Sentence with the word violations

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

While the Roman cults were amply protected by taboos, there was no comprehensive term in Roman law for religious violations and profanations in general.

It held shipper as well as carrier, and corporation as well as its officer or agent, liable for violations of the act, and conferred upon United States courts power to employ equity processes in putting an end to discrimination.

Such violations of holy things as making mock of the Scriptures, or even reciting them as one would ordinary literature, was sacrilege in the eyes of the rabbi.

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Yet violations of these rules are jealously watched by the other members of the sept, and are liable — in accordance with the general custom in which communal matters are regulated in India — to be brought before a special council (panchayat), originally consisting of five (pancha), but now no longer limited to that number, since it is chiefly the greater or less strictness in the observance of caste rules and the orthodox ceremonial generally that determine the status of the sept in the social scale of the caste.

Its object was to exhibit by means of certain formulas the way in which the products of agriculture, which is the only source of wealth, would in a state of perfect liberty be distributed among the several classes of the community (namely, the productive classes of the proprietors and cultivators of land, and the unproductive class composed of manufacturers and merchants), and to represent by other formulas the modes of distribution which take place under systems of Governmental restraint and regulation, with the evil results arising to the whole society from different degrees of such violations of the natural order.

Meanwhile in Asia also the Ottoman Empire had been consolidated and extended; but from 1501 onwards the ambitious designs of the youthful Shah Ismail in Persia grew more and more threatening to its security; and though Bayezid, intent on peace, winked at his violations of Ottoman territory and exchanged friendly embassies with him, a breach was sooner or later inevitable.

His own violations of the treaties of Luneville and Amiens were overlooked; and in particular men forgot that the weakening of the Knights of St John by the recent confiscation of their lands in France and Spain, and the protracted delay of Russia and Prussia to guarantee their tenure of power in Malta, furnished England with good reasons for keeping her hold on that island.

Voluinsky, however, now thought himself strong enough to attempt to supersede Biren himself, and openly opposed the favourite in the Council of State in the debates as to the indemnity due to Poland for the violations of her territory during the war of the Polish Succession, Biren advising that a liberal indemnity should be given, whereas Voluinsky objected to any indemnity at all.

On a superficial view this is a paradox, for there are many more violations of probability and much graver faults of structure in the later works than in the earlier.

Amongst the legitimate reasons for suspecting the correctness of a text are patent contradictions in a passage or its immediate neighbourhood, proved and inexplicable deviations from the standards for forms, constructions and usages (mere rarity or singularity is not enough), weak and purposeless repetitions of a word (if there is no reason for attributing these to the writer), violations of the laws of metre and rhythm as observed by the author, obvious breaks in the thought (incoherence) or disorderly sequence in the same (double or multiple incoherence).

violation — перевод на русский


Any violation of neutrality would reflect on Captain Renault.

Любое нарушение нейтралитета отразится на капитане Рено.

Would Allah and Emir tolerate such an outrageous violation of the order.

Разве аллах и эмир потерпят такое возмутительное нарушение порядка.

Serving nine more years in the penitentiary for violation of parole.

Отбывала бы еще девять лет колонии за нарушение досрочного освобождения!

That’s in violation of the Labor Law.

Но это же нарушение трудового кодекса.

Rather, the charge is that of conscious participation in a nationwide, government-organised system of cruelty and injustice, in violation of every moral and legal principle known to all civilised nations.

Скорее состав преступления заключается в том, что обвиняемые сознательно участвовали в отлаженной государством системе беззакония и уничтожения, созданной в нарушение любых моральных и правовых принципов цивилизованных стран.

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You’re in violation of secure communication procedures, Condor.

Нарушаете протокол безопасности переговоров, Кондор.

— You’re in violation of federal statutes.

— Вы нарушаете федеральные законы.

You are in violation of the Proxima Treaty.

Вы нарушаете соглашение с Проксимой.

Oh, and incidentally, by not answering you’re in violation of your contract.

Да, кстати, не отвечая на вопрос, вы нарушаете условия контракта.

Right there you’re in official violation of the Eighth Amendment.

В данный момент вы нарушаете Восьмую поправку.

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Ensign, you are in direct violation of the Captain’s orders.

Энсин, вы нарушили прямой приказ капитана.

You’re in violation of federal code, attempting to bribe a government official.

Вы нарушили федеральный закон пытались подкупить государственного чиновника.

You’re in violation of an important treaty.

…вы нарушили важнейшее соглашение.

That’s his prerogative, to say whatever he wants to. But it’s a violation of his privacy if you’re going to videotape him when he doesn’t think he’s being watched, and then have it put up on the world wide web.

И это его право говорить то, что он хочет, а Вы нарушили его право на личную жизнь, право на свободу выражения, когда тайно сняли его на видео, а затем разместили в интернете!

If you’ve done anything to my partner, Doctor, that is a violation of…

Если вы что-то сделали с моим напарником, — значит вы нарушили…

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I cuffed him to the bed and booked him for parole violations.

Я приковал его наручниками к койке и оформил нарушение правил досрочного освобождения.

Harry called. He said he’ll be arresting Hank for parole violation.

Звонил Гарри.Сказал,что арестует Хэнка за нарушение правил досрочного освобождения.

Parole violation: assault arising from a family dispute.

Нарушение правил досрочного освобождения из-за семейного спора.


Ты совершил вопиющее нарушение правил всей гомосексуальной социальной структуры.

That’s a serious violation… of health and safety codes.

Это серьезное нарушение правил здравоохранения и безопасности?

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So it’s a parole violation, pal.

— То, что это нарушение условий твоего освобождения, приятель.

So we book him on the parole violation for soliciting a prostitute.

Тогда мы оформим его за нарушение условий освобождения, услуги от проститутки.

I figured I ought to take that too, it being a parole violation and all.

Я решил и его забрать, это же нарушение условий освобождения.

Parole violation.

— За что? — Нарушение условий освобождения.

Possession of a handgun… possessing a concealed weapon, assault by pointing… robbery, deadly weapon, possession of a handgun again… followed by violation of parole on weapon charges… followed by one count of attempted murder… and use of a handgun in commission of a felony.

Обладание оружием… скрытое ношение оружия, угроза оружием… ограбление, угроза жизни с применением оружия, вновь обладание оружием… зачем нарушение условий досрочного освобождения, по оружейным обвинениям… затем один случай покушения на убийство… и наконец применение оружия при совершении преступления.

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The physical violation cannot be undone.

Физическое насилие не может быть аннулировано.

Perversion red, fascination red, violation, penetration.

Красное извращение, красное вожделение, красное насилие, красное проникновение.

Monstrous violation!

Чудовищное насилие!

Spooning with a stranger In the back seat oa van, that’s a violation!

Оказаться на заднем сиденье с незнакомцем вот это насилие!

-The perfect violation.

— Идеальное насилие.

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You’re under arrest for violation of the RICO Statute.

Вы арестованы за нарушение закона об организованной преступности!

— It’s a violation of due process.

— Это нарушение закона.

There’s been a 6th Day violation.

Это нарушение закона 6-го дня.

A dog without a license is in violation of the Dog Control Act, paragraph 6b…

собака без лицензии — нарушение Закона о контроле за животными…

Now, in good conscience, I have to inform you that using this software… is in violation of the Patriot Act, the Strategic Defense Initiative, and the National Security Act of 1948, which created the CIA.

Теперь, с чистой совестью, я должен проинформировать тебя о том, что использование данного ПО — это нарушение закона о патриотизме, инициативы стратегической обороны и закона о национальной безопасности 1948 года, созданного ЦРУ.

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Any woman in violation of regulations can be detained in a clinic as long as necessary for extensive testing.

Тех, кто не соблюдает правила, принудительно отправляют на медосмотр, где они подвергаются весьма тщательному осмотру и сдают кучу анализов.

Wouldn’t want you to get an honour violation, Perryman.

Нехорошо нарушать правила, Перримэн.

Even if it weren’t a violation of every rule in the book, it would still be far too risky.

Даже если бы это не нарушало все известные правила, все равно это было бы слишком рискованно.

So either cure your stovepipe violation or prepare to get levied a fine.

Так что либо соблюдай правила по прокладке печных труб либо приготовься к штрафу.

-It’s giving Wintersgill something to do Apart from telling people to keep off the grass And the odd traffic violation.

— Это даёт Уинтесгиллу что-то, чтобы не говорить людям держаться тише травы и нарушать правила движения.

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It’s a health code violation.

Нарушение санитарных норм.

A hot dog on a stick is fine but when a hot dog is on the floor it’s a health violation?

Хот-дог на палке — это нормально, а хот-дог на полу — это нарушение санитарных норм?

No, I just mean Health Code violation to have the duck brought into a facility like that.

Не, я имел ввиду само нахождение утки в подобном заведении это нарушение санитарных норм.

Ron, it looks like they’re closed for some kind of health code violation.

Рон, кажется они закрыты за какое-то нарушение санитарных норм.

It’s, like, a health code violation, or…?

— Какое-то нарушение санитарных норм или..

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You’ve had 15 moving violations in the last three days.

За последние три дня вы нарушили правила 15 раз.

And you got traffic violations in 6 other states from here to Alaska.

И вы нарушили правила вождения еще в шести других штатах от сюда до Аляски.

Because, uh, y-you’re both in clear violation of penal code 8.14.

Потому что в-вы оба явно нарушили правила Уголовного Кодекса 8.14.

Traffic violation.

нарушил правила на дороге

You violation of bail agreement. I need you to come with me …

Ты нарушил правила залога, так что, поехали.

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  • насилие
  • нарушение закона
  • правила
  • нарушение санитарных норм
  • нарушили правила

How to use violation in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «violation» and check conjugation/comparative form for «violation«. Mastering all the usages of «violation» from sentence examples published by news publications.

The first violation would result in a written warning, the second violation would carry a $500 fine, and the fine would double for each subsequent violation.
But, hey, any violation of the game’s terms and services is a violation.
A violation of the consent decree could carry a penalty of $40,000 per violation.
«There is no violation of Posse Comitatus, there’s no violation here at all,» Mattis said.
A traveling violation in San Antonio is the same as a traveling violation in Cleveland.
It goes without saying, but I will state it now: Sexual harassment is a human rights violation, sexual assault is a human rights violation, rape is a human rights violation.
«I think they definitely believe some type of violation occurred,» he said, but whether or not it was a violation of criminal procedure, or a Fourth Amendment violation, remains unclear.
It’s a violation of a law and he plead to a criminal violation of that law.
Proving a violation requires that the threat involve disclosure of a legal violation by the victim, and it does not appear that publishing intimate photos and communications involves any potential legal violation.
The question there was, the only possible violation there would be: Was it a campaign finance violation?
A human-rights violation, whether committed by Moses or Abraham, is still a violation of human rights.
Businesses would be fined $250 for their first violation and $500 for each subsequent violation under the measure.
«For the campaign finance violation to be criminal, prosecutors would have to prove a wilful violation,» Hasen said.
That was an automatic racket abuse violation, and it cost Williams a point as her second code violation.
And establishing a civil violation doesn’t require that violation to have required a standard of knowing and willful.
The Mavericks started with an eight-second violation, with the Thunder following by taking a 24-second violation.
Under the CCPA, companies will need to pay $2,500 for each violation or $7,500 for each intentional violation.
The idea sounds abhorrent — if not a violation of the Constitution, at least a violation of its principles.
Using your Federal office for personal……… gain is a Federal Gratuity Statute Violation, Bribery Statute Violation, Honest Services Violation….all Major Crimes….because the DOJ is run by BLANK Jeff Sessions……’ Gregg Jarrett.
They are therefore a violation of Title III of the Immigration Illegal Entry, both a criminal and civil violation.
Any violation of FCC rules would surround the release of nonpublic information and violation of the FCC’s sunshine rules.
The Illinois law allows for payments of $1,000 or $5,000 per violation, depending on the severity of the violation.
ACLU also claiming state education code violation The ACLU isn’t only charging the school with a First Amendment violation.
But that’s not a violation of federal criminal law — it’s a civil violation that gets handled in immigration court proceedings.
Ultimately, he said, there was «a violation of trust,» but not «a violation of law,» The New York Times reported.
Young opened the game with an intentional eight-second backcourt violation and Washington responded with an intentional 24-second violation.
Illinois’ biometric privacy law provides for damages of $1,000 for each negligent violation and $5,000 for each intentional or reckless violation.
This would be an egregious violation of privacy Of course, this would be an egregious violation of privacy (and probably illegal).
The Saudi refusal to provide visas to the Israeli team is a violation of this principle and a violation of sportsmanship.
A FARA violation is a relatively minor federal violation for a president if that is the scope of the FBI investigation.
The GAO said Thursday that Interior must adjust its funding accounts to correct the violation and it must report the violation.
«There’s no violation of Posse Comitatus, there’s no violation here at all we’re not going to arrest or anything else,» Mattis added.
Indeed, the use of such status as a shield for unlawful conduct could add an ethics violation to a potential criminal violation.
NATO ministers have agreed unanimously that Moscow was in violation of the treaty, while Russia denies it is in violation of the pact.
Trump’s actions toward Ukraine are likely a violation of anti-corruption laws, on top of his apparent violation of the Whistleblower Protection Act.
Penalties for violating BIPA are $1,000 per violation or $5,000 per violation if a company was deemed to have intentionally violated the law.
In addition, the city will make the misuse or fraudulent use of a placard a separate violation on top of any parking violation.
If Russia is simply engaging in low-level espionage, that’s a violation of domestic US law, but probably not a violation of international law.
That seems to indicate the skill was pulled for some other reason – like a content violation, a violation of terms, or just an accident.
On the opening possession, the Hawks took an 8-second backcourt violation and the Wizards followed by taking a 24-second shot clock violation.
Possible violation If Turkey has transferred US-supplied military equipment to its proxies, such an action would therefore constitute a violation of those agreements.
«Our proposal is clear: commitment for commitment; violation for violation; threat for threat; and step for step, instead of talk for talk,» he said.
As far as charges with the most total days, the winner is probation violation («community custody violation«) by light-years with over 10,000 days.
Given the incidence of violation in their backstories, this color motif evokes societal beliefs about violation or trauma leaving some sort of altering, indelible mark.
But for the violation to rise to a criminal matter rather than just an administrative one, it has to be a «willful» violation, lawyers explained.
A first-time violation of the law would carry up to $400 in fines and increase to as much as $600 for the second violation.
«The violation was detected and stopped at the time, and penalties were issued against the executing body proportionate to the violation,» it said, without elaborating.
Maximum OSHA fines will increase by about 22019 percent, to approximately $12,000 for a serious violation and $120,000 for a willful violation of the law.
Companies that fail to comply with the new rule face fines of $100,20113 for a first violation and $300,000 for a second or subsequent violation.
«Such a policy would be in clear violation of the U.S. asylum laws and an equally clear violation of our international treaty obligations,» he said.
This is a violation of trust, a violation of the sacred management of union dues, and goes against everything we believe in as a union.
He was impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act because of what that violation represented, and because of the likely consequences of that violation.
Would this constitute a violation of the ceasefire — or, more precisely, a violation severe enough that the United States would consider the agreement null and void?
Spending funds on a wall Congress has not authorized is a violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act as well as a violation of separation of powers.
However, the legislation adds that vehicles and those inside cannot be searched by law enforcement based solely on a violation or suspected violation of the law.
Mr. Trump’s payment to Ms. Daniels may have been in violation of campaign finance laws, and were certainly in violation of his marital vows to Melania.
The violation of mores may not require a formal response, but it is a violation of our moral code as a nation and as a people.
Even a trivial violation (for example, a late report) or an unknowing violation (meeting someone who turns out to be a felon) can result in reimprisonment.
A «knowing and willful» violation of that law to the tune of more than $2,000 is a misdemeanor, while a violation exceeding $25,000 is a felony.
In January, Qatar filed a complaint to the United Nations about an alleged violation of its airspace by a UAE military aircraft; the UAE denied any violation.
The statement said a journalist’s accreditation would be revoked for six months after a first violation, one year after a second violation and permanently after three violations.
Plaintiffs had asked the court for $5,000 for each intentional violation of the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, or $1,000 for every negligent violation, court documents said.
She successfully sued a man who assaulted her at a meet-and-greet for a symbolic $1, sending a message that a violation is a violation, period.
There is no criminal code violation, it&aposs not a violation of the Federal Campaign Election Act which specifically says foreign nationals may participate in American campaigns.
They asked Kerry why the letter didn’t include the word violation and why the United States hasn’t made it’s own declaration that the tests were a violation.
The Lakers took a 24-second violation and the Blazers took an 8-second violation to honor Bryant’s two jersey numbers at the start of the game.
As its name suggests, benign violation theory proposes that humor occurs when a situation is both benign and a violation — like a wine glass that suggests you’re an irresponsible, possibly even terrible mother (a violation of expectations around parenting), but says so in a sweet (or benign) font.
Penalties are set at a $1,000 fine per violation, and $5,000 per violation if an offending company is found to be violating the statute either intentionally or recklessly.
Microsoft’s lawsuit challenges indefinite government secrecy orders as a violation of the company’s First Amendment free speech rights, as well as a violation of Fourth Amendment privacy rights.
«If this data still exists, it would be a grave violation of Facebook’s policies and an unacceptable violation of trust and the commitments these groups made,» Facebook said.
The department is incompetent because impeachable offenses need not be a violation of federal criminal law, and not every violation of federal criminal law is an impeachable offense.
Mr. Turner faces charges of sexual battery and violation of oath of office, and Ms. Whiddon of one count of violation of oath of office, Mr. Bowden said. .
If a particular exercise of the pardon power leads to a violation of the due process clause, the pardon power must be construed to prevent such a violation.
But it does not protect Trump from congressional knowledge of any substantiated violation, or from the media and the American people, should the violation warrant a public hearing.
«Oftentimes, when a violation of the law occurs … many times the violation was caused both by one company and then by the temporary agency or franchisor,» he said.
BetterWorks, where Kim is suing over sexual harassment in violation of FEHA, discriminatory constructive discharge based on gender in violation of FEHA, failure to prevent harassment and discrimination in violation of FEHA, aiding and abetting harassment and discrimination, assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligent hiring, retention and supervision.
The gunfire that the escape attempt drew is a violation of the truce between North and South Korea, the first such violation since a similar escape attempt in 1984.
NFL Network’s Ian Rapoport reported the length of the suspension — compared to the typical four-game punishment for a PED violation — is because the violation involved a masking agent.
The maximum penalty for a second violation within five years is $25,000, while a third and subsequent violation within seven years could bring a fine of up to $50,000.
If there is a violation, there will also be a neutral entity to determine the harm from the violation and the appropriate trade retaliation that can be imposed in response.
If this were to occur, the person making the false statement could be charged with a violation of Section 1001 or with aiding and abetting a violation of the statute.
This is not only a violation of Venezuela’s Constitution, it is a violation of one of the most basic of human rights, the right of people to choose their leaders.
Trump has also minimized the payments, saying they were a «simple private transaction» and not a violation of campaign finance law and that any violation would be a civil infraction.
A first violation would result in benefits terminated for the adult recipient while a second violation would lead to benefits being terminated for the recipient and their entire family unit.
«The Committee shall not consider a complaint, nor shall any investigation be undertaken by the Committee, of any alleged violation which occurred before the third previous Congress unless the Committee determines that the alleged violation is directly related to an alleged violation which occurred in a more recent Congress,» the rules state.
If he were, he might have drawn a distinction between a prima facie or «on its face» violation of the Laws of Robotics and a violation that ultimately requires a remedy.
«If this data still exists, it would be a grave violation of Facebook’s policies and an unacceptable violation of trust and the commitments these groups made,» Facebook said in its statement.
Yes, it is a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice to make a «false official statement,» and «false swearing» is also a violation — if they made it under oath.
«This is a violation of trust, a violation of the sacred management of union dues, and goes against everything we believe in as a union,» it said in a statement Thursday.
Logic, however, tells us you cannot be in violation of an oath you have not yet taken, any more than you can be in violation of a law not yet enacted.
«When Eve delivered her last stone the lights went red that suggests a hogline violation and if you have a hogline violation the stone is removed from play,» he told Reuters.
This is reportedly a violation of federal records rules. .
«People are conflating the violation of social norms with the violation of rules and laws … We get way too fussy over the ‘perceived natural order of things’ and ‘institutional prerogatives,'» he says.
Therefore, even though the United Nations declared the tunnels in violation of Resolution 1701 – the first time it has acknowledged a violation – UNIFIL is denied access to their entrances on Lebanese soil.
Maduro’s regime was very clearly in violation of democratic principles and in violation of human rights, as can be seen in the Freedom House reports and Organization of American States (OAS) reports.
Depending on what the fired employee said, the employer could be in violation of the Civil Rights Act, or possibly in violation of contract law If you’re a government employee, it’s complicated.
But the league all along has appeared to consider the Patriots’ violation a typical game-day violation worthy of typical game-day disciplinary measures, and that does not seem to have changed.
Employers caught violating the email stoppage would be slapped with a $500 fine for the first violation, a $750 fine for the second, and $1,000 for every subsequent violation committed within two years.
A violation is not a crime, so he will not have a criminal record, and after a year without incident, the violation would be dismissed from public records, according to the DA’s office.
«Although the White House may later decide that such a violation does not warrant disciplinary action, the subsequent issuance of a waiver would not change the fact that a violation occurred,» he continued.
» Russia calls US order a ‘violation of law’ In a separate Foreign Ministry statement Friday, Zakharova slammed the US move to shutter the Russian outposts as «yet another blatant violation of international law.
But eviction after just one violation «is not grounds for eviction,» and smoking on public housing premises is a civil violation, not a crime, the agency said in setting guidelines for local enforcement.
That’s saying nothing of the potential violation arising from the lease that the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd holds in Trump Tower, which could result in a violation if it is renewed.
They were charged with conspiracy to knowingly export plants from the United States that had been taken in violation of California law, and attempting to export plants taken in violation of state law.
«If this data still exists, it would be a grave violation of Facebook’s policies and an unacceptable violation of trust and the commitments these groups made,» Facebook wrote in a blog post Monday.
Williams, who is still seeking a record-equaling 24th Grand Slam singles title, was handed a warning for a coaching violation, before being deducted a point for smashing her racket in another violation.
The bill also amends the six-month statute of limitation on citations so the six-month clock starts running out when OSHA identifies a continuing violation instead of the date the violation occurred.
«This is our response to a violation of Iranian space and if the violation is repeated then our response will be repeated,» said Brigadier General Amirali Hajizadeh, head of the Guards’ aerospace division.
The incident began with a traffic violation and routine stop.
The current situation, with Russia in blatant violation, is untenable.
Any violation of the aforementioned and you are written up.
He abhors any violation of the Constitution or any law.
That earned a code violation from chair umpire Carlos Ramos.
The current situation, with [Russia] in blatant violation, is untenable.
It’s seeking punitive damages for the alleged patent violation, too.
«It was a violation of our human rights,» he said.
They have launched ballistic missiles, tested them, in clear violation.
This revelation put Huawei in violation of U.S. export laws.
It is probably a violation of protocol and the law.
I tweeted once and got a copyright violation from Disney.
Civil penalties are not typically brought on the first violation.
Suddenly: «This document is in violation of Terms of Service».
» He later apologized and said, «We fully accept the violation.
Now, could this be a serious violation of federal law?
Disclosing grand jury material is a violation of the law.
And a second violation could mean up to three years.
Being in violation of GDPR could result in steep fines.
It was more of discomfort and a bit of violation.
Lexmark called this a violation of its patent as well.
There the lawyer witnessed a violation of police protocol firsthand.
Williams received her first violation on Saturday for receiving coaching.
Then he claimed Williams slamming her racquet required another violation.
As a note, we want to see this violation happen.
Okay, this next part is a giant Godwin’s law violation.
Others are treating medically inaccurate content like a policy violation.
I think that would almost certainly be a constitutional violation.
Bombing them would be a clear violation of international law.
Critics called her arrest a violation of freedom of expression.
The new charges include violation of a U.S. espionage statute.
Beauty’s business, and said the company immediately disclosed the violation.
Actor #AlecBaldwin pleaded guilty to 2nd degree violation of harassment.
Also, according to their handbook she wasn’t in any violation.
This was a massive violation of the rules of decorum.
All in violation of the fundamental human right to life.
The program is also a clear violation of the Constitution.
Meek’s serving 2 to 4 years for the probation violation.
Impersonating someone else is also a violation of Twitter’s rules.
This book and the images within them are a violation.
We cannot allow the direct violation of the Emoluments Clause.
DigitalOcean cited a violation of the company’s terms of service.
Now, a new time stamp feature identifies the policy violation.
The judge could send Meek to prison for the violation.
«And it’s abuse would be a violation of antitrust law.»
This is a flagrant violation of a Security Council Resolution.
The payment is under investigation for possible campaign finance violation.
The hacking is also a serious violation of American law.
It has developed advanced weapons in violation of treaty obligations.
Charles’s act was a brazen violation of England’s unwritten constitution.
It needs to be considered a violation of human rights.
Pakistan has called the strike a violation of its sovereignty.
It likely includes underage drinking in violation of VA law.
It was a serious violation of both protocol and principle.
Users who were blocked were in violation of our policies.
What he did was a violation of the Dallas Charter.
Otherwise it would be a violation of international trade rules.
Under New York law, a violation is not a crime.
In 2014, he went back to prison for parole violation.
The payments are in violation of campaign finance law. Sen.
Should its rates rise, that would be a potential violation.
Discriminating in admissions is a violation of civil rights law.
Berman Jackson did not rule on the alleged violation Monday.
Ethics watchdogs eventually agreed it was probably not a violation.
«It’s more than the extent of the violation,» he’d said.
Kane eventually pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct, a noncriminal violation.
» Giuliani’s statement, issued this afternoon: «There is no campaign violation.
«This is a violation of the Emoluments Clause,» Eisen tweeted.
«The Russians are in violation of the agreement,» Pompeo said.
First, it is a clear violation of our democratic principles.
«It would be like a noise violation,» Mr. Shmulewitz said.
The man was only charged with misdemeanors and a violation.
Is the concerned citizen now in violation of California law?
In fact, Voya’s violation was deemed «willful» by the commission.
Never in my life have I had a coaching violation.
She had been warned that such a violation was possible.
This is a deliberate, and a grotesque violation of trust.
Doing so would be a violation of the contributor ban.
Next: Why did Facebook not notify anyone on data violation?
He said any violation of the edict would be punished.
The arrangement amounted to an antitrust violation, the suit alleged.
Finding an equal protection violation doesn’t come naturally to him.
Further documentation on the specifics of the violation is forthcoming.
The practice is widely seen as a human rights violation.
A violation would result in an «Excessive Shot Time» penalty.
Critics say that’s a violation of the president’s constitutional powers.
Fraud, not sanctions violation, is the essence of this case.
Kavanaugh was also receptive to the arguments of constitutional violation.
TRS Executive Director Dick Ingram disputed there was any violation.
Officers pulled the man over for an unspecified equipment violation.
But that would still be a violation of the rules.
McDougal’s payment also could be raised as a possible violation.
» He added that any such move would be «a violation.
If true, they would be a clear violation of HIPAA.
Ronnie’s not in violation of anything by being with Ariana.
County staff members issued notices of violation against Lake Point.
The violation was dismissed, however, when the sign was removed.
The public statement could be a violation of SEC rules.
It’s no longer a violation of the Prudent Man Standard.
Insider trading is a clear violation of the public trust.
He was then given a ticket for the traffic violation.
Serious misconduct or a violation of public trust is enough.
Williams stopped for a traffic violation Just before 6 a.m.
I mean, this is a clear violation of someone’s privacy.
And its abuse would be a violation of antitrust law.
Without investigators, EPA cannot discover a violation of the law.
It can impose a specific fine for a particular violation.
«This constitutes a basic human rights violation,» she tells me.
The Khashoggi affair is a particularly horrendous violation of norms.
The campaign finance violation is a federal, not state, offense.
Is a violation of campaign finance law an impeachable offense?
That bothers Koppenburg—the Standard Model seems to account for the existing cases of CP violation, as well as for the new lack of violation, despite the looming hints of something strange out there.
A company representative reached by phone in Ha Tinh Province said that the government’s investigation had found a violation of proper procedures but that the company had not been told what that violation was.
PERSONAL DISCOMFORT 10 (Full-body sweating, unexplained burning/itching on back) DOPING VIOLATION, REPORTORIAL -10 (Advil) DOPING VIOLATION, PHOTOGRAPHIC -10 («Vitamins») 2:00 We reach the basketball arena as the Brazil-Nigeria game begins.
«No matter what we end up with here we know we have a criminal violation already — and serious criminal violation — by the individual that prepared that affidavit,» Acevedo said in a Friday press conference.
«The only possible way around (double jeopardy) is if you can get a federal indictment for violation of civil rights,» but the statute of limitations has «almost certainly» passed on any such violation, Dershowitz said.
«The only possible way around [double jeopardy] is if you can get a federal indictment for violation of civil rights,» but the statute of limitations has «almost certainly» passed on any such violation, Dershowitz said.
Violation of the agreement would be considered a breach of contract rather than a federal copyright violation, meaning John Deere would have to sue its own customers if it wants the contract to be enforced.
It’s never explicit in the film, but you seem to want Americans in particular to realize that this can happen anywhere, that a violation of human rights anywhere is a violation of human rights everywhere.
Essentially, a juror’s racial bias constitutes a violation of a defendant’s rights to an impartial jury guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment, and prevents defendants from being able to prove a violation of their constitutional rights.
If they think the problem is serious enough, they’ll come and send an inspector who will place a violation on the house and notify the landlord, who then has an obligation to fix the violation.
Germany and France restricted the export of medical supplies, in violation of the European single market, and Austria and the Czech Republic have banned travelers from Italy, in violation of the principle of free travel.
The violation did not rise to the level of a criminal violation because there was no indication the misreporting was willful and the fine was assessed as part of a conciliation agreement with the FEC.
The EPA and California Air Resources Board told Fiat Chrysler it believes its undeclared auxiliary emissions control software allowed vehicles to generate excess pollution in violation of the law and each issued notices of violation.
Since Mike failed to comply with the code and pay the violations on May 15, 2013, the County has fined him $100 per day for one violation and $250 per day for a section violation.
Often the payments are not disclosed, a violation of securities law.
The Northern Irish agencies insist there has been no such violation.
«My people think it could have been a violation,» Trump said.
But Russia doesn’t agree that they’re in violation of the treaty.
He was found and arrested early Sunday on probation violation charges.
The suspect faces charges of theft, prowling, and violation of probation.
It’s a violation of human rights on all kinds of levels.
Perhaps. But she didn’t see it as being a legal violation.
«Most likely, it will be a violation,» he told the outlet.
Her violation carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison.
Hogan sued, arguing that this was a violation of his privacy.
The violation took place Friday, the day after the 2019 draft.
He also becomes, according to some, in violation of the Constitution.
Any violation will «will result in their arrest,» the statement said.
Trump himself called the move «currency manipulation» and a «major violation«.
This was still an abhorrent violation of a person’s human rights.
This is a severe violation of my privacy and civil liberties.
» She added:»Nonconsensual pornography is first and foremost a privacy violation.
Slager stopped Scott for a taillight violation on April 4, 2015.
Crimea was a violation of international law, we all recognize that.
Our arrests are in themselves a violation of the current law.
That sounds like some kind of United Nations human rights violation!
Service constitutes theft of service, which is a violation of federal
The watchdog did not publicly disclose the nature of the violation.
The DEP issued a notice of violation for that earlier spill.
You recently went in for a technical violation of your parole.
There was a shared sense that every misstep was a violation.
Today’s announcement shows Syria is in clear violation of the agreement.
OFAC determined that the businesses voluntarily self-disclosed the apparent violation.
This use put the app in violation of Hong Kong law.
Palestinian leaders denounce Friedman’s comments as a violation of international law.
Martinez did a few months in jail for the parole violation.
She told BuzzFeed News that the violation stemmed from a misunderstanding.
The other vehicle was subsequently cited for a a moving violation.
Should it have been considered a violation in the first place?
Such actions are a clear violation of EU law, HRW said.
That, he said, would be in violation of the FEC regulations.
Making a ToS violation an actual crime is not necessarily proportionate.
That would be a violation of Israeli antitrust law, Haaretz reported.
Amazon denies that its devices are in violation of the law.
And that absolutely is a violation of the data protection law.
The debate is how to punish that violation of the law.
No proof (of our alleged violation) has been presented to us.
The charge is a violation of a county ordinance, not criminal.
But these movies not only depend on violation—they eroticize it.
In 2017 he was found guilty of a violation of duty.
That seems fundamentally unfair and a possible constitutional violation as well.
They could face charges over violation of labor regulations, he said.
«It is a clear violation of the right to fair trial.»
It described the skipping bail charge as a relatively «minor violation«.
You name the labor right violation clause, and it is there.
He consented, which the report states is a violation of regulations.
I cannot find that this is a terms of service violation.
It&aposs an enormous invasion, violation of my Fourth Amendment rights.
It may also be a violation of US sovereignty, he said.
Racketeering Conspiracy—this charge alleges a violation of the «RICO» Act.
Countries in egregious violation of these rules are subject to penalties.
Was he suddenly in violation of new policy regarding hate speech?
Politically motivated firings are an unacceptable violation of the social compact.
«There has never been a physical violation of LoC,» he said.
The other two rulings against Mr Ross add a constitutional violation.
The United States believes Russia is in violation of the accord.
It represented, in our review, a clear violation of company standards.
The incident was deemed to be a violation of the lease.
It is a violation of Regulation SHO, a 2100 S.E.C. rule.
It was a violation of trust and an abuse of trust.
Today’s action is a naked violation and repudiation of those rights.
Any state that has introduced laws in violation of Roe v.
The consent agreement allowed for a $16,000 fine for each violation.
Russia has often labeled this presence a violation of international law.
That is a material misrepresentation, a clear violation of securities laws.
«We believe it&aposs a civil rights violation,» the attorney said.
Whipple, 21, was arrested the next day on probation violation charges.
I think, by definition, this was a violation of antitrust law.
The UN condemned the attacks as a violation of international law.
Similarly, a payment to Trump’s company is probably not a violation.
This would be in violation of Kenya’s obligations under international law.
I think that’s a violation of the recusal by the Chairman.
The French toast bagel is a grotesque violation of bagel code.
Naturally, the company spotted the violation and took the ads down.
Trump called the violation a «big deal» in the Reuters interview.
«To destroy them would be a violation of law,» Schumer said.
«Bombing hospitals is a violation of international humanitarian law,» she said.
I think that’s a violation of the recusal by the chairman.
«He hasn’t had a disciplinary violation in 36 years,» he says.
The United Nations regards the practice as a human rights violation.
Shapiro can seek up to $1,000 in fines for every violation.
And it was already in violation of the EU’s fiscal compact.
No conspiracy, no election-law violation, no misprision of a felony.
They have aided and abetted what is a massive constitutional violation.
Conditt’s only criminal record is a traffic violation in June 2017.
But privacy advocates see this as a violation of customer trust.
John Jones is out of UFC 200 after a doping violation.
Berlin strongly condemned the test as a violation of international law.
Any type of signage of that nature would be in violation.
Iran charged those sanctions were a violation of the nuclear accord.
In fact, it enables and abets their violation of individual rights.
The umpire gave Tsitsipas a time violation and a point penalty.
These detentions are a violation of everything we should stand for.
Trump has asserted he will not fire Conway over the violation.
Two judges found Robinson, 36, in violation of a reporting ban.
But the letter doesn’t use the word «violation,» according to Reuters.
To me, mandatory detention is a violation of human rights law.
It also constitutes a severe violation of international norms and standards.
Mr. Dreeben replied that such a case was indeed a violation.
A «notice of violation» letter sent to the foundation on Sept.
The judges deducted points from her score for an outfit violation.
These supervisors of elections were in blatant violation of state statue.
So here we have a second violation of the office code.
A crime is the violation of a law written by Congress.
This whole raid was a complete violation of attorney-criminal privilege.
So wait, is Assad in clear violation of the ceasefire already?
«It’s a complete violation of that level of trust,» Carver said.
He was given 30 days in the hole for that violation.
Conviction for a CCE violation requires three prior related drug convictions.
Six months ago, we informed Improbable about the violation in writing.
It’d be a violation for Obama not to violate those norms.
Recidivism rates vary according to initial violation but average near 7%.
Arroyo made her detention arbitrary and a violation of international law.
These facts alone undeniably prove a violation of the Emoluments Clause.
The usual penalty for a violation is termination of federal employment.
So you don’t think Congress should investigate the campaign finance violation?
It’s such a violation, perhaps other walls start to break down.
HABERMAN: Would you consider — TRUMP: No, I think that’s a violation.
One stream has since been taken down for a copyright violation.
The maximum penalty authorized for a RICO violation is 20 years.
«Doctoring a securities report is a grave violation,» Mr. Kukimoto said.
His determination letter found no credible evidence of a policy violation.
His determination letter found no credible evidence of a policy violation.
Prosecutors analyzed it as a possible violation of federal campaign laws.
Ms. Newman-Polk happened to catch Ms. Eldred’s probation violation case.
This, the amendment underscored, involved a basic violation of individual rights.
There was no indication of when the violation or violations occurred.
Any violation of the exchange can evoke strong feelings of inequality.
Clinton’s case, the basic alleged violation of law was the same.
The violation was first reported by The Hollywood Reporter on Thursday.
«This seems to be a bizarre Fourth Amendment violation,» he said.
Leaking testimony to another witness is a violation of committee rules.
This arrangement, according to Mr. Ratcliffe, amounts to a jurisdictional violation.
The bout was canceled after Usada announced a potential doping violation.
Jamel Jackson, 21, was charged with a firearms violation, police said.
The Los Angeles Times was first to report the alleged violation.
They would face fines of up to $1,000 for each violation.
That would not provide a smart response to Russia’s treaty violation.
Landing on a taxiway is a violation of federal safety rules.
«It was a flagrant violation of our sovereignty,» Lopez Obrador said.
The intellectual ennobling of sexual violation may have become supercharged then.
» Barbash wants STX to resolve «the flagrant violation of her rights.
For every day after that, it reduces to $2,500 per violation.
Problem number two is that’s pretty clearly a FARA violation, also.
Standing on a conveyor belt is a violation of Amazon policy.
«This incident has been an obvious violation of that public trust.»
But here, too, there is a potential violation of international agreements.
Officials said it was a typo but still a rule violation.
Failing to register as a foreign agent is a filing violation.
«There is no violation,» Ocasio-Cortez told Fox News on Tuesday.
United States, being undocumented is a civil, not a criminal, violation.
Banning artwork based on the content is a First Amendment violation.
The mailers feature report cards that look like «voting violation» cards.
Other rule-breaking carries a maximum fine of $2,500 per violation.
Suga called the test a clear violation of United Nations resolutions.
That’s a potential violation of the Illinois Biometrics Information Privacy Act.
But that in itself is not a violation of the law.
Yet since a disclosure wasn’t made, there could be a violation.
Andrade’s posts were in direct violation of that policy, Morales said.
«Talk about a narrative violation,» said Ben Gilbert, the podcast’s host.
As such, to Beijing they represent a violation of Chinese sovereignty.
As for the barefooted-ness, is it a health code violation?
Judge Kavanaugh said that’s a violation of separation of powers. Why?
He appears to be in violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause.
Mexico has described the idea as a violation of its sovereignty.
No genuine global leader should violate them, or permit their violation.
Under the bill, smoking marijuana in public will be a violation.
The violation is considered an «excessive timeout,» and a technical foul.
Pyongyang’s nuclear campaign is a direct violation of United Nations sanctions.
Some judges even threw out evidence because of the rule violation.
Jared Kushner appears to be in violation of the Hatch Act.
Infidelity to me has always been about a violation of trust.
These measures, advocates say, are in direct violation of the constitution.
The source described the communication as a «brazen» anti-trust violation.
Many of these laws are an obvious violation of Roe v.
«Abuse of trust to appropriate assets, deliberate violation of state regulations on economic management that led to serious consequences and the violation of lending provisions … occurred at Dong A Commercial Joint Stock Bank (DAB),» police said.
While refusing to shake an opponent’s hand might be a dick move and a violation of the unwritten social contract of the martial art, rejecting the mandatory bow is actually a violation of the sport’s regulations.
The authors agreed that if Russia in fact stole and distributed the files, it was definitely in violation of U.S. laws, and that if Russia coerced voters, it would be in violation of the international laws.
«Unless the Getty knew that the piece was stolen, which it didn’t, and unless the Getty committed some customs violation, it’s unlikely that there was a violation of United States criminal or customs law,» he said.
As for Iran, hiding nuclear materials is a violation of its basic reporting obligations to the I.A.E.A. It’s also further evidence that Tehran was in violation of the nuclear deal from the moment it was signed.
When Williams approached Ramos the second time, for instance, she did not seem to be aware of her second violation, which means she was also not aware that she was one violation away from forfeiting a game.
If Russia is simply «exfiltrating» data, or stealing it but not doing anything with it, that’s not a violation, but if there is proof it is using data and manipulating election results, that would be a violation.
Additionally, Hamby faces charges of parole violation, probation violation, carrying concealed weapons, improperly handing firearms in a motor vehicle, drug abuse, possession of drug abuse instrument, having weapons while under disability, tampering with evidence and obstructing justice.
Retaining ownership of his business empire doesn’t place Trump in violation of any laws per se, but he is in violation of the Constitution and of laws, if he’s used that business to accept bribes from governments.
If the company failed to comply, the F.D.A. could order it to stop manufacturing and recall its products, and could fine it $15,000 for each violation, and $15,000 a day for as long as the violation continues.
This morning, Twitter suspended her account for a terms of service violation.
State TV described the attack as a «flagrant violation» of international law.
This is a major violation which will greatly weaken China over time!
Under New York law, a violation is not classified as a crime.
Whipple had been arrested on a warrant for probation violation on Saturday.
British lawmakers decided against a ban as a violation of free speech.
If true, that would likely be a violation of current FCC guidelines.
The page has since been removed, citing a terms of service violation.
LaBeouf is charged with misdemeanor assault and a harassment violation, police say.
Diaz has 14 days to contest the violation … if he wants to.
Furious for the violation of my privacy, I immediately stopped using Uber.
When he does, is he in violation of the Federal Records Act?
The painting is reportedly also in violation of Department of Buildings rules.
Plus, there could be criminal implications to violation of this protective order.
On Weds we found over 70 of them up in blatant violation.
That means those apps appear to be in violation of Google policy.
Nick wants a judge to hold Heather in violation of their agreement.
That was a major, major violation, and we took action against that.
Hosts without registration would be considered in violation of the city ordinance.
«Looking into whether this is some violation of sorts,» the spokesperson added.
Cutting funding for these activities could be a violation of the agreement.
Tweets that incite violence or harassment are in violation of Twitter’s policies.
«Pointing the way to abortion is a violation of conscience,» Waggoner added.
This is a clear violation of our policies and terms of service.
A «Possible Student Situation» is the most severe type of content violation.
Others asked her outright for hacking services, a violation of US law.
Cohen called this a clear violation of a 40-year-old law.
Taiwan calls it the whole ordeal a «gross violation» of human rights.
Even May understood the violation of staring straight at a person exposed.
Deripaska has denied the allegations, and sued Vashukevich for violation of privacy.
As punishment for this violation, Lombard was handed a year-long suspension.
That itself will be a human rights violation of its own kind.
If officers observe a traffic violation, they will attempt a traffic stop.
Not every violation of the Constitution qualifies as a crisis of fidelity.
Boykin’s camera was not on, which is a violation of department policy.
They’ll be facing a civic penalty upwards of $2,000 for each violation.
«Can you give me — this is a misdemeanor violation,» Justice Thomas continued.
Most of the issues center on a mysterious Terms of Service violation.
That’s in potential violation of a law meant to prohibit domestic propaganda.
It issued a «Finding of Violation,» which did not carry a penalty.
Mingey had helped Guevara out with loans, in violation of police policy.
It’s a massive violation of privacy, of course, but it’s all there.
He compares the DCCC policy to an «antitrust violation» in other industries.
If they did so knowingly and willfully, it is a criminal violation.
Madrais’ passport is also expired, another violation of Philippine laws, he added.
The FTC may also get involved if a COPPA violation has occurred.
Saleh dismissed the sanctions as a «violation of Libyan sovereignty and democracy».
Rape is a profound violation of a person’s body, will, and spirit.
What anti-doping rule violation do they want to slap against me?
Purinton was also charged with a federal firearms violation in the Feb.
Any finding of a violation or sanction can be appealed to court.
It’s up to Twitch to determine what a severe violation is, though.
Hatfield has been charged with Burglary, Criminal Mischief and Violation of Probation.
Even if there is a major violation the deal won’t be abandoned.
«They totally know that it’s going to be a violation,» he said.
The deal could be off if Depp’s team thinks she’s in violation.
If true, Leontire said, that would be a «extraordinary violation» of procedure.
His lawyer clarifying that it is not a crime but a violation.
The next most common health violation was related to faulty disinfectant concentrations.
A violation of that law carries a maximum 1-year prison sentence.
We’re told the violation was NOT due to a performance enhancing drug.
Just want clarification- is That a violation of your terms or not?
If you don’t want a fine or a violation: vaccinate your kids.
Russia has described the compound seizure as a violation of international law.
«This is a misdemeanor violation,» Thomas said at one point to Eisenstein.
«They see the pipeline as a violation of their faith,» Neumann said.
Any foreign interference in this regard is a violation of international law.
Technology circa 2016 makes it seem like such a violation—an unnaturalness.
Nobody in Mr Guzmán’s party complained of a violation of internal democracy.
I’m one of the lawyers representing CREW in the emoluments violation lawsuit.
Criminalizing any kind of violation of sexual rights doesn’t really do anything.
«It was a travel dress-code violation,» Rivera told the Charlotte Observer.
Senate Democrats rejected Cruz’s proposal as a direct violation of Senate precedent.
That kind of price manipulation is in violation of federal antitrust laws.
The violation of having your body, your fate, belong to someone else.
He’s here because he views the DAPL pipeline as a treaty violation.
Coercive enforcement of population control policies continued in violation of international standards.
Was there a campaign finance violation by Cohen — or by Trump himself?
China has demanded Meng’s release, calling her detention a human rights violation.
However, the documents clearly implicate Trump in directing a campaign finance violation.
Based on these facts, prosecutors could secure a campaign finance violation indictment.
Trump and his attorneys have denied that the payment was a violation.
Investigators are examining whether the hush money constituted a campaign-finance violation.
«Every report of a human rights violation is worrisome,» the government said.
Some techies didn’t care, but many found it a violation of privacy.
But Lowry knew it was a rules violation, and he acted immediately.
And it would be for an immigration violation, not for any crime.
This, the complaint says, puts Facebook in violation of the Commission Order.
And mixing both could unwittingly put you in violation of IRS regulations.
The state seeks $2,000 per alleged violation, or at least $18 million.
Is detaining a suspected terrorist lawful or a violation of habeas corpus?
«Europe had to react against this violation of basic principles,» Merkel said.
Magnolia could have faced up to $556,000 in fines for the violation.
This is a clear violation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Law enforcement sources tell us Screech’s violation screw up is drug related.
John Kasich because of a technical election law violation in the ad.
Is this laid-back approach a violation of the board’s fiduciary duty?
On the ensuing possession, Texas was called for a shot-clock violation.
In 2012, a parole violation resulted in his travel permit being revoked.
It’s not a violation of privacy the way I use my drone.
Violation of state-sanctioned discrimination resulted in physical violence, arrests, or worse.
That’s huge violation of privacy and messed up, to say the least.
He said Yates did not characterize Flynn’s conduct as a legal violation.
Bombing such locations are seen as a violation of international humanitarian law.
This kind of mental and physical torture is a human rights violation.
His ill-timed upchuck even cost him a time violation warning, LOL.
«Forty-six years and not a single serious rule violation,» he said.
The next year, she would FaceTime me, weeping over a similar violation.
All such shipments to the Houthis are in violation of U.N. resolutions.
So was Spieth placing his left foot near the water a violation?
That clinched the deal, and the violation of parity caused a sensation.
Either step would be an extraordinary violation of constitutional and political norms.
That would be a violation of diplomatic protocol and could embarrass Turkey.
If the professor does know and condones it, she’s not in violation.
The policy also made weight-loss profiteering a violation of community guidelines.
You had paid $40 to a charity to resolve an N.C.A.A. violation.
What can the U.S. government do if investigators find an antitrust violation?
«It’s easily a violation of the spirit of the deal,» he added.
«It’s a clear violation of privacy,» human rights lawyer Mukhtar Mounir said.
That’s a violation of FBI and intelligence community rules, the report said.
That can make it difficult to determine whether a violation has occurred.
SYDNEY, Australia — Human rights groups call them a violation of international law.
That was a usurpation greater than any violation of a specific statute.
In the eye of that authority, your very presence is a violation.
Strangers on the Twitter hashtag #NotOK tell their own tales of violation.
Also, Cruz sent out a VOTER VIOLATION certificate to thousands of voters.
Police arrested him for repeated violation of the protective order, a felony.
None of this necessarily establishes an ongoing violation of Johnson’s constitutional rights.
Many of us have experienced rape, an entirely different order of violation.
Japan has said the moves are not in violation of WTO rules.
The U.S. has deported Vietnamese refugees in violation of a 2008 agreement.
Outside that fence is out of bounds, in violation of shared standards.
» Mr. Salame called the attack «a serious violation of international humanitarian law.
The city should send out an inspector, who might issue a violation.
Did he pay the families of players in violation of N.C.A.A. strictures?
The United Nations has called the amendment a violation of women’s rights.
The U.N. report reveals much more than just the Iranian sanctions violation.
This is a major violation which will greatly weaken China over time!
It was a violation of her volition as well as her privacy.
A second similar violation was served the following month after further inspection.
The assistant referee spots the second violation, and the goal won’t count.
It was in violation of my resolution, and it was a gift.
These videos are already in violation of Twitter’s longstanding nonconsensual nudity policy.
The reproduction of artwork can be a violation of the owner’s copyright.
A violation of the Impoundment Control Act is not a minor technicality.
If it is in violation of the rules, I will forget it.
Experts say the money raised is a serious violation of FEC rules.
DeGette also asked if the EPA would punish anybody for the violation.
The Justice Department should investigate Confucius Institutes for potential violation of FARA.
It’s a violation for civilians to hold onto it, and it’s dangerous.
For this flagrant violation of basic fundamentals, the Mets paid no price.
Fraudulent job postings are a clear violation of our Terms of Service.
Accepting the tickets was a violation of ethics standards, the report said.
Some people argue that doing so would be a First Amendment violation.
Most of the world considers the settlements a violation of international law.
Separately, a user reported the post as a violation of community standards.
Many of the residents were living there in violation of zoning laws.
He received a two-game suspension for a drug violation that year.
And, in fact, it is clear that there is no such violation.
The woman queues Madison in the violation column in her screaming panel.
Having said that again, none of that is violation of the law.
Dendias called the Turkey-Libyan accord a ‘blatant violation of international law’.
» Interrogators’ access to medical records was a «flagrant violation of medical ethics.
They did not choose to come here in violation of our laws.
China denounced the legislation as gross interference and violation of international law.
The 85033-0 vote called settlements a «flagrant violation» of international law.
I added their names to the database at the Violation Documentation Center.
Of course not, the violation of the law is killing unarmed youths.
She described the U.S. move as a violation of Washington’s international commitments.
The court said Drummond was in violation of its moratorium on fracking.
Democrats and other observers call that a clear violation of federal law.
And thanks to a loophole, the gifts are not an NCAA violation.
Mayor de Blasio criticizes Isaacson’s «future dead cops» tweet: First Amendment violation.
November: UAE accused of supplying Libya with arms in violation of sanctions
«It’s just another violation of a norm, a longstanding norm,» Serafini said.
The report said Antetokounmpo had technically committed an offensive five-second violation.
This action is an unlawful violation of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).
But they weren’t — that’s not a — it’s not even a campaign violation.
In complete violation of Hollywood formula, the monster lives, the mother dies.
It represented, after serious review, a clear violation of our company’s standards.
China’s internet policies must be understood as a violation of these commitments.
But it isn’t the policy violation that makes her hold it in.
It’s been up for nine hours, in violation of Reddit’s own rules.
He’s in violation of his oath to protect and defend the Constitution.
Regulators called him reckless and at fault for even an inadvertent violation.
Such a reporting structure is typically considered a violation of agency rules.
Reuda’s suing for wrongful termination, sexual harassment, and violation of whistleblower protection.
But it certainly supports the mosaic created of a campaign-finance violation.
There is a real danger here of a campaign-finance violation charge.
«Among other things, these facts suggest a clear constitutional violation,» she says.
Schulenberg settled with the feds over that violation for a $30,000 fine.
«It’s easily a violation of the spirit of the deal,» Nephew added.
Any violation of her parole could kickstart a 15-year suspended sentence.
It also appears to be an unreported contribution, which is another violation.
It weighed on me, but I thought it wasn’t a serious violation.
We’re told JT was processed for public intoxication, a Misdemeanor C violation.
Cross country skier Alexander Legkov was cleared of any anti-doping rule violation while bobsledder Aleksandr Zubkov’s appeal was partially upheld by CAS which did, however, say that the latter was responsible for an anti-doping rule violation.
Knox was airlifted to a local hospital and later charged with two counts of felony DUI resulting in death, two counts of child restraint violation, and one count of child endangerment and seatbelt violation, according to the station.
It would cover company leaders who, according to a summary from Warren’s office shared with CNBC: Executives could face up to a year in jail for a first violation, and up to three years for a second violation.
The psychologists Peter McGraw and Caleb Warren have developed a framework called «benign violation theory» to describe events that lend themselves best to humor: a violation or a threat, but one from which the joker is somewhat removed.
And the debate about whether it&aposs a violation of this law and inciting a riot, and it probably is a violation of a lot of laws, but even worse than that is it&aposs just plain bad manners.
But, in court docs obtained by TMZ Sports, the judge clearly outlines the penalty for missing payments — up to 30 days in jail for the first violation, 60 days for the second violation and 90 days for the third.
If they are caught, the killers face fines of $100,000 for violation of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and $15,000 for violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, not to mention the scorn of the entire nation.
Busch and Prysby were charged with misconduct in office, conspiracy to tamper with evidence, tampering with evidence, a treatment violation of the Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act and a monitoring violation of the Safe Drinking Water, local media reported.
If a provider discriminates against you by not offering services they would offer a cisgender (or non-transgender) person, it could be in violation of state and federal law, in addition to being in violation of professional ethics codes.
In the docs, each violation comes with a fine ranging between $500 to $1,000 for each day the violation goes unaddressed … and with 66 violations, R. Kelly could be looking at a fine between $33k to $66k per day!
There are very smart lawyers who believe Donald Trump entered the White House in violation of the Constitution, which forbids the president from receiving emoluments from foreign and local governments, and that he remains in violation of it today.
In other words, a range of sanctions such as extra work detail and limiting certain privileges may be imposed in response to a rule violation, but placement in solitary itself is no longer a rote response to the violation.
If the bill becomes law, anyone in New York who posts entire home listings on Airbnb for less than 217 days could be fined up to $22016,000 for the first violation, and up to $7,500 for the third violation.
Pinto faces extradition to Portugal on charges of extortion and violation of secrecy.
We argue that it’s a violation of the separation between church and state.
The assault charge is a misdemeanor and the harassment charge is a violation.
If that feels like privacy violation as a feature, that’s because it is.
But the latest violation of the rules is particularly brazen, says Mr Claeys.
Even more alarming is how the foreign agents became aware of that violation.
Fines of $1,000 per day could also be applied for the pollution violation.
He thinks building out profiles on users is a violation of user privacy.
Now apparently they&aposre going to charge the Mexicans with an immigration violation.
Filming people in a bathroom is likely a violation of California’s privacy laws.
Some attorneys told HuffPost that it may be in violation of the law.
She said the ACLU believes it’s a clear violation of Roe v. Wade.
It is a criminal violation for an adult to cross our border illegally.
The arrest is reportedly related to Huawei’s violation of U.S. sanctions on Iran.
Still, critics doubt the USMC’s commitment to investigating and prosecuting those in violation.
«We take any alleged violation of labor and human rights policies seriously,» PepsiCo.
Kessler said that her words were in violation of Virginia’s anti-dueling laws.
» It says the ones that exist represent a «flagrant violation under international law.
That violation began, the suit alleges, the moment Trump was sworn into office.
What Chamberlain is doing may feel like a violation, but it isn’t illegal.
But Johnson said the violation has caused her anguish for nearly three years.
However, in late April, the watchdog cleared Shanahan of the potential ethics violation.
Dispatcher Constance Hollinger was suspended for eight days without pay for the violation.
This violation of human rights should not be happening in the United States.
U.S. Muslim leaders have routinely denounced violence as a violation of Islamic teaching.
Ramos was charged with distracted driving and criminal violation of a protective order.
«My people think it could have been a violation,» Trump said in May.
Landing on a taxiway is a violation of Federal Aviation Administration safety rules.
If he didn’t actually commit a doping violation, why did Diaz go public?
This was a blatant violation of the landmark Supreme Court case Brady v.
Ramos issued Williams a code violation for coaching, which is against the rules.
ICE is already being sued by the ACLU for another potential privacy violation.
But the severity of the violation depends on the value of the services.
Massachusetts is seeking $5,000 for each violation of the state’s consumer protection laws.
Vimeo pulled the content over the weekend, citing a Terms of Service violation.
But this was a violation, and one you shouldn’t try to process alone.
This is a violation of a new electoral law that carries automatic expulsion.
This is a horrifying violation of human rights – and it’s powered by AWS.
Europe and California have introduced fierce consumer privacy laws with costly violation penalties.
Erdogan hopes to resettle Syrian refugees there, in apparent violation of international law.
» MULVANEY: «Again, anticipating your questions, how is this this is not emolument violation?
This is an egregious violation of the First Amendment rights of ALL Americans.
To our knowledge, InfoWars is not currently in violation of these content policies.
County records indicate he was being held without bail for alleged probation violation.
And even if he knows it and consents to it, an unjustifiable violation.
Only once has a team been found in violation of the Rooney Rule.
The DOC’s Luis Patiño confirmed that the possible parole violation is being investigated.
But, it is a violation of arbitrary heteronormative rules in the real world.
Yet the central charge—computer hacking—is an indefensible violation of the law.
Facebook learned of the violation that year and removed his app from Facebook.
Gabbard’s suing because she says it’s a violation of her First Amendment rights.
Naming select members, however, feels like a patent violation of the group’s ethos.
Her power of super strength is inextricably wrapped up in tragedy and violation.
It alleges that Trump engaged in racketeering in violation of the RICO statute.
The violation led to the university recommending he be fired for his actions.
The cult of hacking, after all, also valorizes the nonconsensual violation of boundaries.
At first glance, that looks a lot like a violation of net neutrality.
We have brought VidAngel’s indefensible violation of the injunction to the court’s attention.
Canine anti-vaxxers are in increasing violation of the last of those terms.
Hernandez pleaded guilty to being tattooed while incarcerated, a violation of prison policy.
«He was not in violation of the restraining order,» the Thicke source continues.
I mean campaign finance violation or a conspiracy to thwart campaign finance laws?
No president is going to be impeached for relatively minor campaign finance violation.
DERSHOWITZ: And they saw the actual application, then they committed a serious violation.
This is a clear case of criminal law violation in the FISA application.
This human rights violation happens on American soil more than you might think.
That would put the U.S. in violation of the International Convention Against Torture.
Adding people parts to one’s tat sounds like a helluva health-code violation.
The standard to detain someone for a suspected immigration violation is much lower.
The authorities alleged that Meng was involved in the violation of U.S. sanctions.
The violation is tied to Meek’s 2008 conviction on drugs and weapons charges.
It has been corrected to say 200 cases of violation have been found.
As long as the data is handled properly, they won’t be in violation.
However, Snapchat argues that there is no real proof of such a violation.
The fact that he hasn’t committed a crime or ethical violation is irrelevant.
Cam Newton was benched to start the game for a dress code violation.
ESPN claimed her comment was a violation of the network’s social media policy.
Pitino’s alleged violation is also considered «severe» and could result in a suspension.
Manila says China’s blockade of the shoal is a violation of international law.
Still, the officer tried to pull him over for a turn signal violation.
Homeowners who fail to comply can be charged $500 per violation per day.
After her most recent violation, she was slapped with newer, even stricter terms.
It’s an allegation of the violation of the 14th Amendment’s due process clause.
The team also had to cancel some workouts in 2010 for another violation.
Meanwhile, a little over 1 percent had no violation recorded at the time.
The lawsuit alleges wrongful discharge and violation of a Michigan whistleblower protection law.
We’re told he’s now facing a petty theft charge and a probation violation.
Officers were called to the home in regards to a possible parole violation.
Whitehead claims posting the pics is a flagrant violation of copyright laws … i.e.
This was an unlawful use of force and a violation of due process.
He said the family is considering filing a civil rights violation against police.
Now, Musk’s lawyers are defending him against an alleged violation of that settlement.
Democrats have vowed to challenge it as a violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Because it’s a colloquial phrase, the name is likely not a copyright violation.
That is a fundamental violation of law and that appears to have happened.
But even that could feel like a violation of the community they created.
She hired a lawyer, Lisa Bloom, who blasted the violation as revenge porn.
Service members in violation would be subject to punishment by court martial. Rep.
We must call this what it is: a gross violation of human rights.
This is a horrifying violation of human rights — and it’s powered by AWS.
This means a single misstep, however well-intended, can result in a violation.
If they see a violation of the Community Guidelines, they reject the review.
The NCAA lost and was found to be in violation of antitrust law.
Here’s the problem … Meek has a hearing Friday in his probation violation case.
Confirming that a patient is in the hospital is not a HIPAA violation.
This sort of violation impacts our lives to this extent in this way.
I think that is clean and clear that that would be a violation.
This is not a religious protection, it is a violation of religious beliefs.
The Notice of Violation issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Sept.
Clearly, this was a flagrant and unashamed violation of international standards and law.
The fact is Trump could be criminally charged with a federal campaign violation.
The court called the demolition «an egregious violation of the rule of law».
It can convey the sense of violation that comes with all its manifestations.
Knowing North Korea’s past violation of, well, every agreement it has ever signed?
Having said that again, none of that is [in] violation of the law.
This automatic stay violation case reveals that he works at Bank of America.
If she did the work during work hours that’s another violation, they said.
He agrees that the shirt in question is in violation of Walmart’s policies.
There is no systematic or conscious violation in order to bypass the embargo.
Such a request could be collusion, a violation of antitrust law, Dunn said.
Trump’s violation of ethical and business norms are available for all to see.
He is scheduled to be back in court Monday for the probation violation.
The school said the student’s shaved stylized fade was a dress code violation.
On Monday, Sessions warned that any violation of immigration law would be prosecuted.
This week, Northam has been revealed to be in violation of that mandate.
«The legislation approved is in clear violation with the principles expressed,» he said.
Facebook says that it believes it is not in violation of EU rules.
Thus, any barriers to immigration are seen as a violation of international citizenship.
Uber was slapped with a 4 million peso fine for the same violation.
Then in December 2015, he was ticketed for an equipment violation in Missouri.
The maximum penalty when someone dies because of the violation will be $182,85033.
«It says ‘voter violation‘ up top on very official-looking stationary,» he said.
Shapiro can seek up to $85033,000 in fines for every violation that occurred.
These legalized kidnappings and ensuing torture are a gross violation of human rights.
The youth activists say the climate crisis is a violation of children’s rights
«It is a violation of fundamental rights,» said PTI spokesman Naeem-ul-Haque.
Violations could lead to penalties including fines between $25,257 and $53,25 per violation.
He added that the Massachusetts senator was in clear violation of the rules.
Attorneys don’t have automatic immunity – and no, it’s not just a rulebook violation.
I could feel the assault of this violation slamming me in the chest.
Businesses in violation of the law could face fines of up to $2,000.
Courtesy Lena Groeger / ProPublica Notes: Violation counts are current as of April, 22007.
The power company has not been cited for any violation by the state.
The violation of sanctions has prompted the EU to expand penalties against Russia.
The ads appear to have been done in violation of campaign finance law.
I respected the patient, I did say, ‘Stop, this is a HIPAA violation.
She said it was a gross violation of an electoral code of conduct.
The question is, could these blocks constitute a violation of the First Amendment?
«He and Uber are in violation of FTC guidelines,» lawyer Rick Kurnit said.
«When you are doing it intentionally, that is the real violation,» Brez said.
This also has come under scrutiny as another potential violation of net neutrality.
Ms. Whetstone’s derogatory statements were made in direct violation of the non-disparagement.
Every violation in Holman, you go to solitary, regardless of what it is.
You are in violation of your sacred duty to the citizens you serve.
The third violation, Merrill said, was to falsify the nature of the call.
If a violation is found, HHS must issue a report on the matter.
Doing so would be a violation of international law, the United Nations says.
A complication is Russia’s violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
Anyone found in violation of the upgraded policies could be removed, he said.
Dershowitz saw the suppression of «Deep Throat» as a violation of free speech.
The penalty for violating the law is not more than $4,000 per violation.
And they knew that the Texans would feel the violation in their bones.
Previously, they were typically penalized for every day in which a violation persisted.
Russia has been in violation since 2014, leaving many European countries on edge.
So why not investigate the campaign finance violation allegations that involve the president?
That’s their whole purpose and we expect that, so there’s no privacy violation.
That would be a flagrant violation of the rule of law, of course.
Federal prosecutors have described the transactions as a violation of campaign finance laws.
The legislation would eliminate that requirement, making it easier to prove a violation.
In May, it launched short-range missiles in violation of United Nations resolutions.
The French Open authorities, however, saw it a different way — dress code violation!
They are instead just the best competitors, and that is not a violation.
President Obama had a big campaign finance violation and it was easily settled!
He blew that off too … so a violation of probation warrant was issued.
That would be a violation of the fundamental, if unspoken, maker-player contract.
In 2014, he was arrested for a traffic violation and for disorderly conduct.
A Twitter spokesman said the accounts were not in violation of Twitter’s rules.
Augustin says a violation of personal space is basically built into airplanes’ design.
It was a violation of her privacy, he knew, but it was jarring.
Taking this to be coaching, he assessed a «code violation,» essentially a warning.
Hunting toads in a pond or catching geckos could count as a violation.
And so whenever anybody is messing with that, that is the biggest violation.
Many social media platforms, including Twitter, consider it a violation of their rules.
She views this as a privacy violation that could be covered by HIPAA.
Head of AMAN, Margaretha Beraan, also told VICE, there was no visa violation.
Giammattei had indicated he viewed CICIG as an unacceptable violation on Guatemala’s sovereignty.
Police said they arrested 21-year-old Jamel Jackson on a firearms violation.
ExxonMobil’s alleged violation is that it signed documents with Sechin as Rosneft CEO.
The territory was annexed to Russia from Ukraine in violation of international law.
Penalty fees are supposed to be reasonable and in proportion to the violation.
«You look at President Obama, he had a massive campaign violation,» Trump said.
China has demanded her release, calling her detention a possible human rights violation.
She knew that would render the violation moot in the eyes of many.
As a matter of procedure, this is a blatant violation of the Constitution.
But I think drones are a little bit of a violation of privacy.
I think that’s pretty clean and clear that that would be a violation.
A first violation could draw a fine of up to $63,000, he said.
«Your inquiry is constitutionally invalid and a violation of due process,» he wrote.
Pavlensky, who has lived in France since 2017, faces charges of privacy violation.
It was once impounded because he failed to pay a noise violation fee.
Impersonating an American government official is a possible violation of United States law.
Then came an apparent violation of some of the fundamental laws of physics.
Violence by the regime and rebel groups is in violation of the ceasefire.
If true, these schemes would constitute a blatant violation of the antitrust laws.
If companies purposefully ignore CCPA, California will fine them$7,500 fine per violation.
The groups claim that the law is unconstitutional, in violation of Roe v.
«If I get one more moving violation, I lose my license,» he said.
«We have an ongoing issue with Russia’s violation of the INF,» Mattis said.
Police have cited the couple for a leash law violation and criminal trespassing.
Democrats emphasized that proving a criminal violation is not required to justify impeachment.
And of course, a Muslim ban is a blatant violation of human rights.
«The president’s actions are a profound violation of the public trust,» Pelosi said.
If caught in violation of this rule, people will be fined, she said.
The only remedy for a serious violation of the Emoluments Clause is impeachment.
None of the plaintiffs have been subsequently charged with any violation of law.
That violation has not induced Cuomo and his allies to withhold their support.
It was an egregious violation of our community values and code of conduct.
The F.T.C. said it was a record fine for a child privacy violation.
McCarthy said he was certain his caddie’s positioning did not constitute a violation.
Now the signs of cattle were everywhere, in flagrant violation of the law.
The Saudi government was apparently angered and considered his tweet a criminal violation.
The building’s owner, Himmel + Meringoff Properties, paid a $1,250 fine for that violation.
Your landlord can only evict you for a substantial violation of the lease.
I had been marked because of what had happened to me, that violation.
More than two ounces would still be considered a crime, not a violation.
It was considered a misdemeanor, not a violation, which is a lesser offense.
«It’s a blatant violation of the Ramapoughs’ right to religious practice,» she said.
Maybe someone in our reality is working on a causality violation device too.
Fact is, Kelly’s got bigger fish to fry than the building code violation.
All of that works to strengthen the narrative of a campaign-finance violation.
Who would even be in a position to prosecute a violation like that?
If it’s true, would this be a violation of eBay’s terms of service?
A parole violation confined Meek to 2100 days of house arrest last year.
But placing people in solitary stands out as a violation of human rights.
That feeling of violation and alienation from my own body was really terrifying.
When Offenhartz reported the copyright violation, Twitter removed the photo from Cernovich’s account.
While both North and South Korea then agreed to keep nuclear weaponry off the peninsula, North Korea claims having US nuclear umbrella protection is a de facto violation of South Korea’s commitment, and its own program is a clear violation.
These missiles tests are not a violation of our signed Singapore agreement, nor was there discussion of short range missiles when we shook hands,» Trump wrote, adding that Kim «does not want to disappoint me with a violation of trust.
One potential explanation to explain why there’s so much extra matter is CP symmetry violation, or CP violation—examples where the laws of physics work differently if you replace a particle with another particle that has the opposite charge and handedness.
According to the writ, seen by CNN, Kiobel accuses Shell of complicity in the unlawful arrest and detention of her husband, Dr. Barinem Kiobel; the violation of his personal integrity and the violation of his right to a fair trial.
«Before the memo, even when there was a violation, they didn’t fall out of status; they were informed by USCIS and [their] unlawful presence would have started from the date they were informed [of this violation] by Homeland Security,» said Peerally.
Deputy Director Smith and his supervisors use of park fees to clean up ongoing damage in national parks during the 35-day government shutdown was not only a violation of law but also a violation of internal NPS procedures and guidance.
Bruce Fein, former associate deputy attorney general, Washington Bazelon suggests that when Trump as a candidate or Trump as president defies norms, he can get away with it because, unlike violation of law, violation of norms is merely »bad behavior.
Larry Noble, the former counsel of the Federal Election Commission who is now senior director at the Campaign Legal Center, said Cohen’s violation rose to the level of a criminal campaign finance violation because Cohen violated the law knowingly and willfully.
Stella Stolper has filed legal docs stating that a lawsuit is about to be filed against Mariah for violation of the U.S. Civil Rights Act, a Violation of the Fair Employment and Housing Act as well as breach of contract.
But it would also be a violation of trust, it would be a violation of essentially our agreement with our readers that we’re going to put a headline on a story that’s going to tell them what the story’s about.
During this, police opened fire at the moving car — a violation of department policy.
Temporary injunctions like this don’t require plaintiffs to prove a violation has taken place.
He was charged with disorderly conduct in addition to the violation of bicycling rules.
Refusing to permit entry for an FDA inspection is a violation of federal law.
«I feel violated—this icky kind of violation,» the woman told the Washington Post.
All these types of videos will be in direct violation of their new policies.
But the regulators didn’t formally accuse the Google of an antitrust violation until 2015.
The U.S. claims the missile test was a violation of a United Nations resolution.
The service confirmed that construction of the road is probably a violation of ARPA.
To this day, I consider their heist a huge violation of the Christmas spirit.
» He said the White House had «made very clear our concerns about Russia’s violation.
Mauk was suspended four games last September for an unspecified violation of team rules.
So if that turns out to be the case, that is an extraordinary violation.
As for the other driver, Tampa PD cited him for a stop sign violation.
It’s a violation of my privacy, and I won’t let that happen to me.
Obviously, all of these ads are in direct violation of US Fair Housing laws.
She was temporarily disqualified for a lane violation before being reinstated after a review.
Isn’t Pope’s attack on Trump, a presidential candidate, a violation of tax-free status?
It doesn’t matter that the use is not really a violation by any metric.
The suit alleged trademark infringement, cybersquatting, and the violation of the right of publicity.
Holt noted numerous times where Jones’ content seemed in clear violation of Spotify rules.
According to CBP, the displays may be counterfeit and in violation of trademark law.
Disney sued the telecom giant, saying the omission was in violation of their contract.
The journalists believed that Russia had acted in violation of international law; she didn’t.
While sextortion is an invasive violation, it is not currently considered a sex crime.
Walmart had a violation rate of about 17%, the FDA said at the time.
We have suspended Cambridge Analytica from our platform for a clear violation our policies.
The idea of a stranger nosing his way around them feels like a violation.
Stories of murder and violation abound in this unsettling, and ultimately unsatisfying, horror film.
The umpire issued Williams a code violation for coaching, which is against the rules.
It’s also a violation of US end-use agreements that govern our arm sales.
The revelation comes days before his April 27 sentencing in a financial violation case.
The fact that they don’t own their salary, for example, is a complete violation.
Neither the city nor the police admitted any misconduct or violation of the law.
For the parole violation Brown got sentenced to another seven months of boot camp.

Sentences with the word Violation?



  • «a crying shame»; «an egregious lie»; «flagrant violation of human rights»; «a glaring error»; «gross ineptitude»; «gross injustice»; «rank treachery»
  • «they took dismissive action after the third violation«
  • «he claimed a violation of his rights under the Fifth Amendment»
  • «a procedural violation«
  • «a word unacceptable in polite society»; «an unacceptable violation of personal freedom»

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(a) Following the word «violations«, paragraph 32 of the Vienna Declaration should be added, as follows:

а) После слова «нарушения» следует включить формулировку пункта 32 Венской декларации, который гласит:

Другие результаты

Nonetheless, the scope and intent of the words «violation of law or international law» required further clarification.

Тем не менее сфера применения и содержание слов «в нарушение закона или международного права» требуют дополнительного разъяснения.

(e) To put the word «violation» into plural.

It doesn’t know even the word «violation

should be supplemented with the words «violation of this Constitutional Law»

In expected accomplishment (b), replace the words «complaints by the parties in areas near the Line of Control» with the words «ceasefire violations«.

В пункте (Ь) ожидаемых достижений слова «жалоб сторон в районах вдоль линии контроля» заменить словами «нарушений прекращения огня».

Germany preferred the word «violation«, while Belgium, France, Indonesia and Japan preferred «alleged violation«.

Германия заявила, что она предпочитает термин «нарушение«, тогда как Бельгия, Индонезия, Франция и Япония предпочли формулировку «предполагаемое нарушение«.

Before the words «serious violations», delete the word «potential».

A proposal was also made to add, after «unlawfully», the words «in violation of national and international law».

Было также предложено после слова «незаконно» добавить слова «в нарушение норм внутреннего и международного права».

In other words, this «violation» would never have happened had the respondent State approached the problem with benign neglect.

Иными словами, «нарушение» никогда бы не произошло, если бы государство-ответчик подошло к проблеме с благодушным пренебрежением.

In order to make the wording more objective, she proposed that in paragraph 2 (a) the words «in violation of the country’s law» be added after the words «the national decision was made».

Чтобы сделать формулировку более объективной, она предлагает добавить в пункте 2 а) после слов «национальное решение было вынесено» слова «в нарушение законодательства этой страны».

Mr. SICILIANOS proposed that the words following «monitor» should be replaced by the words «possible violations of articles 2 and 4 of the Convention while exercising the right to freedom of expression».

Г-н СИСИЛИАНОС предлагает, чтобы слова после слова «контролировать» были заменены словами «возможные нарушения статей 2 и 4 Конвенции при осуществлении права на свободу выражения мнений».

Bolton, who also served as undersecretary of state for arms control in the George W. Bush administration, said he remembers the difficulty of getting the bureaucracy to use the word «violation» instead of diplomatic euphemisms such as «non-compliance.»

Болтон, который также служил в качестве заместителя госсекретаря по контролю вооружений в администрации Джорджа Буша-младшего, сказал, что он помнит, как сложно пройти бюрократию использования слова «нарушение» вместо дипломатических эвфемизмов, таких как «несоблюдение».

At the end of the paragraph, before the words «situations of international concern identified by», insert the words «human rights violations in all parts of the world, particularly».

В конце пункта перед словами «в связи с вызывающими обеспокоенность международного сообщества ситуациями, выявляемыми…» вставить слова «в связи с нарушениями прав человека в любых районах мира, в частности».

At the end of the paragraph, replace the words «international concern identified by the Commission on Human Rights and other pertinent United Nations organs» with the words «human rights violations«.

В конце пункта заменить слова «вызывающими обеспокоенность международного сообщества ситуациями, выявляемыми Комиссией по правам человека и другими компетентными органами Организации Объединенных Наций» словами «нарушениями прав человека».

China suggested that the words «unless the violation or failure to give effect to those obligations or the impact continued after the protocol took effect for that State party» be deleted.

Китай предложил опустить фразу «за исключением тех случаев, когда нарушение прав или невыполнение обязательств или последствия этого продолжались после того, как протокол вступил в силу для данного государства-участника».

(e) In the same paragraph, after the words «alleged violations of human rights» the words «by members of the United Nations forces» were deleted;

е) в том же пункте исключили слова «сотрудниками сил Организации Объединенных Наций»;

in paragraph 3, the words «tax offence» should be replaced by the words «violations of the legislation on taxes and fees», the words «and other liable persons» should be replaced by the words «tax agents, their representatives.»

З) в пункте З слова «налоговые правонарушения» заменить словами «нарушение законодательства о налогах и сборах», слова «и иных обязанных лиц,»заменить словами«, налоговых агентов, их представителей, «

(b) In the ninth preambular paragraph, the words «and that violations of their rights are therefore serious obstacles to development» after the word «development» were deleted;

Ь) в девятом пункте преамбулы после слова «развитие» исключены слова «и что нарушение их прав является, таким образом, серьезным препятствием для развития»;

(c) Also in operative paragraph 8, after the words «human rights violations», the words «and, where appropriate, to draw on the expertise of non-governmental organizations in the field» were deleted;

с) в том же пункте 8 после слов «нарушений прав человека« исключили слова «и в соответствующих случаях полагаться на экспертные знания неправительственных организаций в этой области»;

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 314. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 348 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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