов, отсутствовавших в операционных системах второго поколения.

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1. He that fears you present, will hate you absent

2. The eye is blind if the mind is absent

3. Long absent, soon forgotten.

4. I was absent once or twice.

5. The teacher marked her absent .

6. Love was totally absent from his childhood.

7. The teacher marked her down as absent.

8. She has been absent from school for several days.

9. He is absent on business.

10. Only one boy was absent, namely Harry.

11. He is absent from the meeting.

12. You’ve been absent six times according to our records.

13. Local women were conspicuously absent from the meeting.

14. Local people were conspicuously absent from the meeting.

15. You are really absent — minded.

16. Such scandals have not, alas, been absent.

17. What percentage of the students were absent?

18. No fewer than 10 students were absent through illness.

19. At times he would be absent for a couple of days.

20. Three witnesses gave testimony that he was absent at that time.

21. The Personnel Department keeps a record of employees absent through sickness.

22. He has been absent from his desk for two weeks.

23. By being absent from the trial, he forfeited the right to appeal.

24. He was absent from work for two weeks.

24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

25. He gave a lame excuse for being absent.

26. Women were conspicuously absent from the planning committee.

27. She is never absent from work without good cause.

28. Absent some catastrophe, the food prices should soon drop.

29. To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 

30. The school confers a medal on any student who is not absent a single day.

отсутствующий, рассеянный, отсутствовать, отлучаться, в отсутствие, без


- отсутствующий

absent on leave — (находящийся) в отпуске
absent without leave — воен. находящийся в самовольной отлучке
to be absent from school — пропустить занятия (в школе)
to be absent from work — не быть на работе; прогулять
to be absent from duty — не явиться на службу
he is absent — он отсутствует, его нет
revenge is absent from his mind — о мести он и не помышляет

- несуществующий

snow is absent in some countries — в некоторых странах никогда не бывает снега

- рассеянный

absent look — отсутствующий взгляд
absent-minded — рассеянный


- отсутствовать, не быть (в каком-л. месте)

to absent oneself from smth. — а) уклоняться от чего-л.; б) отсутствовать где-л. (без уважительной причины); отлучаться откуда-л.


- без, в отсутствие

absent nationality — без гражданства

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

Several people in the class are absent today.

Сегодня в классе отсутствуют несколько человек.

He absented himself.

Он отлучился. / Он отсутствовал.

Since he is still absent, we should call the police.

Поскольку его всё ещё нет, нам следует вызвать полицию.

I hope that I may be permitted at times to absent myself from this place.

Надеюсь, что мне разрешат время от времени отлучаться отсюда без предупреждения.

In fishes the ribs are sometimes entirely absent.

У рыб иногда полностью отсутствуют рёбра.

Have you reckoned in the members who are absent?

Ты посчитал отсутствующих?

Notably absent from his statement was any hint of an apology.

В частности, в его заявлении, не было никакого намека на извинение.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The legs of snakes are vestigial or absent altogether.

Several senior executives were notably absent from the proceedings.

Local women were conspicuously absent (=obviously not there) from the meeting.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

absence  — отсутствие, недостаток, неявка, отлучка
absentee  — отсутствующий, уклоняющийся, прогулявший, не участвующий
absently  — рассеянно

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: absent
he/she/it: absents
ing ф. (present participle): absenting
2-я ф. (past tense): absented
3-я ф. (past participle): absented

I think readers know my position on global warming science, but the elevator version is this: Increasing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 will almost certainly warm the Earth — absent feedback effects, most scientists agree it will warm the Earth about a degree C by the year 2100.


This was something of a relief because the «bump» in the heat content record was not only absent from climate models, there was no evidence for it in any other records and no good explanation could be found for its cause.


There’s an unbelievable love story between leads Segel and Mara, their chemistry altogether absent.


The link that is at once present and absent is how the United States is to develop an adequate supply of teachers that can master the practices — pedagogical content knowledge, classroom efficiency, and authentic caring — that are described in such loving detail in these two books.


Buttons have been absent from the Kindle since the Kindle 4 was released back in 2011, and e-reading enthusiasts have been stuck with the significantly uglier Barnes and Noble Nook if they needed that tactile sensation on a button can provide.


I mention that because there may be some games absent from my list that are on your list, and I’m totally fine with that.


Because the wool panels are removable, the bag can be machine-washed — a necessary feature that’s surprisingly absent in many cloth lunch bags.


That’s why housing, housing finance, and housing related names are absent.


Since winning a best supporting actress Oscar in 2014 for her powerful performance in 12 Years a Slave, Lupita Nyong» o has been curiously absent from the big screen — bar a motion capture role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.


The Sharif Hussein of the Hijaz qualifies, but King Faysal of Iraq and Kings Abdullah and Hussein of Jordan are all absent.


With this document, another person will have legal authority for health, medical and other major decisions, with certain limitations, when you’re absent.


As some observers have noted, the programs that are at the heart of America’s long-term insolvency, but sacrosanct, seem to be largely absent on both parties» cut lists.


«After a thorough investigation of interference with the operation of the Moreland Commission and its premature closing, this Office has concluded that, absent any additional proof that may develop, there is insufficient evidence to prove a federal crime,» Mr. Bharara said in a statement.


It wouldn’t surprise me if Konami are absent from E3 next month, after all what the hell are they going to show?


Whatever the amount of photon energy and other energy, however distributed, over time, absent kinetic barriers, the system will tend to approach equilibrium.


Though the eponymous Professor is mostly absent from this newest entry, it retains the series» charm — and, more importantly, its wonderfully chill soundtrack, once more provided by Tomohito Nishiura.


A highly placed source from the A-G’s office told the Daily Graphic: «We only got to know of the case through online portal reports which indicated that we were absent in court.»


Results of the genetic testing confirmed that the same gene was absent in all of the 10 patients.


For a long time, I’ve engaged in this notion of the absent present, the object that’s uncertain in this state that I call non-object.


It is the default position of Science absent new evidence showing it does not apply.)


As a result of the lack of cash-flow modeling — a common practice in Fortune 500 companies with large finance departments, yet all but absent in smaller businesses — most entrepreneurs have no idea how to make important financial decisions around such actions as hiring an employee, buying new equipment or spending on marketing.


So, in thinking about the historical spectrum we work with at Tate Britain, I wanted to revive the earlier end of the period, which is somewhat absent at present, while also reinvigorating our work with contemporary art: Art Now, for example, which we’re going to accelerate from two to three a year.


Develop individual accommodation plans and return-to-work policies for employees that have been absent due to a disability by following up with employees that are in the process of returning to work to see what accommodations can be made for them


It may, in fact, cause resentment, frustration, and rejection in a parent who is ordered to share decisions with a previously absent and uninvolved parent.


On November 18, Interior released its plan, and notably absent from the plan was acreage in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, a sign that President Obama wants to wall off those areas from future development.


In the case of grasslands, tundras, and certain other treeless habitats, the upper one or two layers may be absent, although in those cases there are often material differences in the grassland plant height layering.


Social media services are also free, boast millions more members and offer a degree of serendipity absent from the love-by-algorithm approach embraced by traditional online dating services.


However, because it is an almost completely deterministic system, we can at least theoretically hope after the fact to suss out a causality chain for the various modes of internal variability and/or pertubations in external forcings which do contribute to constant change even absent our influences.


Similarly, the lawyer should decline the joint defense of an employer and an absent former employee because the former employee can not consent to the potential conflict of interest between the two clients.


When distributing work sheets, place copies in folders for absent students.


Such rotation is absent in N = 6 superlattice (right bottom), which has strong ferromagnetism.


Convection is typically absent across the eastern half of the equatorial Pacific.


This downturn is certainly extreme, but the conditions that amplified the downward spiral in the Great Depression are largely absent here.


The Marshmallow element is present only in Settings app while it’s absent from the notification panels, app drawer and other factors you generally see on a Stock Android.


Legal counsel should enquire whether coverage of the absent director or officer is affected in any way.


Curiously absent from the Baby Box we reviewed are any cleaning instructions.


Including missing accounts in your credit report Sometimes, there will be accounts absent from your credit file.


Teaches the lesson plan as prepared by the absent teacher.


Some titles are totally absent from either list though that makes no literal sense as «overseas» by any definition is part of «worldwide».


The crux of the story takes place during Jude’s adolescence, as he lives with his mom in boring Vermont while his frequently absent father calls New York City his home, where he carries on a long-term relationship with a well-to-do Manhattan widow named Diane (Emily Mortimer).


Receiving this added education will allow the staff to cross-train for various positions and make it easier for staff members to fill in for their fellow employees if they are forced to be absent due to such unforeseen circumstances such as illness or personal emergency.


I came to realize that much of what we are taught about dieting and nutrition is based on weak or absent evidence.


Cuomo, a Democrat who has been generally absent from the Capitol since April, called the special session on Tuesday but set its sights lower: a one-year renewal of mayoral control, re-authorization of some expiring sales tax extenders for Lower Manhattan and a tweak to a pension sweetener for public safety officers.


Well, absent consent from Aboriginal title holders, the SCC tells us in Tsilhqot» in that the Crown must show three things to justify overriding the Aboriginal title-holding group’s wishes on the basis of the broader public good (at para 77):


The early 1990s anomaly is weak in the WAIS records, while the late 1990s cold anomaly is absent in the WAIS records.


The following year, the series finale featured several montages of clips from old episodes, but Farrell’s character was notably absent, despite her long involvement with the show.


Because Pomerance has chosen not to paint and pad his freak literalistically, Merrick — ever in a double figure — reminds us of that «other» dimension of beauty and wholeness that is nearly absent from the broken world this play exposes.


In addition, and as more fully set forth below, the TAT pushed its reasoning even further by holding that an employer may not shorten the notice of termination period of an employee having more than two years of uninterrupted service, unless there is a good and sufficient cause to dismiss the employee, and that absent any such cause, the employee could file a complaint under section 124 of the Act respecting Labour Standards (the «LSA»).


If it is an undue hardship under the ADA to hold open an employee’s position during a period of leave, or an employee is no longer qualified to return to his/her original position, then the employer must reassign the employee (absent undue hardship) to a vacant position for which s/he is qualified.


He was very receptive when I asked him about the then absent Canadian resources adding the sources cited above almost immediately after I contacted him.


Английское слово absent встречается в речи не так часто, поэтому студенты не уделяют ему много внимания. И все же, все со школьных времен помнят «Tanya is absent today». Как еще это слово может пригодиться вам? Об этом мы поговорим в статье сегодня.

I. Absent в качестве прилагательного
II. Absent в качестве предлога
III. Устойчивые выражения с absent

Absent в качестве прилагательного

Первый раз с прилагательным absent [ˈæbsənt] мы встречаемся как раз в школе, когда учитель спрашивает: «Who is absent today?» В этом случае absent переводится как «отсутствующий» и используется, когда что-то или кто-то находится не там, где должен быть. Особенно это касается учебных занятий или работы.

Mary has been absent from school for five days now.
Мэри вот уже как 5 дней отсутствует в школе.

Absent может также употребляться в значении «постоянно отсутствующий где-то, нехарактерный для». Например:

This species of ant is absent from Africa.
Этот вид муравьев отсутствует в Африке.

Обратите внимание, что после прилагательного absent ставится предлог from, а затем указывается место, о котором мы говорим.

Баннер Методика запоминания слов

Назад к содержанию

Absent в качестве предлога

Предлог absent переводится как «без», «в отсутствие» чего-либо.

Absent a detailed plan, the conference was doomed from the start.
Без продуманного плана конференция была обречена с самого начала.

Назад к содержанию

Устойчивые выражения с absent

Absent также входит в состав устойчивых английских выражений путем слияния с другими английскими словами. Посмотрим на примерах:

absent-mindedness – рассеянность (существительное)
absent-mindedly – рассеянно (наречие)
absent-minded – рассеянный (прилагательное)

In a moment of absent-mindedness, she threw her wallet in the bin.
В момент рассеянности она выбросила кошелек в мусорное ведро.

She absent-mindedly left her keys on the bus.
Она рассеянно оставила ключи в автобусе.

She is absent-minded.
Она рассеянная.

Фото Полины Червовой

Полина Червова, основатель школы WillSpeak

А ещё со словом absent есть пословица, которая имеет эквивалент в русском языке:

Long absent, soon forgotten.
С глаз долой, из сердца вон.

Назад к содержанию

Многие слова в английском языке сложны тем, что имеют несколько значений, не всегда очевидных и понятных на первый взгляд. На моем комплексном курсе английского Will Speak я объясняю каждое слово простым и понятным языком, чтобы вы могли их быстрее усвоить и уже начать строить предложения. Записаться можно прямо сейчас!

Ваша Полина Червова,
основатель школы WillSpeak

Пробный урок курса Will Speak

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