Sentence with the word visited

Мои примеры


a wandering carnival that visited small towns all over the South — странствующий карнавал, который побывал в маленьких городках по всему югу  
visited by a disease — поражённый болезнью  
visited with a disease — поражённый болезнью  
spot visited by few — уголок, где почти никто не бывает  
poet was visited by fits of gloom — на поэта находили приступы уныния  
the city was visited by plague — в городе началась чума  
man-visited space station — периодически посещаемая космонавтами орбитальная станция  
visited right — законное право  
visited space complex — периодически посещаемый космонавтами орбитальный комплекс  
visited space station — посещаемая космонавтами орбитальная станция  

Примеры с переводом

She visited me last Sunday.

Она приезжала ко мне в прошлое воскресенье.

They visited the new library.

Они посетили новую библиотеку.

He visited for two short weeks.

Он гостил всего две короткие недели.

Shaw first visited Russia in 1927.

Шоу впервые посетил Россию в 1927 году.

I visited his bachelor quarters.

Я посетил его холостяцкое жилище.

I visited him as a man of desert.

Я пришёл к нему как к достойному человеку.

We visited many places of interest on our vacation.

За время отпуска мы посетили много интересных мест.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We visited them two summers ago.

He visited his grandmother’s birthplace.

The women visited cities in seven states.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

visit  — посещение, визит, поездка, осмотр, посещать, побывать, навещать, гостить
visitable  — открытый для посетителей
visiting  — посещающий, навещающий, визитный
visiter  — посещать, л, осматривать, обозревать, обыскивать, осматривать

Sentences using the word visited. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use visited in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for visited.

  • Friends visited him. (12)
  • But we visited the church. (2)
  • A wrinkle visited her brow. (8)
  • He also has visited America. (3)
  • I, too, have visited England. (10)
  • In 1894-95, he visited America. (3)
  • Which one has twice visited America? (3)
  • In 1891 he visited the United States. (3)
  • Day by day Richard visited his mother. (10)
  • What Russian pianist has visited America? (3)
  • Before starting, however, he visited Hemmings. (8)
  • Upon these recalcitrants swift retribution is visited. (21)
  • I should have visited Admiral Croft, however, at any rate. (4)
  • He visited these people, but no one could give him a hint. (12)
  • Sorrow visited her tenderly falling eyelids like a sister. (10)
  • Sorrow visited her tenderly falling eyelids like a sister. (22)
  • I could not have visited Mrs. Robert Martin, of Abbey-Mill Farm. (4)
  • Angelo inquired whether they had been visited by Germans of late. (10)
  • In 1897-98, he visited the United States, where he made a sensation. (3)
  • The next morning he stopped at Dorminghurst and visited my friends. (18)
  • An all but acknowledged five-pound-note man was the last they visited. (10)
  • Loring G. Stanton, which the representative of the journal had visited. (9)
  • She had followed him to New York after he had visited at Dorminghurst. (18)
  • It could be certified, that Miss Radnor visited the woman at her house. (10)
  • Once M. de Vauversin visited a commissary of police for permission to sing. (2)
  • Again a look of complacency, and blessed assuagement, visited the little man. (8)
  • The Crofts took possession with true naval alertness, and were to be visited. (4)
  • A gleam of amusement visited Jeff in the gloom where he seemed to be darkling. (9)
  • She stepped forward quickly in the darkness, was visited by fear, and stopped. (8)
  • Like all robust personalities, she visited on others her vexations with herself. (8)
  • Here we visited all states and territories, toured Mexico and passed on to Cuba. (21)
  • Goat Island is marvelously wild for a place visited by so many thousands every year. (9)
  • Lying, with his nose peeping over the quilt, he was visited by a horrible suspicion. (8)
  • The celebrated Chateau Dianet was about to be visited by the guests at Tourdestelle. (10)
  • They visited Paris, Vienna and even St. Petersburg, arousing great enthusiasm everywhere. (3)
  • He would have liked to know whether Diana had recently visited the house, or was expected. (10)
  • It has been proved and admitted that he once visited the dwelling of the murderer Heinzen. (12)
  • Minor, who had visited New England in 1834, and Lowell found them exceedingly interesting. (14)
  • He had formerly visited at Stanhill, but it was too long for his young cousins to remember him. (4)
  • His daughter being absent, he had visited the cupboard merely to satisfy an habitual curiosity. (10)
  • Mr. Phillips visited them all, and this opened to his nieces a store of felicity unknown before. (4)
  • An early overture was given at the Crystal Palace, in London, which he visited during a piano tour. (3)
  • With what delighted pride she afterwards visited Mrs. Bingley, and talked of Mrs. Darcy, may be guessed. (4)
  • An hour after the departure of the Lenkensteins, the castle was again officially visited by Colonel Zofel. (10)
  • In watching him I followed him to the office of General Arnold on the night before he visited Dorminghurst. (18)
  • The house we visited was of one story, but long and deep, and was comfortably, even luxuriously, furnished. (20)
  • The veteran circus man is superficially acquainted with the physical features of most of the towns visited. (21)
  • In the summer he enjoyed much making the personal acquaintance of Thomas Hughes, who visited America at this time. (14)
  • Mr. Baynes made himself extremely pleasant to June, who frequently visited his house in Lowndes Square at this period. (8)
  • He came whenever she sent for him, and sat quiet under the severities with which she visited all his past unworthiness. (9)
  • One of them, Joseph Le Caron, went forward to the distant Huron country, which had not yet been visited by any European. (19)
  • On the most trifling matter his eyes kindled, his fist visited the table, and his voice rolled abroad in changeful thunder. (2)
  • The drive ended in a visit to the old Burg, where the Hapsburg Kaisers dwelt when they visited their faithful imperial city. (9)
  • In the course of the morning which saw this business arranged, she visited Miss Tilney, and poured forth her joyful feelings. (4)
  • I suppose no great author was ever more visited by letter and in person than he, or kept a faithfuler conscience for his guests. (9)
  • In return for the hospitality freely given, they sang the songs they learned from each other and in the various lands they visited. (3)
  • She saw her father drop the sheet of paper; she saw his face, all pink and silver, stooping after it; and remorse visited her anger. (8)
  • We are so willing to be lenient to the unfortunate, for a Greater than we has visited them with sorrow such as man could not inflict. (5)
  • There was hardly an art-centre in Europe from Copenhagen to Naples which he had not visited for the purpose of bringing out his works. (3)
  • Both had fallen victims on the same day to the plague, the only pestilence that had visited this bright coast within the memory of man. (5)
  • And sitting lunchless in the hall of his hotel, with tourists passing every moment, Baedeker in hand, he was visited by black dejection. (8)
  • We visited a couple of beer-cellars to taste the drink of the people, and discovered three of our men engaged in a similar undertaking. (10)
  • This dislike and animosity were visited upon one generation after another until finally it affected the worldly prosperity of the family. (5)
  • Unlike Hucbald and Otger, he seems to have been more than a secluded monk, for he visited Rome and was a well-known figure in the church. (3)
  • Slowly the motley regiment swung into that grim amphitheatre under the pale sunshine; and, as I watched, a strange fancy visited my brain. (8)
  • He has a grandnephew in want of a school: visited the dormitories, refectory, and sheds: tasted the well-water, addressed me as Mr. Matthew. (10)
  • After a certain day any colonist possessing more would be visited by an official ordered to kill the extra horses, and the order was carried out. (19)
  • Tulln, seldom visited by the traveller on account of the superior attractions of Vienna, has more than one relic which repays careful examination and study. (20)
  • Since then he has visited the United States three times, he has traveled over all Europe, and has visited Australia with overwhelming success, financial and artistic. (3)

Also see sentences for: visit, visitation, visitor, visitors, visits.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for visited. Now that you’ve seen how to use visited in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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What is gravity and effects of gravity? How to overcome gravity? The resistance of gravity.

How Is Gravity Overcome? What is gravity and effects of gravity?

Many kinds of work need to be done in our world. Cars, buses, trucks, trains, ships, airplanes, rockets, and their loads have to be moved. Soil must be plowed and cultivated so that crops will grow. Water must be pumped, grain must be ground into flour, and logs must be sawed for lumber. Materials have to be lifted into place for new buildings. Then people, furniture, machines, and supplies must be carried up when the buildings are in use. You can easily think of many other kinds of work that haye to be done.

Each kind of work is somewhat different from the others, but they are all alike in one way: When any kind of work is done, something is moved. To make it move, a force must overcome some kind of resistance, or opposing force. Energy is used to exert the force that overcomes the resistance. As scientists studied the various kinds of work, they discovered an important fact: Most work is done and most energy is used in overcoming four kinds of resistance. You have already learned something about two of these kinds, but the other two kinds you have probably not studied before.

How Is Gravity Overcome? What is gravity and effects of gravity?

Of course, a force must be exerted to lift an object. This force is needed to overcome a resistance. Only a little force is needed to lift a pencil, but a much bigger force must be used to lift a chair. So some force must always be exerted, because every object resists being lifted. This kind of resistance is caused by the earth’s pull on the object. The earth attracts, or pulls toward itself, all objects in our world. This attraction, or pull by the earth, is the force called gravity. It pulls downward all the time on matter everywhere. To overcome gravity, the upward force exerted on an object must be greater than the downward force of gravity. Even the small force used to lift a pencil is greater than the downward force of its weight.

Weight is one characteristic, or property, of matter. What we call weight is really the force with which gravity pulls down on an object. In fact, an old meaning of gravity is weight, or heaviness. When you pick up an object, you must use enough force to overcome its weight. Suppose a chair weighs 20 pounds. This means that gravity exerts a downward force of 20 pounds on the chair. To lift the chair, you must exert an upward force of more than 20 pounds. Much less force is needed to pick up a pencil that weighs less than an ounce.

Whenever any object is lifted or moved upward, the resistance of gravity must be overcome. In other words, the upward force exerted on the object must be greater than the downward force of its weight. Without other forces to overcome the resistance of gravity, nothing could be lifted. Energy is used to exert these forces and make things move upward.

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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The university being disorganized, Grynaeus pursued his studies, and in 1531 visited England for research in libraries.

ABARIS, a Scythian or Hyperborean, priest and prophet of Apollo, who is said to have visited Greece about 770 B.C., or two or three centuries later.

Consul in Yokohama, who visited the islands in 1875.

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One other explorer has since visited Marib, the Austrian archaeologist, E.

He travelled through Asia and visited Nineveh, Babylon and India, imbibing the oriental mysticism of magi, Brahmans and gymnosophists.

Meanwhile Germany was suffering severely from internal disorders and from the inroads of her rude neighbors; and when in the year Iooo Otto visited his northerfl kingdom there were hopes that he would smite these enemies with the vigour of his predecessors.

The growth of legends and traditional identifications can be traced in the writings of the pilgrims who have visited the town from Jerome’s time till our own.

Chateaubriand visited and described the ruins; the Dane Falbe, the Englishman Nathan Davis, Beule, P. de Sainte-Marie and others also have carried out researches; for more than twenty years Pere Delattre has explored the ruins of Carthage (q.v.) with extraordinary success.

For convenience’ sake we insert at this point a partial list of missionaries and others who visited the country during the second third of the 19th century — merely calling attention to the fact that their visits were distributed over widely different parts of the country, ruled by distinct lines of monarchs or governors.

Dumouriez then visited Italy and Corsica, Spain and Portugal, and his memorials to the duc de Choiseul on Corsican affairs led to his re-employment on the staff of the French expeditionary corps sent to the island, for which he gained the rank of lieutenant-colonel.

  • Use the word VISITED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Thou hast visited the Earth and made it plenteous.

You visited Snorri at the hospital last night, didn’t you?

I visited Snorri twice at the hospital.

Because apparently, a tribe of ancient Jews lived in America, created huge civilizations and were visited by Christ, but then, then disappeared, leaving no archaeological trace of themselves except… for golden plates, which were then dug up by a farmer who wrote down,

Tore Naesset was only a smallholder’s son, but was nevertheless reputed …to be the one who most frequently visited the Huseby farmer’s daughter.

Where is the man who has visited you?

«One day I was visited by a mysterious stranger»

«Next morning the astounded Caliph visited the enchanted building»

Only Marcasse believed in Bernard’s innocence and visited him in prison.

I wouldn’t have thought that you visited this house because of me.

The Borgo Pass is a real location, but not a place Stoker or his adaptors had actually visited.

The geological formations in the lower part of the picture can still be visited at Vasquez Rocks Park, in the Antelope Valley north of Los Ángeles.

According to this piece, yesterday you and I visited a cheap and notorious inn near Versailles.

i visited that house daily for months.

But what if it could still be visited?

Then I could’ve visited around, a little while here and a little while there.

He visited her backstage to see how the nude dance . Mata Hari and whether everything was legal.

I visited your old house as soon as possible, but I had trouble finding you here.

The poor fellow even visited you on the day of his death.

Particularly a brother, or anyone who visited him on the day of his execution.

I haven’t visited Kajiwara recently. I’ll drop by today.

I could have visited you.

Not since the days of Her Late Majesty, whom I often visited in the capacity of a trusted advisor.

According to this entry in my book you visited the murdered woman on July, 11.

The fact that I visited the pawnbroker and didn’t tell you ?

By day’s approach look to be visited by day’s approach.

And the Crusaders who visited Byzantium and Syria and Palestine learned it from the Arabs.

Marius visited your mother that night.

He visited this morning, didn’t he?

Think about it: Would we be happy if we visited Gi’ichi years from now, and he was just a night-school teacher?

Well, we visited the Sesemann house tonight.

It’s the old angle, Paul, sins of the father, sins of the father visited upon her child.

have you visited many places?

To tell the truth, since I heard you moved to Edo I’ve visited your house often, but you were never in

I found out a jeweler has the pearl, so I visited every jeweler in Paris, but in vain.

This would be a fine country if we all visited the zoo and played the harmonica.

Dad, look at the Postojna Caves that Gianni visited.

We escaped while the tribe visited Quebec. The French caught us and here we are.

When I first visited India, I was amazed to find… That you people had so many Of the modern conveniences.

Yes, he visited me yesterday.

Do you know whom they visited, and what the purpose was?

Recently, I learned others have visited there that it is used to hide something, and I suspected the doctor.

in 1159, year illustrious… ancestor, Albert the Rich… visited his faithful Moravian subjects here

yes, I’ve visited her what did you want there?

Yesterday I visited a school for girls to find out who had written a certain letter.

We were visited by the father of all bellyaches.

But it is known he visited her in her own room.

An uncle of mine visited Texas once.

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