Sentence with the word walking

ходьба, хождение, походка, гуляющий, ходячий, на шагающем ходу


- ходьба

to be fond of walking — любить ходить пешком
I prefer walking to driving — я предпочитаю ходить, а не ездить

- спортивная ходьба

walking judge — судья по спортивной ходьбе

- походка
- (пешеходная) дорога

easy walking — хорошая дорога (для пешехода)
there is a path up the mountain but it is rough walking — есть тропа на эту гору, но пройти по ней нелегко
the walking here is bad — дорога (для пешехода) здесь плохая

- поведение; манера держаться

wary walking — осторожность, осмотрительность


- гуляющий, прохаживающийся, идущий пешком

it is within walking distance — туда можно дойти пешком

- ходячий

walking case — а) мед. ходячий больной; б) воен. легкораненый

- на шагающем ходу

walking excavator — шагающий экскаватор

- ходовой

walking cultivator — с.-х. ходовой культиватор
walking plough — с.-х. ходовой плуг, висячий плуг (конный)

- театр., кино немой

walking lady — театр. статистка
walking gentleman — театр. статист
walking part — роль без слов

- являющийся (о привидении)
- амер. сл. покупаемый навынос (в ресторане и т. п.)

walking dictionary /encyclopaedia/ — ходячая энциклопедия

Мои примеры


a good pair of walking shoes — хорошая пара прогулочной обуви  
a circus performer walking on stilts — цирковой артист, идущий на ходулях  
walking ticket — извещение об увольнении с работы  
walking wounded dressing station — перевязочный пункт для легкораненых; медицинский пункт для легкораненых  
walking dysentery — амёбная дизентерия; амёбиаз  
he is a walking encyclopaedia — он — ходячая энциклопедия; он-ходячая энциклопедия  
walking encyclopaedia — ходячая энциклопедия; эрудит  
walking excursion — пешая экскурсия  
walking exercises — упражнения в ходьбе  
put a ferrule to a walking stick — надеть на трость новый наконечник; надеть на трость наконечник  
main gear actuator walking beam — качающийся рычаг силового привода основного шасси  
walking flock — отара-репродуктор  

Примеры с переводом

We went walking in the hills.

Мы отправились прогуляться среди холмов.

She is a walking disaster.

Она — ходячая катастрофа.

Is your grandson walking yet?

Твой внук уже ходит?

She pretended not to hear, and kept on walking.

Она притворилась, что не слышит, и продолжала идти.

Grandma’s out walking the dog.

Бабушка вышла погулять с собакой.

They were walking beside me.

Они шли рядом со мной.

We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.

Мы провели весь день, гуляя по городу.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

All that walking tired me out.

He loved walking in the hills.

She goes walking every day in the park.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

walk  — ходьба, шаг, походка, тропа, расстояние, ходить, идти, гулять, идти пешком, обходить
walker  — ходок, скороход
walkable  — проходимый, доступный пешеходу, удобный для ходьбы

Use Walking in a sentence. How to use the word Walking in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Walking. Sentence for Walking.

Use Walked in a Sentence

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Examples of Walking in a sentence

  1. As in walking, so in living with our fellows, some friction is necessary.
  2. The last time I saw him he was walking down lover’s lane holding his own hand.
  3. Slipping out of her gray dress, she changed into a walking suit of blue homespun.
  4. In a minute or two he came back, walking carefully, so as not to spill the water.
  5. At the time of Mrs. Henry’s visit, the hen was out in the yard walking about.
  6. The problem is due to their appearances and way of walking or talking they are easily recognizable and become victim of such derogatory remarks etc.
  7. While I was walking through the door I stumbled upon something very cold and metallic and felt the drum begin to move away from me.
  8. You accidentally hear, I will suppose, as you are walking home from school, two of your boys in earnest conversation, and one of them uses profane language.
  9. So Stuyvesant brought the team around and then went back, one of the oxen in returning walking in the furrow which had been made before.
  10. Fire, so the book proceeds, is to be the test of guilt or innocence for all men; the holy Vatsa once demonstrated his innocence by walking through fire without a hair of his head being consumed.
  11. As she spoke the name, she turned away from him, and walking with unsteady steps across the room, stood looking down into the fire.
  12. By walking cautiously out to the extremity of a point that projected from the shelf upon which his cabin stood, he had been accustomed to see the snowy domes of Mt. Shasta.
  13. Every night, now, when I put out the light to go to bed, I see her in the room; and when I go on streets that are dark, I think she’s walking with me.

Post Views: 242

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The only sound was that of Ed walking and an occasional winter bird song.

Yet there it was, big as life, walking across the field toward the tree line.

The old prince did not evince the least interest during this explanation, but as if he were not listening to it continued to dress while walking about, and three times unexpectedly interrupted.

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Readers of Dante know the idea that the dead have no shadows; this was no invention of the poet’s but a piece of traditionary lore; at the present day among the Basutos it is held that a man walking by the brink of a river may lose his life if his shadow falls on the water, for a crocodile may seize it and draw him in; in Tasmania, North and South America and classical Europe is found the conception that the soul — o-tab., umbra — is somehow identical with the shadow of a man.

One day a traveler was walking through a part of Italy where a great many sheep were pasturing.

His comrades, the prisoner soldiers walking beside him, avoided looking back at the place where the shot had been fired and the dog was howling, just as Pierre did, but there was a set look on all their faces.

It was still eerie walking around the place alone, knowing he had been there.

Fred managed to get the license number by walking around the block and returning to the house from the rear.

The remaining somites carry single-clawed walking legs, a single pair to each somite.

But sometimes Squaw Walden had her revenge, and a hired man, walking behind his team, slipped through a crack in the ground down toward Tartarus, and he who was so brave before suddenly became but the ninth part of a man, almost gave up his animal heat, and was glad to take refuge in my house, and acknowledged that there was some virtue in a stove; or sometimes the frozen soil took a piece of steel out of a plowshare, or a plow got set in the furrow and had to be cut out.

  • Use the word Walking in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The next big challenge is walking in space — an extravehicular activity, or EVA.

I’ll have your lambkins up and walking.

I fell while I was walking.

For example, this is a catch picture, walking on the Pont Neuf or something like that and a man is walking his black and white Capuchin monkey and a woman’s coming along with her…in black and white of all things… with her baby in there and the two of them are seeing each other.

Or, you know, just catching a pair of giant shoes walking along the street with people in them, and they run into a girl on crutches who’s got a leg in a cast and she does this high kick for them.

I remember walking into a galleryist in New York City with my work in 1974 and he took a look and he asked me,

But photography has to build this out of the facts that we all know by walking dirty streets and living in dirty air.

I was walking down the hallway and saw a woman going to the ICU.

Only 2 people are walking the streets of power:

Sometimes when I’m walking I see the policemen beat people like dogs.

The mayor’s walking down the stairs.

Don’t see me walking around with the clown’s frown.

If anyone so much as mentions «bad luck», they’re walking.

You shouldn’t be walking out here alone.

The whole walking through the woods and hearing noises coming from places that, you know—

I was walking around, and…

Because you go around doing what you do, in other people’s eyes… You’re just a crazy woman walking around with that tissue box on your foot. Someone who doesn’t even know how to be embarrassed.

I look like a crazy person walking around like this, don’t I?

Javier? Called in by someone walking their dog.

That woman walking arm in arm…

My dear, I have some pressing business and cannot go walking with you.

The Devil himself walking in the pastor’s slippers!»

I wont return to the world before you, stone statue do not start walking.

I wont return to the world until that virgin of stone starts walking, this I promissed and will fulfill.


Gudule didn’t notice she was walking along a quarry.

The Lieutenant General had a strange encounter while leaving Ste-S├®v├¿re as did the chaplain walking in the park.

Auguste has given me my walking papers because she was available … she has fallen in love.

The main culprit is a masked man who goes walking about the circus …

This is the young man who is to take Sally walking.

Let’s get out of here and go walking on the beach.

You have to practice walking with the mask on.

walking the streets of Edo, I cou d see with my own eyes why Master Kurata is risking his life to topple the Shogunate.

You’re not walking out on me?

Hope you don’t think I’m fresh walking along with you like this.

You can’t win this war worrying and walking around in your stocking feet.

Aye, you been too old to go walking streets, Marthy.

You see, I got so used to walking in the army that I kind of like it.

I don’t believe I’ll do very much walking.

anyhow, those walking bed sheets can’t shoot straight.

Ward was only trying to tell you that the defense was that murder was committed in a fit of daytime sleep walking.

I was walking by his house, and I saw some detectives taking him away.

David Manners told me that Lugosi was particularly aloof and unapproachable, wrapped up in the Dracula mystique as he was wrapped up in his Dracula cape, walking in front of a full-length mirror intoning to himself

  • Dictionary
  • W
  • Walking
  • Sentences
  • Recently I’ve started to do a lot of walking and cycling.
  • He is a walking encyclopedia
  • A culture of fear confining people to their cars is to blame for fewer women and children walking in Australia than other countries.
  • FitFlops are a very innovative walking shoe to enter the market.
  • A walking trip through Wales
  • A walking encyclopedia
  • The therapeutic effects of walking can be amplified through conscious.
  • Perceived exertion is a measurement used while you are walking or exercising to determine the level of difficulty of your.
  • A walking plow
  • A walking beam
  • There are plenty of adventure travel companies that offer guided walking holidays.
  • A walking crane
  • walking pneumonia
  • The hospital is caring for six walking patients. He’s walking proof that people can lose weight quickly.
  • She put on her walking shoes and went out.
  • True sightseeing is a walking affair. We took a walking tour of Spain.
  • A walking plow.
  • To go for a walk.
  • Not more than ten minutes’ walk from town.
  • It was impossible to mistake her walk.
  • They found every walk of life closed against them.
  • We can walk in the park after lunch.
  • He typed so hard that the lamp walked right off the desk.
  • The miners will walk unless they get a pay raise.
  • To believe that spirits walk at night.
  • A regular drill bit may walk on a plastic surface when you first try to make a hole. When the earthquake started, the pen on the seismograph walked all over the paper.
  • To walk humbly with thy God.
  • walking London streets by night; walking the floor all night.
  • Elizabeth knows so many words that they call her the walking dictionary. Don’t check Wikipedia, ask Jane, the walking encyclopaedia. Phil’s mother is a walking miracle after surviving that accident.
  • We walked our horses the last quarter of a mile.
  • They were walking him around the room soon after his operation.
  • A walking tourgood walking shoes
  • He walked them about the park.
  • We walked the morning away along the beach.
  • We saw them walking guard over the chain gang.
  • To walk a track; to walk the boundaries of the property.
  • It’s exasperating to find yourself walked when you arrive at a hotel late in the evening.
  • If he doesn’t get his way, he takes a walk. I don’t need your advice, so take a walk.
  • The teacher will walk the class through the entire testing procedure before the real test begins.

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