Sentence with the word visitor

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1 There’s a visitor for you.

2 This bird is an unusual winter visitor to Britain.

3 You are a frequent visitor at my house.

4 He is a frequent visitor to this country.

5 The dog ran at the visitor and bit him.

6 Terry greeted the visitor warmly .

7 There have been a mysterious visitor in the office.

8 A visitor arrived just as we were setting out for the airport.

9 The visitor wants in.

10 The visitor opened the wrong door and broke in on a private conference.

11 There was such a crowd round the distinguished visitor that I could not get to speak to him.

12 He was a regular visitor of hers.

13 Rina is a frequent visitor to the city.

14 Are you a native[], or just a visitor?

15 The town has much to interest the visitor.

16 She was a frequent visitor to the house.

17 They greeted their visitor with formal politeness.

18 When my visitor arrives, see him in, will you?

19 She would have to efface herself before her visitor.

20 The visitor is the late President, now a scholar.

21 She was a frequent visitor to the gallery.

22 You have a visitor,( Reverend Mother.

23 Will you please show our visitor out?

24 He was received as an honoured visitor.

25 «You must be Emma,» said the visitor.

26 I wasn’t expecting a visitor. I was really thrown.

27 The park has just received its millionth visitor.

28 The port now attracts a wealthier class of visitor.

29 He drove his visitor away.

30 The crowd jammed together to get a good view of the famous visitor.

More similar words: visible, sit on, division, envision, provision, editor, monitor, inquisitive, acquisition, competitor, territory, advise, visual, adviser, wait on, a bit of, supervisor, activist, a bit of a, crisis, chitosan, sit, decision, site, ubiquitous, promising, sit up, meritocracy, surprising, as it is. 

посетитель, гость, инспектор, экскурсант, ревизор, перелетная птица


- посетитель, гость

official visitor — лицо, прибывшее с официальным визитом
we have visitors — у нас гости
visitors to a museum — посетители музея
a visitor from Mars — пришелец с Марса

- приезжий, временный житель (курорта, гостиницы и т. п.); приезжающий; турист, экскурсант

summer visitors — дачники; курортники
visitors to a hotel — проживающие в гостинице
to take in visitors — сдавать комнаты приезжим /отдыхающим/

- инспектор, ревизор; контролёр; обследователь
- перелётная птица

Мои примеры


to interpret for foreign visitor — переводить иностранному гостю  
stray visitor — случайный посетитель  
health-visitor service — брит. услуги приходящих сиделок  
to let in a visitor — впустить посетителя  
transit visitor — транзитный пассажир  
distinguished visitor — высокопоставленное лицо, посещающее часть; почётный посетитель  
visitor was none other than the king — вошедший был не кто иной, как король  
exchange visitor visa — виза для лиц, приезжающих по программе обмена  
visitor visa — гостевая виза  
visit and visitor — посещение и посетитель  

Примеры с переводом

The dog ran at the visitor and bit him.

Собака бросилась на посетителя и укусила его.

The guard allowed the visitor to pass.

Охранник разрешил посетителю пройти.

Oh no, not another visitor!

Господи, только не ещё один посетитель!

She was a frequent visitor to the museum.

Она была частым посетителем этого музея.

His smile fell away when he saw who his visitor was.

Улыбка улетучилась с его лица, когда он увидел, кто к нему пожаловал.

The strange visitor bugged out without so much as saying a word.

Странный посетитель убежал, так и не сказав ни слова.

I leave this notice on my door for each accustomed visitor.

Я оставляю это сообщение на двери для всех постоянных посетителей.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The park has just received its millionth visitor.

…a Southern visitor who was unused to the chilling air of a Northeast winter…

Hong Kong casts a spell over the visitor almost as soon as the aircraft touches down.

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): visitor
мн. ч.(plural): visitors

Examples of how to use the word “visitor” in a sentence. How to connect “visitor” with other words to make correct English sentences.

visitor (n): someone who visits a person or place

Use “visitor” in a sentence

The museum attracts visitors from all over the world.
This festival attracts thousands of visitors every year.
There’s a visitor waiting for you in the lobby.
We had some visitors yesterday.

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Maybe he’d sold his place on the mainland? Where’d they get the money for the boat also? Maybe it was a visitor? She wondered if Venna really had more money than she let on

The fact that he flirts outrageously with her – much to her enjoyment – demonstrates that he is a frequent visitor to The Centre

The sociologists were still debating what the effects on the populace would be if the Kassikan was to announce that this was definitely a visitor of some type

«We could build missiles again, we have to use crystal instead of titanium, but we could do that,» the unnamed one admitted, «If this visitor proves hostile we may have to do that to defend ourselves

«Until we can prove this visitor is not one of ours returning, the Instinct prevents us taking any such action

«I suspect that is the same object and that our visitor attempted some kind of contact by landing someone or something on our world

I get the feeling that he probably did this to ever visitor he saw – he was pretty ancient and not altogether with it, from what I could see

The visitor landed and his rider slid off with Lady Sally in his arms

«Tezza, babe, we’ve got a visitor«, she called out, although she didn’t invite the old man and his dog into their suite

He fretted intensely over what to tell Ava about his visitor

It was a very different visitor that stormed in on him at the end of the week

He also had a visitor

King Rat was playing host to a much-esteemed visitor for whom he

Naturally, just as I decide to go and look there is a knock at the door – the second visitor

«Tezza, babe, we’ve got a visitor«, she called out, although she

visitor, always remarked on the sheer beauty and splendour of the

was different, and when a visitor would come to the

But a few days later, when a visitor came over,

And he’s expecting a visitor

I am indeed surprised by your ignorance of the presence in your own community of an internationally renowned rod-maker, and not fifty paces from this very spot! Might I direct you just down the boardwalk to the Mercantile? There you will find not this sad pole’s equal, but its lord and master!” The Sportsman exclaimed; then added, “I’m sure the tackle you sell is adequate for the leisure fishing interests of the tourists or stray visitor who might of caprice decide to ‘go fish a bit, since there’s a lake here and all,’ but do not impugn the truly exquisite work of master craftsmen by putting these on offer for anything but what they are

used technique was to gently suggest that the visitor looked unwell

‘You said it yourself, you had only one visitor to the

Carol is the second visitor

Of course, the Visitor is the boss, and we have to taken

My Visitor was called Tarm – I had

Still, these are exciting times, here you are with me again, a visitor from another sun, flesh visiting with flesh again

a small cemetery and he seemed to be the only visitor

In an undertone, Jones divulged that the visitor had been on the phone since arriving, apparently talking about some business deal or other

One visitor he had been expecting was Sergeant Brasham

“You were only gone an hour, Tilthane was still with me when I got another visitor asking about Tdeshi

He was cleaning the hooves of a recently stabled mare ridden into town by an annual visitor at the opening of the summer season

He tore into the apple his visitor had

Within the first few days an observer would be hard-pressed to determine who was the local and whom the visitor

She was the only visitor there

tried to intercept the unwelcome visitor

his visitor and dismissed the lieutenant’s apology with a

Her eyes flashed as she regarded the visitor

the Dean of the Guild, and was afraid that his visitor had

She entertained this visitor often over the next couple months

«Or maybe our ancestors stole a starship from a visitor and took off with it

very beauty had a healing effect on the visitor

in some way with the visitor

As he smiled back at her, he was certain that she knew more about Riften than any fresh visitor

A female messenger was dispatched to Helez’s suite to notify her that she had a visitor waiting for her

He had always been something of a gifted spotter for nobility of character and knew, somewhere in his soul perhaps, that the visitor was not being deceitful

The visitor must have been on horseback

He walked down the road to meet the visitor halfway

The visitor moved forward slightly so that the light from within fell across his face

The visitor nodded a polite acknowledgement upon seeing Mr Pinscher, and remained standing, restlessly fiddling with the tattered hem of his threadbare coat, as he waited his turn to speak

Fond memories of that visitor to Lascor

His friend, Mr Pinscher, was more animated as he remarked upon the nerve of their visitor

Clearly the higher your visitor numbers are, the more money you’re going to earn and the more paid ad’ opportunities will be available to you

This page also has a simple form allowing the page visitor to enter their first

“Gerill ’isself,” she muttered more than once to the visitor, “won’t ne’er marry, no matter how hard I try t’ convince ’im

Scott looked back at the mountainous landscape, thinking that he might catch the mysterious visitor in the corner of his eye

He could imagine – even if CISA knew about the visitor, the strange occurrences – they’d still accept the contract from their affiliate corporate financiers, the developers

Still, it all seemed a bit imposing to the first-time visitor

The police had to make a personal appearance after the reporting of the visitor who apparently knew her

He stood, ready to greet his visitor

The question remained: should he announce his presence, just as any visitor?

There was a pail of water outside the door in case a visitor needed to wash his feet

vessel arrived at anchor near Williamstown, there began a steady stream of boats, yachts, and sightseers steaming or sailing close by to have a good look at the visitor

and the pilot had no idea of the nationality of the visitor, nor did he ask any questions

Once you gain visitor trust & love in what you give them you can slowly begin to monetize them

Never believe that your website visitor cares about you or your product!

Your goal should be to truly help you visitor that shows up to your blog, and my personal opinion is that anything else is wasting their time as well as the time you spent adding it to your site

There is another way you can approach the monetization process that may seem less painful for the visitor to grab the Affiliate product you have chosen

Actually what we are going to be talking about is adding bonus offers that make it easy for the visitor to say yes because they will see more value in the bonus than the Affiliate product you are offering them

Gerrid didn’t pretend to understand how this device worked, beyond what he had learned from his visitor in TIAR, whose mind was scanned by L-Seven-Six

Mother bustled to it and I heard her give a gasp, then talk excitedly to our visitor

Among the other slumbering victors were Minty Pinter, Farmer Duck, and a surprise visitor, Dalbo Dall, who had turned up in the middle of the night

she found her way to the lonely cottage, where a visitor rarely came,

is only a visitor, so I don’t expect him to help, but I wanted him to

When Egan arrived I told him who Dena’s latest visitor was and he was just as shocked as I was

I was not a regular visitor in her home

If first impressions count for anything, Club Hollywood was just the sort of place Beth would recommend to any visitor wanting to experience San José nightlife: brand new shiny-bright glitz with hundreds of lights, glass, chrome and uniformed doormen, just as she envisioned Las Vegas to be, and completely contrary to her expectations

Then one day, Albert Gray had a visitor

What strikes the visitor at first sight is the intensity of the traffic, which unfortunately seems to have assumed imperfections and faults that are similar to the ones I observed in Manila during my first visit to the Philippines

At the Western entrance to the “old Spanish village”, the “Puerta Real” (Royal Gate), a national treasure of many a lustrum with its three Romanesque arches of stone, receives the visitor like a solitary sentry standing on guard

The visitor is truly amazed by the panoramic beauty and the architectural skill that is necessary to construct, in that mountainous and rocky topography, a four-lane freeway

However, every visitor can relax, resting curling up in whichever pond at the confluence of the two rivers

In both towns, the populace displays an identical warm, open friendliness that sets the mood of the visitor for relaxation

I wouldn’t be surprised that he arrived as Laura’s visitor was leaving,� �Steve projected with a stern tone

Another unwelcome visitor! This time it was a goddamned psychiatrist, sent by the Air Ministry to conduct some kooky study

No sooner had I gotten rid of the witch doctor, when there was yet another visitor

Most of Yellowstone is in the crater of an active volcano (last eruption 634,000 years ago, but it is an active volcano—it says so at the visitor center)

“We have yet another visitor,” he grunted, then went out

He had been checking the murdered man’s visitor lists when the clerk, who hovered protectively over each file Edgar studied, related an unusual incident of a week earlier

A visitor who had signed in to see one Brian Walston had asked among the guards for help in locating the prisoner whose file Edgar held

He was aware of Edgar’s partnership with Enrique and, apparently because of that, completely refused to supply any information about his visitor or anything else

Our original intent had been for Mia to visit Eddie Ralston in jail as a visitor and appeal to him for help in understanding what Vickie had been like in the weeks before she was murdered

One midweek afternoon, a couple of weeks after the funeral, I was sorting out the filter on Martha’s washing machine when she received a visitor

The German girl who was seated at the reception counter picked up the telephone and told Childers he had a visitor

He simply nodded then and answered vaguely, still holding on the facade of the visitor, trying to learn anything of use:

From what he was able to hear, the visitor was a doctor who had come from Krakow

Similarly a visitor whose offspring did not survive, had thriving issues

I guess I had been a regular visitor in their lives who always stuck up for them

‖ He led me inside and pointed to a female restroom on the visitor side of the security screen

” Was it a vision, the visibility, a visitor? She had tossed most of the night and felt exhausted this morning

Definition of Visitor

a person who goes to see a person or place

Examples of Visitor in a sentence

Each visitor needs their own ticket to enter into the building.


Even though she is a visitor, my sister makes herself at home in my house.


Inmates can only have one visitor come to seem them each week.


As a hospital visitor, I am expected to follow the rules when I go see my mother.


The visitor center gives out maps and information to people visiting the city for the first time.


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